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Old 2011-03-08, 18:11   Link #1081
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So guys, I noticed something. This thread is designated for the first season of the series, which has been licensed:

However, it appears that the subsequent seasons and their OVAs have not been licensed, or are not indicated as such. They do not have forum threads designated to them. Would it be appropriate to use this thread to discuss them? It seems the simplest, but I'm not sure if we should be making new ones.

Specifically, the second season "Zoku" (13 eps) and it's bonus OVAS "Goku" (3) and the third season "Zan" (also 13) which has 2 bonus eps.

It think it would be cool if a moderator indicated that fans of the series and of those torrent tracker pages come check out this thread so it can be talked about here still =)

Also, it's pretty cool because as far as I can tell, all of these have been subbed save for the 2nd OVA supplement to Zan which came out in 2010 (it looks like "Proto" did the first one, though I haven't viewed the work yet so I'm not sure).

Another topic of interest: has the Girls Collection and the Season 1 Summary episode which prefaced the airing of the 2nd season (Zoku) also been licensed? I'm not sure if they have, or if they're more considered part of the 2nd season and perhaps only the 12 main episodes were licensed?

I'm not sure how to locate that information, because if the preface/collection were unlicensed it would still be an excellent way for people to get introduced to the series and enjoy the subsequent seasons while still having motivations to purchase the original one for inclusiveness.

Originally Posted by xris View Post
You should ask this in the Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei thread since it's really off-topic in this thread
Edit: oh wait, there it is. I didn't know there was a thread for Zoku seeing as how it wasn't linked from the tracker. I wonder if this means Goku/Zan also have threads for them which haven't been linked. Wish this was like a wiki so I could help with that =(
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Old 2011-03-08, 18:18   Link #1082
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Oh another anime I forgot to post my review about it.

Teacher Despair is what I came to see as the Urusei Yatsura or GTO of the 00’s. A school comedy setting with lots of social-political overtones, critisizing modern life. At best it can be seen as an interesting series of smart gags and wordplays in a psychedelic setting of artistic expression. At worse it can be seen as a big pile of weirdness that never seems to get anywhere other than confusing you and promising you things that eventually never happen.
This review covers all seasons, OVAs and any possible sequels (?) it may get in the future. It is formulaic to the point of not needing any more than one review. I also paste some of my Bakemonogatari review here, as the two series look alike and were made by the same people. Plus I keep comparing these two as if one defines the other in some way or another. And if you dislike that… buzz off ; I do this for free.


General Artwork 2/2: Artistic as hell. Every second of it is a blend of pasted cardboards, 3D images, walls of Kataganas, plain character designs, major deformities, parody references to other anime and lots of high quality fan service. The designers gave their best to create a series that is making your mind think like it’s on LSD. A wonderful work of fiction that is set apart by the rest just by looking at it.

What makes it even more special is the fact that the animation changes direction as the episodes go on. The initial episodes have by far the largest amount of attention given into making the world seem colorful and vibrant with life. But soon afterwards it swifts to a lot simpler style of animation, with less lines and shadows yet increases by tenfold the artistic aspect of the anime with allusions and symbolisms. Although many could claim that this is a quality drop, I came to enjoy it as it stands, with its crude movements and endless references to other media and situations that really don’t need movement or super details to depict better. So, I am pleased the way it is.

It ain’t a unique style as the same team also made Bakemonogatari and Maria: Holic as there are many others who use this sort of psychedelic animation ( Kuuchu Buranko comes to mind). Still, it is a trademark you will love at first sight… or at least hate for being so damn multilayered. Every scene is a symbolism to something around Japanese tradition or way of life or a cultural reference in general. Further more, the show makes sure not to let you be bored by using the same sort of animation all the time. Every now and then, the animation style changes to something entirely different, from changing animators to completely change style of animation; all in the name of keeping you interested. It worked for me; variety is the spice of life.

Like it or not, not many anime can stand out from the lot like this, thus they get the full mark in this subsection.

Character Figures 2/2: The characters are generally drawn simple, with a lot of attention given at making the girls to look as much cute as possible. The camera actually does an upward take on their looks most of the times they appear for the first time and focuses a lot on their perspective trademark accessories. Plus it has its share of run of the mill ecchi jokes, like panty shots. Although I find fan service to be distracting you from the real quality of the series and generally lowering its credibility, over here it is just some extra before the next joke jumps in. So, I didn’t found all this simplicity or subtle erotism to be bad. Just… eye candy.

Backgrounds and Visual Effects 4/4: It is almost impossible to separate backgrounds from visual effects as they both serve as symbolisms and cinematics at the same time. They are used intellectually to transmit ideas and emotions to the viewer so I consider them far more successful than just dry pictures that just fill the background with colors. Of course, there are so many references and Japanese texts flashing by that you will miss most of the meanings if you are not very well informed of Japanese tradition and the history of animation in general. Still, they are both marvelous to stare just for their weirdness alone.

Motion Fluidity 1/2: Well, if I can detract points, this is the place to do so. Motion is very rare in this series as the characters mostly stand still and flap their mouths allowing the backgrounds to transmit the rest. Although that does not seem as a bad thing, they still feel like everything is rolling or sliding and not walking with 18 frames per second. It kinda gets to your nerves after awhile. Not that this series is realistic but it feels way too much like a picture book story from a point and on. But at least there is no clear quality drop like in Bakemonogatari and the scarce action scenes are made to looks great and make up for all the frozen pictures.



Voice Acting 2/3: The talking is sarcastic and highly symbolical, turning even the most mundane topic to a spiritual insight, a wordplay, an arousing erotic remark or a shout of human angst. You will love them even if you don’t get them. Still, they don’t have the awesome focus on metaphors other shows have (such as Bakemonogatari ) and they sound more silly than credible from time to time.

Music Themes 3/4: Very impressing opening and ending songs that vibrate life (and despair). They easily become memorable for that. The music during episodes is less imposing, closer to squeaky slapstick melodies used mostly to prepare the ground for the next gag.

Sound Effects 3/3: Just like the visuals, the sound effects are blending along with cinematics and backgrounds and timing with character reactions to something, thus becoming very pleasing to listen to.


STORY SECTION: 4 I’m in despair! The plotless story has left me in despair!

Although it begins very mysteriously and seems to have progression, it soon turns to some episodic formula of “make fun of this trope”. It is supposed to be about a teacher with a thing for being despaired and trying to kill himself, being in charge of a class full of weirdoes. All things considered, the pace was ok in the first half of the first season. It was still fresh, kept introducing more characters and was giving off the idea of a solid plot, with the lead learning to appreciate life and the students learning important life lessons.

But then it suddenly stopped and turned to episodic situations with no story continuity and a “reset everything” in the end of each. Although new characters keep being introduced and new insight being given to the old, it is still a random show of gags and nothing more. They just talk, make jokes, criticize and comment something for ten minutes and then it’s over. There is little to no relation of one vignette to another besides continuing a joke mentioned in an earlier vignette. Some characters return as cameos but in all don’t aid in the plot in any serious way. Heck, it is a gag on its own, how the characters keep breaking the fourth wall and making fun of the lack of an overall plot.

But for all that it matters, every vignette has its own short story that usually ends with a somewhat closure and leaves behind a lot of food for the mind.


Presence 2/2: Sure, they are all very attractive and funny and erotic and crazy enough to pay attention to them.

Personality 2/2: Just like in Bakemonogatari or Maria: Holic, the characters behave almost entirely as caricatures. Stereotypes being made fun of and plot elements to an otherwise simple story. SHAFT seems to make only such kinds of characters and they feel too similar in behaviors and too unrealistic as personalities to actually care about them as entities and not comic reliefs or moe archetypes. Still, as far as caricatures go, they offer the best of their archetypes through dialogues and situations.

Backdrop - Development - Catharsis 2/6: Sadly, the characters get colorized as the series goes on but lose any traits that were making them individual entities. I mean, the blonde western girl had a story to tell at first, with her sad childhood but then turned to just the panties girl yelling “I’ll sue you!” every five minutes. The same can be said about all the characters who lose their humane traits and background stories and the only thing that remains of them are moe archetypes and excuses for a monologue to begin by some remark. And the fact that the series never ends, leaves them all without development or catharsis.


Down to it, you will enjoy it if you don’t get bored with the plotless vignettes and the formulaic pace of each one of them. Although I would love a story to actually exist and lead to some conclusion, it is still a nice way to laugh with the tropes and norms of society through the caustic criticism of everyday people. But this can work in reverse too, as unlike Bekemonogatari and Maria: Holic, this series doesn’t have a specific story and setting which can end up outliving their interest from the viewer. So, unless you don’t reach to the point of saturation, you can enjoy it for an indefinite amount of time. I sure did for the most part.


Maria: Holic
Urusei Yatsura
Great Teacher Onizuka
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Old 2012-06-07, 07:34   Link #1083
The Lost Lamb
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sorry to bring this up after a long time
Just started watching the first season, and just couldn't keep shut about it

Right now the biggest quetion i have is that who is the bald guy that keeps popping up in between out of nowhere ??
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:56   Link #1084
Sol Falling
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That guy is Maedax, who is (/was? It's been quite a few years now, lol) an assistant of Kumeta-sensei, the mangaka for Sayounara Zetsubou Sensei. I don't really know why he in particular was included in the anime, (maybe google might turn up some more information) but I always thought he was pretty funny.
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:56   Link #1085
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^Maeda, also known as MAEDAX, one of the assistant of the mangaka.
Rize and Kaneki
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Old 2012-06-07, 11:25   Link #1086
The Lost Lamb
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Originally Posted by Sol Falling View Post
That guy is Maedax, who is (/was? It's been quite a few years now, lol) an assistant of Kumeta-sensei, the mangaka for Sayounara Zetsubou Sensei. I don't really know why he in particular was included in the anime, (maybe google might turn up some more information) but I always thought he was pretty funny.
So that's who he is....and yeah it's funny sometimes and he is even used for censoring!!......i mean he is all over those areas
And really this anime is very hilarious and very unique, gonna stick through all the seasons
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Old 2012-06-07, 22:35   Link #1087
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Originally Posted by mystogan View Post
So that's who he is....and yeah it's funny sometimes and he is even used for censoring!!......i mean he is all over those areas
And really this anime is very hilarious and very unique, gonna stick through all the seasons
Just avoid the spoilers that are coming out from the manga. Chapter 300 and the upcoming 301 will change your views of this show entirely.

The manga is ending with a bang. I hope they could release one final anime to conclude it.
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Old 2012-06-08, 03:39   Link #1088
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Yeah, Kumeta's outdone himself in the manga ending. So far!
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Old 2012-06-08, 07:41   Link #1089
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Yeah, I like this series a lot; it might be my current favorite anime and manga. Can't think of any current (well, ending) manga that gets so bluntly political and satirical. The first simile that comes to my mind is a Japanese Mad Magazine.
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Old 2012-06-08, 10:20   Link #1090
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With the manga ending I'd love to see a final series to finish off with.

If there isn't one, or even a few OVAs, I'll be in despair!

Mind you, I'll also be in despair if Kodansha don't take the English translated release all the way to the end...
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Old 2012-06-08, 21:16   Link #1091
The Lost Lamb
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Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
Just avoid the spoilers that are coming out from the manga. Chapter 300 and the upcoming 301 will change your views of this show entirely.

The manga is ending with a bang. I hope they could release one final anime to conclude it.
Then i better catch up with the orher seasons then the manga
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Old 2012-06-08, 22:06   Link #1092
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The title "sayonara zetsubou sensei" now makes sense. From the first time since i read this manga i thought this title is a pun for what itoshiki sensei did all this time(trying to kill his self hence sayonara despair teacher). But it's look like this sentence from the title is
Spoiler for spoiler:
.(this is only a speculation)
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Old 2012-06-10, 04:17   Link #1093
The Lost Lamb
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hey did anyone notice that zetsubou sensie has so many problems of himself yet he ends up solving other people's problems
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Old 2012-06-18, 04:57   Link #1094
The Lost Lamb
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ok so i completed season one, the anime was nice, but i don't understand in second to last episode in at the ending our sensie get's hit by a metro rail, then in the last episode they showed a completely different plot i mean what happened to the accident with the metro rail, i mean they showed the accident pretty serious
what's exactly going on ??
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Old 2012-06-18, 05:09   Link #1095
Sol Falling
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Originally Posted by mystogan View Post
ok so i completed season one, the anime was nice, but i don't understand in second to last episode in at the ending our sensie get's hit by a metro rail, then in the last episode they showed a completely different plot i mean what happened to the accident with the metro rail, i mean they showed the accident pretty serious
what's exactly going on ??
It's basically a one-episode joke plot (probably)? Just take it as a once-off storyline and remember that you can't really take this anime seriously, lol. Well, that's one of the best things about it though, I need to rewatch it sometime.

Incidentally, I ended up ordering volumes 1-14 off of Amazon just a few days ago in order to finally truly get into this series now that the manga is ending. Maybe I need to go find that manga thread...assuming there is one in this forum.
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Old 2012-06-18, 18:19   Link #1096
The Lost Lamb
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Originally Posted by Sol Falling View Post
It's basically a one-episode joke plot (probably)? Just take it as a once-off storyline and remember that you can't really take this anime seriously, lol. Well, that's one of the best things about it though, I need to rewatch it sometime.

Incidentally, I ended up ordering volumes 1-14 off of Amazon just a few days ago in order to finally truly get into this series now that the manga is ending. Maybe I need to go find that manga thread...assuming there is one in this forum.
i was just thinking that there could be more to it, and i never took this anime seriously, despair in such a hilarious way that's why i like this anime

and one more thing i wanted to ask, is there a dubbed version of this and if there is, then is it good, because the subbed version is little difficult to watch because there are always so many things in the background to read and the dialogs are also fast sometimes
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Old 2012-06-18, 18:38   Link #1097
Sol Falling
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No, as far as I'm aware there is no dub version...the first season (but only the first season) was picked up by Media Blasters for North American release but nothing ever came out of it...there's still no licensed version of SZS out even now.

For the background text and stuff, I just paused the episode...yeah it was pretty annoying sometimes but it's kind of usual for SHAFT releases. Well, in the end it's up to the viewer how much they're willing to put up with that and how much effort they want to put into it. It does feel good sometimes just to watch it straight through without interrupting the flow/music/voice acting.
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Old 2012-06-18, 23:07   Link #1098
The Lost Lamb
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looks like i'll have to watch the subbed version afterall, anyway
i'll start the second season soon, i hope it will be as good or even better and the series has some great music, some soundtracks are really nice
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Old 2012-08-02, 23:02   Link #1099
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The ending for this series is indeed pretty mind-blowing. It would be a disappointment if Shaft isn't interested in animating the last few volumes; this ending seems pretty...Shaft-y.
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Old 2013-02-05, 17:35   Link #1100
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I've recently become interested in this after almost by chance finding a profile on TV Tropes.

It's something so randomly crazy & fun to watch!

So far I've watched all the 1st series online & have read the 1st volume of the Manga, & have enjoyed both.

One thing that surprised me was the lack of fansites, I was expecting to find lots online, especially going by the amount of cosplay pics posted by on Deviantart.
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comedy, shaft

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