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Old 2012-05-08, 14:57   Link #2061
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Unfortunately I'm on eune, I think I'm the only one from AS. He should be free in 2-3 weeks or so.
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Old 2012-05-08, 15:39   Link #2062
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Yeah he probably will. So far Varus has been banned every game I have been in want to see how he plays in team fights. Not me playing him, but someone else.
Ah thats a shame if you were on EUW could of played together if you wanted of course.
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Old 2012-05-09, 02:05   Link #2063
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Yeah I used to play with a few people here when it was just one EU server, but I was still LV19 or was still fun though Varus is a pain to face in many interrupts

Irelia's buff is very notable at solo top, looking forward to some Rainman action one of these days.
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Old 2012-05-09, 07:09   Link #2064
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Still havn't be able to play against or with him. I had a twitch jungler on my team last game, he got 3 good ganks early and after that he just started to snowball so hard. The other teams jungler which was Lee Sin, couldn't do anything and he wasn't that bad, elo around 1840.
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Old 2012-05-09, 07:21   Link #2065
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Originally Posted by Ak3mi View Post
Still havn't be able to play against or with him. I had a twitch jungler on my team last game, he got 3 good ganks early and after that he just started to snowball so hard. The other teams jungler which was Lee Sin, couldn't do anything and he wasn't that bad, elo around 1840.
Jungle Twitch is pretty overrated though, I mean, sure, if you let him jungle uninhibited he'll become a monster, but with a good level 1 invade, and constant pressure in the jungle it effectively becomes a 4v5.
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Old 2012-05-09, 07:33   Link #2066
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Originally Posted by Tacoshuriken View Post
Jungle Twitch is pretty overrated though, I mean, sure, if you let him jungle uninhibited he'll become a monster, but with a good level 1 invade, and constant pressure in the jungle it effectively becomes a 4v5.
For sure, was just luckily that he got three good ganks. He was on my team so I was happy, just find twitch a intresting champion. I have had some games against him that he is just useless, because he hasn't had the early ganks.
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Old 2012-05-09, 07:46   Link #2067
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You need a team to be stupid and lazy enough to not get wards/Oracle Elixir to allow Twitch to be a dominant factor. Or surround him with tanky chars and let him slip in once the action is under way. He reminds me of what ticked me off about DotA and Stealth Assassin - leave the guy alone for 10-15 mins and you're in trouble. But ward/pot like mad and he's useless.

I really like Tristana. ^^ Big time. Wish the Firefighter skin was cheaper.
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Old 2012-05-09, 08:18   Link #2068
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Originally Posted by Last Sinner View Post
I really like Tristana. ^^ Big time. Wish the Firefighter skin was cheaper.
Trist is def my favourite carry, too bad I don't really get to play her lately, especially now that Varus has come out.
Pretty sure the last time I played her was ap... (I generally play ap mids, and I was bored)
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Old 2012-05-09, 09:08   Link #2069
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I've played everything except AP Olaf It's generally fun to mess around in bot games or normals with friends, but it really confuses me when people try AD for Twitch, last time I played him was AP mid, vs Anivia iirc. Fun times^^
Jungle Twitch is pretty overrated though, I mean, sure, if you let him jungle uninhibited he'll become a monster, but with a good level 1 invade, and constant pressure in the jungle it effectively becomes a 4v5.
Do you guys invade a lot? I always do, kills are bound to show up on either team. It helps keep the active role of LoL that its producers want it to have, I don't like passive play.
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Old 2012-05-09, 09:33   Link #2070
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With the people I am usually playing League, I am sadly bound to jungle eight out of ten times. I don't dislike jungling, but I'd prefer to play another role more often. Anyway, what I want to ask you guys is which champion you prefer in the jungle. I have played a lot of jungle champs, but really only two of them suit my playstyle and are genuinely fun to play. The problem is, that those two champs aren't what you would consider classic junglers: Tryndamere and Olaf.

I've tried Udyr, Nocturne, Warwick, Mundo, Fiora, Twitch and really like neither of them as junglers. Only Tryndamere and Olaf seem to fit the way I play, and I want to ask you guys, which one of the two you prefer as a jungler.

I play both of them with Smite and Ghost most of the times. What's great about Tryndamere is his whirlwind attack, with which he can get around the jungle quickly and ensure kills during ganks even after the opponend flashed away. On the other hand though, he is not nearly as tanky as Olaf and pretty much useless in teamfights if he get's cc'ed. His defense consists of life steal, which only grands an advantage if he can actually attack the enemy. Too often, I feel, I had to run away from fights early with Ghost and Endless Rage, because I was focused.

Now for Olaf. He is of course more tanky than Tryndamere and arguably less item dependent, because he can dish out amazing damage with his E during the early game. Unless you finally get Warmog, Mallet / Atmog, his damage falls off mid to late game, though, compared to Tryndamere. Also, he adds arguably even less to team fights, since he can't reduce the enemy's attack power. The only way he could potentially compensate for that is by being able to stay in fights longer and to therefore dish out more damage overall. His ganks are a bit weaker than Trynda's though, or at least harder to pull of. Whereas Tryndamere has two inherent ways of gap closing, Olaf has really only one, and that's a skill shot. His less item dependent damage somewhat compensates for that, but the advantage declines as time goes on.

As for Item builds, with Tryndamere I usually go:

- Berserker's Greves
- Phantom Dancer
- Infinty Edge
- Last Whisper
- Zeke's Herald
- Bloodthirster

Not always of course, and not always in that order. Sometimes I add a Quicksilver if I relly have to, but let's move on to Olaf:

- Mercury's
- Wriggle's
- Warmog
- Frozen Mallet
- Maw of Marmortius (is that what it's called? -> the magic resist sword)
- Atma's Impler

Alright, that's basically it. I would really appreciate some insight from more experienced players. What do you think about Jungle Trynda / Olaf in general, and which do you prefer? I will probably end up playing both anyway, but I want to focus for one of them as a main champion for a while.
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Old 2012-05-09, 09:33   Link #2071
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I only suggest a invade when we have strong lvl 1 CC. Champions with a stun, help secure the kill, blitzcrank or morgana are my favorite to have for a invade.

Ap twitch ma gawd, that must of been some mad burst. Ap trist I have played and I didn't really enjoy it

@ZGoten To be honest, I don't mind either of them as junglers in ranked. Out of the two, I prefer Olaf because of his early game potential.

Olaf jungle should use ghost and smite. You want to get Q first but max it last, W at lvl 2 and max it at lvl 15 or 16. E is your main damage output and so you want to pick it up at lvl 3 and max it by 9. R should be picked up at 6/11/16.
As for items, you're spot on. For me I don't get Maw of malmortius, I get Frozen heart or Force of nature as with W, your unbelievably hard to kill.

Tryndamere is a good jungler, but I don't play him much because I don't like his abilities. You want to use Exhaust instead of ghost for more aggression, as he already has lots of escaping tools. You want to max Q first and pick it up at lvl 1. After this I'm not too sure, I think W you pick up at lvl 2 and max it last. Pick up E at lvl 3 and max it by lvl 14. Standard maxing of R 6/11/16.
For items don't get Zeke's herald get Phage instead and upgrade it to Frozen when you can. At the start of jungling just get Vampiric scepter, unless you want to get red bluff for early gank, if you do want red buff get boots and 3xhealth pots. Last whisper should only be situational for really tanky teams, if they arn't pick up another Phantom dancer.

Hope this helps, sorry for the editing, we posted at the same time. Note I only play Olaf jungle in ranked, Tryndamere I play in normals as I don't like him much, like I said.

Last edited by Ak3mi; 2012-05-09 at 10:09.
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Old 2012-05-09, 10:01   Link #2072
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I've tried Udyr, Nocturne, Warwick, Mundo, Fiora, Twitch and really like neither of them as junglers.
Udyr is probably the best jungler in the game: phoenix-style, he holds the fastest clear record and his skills give him buckets of utility. He is easy to build tanky to the point of needing over 10s to drop him, but still retain the potent damage of a tough DPS champion. Still, if you didn't like him...try Trundle with a vamp scepter, he was my first jungler and I was pleased with the results - easy ganks, good damage, safe jungling. I'm currently playing Shyvana and Jarvan in the jungle, you might want to give them a try or two.

As for Trynda build: get MoM in there, twice the bloodlust=twice the damage. I also like getting him a Youmuu's, for CDR and the active, instead of a Phantom Dancer - the penetration doesn't go unnoticed either.

My worst junglers so far have been Nautilus and Sejuani. They can jungle, but they are slow and depend on ganks a lot. If you fail, it's back to the jungle until TF, but you got to keep the gold flow high if you want to make a difference later on.
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Old 2012-05-09, 10:07   Link #2073
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Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
As for Trynda build: get MoM in there, twice the bloodlust=twice the damage. I also like getting him a Youmuu's, for CDR and the active, instead of a Phantom Dancer - the penetration doesn't go unnoticed either.
Tryndamere main item build is a IE and PD, he needs them as they give him all the stats he needs, without a PD many easy kills can escape.
I agree with Nautilus, Sejuani I have only like seen her in game one or two times

Also...I forgot you can pick up a Tiamat with Tryndamere, but only if the team bunches up a lot (Heavy melee teams). The item is perfect against that kind of team, as it will consistently attack 2+ champions and multiply your dps
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Old 2012-05-09, 10:19   Link #2074
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My solid Trynda build is: Merc treads, IE, youmuu's, zeke's, atma's, mallet/MoM/last whisper depending on enemy mobility and toughness. I don't think he needs 70% base crit to be effective and I hate playing characters with zero survivability; this build gives him CDR, AR, MR, HP and what I feel is enough crit and damage to fulfill his role as a carry.
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Old 2012-05-09, 10:19   Link #2075
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Thanks for the quick answers. With Trynda, I'll try replacing Zeke's for a Phage and add a second Bloodthirster instead of Last Whisper if time allows it. But if I may ask, which champion do you prefer personally for jungling, Kafriel, Tryndamere or Olaf?
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Old 2012-05-09, 13:26   Link #2076
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Tryndamere all the way I run smite/cleanse btw.
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Old 2012-05-09, 14:56   Link #2077
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Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Udyr is probably the best jungler in the game: phoenix-style, he holds the fastest clear record and his skills give him buckets of utility. He is easy to build tanky to the point of needing over 10s to drop him, but still retain the potent damage of a tough DPS champion. Still, if you didn't like him...try Trundle with a vamp scepter, he was my first jungler and I was pleased with the results - easy ganks, good damage, safe jungling. I'm currently playing Shyvana and Jarvan in the jungle, you might want to give them a try or two.

My worst junglers so far have been Nautilus and Sejuani. They can jungle, but they are slow and depend on ganks a lot. If you fail, it's back to the jungle until TF, but you got to keep the gold flow high if you want to make a difference later on.
I'd say it's between Udyr and Lee Sin, but I view the latter as OP and need nerfs to the ground, seriously Lee can go burn in a fire, while Udyr has some weakness.

Personally for jungling if my mid isn't someone who needs blue as much or at all(manaless bunch), then Skarner is my top choice still, but if we have someone who needs blue like Swain or Anivia then I'll Yi or Udyr depending on the team comp.

Others I've tried Fiora and Hecarim and didn't like either of them as junglers, while I tried Irelia, Akali, and Leona as one for fun in the past but their clear times were lacking even if they had decent ganks, and I tried Xin while he was free last, he had decent in clear time and ganks... he was just such a faceroller it was extremely boring . I still need to try Shyvana as one whenever she's free again or if I decide to buy her when I get IP. Riven is only other one I've wanted to try in the jungle.
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Old 2012-05-09, 15:02   Link #2078
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Originally Posted by Konakaga View Post
I'd say it's between Udyr and Lee Sin, but I view the latter as OP and need nerfs to the ground, seriously Lee can go burn in a fire, while Udyr has some weakness.

Personally for jungling if my mid isn't someone who needs blue as much or at all(manaless bunch), then Skarner is my top choice still, but if we have someone who needs blue like Swain or Anivia then I'll Yi or Udyr depending on the team comp.
Jungle Yi, how did it go with that? Totally agree with you on Lee, I personally don't jungle him, because he is boring to me and a bit of a faceroll. When udyr has some challenges. Not many, but still better then being boring on Lee.
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Old 2012-05-09, 15:14   Link #2079
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Jungle Yi is much like jungle Tryndamere: self-sustain, occasional AoE damage and steady dps. Getting lucky with Alpha strike helps. Irelia and Leona can jungle, but I prefer playing both on a lane, since Leona is one of the few champions who has CC on all 5 skills and Irelia is a dominant laner. Lee Sin is awesome, he's one of those champions that take forever to kill, deal tons of damage and still gets 2 dashes, 1 knockback and 1 AoE slow!
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Old 2012-05-09, 15:22   Link #2080
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Originally Posted by Ak3mi View Post
Jungle Yi, how did it go with that? Totally agree with you on Lee, I personally don't jungle him, because he is boring to me and a bit of a faceroll. When udyr has some challenges. Not many, but still better then being boring on Lee.
Yi is pretty solid on clear times and can start in a lot of jungle routes with proper runes, though part of the focus rather just ganking/farming with him, is making use of his ult to force objectives you can take a turret, dragon, or split push a lane much faster than almost any other champs, but he is depended on your lanes having their own CC for when you come in(hence isn't suited for every team comp). Item wise I run:
Vamp Scepter > Zerk/Wriggles > Zeal/Phage > Phantom Dancer > Frost Mallet(or BF sword depends how it's going) > Infinity Edge > Guardian Angel, sometimes sell Wriggles for bloodthrister in extremely long matches.

Mallet(or red) and his Ult means if you reach their AD carry, support, or mage you can likely get a kill or force a flash, and due to the nature of his ult can snowball incredibly hard if you have a good early game.

Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Lee Sin is awesome, he's one of those champions that take forever to kill, deal tons of damage and still gets 2 dashes, 1 knockback and 1 AoE slow!
You forgot the free shield, Lifesteal, spellvamp, armor, and attack speed! <_<
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league of legends, lol

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