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View Poll Results: Tate no Yuusha/Shield Hero - Episode 10 Rating
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Old 2019-03-12, 19:31   Link #1
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Tate no Yuusha/Shield Hero - Episode 10 Discussion / Poll

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Old 2019-03-13, 11:02   Link #2
The Green One
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Setup episode as Ren and Ituski confront Naofumi about job stealing but get more than they bargained for in response. Looks like Melty has been sent to help Naofumi after all as the Queen seems to be on his side too. Who knows if the King will listen to reason though, judging by the orders for the Class Up, probably not. So now the next Wave starts and a strange woman with a fan is already on the scene. Friend or Foe? We'll find out next week I suppose.
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Old 2019-03-13, 11:29   Link #3
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Yeah a hard lesson for Sword and Bow. In games and simpler stories all you have to do is complete the quest and things work out. Kill the dragon and the village will prosper. Kill the "evil king" taxing the people and the people will prosper. Truth is though that if you don't make sure exactly what's going on and why, and confirm that the people are capable to handle what's left behind, disaster will follow. Ren screwed up by not sticking around to make absolute certain that the village could take care of the gigantic carcass before decay led to even worse problems, but Itsuki was even worse. Sounds like he didn't even bother to ask one question before acting. The land suggests prolonged famine, and if the king raised taxes on account of national crisis, rebellion won't solve things. All he managed to do is get a bunch of people killed dealing with someone who may have just been trying to do his job, while also wrecking the infrastructure and making it even harder to send resources where they're needed.

Also, rather hard mission Melty received from her mother. Seriously, to tell a little girl to go alone to reprimand and possibly punish her own father. Rather difficult task for even an adult, but for a child like her I feel rather bad.

Also, looks like the lady in the opening is making her appearance.
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Old 2019-03-13, 11:55   Link #4
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Also, Naofumi gets some allies during the next wave.

Our Shield Hero is really earning his title isn't he?

Anyone feel like wanting Filo to meet the Spear Hero again with her new weapon?
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Old 2019-03-13, 12:18   Link #5
Les Pays Bass
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Wow, Naofumi finally has the chance to tell Ren and Itsuki off. Ren seems to be having second thoughts of his actions, but Itsuki still believes that Naofumi is a liar. What a joke of a hero. I'm getting the feeling that the Queen is in some sort of house arrest or under some surveillance. Probably because she's too smart for the current royalty!
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Old 2019-03-13, 14:13   Link #6
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It's got to be a pain for people trying to express gratitude to Naofumi. Need a remarkable amount of maturity to put up with his terrible personality. Does make me respect everyone who does support him though. They are not taking the easy road.

The real tragedy of this setting is that Naofumi despite all his issues is the least troublesome of the heroes. He'll bleed you dry financially, but at least he draws the line somewhere. About the only person with some degree of common sense.

Although I'd say Ren seems the most likely to get his affairs in order. He messed up with the dragon case, but he's smart enough to realize he screwed up. The scariest type are the ones that refuse to see their flaws and just continue down the same path. Will see what happens of course. Thus far the story hasn't given much hope that anyone among the heroes besides Naofumi will mature as the story goes along. But there is some chance that Ren could get on track. It's a much longer road for Naofumi to mature, but at least he's moving that way. The other two...I have my doubts. Bow and Lance are pretty darn stupid and unable to face themselves.

Rough spot for Melty. No doubt as someone who is bound to take the throne she's going to have to be able to deal with people who have terrible personalities. And she's going to be left cleaning up messes that aren't her fault. It's a tough spot for her now, but she seems to have a good head on her shoulders.
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Old 2019-03-13, 14:15   Link #7
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Just when you thought we're about to get some resolution about Melty's request and how shielddad didn't want anything to do with the royals, Melty runs off screen and is never seen this episode again, instead we get a bunch of new children expendable NPCs that aren't even named and might even die next episode!

Everyone's shocked at Nao's reaction to Melty's request, but really? The only one who didn't know anything about what happened was Filo so that's understandable, and she's still a fat chicken, you don't explain things to your pet.

Even Agil confronted Nao about what he did back then, and he and Raph are still shocked that he turned down Melty? REALLY? Have they all forgotten what the royals tried and did do???

Agil should just rent out office space for the shielddad, that way he can't complain about his shop being used as reception area/conference room.
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Old 2019-03-13, 14:39   Link #8
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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Naofumi was very insensitive with Raphtalia. I understand that his goal has always been to go back home, but he could have spared a thought about how that would make her feel.

It turns out Itsuki caused an even bigger mess than the others. He's in denial on top of it. At least Ren proved to be understanding and may improve as a result.

Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
The real tragedy of this setting is that Naofumi despite all his issues is the least troublesome of the heroes. He'll bleed you dry financially, but at least he draws the line somewhere. About the only person with some degree of common sense.
I wouldn't say he bleeds people dry. He asks what he thinks they can afford. He gave food to the refugees for free, and he didn't take the money his new party collected and asked them to use it to get better equipment instead.
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Old 2019-03-13, 15:14   Link #9
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Indeed. From the start he's made it extremely clear that he doesn't want to take or cheat people out of things, he just wants a fair deal. He'll bargain hard when bargaining is allowed, but he doesn't seem to be unreasonable. And if he does take everything, you can be fairly certain that he'll give you something he believes is worth that much. Unless you've already taken something valuable from him, in which case screw you.

Also, I think Naofumi is indeed thinking about Raphtalia. He doesn't understand her, but he is concerned for her. That's why he's trying to teach her to decide for herself and find a path that will bring her safety and happiness without him. He still thinks of her as a daughter remember. I don't think any of the girls he's traveled with besides the b!tch are more than ten years old, so I don't think he even recognizes the potential for romantic feelings to develop in any of their hearts, at least not really deep feelings. As such he may be "insensitive" from a suitor point of view as he doesn't realize the girl loves him and wants to be by his side forever, but he's fairly sensitive from a parental or foster POV, determined to ensure that his girl learns to take care of herself and not depend on him too much, because once she's truly grown she'll have her own life to live and he can't have her modelling her life based on what he may want or what's helpful to him.
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Old 2019-03-13, 15:14   Link #10
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The real issue is that Naofumiis doing as much harm as good. I didn't need to hear from the slave trader that he made business boom for the guy. He can't pull it off the same way that the guys from Ancient Magus Bride could.

And did they just make a Spider-Man reference?

On topic, with Ren it's excusable. He did what he was asked when he killed that dragon. They didn't provision him to clean it up and they had time to do it themselves before people flocked to it. Greed got them killed. With Itsuki... well, yeah, that's his screw up. He had to kill some people to change who ruled the land so he's got blood on his hands on purpose and didn't deal with the root of the problem. Revolutions usually are just done to change who is in the position of power, and leaving behind a resistance group means you just gave them a free army. It sounds like his quest is basically him going to kill the new leader instead (though I might be wrong). And he didn't make sure his identity was known before he did the quests, unlike Naofumi who always reveal his shield when its go time, so somebody stealing his identity could pilfer it. Mind you, the question of who did it is still up in the air.

Ironically, their problems are relatively simple to solve. Itsuki clearly has a super-hero understanding of things, and is somehow even less mature than the others, but if his identity was known then people would call him out on his screw ups. Spider-man screws up even once and you'll have someone on him to go with his guilt. Ren should have been greedier, since he could have used his sword to absorb every bit of the dragon and get the cores as well as solve the problem, but he's a Soloer. Motoyasu is just stupid.

There's no fixing stupid, but maybe someone would place a minder on him?

Last edited by Twi; 2019-03-13 at 15:45.
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Old 2019-03-13, 15:40   Link #11
Wandering Soul
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Wasn't expecting a Spider-Man reference here.

It's nice to see both Ren and Itsuki being reasonable, Ren a bit more so. Also TBF to Ren, no one requested that he clean up the dragon's corpse and they had plenty of time to do it themselves.
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Old 2019-03-13, 16:45   Link #12
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Originally Posted by Twi View Post
The real issue is that Naofumiis doing as much harm as good. I didn't need to hear from the slave trader that he made business boom for the guy. He can't pull it off the same way that the guys from Ancient Magus Bride could.
I'm not so sure. It's hard to say that he made more people interested in buying slaves, he just changed the interests of those that purchase them. And it's probably better for the slaves owned by that particular trader in particular, as well as raccoon-types and slaves from Raphtalia's village. It sounds like there's at least a fair number of slave owners out there who're only interested in abuse (Raphtalia was very ill and beaten and wasn't thought to have much chance if I recall correctly as a result of her previous owner's love of torture) but chances are not everyone who buys slaves is looking for someone to beat. Those that are looking for a fighter or something will now be looking for traits in common with Raphtalia. The increase in purchases by people looking to fill jobs could decrease the number picked up by people just looking to cause pain. True they'd likely be better off free but still better a slave to a man that wants a warrior than to a man that wants to satisfy some sort of sadistic desire.
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Old 2019-03-13, 16:52   Link #13
Neki Ecko
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Originally Posted by Twi View Post
The real issue is that Naofumiis doing as much harm as good. I didn't need to hear from the slave trader that he made business boom for the guy. He can't pull it off the same way that the guys from Ancient Magus Bride could.
I am confused, please tell me what harm that Naofumi did during his travels? I would like to know that because there is the reason why he ask for funds for the villagers (good hint is Kaze No Stigma) but I don't see no harm that Naofumi is doing on the road.
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Old 2019-03-13, 18:13   Link #14
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Originally Posted by Neki Ecko View Post
I am confused, please tell me what harm that Naofumi did during his travels? I would like to know that because there is the reason why he ask for funds for the villagers (good hint is Kaze No Stigma) but I don't see no harm that Naofumi is doing on the road.
I've seen Kaze no Stigma. Shame the author died. But have you ever seen Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans and in the very first episode of the second season they point out because of how effective the human debris (as in children who are kidnapped after having their parents killed and basically used as disposable trash) were the number of cases of it happening jumped up dramatically?

Filo being gained via Slave Trader means more people will go to him for monster eggs. That in itself isn't bad, minus the fact that as Naofumi pointed out in the sewers that when the monsters get too much trouble to handle they'll just flush them like that. But Raph was pointed out as a high-class slave, which means they'll be more of a demand for people like her, which means more profit can be gained by selling off her into slavery, which means more people will do the crap that ended up getting her put into slavery and using girls like her as weapons to fight for them. And remember, appearance aside Raph is 10 and Filo is 2 months at best.

It's not his fault directly (I apologize if it sounded like that from me), and as we've discussed at length he had to take a slave to survive at this point (we'll leave out the fact that he could have freed her and the rebranding conundrum) but it's having it's own consequences that aren't being addressed even when he lectures Ren and Itsuki about them being careless when he's doing the same thing inadvertently. The fact that Slave Trader is the one who points it out and it doesn't get so much as a second thought bothers me, because I don't like it when one side chews the other out while doing the same thing.
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Old 2019-03-13, 19:09   Link #15
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Naofumi needs to stop assuming that everyone will understand how he feels without even telling them what's going on, also he needs to stop being a jerk but at least Raph and Firo can deal with that.

It was nice to see how bow and sword couldn't even understand the magnitude of their actions until Naofumi told them, I can expect bow to bite the dust pretty soon considering his attitude. Now regarding the Queen and her plan involving Melty, something tells me that she's not in a position where she can do that much, like something is keeping her on that place but at least she can still help Naofumi even if is by proxy, she knows pretty well that Mein is a piece of shit, same goes for the King.

Oh boy, the next wave is coming, time for some good old battles.
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Old 2019-03-13, 20:20   Link #16
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It kind of sucks that the one time Naofumi, understandably, wants nothing to do with anyone involved with the royalty it turns out that it's someone who was actually sent to help him. Does Melty even know exactly what happened to him? Poor girl now has to make up for all the terrible things her sister and father did to Naofumi, and I doubt he's going to make it easy for her .

So is the queen under armed guard or something? I thought she was in the middle of some kind of negotiation, which is why she can't return to the kingdom, but it seems like she might be under some kind of house arrest. Also seems like she can sense the Wave somehow .

I'm really becoming less and less comfortable with Naofumi doing business with this slave trader, even if Naofumi really doesn't have many options when it comes to knowing what to do with Raphtalia and Filo. I'm especially not sure how to feel about Naofumi unwittingly helping his business .

So there's a country of Demi-Humans named after the Shield Hero? That sounds pretty nice. I wonder if we'll get to see it in the second cour ?

It's not surprising that Naofumi would want to just get his job with the Waves done and then get sent back home. I mean, even setting aside that he has a family back home, there's really not very much keeping him tied to this world beyond Raphtalia and Filo. Could be a little more considerate for how those two might feel if he left though .

I guess it's not a world based around an RPG without a mission that takes our heroes through a sewer. At least the ladies got saved from the brunt of the muck (sorry Naofumi) .

Was Raphtalia about to confess before Filo interrupted? Granted, I could definitely see her just say she didn't want to Naofumi to leave her...

So Bow Hero has been moonlighting as a revolutionary vigilante, topping unjust regimes one after another. It's just too bad he doesn't understand politics or city management enough to know what to do after you incite a revolution and kick a previous ruler out .

Naofumi telling off Ren and Itsuki for how badly they screwed up was so satisfying. I was hoping he'd do it to Motoyasu too, but him getting Filo'd in the last episode pretty much made up for it. A shame Itsuki is now in the same boat as Motoyasu as being too stubborn and prideful to see that he'd messed up and is completely unwilling to believe in Naofumi, but at least Ren was man enough to realize his mistake and apologize for it (seeing what happened to Raphtalia probably didn't hurt). I was kind of expecting Bow Hero to be the most reasonable of the other Heroes, but now it seems that's Ren's position at the moment.

Naofumi is like the master of the secret test of character. He'll make you work hard to scrounge up enough money to buy something worthless but then turn it around and let you use that money for yourself. He really doesn't make it easy to get along with him, but I guess that's another way of figuring out the people who are loyal from the people who aren't .

Yeah, the blacksmith's shop is basically Shield Hero's secret base, isn't it ?
Originally Posted by Twi View Post
And did they just make a Spider-Man reference?
Originally Posted by Wandering Soul View Post
Wasn't expecting a Spider-Man reference here.
Yeah, was that a legitimate reference or was the translator having fun? I know Spider-Man is popular in Japan, but I wasn't expecting such a direct reference .

I actually think Naofumi and Spider-Man have a lot in common given they're both snarky heroes who everyone assumes the worst of and accuse them of doing things they're not responsible for.
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Old 2019-03-13, 21:11   Link #17
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Armor guy has a name! At 6:03, we see the transaction info when Naofumi wants to get the armor repaired, and it shows Elhart receiving the goods. So armor guy's name is Elhart!

Map at 9:52. Will poke around trying to read that later on. Interesting that the continent seems rather small, though.

Rookie soldier is named Ake.

Interesting that a "guild" is asking Itsuki to overthrow various rulers. Just who is benefiting from that?

From the camera focus while Naofumi was talking to Ren and Itsuki, I suspect that Ren was most convinced of Naofumi's honesty because of the injuries he saw on Raphtalia. Since he saw the together at the end of episode 4, he knows how close they are, and that Naofumi isn't the type to let Raphtalia get hurt if he can help it.
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Old 2019-03-13, 22:55   Link #18
The Green One
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Originally Posted by Frontier View Post

Was Raphtalia about to confess before Filo interrupted? Granted, I could definitely see her just say she didn't want to Naofumi to leave her...
Nah that totally looked like a confession attempt to me, and some please don't leave me as well. Though asking to come with him makes that pretty clear.
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Old 2019-03-14, 00:58   Link #19
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Originally Posted by The Green One View Post
Nah that totally looked like a confession attempt to me, and some please don't leave me as well. Though asking to come with him makes that pretty clear.
Yeah, that was totally a confession. Problem is, Naofumi will have to explain her that he can't take her in a world where demi humans don't exist. Unless they happen to find some form of powerful disguise magic.
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Old 2019-03-14, 03:35   Link #20
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Compared to the other heros, Ren is decent.

Originally Posted by Twi View Post
It's not his fault directly (I apologize if it sounded like that from me), and as we've discussed at length he had to take a slave to survive at this point (we'll leave out the fact that he could have freed her and the rebranding conundrum) but it's having it's own consequences that aren't being addressed even when he lectures Ren and Itsuki about them being careless when he's doing the same thing inadvertently. The fact that Slave Trader is the one who points it out and it doesn't get so much as a second thought bothers me, because I don't like it when one side chews the other out while doing the same thing.
Naofumi never considered buying Raphtalia or Filo has a noble or good action. He brought them out of necessity, he needs people to help him fight the waves.

Buying slaves is considered bad in the first place, there isn't much point in going on and on about how it's bad.
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