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Old 2012-12-08, 09:45   Link #1
Sunder the Gold
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Join Date: Aug 2011
This thread is to compile the various rules and structures of the Accelerated World game, and speculate about the creator's intentions.

For example, a number of tools and subsystems indicate that the creator intended for Burst Linkers to form Legions.

1) Legion Solidarity: IIRC, members of the same Legion cannot randomly challenge each other. Or, if they can, anyone who makes an ass of one's self will tend to face reprisal by the Legion Master or the Legion as a whole.

2) Territory: Members of the same Legion can enter a cooperative battle to claim a territory in the real world where they do not have to fear random challenges from Burst Linkers outside of their Legion. (Noumi had to directly link with Haru to challenge him; Taku challenged him to the next fight; Haru and Taku challenged him to the third.)

3) Judgment Blow gives Legion Masters the ability to enforce their will upon other members of the Legion, becoming central authority figures. Further, this encourages the Legion Master to surround one's self with subordinates and never leave their territory, since it reduces the chances of being finally-defeated. When you have Judgment Blow in addition to your own Level advantage, you become further protected against the only people currently capable of challenging you.

There are others. Only when one reaches Level 4 do they gain access to the Unlimited Neutral Field, which works more like an MMO game than a fighting game, allowing a Burst Linker to approach the Accelerated World outside the context of duels. They can either engage in a wider variety of underhanded strategies (as Yellow Radio did) or they can treat the game entirely as a PVE world (by hunting Enemies). They can avoid fighting entirely and simply explore the UNF for secrets.

But even before Level 4, there are Tag Team Matches, Free-For-Alls (Lime Bell entered one at Level 1), and Territory Battles (which Silver Crow entered at Level 1, together with Cyan Pile, while Black Lotus was unavailable.)

So despite the potential for the Accelerated World to be a ruthless dueling system, there are numerous subsystems that allow for -- and even encourage -- teamwork, cooperation and comraderie... if only in the context of factionalism and "us versus them" mentality, since it IS, at the core, a competition.

What's so unusual about the rules for achieving Level 10 is that they are apparently the only additional rules that introduce further conflict into the game. Before that point, all other sub-rules worked to promote a form of harmony.

But at the same time, the rules encourage stagnation. All of the sudden, all Level 8 players have to question whether or not they really want to become Level 9 at all. All of the current Level 9s have to become suspicious of anyone who wants to advance beyond Level 8.

And it doesn't seem likely that all Seven Kings achieved Level 9 at exactly the same time, so it seems deliberate that the new rules were only revealed when the last of the Seven Kings reached that Level.

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Last edited by Sunder the Gold; 2012-12-21 at 14:03.
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Old 2012-12-11, 16:29   Link #2
Sunder the Gold
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In Episode 2, Haruyuki and Kuroyukihime say it best.

Haru points out how incredible the technology behind Brain Burst is. This is a program that can accelerate the human mind such that time stands still, and which is capable of hacking public, private and federal security cameras without any risk of getting caught. The program is even capable of recognizing former users based on their brainwaves.

Yet, for some odd reason, this incredible technology is shackled to a mere video game. Nevermind what the creator could do in the fields of military science, or how the creator could use it to manipulate politics and economics. They decided to give to CHILDREN, in the form of a game.

Kuroyuki puts it further in perspective: It's NOT that this technology is being used to run a fighting game; it really is shackled to the fighting game.

"Burst Linkers don't accelerate to fight, but fight so that we can continue to accelerate."

How many Burst Linkers would rather have totally unlimited access to Acceleration in the real world? Not just the basic Burst Link command, but also the Physical Burst command. No need to spend points, no risk of losing the program by running out of points, no need to spend great amounts of time and effort to earn more points...

Why give someone the power to be superhuman, and then require that they play a game to pay for it?

Burst Points aren't a fuel-source; they're a tax. The points are produced directly by the system from nothing; they have no value except what the system gives them.

It's like if Tony Stark had made a suit of Iron Man armor that would not function unless you fed it Monopoly paper dollars, which you could only earn by playing Monopoly. The technology doesn't NEED the worthless paper bills at all, so why hobble the suit? Why go to the effort of creating an entire redundant system (ie: Monopoly) which serves no purpose except to generate the worthless money?

More, rather than simply shut down and refuse to operate, the armor outright SELF-DESTRUCTS if one runs out of paper money. That seems excessive.

And why a fighting game, specifically? Brain Burst could have been a puzzle game, like tetris, or a mystery game.

It could have been a "farming game" like resource-gathering in World of Warcraft, where people run around in the Unlimited Neutral Field to find resource-nodes before other players do.

Even just sticking to a combat-oriented game, Brain Burst could have been oriented primarily towards cooperative Player-versus-Environment (PVE) play, where hunting Enemies in groups was the most efficient method of earning Burst Points.

Obviously, the creator of Brain Burst wants something from the Burst Linkers. Even if that something is as simple as entertainment.

The creator wanted people to fight each other passionately. The creator wanted to create a subculture of young superhumans who were willing to strip the superpowers from each other in order to fuel their own superpowers.

No where is this notion more strongly expressed than in the rules to achieve Level 10. One MUST fight other Level 9s, and must do so knowing that they WILL utterly destroy their opponent as a Burst Linker. Furthermore, one must commit this act of violence not once, but five times.

Ultimately, are tag teams and legions nothing more than a partial restraint on the dog-eat-dog kind of mentality that this would create? Are those rules just chains meant to keep the whole cannibalist system from falling apart?

Last edited by Sunder the Gold; 2012-12-11 at 19:30.
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Old 2012-12-14, 13:30   Link #3
Sunder the Gold
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The Accelerated World used to be very, very different. Without a doubt, it was a lawless, wild period, for a number of reasons.

For one thing, the first Burst Linkers had no "Parents". The "First Generation" recieved Brain Burst program anonymously. This fact has a number of facets.

First of all, that meant that none of the other Burst Linkers knew the identities of the others. Everyone was equally a stranger to everyone else.

Second of all, it meant that all of the First Gen player had to decide entirely for themselves what to make of this game. They had no mentors to offer advice or suggest philosophies. No mentors whose higher levels, greater experience or knowledge of true identities could be used to pressure the new players into acting according to someone else's will.

The only guidance available would be any instructions provided by the game itself. Perhaps the creator of the game sent anynomous messages to that first generation as well.

Another major aspect of the first years is that nothing like Legions existed. Only at Level 7 can a Burst Linker create a Legion, and it's possible that they don't get "the Judgment Blow" until Level 8.

Without Legions, it's possible that territories didn't exist either. You couldn't join a group to gain immunity to random challenges from people who didn't belong to the group.

Even if people did form groups before Legions, without a Legion Master, being a central authority figure and convincing people to follow your orders would be purely a matter of personal charisma. The Judgment Blow was not yet available to distinguish individual Burst Linkers as "official" leaders, or to offer a powerful tool for enforcing policy on trouble-makers.

But arguably the most important factor contributing to the chaos of the early years is that, until Burst Linkers reached Level 4, there was no way to gain Burst Points except from other Burst Linkers. And the most obvious way to do that was to defeat other Linkers over and over, taking all of their points and erasing them from the game.

And why not erase other players? If you didn't, someone else would do it and get the points for themselves. If you didn't, the other player could turn around and erase you instead. Besides, no one in the First Generation knew or was known by anyone else, so it was easier to dismiss other players as non-people. It's hard to feel guilty about eliminating people with whom you simply don't sympathize.

Higher Level players had less reason to fight single battles against lower-level opponents, since each victory would return fewer Burst Points than one against an equal foe. But at the same time, higher level players had more to fear from lower level opponents, since losing a fight would steal away MORE than 10 points.

So higher level players had less motivation for simple, random duels, and MUCH more motivation for relentless, punishing hunts -- challenging a lower-level player over and over again until they were drained dry and eliminated.

Another practical side to this is that higher level players had gained more tricks than newer ones, and smart players want to keep those new tricks as secret as possible. Therefore, one wanted to eliminate any witnesses, especially before those victims had the time to think of (or develop) countermeasures to your tricks.

But the lack of access to Enemies meant something more than just a way to gain points without stealing from others. It meant that Burst Points were a vanishing commodity.

See, everyone starts with 100 Burst Points. When you win, the other player (presumably) loses a number of points equal to the amount you gain. While not confirmed, it's even possible that if you defeat an opponent with less than 10 points, even if your victory should have given you 10, you might only get as many as the opponent had left.

(If this is true, it would make it impossible to effectively add new Burst Points to the "economy" by defeating someone who'd dropped below 10 points.)

Further, losing battles wasn't the only way someone's BP could drop! Of course, you lose one point every time you Accelerate to challenge someone. Even if you win against an equal level opponent, you only enjoy a net gain of 9 points.

And that's assuming that, when you pay to Accelerate, there is anyone around to challenge. Or anyone that you DARE to challenge.

Finally, there's Accelerating for reasons unrelated to fighting other Burst Linkers, such as to cheat at tests, or sports, or anything else.

In short, everyone started with a limited number of points, and many of those points were lost forever from "the economy" of the Accelerated World. Without Enemies, there was only one way to inject new life into the system:

Creating new players.

In a way, it's amazing that Burst Linkers continued on past the First Generation. The easiest target of all for stealing away points is a weak, inexperience player whom you know exactly when and where to challenge. I'm positive that a number of ruthless or desperate Burst Linkers created new players just for the opportunity to drain them dry of those 100 beautiful points.

Is it any wonder that Kuroyukihime considers the current peace a bad joke, compared to the dog-eat-dog atmosphere of the past? As she said, the other Kings themselves destroyed countless players on the path to get where they are now.

But however nasty the Accelerated World was at the start, it would have begun to experience a significant change when the first players reached Level 4 and the Unlimited Neutral Field, populated with its NPC Enemies.

Because the Enemies are apparently so strong as to require teams, and since each victory only generates 10 Burst Points (and we don't know if those points are DIVIDED between all the teammates or not), the change would have been slow. It would still have been easier to steal points from other Burst Linkers.

Further, the Unlimited Neutral Field actually made it EASIER to prey upon other players. For one thing, the only players to hunt were other Level 4s. This made fights more dangerous, but also more rewarding. Not only could one get 10 points for victory, but eliminating another Burst Linker in the UNF meant killing off one of your greatest threats -- other high-level players.

Further, the UNF had no time-limit and no space-constraints, and escape was impossible if you could keep someone from reaching an Exit Point. So while setting ambushes was tricky ( because of the differences between Real Time and Accelerated Time), it would be possible to gang up on, ambush or kite opponents until they died, and then wait at their Spawn Point to repeat the process until they were totally gone.

Just like Noumi did to his brother.

The real changes to the Accelerated World wouldn't begin until the first players reached Level 7, creating the Legions and providing safe territories.

This was the start of Kings and something approaching a stable balance of power. Suddenly, other players -- the Kings -- were officially elevated above all others, with power that came from authority as well as personal strength. From this position of authority, they could impose their will on many other Burst Linkers -- and most within their vicinity -- by issuing and enforcing policies.

Even the Black King -- she who was so desperate for victory that she would betray her rivals and even destory the Accelerated World -- she formed a Legion and gathered treasured friends and allies to her side.

Last edited by Sunder the Gold; 2012-12-21 at 14:07.
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Old 2012-12-20, 17:50   Link #4
Sunder the Gold
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According to the Light Novel, the Level 1 Silver Crow got 20 points for defeating the Level 2 Ash Roller.

Presumably, the formula for an underdog victor's reward is (10 * [1 + level difference]) points.

So, a Level 1 who managed the impossible feat of defeating a Level 9 (or to whom a Level 9 threw a "fight") would get 90 Burst Points.

But it takes 301 points to level up (the additional 1 is so that one isn't reduced to 0 and erased), so even something as incredible as that victory (or concession) wouldn't be enough to allow a newbie to reach Level 2.

A King would need to concede three fights to a total beginner for that to happen, and he or she would lose 270 points in the process [100 beginner points + 270 = 370], not counting the points lost for Accelerating to make the challenge.

Since the cost for subsequent level ups are increasing steeper, the game appears deliberately designed to prevent higher level players from boosting lower level players in that fashion.

But in regards to a higher level player defeating a lower level player, all we know is that the reward is less than 10 points. But not HOW much less.

At the very least, the reduction must start at 1 point, and might increase by 1 point with each further level difference. Like so:

10 points for losing to same level = (Level 1 and Level 1)

9 points for losing to Burst Linker one level higher = (Level 2 and Level 1)

8 points for two levels higher = (Level 3 and Level 1)

7 points for three levels higher = (Level 4 and Level 1)

6 points for four levels higher = (Level 5 and Level 1)

5 points for five levels higher = (Level 6 and Level 1)

4 points for six levels higher = (Level 7 and Level 1)

3 points for seven levels higher (Level 8 to Level 1)

2 points for eight levels higher = (Level 9 to Level 1)

1 point for a Level 1 losing to a theoretical Level 10.

Since a Burst Linker cannot challenge the same Burst Linker twice in one day*, it's generally not feasible for Burst Linkers to prey upon lower level players for Points.

*Which means either Current was lying to Haruyuki, or it's possible to challenge another Burst Linker an unlimited number of times when using a Direct Connection cable.

Last edited by Sunder the Gold; 2012-12-21 at 09:06.
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Old 2012-12-21, 09:21   Link #5
Sunder the Gold
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I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate that points are not gained or lost in Territory Battles, since the commodity at stake is Territory.

However, it's possible that each Linker who desires to participate must spend one Burst Point to do so. At the same time, it's possible that the system waives that fee; allowing one to select the Matching List without Acceleration for the purpose of joining a Territory Battle.

We just don't know.

Likewise, we don't know how rewards and losses work in the Unlimited Neutral Field.

It's easy to track in Duels, since there are only two participants. Since there's only one winner, and that winner fought the opponent entirely by herself, she gets all of the points for victory. The points are not divided between multiple victors, nor copied among them.

But in the UNF, two avatars can gang up on a single avatar and reduce him to 0 HP. In that case, do they both get the same reward, or is the reward split between them? Do they both have to score at least one hit, or inflict some damage? Does only the one who lands the final blow get the whole reward, or does it go to the one who inflicted the most damage?

These same questions apply to the Enemies. And we have no answers.

What about mutual kills? In the Cherry Rook arc, Cyan Pile and Saxe Lader took each other out, though Cyan Pile may have killed Lader first (or depleted his own last HP in taking Lader out).

If that was a Duel, Pile would have won, since Lader KOed first. Cyan Pile would have gotten the points. But in the UNF, Pile KOed immediately after, in no small part because of the damage that Lader inflicted.

Did Lader get any points? What about the gunners from the ridge who landed a shot or two on Pile's back?

And what about HP regeneration? It takes one full Accelerated hour for an avatar to respawn after a KO.

What about avatars who sustain damage without KO? Niko's robot was damaged and her arm lost after Pile was taken out. If a full hour had passed before she logged out, would that damage have instantly recovered?

Or does damage gradually recover for those Burst Linkers who avoid KO? Certainly, Black Lotus -- who was damaged so badly that she couldn't move -- gradually became more mobile as time went on.
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Old 2012-12-23, 19:06   Link #6
Sunder the Gold
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What if Brain Burst is a government conspiracy?

Rather than a hacker-creator and program so magically advanced that they can remain invisible to national-security cameras, it's simpler to suppose that the Department of Internal Security is actually BEHIND the whole thing.

Someone in the government found a way to make their people practically superhuman, but they wanted to introduce this revolutionary technology/lifestyle gradually, and in a fairly contained manner.

So they released it to children, limited it to children, and shackled it to a VR game.

And the whole time, the Department is observing the sociological effects of Acceleration on human behavior.
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Old 2012-12-24, 03:59   Link #7
sky black swordman
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^ Interesting theory ,however I think people would never accept or even probably be reluctant to accept this revolutionary technology. Mainly because of the fact that they use children(Maybe even their own) to test for this new technology.
Human society frown upon hunman testing, especially that on children.
Date A Live -Tohka Yatogami
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Old 2012-12-24, 05:46   Link #8
Sunder the Gold
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By the time the technology is made public, the children WOULD be the adults.
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Old 2012-12-24, 08:23   Link #9
sky black swordman
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^ I see, however, this still does not change that fact they used children and some of those adults may not like the fact that they were use like "guinea pigs"for an experiment.

The people without a doubt would say, "This revolutionary technology turn people practically superhuman? Ok, you have given us the benefits of this new technology, so now give us the bad ? "If there is no bad then,"Ok, now tell us what would have happend if this technology did not work out the way you planned or was faulty ? Would there have been side effects ?"
Date A Live -Tohka Yatogami
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Old 2013-02-07, 23:20   Link #10
Sunder the Gold
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More rules:

There is no way to transfer Burst Points between avatars except through combat. While it is possible to offer and accept a Draw during a fight before the time runs out, it is unknown if one can offer technical victory to their opponent.

If that is not possible, then allowing someone to take Burst Points from you requires letting them beat you to "death" or waiting 30 minutes after inflicting a scratch. This would be a very inefficient method, which would serve to constantly remind the participants that Brain Burst is a competitive fighting game in which everyone is expected to fight for themselves, and earn points for themselves.

At the same time, this restrictive inefficiency can also be considered a form of protection, as it makes it that much harder and more inconvenient for someone to extort and coerce Burst Points away from others. It is one more opportunity for a Burst Linker in bad straits to defend themselves from thieves.

Enhanced armaments are normally equipped and unequipped by working the menu interface of one's avatar. However, voice-command phrases can be programmed so that one can bypass the menu and directly change equipment in the middle of a fight.

In duels, the Level of an opponent is indeed displayed next to their name... but only in the Light Novels. (Then again, I'm going by Black Lotus' display; perhaps it's different for Level 9 players, for whom Level is a matter of life-and-death.)

For duels, members of the watching gallery cannot approach within 10 meters of either of the combatants. However, the Parent, Child or fellow legion members may approach a duelist as closely as they wish (unless this would bring them within 10 meters of an opponent for whom no such relationship exists).

In duels, members of the gallery can shout advice either or both of the duelists, though this is frowned upon in Accel World's society.

Gallery members cannot affect the environment at all; this makes for inconvenient viewing when the only way to follow a fight would be to make your own doorway through a wall.

An individual Burst Linker can initiate a duel with a tag team of Burst Linkers, but a tag team cannot do the same to individual Burst Linkers. It is unspecified but possible that a tag team can issue a challenge request to an individual Burst Linker, which the individual is under no obligation to accept.

In fact, tag teams cannot even initiate duels with other tag teams. All challenges must be made as requests, and all such requests can be rejected.

It is also unspecificed whether or not an individual Burst Linker can initiate a duel against just one member of a tag team. If this is not possible, then forming tag-teams provides a limited form of protection against random challenges. Safety in numbers, even "below" the Unlimited Neutral Field.

There is, however, a definite incentive for individual Burst Linkers to challenge whole tag teams. In regards to tag teams, the total levels of team-members are figured when rewarding/deducting points. Even assuming that Rust Jigsaw (Level 6) could challenge Blood Leopard and Silver Crow seperately after they teamed up, he could have only gotten a pittance of a reward from Silver Crow (Level 4) and just 10 points from Leopard. But if he defeated them both together, the reward would have been as if they were a single Level 10 opponent; a much bigger payoff.

By the same token, the total Level 10 of that team meant that the Level 6 Jigsaw would not lose many points for being defeated himself.

Therefore, if an individual Burst Linker happens to be accelerated and checking the matching list of his area, and sees a tag team whose members the Linker thinks he can beat at the same time, he might be wise to go for it.

It also is unspecificed whether initiating a duel with a tag team counts against the limit of initiating only one duel against a specific Burst Linker per day. There may be a limit to how many fights specific tag-teams may fight against other specific tag-teams.
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Old 2013-02-08, 17:11   Link #11
Manus ad Ferrum
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Is just me or that is an incredible amount of rules for a “simple” fighting game? And there was a time when I consider Yu-Gi-Oh! to be unnecessary complex for a card game. When I read all of this I can only think that if the main part was not the game itself but the acceleration: why the game is so complex? And then I find my answer in a rather simple fashion. If they did it different the series will be boring.

But back to the rules, if that thing about tag team battle is true and players gain points because their opponents act like a single opponent with a higher level then: what if the level goes beyond 10? I mean fight two level 6 will be like fighting a level 12? On that same idea, could be possible for a Level 9 to challenge two players that have a combine Level 9 and count that as experience to level up?
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Old 2013-02-08, 17:40   Link #12
Sunder the Gold
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There is no "experience" for leveling up, only burst points. And once you're Level 9, burst points can't buy a level up.

A King who keeps hunting Enemies for points has little else to spend them on but items from the Shops. With which they can load themselves up or reward subordinates.
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Old 2013-02-08, 17:58   Link #13
Manus ad Ferrum
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And what if one King beats the other and he or she still doesn't have enough points to level up?
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Old 2013-02-08, 20:41   Link #14
Sunder the Gold
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Originally Posted by Sansker View Post
And what if one King beats the other and he or she still doesn't have enough points to level up?
I think you've completely forgotten.

Once you've achieved Level 9, the ONLY WAY to level up again is to kill five other Level 9 avatars. It doesn't matter how many points they have, or that you acquire. For a Level 9 player, points become irrelevant in regards to leveling up.

Why do you think Scarlet Rain had so many points that she could afford to spend 200 of them just checking out each of Umesato's students to find Silver Crow? Once she achieved Level 9, she no longer needed to save up points for leveling up.

Paying for Acceleration, for Unlimited Burst, for Physical Burst, for Full Physical Burst, for using the train in the UNF, for items from a Shop... those are the only things for which Niko and other Kings can spend Burst Points.

(And apparently, there's some kind of limit to the number or kind or quality of Shop-derived Enhanced Armaments, in terms of equipping yourself. Otherwise, I imagine that Yellow Radio and Scarlet Rain would have a few more tools than we've seen.)

That's why no one has reached level 10. Because the Kings will not fight one another (at least not openly), and because no other Level 8 player is willing to accept the risk of "one loss to another Level 9 --> instant retirement" that all Level 9 players must live with.

If anyone in the Crypto Cosmic Circus became Level 9, Yellow Radio would probably kill them immediately. Not just to take a step towards Level 10, but also to eliminate someone would could potentially retire him with a single lucky win.

Likewise, all of the other Kings must have been blatantly or subtlely pressuring all other Burst Linkers to avoid Level 9, because they don't want more possible threats.

Honestly, if not for the treaty, the Accelerated World probably would have descended into an anarchy reminiscent of the lawless first days. Kings would be killing kings, Level 8s would step over the line to Level 9s and score their own kills, lower level players would be devouring each other in a mad rush to level up...

The Level 10 rule shook the established power balance to the core, since it meant that the strongest and most deeply entrenched players in the game -- the Kings -- could be overthrown.

Without the "instant death" rule, a Level 9 player ought to have massive amounts of Burst Points to spare for individual losses. Furthermore, they are Legion Masters who control vast territories in which outsiders cannot challenge them, not even other kings. And members of their own legions must fear the Judgment Blow on top of the King's greater power and experience (and in four cases, a Sacred Arc).

Take Graphite Edge for example. If he wanted to depose Black Lotus and take over as master of Negas Nebulas, it would be extremely difficult for all of the above reasons.

But if he became Level 9, he just needs one single victory to retire his King.

For the Kings, who had become accustomed to their security, this was an awful shock. Made even worse by the horrific example that Black Lotus made of Red Rider.

One of the strongest legends; someone who had previously been close to immortal... DEAD. Gone. Permanently.

It wasn't just outrage that drove Green Grandee and Yellow Radio to join Blue Knight and Purple Thorn in their attempts to destroy Black Lotus. It was also naked fear of mortality.

They were trying to kill someone who had become, in their eyes, the embodiment of Death Itself.
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Old 2013-02-08, 21:40   Link #15
Manus ad Ferrum
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Well I just watch the anime so I am not sure about the other media.
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Old 2013-02-09, 08:50   Link #16
Sunder the Gold
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The anime makes this central plot point no less clear.
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Old 2013-02-09, 15:03   Link #17
Manus ad Ferrum
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Actually it leaves it open to wonder what I say. That is why I ask.
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Old 2013-02-09, 16:24   Link #18
Sunder the Gold
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Originally Posted by Sansker View Post
Actually it leaves it open to wonder what I say. That is why I ask.
Kuroyuki completely explains the rule in the second episode!

Niko talks about again during the Chrome Disaster arc, this time focusing on the repercussions of the rule and the peace treaty.
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Old 2013-02-09, 18:46   Link #19
Manus ad Ferrum
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But that could be a generic "They are all my enemies" kind of deal and not an actual fact. I will admit will be odd if she just level up right after killing Red Rider and end the game.

I mean I assume the message of only level up by killing all level 9 was given when there were enough Level 9 so that if one kills the others it will level up.
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Old 2013-02-09, 21:11   Link #20
Sunder the Gold
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I'm done arguing with you.
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