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Old 2010-08-06, 06:29   Link #61
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I heard that IE9's beta is faster than firefox, I've yet to try it myself but I doubt it's gonna be faster than Chrome or Opera.
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Old 2010-08-06, 11:56   Link #62
Sleepy Lurker
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God******. Posted this in the wrong thread and didn't even realize it.

Originally Posted by what I originally posted
Well, well, well, looks like someone is just one whiff away from the 100% ACID3 mark. About time.

Incidentally, it's the last platform preview before the first beta release - this time with a working GUI. And according to Webkit Sunspider test screencaps on softpedia, PP4 is actually slightly faster (326ms) than Safari 5.0 (328ms) when it comes to running JavaScript; Opera (246ms) and Chrome (276ms) remain in the lead, though. Wonder how it'll fare once it gets a little clothing on instead of remaining barebones.
Apparently, the 5 remaining percent pertain to SVG fonts and SMIL animation, both of which are either deprecated or still under development. I'm certain some hardliners are rooting for the sacrosanct 100% but at this point, implementing beta-state technology is not really top priority.

Not sure when I'll start delving into HTML5 but I'm curious about what groundbreaking features it has to offer, aside from the oft-discussed HTML animations...
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Last edited by Renegade334; 2010-08-06 at 12:10.
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Old 2010-08-07, 11:42   Link #63
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Originally Posted by Renegade334 View Post
Not sure when I'll start delving into HTML5 but I'm curious about what groundbreaking features it has to offer, aside from the oft-discussed HTML animations...
Personally I just want PUT/DELETE and all the new form controllers. Less flash is always good. Inline SVG sounds cool, dunno how useful that will be. Deprecated stuff going boom! will be interesting to see... if it ever happens.

The things I'm not too thrilled about are the new elements and attributes. I mean things like <footer> <nav> and the other junk.
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Old 2010-08-10, 14:27   Link #64
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Opera is my favorite and has been for 2 years, but I use firefox pretty heavily also.

Links or it didn't happen!

while this does suppport that I personally believe Opera to be fast, you could go to any website and they'd give you different results so....
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Old 2010-08-10, 16:35   Link #65
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Hehe, the funny thing about "my browser is the fastest" comments is that most think like that after trying out other browsers. Which, incidentally, is a really good way to fool yourself.

What happens is your favorite is opening your favorite sites every single day, so naturally it now has everything cached (ie. saved on disk, memory, etc.). Yes every single thing on the page: avatars, backgrounds, images, even documents, you name it. When you actually load a page you're likely reading a lot from memory or disk, so naturally it's fast.

However, when you go to another browser (for the first time), it doesn't have all those things saved up (since duh! you haven't been using it) and suddenly as you open your favorite site to "benchmark" its performance you feel: "OH MAN, this shit is slow!"

There are lies, damn lies, and benchmarks.
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Old 2010-08-10, 23:47   Link #66
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I agree benchmarks are lies they fulfill the same purpose the internet did 15 years ago (if it's on the internet it must be true!).

If a website benchmarked something then that means they've done all the legwork for me, and fulfilled all the requirements to make sure the test is accurate!

Not so I'm afraid, benchmarks on any website for a web browser will be inaccurate, because you can quantize but not features, which is really a part of this discussion right? The whole experience is on the table and everyone wants something different.
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Old 2010-08-11, 05:36   Link #67
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Originally Posted by ttdestroy View Post
If a website benchmarked something then that means they've done all the legwork for me, and fulfilled all the requirements to make sure the test is accurate!
Yes but even if you assume the test was flawless and done under perfect control conditions, the result is still a little white lie. No benchmark will ever represent real world situations. I mean how could they, benchmarks are controlled tests, real world problems are volatile. You don't see a benchmark test how the browser functions if I have photoshop, word, excel, illustrator, a test server and sever IDEs opened do you? Or how it functions when I do a Switch User/Login.

Arguably the rendering speed of todays browsers is just way bellow the human perception limit of instant, what actually takes time is:
  • bad servers -- as in overworked servers
  • bad/slow server software -- rainbows and unicorns are nice, but they just don't work in the factory
  • bad web application software
  • [and lets not forget] bad server settings and administration; what all those fancy mission critical caching features are disabled by default? go figure
Otherwise how else to explain how some very basic and simple sites (with low traffic) load much much slower then very complex feature bloated ones (with high traffic). Is it the browsers fault?
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Old 2010-08-12, 13:24   Link #68
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Oh felix you know I hate you right? I have to agree with everything in that post.

I wonder if we would have been having this conversation when dial-up was what everyone had. With hi-speed becoming more and more the norm, we as users come to expect more out of our browsers, like they actually make a large difference (what maybe +/- 10-15% ?) in how fast a page loads.

In short coding, a small measure of luck server-wise, and your perception of fast has a lot to do with "performance".

I still throw my hat in with Opera tho
They say you don't grow up
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Old 2010-08-21, 11:33   Link #69
Sleepy Lurker
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Well, here I was thinking that the Opera guys had managed to fix some 10.60 bugs with the recent v10.61, but it seems that they're still there - though it took some time for the instability to manifest (it already crashed 4-5 times today and I'm just about to give up on the 10.6x line). Guess I'll have to revert to 10.54, which is the last stable version for me...or wait for 10.70 and hope the developers will have everything straightened out.
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Old 2010-08-21, 17:21   Link #70
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Originally Posted by Renegade334 View Post
Well, here I was thinking that the Opera guys had managed to fix some 10.60 bugs with the recent v10.61, but it seems that they're still there - though it took some time for the instability to manifest (it already crashed 4-5 times today and I'm just about to give up on the 10.6x line). Guess I'll have to revert to 10.54, which is the last stable version for me...or wait for 10.70 and hope the developers will have everything straightened out.
Well it hasn't been truly stable since the 9.x series. Though different versions crash are stable for different people. I'm personally gonna wait for the 11.x series before I give Opera another go. Hopefully they fix their swamp bug too by then. I don't think I ever got it to actually work when I needed it.
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Old 2010-08-22, 03:06   Link #71
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Originally Posted by felix View Post
Well it hasn't been truly stable since the 9.x series. Though different versions crash are stable for different people. I'm personally gonna wait for the 11.x series before I give Opera another go. Hopefully they fix their swamp bug too by then. I don't think I ever got it to actually work when I needed it.
It's true that at first I wasn't very strongly compelled by the 10.x series but I kind of got used to it - whatever I didn't like wasn't life-changing, just a passable nuisance. But ever since they've ventured into the 10.6x branch, I keep getting exception errors that, oh what a big surprise, do not seem to have any available fix within the Opera database, if I am to believe their bug report feature. The annoying thing is that at times I don't even know where the exception comes from - it sometimes happens when I switch program windows and start working on something else (Opera is thus supposed to be idle) and not when I open new pages or whatnot. So, for now, I'm back to 10.54. Again.

One *very* annoying thing I've had since the 10.x series is that Spybot S&D (yes, I know it's no longer the nec plus ultra antispyware powerhouse it used to be, but I still keep it along with MBAM and SASw for safety's sake - better maximize your range of antimalware detectors and cleaners) keeps deleting Opera cookies whenever I do the immunization thing. It's most likely a SBS&D programmer's error/decision, but at times it can be kind of annoying. I mean, does it really need to flag just about 98% of my Opera cookies and brand them totally unsafe, even if they don't carry ultra-confidential data? (yes, I know cookies are by nature potential security risks in regards to private life, but that's not my point)

Another problem I've had for a few months already revolves around IE and Firefox - for some reason, it appears the Adobe Flash plugin causes my wi-fi antenna to suddenly lose connexion and search for a new one. Opera seems immune to it but whenever I open websites featuring YouTube videos or whatnot, my antenna suddenly hiccoughs and I end up with a corrupted page that needs to be refreshed (and, if you're unlucky enough, rince and repeat).

I have to say, though, that in the end it's no big deal since I only use IE to check whether local, self-authored HTML files display correctly (or just read them) and Firefox is just an alternative to whenever I can't seem to have a certain web page display correctly on either IE or Opera.

Aside from that, I'm an opera sailor.
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Old 2010-08-22, 04:13   Link #72
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Originally Posted by Renegade334 View Post
Aside from that, I'm an opera sailor.
Moving along "as the crow flies" ehh.
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Old 2010-08-23, 21:37   Link #73
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I use both Firefox and Chrome (well, Namoroka and Chromium), preferring Firefox mainly because I'm used to it. Both work well for me, since the particulars I use are pretty much just keyboard shortcuts, AdBlock and Greasemonkey user scripts.
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Old 2010-09-15, 15:07   Link #74
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Well, looks like we will finally get to see for ourselves how much progress Redmond has made.

Download IE9 Beta 1 at "Beauty of the Web" website.

It now sports a very minimalist design as well as the ability to add bookmarks to the Windows 7 superbar. And, what a surprise, it's got its own, in-built download manager. How well does it fare, I dunno (I'll test this later on W7, too busy right now to install a VM on my rig).

It should be of course reiterated that IE9 is only available for Vista SP2 and W7 since its hardware acceleration system is banking on the 6.0.x/6.1 NT kernel and it's unlikely MS will ever backport it to XP (they've been trying to kill that dying horse for months, if not years, now).
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Old 2010-09-16, 08:21   Link #75
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I installed Internet Explorer 9 Beta on my Windows 7 virtual machine I had in VMWare Fusion and yes, they finally got the web standards correct.

The blog loaded as it would in Safari, Opera and Firefox... I'm hoping that Microsoft will continue to improve its rendering in the months and years ahead... or they would lose their relevance again.

The scrolling was a bit laggy considering that it's going through a virtual graphics adapter.

As for me, I'm sticking to Safari 5 and Opera.
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Old 2010-10-13, 17:27   Link #76
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I just updated Kubuntu to version 10.10 this week, and I've been trying out its new default browser, Rekonq. I believe it's supposed to be like Konqueror, but using Webkit instead of KHTML.

I've never used Konqueror, always preferring Firefox. But I think I'll stick around with Rekonq for a while and see how it works out for me.

Some minor annoyances right away:
It took me a while to figure out how to edit the search engines list. I never would've thought it would be under Web Shortcuts.
And I'm not too fond of the New Tab page either. Having both favorites and bookmarks is confusing, and the Closed Tab feature is a bit annoying.

Anyway, it's only been a day, so I'll wait and see if this can replace Firefox as my browser on Kubuntu.
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Old 2010-10-16, 06:13   Link #77
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Just a piece of news for us Opera users...

The Opera Team has announced that the next build of their browser will be v10.70 - and that it will also be the last one of that series. After that, they'll move onto the 11.00 alphas and betas.

11.00 will reportedly have its own extension platform based on the W3C Widget Specification, one that will support injectable JavaScript, callouts, UI items and a basic Tabs and Windows API.

I'm still using 10.54, though... Still reluctant to shimmy up to 10.63...
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Old 2010-10-16, 12:13   Link #78
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Originally Posted by Renegade334 View Post
11.00 will reportedly have its own extension platform based on the W3C Widget Specification, one that will support injectable JavaScript, callouts, UI items and a basic Tabs and Windows API.
Great news! Go opera.
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Old 2010-10-16, 14:55   Link #79
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I switch between Firefox and Chrome, but mostly use Firefox.
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Old 2010-10-20, 07:03   Link #80
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This is surprising, but oh well...

As a follow-up to my previous post, the Opera Team has eventually decided to conclude the 10.6x series by NOT releasing the final 10.70 build.

Instead, they've chosen to go directly to 11.00 alpha which IS based on what should've been 10.70.
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