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Old 2006-02-10, 13:26   Link #61
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Originally Posted by Soma
Everything I've stated was the truth and Japan and Mr. Masashi agree, so I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here.

Huh? Main characters like Ichigo, Ranma, Luffy, Guttz, etc., were usually around the most liked of their respective series. Naruto himself won 2 popularity polls in the past and was #2 or 3 for those other times he wasn't. In fact, in the last popularity poll he was #2. So now, how are people suddenly gonna say that it has nothing to do with Naruto's character? If that was the case, he wouldn't have won those popularity polls in the past, or been in #2/3 for the ones he wasn't.

Therefore the only answer left is that people have grown sick and tired of the dumbass and have started preferring Sasuke. In fact they're starting to prefer side characters more than him which has shown how far he's sunk in terms of how good of a character he is. This would never happen in another shonen, where the main character is at least assured a spot in the top 3. From that, I can easily conclude that Naruto is a failure of a main character. That's all there is to it.

They should just have Sasuke as main character since it would make a much more interesting story.

No, what it means is that the fans PREFER him to seeing Naruto's dumb ass every single time. Face it, Sasuke is just a better character.

LOL, and Sasuke coming back looking like a fag? Who's the one dressing up like a woman trying to seduce MEN like his beloved ero-sennin? Who's the one that's popping tails out when he hears Sasuke's name, is lured by Kyuubi of an image of Sasuke, and is crying like a little bitch every single chapter that his beloved Sasuke left him for another person? Good job proving your point. Even so, it's obvious that Kishimoto is saving the best (as in best character, most preferred by the creator and the fans) for last. He'll surpass everyone's expectations, and have a better appearance than post-timeskip Gaara and more power than Naruto.

And yes, Sasuke DID save the manga. Reread Kishimoto's interview with toriyamajump website as you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Naruto-- "I want to be Hokage! I eat ramen!! Acknowledge me cuz I'm an attention whore dattebayo!!

It's true that shonen mangas don't have any true depth to their characters at all, but if you compare it just within in the story, Sasuke is the most developed character period. The most complex character would be Kabuto or Orochimaru (possibly Itachi as well). Naruto is the least developed, the least complex and the most boring next to nothings like Ten-ten. He really hasn't changed at all since the beginning of the manga and his idiocy is non-endearing and predictable.

LOL, here comes another Naruto fanboy's rant. Face it, Sasuke is stronger than Naruto and doesn't give a shit about his strength. All he cares about is facing Itachi. The only time Sasuke was concerned about Naruto's strength was after his encounter with Itachi. The end of part 1 obviously showed Sasuke was finished with his games in Konoha.

The biggest "emo" being Sasuke? Who's the little bitch that was crying not only in part 1 and part 2 as if Sasuke left him like damaged goods to go with someone else? Who's the one who can't let Sasuke go? Who was the person who has the biggest inferiority complex? You're blind if you actually think Sasuke's complex approached anywhere near Naruto's. Naruto has got to be the biggest attention whore ever.

The biggest cry-babies in the series are pre-timeskip Sakura and Naruto. The biggest emos in the story are Naruto and Gaara (and maybe pre-bitch Neji). Unlike those guys, Sasuke doesn't need to tell his life story to everyone, and he doesn't show anyone else his pain like they do.

It's a shame that even post-timeskip Sakura is not such a sniveling crybaby like Naruto is. I guess what Sai said is true, that Naruto really is lacking a "pair"...

You must not only be an immature idiot, but also blind as well. It's clear to anyone that Sasuke is much better looking than Naruto (in fact many people in the manga are), and it doesn't take a female or a gay person to realize this. Any straight guy can see that Brad Pitt is a more handsome guy than someone like Carrot Top. This is reality here. You must be insecure in your (supposed) masculinity to not be able to acknowledge that.

The standard for male beauty in the series are Sasuke, the 4th, Itachi, Kakashi, and Sasori. You can make cases for people like Deidara, Kabuto, and Neji as well. But on the whole, that's how it is.

And yes, looks DO play a part in determining how you like a character. Why else do you have these Naruto fanboys hoping in vain that Naruto will turn out to look exactly like the 4th when he gets older (good luck with that)? It's because looks are important, as they should be in determining our preferences like anything else would be.

In terms of fighting strength
Sasuke=Naruto, because Kyuubi will be his equalizer against Sasuke's ungodly potential.

In terms of a character,
Sasuke>>Naruto undoubtedly. The last two polls as well as Mr. Masashi's preference just point to this further.

Every single time Sasuke is in the scene, there is never a dull moment. He always moves the plot and makes it more interesting. Even in moments where he's not there, he influences the plot (like the current arc). This is why he's more interesting than any other character, and preferred more.

The only other people who can do this are the main villains like Oro/Kabuto/Itachi. Naruto by himself, as well as other characters like Sakura cannot do this. The Rescue Gaara arc and the Tsunade retrieval arc were hands down, on average, the most dragging and boring arcs ever compared to the others and you can see the reason why. This is WHY Sasuke is needed in this manga and Mr. Masashi specifically said so.

This is why Orochimaru and Kabuto have brought the manga back on track this arc since Naruto can't do it by himself. He's retarded, not interesting, simple, unchanging, boring, and generally is a failure of a shonen character. This manga would have been long finished if Sasuke wasn't there, or if there wasn't such a likable large supporting cast. Unlike shonen characters like Ranma who can actually carry a story by themselves and are preferred the best among fans.
once again you dont know that everyone is getting sick and tired of him. like i said there are more ane more characters being introduced, and people tend to flock to the newer, fresher ones. its as simple as that. naruto is getting stiffer competition. and hell that poll barely encompasses a decent portion of the fans.

obviously you dont watch the same anime as the rest of us cause the last time i checked sasuke IS a main character. as is sakura and naruto. the series may not be named after him but he is still a main character.

so sasuke is a better character because you say so? thats fantastic. so your gonna say sasuke is NEVER a little emo faggot? yeah alright. i never denied that naruto didnt act like that but sasuke does it plenty too, as well as several other characters in the series so your point is moot. sasuke doesnt tell anyone his retarded story cause everyone knows it already. sasuke never showed his pain? wow are the blind one my friend not i.

i would like a link to this interview where kishi stated that "sasuke saved the manga" cause he certaintly didnt since it never needed saving to being with. maybe in your deluded little world.

for the looks you do realize your talking about cartoon characters right? how the hell are you gonna tell me that cartoon is better looking than that one? what a fool. and than you give me a list for the "standard of male beauty" in the series? wow...i sure hope your a girl.

Sasuke: "im sad because im STILL nowhere near my brother who killed my clan and i keep saying im an avenger but ive yet to avenge anything."

i dont think looks are as important as appearance, and by appearance i mean like outfits and such.

obviously naruto = sasuke with fighting. they cant have one exceed the other. and sasuke does not have "godly" potential. geez get off his dick. terms of character depends on the indivduals view. both have stories that can be seen as simplistic so dont go and make sasuke's sound all super complex when it really isnt.

he does not always move the plot and make things interesting. thats just your fanboyish opinion. someone could say the same of another character. obviously naruto CAN move the story forward cause than we wouldnt be here. your giving sasuke a hell of alot of credit. you forget that naruto has the best supporting cast possibily so to say its all sasuke is complete and utter bull.

in short get off his ass. i like both of them, though neither are my favorites. that doesnt mean i think naruto is a bad main character. i almost never (along with many) like the "main" character the most.
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Old 2006-02-10, 13:34   Link #62
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Originally Posted by Yogi
It's the looks.

Seriously, look at Deidara vs. Sasori. Sasori has the better personality, an actual backstory, more interesting techniques, more techniques period, the more dramatic fght, and doesn't say "Yeah" at the end of every sentence. Yet why is Deidara > Sasori?
Yeah I wonder that myself....... Sasori>>> all. This guy carved himself up for his "art". You don't get more devoted than that.
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Old 2006-02-10, 14:31   Link #63
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Originally Posted by gibits
Yeah I wonder that myself....... Sasori>>> all. This guy carved himself up for his "art". You don't get more devoted than that.

because unlike Sasori, Deidara didn't go all emo and "let himself die" is that? Instead, Deidara decided to blow shit up, what a pimp.

I love them both, I'm saddened to see Sasori die because he made puppeteering in Naruto seem like an art and really powerful, unlike Kankuro whom looks like a POS.

Can't wait to see the new Akatsuki Kunoichi...
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Old 2006-02-10, 14:39   Link #64
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Originally Posted by Razz

Can't wait to see the new Akatsuki Kunoichi...
Did I miss something? who? The guy with the swirly mask that dropped a ring?(Tobi? -a guy) You know a Kunoichi is a female did I totally miss that there is a female Akatsuki member I don't know about?!? Where's the info, please tell me where it says it

(I cant believe I missed something like that )
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Old 2006-02-10, 15:23   Link #65
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wow there are way too many fanboys in forums now but i agree sasuke is a main character he's a little bitch at times and so is naruto but i can see why naruto is acting like he is. sure sasukes like a brother 2 him but i doubt thats why he's doing this, he made sakura a promise that he'd get sasuke back being that this is the only promise he hasnt kept he's trying his hardest to keep his word. there are alot of factors to look at so u just cant say sasukes the greatest based on just your own opinion or by saying cause he looks good i mean what type of shit is that. i mean sure his whole clan was killed by his brother and got his ass handed to him a few times but itachi was always far stronger than sasuke and thats not gonna change he's lucky he even knew his family unlike naruto who never did and was always alone and hated by everyone im surprised at how well naruto turned out for someone who really doesnt know happiness he's always smiling and yea he tries to draw attention to himself but who wouldnt i mean the only recognition he got was from playing the fool or pulling pranks and even that didn't last long while sasuke was praised just for being alive when no one tried to kill him and with he grew up it amazes me that he would even want to be hokage when anyone else would want the village destroyed and sure hes not as smart as sasuke but than again he never tried to be smart i mean he never studied which would be why he failed three times on top of the fact that its harder for naruto to control his chakra than for anyone else because of that beast interferance and now everyones complaining he uses kyubi to much when they were complaining about him not using it enough at first while no one seems to mind sasuke always using the sharingan or neji using byakugan i mean if u got it use it them using bloodline abilties is the exact same as naruto using kyubi so get over it already personally i like the kyubi transformations i mean it gives naruto a dark side which only makes him more interesting like the batosai was for kenshin it will all be worth it once naruto masters it as much as im awaiting sasukes return i look forward to when naruto manages to tame the kyubi
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Old 2006-02-10, 15:28   Link #66
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No offence c_dz36,but do you happen to check if the keys for a comma and a full stop are still working ? It's kind of hard to read ^^'
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Old 2006-02-10, 16:21   Link #67
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Originally Posted by Razz

because unlike Sasori, Deidara didn't go all emo and "let himself die" is that? Instead, Deidara decided to blow shit up, what a pimp.

I love them both, I'm saddened to see Sasori die because he made puppeteering in Naruto seem like an art and really powerful, unlike Kankuro whom looks like a POS.

Can't wait to see the new Akatsuki Kunoichi...
I thought DD was the akatsuki kunoichi.....

Please Sasori let himself die because he reached the peak of his artistic expression. I don't expect someone like DD and her fireworks to understand....

But on a more serious note, I have no idea why he let himself die. The translations I read said "he couldn't dodge that last attack". Like mentally couldn't dodge it? I'm still not sure if he really let himself die, maybe he wanted one last hug from mom and dad..... Poor guy.
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Old 2006-02-10, 18:25   Link #68
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Another thing to note: Despite the fact that Sai is just a clone of Sasuke and Itachi, he isn't even on the list. Was the poll made before Sai's apperance, or does he suck that much?
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Old 2006-02-10, 19:27   Link #69
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Originally Posted by Syaoran
No offence c_dz36,but do you happen to check if the keys for a comma and a full stop are still working ? It's kind of hard to read ^^'
actually i did and there not so u know just keep going i'll have em fixed by next week though
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Old 2006-02-10, 20:03   Link #70
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Originally Posted by gibits
I thought DD was the akatsuki kunoichi.....
So did I, I'm about as confused as you
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Old 2006-02-10, 20:19   Link #71
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Last I heard, Deidara was male...

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Old 2006-02-11, 05:34   Link #72
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Uh if you must know Deidara IS a male.

secondly , if ur wondering about a "akatsuki kunoichi"

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Old 2006-02-11, 09:38   Link #73
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Originally Posted by Yogi
Another thing to note: Despite the fact that Sai is just a clone of Sasuke and Itachi, he isn't even on the list. Was the poll made before Sai's apperance, or does he suck that much?
The poll was made before his appearance.
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Old 2012-01-19, 19:01   Link #74
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Deidara rules! #3 popular character and stupid people are just jealous, stupid freaking haters! XP
Sai and Sasori? please, they're annoying. Sai is annoying and Sasori is a bland character.
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Old 2012-01-19, 20:59   Link #75
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Originally Posted by warrior3 View Post
Deidara rules! #3 popular character and stupid people are just jealous, stupid freaking haters! XP
Sai and Sasori? please, they're annoying. Sai is annoying and Sasori is a bland character.
I think you are a poll behind. in the last shounen poll #7, deidara fell to 6th place making room for the usuals: sasuke and kakashi

I'm assuming that the shounen poll is what this thread is about. I've checked out a few others just now and it's mostly naruto on top. sasuke and kakashi alternate with him. it makes sense to me... naruto's my favorite when I get down to it.

if you're going by the shounen polls history then there have been 7 of them so far, naruto won 3 times, sasuke and kakashi won twice. back in 2006 when most of these posts were made, naruto was either tied or ahead of them in terms of overall wins and then of course retook the fanfavoritism in the latest one. guess sasuke got a little too emo after all..?
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Old 2012-01-22, 16:54   Link #76
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What is funny is that Sasuke finished #1 in the last poll by a wide margin and he did not appear in the manga until after the poll was conducted(after the Rescue Gaara Arc). After appearing in the manga for a solid two years, he dropped to #2 behind Naruto. So the more Sasuke shows up, the less fans like him.

The top ten based on all seven polls.

#1 - Kakashi
#2 - Naruto
#3 - Sasuke
#4 - Iruka
#5 - Shikamaru
#6 - Gaara
#7 - Sakura
#8 - Itachi
#9 - Neji
#10 - Hinata
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Old 2012-01-22, 22:35   Link #77
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Iruka staying strong.
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Old 2012-01-24, 16:51   Link #78
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The best Characters are of course Naruto (after time-skip), Gaara, and Kakashi.

Characters deserving second place are Jiraiya, Hinata, Shikamaru.

Sasuke can burn in Hell. He is just an idiot controlled by blind hatred. I hope Naruto kills him.
Hater, hater - I hate all haters
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Old 2012-01-25, 06:00   Link #79
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Kinda like how Shikamaru is there in the top. He deserves it ^_^

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