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View Poll Results: Myself; Yourself - Total Series Rating
Perfect 10 23 10.41%
9 out of 10 : Excellent 30 13.57%
8 out of 10 : Very Good 50 22.62%
7 out of 10 : Good 48 21.72%
6 out of 10 : Average 38 17.19%
5 out of 10 : Below Average 13 5.88%
4 out of 10 : Poor 11 4.98%
3 out of 10 : Bad 1 0.45%
2 out of 10 : Very Bad 2 0.90%
1 out of 10 : Painful 5 2.26%
Voters: 221. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2007-12-27, 07:14   Link #1
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Myself; Yourself - Overall Series Impressions & Total Series Rating

This thread is to be used for discussing the entire 13 episodes of Myself; Yourself ... your thoughts about the show, overall impressions, expectations and hopes about the DVD only footage etc.

A few subjects you might want to ramble on about:
  • General impression of the series.
  • Opinions on the overall story, writing & plot devices.
  • Thoughts about the animation quality.
  • Characters/Character Design

  • Which kind of footage (DVD only) you feel you'd really like to see.
  • What the show meant to you.
  • What could the creators/animators/writers have done better.
And so on.

The poll represents your total series rating. In other words, how you would rate all the episodes combined (1-10)? If you'd rather rate the whole series by technical/artistic merits, you can do so. An example:

Animation Quality: 1-10
Voice Actors: 1-10
Script: 1-10
Editing: 1-10
Emotional Involvement: 1-10

Average = Total Series Rating

Or a combination of the two. Or your general gut feeling.

Feel free to discuss and more importantly, have fun

Last edited by Pellissier; 2007-12-27 at 07:39.
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Old 2007-12-27, 08:50   Link #2
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First vote!

To me, after the school days disaster of a last episode, I kind of lost faith in the romance genre. It caused a lot of cynicism and the like. I think TV Kanadawa realized that as well, and wanted to have an anime that was just fun and happy. This was it. It never really ceased to bring a bit of a smile on my face, and although I had my quirks with some episodes, it was still fun.
So, the series achieved its purpose.

Now, there are certain bad things that I didn't like. First, there was very little character development of Aoi, the school teacher, and Asami. I could even say Hinako was poorly developed as well. They are main characters, and they definately have some sort of an arc associated with them. Asami's was all too sudden and in a completely different direction than I ever though. The school teacher was nothing more than a side story one episode. And Aoi was just, well, non-existant.
This, I think, came from the show trying to compress 6 arcs into 13 episodes. Moreso, they even had a bit of filler, which made it about 6 arcs into 11 episodes. I don't really think a harem of this size really can be compressed anymore. 24 should be the standard size.
I also didn't enjoy the black blood in the last episode. Granted, it's a censor, but when it confuses the viewers as to whether it is blood, oil, burn marks, or stagnant water, it's going a bit too far.

I'm giving this series an 8. It was enjoyable enough to bring a smile onto my face and fill up my Wednesday slot that was missing from the end of School Days. Unfortunately, I don't see any shows in that time slot for the upcoming season, so I'll start watching TT on Thursdays. ^_^
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Old 2007-12-27, 12:21   Link #3
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I'll have to agree about School Days. Now every time I watch a High School romance drama I'm half expecting everything to go wrong :P

I had recently just gone on a romance/drama binge, so I had a lot to compare from. Myself; Yourself deserves nothing more than a plain ol' 6. The story was decent but had some serious flaws to begin with (especially regarding Sana and Nanaka). One good point about the story, however, is that it resolves most cases. In the end, even though I did feel a bit disappointed by the anime's blandness, I at least had the reassurance to know the fate of most of the major characters (even though the time-skip was terrible).

Character development was highly inconsistent. Some characters would all of a sudden spike in the spotlight (Asami) or just be there...for the sake of being there (Yuzuki Sensei). Even the main characters felt a bit cheated of screen time and the romance that spawned between Sana and Nanaka didn't feel very deep nor fully developed (so, we both cut ourselves...wanna hook up?). The best part about this series, however, was definitely the relationship between the twins. I've never seen such a unique relationship. You could see, all the way from the beginning, slight hints towards Shuusuke's affection for his sister (specifically during the Hinako arc, when he's being interrogated by Sana about what kind of women he likes and Shuusuke's rejection to Hinako). I've never condoned sibling love nor incest in animes, but the connections between Shuusuke and Shuri was unbelievably profound and strong. How the entire situation unfolded between the two was very well done and if I keep anything from watching this anime, it'll definitely be the relationship of the twins.

The animation quality was fairly well done, I didn't feel impressed nor cheated, so everything was perfect for a drama anime. The music was pretty good, the OP and ED will stick with me for a while.

Overall, the series didn't leave its mark in my book. It was an entertaining ride, but not something I'd readily recommend to my friends. I think I've just seen too much better stuff to be impressed by the mellow and mediocre.
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Old 2007-12-27, 12:43   Link #4
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This deserves a solid 8. As I said before, there were some episodes that I really, really like, but the ending was disappointing and some episodes were quite random/did not flow with the earlier episodes. I don't want to get into a big discussion with this also. I loved the Hinako episodes, as well as the "random" Shuu/Shuri "arc."
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Old 2007-12-27, 13:21   Link #5
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I came into this series with no real expectations and was pleasantly surprised by the first episode. I was touched by the close friendship betweeen the four, Aoi's friendliness, and the close sibling relationship between the twins (oh, the irony). Nanaka's initial impression (at the temple) was an intriguing one and I felt she had some real potential - only to come crashing down with the SLAP.

Still, it was amusing to see her tsun-mode in episode 2 and she quickly became a villainess that I loved to root against. At this point in the show, Aoi was clearly the one who showed the best chemistry with Sana - her caring, kind, and compassionate nature that was most likely to bring Sana out of his shell, and her bubbly exterior that never failed to cheer him up. At this point I was hoping for them to get closer - and even if they didn't get together (probably because of the whole cousin deal), they would've at least shown Nanaka what it took to build a healthy, lasting relationship.

Unfortunately the series took a nose dive towards the end of 2 and at the start of 3.

Having left an extremely unfavorable impression in episodes 1 and 2, the writers needed to back-track some if Nanaka was to become a viable candidate. In particular, they had to give an explanation for the SLAP - and this was my first huge disappointment. The show would've worked much better if the SLAP had been justified in some shape or form - it would've put the onus on Sana to become a better person and put Nanaka on the path to redemption. Perhaps a one-night stand or Sana getting another girl pregnant in his home town would've been going a bit too far, but unfortunately it was a better reason than the writers came up with.

Aoi was another potential problem area since she completely owned Nanaka at that point. They could've easily gone another direction and focused on the family relationship; Aoi was Sana's cousin and she saw him as her favorite younger brother. By building a strong sibling relationship they could've simultaneously removed her as a contender and given her more development. Instead they chose to skewer her character in episode 3, and things got worse as they went on.

Fortunately they did do one thing right by introducing Hinako, perhaps the one bright spot in the series. I can't even call these episodes "filler" because they contained more character development than the Nanaka episodes - for both Hinako, and ironically, Sana. The Hinako episodes is really the only part where Sana progresses for the better. He takes charge of the situation and does something constructive, and the two show some real chemistry in these episodes. Sana could do worse than wait a few years for Hinako to grow up, when they would both be ready to have a real relationship (alas, he did).

But when the focus goes back to Nanaka in the latter parts of the series, the show really suffers. The revelations in episodes 12 and 13 really needed to be placed EARLIER in the series, to develop Nanaka's character further and to stop me from viewing her as a lost cause. Her outcry in episode 8 was particularly inexcusable and I was left wondering whether she deserved a SLAP more than a hug. And it's not a good sign that the twins were able to completely hijack the show in the latter stages - if anything, it showed just how weak her story was.

Ah, about the twins. While there were twincest hints sprinkled throughout, and it was fun to joke about it, I never actually expected (or wanted) it to happen. They really crossed the line in episode 10 and the whole episode was like watching a well-constructed train wreck. They became lovers at the end of episode 10 and made the decision to elope in episode 11 - and at this point, the show became a cheesy melodrama whose only redeeming value was in the wrecks. Combined with the other nonsensical events (Grandma Kaji and the wish-granting sakura tree; Asami's transformation from Shirakawa Kotori to Darth Vader, Sana's total and utter cluelessness and irresponsibility), the show was building momentum toward an epic BAD ending that could possibly include Aoi going nuts, Nanaka applying the SLAP to Asami then having them become very close, and the Wakatsuki twins committing double suicide (which was alluded to at the end of episode 11), as they struggled to deal with Shuri's pregnancy.

Alas, the last two episodes was one big downer and they went to the lame Sana-Nanaka story that was easily the weakest part of the series. The epilogue was similarly weak and may rival the epilogue in Harry Potter as the "worst epilogue ever".

The motto of the show seemed to be, "If it ain't broken, break it". Aoi built a real rapport with Sana in the first two episodes but disappeared thereafter. Hinako brought a real spark to the show in episodes 4 and 6 but was then reduced to cameo appearances. Asami quickly became a likeable character and had the potential to be one of the most beloved heroines since Shirakawa Kotori after the events of episode 10, but of course she had to be sacrificed to make Nanaka look better. The twins provided some entertaining melodramatic soap for a couple of episodes, but the situation was never satisfactorily resolved - things should've gotten worse and worse until it literally blew up in their faces. Heck, even Nanaka had some potential but the writers missed some real chances to make her into a truly likeable, sympathetic character who shared good chemistry with Sana.

Overall, I can only give this show a score of 4. While this isn't the worst show I've ever watched, it is definitely down there. To put this in perspective I'd rate this show behind Crescent Love (likeable leads with real chemistry) and Lovedol ~ Lovely Idol (it at least had a story).

Bah, off to watch ef now.

Last edited by DanielSong39; 2007-12-28 at 03:35.
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Old 2007-12-27, 13:24   Link #6
Toyosaki Aki
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Originally Posted by DanielSong39 View Post
Bah, off to watch ef now.
I think this sums up my thoughts on M;Y
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Old 2007-12-27, 13:40   Link #7
Tatiana Razajev
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When I watched the first episode I was a bit worried based on how it ended. However by the time I finished the fourth episode the series gave me confidence. Over time it grew more interesting and had a few surprising moments I wouldn't have expected at the start. Yet for me they still fit in with I had seen before. Clearly many feel the reverse, but that's an argument for another thread...

On the negative side the series did have problems. It could have used better time management in general. Due to lack of episodes and some poor time management there were shafted characters and rushed events sadly. If anything the last part of episode 13 should have not been included at all. That's not to say I'd want it removed entirely because it's nice to have it. Just that I think it would have been more effective had it been part of say an episode 14.

Over all I enjoyed the series, but I can't justify a rating higher than 7. Actually it would be higher than 7, but it doesn't quite reach 8. Think of it as a higher end 7 as in say 7.6. I like the series quite a bit, I can't ignore the negative side. Which is too bad. If they had made this 24 episodes like it should have been, I could easily see myself giving it a 10 assuming they made good use of the extra time.

Heck they wouldn't even really need to greatly change the flow of the events that they've already shown. Just add in more episodes at certain points. For example when Sana finally starts to explain his past instead of a quick explanation have it be a 1-3 episode arc. During this arc you'd see the events play out with the occasional comment from present day Sana.
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Old 2007-12-27, 13:43   Link #8
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An 8. Good for the first two-thirds, then completely kills itself with the last 2 episodes. Would have been a solid 10 otherwise.
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Old 2007-12-27, 14:25   Link #9
Bonta Kun
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Originally Posted by KholdStare View Post
This deserves a solid 8. As I said before, there were some episodes that I really, really like, but the ending was disappointing and some episodes were quite random/did not flow with the earlier episodes. I don't want to get into a big discussion with this also. I loved the Hinako episodes, as well as the "random" Shuu/Shuri "arc."
this is pretty much all I have to say too, altho I'll add I like Aoi-chwan too don't care what anyone says about her voice, the lass is a pure darling at heart.
I had friends at school with very similar voices and I learnt to deal with it. The option of not getting to know em wasn't there at my school but I'm a very patient person so it was not a problem.

I too am looking into ef, decided to check this out of boredom as I always do
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Old 2007-12-27, 14:44   Link #10
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8. Decent story, decent drama. Nothing spectacular, but not horrible either. I thought they wasted time with the HInako eps. That's time better spent on the twins or Sana/Nanaka/Asami. Just my opinion. At least it had some decent closure to the series. I liked that, even if it was abrupt.
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Old 2007-12-27, 14:54   Link #11
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Minus points:
-Spending two whole episodes on a character that would never play a role in the actual story, despite already being short on time.
-Animators' inability to understand time; for heaven's sake, at least make Yuzuki look a little older, and change Aoi's voice. It's okay at 17-18, but 27-28?!
-The mass amounts of plot devices; Like Kaji was so obsessed with Nanaka, but she attacked Shuri, forcibly finishing her story and pretty much Asami's; Best example is the queen of being used as plot devices, Asami.
-Making such a big deal over Sana's past and suddenly explaining and resolving it in 2 minutes
-The epilogue that screams laziness.

Plus points:
-Nice OP and ED
-Didn't end up being super cliched, like I originally expected
-Interesting at times...

Too many ways it could improve...

There were many moments that were questionable, like Nanaka's change in attitude towards Sana at the beginning and the stuff I listed above.
It was decently fun to watch, but was also frustrating at times (mostly near the end). Kind of a pity, because it could have done better, much better...

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Old 2007-12-27, 15:18   Link #12
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Well...I still say that given more time to play around with, this series could have turned out way better than it did...but overall I am pretty pleased with the finish. 7.5/10 which rounds up to 8

Some didn't like the dramatic turning points in the series but I really like how it turned out. Asami going berserk was a nice surprise (totally zomg and LOL reading people's reaction while I wasn't much affected by how illogical it was ).

Many points has been stressed before about the uneveness of the time usage for this series. Some characters could be better off recieving more time whilst others were completely shafted, not that I mind Aoi being shafted because I just don't like her type of personality

Hinako is an angel but for the length of this series she stole the spot light too often...if this was a 20+ ep series then things would be different and perhaps even Aoi could have recieved some development.

The only thing I hated was the time skip...seriously 10 years is far too long for where they left off - why can't they just limit it to a few years >.> (same thing happened to Nanoha and I wasn't impressed).

Shuri and Shuu twincest was something I really didn't expect but became clearer in the end...come on those two are just made for each other - and I doubt it would be Shuu's request to get together officially seen as he is always a gentleman towards Shuri's sensitive side.


They really should have had some explination though as what happened is all too sudden...but looking at the bright side, I guess it is sorta "mysterious" and "romantic".

The adults in this series all fail!! (With exception of Aoi's).

The series overall provided some dame emotional and moving scenes but failed to improve on what could have been amazing. But I still enjoyed the ride as it wasn't anything serious to begin with. Drama, sweet drama

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Old 2007-12-27, 15:19   Link #13
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I gave an 8/10. it could have reached a much higher rating if they had spent more time in the ending. There were many things during the show that were unecessary and caused the ending to be rushed.

Originally Posted by DanielSong39 View Post
Ah, about the twins. While there were twincest hints sprinkled throughout, and it was fun to joke about it, I never actually expected (or wanted) it to happen. They really crossed the line in episode 10 and the whole episode was like watching a well-constructed train wreck. They became lovers at the end of episode 10 and made the decision to elope in episode 11 - and at this point, the show became a cheesy melodrama whose only redeeming value was in the wrecks. .
This is something that I have to disagree! The twins eloping was already proof that their love was beyond that of siblings by episode 10, but the actual twincest probably never happened until the twins were by themselve and out of the town. The new beginning was what gave them the freedom of actually being lovers.

Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post

Minus points:
-Animators' inability to understand time; for heaven's sake, at least make Yuzuki look a little older, and change Aoi's voice. It's okay at 17-18, but 27-28?!
Where people get that the characters were 17-18, all this happened during the first semester of highschool,
everyone is 15-16 when this happened.

Last edited by golthin; 2007-12-27 at 15:32.
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Old 2007-12-27, 15:31   Link #14
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Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post

Minus points:
-Spending two whole episodes on a character that would never play a role in the actual story, despite already being short on time.
-Animators' inability to understand time; for heaven's sake, at least make Yuzuki look a little older, and change Aoi's voice. It's okay at 17-18, but 27-28?!
-The mass amounts of plot devices; Like Kaji was so obsessed with Nanaka, but she attacked Shuri, forcibly finishing her story and pretty much Asami's; Best example is the queen of being used as plot devices, Asami.
-Making such a big deal over Sana's past and suddenly explaining and resolving it in 2 minutes
-The epilogue that screams laziness.

Plus points:
-Nice OP and ED
-Didn't end up being super cliched, like I originally expected
-Interesting at times...

Too many ways it could improve...

There were many moments that were questionable, like Nanaka's change in attitude towards Sana at the beginning and the stuff I listed above.
It was decently fun to watch, but was also frustrating at times (mostly near the end). Kind of a pity, because it could have done better, much better...
That nearly sums up my thoughs as well except that my rating for M; Y is 6.6 rounded off to 7. Stressing on last statement and they really needed a better scriptwriter.
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Old 2007-12-27, 15:31   Link #15
Bittersweet Distractor
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Well how should I begin?

My Experience While Watching This Series

Well my first inclination to watch this series came from a comment I saw in ANN as I was searching for another romance/drama/slice of life type of show to keep me entertained during the week. Decided to check Wikipedia for a summary and hey I thought it didn't look half bad. It seems like a sort of serious show and all so I throw up torrents for the first 4 episodes and dang, that hurt. The first scene when they were all little kids and Sana waved good bye to everyone almost made me throw all the episodes in the trash and call it a day. Well since right before this I watched the first episode of
ef~ tales, and gave up on that and also got disgusted by Hayate no Gotoku, I persevered through the first episode. It became ok, it was just an ordinary anime to me.

So with that I watched all the way through the four episodes on my computer and well, it was a nice lighthearted watch on my time slot for me during the week and I kept it. The Hinako episodes almost punched me in the face though, I could not stand that waste of color on this series. I was starting to feel that this was going rather sour.

This series definitely didn't show any great potential, BUT, then we got episode 8. At this point I almost found the series worth remembering for actually invoking emotion in me. I was quite disappointed with Clannad at this time so it was a nice surprise for me. With this I was curious to see to the end of the series.

Ah episode 9 then slowed down and felt so forced that it made me shrug. What happened to the drama they threw last episode? Well then, we wait till next week and yes I got more of what I expected/wanted from the series. Although the twins having to leave was sad and all, the idea of twincest did make cringe a little bit. Next week we were delivered a mad bitch with extra hot sauce. The ending definitely made this series worth remembering in my eyes, but then crisis fell.

There were only two episodes left to end this series. I realized how careful they'd need to make the next two episodes to have a nice ending. Episode 12 came, oh wow dramatic fail... The series was officially killed for me in this episode. I knew that nothing was going to fit right in the last episode and that they were going to go off with some half-ass piece of crap. Final episode came and it was even worst than I predicted with the whole epilogue cheap trick they pulled.

Initial after thought? Wasted Potential

The Positives of the Series

-I though the series had some nice twists and curves
-Gave me a lot of anticipation for certain characters
-Invoked emotion
-Nice art in background
-Music wasn't half bad

The Negatives of the Series (There are quite a bit of them)
-Not using certain characters? ex, Aoi, teacher
-Introducing a worthless character (Hinako)
-Forced moments (Episode 12 should be enough to explain with its ending)
-Too much build up to certain moments then not making great use of them? (Crazy grandma, Sana's past )
-Epilogue was terrible, especially how it leaves an unresolved situation in its place
-By the end I was starting to think that a major point of this series was that it was trying to sell controversy. Twincest, lesbian, child is of someone else's, love between a woman in her twenties and a 16 year old, suicide, etc. My personal view of the show became a lot lower by the end .
-Introducing a character in the last episode...
-A failure to explain certain situations in the show, leaving too many things unexplained
-Animation was extremely lazy in certain parrts
-The music serves as a double edge sword, while some of its good it didn't have variety
-Too many ideas to support, leaving areas focused then almost forgotten the next episode

Poor writing for this series, very poor indeed

Oh gosh I am certain I can think of more, but there definitely a lot more negatives than positives

Overall Rating and Conclusion

For this anime to have worked, they would've needed a longer run time. I do see that this was only supposed to be a promotion for the game, but that isn't a good excuse. It had its high points, but that isn't enough to make it a good series. It served as a good time killer for me in discussions/watching, but that is it. As much as I dissed Clannad for the Fuko arc, that series actually works out. Myself;Yourself fails compared to the quality of other series of similar genres. Like I said before it was just wasted potential. This is going to end up as one of those forgotten series in my head. I would only recommend watching this series if you are either A) Bored, B) Just a crazy Otaku or C) Have a destined view in life that you must watch every single anime in existence. There are way better shows out there that you should try watching before this one. If it had not been an ongoing series it wouldn't have stood a chance in hell of me watching it.

Rating for this series stands at a 6.5 and since I round up it gets a 7 on this poll.
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Old 2007-12-27, 15:32   Link #16
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A 6/10 from me.

When this series started, in episodes 1-2 I was so exited about it, but after all, it lost it's sparkle. I don't know why; it could be because of not developing sooner the characters. And now, at all, they were not able to develop Asami and the twins' pasts, I know the twins' past is not only that their mom died and their dad wants to be the city's president (I don't remember pretty well what he wanted to be, anyways =]). Too, they used the "happy episode, next ep.: sad episode" and so. I had expectatives for this series, meh.

This series is Average, IMHO.
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Old 2007-12-27, 15:42   Link #17
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Originally Posted by golthin View Post
Where people get that the characters were 17-18, all this happened during the first semester of highschool,
everyone is 15-16 when this happened.
Aoi is older than the others. She's in her third year of high school.

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Old 2007-12-27, 15:45   Link #18
Bonta Kun
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One thing is ppl saying Aoi's voice should have changed after the time skip, but from what I figure is that a females voice doesn't change even half as much as a males. Sure enough you could say there should have been a slight change, but its anime and bringing in a new VA or even getting the person to slighty change their voice just seems a little bothersome.
Just somthing I was thinking about but noone needs to take me seriously on this.

Ja ne
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Old 2007-12-27, 16:23   Link #19
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Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post
Aoi is older than the others. She's in her third year of high school.
ah! I thought everyone was in the same grade, that escaped me!
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Old 2007-12-27, 16:34   Link #20
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I thought that all but the last few episodes were great. Really didn't like the ending too much >.<

Last edited by Cavie; 2007-12-27 at 17:29. Reason: im bad with words >.<
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