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Old 2008-02-21, 00:12   Link #20261
Secret Society BLANKET
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: 3 times the passion of normal flamenco
Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
lol preview time.

Well sorta. Just the pre-title scene >.>
Hopefully it'll end the protests of the people who are like "Nanoha + Angst = no."

Spoiler for Scene 0, MSLN Alpha, Episode 02:

So... uh... did I get the Japanese translation right?

Random trivia: Raising Heart is saying:

[Those Unforgettable Days. For Them I Live.]

At least, Nanoha's angst makes a bit more sense. It's like losing a very good friend afterall

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
Mein Gott!!! People, how the hell do you manage to sprout all this in only one day?!?!?! ()

Ok then!


Yup, you're truly still ONE OF US

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora
Cass/Kali/Risa/Serenity/Dia/Ryuka/Karine/Sara: DO NOT WANT!

Note: The girls that come after Risa are new OCs of mine that I'll work on and introduce in due time (when I get my computer back -_-)

Looking forward to em' then

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora
Did someone just talk to me? ()

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora
Typical Kha We won't shoot you, don't worry *Hides supa long Bastard sword behind her back*

I don't remember you being this scary before

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora
*Fuyu no Sora delivers Outraged Kicku and sends LoweGear flying under the approving eyes of Cassandra Ivanov, Kali and Risa Nakamura that simply nod*
TEAM PATRICK'S BLASTING OFF AGAAAAAAAAAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin....

*disappears into the sky*

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
Involves lots of "PHYSICAL CONTACT".

*mental images of Hayate raeping examining Widuri -- at the hot spring*


*plugs nostrils*

Like they say

You can't r*** the willing

*headshot >>> Lowe*

Originally Posted by USB500
What about Ai?
Ai: Yes, what about?

*watches her protege's favorite client closely*

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
Kyla: Do you want one? I can give you as many as that entire set... *pulls hexagonal pallet* I have lots here...
Nah, who needs those when I have the original?

*runs with GN-000 Drive*

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
Off Topic:

Guess who's back?!!

*hands shiny new Titanium bat to the newly returned*

Our most powerful H4XXBuster?

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
Many of us are back. The Power of OC compelled us

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2008-02-21, 00:20   Link #20262
Residential Nutcase
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Outer Cadia
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
No, what I meant was: why use the term "left-wing"? You've already described the agenda of the rogue faction quite well, so I'm satisfied with that. I'm just kind of curious, in a "by the way" kind of context, about the "left-wing" bit.
Ah! Okay.
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
That could also conceivably work, but carries its own set of problems.

For example, you mentioned that resource-gathering has been going on from MC 0043 and picked up at MC 0068. That's at least twenty-five years for this conspiracy to have existed.

Twenty-five years is a long time for a person. It's more than enough time for them to doubt the worthiness of their cause, more than enough time for them to accidentally slip up, and more than enough time for them to get promoted. Suddenly the low-ranking is not low-ranking any more.

These people are going to need a lot of fanaticism to keep up the charade for twenty-five years. Or just seven years, if you're intending for recruitment to begin from MC 0068.

Also, if they're low-ranking, they don't have much influence, and they'll need a lot of helpers in order to keep up the conspiracy. Which means even more people to be in on the secret. I realize that none of them may be individually cognizant of the entire plan, but they're still being asked to both commit a crime (probably serious) and pretend that nothing is out of the ordinary.

I know that one person in the right place at the right time can make a huge difference, but that difference tends to be more chaotic than directed, and for a plan like this to go off efficiently, they're going to need a lot of direction.

In other words, this turns it from a "rogue faction" of the TSAB into a vast conspiracy with hundreds, or likely even thousands, of fanatics dedicated to their cause.

I'm not saying that it's impossible, but I'm just giving a warning that it may or may not be story you want to write.
Hmm... noted. I need to think about this further.
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
I'm going to assume that the VUDs are going to be extremely virulent.

This also makes the assumption, albeit not unfounded given what we've seen of the series, that the TSAB is putting all its eggs into one basket, and taking out the city and its environs will be enough to cripple the administration.

Remember that we're dealing with at least an entire planet. It's actually relatively easy to drop a planet into barbarism and chaos, but far more difficult to take it over and still retain a modicum of order. A rebellion will not last very long if there's nothing to eat the next day.
Noted. I'm thinking that the controlling abilities of the VUDs can handle these sort of details but maybe I'm over estimating the VUDs. I'm starting to think that an external organization is the way to go.
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
I have repetitions of my previous objections for "how will you keep the planets from rebelling", but then I also have possible solutions for that, which will depend greatly on how the VUDs work.

More on this later.
In a nutshell, VUDs work almost like unison devices of which I got my information from here. The difference is that instead of fine tuning the unison device to fit each specific user, I'm doing the opposite to force a "Unison accident" to happen. Basically, read the info there, think and amp up the negative aspects of a UD and you should get a reasonable idea of a VUD.
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
Fair enough. I'll have to see it in action, though: my view right now is "I don't see how things can progress to this stage in the first place, but if they have, then they could conceivably progress like this".

In other words, convince me with the actual story.
Isn't that the point of writing a story? To convince the reader that it is conceivable that given this and this, it is possible to get that and convince him that its also entertaining? If the reader isn't entertained, then its nothing but trash. Maybe its well written but in the end its still junk desu~
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
Planning to go against an established government like the TSAB does take a lot of time, so I have no arguments per se against the thing taking decades. You're going to have to find a way to explain how the conspiracy holds together through the years, though.

The "charismatic leader" is the best suggestion I can offer without going deeper into esoteric scenarios, and I'd add that he would probably use both respect and fear to keep people in line. Not so much of the fear, but lay on the respect. These people should want to die for this leader, whether because of personal charisma, or because they think that the leader really does have the best answer and the capability to carry it out.

And you will need a leader, or at least a leading force, since someone has to be working on all of this and calling the shots.
Yes that's true, there has to be a leader. What I'm thinking is loyalty to an ideal, a cause. I'll get back to you once I got something.
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
I do like the idea of "infection", but I'm not sure that Unison Devices as we know them are the way to go. That's mostly a mechanical and probably semantics issue, though.

If possible, I'd like to see (here or via PM) how the VUDs work, since what I'm assuming may not be correct. Specifically, I want to know exactly how they spread and infect people, and exactly what they can do once they've infected someone.
I think I'll answer you this in a PM and I hope you won't mind my notes on the VUDs. Its a bit brief as I did not expect you require such an in depth look on the inner workings. One thing I'll say now, I'm planning to break the 5th wall if that's the correct term.
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
The first scenario I thought of was that one may as well infect the entire planet of Midchilda, and all of the off-planet personnel, and enough of the other planets, such that one can just switch on the infection. This would require that the VUDs just act as a kind of basic mental change, so that those infected still have their usual "this is my job" state of mind, but have their beliefs changed to match the villain group in your story. Sort of like a mass instant conversion.
Well, that was the idea except its not conversion but outright mind control.
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
The second scenario is that one may as well just infect the high-ranking TSAB personnel, since the TSAB, for the most part, follows orders. In both scenarios, the VUDs must be undetectable by any known means used by the regular personnel.
How detectable might be a problem as I do not know if the regular personnel of the TSAB can detect if a person is unisoned with a UD if there isn't hair or eye colour changes. I so don't know if they can detect it with a medical scan... I mean I would design that they can't be detected but I'm afraid that the VUDs are starting to get too haxx already with the abilities I already designed in and not really mentioned much. I rather under design something and slowly patch it better than haxx it and try to cut it down.
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
This is all assuming that the VUDs are the entire point of the story. Otherwise, it would probably be less trouble to just Machiavelli oneself to be the best and brightest star of the TSAB, and then have the present leadership assassinated. Then take over and start your reforms and changes.
Well, let me put it this way, I'm aiming for war, survival and maybe moral dilemmas instead of political maneuvering.
Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
Random notes that I can't figure out where to put: the villainous group should probably have a sense of superiority over the non-administered worlds, in the "we're doing you a favour by colonizing you" way. If the charade falls, this may result in friction with those who are from non-administered worlds.

It's probably not essential, but it's the one way I can think of offhand to rationalize the "subjugate non-administered worlds forcibly" goal.

EDIT: I should probably mention that I am trying as hard as possible not to prejudice my thinking with concepts from ReBoot.

Specifically the Season 4 Daemon arc.
Actually, please share the concepts with me as it might be a good source of inspiration.
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
If you're appollogizing to me. Don't worry about it. I'm so used to it it doesn't even faze me anymore.
Fair enough.
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post

*Raises hand.* I did mention it was a hybrid.
Might be just me but its too close to a conventional weapon for my liking
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
Magical Efficiency. Why spend all the mana on making an electric attack you won't be able to hurl with any significant velocity to range, when you can expend a fifth of that amount to gather the energy from the air AND make a propellant?

Many people underestimate the weaponizable potential of their environment. I can waste my energy resserves by hurling it directly at you, and end up draining myself after one or two shots, or I can spend a tiny fraction of my own energy, grabbing energy from around me, and throwing at you.

And that's simple math.

What has more energy? Me? Or the environment that is far larger than I am.
Oh certainly its more energy efficient but like i said before, its too close to a conventional weapon. Modify it to accept Cartridges as a power source and presto, you got a weapon that even a child can use. Not effectively at all but still quite usable. Its too easily abused.
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
Electrons have next to no mass. So even though it's traveling at 2000 meters a second, it has no viable momentum to transfer. Lacking mass and therefor, momentum to alter, it is quite easy to hurl it at high mach using a plasma expansion. This brings in the problem of keeping it AT speed in the air, but I will address that for you in a moment.

Plasma, is defined as a soup of ions and the fourth state of matter above that of gas, technically the temperature isn't required to be several thousands of degrees, the particles just need to be a dissasociated soup with the electrons free floating. That varies from element to element. And it's easier with a gas than say, lead.
It just needs to be hot enough to expand forcefully. Which is still quite hot, but nothing like the core of a star that you are probably thinking about...
Ever had one of those storm globe things? Those are filled with plasma... and it's made of glass. I don't think mine ever melted. I could be mistaken, but I don't recall seeing scortch marks in my room from a plasma blast.
I'm simply applying efficiency in mechanism by recycling the ionized air.
I never had one of those storm globes thingies... But correct me if I'm wrong but aren't those filled with inert gases which prevents such explosive effects from happening? You're igniting plasma to get an explosive effect which does suggest high temperatures and even cold plasma has temperatures of a few thousand degrees from what I've read. I'm terrible at physics but plasma doesn't strike me as very ignitable. I'm sorry but i really ignorant on this subject matter and thus require some educating.
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
Now, as one last excersize, go get a rifle, fire a full magazine, and grab the barrel. Awefully warm piece of material, but pretty cool considering it has 2000 degree propellent gas coming out the end of the thing. The trick? It's only 2000 degrees for something like an eighth or sixteenth of a second before it dissassociates and equalizes with the surrounding environment. Barely enough time to cause major burns to flesh, let alone damage metal.
And firers not getting burned by this gas or in my case, plasma, is about the same as why real shooters don't get KILLED by the muzzel blast off conventional weapons. (Yes, there is enough force in the muzzel blast of any rifle to KILL you, even with blank rounds.) It is that it shoots out the front, and produces a forward cone. Most of the plasma you're worried about will be thrown forward as a flare (visable muzzel flash), while the expanding air shockwave will be all that comes back off the displaced air.

Now, the sonic concussion from the mach 5-6 bolt can be easily wrapped up in one word.

1 - The shot is the size of a pencil eraser (which is about the size of my pinky, I have small hands.) So it doesn't force very much air out of the way at all. Even at Mach 6, it would be more or less a loud SNAP rather than a horrible concussion. (Manning the large board targets at the training range gives you a good idea what a 5.56 mm solid projectile traveling around mach 2 sounds like. It's hardly anything more than slightly annoying to listen to, let alone a threat to your hearing in the short term, LET ALONE a threat to your personal safety.)

2 - The shock front can be controled by shaping the forward end of the magical containment bolt. This is also how getting past having a negligable mass projectile managing to keep speed despite air resistance. Since magic can produce the perfect aerodynamic shape. I mean PERFECT shape. It can technically be shaped so infinitessimally (as intangible energy) that it doesn't actually HAVE a leading edge in an aerodynamic sense. (Monomolecular thickness point FTW!) This means that instead of pushing air in front of it, and creating that whole, compressed air shockwave that defines sonic booms and concussion waves generated by supersonic travel. It essentially wedges itself between air molecules and knocks them asside. On top of this, the magical containment is litterally perfectly smooth, again, as intangible magical energy, it has no microfeatures which could cause friction with the molecules as it slides past them.

There will still be a snap, but it'll be more like the slap-back reaction of a splash as a pencil sized vaccume is created behind the magic bolt. Kind of like submarine blade cavitation.

About the only thing that is going to stop such a bolt, would either be considerable travel distance finally imparting enough counter momentum (Even with the perfect aerodynamic shape, it's still going to bump head on into a molecule here and there), a solid object, or some kind of magic or energy barrier.
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
I want you to stop and think about that. This comment just makes me . Really, I'm being nice, but this... Unlimited Facepalm Works

If you know something the size of a pencil (my pinky) is flying at you for a good ten seconds. Exactly how many steps to the right can you walk? I don't know about you, (you must be slow as molassas) but I can walk across my house in that amount of time. My house is signifcantly larger than a pencil.

I really hope that comment was an attempt at sarchasm that really REALLY got screwed up. Because...
Yeah. Ten seconds is a LONG time in combat.

Isn't that the IDEA behind a high velocity projectile though? To NOT give the target time to react?

A shield will stop the shot, but at the expense of its integrity. Due to its nature as massless, it has no penetration without boost to the magical container itself. (Addressed last post.) Whatever it strikes, that will suffer the brunt of the energy delivery. Just like an exaggerated lightning bolt.
Oi! Oi! Keep personal insults out please :P I didn't phase that comment correct before but isn't the objective of the weapon to kill me without me knowing its coming? If I know its coming obviously I'll start moving. The problem is in which direction should I start moving? I need to be able to see the shot before I can dodge in the correct direction and I think something that small would be pretty hard to see. Can you see in every direction in 10 seconds and be able to locate a small projectile and dodge it. Its a big maybe. Sure I can shield myself but if a normal shield can stop the shot, how is it even useful besides the ridiculous range?

Another note: It seems to be a pretty lethal weapon. How are you justifying a weapon that is designed to do nothing but kill?
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Old 2008-02-21, 00:26   Link #20263
Sleepy head
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: KL, Malaysia
Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Man, Mayura is awesome...but also scary. Such power.
I think that was the idea behind her creation. She sure hits hard from the looks of the spell list. I bet a tsukomi from her would hurt like hell, and she seem to be the kind to fit that type of role.

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Good explanations for Geki and Kageki Impulses. Subaru probably learned a thing or two from Mayura - and hey, maybe she is even a fan of her as well. Subaru was depressed because she could not copy Nanoha's fighting style, and then she saw Mayura one day... "Maybe I can do that...!"

OK, enough crack.
"I will teach you with your body!" (forgot where I heard it from. ) *runs*

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
I think Kay forgot to mention that when Mayura performs Jacket Purges from Noble Eagle Form, Mayura gets nekkid for a few seconds.


No wonder why she wins battles few seconds after she performs that purge...

Originally Posted by Erio View Post

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Though he took it in a much different context.
Well when you stay up late to study about stuff like that, you're bound to get mighty confused.

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Well, I did notice it was not exactly Archer (just the pic was), but I still dont have a clue as to who she really is.
You will soon.

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Oh, sorry, I was speaking of their defenses.
Makes sense then. Though for barriers, I've always thought if being especially good at it makes any difference between power ranks. If it does, how much of a difference? Or will superior power rank always win cuz the mage can just pump more mana into a barrier or something?

Some food for thought.

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Because Aaron took my comment in a completely different context. I was defending Hayate, yet he thought I was... well, I'm not sure what he thought. Also, I was merely giving him ideas as to how to develop Hayate, but he thought I was criticizing his ideas. Clearly, some big misunderstanding was going on.
Confused big time.

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Azelotte... I think I've heard that name before, who was she?
From Night Wizard.

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
... Hayate?

Wait, no. I take it back.
Needs someone that can muddy the situation even more.

Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki View Post in events where the attendees dress in semi-formal to formal attire to have fun and relax. Like a dance or social gathering. Think prom.
Ahh...I think its quite rare for such events in the military, correct? It'll be more of a personal thing rather than a military sponsored event. Like say, RF6 dance party.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Other then that, I finally sat down and did a GriffithXTesla scene. That one might make an interesting read.
Want more! More WAFFY stuff is good!

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
You stand corrected:

Spoiler for Enforcer uniform:

That's the Enforcers uniform, which Fate was wearing before she transfered to RF6.
Yup. Knew it was black.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Asagi: Ah, but you need to know who you're talking to!

There are old timers who've seen sentai before Power Rangers came out, yet still acknowledge them, while others see Rangers as purely ripoffs.


Then there are those who grew up on Rangers but suddenly saw the TRUTH of Super Sentai.

Creator-san: As with all franchises, depends on who you're talking to Asagi forgot to mention the fans who like and appreciate both series, some just to see the American's take on the original concept
Dunno about these stuff. To be honest the only original sentais I've watched was wayyyyy back when I was a kid, and the only series where I can still remember the name is Jetman.

Power rangers never really took a hold of my interest, all because of the lame English voice acting. If there's ever one gripe I have, its the American voice actors treating anime and sentai as "kiddy stuff", and thus we have anime dubs that are lame and seem to cater to kids.

Back on topic though, bring on Julie's profile! I'm burning with curiosity!

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Now that's how education should be done


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
As a Gundam nut, it's no wonder to me. I pick apart Gundam mechanics in the name of JUSTICE!!!
You don't need to do it in the name of justice really.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

I think Ryotaro's gonna like what I'll be writing in there...

Mayura: What are you planning Creator-san?
Me: *whistles*
The nosebleed-inducing type. Look forward to it will ya girls?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Fate and Signum should do Cast-Off's more often
As well as the others.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
You reading my mind or something?

Mayura is a friend of both Shinobu and Quint Nakajima. And knowing that there will be another Nakajima entering service soon, I think she'll be providing some off-side assistance and support in some situations to both Nakajima sisters. Not often, but still there
Well the hints and vibes were there after all.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Not exactly nekkid... but you do get to see them in their unde-

*radio static*

I understand now! Whenever Lowe tries to draw on the power of Chaos, it gets interrupted somehow.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Yes, and we need more of that

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
You'll see, in chapter 2, when the entire cast attends Riot 6's opening parade.
Okay. Will anticipate this.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Sette =/= Settie. Ko-Archer =/= Sette, but Ko-Archer is Settie, get it?

The idea came from Ko-Archer's weapon choice matches the missing Number of the Cinque-gen nicely.
So Ko-Archer=Settie instead? Or is it some kind of confusing paradox again?

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Don't say tha--

*swamped by dark aura*

Can't say I envy your position, though at times I do. Its nice to have someone like that who shares your interest.

Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki View Post
Or creative camouflage
Was it camouflaged? I recognize the girl the moment I glanced at the pictuer.

Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki View Post
Is there some crack I sense brewing here?
Nah...Like I said, its probably just some nosebleed-inducing stuff. Harmless really. *runs*

Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki View Post
Especially Enforcer Fate


Must have all the Aces do Cast Off! *runs as well*

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Remember that full image of them I provided?

Not enough.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Err... NO!!!
Why not? Its just Aurion being Aurion, and besides we couldn't see with the soft squishy assets blocking his sight. Nothing harmful of course! *runs from Aaron*

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
*evil grin in the background*
What's with that grin? *curiosity running on hyperdrive mode*

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
She was so MOE!!! my then!
It was supposed to be lame by Tomoya and Kyou's standard. But I seriously lol'ed. Well actually, I sad there stunned for like 2 seconds, replayed the part, sat there stunned again, replayed it again, and finally burst out laughing like hell.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post

*checks Super Sentai fansites*

Damn... I feel scammed!!!

The Super Sentai world was full of traps and I didn't have a clue!!!

Damn... Even Dekabright, Turbopink and Pink Mask?!?! WTF!!!!

Anyway, at least the more recent ones have more real females in the suits... Like Abareyellow, Hurricane Blue, Dekayellow and Pink, as well as Gekiyellow and Go-on Yellow......

"Kuya!!! Anong naging reaksiyon mo dito?"

Reminds me of the reaction Takuma from H20 had when he found out Hajimi is a trap.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
What boggles my mind is...

Adell = Hikaru Midorikawa = Grandis
Rozalin = Yukari Tamura = Nanoha
Yukimaru = Kana Ueda = Hayate
Fubuki = Takehito Koyasu = Aurion

:eyes pin:
A true testament to their talent and popularity. And FYI, Hino Satoshi, who voices Yuji in Shakugan no Shana and Saito in ZnT, is part of the main voice cast for the third installment of the Disgaea series.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Roger. Three teaserz, HASSHA!

Spoiler for teasers:

I suddenly got when I imagined Hayate with that gesture.

To Lowe and X:"Ika nga, mahinhin, diba, mga Kuya?"
Fabulous! Dere-dere Hayate is so moe!

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
And more...

Spoiler for teaser2:

More shafting?

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Spoiler for teaser 3:

I did say he was ruthless.
Ouch...that's gotta hurt.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
You call this bad news? This is DELICIOUS news!!!

Don't underestimate me! I'll gobble it up while savoring the flavor!!!
And I'm reminded of a scene of a small kid banging the table with fork and knife, demanding for food to be served.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Don't lump me in with those narrow-minded bashers in youtube who do nothing but flame Power Rangers or Super Sentai, depending on faction.

while I much prefer the Super Sentai versions, the American adaptations aren't all that bad. They did do some things right, as far as I'm concerned. but still, I like the originals better. Dino Thunder was mighty interesting for a PR show. But SPD, while it had potential, did not cut it too well for sheer misuse of some elements...
Nah...not lumping anyone to any category, just stating that I know of the existence of rabid fans who hate the US versions.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
That would flood your mobile phone everyday.

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
lol preview time.

Well sorta. Just the pre-title scene >.>
Hopefully it'll end the protests of the people who are like "Nanoha + Angst = no."

Spoiler for Scene 0, MSLN Alpha, Episode 02:

So... uh... did I get the Japanese translation right?

Random trivia: Raising Heart is saying:

[Those Unforgettable Days. For Them I Live.]
Curiosity burninggggg~~~~The Japanese translation should be right. Though to be honest there isn't anyone here that's actually qualified to say for sure whether it is or not.
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Old 2008-02-21, 00:26   Link #20264
Fuyu no Sora
Mistress of Impatience
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: In a place of extremes. From below freezing to above boiling.
Originally Posted by Kha View Post

*at least she's out of my hair until next satuday. *
Yeah, but just think of what'll happen when next Saturday arrives ()

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
But I wouldn't have done it better than Lowe. I only proposed the idea, not knowing whether it would turn out nicely, but LoweGear went and made it happen impressively.

That goes for many of the pictures I use for my OCs, I owe Lowe too much. Thanks Master!
Master Lowe?

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
What is this I see?! Who are you, and WHAT HAVE DONE WITH FUYU?!
You see a sick girl loaded with work that has remembered the ways of OC

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I just realized I reused someone elses name by accident again.
Was wondering who the new Hiro-kun around the block was

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Yes way

Originally Posted by Kha View Post

More fresh meat girls are always good for the Kha & Erio dynamic duo. ...

Don't worry about the girls I'm bringing along a couple of boys to watch over them. One being Dae, Dia's twin older brother ()

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Yeah... You'll just cut me. ...
Yup *Big innocent smile* ()

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Yup, you're truly still ONE OF US
Once an Outer Cadian, always an Outer Cadian

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Looking forward to em' then

I'll present them first in a story with Cass and then work on their profiles to introduce them officially

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Did someone just talk to me? ()
You know the answer

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

I don't remember you being this scary before
I'm sick, swamped with work and I've lightened up considerably since I was last here . Let me play around too

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
TEAM PATRICK'S BLASTING OFF AGAAAAAAAAAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin....

*disappears into the sky*





Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Like they say

You can't r*** the willing

*headshot >>> Lowe*
You guys never change ()

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Nah, who needs those when I have the original?

*runs with GN-000 Drive*
Be careful~

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Our most powerful H4XXBuster?
Who? Where? *looks around*


@Thread: Oyasuminasai ~ Gotta get up early to continue working and it's almost 1 AM here
"You wanted to say that, but you didn't have enough common sense."
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Old 2008-02-21, 00:27   Link #20265
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post

*at least she's out of my hair until next satuday. *

And here we were expecting more EPIC Kha/Anita action



no, it's not what it sounds like


Originally Posted by tshouryuu View Post
Another note: It seems to be a pretty lethal weapon. How are you justifying a weapon that is designed to do nothing but kill?
If it wasn't for the fact that this is the OC thread dealing with Nanoha-related matters, where people would rather disable than kill, this quote would've sent me laughing my ass off.

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2008-02-21, 00:49   Link #20266
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Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
lol preview time.

Well sorta. Just the pre-title scene >.>
Hopefully it'll end the protests of the people who are like "Nanoha + Angst = no."

Spoiler for Scene 0, MSLN Alpha, Episode 02:

So... uh... did I get the Japanese translation right?

Random trivia: Raising Heart is saying:

[Those Unforgettable Days. For Them I Live.]
Wow. Nicely done here.

And GAR Heart is good.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
TEAM PATRICK'S BLASTING OFF AGAAAAAAAAAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin....

*disappears into the sky*


Who is Midchilda Ground Force Ace Patrick's Jesse?


Originally Posted by FieryAeon View Post
So Ko-Archer=Settie instead? Or is it some kind of confusing paradox again?
It's exactly that. That's my theory of why Sette was the only one of the later Sentokijin to no mutiny.

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
Yeah, but just think of what'll happen when next Saturday arrives ()


Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
You see a sick girl loaded with work that has remembered the ways of OC
Ah souka.

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
Was wondering who the new Hiro-kun around the block was
Yui Hiro, or as people know him better, Setsuna F. Seiei

Hiro: Ore wo... Gundam da.

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
Don't worry about the girls I'm bringing along a couple of boys to watch over them. One being Dae, Dia's twin older brother ()

Well I'm sure we can accomodate...


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

And here we were expecting more EPIC Kha/Anita action



no, it's not what it sounds like

*dials Anita's phone number into Accelular*


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
If it wasn't for the fact that this is the OC thread dealing with Nanoha-related matters, where people would rather disable than kill, this quote would've sent me laughing my ass off.
Quite true...

Then again, if you ask what do Cleric-Knights do for a living...


DARCO sayz:

Taking orders on Kha stabbing if you have a headache after each of his post.
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Old 2008-02-21, 00:53   Link #20267
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
He was nice enough to write "SSS" for speed, but he was under no obligation to. In power it is only on the good side of average.

1) The functionality can be duplicated by a sufficiently powerful mage using Precia-type Dimension Jump attacks. In fact, that's another path to a long range weapon - create a Star Trek TR-16 rifle.
2) TC is facing the dilemma of all people with at least a little tactical knowledge trying to develop something new in the Nanoverse. His weapon is not really particularly powerful. It is that engagement ranges and speeds in the Nanoverse are horribly short.
3) This is (almost) fine if all combat is magic or pseudomagic (Inherent Skill), but by now, this OC thread is having people come into intermittent contact with conventional weapons users (Erusia, OFM). Even a half-*ssed civilization like ours can easily make weapons that outrange and outspeed known Nanoverse magi-weapons (even a crossbow can shoot a bolt to a range outside of normal mage combat and the bolt probably flies faster too).
4) So how do you keep the Nanoverse competent. OPFOR Conventional weapons that are degraded to range and speed performances below our current level would be an insult to our SoD. So, the OPFOR must use weapons with at least similar range/speed performance to Terran, and that gives them a huge advantage over almost all mages. So you create a new magiweapon to keep up, and any competitive magiweapon will automatically look h3xx in range/speed performance. But it is not h3xx, it is the TSAB that is unrealistically weak in those areas. To create a "consistent" weapon means to bury his conscience and SoD and knowingly create a weapon that will be at a horrible disadvantage versus conventional tech.
5) He really did try to incorporate some strict limits to the weapon. As he pointed out, it could be used only against a very predictable target at its RMAX. Its really only very good to 2km (one-second flight time). He could easily have added a homing ability (which, even if it slowed down his round, is likely to make it even more deadly overall). He could have used teleportation, or as someone suggested, use magic to form a true laser.
Unfortunately this is the universe we decided to play in as such we have to abide to such rules.

Then again there must be a reason why conventional weapons cannot match a mage and I'm leaning towards their barrier jackets and shields. Btw where do you suggest I should ask this in? In the tech and magic thread?
Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

And here we were expecting more EPIC Kha/Anita action



no, it's not what it sounds like


If it wasn't for the fact that this is the OC thread dealing with Nanoha-related matters, where people would rather disable than kill, this quote would've sent me laughing my ass off.
:facepalm: Okay, I deserved that. I complete set myself up for that. I got a bit too serious about this.

Edit: have I told you how much I loath you recently Lowe?
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Old 2008-02-21, 00:55   Link #20268
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Originally Posted by FieryAeon View Post
I think that was the idea behind her creation. She sure hits hard from the looks of the spell list. I bet a tsukomi from her would hurt like hell, and she seem to be the kind to fit that type of role.
When it comes to tsukkomi, Mayura is actually second best of the three girls. Julie would be the most likely person to whack Asagi or Mayura in the head

Although yes, getting hit by Mayura will most definitely HURT

Originally Posted by FieryAeon
"I will teach you with your body!" (forgot where I heard it from. ) *runs*


Originally Posted by FieryAeon
Dunno about these stuff. To be honest the only original sentais I've watched was wayyyyy back when I was a kid, and the only series where I can still remember the name is Jetman.

Power rangers never really took a hold of my interest, all because of the lame English voice acting. If there's ever one gripe I have, its the American voice actors treating anime and sentai as "kiddy stuff", and thus we have anime dubs that are lame and seem to cater to kids.

Back on topic though, bring on Julie's profile! I'm burning with curiosity!
At least you remembered one of the better Sentais

And yes, that attitude towards anime in general is maddening, though there are those rare dubs that are actually much better than the original Japanese... like Cowboy Bebop's

And Julie's profile will come in due time

Originally Posted by FieryAeon
I understand now! Whenever Lowe tries to draw on the power of Chaos, it gets interrupted somehow.
... Which means... I'm being watched!

Originally Posted by FieryAeon
Nah...Like I said, its probably just some nosebleed-inducing stuff. Harmless really. *runs*
Sorry to dissapoint, as it's nothing of the sort, at least not what you're thinking

But I think Ryotaro's still gonna like it


Originally Posted by FieryAeon
Not enough.
Not everyday do you get a call for fanservice, so...

Spoiler for Hyper Cast Off?:


Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
Who? Where? *looks around*
TK3997, he eats H4XX for breakfast

Originally Posted by Kha View Post


Who is Midchilda Ground Force Ace Patrick's Jesse?

I'm more interest on who Katie would be


Originally Posted by Kha
*dials Anita's phone number into Accelular*



Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2008-02-21, 00:57   Link #20269
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
I'm more interest on who Katie would be

Auris computes.


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
You're gonna have to do better.
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Old 2008-02-21, 00:59   Link #20270
Fuyu no Sora
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
And GAR Heart is good.
Plain GAR is good

Originally Posted by Kha View Post

Sorry about that

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Ah souka.
Yep *nod nod*

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Yui Hiro, or as people know him better, Setsuna F. Seiei

Hiro: Ore wo... Gundam da.

Nice to meet you

Originally Posted by Kha View Post

Well I'm sure we can accomodate...

You'd accomodate to anything just to have any those girls >.> ()

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
*dials Anita's phone number into Accelular*


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
TK3997, he eats H4XX for breakfast
Now HIM I know. I used to lurk from time to time here and I saw some serious H4XX Busting once or twice

I'm really going to bed right now. I'm so gonna be late tomorrow morning

Night minna!
"You wanted to say that, but you didn't have enough common sense."
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Old 2008-02-21, 01:05   Link #20271
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Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
That's certainly one way of putting it. Can I ask for your help at some points, Kagerou?
by all means. Goose is more of a tactical genius than I am, but I do know a little bit.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
When civilians are in trouble, they call the TSAB. But when the TSAB is in trouble, they call...


Notable Members of the Cleric-Knights and Celestial Being

| | | | | |
My head. Ow. The crack. Too much.

And OLD SNAKE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Originally Posted by SpaceBrotha View Post
Right, first off, let me introduce you to the russian coat of arms:

Difference in details, but the same concept...
...and since belka existed in the far corners of history, does this mean the russians are decendants of belka?

There's a rather cracky idea for you: russian knights
That's the symbol on the Erusian flag though?

Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post
@Kagerou: Scene V is superb! Somehow, those creatures with scythe-ended legs seem familiar, but anyway, looks like Keroko is in some ouchies! Orbital Bombardment right away, too ... Valentine's special, however, is totally unexpected, and I to you!
Thank you XD.

Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post
Some breaking news from me.

Good news: Chapter Six is almost ready, only one more scene (Ginga x Subaru) to write before it enters publication. Respective portions have been sent to Aaron and Keroko for proofreading, after which will probably be posted by this week.

Bad news: Plenty.

First, word count exceeds Chapter Four (21K) by a healthy 4k, possible 5 - 6k by the end of the writing.

Second, the massive length indicates lots of text, and by that, it will possibly be difficult to follow. A lot of information, but since they're walls of text, so ... And again, no mystery solved as of yet, though I introduced more mysteries, so it'll still keep you guessing.

Third, I think there will be a lot of questions going on, a lot of repairs to be made here and there, since a lot of conversations are made. I don't even know if they're ridiculous or rational, and the sheer length of several scenes will be mind-boggling.

Fourth, character characterization related, Signum will probably come under a lot of scrutiny in this chapter, since I don't know whether she fits the canonical representation or not (a lot of combinations made, which may go haywire). Even Chrono, the Aces, and some seem wrong to me ... somehow.

Fifth, I apologize in advance if this chapter fails to meet expectations.

That's about it.

On a slightly cheerful note, I think a short synopsis of what GuardianS is about will be nice, similar to the previews we find at the back of DVDs. It'll give an overall gist of what is going to happen, though in the typical metaphorical sense, and also make it easier for newcomers to see if it suits their taste. What do you all think?
Oh please, I'm derailing the main character of the show. You have nothing to worry about from me .

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
But... IT FITS!!!!
I dunno, the moment Cinque pulls out a sword, I may have to shoot the nearest person.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
You know, I drafted the Russian Magic School, Ctulu, to be the religious opposites of Belka...

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu Rl'yeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu Rl'yeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Roger. Three teaserz, HASSHA!

Spoiler for teasers:

Spoiler for teaser2:

Spoiler for teaser 3:

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

At least, Nanoha's angst makes a bit more sense. It's like losing a very good friend afterall
That's not all she lost...

Originally Posted by FieryAeon View Post
Curiosity burninggggg~~~~The Japanese translation should be right. Though to be honest there isn't anyone here that's actually qualified to say for sure whether it is or not.
Ah .

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Wow. Nicely done here.

And GAR Heart is good.


Well it's not GAR Heart... just RH following the 3 Laws.
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

RH followed the First Law to a T.
Kagerou - Generic Universal Rage Producing System
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Old 2008-02-21, 01:12   Link #20272
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

At least, Nanoha's angst makes a bit more sense. It's like losing a very good friend afterall

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Like they say

You can't r*** the willing

*headshot >>> Lowe*
True, true.

*sniper bullet >>>>>>>>>>>>> USB500

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Ai: Yes, what about?

*watches her protege's favorite client closely*

I was.... uhm...... wondering whether you should give Mai-san an advice or two.

And what are you nodding for?


Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
Traps are a rare group here... so they're much appreciated...

Frame Devices are devices that help strengthen a templar's Medial System (Magic Circuit), because as compared to Mid/Velka, they are physiologically weaker- but it's that weak system that allows them to withstand, sometimes even thrive under AMF.

It Temptsreminds me to play GGXX...

And i keep remembering people that use yo-yos are some of the best fighters i've seen...
Yup. We don't get to see traps around here a lot. So it's a good thing. Though I wonder what happened to our OC Jun.
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Old 2008-02-21, 01:48   Link #20273
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Originally Posted by tshouryuu View Post
Edit: have I told you how much I loath you recently Lowe?
Nope, you haven't

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Auris computes.

"I'll make you into a man"


Originally Posted by Kha
You're gonna have to do better.
You're never gonna catch me!!!! GN particles maximum dispersion!!!

*runs screaming*

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
I dunno, the moment Cinque pulls out a sword, I may have to shoot the nearest person.
Who might that be?

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post

I was.... uhm...... wondering whether you should give Mai-san an advice or two.

And what are you nodding for?


Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2008-02-21, 02:00   Link #20274
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Originally Posted by tshouryuu View Post
Might be just me but its too close to a conventional weapon for my liking
Oh certainly its more energy efficient but like i said before, its too close to a conventional weapon. Modify it to accept Cartridges as a power source and presto, you got a weapon that even a child can use. Not effectively at all but still quite usable. Its too easily abused.
And what were Nanoha, Fate, and Chrono throwing around busters, breakers, lancers, and barriers and engaged in deadly combat? Adults at age nine? 'So easy a child could use it' my foot! Hypocricy!

As for modifying it to use cartridges as the direct power source... you can do that with a duplicate of Raging Heart to fire a divine buster. If you're careless enough to let someone accquire that kind of weapon, to modify that weapon, so they could GIVE it to 'a child' that shouldn't have it, you would have to be a pisspoor excuse of a person and should never have been in charge of those weapons in the first place. A weapon is a weapon, whether it is easy or hard to use. In fact, weapons SHOULD be easy to use. It falls to the responsibility of the person to ensure that the weapon is not used wrecklessly, and to keep it out of the hands of those who are unable to understand it's lethality.

I never had one of those storm globes thingies... But correct me if I'm wrong but aren't those filled with inert gases which prevents such explosive effects from happening? You're igniting plasma to get an explosive effect which does suggest high temperatures and even cold plasma has temperatures of a few thousand degrees from what I've read. I'm terrible at physics but plasma doesn't strike me as very ignitable. I'm sorry but i really ignorant on this subject matter and thus require some educating.
I'll explain it. Plasma, is the fourth state of matter, a condition higher than gas where energy excitement causes the atoms to shed their electrons. Examples of real life plasmas are as follows.

1: Core of the Sun (And fusion reactors)
2: Solar Flares
3: Lightning Bolts (Or rather, the immediate surrounding air.)
4: Thunderstorm Globes

Each succedding example is an example of a significant order of magnitude energy drop.

Now, in some cases, you'd be correct in your assumption on plasma, but not all cases. For one, plasma does not 'ignite'. Ignition is a chemical reaction and a burn process. Plasma is, again, a state of matter.

Now, plasma consists of energized ions. In the case of the system I'm indicating, we've created an artificial plasma by taking normal air, and forcefully stripping the electrons, trapping the leftover ion soup, and heating it. Since plasma's state is more energetic than that of gas, it expands like gas, only faster. Producing a little more force. The plus side of using this instead of just gas heating, is that you can contain it in a negetive magnetic bottle. (Efficiency in magic again.) The reason is because the ions are positively charged.
By recycling what you're using, you save on mana energy several times over the firing cycle.
Now, when you release the plasma from its containment, it expands and pushes our packet of magically spaced electrons out of the barrel in the same simple way a gun fires a bullet. Giving you the same, if not more, accelleration due to two things.
1: The more rapid expansion of plasma
2: The non-existent mass being fired from the barrel.

Once fired, the plasma, being only marginally higher temperature than a conventional powder gas, immediately starts to recover its natural state, collecting electrons and returning to gas form as it equalizes with air temperature.

If I were to be extremely anal about how I'm using the mechanics, it would be something I would call a 'forced plasma' rather than a fully natural plasma.
Here's more on plasma. I may or may not have used some propperties incorrectly.

Now, one last thing, since we're using air, which is already in the gas state, going up to a level of plasma is easier.

Oi! Oi! Keep personal insults out please :P I didn't phase that comment correct before but isn't the objective of the weapon to kill me without me knowing its coming? If I know its coming obviously I'll start moving. The problem is in which direction should I start moving? I need to be able to see the shot before I can dodge in the correct direction and I think something that small would be pretty hard to see. Can you see in every direction in 10 seconds and be able to locate a small projectile and dodge it. Its a big maybe.
I was hoping what you said was a misphrase. I see I was correct. Consider the comment retracted.

Now, to answer the question. If I know I have been fired upon, and have ten seconds to get out of the way of the shot. I already know a few things, even if I don't know where it's coming from.

1: At that extreme range, my mid torso is probably the target. (Center Mass)
2: It isn't going to be coming from the direction of any obstructions.
3: It is probably not comng from directly above, or below.

Easiest solution? Walk two steps forward, one step to the side, and drop flat on the ground. Then as soon as you can, find cover. If we use simply eight points on a compass as directions of plausable travel, you have a two in eight chance of picking a direction to travel that will still get you killed. It's a far greater chance (by an order of magnitude) than standing there going "I don't know where it's coming from so I might as well not do anything! Woe is ME!" Which is an eight in eight chance of getting killed.

The most important law of combat is this:


Stationary targets die.

Sure I can shield myself but if a normal shield can stop the shot, how is it even useful besides the ridiculous range?
If this was infinite godmode war, you'd have something tangible to work with.
However, creating a shield takes mana. Size, density, and construction drain the defender. Even if the shot is fully absorbed by the shield. There is a chance that the shield cannot handle the shot, and breaks, and then the followup shot gets a free target. Combat is more than just strength, it's logistics, strategy... energy management.

If I can fire a bolt that while unable to hurt say Nanoha, but cracks her shield every time it hits, and I can fire that bolt for a mere tenth of the energy it takes her to erect a new shield... I can, while being an inferior mage, technically match her in an energy battle by making her WASTE her energy. Am I wasting my time with an attack that cannot hurt her? Maybe, it depends. How much energy did she just waste on a barrier that shattered from my shot? What would the psychological effects of shattering her barrier be? What if I keep repeating this action every time she throws one up? What kind of mistakes will she make if/when she starts to panic?

Sometimes, when it comes down to well matched skill, it could very well be energy management that decides the fight. Nanoha should be superior to myself in every magic combat rating. I could crack away at her defense barrier over and over again, never hurting her at all while she tries to find me, until I exhaust her, and just as she finds me, discovers she has to go all out and push herself to stop me before I plant my next round right between her eyes. But I'm but a mere C rank mage! Against Nanoha!

If I can exhaust her to the point of barely beating me at this level... What if I'm stronger? What if I have allies? What about both?

Don't just think power. Think of the whole picture.

Another note: It seems to be a pretty lethal weapon. How are you justifying a weapon that is designed to do nothing but kill?
And getting struck by a bolt of lightning, a plasma scyth, being flash frozen, skewered by exploding magic swords, slammed into a conrete wall with enough force to CRATER it, being hit with a beam of energy that incinerates its way through something like forty bulkheads, or caught in a blast wave that levels buildings ISN'T going to kill the average unshielded human?
Lethality isn't subjective. Weapons KILL. Period.
It is the nature of Nanoha universe physical defenses that changes this into 'weapons knock the holy FORK out of you." It is this upscaled defense that justifies the use of lethal force, just to achieve a knockout.

Otherwise Nanoha would be dead. Dead in episode two of the first season from trampling injuries, goring, and broken neck from being rammed by a beast, shredded by its horns, and flung backwards down shrine steps.
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Old 2008-02-21, 02:25   Link #20275
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Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
*Shrug.* I guess I just don't believe in budget.
You know, I think you just isolated the main reason why I don't like a lot of what you've proposed.

Originally Posted by tshouryuu View Post
Noted. I'm thinking that the controlling abilities of the VUDs can handle these sort of details but maybe I'm over estimating the VUDs. I'm starting to think that an external organization is the way to go.
In a nutshell, VUDs work almost like unison devices of which I got my information from here. The difference is that instead of fine tuning the unison device to fit each specific user, I'm doing the opposite to force a "Unison accident" to happen. Basically, read the info there, think and amp up the negative aspects of a UD and you should get a reasonable idea of a VUD.
By the way, I received your PM, but I haven't looked at it yet. Will read it after this reply.

I'm thinking that you need to seriously tweak the VUD capabilities to at least allow the skillsets of the people they infect to continue as per normal. The farmer still grows the food, the delivery truck driver still transports the goods, the cooks still manage to feed everyone.

It might be interesting to see if the infection results in a hive mind, but that may be pushing the VUDs too far.

Yes that's true, there has to be a leader. What I'm thinking is loyalty to an ideal, a cause. I'll get back to you once I got something.
That's also possible, but remember that humans are unpredictable buggers and we may not even agree about what the cause is, much less how to go about doing it. For easily-seen evidence, take religion.

That's why I proposed a leader, since then people can follow the leader's interpretation of his (pronoun used for convenience) cause. He also needs to be charismatic, because otherwise he's just another voice in the crowd.

Technically the leader doesn't even need to be alive, and the people could be following the teachings of a martyr, but that would imply a rather major event before the story begins. And martyrs can't really be around to correct any misunderstandings of their doctrines.

I think I'll answer you this in a PM and I hope you won't mind my notes on the VUDs. Its a bit brief as I did not expect you require such an in depth look on the inner workings. One thing I'll say now, I'm planning to break the 5th wall if that's the correct term.
As mentioned, PM received, will look at in a while.

Well, that was the idea except its not conversion but outright mind control.
How detectable might be a problem as I do not know if the regular personnel of the TSAB can detect if a person is unisoned with a UD if there isn't hair or eye colour changes. I so don't know if they can detect it with a medical scan... I mean I would design that they can't be detected but I'm afraid that the VUDs are starting to get too haxx already with the abilities I already designed in and not really mentioned much. I rather under design something and slowly patch it better than haxx it and try to cut it down.
I admit that the "undetectable" thing is based off of what I understand to be common sense in science fiction societies. Basically, it makes sense that before a dimension ship crew comes into contact with a non-administered world, they would go through all the medical procedures needed so that they would not accidentally introduce disease into the natives, or vice versa. I'm assuming that Earth has been classified as "safe" for the TSAB in general, based on how there's plenty of interaction between the TSAB and Earthlings.

Otherwise, imagine the nightmare scenario of a dimension ship crew contracting smallpox.

Even if there's some special Plot Device which acts as a filter for all those diseases, it still needs to be able to detect the vectors in the first place. Therefore, if the VUDs need to be able to spread to the entire population of Known Space before they can be activated, they'll need to be undetectable at least medically.

Now, whether they are detectable by other means is mostly up to you, but remember that it takes just one discovery to blow the whole thing.

Actually, please share the concepts with me as it might be a good source of inspiration.
ReBoot takes place inside a computer, which means that "infection" means infection by a computer virus. These infections can come in many forms, ranging from "I'm conscious but I can't control my actions" to "I live but to serve".

Infection happens when a virus (Megabyte, Kilobyte, Hexadecimal, so on and so forth) touches something in order to consciously infect it. Most viruses infect things one at a time, or at least have their infection spread relatively slowly; still fast enough that very quick reaction times are necessary to escape, but you can visibly see the spread.

Daemon, introduced in Season 4 (but foreshadowed in Season 3), can infect entire systems (the equivalent of cities) at a time. This infection takes the form of a sort of religious ecstasy (played to the hilt with a scene where a newly-infected bursts into gospel singing), but the people who got infected have their own skills, and for the most part, their own personalities. They just believe, deep to their core, that their entire purpose in life is to serve Daemon.

Think of someone who's portrayed as "devoutly religious", and that's about what you get. (This means that the cynical sorts do get a personality rewrite to become more happy. The effect is kind of creepy.)

Daemon does manage to infect every system in the world, but Hexadecimal (another virus, on the side of the good guys) sacrifices herself to override the infection with her own. Then Hex releases everyone and disappears, leaving them free of all infections (at least for the moment). Which was what I was trying not to think about while reading about the VUDs; whether someone on the side of the Good Guys would develop a counter-VUD, as a sort of antibody, to solve the whole mess.

Now I need to go check my PM inbox. Maybe my comments here have already been answered therein.
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Old 2008-02-21, 02:38   Link #20276
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Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
You know, I think you just isolated the main reason why I don't like a lot of what you've proposed.
I'm expensive.

EDIT: Seriously though... I like it around here. I act like the out of control weapons designer, and everyone else acts like the Accountants and Legal attournies keeping my bacon out of hot water.

What should I work on tonight?

More fight? Cooper's profile? Another piece of equipment?
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Old 2008-02-21, 03:28   Link #20277
Residential Nutcase
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Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
And what were Nanoha, Fate, and Chrono throwing around busters, breakers, lancers, and barriers and engaged in deadly combat? Adults at age nine? 'So easy a child could use it' my foot! Hypocricy!
Sure its hypocritical. But those are exceptions to the rule and not the norm. Chrono is an Enforcer and was trained. Fate was trained to be a weapon. Nanoha chose to help Yuuno and was dead determined to 'befriend' Fate. RH wasn't supposed to be that easy to use and had a ridiculously long pass phrase to activate. Not to mention that Nanoha is a sort of spell casting prodigy who constantly amazes Yuuno who tutors her in magic.
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
As for modifying it to use cartridges as the direct power source... you can do that with a duplicate of Raging Heart to fire a divine buster. If you're careless enough to let someone accquire that kind of weapon, to modify that weapon, so they could GIVE it to 'a child' that shouldn't have it, you would have to be a pisspoor excuse of a person and should never have been in charge of those weapons in the first place. A weapon is a weapon, whether it is easy or hard to use. In fact, weapons SHOULD be easy to use. It falls to the responsibility of the person to ensure that the weapon is not used wrecklessly, and to keep it out of the hands of those who are unable to understand it's lethality.
Raising Heart is a terrible example for you to choose. First as mentioned before, it has a ridiculously long pass phrase to activate. Second, it is an INTELLIGENT device.

Well, at least I know what impression you have on Yuuno Jokes aside, why do you think conventional weapons are banned. They were too easy to use and abuse. Humans are scum. Responsible? Ha ha ha!! Bwahahaha!!! There will always be idiots and irresponsible people. When weapons get easier to use the more it gets abused. Relying on the responsibility of a person is just plain naive in my opinion.

Random thought: Perhaps that is why Devices are called devices and not weapons...
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post

I'll explain it. Plasma, is the fourth state of matter, a condition higher than gas where energy excitement causes the atoms to shed their electrons. Examples of real life plasmas are as follows.

1: Core of the Sun (And fusion reactors)
2: Solar Flares
3: Lightning Bolts (Or rather, the immediate surrounding air.)
4: Thunderstorm Globes

Each succedding example is an example of a significant order of magnitude energy drop.

Now, in some cases, you'd be correct in your assumption on plasma, but not all cases. For one, plasma does not 'ignite'. Ignition is a chemical reaction and a burn process. Plasma is, again, a state of matter.

Now, plasma consists of energized ions. In the case of the system I'm indicating, we've created an artificial plasma by taking normal air, and forcefully stripping the electrons, trapping the leftover ion soup, and heating it. Since plasma's state is more energetic than that of gas, it expands like gas, only faster. Producing a little more force. The plus side of using this instead of just gas heating, is that you can contain it in a negetive magnetic bottle. (Efficiency in magic again.) The reason is because the ions are positively charged.
By recycling what you're using, you save on mana energy several times over the firing cycle.
Now, when you release the plasma from its containment, it expands and pushes our packet of magically spaced electrons out of the barrel in the same simple way a gun fires a bullet. Giving you the same, if not more, accelleration due to two things.
1: The more rapid expansion of plasma
2: The non-existent mass being fired from the barrel.

Once fired, the plasma, being only marginally higher temperature than a conventional powder gas, immediately starts to recover its natural state, collecting electrons and returning to gas form as it equalizes with air temperature.

If I were to be extremely anal about how I'm using the mechanics, it would be something I would call a 'forced plasma' rather than a fully natural plasma.
Here's more on plasma. I may or may not have used some propperties incorrectly.

Now, one last thing, since we're using air, which is already in the gas state, going up to a level of plasma is easier.
Hmm... I think I understand this better now. Thanks
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post

I was hoping what you said was a misphrase. I see I was correct. Consider the comment retracted.

Now, to answer the question. If I know I have been fired upon, and have ten seconds to get out of the way of the shot. I already know a few things, even if I don't know where it's coming from.

1: At that extreme range, my mid torso is probably the target. (Center Mass)
2: It isn't going to be coming from the direction of any obstructions.
3: It is probably not comng from directly above, or below.

Easiest solution? Walk two steps forward, one step to the side, and drop flat on the ground. Then as soon as you can, find cover. If we use simply eight points on a compass as directions of plausable travel, you have a two in eight chance of picking a direction to travel that will still get you killed. It's a far greater chance (by an order of magnitude) than standing there going "I don't know where it's coming from so I might as well not do anything! Woe is ME!" Which is an eight in eight chance of getting killed.

The most important law of combat is this:


Stationary targets die.
True, very true. I have to disagree with 2 and 3 since you have hinted that shots can be guided so weaving around obstacles is still possible and you might be forgetting that the firer might be flying. Most of the time, people fail to look up when scanning for danger.
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post

If this was infinite godmode war, you'd have something tangible to work with.
However, creating a shield takes mana. Size, density, and construction drain the defender. Even if the shot is fully absorbed by the shield. There is a chance that the shield cannot handle the shot, and breaks, and then the followup shot gets a free target. Combat is more than just strength, it's logistics, strategy... energy management.

If I can fire a bolt that while unable to hurt say Nanoha, but cracks her shield every time it hits, and I can fire that bolt for a mere tenth of the energy it takes her to erect a new shield... I can, while being an inferior mage, technically match her in an energy battle by making her WASTE her energy. Am I wasting my time with an attack that cannot hurt her? Maybe, it depends. How much energy did she just waste on a barrier that shattered from my shot? What would the psychological effects of shattering her barrier be? What if I keep repeating this action every time she throws one up? What kind of mistakes will she make if/when she starts to panic?

Sometimes, when it comes down to well matched skill, it could very well be energy management that decides the fight. Nanoha should be superior to myself in every magic combat rating. I could crack away at her defense barrier over and over again, never hurting her at all while she tries to find me, until I exhaust her, and just as she finds me, discovers she has to go all out and push herself to stop me before I plant my next round right between her eyes. But I'm but a mere C rank mage! Against Nanoha!

If I can exhaust her to the point of barely beating me at this level... What if I'm stronger? What if I have allies? What about both?

Don't just think power. Think of the whole picture.
True we have to think of the whole picture but you seems to fall into the same problem. Nanoha has quite alot of experience. Its likely if you shoot and miss her the first time, you're in major trouble. She has Wide Area Search and can defend herself for quite some time. Even under AMF to boot. Not only that she has a "sonic move" spell as well, allowing her to dodge your attacks. Also she can and will shoot through obstacles just to hit you. Not to mention she can AOE your general area via starlight breaker. And that is if she's alone.

Its no use trying to figure out who will win since there are too many unaccounted factors. The main deciding factor will be can you hit her first?
Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post

And getting struck by a bolt of lightning, a plasma scyth, being flash frozen, skewered by exploding magic swords, slammed into a conrete wall with enough force to CRATER it, being hit with a beam of energy that incinerates its way through something like forty bulkheads, or caught in a blast wave that levels buildings ISN'T going to kill the average unshielded human?
Lethality isn't subjective. Weapons KILL. Period.
It is the nature of Nanoha universe physical defenses that changes this into 'weapons knock the holy FORK out of you." It is this upscaled defense that justifies the use of lethal force, just to achieve a knockout.

Otherwise Nanoha would be dead. Dead in episode two of the first season from trampling injuries, goring, and broken neck from being rammed by a beast, shredded by its horns, and flung backwards down shrine steps.
:Shrugs: That is true to a certain point since lethal force is pretty subjective. If the amount of force applied didn't kill you, will it still be considered lethal force?

Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
I'm expensive.

EDIT: Seriously though... I like it around here. I act like the out of control weapons designer, and everyone else acts like the Accountants and Legal attournies keeping my bacon out of hot water.

What should I work on tonight?

More fight? Cooper's profile? Another piece of equipment?
How about making Crash alot less haxx?
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Old 2008-02-21, 03:40   Link #20278
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I'll be borrowing Lowe's style of profiling with the Cleric-Knights. Thanks again!

Justicar Foy Rokker

Gosh I can't find his portrait...

Spoiler for Justicar Foy Rokker:
Foy is... a little confused?

Looking for more pictures to patch this file up. Its in pieces.

Comments & Criticisms even flames welcome!

Ideas too, because I'm a little brain-jammed and I might have forgotten something.

Last edited by Kha; 2008-02-22 at 03:33.
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Old 2008-02-21, 03:45   Link #20279
Jimmy C
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Originally Posted by tshouryuu View Post
I'm starting to think that an external organization is the way to go.
Not completely. An external organisation would better be able to hide itself from the TSAB, but it needs access to TSAB personnel and resources to infect Main HQ and the Fleet. I think the best route is an external organisation sponsored and covered by a cabal of high-ranking TSAB officers. That way, you get the flexibility to hide the organisation and access to the Bureau.
Last night, I was thinking about your idea and thought of something. If things can't go the way you originally intended for this idea, you have enough elements to make a Resident Evil kind of story.

Originally Posted by kha View Post
Justicar Roy Fokker
It's Nadleeh not Nadleen.

Last edited by Jimmy C; 2008-02-21 at 03:59.
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Old 2008-02-21, 03:55   Link #20280
"Begin, the operation!"
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Originally Posted by tshouryuu View Post
How about making Crash alot less haxx?
To be fair, it's not Crash that's hax, it's his equipment.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I'll be borrowing Lowe's style of profiling with the Cleric-Knights. Thanks again!

Justicar Roy Fokker

Gosh I can't find his portrait...

Spoiler for Justicar Foy Rokker:
Foy is... a little confused?

Looking for more pictures to patch this file up. Its in pieces.

Comments & Criticisms even flames welcome!

Ideas too, because I'm a little brain-jammed and I might have forgotten something.

*Opens mouth*
*closes it*


My head just exploded. Thank you Kha.
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