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Old 2019-04-24, 22:17   Link #61
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U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs:

"The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report
encounters with "unidentified aircraft," a significant new step in creating a formal
process to collect and analyze the unexplained sightings — and destigmatize them.

The previously unreported move is in response to a series of sightings of unknown,
highly advanced aircraft intruding on Navy strike groups and other sensitive military
formations and facilities, the service says.

"There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft
entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years,"
the Navy said in a statement in response to questions from POLITICO. "For safety and
security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously
and investigates each and every report.

"As part of this effort," it added, "the Navy is updating and formalizing the process by
which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the cognizant
authorities. A new message to the fleet that will detail the steps for reporting is in

To be clear, the Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien
spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough strange aerial sightings by
credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official
record and studied — rather than dismissed as some kooky phenomena from the realm
of science-fiction."



US Navy introducing guidelines for pilots to report UFO sightings:

"Separately a senior military official told CNN that some of the recent sightings are
highly classified military aviation programs undergoing testing in the western United

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Old 2019-04-28, 03:19   Link #62
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What The Hell Is Going On With UFOs And The Department
Of Defense?:

"Few stories have garnered more requests from our readers for commentary than the
recent news that the Navy has decided to very publicly change its reporting rules and
procedures for when its personnel observes an unexplained phenomenon like a UFO and a
USO. There have been wildly varying takes on this sudden change, but the truth is that it is
very hard to know what to make of it considering how absurd it sounds—the Navy now
wants to know about unidentified craft that can penetrate airspace over its installations
and around its most capable naval vessels with impunity? Shouldn't that be a default
position for a service tasked with defending American interests and controlling vast
swathes of area above, below, and on the surface of the Earth?"

"The main revelation is that technology exists that is capable of performing flying
maneuvers that shatter our perceptions of propulsion, flight controls, material science,
and even physics. Let me underline this again for you, the Nimitz encounter with the Tic
Tac proved that exotic technology that is widely thought of as the domain of science
fiction actually exists. It is real. It isn't the result of altered perception, someone's lucid
dream, a stray weather balloon, or swamp gas. Someone or something has crossed
the technological Rubicon and has obtained what some would call the Holy Grail of
aerospace engineering.

This reality is very hard to process for many. There is always an out for some in the
form of claiming an odd impromptu conspiracy or some hollow explanation that doesn't
pass muster beyond the first paragraph, but in the end, it happened. As uncomfortable
as that fact is, it's reality. So, we need to use this event as a lodestar going forward
when it comes to evaluating and contemplating what is possible and where truth
actually lies."

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Old 2019-05-28, 17:52   Link #63
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Multiple F/A-18 Pilots Disclose Recent UFOs Encounters, New
Radar Tech Key In Detection:

"n a major breakthrough in what could be the most fascinating story of our time, five
U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet crewmen have recounted a number of incredibly
strange encounters with unidentified flying objects off the East Coast of the United
States. Two of the pilots went on the record. The surreal craft they encountered had
performance that defies known propulsion and aerodynamic capabilities, and are
described as looking like something akin to special effects you would have seen in a sci-
fi movie circa the late 1980s. The pilots' accounts also point to a major sensor upgrade
on their aircraft that made the presence of these craft even detectable at all.

What's even more important is that these events took place as recently as 2015, over
a decade after the now famous Nimitz incident with the so-called 'Tic Tac' craft
occurred. This is all coming to light—at least officially—just weeks after the U.S. Navy
said it is changing its procedures for its service members reporting unexplained
phenomenon in their operating environments.

The War Zone had recently published an in-depth expose about the Navy's procedural
changes, a number of other revelations surrounding the Tic Tac incident, and more
recent developments, that concluded that the phenomenon is indeed real. That hard to
swallow fact has huge implications, regardless of the objects' origins.

Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot who has been in the Navy for a decade
has come forward after talking to the Navy and Congress about the events he and his
squadron mates witnessed between 2014 and 2015. In a New York Times article
published on May 26th, 2019, Graves described how strange craft would appear in their
training airspace and persist there not for minutes, but many hours, or even days at a

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Old 2019-05-29, 23:44   Link #64
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Interview with 'Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation'
with former Special Agent Luis Elizondo:

"Previously run by Elizondo, AATIP was created to research and investigate Unidentified
Aerial Phenomena (UAP) including numerous videos of reported encounters, three of
which were released to a shocked public in 2017. Elizondo resigned after expressing to
the government that these UAPs could pose a major threat to our national security,
and not enough was being done to deal with them or address our potential

Now, as a part of HISTORY's groundbreaking new six-part, one-hour limited series
"Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation," Elizondo is speaking out for the first
time with Tom DeLonge, co-founder and President of To The Stars Academy of Arts &
Science, and Chris Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and
Intelligence, to expose a series of startling encounters and embark on fascinating new
investigations that will urge the public to ask questions and look for answers. From A+E
Originals, DeLonge serves as executive producer.

In collaboration with We Are The Mighty and HISTORY, I had the opportunity to sit down
with this warrior for an interview.

Series premieres Friday, May 31, at 10/9c on HISTORY."


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Old 2019-05-30, 22:48   Link #65
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Carrier Group In Recent UFO Encounters Had New Air
Defense Tech Like Nimitz In 2004 Incident:

"Recently, new details have emerged regarding a series of still unexplained encounters
that U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet pilots had with unidentified flying objects while
conducting training missions off the East Coast of the United States in 2014 and 2015.
The War Zone has already explored this new report in detail and looked at how
improved radars had played a major role in detecting these objects. But what wasn't
immediately apparent was just how ideal the situation could have been during at least
some of these incidents for observing and recording the performance and signatures of
potentially revolutionary flying machines under real-world conditions by the very best
combined group of air defense assets on the planet.

The aircraft and ships present around the time these events occurred were equipped
with the most advanced sensor fusion, networking, and computer processing
capabilities available. In fact, collectively they represented the first time these
capabilities were deployed across an operational Carrier Strike Group. This directly
mirrors the peculiar conditions present during the famous "Tic Tac" incident involving the
USS Nimitz, her air wing, and her escorts off the Baja Coast in 2004."

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Old 2019-05-31, 00:02   Link #66
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UFOs have come out of the fringe and into the mainstream:

"The Pentagon’s secret UFO program was called AATIP — Advanced Aerospace Threat
Identification Program. The title cleverly blurred the lines between next-generation aviation
threats and the phenomena they were really studying. Maybe as an unintended
consequence, but perhaps by design, the cryptic title also kept the program hidden from
the numerous people who make Freedom of Information Act requests about “UFOs.”
AATIP was set up in 2007, largely on the initiative of the then-Senate majority leader,
Harry Reid. When AATIP’s existence was revealed, Reid tweeted: “The truth is out there.


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Old 2019-06-05, 23:14   Link #67
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Tom DeLonge’s Origin Story For To The Stars Academy Describes
A Government UFO Info Operation:

"Key players on the To The Stars Academy team—a group with curiously impressive
resumes from the military industrial and intelligence complex's highest rungs and
darkest corners—are virtually everywhere in the media right now. In what has been one
of the most impressive media pushes I have seen in a long time, the group has gone all
out in promoting their new show, Unidentified, on the History Channel. At the same
time, as if right on cue—which isn't all that surprising—huge UFO-related stories have hit
the mainstream media. These have included on the record accounts of Navy fighter
pilots recently encountering UFOs and an announcement of the service's own rule
charges regarding how personnel report these incidents. We have gone in depth on
each of these stories in an attempt to cut through the static and get to the truth, or at
least the possibilities surrounding what could end up being the truth.

Yet one of the most fascinating, but seldom-discussed elements of this whole story is
how To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Sciences came to be and who the mysterious
people were that had a direct hand in making it a reality. Even by its principal founder's
own bizarre, yet highly detailed account, which you will read in full in a moment, it
sounds far more akin to the making of a tightly controlled government information and
psychological operation than the result of a group of highly-qualified people who were
interested in accessing new insights on the subject of UFOs."

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Old 2019-06-10, 22:20   Link #68
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Navy F/A-18 Pilot Shares New Details About UFO Encounters
During Middle East Deployment:

"As part of our ongoing and in-depth coverage of the military's increasingly publicized
encounters with UFOs, we want to share with you exclusive correspondence between
F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot Ryan Graves and The War Zone. Graves is one of a handful
of Navy tactical jet aircrewmen that recently stepped forward regarding a near constant
string of encounters with UFOs while training off the southeast coast of the U.S.
between 2014 and 2015. In the message, he answers our question regarding
statements that the mysterious craft followed his unit while on cruise to the Persian
Gulf aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt. There was some discrepancy on this issue,
with the New York Times first reporting the encounters stopped shortly after the unit
and its air wing left on deployment in early Spring of 2015, while further testimony from
Graves teased in short promotional clips for To The Stars Academy's History Channel
show Unidentified implies that they continued while the unit was deployed abroad."

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Old 2019-06-20, 22:52   Link #69
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Recent UFO Encounters With Navy Pilots Occurred
Constantly Across Multiple Squadrons:

"One of the biggest questions surrounding the most recent known spate of UFO
encounters with U.S. Navy pilots—those that occurred off the southeastern seaboard
of the United States between 2014 and early 2015—pertains to how persistent they
actually were. We know Super Hornet aircrews from Strike Fighter Squadron 11
(VFA-11), the Red Rippers, detected unknown objects multiple times on radar and one
aircrew even had a close encounter visually with one of them, but what about the rest
of the many Hornet squadrons based at Naval Air Station Oceana, not to mention the
E-2 Hawkeye squadrons from nearby NAS Norfolk? We have the answer to this
question and it is remarkable.

A source with knowledge of the events has made it clear to The War Zone that
presence of the mysterious objects in the restricted training airspace off America's east
coast was so pervasive that it was largely common knowledge among local flying units.
They noted that the majority of the Super Hornet squadrons equipped with AN/APG-79
Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars—you can read all about this
technology and how it was key in detecting these objects in our exclusive piece on the
subject—at the time were having the same experiences, as well as the crews flying the
new E-2D Hawkeye with its incredibly powerful AN/APY-9 radar suite. It literally became
such a common and near everyday occurrence that Naval Aviators and Naval Flight
Officers from the base would talk about it informally with regularity."

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Old 2019-06-29, 01:40   Link #70
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Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By
Warning Of Similar Chinese Tech Advances:

"The United States Secretary of Navy is listed as the assignee on several radical
aviation technologies patented by an aerospace engineer working at the Naval Air
Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters in Patuxent River, Maryland.
One of these patents describes a "hybrid aerospace-underwater craft" claimed to be
capable of truly extraordinary feats of speed and maneuverability in air, water, and
outer space alike thanks to a revolutionary electromagnetic propulsion system.

Sound far fetched? You’re not alone.

A primary patent examiner at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
thought so too. But then the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of the Naval Aviation
Enterprise personally wrote a letter addressed to the examiner claiming that the U.S.
needs the patent as the Chinese are already “investing significantly” in these aerospace
technologies that sound eerily similar to the UFOs reported by Navy pilots in now well-
known encounters. This raises the question, are the Chinese developing or even already
flying craft leveraging similar advanced technology and is the Navy now scrambling to
catch up?"

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Old 2019-07-30, 23:06   Link #71
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Congressman Has Written An Official Letter
To The Navy Demanding Answers On UFOs:

"A member of the House of Representatives says the recent uptick in news regarding
what many would call unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, something The War Zone
has been a leading investigative source of, could reflect emerging threats to U.S.
national airspace and homeland security, rather than simply military and intelligence
concerns. Mark Walker, a Republican from North Carolina, has now written an open
letter to Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer asking for more details about what
that service is doing to record and assess sightings of what are increasingly referred
to as unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP.

Walker, who is a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security and the
ranking Republican on its Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism, wrote
the letter to Spencer on July 16, 2019. He subsequently made it public on his website
on July 29, 2019, three days after he went on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to
voice his concerns.

"The reports mention the existence of these encounters both domestically and abroad
during various [U.S. military] missions and trainings," Walker wrote in his letter.
"Additionally, there have been reports of significant investments in advanced
aerospace technologies like the recorded UAP encounters by China."

"If the accounts are true, the unidentified crafts could pose a serious security risk to
our military personnel and defense apparatus," he continued. "As a member of the
House Committee on Homeland Security and the Ranking Member for the
Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism, these reports are concerning
from a national airspace and domestic security perspective."

You can read the full letter below."

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Old 2019-08-01, 05:28   Link #72
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I saw UFO when I was a child twice but it was in the countryside where I could see the sky clear.
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Old 2019-08-02, 22:05   Link #73
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Navy's Advanced Aerospace Tech Boss Claims Key 'UFO'
Patent Is Operable:

"Last month, The War Zone reported on a series of strange patent applications the
U.S. Navy has filed over the last few years and questioned what their connections
may be with the ongoing saga of Navy personnel reporting incidents involving
unidentified objects in or near U.S. airspace.

We have several active Freedom of Information Act requests with the Department of
Navy to pursue more information related to the research that led to these patents. As
those are being processed, we've continued to dig through the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office's (USPTO) Public Patent Application Information Retrieval database
to get as much context for these patents as possible.

In doing so, we came across documents that seem to suggest, at least by the Navy's
own claims, that two highly peculiar Navy patents, the room temperature
superconductor (RTSC) and the high-energy electromagnetic field generator
(HEEMFG), may in fact already be in operation in some manner. The inventor of the
Navy's most bizarre patent, the straight-out-of-science fiction-sounding hybrid
aerospace/underwater craft, describes that craft as leveraging the same room
temperature superconductor technology and high energy electromagnetic fields to
enable its unbelievable speed and maneuverability. If those two technologies are
already operable as the Navy claims, could this mean the hybrid craft may also
already operable or close to operable? Or is this just more evidence that the whole
exotic 'UFO' patent endeavor on the Navy's behalf is some sort of ruse or even gross
mismanagement of resources?"

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Old 2019-08-03, 01:55   Link #74
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Disclosure Project 2001 National Press Club Event:

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Old 2019-08-06, 01:28   Link #75
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Show on "Black Triangle" UFO sightings:

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Ye olde patent claims:

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Old 2019-08-10, 17:37   Link #76
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Bernie Sanders is promising to declassify the government's UFO files if he's elected:

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) pledged in an interview released Tuesday that he
will tell the American public anything he learns about aliens or UFOs if elected
president next year."


But I wonder if he'd have any better luck than Barry Goldwater did:

"Former presidential candidate and Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater tried, on
multiple occasions in the late 1960’s and 70’s, to gain access to certain areas
of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base but was denied access where, he alleged, the
Air Force was hiding evidence regarding flying saucers.

“I think the government does know [about UFOs]," Goldwater said in a 1994 radio
interview. "I can’t back that up, but I think that at Wright-Patterson field, if
you could get into a certain place, you’d find out what the Air Force and the
government knows about UFOs.”

“I called Curtis LeMay [Goldwater's running mate and former Air Force General]
and I said, ‘General, I know we have a room at Wright-Patterson where you put
all this secret stuff. Could I go in there?’ I’ve never heard him get mad, but
he got madder than hell at me, cussed me out, and said, ‘Don’t ever ask me that
question again!’”"

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Old 2019-12-17, 23:54   Link #77
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The real reasons the US government is so secretive about UFOs:

"Two years ago Sunday, the New York Times broke the stunning story of a secret
Pentagon program to study unidentified flying objects. That story led me to delve into
this strange world. I've learned some interesting stuff about UFOs ("unidentified aerial
phenomena," or "UAP," as the Pentagon refers to them) since then. But there's one

The United States government makes it very hard to figure out what and where UFO-
related stuff is going on.

Is that because the government is behind some great conspiracy to cover up the proof
of alien visitation to Earth? Is it because the government is in cahoots with alien
species to create human-alien hybrids?

Perhaps, but I suspect not.

What I believe is really going on here is that the few individuals in the U.S.
government who know about this issue believe the phenomena might be a threat. And
that they don't know how to deal with it.

So, what informs the government's fear?"

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Old 2020-05-02, 23:05   Link #78
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Japan Defense Ministry to draft UFO protocols in response to U.S. footage:

"The Defense Ministry plans to draw up protocols for UFO encounters in light of the U.S.
Defense Department’s recent decision to release videos of the mysterious objects.

The ministry will consider procedures for responding to, recording and reporting on UFO
encounters as their unknown nature might cause confusion among Self-Defense Forces

The videos released Monday by the U.S. Defense Department were taken in 2004 and
2015. Some show an elliptical flying object with unprecedented speed and

Defense Minister Taro Kono said Tuesday that SDF pilots have never encountered UFOs
but that the ministry will develop protocols for the possibility."

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Old 2020-06-23, 21:02   Link #79
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Unprecedented Public Report On UFOs Requested From Senate
Intel Committee:

"Members of the U.S. Senate have expressed concern that the U.S. military, as well as
other federal government agencies, have not been giving the appropriate amount of
attention to reports of encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, more
commonly referred to as unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, which may be linked to
America's adversaries. They are now looking to order the Director of National
Intelligence to work with other relevant agencies to produce a report detailing just
what information they have on UAPs already, how that data is collected and
processed, how it is getting shared, and just what kind of threats or other risks these
objects might pose."

"On top of all of this, it is also notable that members of the Senate are seeking an
unclassified review of these issues that they could release to the American people. If
this comes to pass, this could easily become one of the most significant publicly
available official reports on UAP/UFO encounters since the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue
Book studies in the 1950s and 1960s."

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Old 2020-07-11, 01:26   Link #80
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All the episodes of the New York Post's series "The Basement Office" can be found here, with the
most recent episodes at the top of the list. Scroll down for the older ones:
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