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Old 2007-12-03, 16:43   Link #17221
the "Z" is for "Zeta"
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Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
For anyone who cares, I've FINALLY updated the official timeline. Nothing none of you don't really know, but there's some new stuff apparently, like Hayate's year of Career Course completion and stuff.

And RF6's graduation is on the 28th of April, MC076.
I see...and could you provide a link to the said timeline...I lost it

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Oh, you mean

Spoiler for These ones?:
*saves for future reference*
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Old 2007-12-03, 17:27   Link #17222
Reiji Tabibito
The OTHER Time Lord
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: The "Other" TARDIS
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Tesla: If that's true, I don't see a reason why Grandis shouldn't be allowed near Hayate. After all, Grandis seems perfectly capable of providing comfort and confidence to Hayate. That aside, the love between siblings and the love between lovers are two different kinds of love, but they are love nonetheless. Are you so cruel that you would tear Hayate's heart to pieces just to keep her for yourself, Arcas?

Tesla: *starts tapping off* One, he values the warriors honor. Two, he strives to keep any oath he utters. Three, he has a very rare and valuable skill he intends to use for the good cause.
Arcas: Tesla, since when are you on HIS side? I expected Shamal, and maybe Signum to take his side, but you? You're the thinker; the logical one.

First, this isn't about how I feel - it's about Hayate and what's ultimately best for HER. And if I have to play the evil monster in order for her to decide what's truly important for her in life, then that's what I'll do. I may be harsh, I may be cruel, I may end up breaking her heart, but in the end, what I want is no different from you, the other Wolkenritter, the Aces, and Grandis: for Hayate to be deliriously, insanely happy.

Part of the problem is is that no one but me so far seems to be willing to make Hayate confront the tough questions she and Grandis are GOING to have to answer in the course of their relationship. The belief that "If we truly love each other, it'll all work out in the end" is a statement reserved for films and bad romance novels. This is neither; it is the REAL WORLD.

Let's say that they get married. What are their plans on kids? If they're going to have any, what are they going to do? Is Hayate going to retire, and walk away from a stellar career to take care of them? Will she deprive the Bureau of her power for the sake of raising her children? Or will she continue to work, and risk both her career and motherhood in doing so? What about Grandis? Hayate's a ranking officer; Grandis is a contract mage - she easily makes three times what he does. Has she considered what the effects might be if she continues to work - it's an insult to a man's pride if his wife is the one taking care of HIM, rather than the other way around. And even if Hayate retires, what's he going to do? Most contract mage jobs put them directly into the line of fire - is Grandis going to continue to work like that, and risk leaving Hayate to be a single mother? These are just a FEW of the questions that they are going to need to answer if they're going to have a permanent romantic relationship with the other.

To reiterate: First, foremost, final, and transcending all other causes, ideals, and emotions, I have resolved to test the both of them, and the strength of their feelings and commitment to each other. And that means being rough, being the jerk, and forcing the both of them to make their choice and COMMIT to it.

Because as much as I love Hayate, and dislike Grandis -

- neither of them deserve to have their hearts broken.

To quote an Earthman:

"Unless it's Mad, Passionate, Extraordinary Love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life, and Love shouldn't be one of them."

What say you to THAT, Tesla of the Wolkenritter?

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
I disagree with the 'most' selfish part, especially since her true motive was never revealed, but the convincing Negi only made her more awesome in my mind. Even more so when she used it as an opening for an attack. She's selfish, as all villains are, but not the most selfish. Not by a long shot.
Her ACTUAL motive was never revealed, yes, but the nature of it was referenced repeatedly - one such reference was from Mana in CH153, and I quote: "The source of her motivation is probably no different than any other tragedy that's happening somewhere is the world right now." Chao HERSELF makes at least 1 reference to this during her clash with Negi. It's a personal tragedy in her life that drives her to this course of action - and changing the world just because it happened to deal you a less than kind hand in life is NO reason to screw it up for everyone else. In a way, she's no better than the suicide bombers of today: "My life is poor, sad, and tragic, so I'll make it all better for me by making OTHER people suffer." THAT is INCREDIBLY selfish thinking.

As Eva puts it after the whole affair is over: "To live is to do evil. That's the way of things." Or something like that.

And using her conversion attempt to give herself first strike against Negi is nothing new. A great deal of villains will appeal to something the hero believes in, only to use it in order to put the hero on the defensive. It's one of The Oldest Ones in the Book.
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Old 2007-12-03, 18:32   Link #17223
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Erio View Post
I see, so nothing aside from what was shown in the anime. Unfortunately, there is nothing for me to work with. I still dont like Vivio, but unfortunately (j/k) Gwen will, and the only chance for her to meet Vivio would be when she is captured by Scaglietti, and then Gwen will want to save her, which cannot happen obviously.
So lots of dorama on Gwen's part, eh? I'll be looking forward to it.

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
And Erio did say that Vivio might be part of Project F, so the memories one is probably the truer of the two.
That's what I choose to believe.

Originally Posted by krisslanza View Post
Hmm... *Looks over notes in her journal*
Some little questions here as I work on my OC here... (Who has been changed a bit... I have enough blonde OCs so I changed that...)

1. What would be a reasonably strong mage rank without being... "AMG SHE JUST BLEW UP THAT MOUNTAIN DDDD:!" kind of strong?
2. A person's magical color... Is there any sort of... 'Limit'? I think I want to try silver.
3. Do most Belkan magics even have names? XD I don't recall Signum or any of the other Wolkenritter often saying the names of some spells... Or at least I don't recall Signum saying many spell names anyway.

All I got for now... *Scribbles down notes*
1. Look at the main cast, S-rank is very powerfull, but even AAA rank mages can kick conciderable ass.
2. Nope. None whatsoever.
3. Uhm... yeah? Have we been watching two different shows? The wolkies often use spell names. Schwalbe Fliegen? Shiden Issen? Raketen Hammer? Sturm Felle? Panzer Geist? Just to name a few...

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Arcas: Tesla, since when are you on HIS side? I expected Shamal, and maybe Signum to take his side, but you? You're the thinker; the logical one.

First, this isn't about how I feel - it's about Hayate and what's ultimately best for HER. And if I have to play the evil monster in order for her to decide what's truly important for her in life, then that's what I'll do. I may be harsh, I may be cruel, I may end up breaking her heart, but in the end, what I want is no different from you, the other Wolkenritter, the Aces, and Grandis: for Hayate to be deliriously, insanely happy.

Part of the problem is is that no one but me so far seems to be willing to make Hayate confront the tough questions she and Grandis are GOING to have to answer in the course of their relationship. The belief that "If we truly love each other, it'll all work out in the end" is a statement reserved for films and bad romance novels. This is neither; it is the REAL WORLD.

Let's say that they get married. What are their plans on kids? If they're going to have any, what are they going to do? Is Hayate going to retire, and walk away from a stellar career to take care of them? Will she deprive the Bureau of her power for the sake of raising her children? Or will she continue to work, and risk both her career and motherhood in doing so? What about Grandis? Hayate's a ranking officer; Grandis is a contract mage - she easily makes three times what he does. Has she considered what the effects might be if she continues to work - it's an insult to a man's pride if his wife is the one taking care of HIM, rather than the other way around. And even if Hayate retires, what's he going to do? Most contract mage jobs put them directly into the line of fire - is Grandis going to continue to work like that, and risk leaving Hayate to be a single mother? These are just a FEW of the questions that they are going to need to answer if they're going to have a permanent romantic relationship with the other.

To reiterate: First, foremost, final, and transcending all other causes, ideals, and emotions, I have resolved to test the both of them, and the strength of their feelings and commitment to each other. And that means being rough, being the jerk, and forcing the both of them to make their choice and COMMIT to it.

Because as much as I love Hayate, and dislike Grandis -

- neither of them deserve to have their hearts broken.

To quote an Earthman:

"Unless it's Mad, Passionate, Extraordinary Love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life, and Love shouldn't be one of them."

What say you to THAT, Tesla of the Wolkenritter?
Tesla: *glares* Please refrain from insulting me from now on, Arcasaviel. I am looking at this from the logical side.

Keroko-kun: Oh dear... she's reffering to Arcas with his full name... she's angry.

First of, who are you to dictate what is best for Hayate? Who gave you the right to make such decisions? Hayate is a bright girl, perfectly capable of realizing such situations herself. You say you will break her heart if necisary, how in the forty seven blue blazes of hell will that make her happy? And so help me if you say 'its for the best', Arcasaviel. I will break you. Hayate has had enough people trying to dictate her life saying that things were 'for the best' I will not allow yet another person to govern her life, not even you.

Next you start questioning Hayate's future, this is the biggest hipocrisy I have ever heard, mister I-have-desperately-tried-to-keep-my-love-life-a-secret-for-years. You are absolutely in no possision to dictate others on thinking about their future. Should I go out and spread havoc in the relation between you and Mel just to test if your relationship holds up to my standards? If things worked out fine between the two of you, I fail to see why they could not work out between the two of them. And then you go on about children. Have you and Mel ever thought about children? Have you and Mel ever thought about how you were going to handle that? I will have you know that I already have several plans in my head to solve such situations, should they even arive. There is no guarantee that Hayate and Grandis will even have children in the near future, so your point is rather moot. You are also seriously underestimating the income of a contract mage. The only thing that differs between Hayate and Grandis in terms of income is the rate at which they earn it. At times Hayate earns more, at times Grandis will, due to the nature of contract work. With efficient financiel planning, this will present zero problems. You say that they have to make the choice now, but for how long have you and Mel danced around the subject? Why should Hayate be forced to make a decicion you were allowed the luxury of a long term of thought to make?

You have apointed yourself as the Aces older brother figure. I hold no protest to that. You look after them and wish the best for them. I hold no protest to that. But now you are trying to govern their lives, to force them into choices that take time, and I. will. Not. Allow. That!

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Her ACTUAL motive was never revealed, yes, but the nature of it was referenced repeatedly - one such reference was from Mana in CH153, and I quote: "The source of her motivation is probably no different than any other tragedy that's happening somewhere is the world right now." Chao HERSELF makes at least 1 reference to this during her clash with Negi. It's a personal tragedy in her life that drives her to this course of action - and changing the world just because it happened to deal you a less than kind hand in life is NO reason to screw it up for everyone else. In a way, she's no better than the suicide bombers of today: "My life is poor, sad, and tragic, so I'll make it all better for me by making OTHER people suffer." THAT is INCREDIBLY selfish thinking.

As Eva puts it after the whole affair is over: "To live is to do evil. That's the way of things." Or something like that.
To compare Chao with a suicide bomber is quite an inacurate comparison. Suicide bombers simply kill a lot of people, and cause grief. Chao tried to expose mages to the world in order to make their jobs easier and eventually make life beter for everyone, not just her. She even went out of her way to make sure nobody got seriously injured, and had plans in place to monitor and control the chaos that revealing mages to the world would cause. Comparing Chao with a suicide bomber is an insult.

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
And using her conversion attempt to give herself first strike against Negi is nothing new. A great deal of villains will appeal to something the hero believes in, only to use it in order to put the hero on the defensive. It's one of The Oldest Ones in the Book.
I never said it was real, I just said it was awesome. The impact Chao has as a student makes it all the more so.
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Old 2007-12-03, 19:58   Link #17224
Reiji Tabibito
The OTHER Time Lord
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: The "Other" TARDIS
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post

Tesla: *glares* Please refrain from insulting me from now on, Arcasaviel. I am looking at this from the logical side.

Keroko-kun: Oh dear... she's reffering to Arcas with his full name... she's angry.

First of, who are you to dictate what is best for Hayate? Who gave you the right to make such decisions? Hayate is a bright girl, perfectly capable of realizing such situations herself. You say you will break her heart if necisary, how in the forty seven blue blazes of hell will that make her happy? And so help me if you say 'its for the best', Arcasaviel. I will break you. Hayate has had enough people trying to dictate her life saying that things were 'for the best' I will not allow yet another person to govern her life, not even you.
Arcas:<narrows eyes, grits teeth> Since WHEN did I ever say that I knew what was best for Hayate? I want her to decide that for herself! Any fool can do as they're told; it takes an ADULT to decide for themselves what's important. I want her to understand and decide what's important for HER, so that others don't have to decide for her, and she can have the kind of life you're describing. And there are times when friends and family must step in and make choices for others. Example: if you knew that Grandis was an unrepentant playboy and pervert, would YOU let Hayate continue to see him, even if you knew that there was a good probability that their relationship would end badly? The right to make decisions for another is given to us when that person has proven to have a bad tendency to make self-destructive decisions. Correct me if I am mistaken, but the Wolkenritter are sworn to protect the Mistress of the Night Sky, yes? How far does that vow go? What would you do if the enemy - the one who would harm her - was Hayate?

Would you protect her from herself?

To reiterate: I am not the authority on what's best for Hayate - I merely want HER to be the authority on what's best for her. And furthermore, sometimes we must make decisions for others, if they prove to be incapable of making good decisions for themselves

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Next you start questioning Hayate's future, this is the biggest hipocrisy I have ever heard, mister I-have-desperately-tried-to-keep-my-love-life-a-secret-for-years. You are absolutely in no possision to dictate others on thinking about their future. Should I go out and spread havoc in the relation between you and Mel just to test if your relationship holds up to my standards? If things worked out fine between the two of you, I fail to see why they could not work out between the two of them.
Arcas: Okay, first off, Mel and I are NOT Grandis and Hayate. And keep your facts straight - it was barely a month or two before the two of us went public. To repeat myself: I am in NO position to tell others how to live their lives - I want others to think and decide about how to live their lives, so that they DON'T have to be dictated by others. And if you want to try and create havoc for Mel and I, go ahead - but she doesn't take too kindly to people trying to screw with her and her husband.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
And then you go on about children. Have you and Mel ever thought about children? Have you and Mel ever thought about how you were going to handle that? I will have you know that I already have several plans in my head to solve such situations, should they even arive. There is no guarantee that Hayate and Grandis will even have children in the near future, so your point is rather moot.
Arcas: Matter of fact, we have. The two of us have an agreement about it. And I know full well that Grandis and Hayate may not have children - it was simply the first example that came to mind.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
You are also seriously underestimating the income of a contract mage. The only thing that differs between Hayate and Grandis in terms of income is the rate at which they earn it. At times Hayate earns more, at times Grandis will, due to the nature of contract work. With efficient financiel planning, this will present zero problems.
Arcas: Perhaps I am - I don't claim to be an expert on the incomes of contract mages and officers of the line. I am simply making the point that they are are going to have to compromise should they decide to marry.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
You say that they have to make the choice now, but for how long have you and Mel danced around the subject? Why should Hayate be forced to make a decicion you were allowed the luxury of a long term of thought to make?
Arcas: How long? Once Mel and I realized that both of us were irrevocably headed for the altar, almost none. We sat down whenever we had a private moment and talked about what we both wanted out of a marriage.

And my goal is not to force them to decide what they want NOW, but rather to realize that sooner of later, the choice must be confronted, and that it is far better to face that choice NOW, rather than later.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
You have apointed yourself as the Aces older brother figure. I hold no protest to that. You look after them and wish the best for them. I hold no protest to that. But now you are trying to govern their lives, to force them into choices that take time, and I. will. Not. Allow. That!
Arcas: I've never heard such a more blatant mistruth in my life! I've never interfered in the lives of ALL the Aces like this! From the moment that I saw Nanoha with Yuuno, and Fate with Kha, I knew that whatever time I had as their brother was limited. I know the four of them have good, solid heads on their shoulders - that's why I've never felt the need to interfere in their lives.

To Self: Although, the fact that Nanoha and Fate could both kick my ass does play some part...

And...trying not to anger you here, but exactly how many times has Hayate needed counseling from Aurion? More than Nanoha or Fate, if my memory is working correctly. And I barely know Grandis, we all do - so there's really no proof that he's got a good head on his shoulders like you do. Hell, remember the first time he met Aurion?

To sum up: I only interfere when I fear for the future of my family - which includes all of you.

I await your reply.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
To compare Chao with a suicide bomber is quite an inacurate comparison. Suicide bombers simply kill a lot of people, and cause grief. Chao tried to expose mages to the world in order to make their jobs easier and eventually make life beter for everyone, not just her. She even went out of her way to make sure nobody got seriously injured, and had plans in place to monitor and control the chaos that revealing mages to the world would cause. Comparing Chao with a suicide bomber is an insult.
<holds up hands> Okay, it's not the BEST comparison I've drawn in my lifetime, but my point is that Chao has no right to decide what's best for everyone else - a point Tesla makes to Arcas not three paragraphs ago.
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Old 2007-12-03, 20:10   Link #17225
Nuclear Fusion
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Location: Sky of stone, floor of flame.
Age: 37
[Backlog Mode Initiated]

Originally Posted by Keroko

Tesla: *glares* Please refrain from insulting me from now on, Arcasaviel. I am looking at this from the logical side.

Keroko-kun: Oh dear... she's reffering to Arcas with his full name... she's angry.

First of, who are you to dictate what is best for Hayate? Who gave you the right to make such decisions? Hayate is a bright girl, perfectly capable of realizing such situations herself. You say you will break her heart if necisary, how in the forty seven blue blazes of hell will that make her happy? And so help me if you say 'its for the best', Arcasaviel. I will break you. Hayate has had enough people trying to dictate her life saying that things were 'for the best' I will not allow yet another person to govern her life, not even you.

Next you start questioning Hayate's future, this is the biggest hipocrisy I have ever heard, mister I-have-desperately-tried-to-keep-my-love-life-a-secret-for-years. You are absolutely in no possision to dictate others on thinking about their future. Should I go out and spread havoc in the relation between you and Mel just to test if your relationship holds up to my standards? If things worked out fine between the two of you, I fail to see why they could not work out between the two of them. And then you go on about children. Have you and Mel ever thought about children? Have you and Mel ever thought about how you were going to handle that? I will have you know that I already have several plans in my head to solve such situations, should they even arive. There is no guarantee that Hayate and Grandis will even have children in the near future, so your point is rather moot. You are also seriously underestimating the income of a contract mage. The only thing that differs between Hayate and Grandis in terms of income is the rate at which they earn it. At times Hayate earns more, at times Grandis will, due to the nature of contract work. With efficient financiel planning, this will present zero problems. You say that they have to make the choice now, but for how long have you and Mel danced around the subject? Why should Hayate be forced to make a decicion you were allowed the luxury of a long term of thought to make?

You have apointed yourself as the Aces older brother figure. I hold no protest to that. You look after them and wish the best for them. I hold no protest to that. But now you are trying to govern their lives, to force them into choices that take time, and I. will. Not. Allow. That!
Is this what happens when Tesla has something real serious to say? That said, I think I'll stay away from this one.

Originally Posted by Keroko
I never said it was real, I just said it was awesome. The impact Chao has as a student makes it all the more so.
Who's Chao??? She sounds badass.

Originally Posted by krisslanza
Hmm... *Looks over notes in her journal*
Some little questions here as I work on my OC here... (Who has been changed a bit... I have enough blonde OCs so I changed that...)

1. What would be a reasonably strong mage rank without being... "AMG SHE JUST BLEW UP THAT MOUNTAIN DDDD:!" kind of strong?
2. A person's magical color... Is there any sort of... 'Limit'? I think I want to try silver.
3. Do most Belkan magics even have names? XD I don't recall Signum or any of the other Wolkenritter often saying the names of some spells... Or at least I don't recall Signum saying many spell names anyway.

All I got for now... *Scribbles down notes*
Only thing I wanna add is: Probably not a good idea to go over SS rank or so, unless you're making a villain. Higher than that and the Haxbusting Gods start to look your way. That said, blowing up mountains is probably about as destructive as we ever wanna get here, and said blow-up should probably cause your mage to faint, or hemorrhage from the head, or something. That's right, right?

Originally Posted by Keroko
Wouldn't be as much fun if it wasn't the white devil doing the blasting, now would it?
Shiroi Akuma da zo...minna! Nigete, nigete!!!! *flees*

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito
Chaos? NOT being able to crack jokes?! Sound the alarm, NYX IS HERE!!!!
Chaos can't JOKE?USO DA!

Originally Posted by Tk3997
I like stuff set in the modern world with sci-fi/fantasy elements... you might notice a theme of that there. I think I've got a little Haruhi in me (as many do)I kinda wish the world was a little more fantastic, but lacking god powers I'll just have to settle for fucking with fictional worlds instead of the real one.
Heh, isn't that why we have boards like this? So we Haruhi-wannabes(I should watch Haruhi, but I have like four other series ongoing at present...) can go wild with our free-soaring selves?

Originally Posted by Wild Goose
Originally Posted by Tk3997
Which is why I don't complain much plus at least it's pretty bulky and covering so it's not total fan service nonsense. Fate's early jackets just made my roll my eyes I never minded Nanoha's much. Hayate's is in the middle, better then Fate early ones, but worse then her latest.
I went *headdesk* at Fate's new Sonic Form. *headdesk* Seriously, she was more impressive in her badass longcoat and modified Class As. Hayate's is alright, mostly... Subaru has to be the worse though. *shakes head*
Originally Posted by Keroko
reminds me of all the Legion members that cried when Fate's new jacket was revealed. I remember looking around and going 'whats wrong with it? it looks awesome!'

Hell, when Sonic Form was brought back I was the one of the very few going 'Wow, amazing, she's wielding sword chucks! Go go fighter!' instead of oggling the Barrier Jacket.
Jacket opinions, eh...Am I the only one who doesn't like Nanoha's dress-looking Jackets? Nothing to do with fanservice, I just don't really like the way dresses look. Didn't think much of Fate's early Jacket either; her StrikerS longcoat is pure, distilled win. Her Sonic Form is pretty fanservicey, especially with dual-wielding. *I think dual-wielding looks badass, but does make good fanservice.* Hayate's is fine. I liked both Teana's and Subaru's a lot, for no good reason I can put my finger on. Hated Ginga's though.

And now that you mention it, Sonic Bardiche DOES look like sword-chucks! I can't believe I didn't catch that!

Originally Posted by Wild Goose
True. *grins*
Naomi: OMG did you just look up my skirt? DIE PERVERT!
Alan: Wait-

Orks are fungus.
Fungi that just happen to have blood, brains, and a knack for "shooty stuff."

Originally Posted by Tk3997
It's entirely possible that the core has a set capacity indeed that seems likely as a mage can get "worn out" over time. In that case once it tops off then any excesses is likely simply pissed away... (a terrible pun I know) basiclly just like if you eat or drink to much you'll either vomit or urinate allot. That said it seems unlikely that a core could bleed off an unlimited amount of excess energy, but what effect and "overload" would have is really hard to say. Further causing such an overload would likely involve so much mana that mages of equal rank couldn't hope to do it, in fact attempt to cause this would likely make the enemy stronger by basiclly refueling him so it seems of little importance anyway.
Auto Vent, anyone? Get too overloaded with mana and your core just bleeds off as much as it needs to? That's the way I think of it.

Originally Posted by Tk3997
Plus the definition of "elemental" is debatable and cultural and ultimately in science terms meaningless as all energy is ultimately comes from the same fundamental process underlying the universe.
Considering that about anything can be considered an "element" with a little arm-twisting of reality, I think trying to give it a definition is academic at best. *shrug*

Save for future usage.

Remember folks that

[Denial] Chaos is a river in Egypt [/Denial]

Fut the whuck?

Originally Posted by Keroko

Grey Knights just rock. And no, they don't need a cape.

Originally Posted by Nightengale
Originally Posted by Kha

A prequel to Rebuilt of StrikerS, rewriting the past to add ocs into it.

Completion: 0 words. Left just a title because the structure is being debated.
So, it's kinda like A's to StrikerS, but slightly rebuilt and focusing in OCs and stuff?
Hmm. This I'll want to see. So, how do we sign up?
Originally Posted by Tk3997
As mentioned pretty much all my OCs are all sadly like me in putting things off to the last minute then scrambling to finish them...
I doubt you're alone...although, I try to make my characters NOT like me, so I don't have a slacker...yet.

Originally Posted by Keroko
Concidering people can live fine without Linker Cores, its pretty much official that it doesn't have any critical systems, so I can't see why they would carry personallity.
Question: Would it be possible for a Linker Core to be in any way life-threatening to a mage? I want to write a fic involving Asuka's Core, but I want to make sure a problem with a Core could potentially kill you first.

Originally Posted by LoweGear
OC = Frankenstein?
If someone OC's Frankenstein, I will award them handsomely. And then go "How the fuck did you pull that off???"

Originally Posted by LoweGear
Yup, while nice to look at Fate's old BJ wasn't exactly my taste, now older Fate's BJ with Zettai Ryouiki was more like it

And I was in the same boat over the swords as well, although I was more on the "OMG FATE IS A BANPREIOS!!!" crowd
Well, Zettai Ryouiki is a rather...tempting...concept...

So, does Fate make Crossgates now, too? From what I know of Banpreios, that's a scary thought...
In my hands, a sun, that my path may be lit.
At my back, the sky, so I may be free to soar.
In my eyes, hell, for it is my cradle and grave.
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Old 2007-12-03, 20:44   Link #17226
Sleep beneath the flowers
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Location: Lording above all of humanity >;3
Age: 34
Hmmm... Well thanks for input.
I'm hovering around B- to B+ really... I don't want her to be too strong but not too weak so I figure this is pretty good...

Now to just keep... Note-taking. *Pokes at journal*
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Old 2007-12-03, 20:48   Link #17227
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Age: 35
Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Arcas: Tesla, since when are you on HIS side? I expected Shamal, and maybe Signum to take his side, but you? You're the thinker; the logical one.

First, this isn't about how I feel - it's about Hayate and what's ultimately best for HER. And if I have to play the evil monster in order for her to decide what's truly important for her in life, then that's what I'll do. I may be harsh, I may be cruel, I may end up breaking her heart, but in the end, what I want is no different from you, the other Wolkenritter, the Aces, and Grandis: for Hayate to be deliriously, insanely happy.

Part of the problem is is that no one but me so far seems to be willing to make Hayate confront the tough questions she and Grandis are GOING to have to answer in the course of their relationship. The belief that "If we truly love each other, it'll all work out in the end" is a statement reserved for films and bad romance novels. This is neither; it is the REAL WORLD.

Let's say that they get married. What are their plans on kids? If they're going to have any, what are they going to do? Is Hayate going to retire, and walk away from a stellar career to take care of them? Will she deprive the Bureau of her power for the sake of raising her children? Or will she continue to work, and risk both her career and motherhood in doing so? What about Grandis? Hayate's a ranking officer; Grandis is a contract mage - she easily makes three times what he does. Has she considered what the effects might be if she continues to work - it's an insult to a man's pride if his wife is the one taking care of HIM, rather than the other way around. And even if Hayate retires, what's he going to do? Most contract mage jobs put them directly into the line of fire - is Grandis going to continue to work like that, and risk leaving Hayate to be a single mother? These are just a FEW of the questions that they are going to need to answer if they're going to have a permanent romantic relationship with the other.

To reiterate: First, foremost, final, and transcending all other causes, ideals, and emotions, I have resolved to test the both of them, and the strength of their feelings and commitment to each other. And that means being rough, being the jerk, and forcing the both of them to make their choice and COMMIT to it.

Because as much as I love Hayate, and dislike Grandis -

- neither of them deserve to have their hearts broken.

To quote an Earthman:

"Unless it's Mad, Passionate, Extraordinary Love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life, and Love shouldn't be one of them."

What say you to THAT, Tesla of the Wolkenritter?

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Tesla: *glares* Please refrain from insulting me from now on, Arcasaviel. I am looking at this from the logical side.

First of, who are you to dictate what is best for Hayate? Who gave you the right to make such decisions? Hayate is a bright girl, perfectly capable of realizing such situations herself. You say you will break her heart if necisary, how in the forty seven blue blazes of hell will that make her happy? And so help me if you say 'its for the best', Arcasaviel. I will break you. Hayate has had enough people trying to dictate her life saying that things were 'for the best' I will not allow yet another person to govern her life, not even you.

Next you start questioning Hayate's future, this is the biggest hipocrisy I have ever heard, mister I-have-desperately-tried-to-keep-my-love-life-a-secret-for-years. You are absolutely in no possision to dictate others on thinking about their future. Should I go out and spread havoc in the relation between you and Mel just to test if your relationship holds up to my standards? If things worked out fine between the two of you, I fail to see why they could not work out between the two of them. And then you go on about children. Have you and Mel ever thought about children? Have you and Mel ever thought about how you were going to handle that? I will have you know that I already have several plans in my head to solve such situations, should they even arive. There is no guarantee that Hayate and Grandis will even have children in the near future, so your point is rather moot. You are also seriously underestimating the income of a contract mage. The only thing that differs between Hayate and Grandis in terms of income is the rate at which they earn it. At times Hayate earns more, at times Grandis will, due to the nature of contract work. With efficient financiel planning, this will present zero problems. You say that they have to make the choice now, but for how long have you and Mel danced around the subject? Why should Hayate be forced to make a decicion you were allowed the luxury of a long term of thought to make?

You have apointed yourself as the Aces older brother figure. I hold no protest to that. You look after them and wish the best for them. I hold no protest to that. But now you are trying to govern their lives, to force them into choices that take time, and I. will. Not. Allow. That!

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Arcas:<narrows eyes, grits teeth> Since WHEN did I ever say that I knew what was best for Hayate? I want her to decide that for herself! Any fool can do as they're told; it takes an ADULT to decide for themselves what's important. I want her to understand and decide what's important for HER, so that others don't have to decide for her, and she can have the kind of life you're describing. And there are times when friends and family must step in and make choices for others. Example: if you knew that Grandis was an unrepentant playboy and pervert, would YOU let Hayate continue to see him, even if you knew that there was a good probability that their relationship would end badly? The right to make decisions for another is given to us when that person has proven to have a bad tendency to make self-destructive decisions. Correct me if I am mistaken, but the Wolkenritter are sworn to protect the Mistress of the Night Sky, yes? How far does that vow go? What would you do if the enemy - the one who would harm her - was Hayate?

Would you protect her from herself?

To reiterate: I am not the authority on what's best for Hayate - I merely want HER to be the authority on what's best for her. And furthermore, sometimes we must make decisions for others, if they prove to be incapable of making good decisions for themselves

*Sitting on the couch beside each other*

Jeno: "I was wrong This place could still be amusing after so long."

Spica: "Don't be so mean "

Jeno: "But it's such compelling television "

Spica: "hehe... "


P.S - Well I'm SORRY that I can't think of anything funny when my term test is around the corner...
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Old 2007-12-03, 20:51   Link #17228
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
DOn't you mean the leader of the ancient Cleric-knights, Meister Sanckt?
Joy, he's on a crack-high again.

We really need to do something about his supply

Super Lyrical Wars Alpha (AU)

When Riot 6 and OCs failed to seal the Cradle in time, Jail activates it... but to their surprise, the Cradle just hypers into another dimension! Stranded on a planet called El Hazard, and with no clues to work on other than the words of Yuuko and a Mokona, the girls and handful of guys start on a crossover adventure that would take them to meet many other magical girls!

Witness the birth of the Alpha Numbers once more!

Tk is so not gonna like this one.

Completion: Chapter 1 - 1237 words ~1%
So blatant copy-pasta Xover with no attempt to explain wtf just happened I take it. Massive fail.
Seven Swords

A space epic about the 7 pre-TSAB races that controled Ordered Space.

Completion: 500 words. Still in planning.

Rebuilt of StrikerS: A Crack News Network production

Completion: ~20,000 words in 4 chapters. Still filling in the blanks, but up to the First Sortie.


A prequel to Rebuilt of StrikerS, rewriting the past to add ocs into it.

Completion: 24 words.

I've never been this serious about a fic though. 20k words in 2 weeks is a record.
The rest of them look good Rebuild of Strikers should be epic....Although I shudder to think what the hell you've dumped into the universe without proper supervision from the council of haxx and control

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Lol... Hehehehe... Getting in trouble for off-topicness? IN here??

"I didn't do it!"

"That's not my weed!"

"Somebody set me up!"

"I've never seen that gun before!"

"I'm INNOCENT!!!!!"
Well I'm not completely innocent.... Although I didn't do enough to warrant getting punched into orbit.
[denial]Chaos is a river in Egypt[/denial]

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Reminds me of Skyfall's words.

"That thing scares even me!"

[QUOTE=Wild Goose;1280215]
Note: Again, this does not follow StrikerS or even OFM canon. It's just a what-if.
Spoiler for Hail to the Chief:

Whoa.... Ace Combat/Simoun crossover? I was going to try that scene involved the prototype Franz in a highly tuned Su-33 (tuned almost to Su-37 standard) up against Aeru and Neveril in their Simoun and basically outrunning them, though they could fly some pretty darn tight manuvers (the Simoun look to be subsonic aircraft with high manuverability, so modern fighters can surely outrun them, as they don't appear any faster than WW1/WW2 fighters). Spartan IIIs and Gunslinger Girl? O_O And yes, the cartoon Starship Troopers are closer to Heinlein's vision than the movie. *nodding*
While I love the idea, the Simoun would get slaugthered.......

The fighters don't even have to come into visual range... drop a missile from over the horizon which they won't even be able to react to.
Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
But you were being evil and exploiting my crack-induced frantic state! @_@
And?? It's not like I was teh only one.....It wasn't even that bad anyways..
Oh yes, you did. >.>
What, that was harmless discussion on what to do if I started writing a full crack fic..(which I don't have the time for...)
BTW, I'm really liking ef so far. up to ep 3.
Think of it as special treatment for you space-goers.

Originally Posted by Kyral View Post
Ef is just great!

Still waiting for subs of ep 9 though

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Spoiler for Nanoha StrikerS:
Very nice
No complaints
Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Probably because he's so busy warding the Pervs off his creations he doesn't have time to do it to anyone else.

Blaming the victim, that's weak man, real weak...
Too lazy... but I don't have others to rely on so I tend up doing it all myself at the last second.
Yep, sounds like me... Although I usualy try to start working on things before hand, especially if I know that they're due in the same time period.
Sure you didn't.
All I did was make a few suggestive comments that weren't going to be wriiten about anytime soon...
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
I agree Though I skipped episode 7+8 because of the OVERWHELMING emo-ness...

But hey, episode 9 has the ero-scene so I'm back in the game !
OY NO SPOILERS!!!!!! Sure It was likely to happen but I don't want to hear about it!!

And you skipped the best episodes..... Pfft...

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Spoiler for Ranger Company OOB:
Ooh nice stuff

Originally Posted by krisslanza View Post
Hmm... *Looks over notes in her journal*
Some little questions here as I work on my OC here... (Who has been changed a bit... I have enough blonde OCs so I changed that...)

1. What would be a reasonably strong mage rank without being... "AMG SHE JUST BLEW UP THAT MOUNTAIN DDDD:!" kind of strong?
2. A person's magical color... Is there any sort of... 'Limit'? I think I want to try silver.
3. Do most Belkan magics even have names? XD I don't recall Signum or any of the other Wolkenritter often saying the names of some spells... Or at least I don't recall Signum saying many spell names anyway.

All I got for now... *Scribbles down notes*
1) It's more a combiniation of mage rank and the spells that they have. You might be a S-ranked mage that specialises in defence... ON the other hand, given said mage a powerful spell like Divine Buster/SB in addition to the powerful defences is going to be sructinised. a lot. But in general anywhere from around A- S is quite strong.
2) No restrictions
3) Yeah most of them do. Well the spells at least
Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Only thing I wanna add is: Probably not a good idea to go over SS rank or so, unless you're making a villain. Higher than that and the Haxbusting Gods start to look your way. That said, blowing up mountains is probably about as destructive as we ever wanna get here, and said blow-up should probably cause your mage to faint, or hemorrhage from the head, or something. That's right, right?
AS I said, the spells count for a lot as well. Although just seeing mention of thiings above SS is going to get a few eyebrows. Like so
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Old 2007-12-03, 21:06   Link #17229
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Originally Posted by krisslanza View Post
Hmmm... Well thanks for input.
I'm hovering around B- to B+ really... I don't want her to be too strong but not too weak so I figure this is pretty good...

Now to just keep... Note-taking. *Pokes at journal*

*Robed figures whisper to each other in the shadows...*

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post

Well I'm not completely innocent.... Although I didn't do enough to warrant getting punched into orbit.
Yeah, I'm sure the orbit is full of people who don't deserve it too

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
[denial]Chaos is a river in Egypt[/denial]

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
OY NO SPOILERS!!!!!! Sure It was likely to happen but I don't want to hear about it!!
Yaaaaaii~, but [-beep-] really looks good naked...

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
And you skipped the best episodes..... Pfft...
Sue me, the angst levels were beyond safe for me.
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Old 2007-12-03, 21:09   Link #17230
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Do... Do I hear whispering?
Wh-where did that robed group appear from!?

And blah ok ok so my memory sucks
Going to be different translating english into german...
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Old 2007-12-03, 21:25   Link #17231
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Originally Posted by krisslanza View Post
Do... Do I hear whispering?
Wh-where did that robed group appear from!?
Pandemonium: Lair of the Ten Thousand Demon Lords

(Lol, I think I'll be using this for quite awhile )
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Old 2007-12-03, 21:34   Link #17232
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Originally Posted by krisslanza View Post
Hmmm... Well thanks for input.
I'm hovering around B- to B+ really... I don't want her to be too strong but not too weak so I figure this is pretty good...

Now to just keep... Note-taking. *Pokes at journal*
B is very safe. You can't really get op there. Unless of course you make your spell list ridiculous..
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Yeah, I'm sure the orbit is full of people who don't deserve it too

You know it's true
Yaaaaaii~, but [-beep-] really looks good naked...
Miyako I assume. The prologue sought of gives it away.
Sue me, the angst levels were beyond safe for me.
Mmhhh, tasty angst . Although the angst where they have it is really as far as they should push it. Too much more and it'll just be stupid.
Originally Posted by krisslanza View Post
And blah ok ok so my memory sucks
Going to be different translating english into german...

Ask our friendly German Translator, Kyral
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Old 2007-12-03, 21:45   Link #17233
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Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Who's Chao??? She sounds badass.
She's a character from Mahou Sensei Negima.
Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Heh, isn't that why we have boards like this? So we Haruhi-wannabes(I should watch Haruhi, but I have like four other series ongoing at present...) can go wild with our free-soaring selves?
Blasphemy!! How can you not watch Haruhi!! You should be ashamed of yourself!!
Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Jacket opinions, eh...Am I the only one who doesn't like Nanoha's dress-looking Jackets? Nothing to do with fanservice, I just don't really like the way dresses look. Didn't think much of Fate's early Jacket either; her StrikerS longcoat is pure, distilled win. Her Sonic Form is pretty fanservicey, especially with dual-wielding. *I think dual-wielding looks badass, but does make good fanservice.* Hayate's is fine. I liked both Teana's and Subaru's a lot, for no good reason I can put my finger on. Hated Ginga's though.
Tais: WHAT?! Ginga-san's Barrier Jacket is the BEST!!
Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Question: Would it be possible for a Linker Core to be in any way life-threatening to a mage? I want to write a fic involving Asuka's Core, but I want to make sure a problem with a Core could potentially kill you first.
Lowe's Enna Mai comes to mind when you mentioned life-threatening Linker Core
Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
If someone OC's Frankenstein, I will award them handsomely. And then go "How the fuck did you pull that off???"
Spoiler for Frankenstein:
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Old 2007-12-03, 21:46   Link #17234
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Originally Posted by Erio View Post
...What is wrong with me today?! I'm asking for Vivio information...

Erio has been compromised!

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Just gotta say one thing... Wow.
Yeah... But the male lead is reallya let down... That's my only complain

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
B is very safe. You can't really get op there. Unless of course you make your spell list ridiculous..
She's be fine as long as she doesn't try it with a high fever

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
Miyako I assume. The prologue sought of gives it away.




Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
Mmhhh, tasty angst . Although the angst where they have it is really as far as they should push it. Too much more and it'll just be stupid.

Good thing too.
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Old 2007-12-03, 22:02   Link #17235
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Man, all that Almaria-ism gave me ideas for Linda to create a loli-clone using that hologram for herself.

Like Kia, the persocon seems to have it hots for Aurion.

Haha... It's still there, except its been reversed around. In AlterNADS, Carym wanted to help Hayate adjust to Church life, so sent Kha as her escort for a period. While it caused Hayate to come to admire Kha, Kha on the other hand...

...but he outgrew that stage 4 years later, to get shot down and be rescued by Fate.
I see...

*Reiji runs smack into a red trunk-like column, which turns out to be a mech's leg*

Illya: What are you trying to do to my onee-chan? Basakaa?

Kamina picks Reiji up by the collar with Gurren's fingers.

Looks like someone's gonna find out what the "Manliest Servant In The Universe" is like.
Almaria: <blushes> O-onee-chan? Me? 0_0

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Tesla: I know! And whats worse, she know that too, but she still keeps working!
Almaria: Maybe Nanoha-san could help... But then, I heard she was just about as much of a workaholic like her sister... Mou, doshiyo? AH! Maybe Yuuno-san can help!

Don't worry, I can handle Reji.
No doubt about that.

Yeah, rest sounds good. Unfortunately the accursed alarm clock had to ruin it. Oh well, school is boring enough anyway, maybe I can get some eye-shutter there.
Almaria: Ah, Creator-san once told me that three minutes of sleep in school is equivalent to one hour of sleep at home!
Me: Hey, whoa, when, wha-?!
Almaria: But you might get in trouble with the teachers.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Wouldn't Aurion wonder how Almaria manages to be in the thread but not in-universe?

I think it's time he get himself a Fourth-Wall Breaker
Still no meeting, I'm afraid.

It'll be like Ibuki Sensei not seeing Fuuko again...

Though more Almaria is most welcome indeed
Almaria: Thank you.

For some reason, this reply made me think of Almaria being revived Lord Genome style... as a head on a jar

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Arcas: <Matter of factly> The job of a brother and a boyfriend are much the same - to be a source of comfort and confidence to the girl. <folds arms> Beat that.
Grandis: I already did. Then, what's the point of you're point? I'm not qualified?

Arcas: Give me three reasons why I should respect you that have nothing to do with Hayate...and I'll consider it.
Grandis: Tesla already answered it for me. And if you want more, I'll say this. I believe I care about Hayate just as much, if not more than you do. The problem here seems to be you doubting me.

Uguu~ Almaria-chan hidoi!
Almaria: I-I'm sorry, Reiji-san... But your actions scared me... <hides behind Aaron, quivering>

Wasn't talking about keeping order in the literal - more like the punch-into-orbit-when-out-of-line sense.
I can hardly imagine Keroko going out of line...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Tesla: If that's true, I don't see a reason why Grandis shouldn't be allowed near Hayate. After all, Grandis seems perfectly capable of providing comfort and confidence to Hayate. That aside, the love between siblings and the love between lovers are two different kinds of love, but they are love nonetheless. Are you so cruel that you would tear Hayate's heart to pieces just to keep her for yourself, Arcas?

Tesla: *starts tapping off* One, he values the warriors honor. Two, he strives to keep any oath he utters. Three, he has a very rare and valuable skill he intends to use for the good cause.

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Arcas: Tesla, since when are you on HIS side? I expected Shamal, and maybe Signum to take his side, but you? You're the thinker; the logical one.
Grandis: First and foremost, Arcasviel Emira... This feels very much like your considering my and Hayate's relationship as illogical... So you dislike me that much heh?

First, this isn't about how I feel - it's about Hayate and what's ultimately best for HER. And if I have to play the evil monster in order for her to decide what's truly important for her in life, then that's what I'll do. I may be harsh, I may be cruel, I may end up breaking her heart, but in the end, what I want is no different from you, the other Wolkenritter, the Aces, and Grandis: for Hayate to be deliriously, insanely happy.
Grandis: You're saying that you know what's best for her now? Why not say that you just simply disapprove of our relationship? You'd sound less like a hypocrite that way. Well here's news for you, I am not some brainless jerk that doesn't think of Hayate's side of the story in our relationship. Oh, and no. I am not buying your rants about not claiming to know the best for Hayate.

Part of the problem is is that no one but me so far seems to be willing to make Hayate confront the tough questions she and Grandis are GOING to have to answer in the course of their relationship. The belief that "If we truly love each other, it'll all work out in the end" is a statement reserved for films and bad romance novels. This is neither; it is the REAL WORLD.
Sorry. We don't have Knights nor TSAB in the real world. But I get your point. And hello? Aurion reminded the both of them of the risks far better than you do ages ago.

Grandis: And you think we're thinking that way? You're far more of an idiot than I thought... Old man-Aurion does a better job at that. Don't make yourself sound oh-so superior and all-knowing about the ideal types of relationships, Hanatare-kozo (Snotty Brat). You're not the only person in the world who knows about thinking and planning ahead.

Let's say that they get married. What are their plans on kids? If they're going to have any, what are they going to do? Is Hayate going to retire, and walk away from a stellar career to take care of them? Will she deprive the Bureau of her power for the sake of raising her children? Or will she continue to work, and risk both her career and motherhood in doing so? What about Grandis? Hayate's a ranking officer; Grandis is a contract mage - she easily makes three times what he does. Has she considered what the effects might be if she continues to work - it's an insult to a man's pride if his wife is the one taking care of HIM, rather than the other way around. And even if Hayate retires, what's he going to do? Most contract mage jobs put them directly into the line of fire - is Grandis going to continue to work like that, and risk leaving Hayate to be a single mother? These are just a FEW of the questions that they are going to need to answer if they're going to have a permanent romantic relationship with the other.
Grandis: You... seriously think that we never considered that? I did not spend years by idly waiting until Hayate accepted me, you know. I have already talked with Hayate and other people regarding these matters several times. Don't expect these risks to be enough reason to stop us. What about you and Mel? Don't tell me there's no risk there. I do not give a damn whether you were betrothed by a Goddess. That does not make your relationship much different fom mine. And about jobs? About having a baby? That's still far off. And what the hell do you mean about man's pride about income? 'Ore wa Hayate no Kishi da'. Being married does not stop me from protecting her. Also, it's not like I can no longer advance further in TSAB? Ore wo dare datto omottenda?! And it's obvious that we both take care of each other, both literally and figuratively, not just the one-sided nonsense your spouting.

To reiterate: First, foremost, final, and transcending all other causes, ideals, and emotions, I have resolved to test the both of them, and the strength of their feelings and commitment to each other. And that means being rough, being the jerk, and forcing the both of them to make their choice and COMMIT to it.
Grandis: Saa, kakate koizo. I have a feeling that your the one who will be learning lessons.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Tesla: *glares* Please refrain from insulting me from now on, Arcasaviel. I am looking at this from the logical side.

Keroko-kun: Oh dear... she's reffering to Arcas with his full name... she's angry.

First of, who are you to dictate what is best for Hayate? Who gave you the right to make such decisions? Hayate is a bright girl, perfectly capable of realizing such situations herself. You say you will break her heart if necisary, how in the forty seven blue blazes of hell will that make her happy? And so help me if you say 'its for the best', Arcasaviel. I will break you. Hayate has had enough people trying to dictate her life saying that things were 'for the best' I will not allow yet another person to govern her life, not even you.
Reminds me of why I like Tesla so much.
Go get him, Tesla!

Next you start questioning Hayate's future, this is the biggest hipocrisy I have ever heard, mister I-have-desperately-tried-to-keep-my-love-life-a-secret-for-years. You are absolutely in no possision to dictate others on thinking about their future. Should I go out and spread havoc in the relation between you and Mel just to test if your relationship holds up to my standards? If things worked out fine between the two of you, I fail to see why they could not work out between the two of them. And then you go on about children. Have you and Mel ever thought about children? Have you and Mel ever thought about how you were going to handle that? I will have you know that I already have several plans in my head to solve such situations, should they even arive. There is no guarantee that Hayate and Grandis will even have children in the near future, so your point is rather moot. You are also seriously underestimating the income of a contract mage. The only thing that differs between Hayate and Grandis in terms of income is the rate at which they earn it. At times Hayate earns more, at times Grandis will, due to the nature of contract work. With efficient financiel planning, this will present zero problems. You say that they have to make the choice now, but for how long have you and Mel danced around the subject? Why should Hayate be forced to make a decicion you were allowed the luxury of a long term of thought to make?

You have apointed yourself as the Aces older brother figure. I hold no protest to that. You look after them and wish the best for them. I hold no protest to that. But now you are trying to govern their lives, to force them into choices that take time, and I. will. Not. Allow. That!
Almaria: Tesla-san is amazing...

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Arcas:<narrows eyes, grits teeth> Since WHEN did I ever say that I knew what was best for Hayate? I want her to decide that for herself! Any fool can do as they're told; it takes an ADULT to decide for themselves what's important. I want her to understand and decide what's important for HER, so that others don't have to decide for her, and she can have the kind of life you're describing. And there are times when friends and family must step in and make choices for others.
Grandis: For every sense of the world, that's EXACTLY what your speeches sound like. You may not say it, but I'm sure there is a part of you that just won't let go and thinks that you DO know the best for her. You simply can't accept my role as Hayate's significant other, do you?

To reiterate: I am not the authority on what's best for Hayate - I merely want HER to be the authority on what's best for her. And furthermore, sometimes we must make decisions for others, if they prove to be incapable of making good decisions for themselves
Grandis: So you stil doubt me after all these times? <grins> Sasuga na...

Arcas: Perhaps I am - I don't claim to be an expert on the incomes of contract mages and officers of the line. I am simply making the point that they are are going to have to compromise should they decide to marry.
Grandis: In the end, what's your point? I'm not stuck as a mercenary all my life, you know?

Arcas: How long? Once Mel and I realized that both of us were irrevocably headed for the altar, almost none. We sat down whenever we had a private moment and talked about what we both wanted out of a marriage.

And my goal is not to force them to decide what they want NOW, but rather to realize that sooner of later, the choice must be confronted, and that it is far better to face that choice NOW, rather than later.
Grandis: In which the case is, exactly what were already doing without you sticking your Goddess-chosen butt in.

Arcas: I've never heard such a more blatant mistruth in my life! I've never interfered in the lives of ALL the Aces like this! From the moment that I saw Nanoha with Yuuno, and Fate with Kha, I knew that whatever time I had as their brother was limited. I know the four of them have good, solid heads on their shoulders - that's why I've never felt the need to interfere in their lives.
Excessive Testing of Interrelational Strength = Interfereng?

Grandis: Ah, I see... Then what are you doing now? Testing and interfering us are pretty much the same thing by the way your actions go.

And...trying not to anger you here, but exactly how many times has Hayate needed counseling from Aurion? More than Nanoha or Fate, if my memory is working correctly. And I barely know Grandis, we all do - so there's really no proof that he's got a good head on his shoulders like you do. Hell, remember the first time he met Aurion?
More or less. But you should be reminded that both Nanoha and Fate almost share the same amount of 'advice talk' with Aurion compared to Hayate. I just tend to show Hayate's more.

To sum up: I only interfere when I fear for the future of my family - which includes all of you.

I await your reply.
And there is also the point where other members of YOUR family starting to disagree with your 'rightful' actions. You can only take things so far. There is a limit. How about listening to others for a bit?

This is fun!


OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2007-12-03 at 22:21.
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Old 2007-12-03, 22:08   Link #17236
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Originally Posted by tshouryuu View Post
Spoiler for Frankenstein:
Just as long as Tsuziki doesn't try this with tais and Yui...
*oh shit*
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
She's be fine as long as she doesn't try it with a high fever



Prologue? or from the actual episode. Since I know that shot very much like that one is in the prologue.
Good thing too.
Still There's going to be more angst once this get's out to Kei

*cheers Grandis on*
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Old 2007-12-03, 22:10   Link #17237
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A few remarks on something I say before I begin breaking backlog:

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post

<holds up hands> Okay, it's not the BEST comparison I've drawn in my lifetime, but my point is that Chao has no right to decide what's best for everyone else - a point Tesla makes to Arcas not three paragraphs ago.
But a tiny minority of MAGES do? please you augment is weak and ineffectual as well as a knee jerk siding with the "heroes".

Acutally I personally feel her position was morally in the RIGHT compared to the elitist mages that seem to feel the unwashed masses are too stupid to be allowed to know the truth. Never mind that mages clearly can’t control themselves and that uninvolved people could easily be caught in the crossfire of one of their petty power struggles and no one would ever pay for it. The Magic user's position of secrecy is untenable morally in my personal opinion in addition to being massively self serving. I’d have supported Chao whatever her motive or methods her goal was admirable and IMO for the good of the majority of people. The mages position meanwhile was self serving, elitist, and with hints of race/classism.

Doing good even for a somewhat selfish reason doesn’t somehow invalidate the good you do, a bounty hunter might capture a wanted serial rapist for the money, but that doesn’t somehow mean taking a sexual predator off the streets isn’t a laudable and just outcome.

Incidentally I have similar feelings about the SGC, past around season 6 or 7 keeping it secret is becoming increasingly self serving and untenable morally. Really even just a handful of the tech they’ve begun to acquire could solve a mountain of word problems a cure for AIDs, nearly limitless clean energy, effectively instantaneous travel to any point on the globe, vast advances in material science, and computing, even weapons. Further still coming out into the open would allow them to utilize these new technologies more fully in defense of the planet. Given what they get at the end of season 10 keeping it from the world is bordering on the downright criminal.

In that crossover I talked about both groups end up having to man up and come out to the world at large and there are protests and such, but not over the magic or tech. No it’s over the fact that people are mostly pissed they didn’t do it sooner. This “the world isn’t ready!” shit is IMO often badly overplayed and the effect going public would have vastly exaggerated. Sometimes it can be justified a little, but only a little. For instance at the start the SGC was small and had little useful it could offer the public but going public would caused all kinds of hassles so it made sense to keep it secret, but as the reams of useful tech began to pile up in later seasons (the pace accelerating considerably once you got to around season 6 or so) and the threat to the planet became more clear (going as far as aliens acutally infiltrating the population and bombing US military assets from orbit in later seasons), this became much harder to defend as anything besides self serving ass covering to avoid scrutiny by the people.

On another board I got too we had a kind of interesting future timeline fic about this where the SGC had gotten in so deep into it that finally revealing themselves WOULD have caused global problems, but it was their own damn fault as they hidden useful tech from the world for so long and allowed so much bad shit to happen to maintain that façade that the people had a RIGHT to be pissed at them! The fic has them basiclly engaging in wars and possible planet altering decision for the entire planet with only a small fraction of the population of that world having any say in such matters and brutally oppressing any possible leaks. This is portrayed as extremely morally ambiguous leaning toward villainy as it should be and as most large masquerades often become IMO and yet this sort of thing is SOP for Mage sin Negima and no one seems to think it’s the slightest bit wrong that always bugged me.
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Old 2007-12-03, 22:26   Link #17238
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Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
Prologue? or from the actual episode. Since I know that shot very much like that one is in the prologue.
I've never seen the prologue.

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
Still There's going to be more angst once this get's out to Kei
Nevermind though, I like Miyako better...

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
*cheers Grandis on*

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Old 2007-12-03, 22:45   Link #17239
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Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
I've never seen the prologue.
Spoiler for From the prologue (NSFW):

It's probably a good thing. It gives away things that could be incorporated into the story line later on. From the looks of things, what was shown in the prologue is going to happen
Nevermind though, I like Miyako better...
I'm don't mind the character, but do prefer Miya/Hiro

Progress report :

None since the last time... Due to games and books Oh work too..

Last edited by Liingo; 2007-12-03 at 22:58. Reason: tagging the spoiler
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Old 2007-12-03, 22:50   Link #17240
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What's with the image of the obviously naked girl?
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