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Old 2008-02-27, 04:48   Link #20801
Sword Wielding Penguin
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Also, nice using TF2 for his appearance
I couldn't think of any badass engineers except TF2 from the Meet the Engineer Video. Just seemed so much like him, when he's being quietly dangerous.

"And you'd best hope.... Not pointed at you."

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post

This profile is made of AWESOME WIN and PURE DETERMINATION

It's about damn time people like him get the spotlight, right?
Don doesn't care about spotlight, just getting the job done right the first time.

Interestingly enough, I couldn't figure out what rank he would have as the head mechanic... NCO ranks wouldn't give him any authority over someone like crash, and Officer ranks just seemed out of place for what he was doing... and then it clicked when I was doing his profile. Chief Warrant Officer 5.

The authority level to DO HIS JOB and not be DIRECTLY in the normal chain of command with officers.

On a side note, people might find this site useful:

It tells you typically what the ranks actually are in charge of. Useful for those of us throwing ranks onto people.
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Old 2008-02-27, 05:50   Link #20802
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Aqua Alta?
Didn't expect it, and now it's all over me suit.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
When their beloved "Chiefu" isn't around, especially on Earth-based missions, Turing's their "leader" so to speak

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Isn't that all he's good for though? He's still awesome
Like Tais huh?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
These are dark times (for the League of OC Gentlemen) indeed.
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Old 2008-02-27, 06:53   Link #20803
the "Z" is for "Zeta"
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Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
THe Pandora Box has-

Nvm, Lets play twenty questions...

Is it a ship?
If you're thinking of Freyr's golden ship (Skídbladnir)'re wrong
Please don't make a Cradle-like Lost Logia

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post

@FSZ: I may send a sketch order within the week...

please be on standby
I see...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
[Accessing Level 7 Files]

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Spoiler for "Kore ga...":


Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
As do alot of us.... I think Kha's permanently on the other side...


Well, back to work
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Old 2008-02-27, 10:49   Link #20804
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by ReijiTabibito View Post
IwillnotmentionNightyIwillnotmentionNightyIwillnot mentionNighty
Show me some recent h4xxwork of Nighty, and I'll gladly bust it. Pointing fingers, especially at parties that have nothing to do with this, is very immature.

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
I realized that Aileas' power jump may not go over too well before it happened, but I was willing to put it out there and see if it would get busted.
Duh, that's something anyone could have figured out without posting.

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Quick note: If Cosine = Guilty Spark, request that he be destroyed in the most mechanically debilitating way possible...preferably by Nanoha, Ivanovich, or one of the RAFers (82nd or 31st).
Cosine isn't Guilty Spark, but Guilty Spark is present though, and I'm going to make every effort I can to keep him alive. I love the arogant blue basketball.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Well, these personalities are the best for each situation... but that doesn't mean they always succeed It's because "they" can make mistakes that's another reason Julie has them - if she herself makes a mistake, she'd never be able to live it down, but if her "alternate personas" make that mistake, she can convincingly tell herself she has no fault in the matter
But wouldn't it make for a more exciting story if they take over at inapropriate times?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
No matter what it takes, we will destroy you!!!!!!

(Although Kane's Wrath only has a NOD campaign, damn...)

Don't hurt Kane-san! *Ion Canon gets fired on Lowe's position*

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
Alright, then, here's the profile I've longed to post.


*picture missing; President Aria stole it -_-*

Spoiler for introduction:

Spoiler for history:

Spoiler for personal information:

Spoiler for power:

Note: I decide to have her personality a combination of Alicia's & Akira's, because IMO it needs to be done.

Once I finish Takeru's profile, I'll start posting their story.
Undine invasion? another non-magical OC, which is always good.

Though... she wants to open an office on Mid-Childra? I suppose she'd have to live somewhere away from the capital then, no real canals there.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Sure seemed ridiculously powerful though even with something that can't contain her 'nanomachines'. -_-

Makes one wonder what kind of 'monstrosity' broke hers.
Wouldn't surprise me if she turns out to be the most powerfull Otome, she has quite the fan created reputation to live up to.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Point stands. SLB isn't a spell that requires one's magical output to be over 1,000,000. As it is, it is something that shows to improve Teana's magical 'aptitude' and performance range as a mage. If anything, it's closer to something that revolves around magical precision and composition.

Or would you prefer any other one of the rookies? All of most what is going to be taught to them is technically a refinement of something they already have a degree of aptitude to using, and not "your magical output has increased 3-folds, so I'm going to teach you this ridiculously powerful spell that can sweep 50 drones in one attack."
*holds up hands* I yield, I yield. It was only a joke anyway.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
The ending is something that works better visually than anything, since this is where games would have a CG of the ship coming out looking like sparkling new with shining neon lights. I mean, it's not like we should expect Dr.Tesla Scag to be dancing in excitement over the new toy with grandiose speeches of SLG games.
Doctor Tesla... Scaglietti?

Spoiler for *sniffs the air* Crack? Here?!:

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
.I was actually referring to the actual waterway gondoliers. but flying gondoliers may fit as well.
Where would she set up shop then? Kranagan isn't exactly rich on waterways.

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
but... but... Arika is HAXX in the manga...

but so is Manga Ver. Mashiro... *sees Ackbar gasp*

Well Otome are far off the TSAB list of allies/threats for now...

But Otome Version Valkyries... maybe they can come in- since they are (semi)grunt units...

Ep1 of S.fir kinda makes one of my cracky theories true again
Manga shouldn't be taken too seriously anyway (the day that happens, is the day I grin at them handing me the ultimate proof of a link between Hime and Otome ).

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
Alright! The final profile is up.


Spoiler for introduction:

Spoiler for history:

Spoiler for personal information:

Spoiler for power:

Okay, I'm done for.
A lightweight? I think he and Tesla have something in common even now. Although... Caro's Health Drink? Please don't tell me you re actually taking Kha's rebuilts seriously.

Then again, Lyrical of time has been filled with much crack itself, so I guess that balances things out.

On the subject of Silver Breaker, though, I assume 'destroy everything' is just a metaphor?

Originally Posted by Evil Rick View Post
Hey! Hi everybody, What are you doing? Well... by accident I post here thinking it was the Image Thread (Yes, I know, I need glasses) Well the case is tath I benn looking this thread and it seems funny, so let me give a try with this villan, (The Robo Guy/cat in my... well you alredy know. Don't?)

Spoiler for Description:

Spoiler for Powers:

Spoiler for Weaknes:
Not enough info to really give any solid judgements. We could use some rankings and the 'unknown' weakness, as well as his reason for chasing Vita.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Is Tesla the type who goes ballistic when she has a new toy to play with?
Hmm, giddy is a better word. The first day she was captain of the Normandy, she immediately set out on her mission of testing the stealth device...

By buzzing the capital, to see how close they could get before being discovered. .

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
@Keroko-kun: Yes, yes, I know that boosters cause physical stress I was just saying that paranoia, psychosis and death were just a tad bit too serious causes for a booser... Little question though: Did Nanoha lose that 8% of her power forever or is she going to recover it in time? (Probably the former or simply not specified -_-)
Paranoia and psychosis, definetely agreed. Death, however, I can still see as a likely candidate, depending on how much of a boost for how long a period of time.

As for Nanoha, I wouldn't say she lost it forever. Magic power is like the body, it can be trained to improve, so it should be rehabilitatable. However, concidering 8% of someone like Nanoha is huge, and she has to avoid excerting herself to avoid permanent damage for a year (Shamal's orders) I don't think it will be easy to regain her strength.

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
I decided that there was no way Vita could come off light from that event. After all, she even mentions that the Wolkies are becoming more human with each passing day. Vita, thus, has some troubles. She's a little bit less on the tsun-tsun side because of it.
Agreed, fully agreed. And it also gives some Vita drama, which is fully apreciated.

Originally Posted by Evil Rick View Post
Zaeta the Demon Slayer

Spoiler for History:

Spoiler for Description:

Spoiler for Powers:

Spoiler for Weakness:
Nice, am I sensing some Devil May Cry influences?

Two small problems, though. She learned magic somewhere on earth. Concidering earth is mostly devoid of magic users, and those who are are not aware of it, who trained her? And why would the Tecno-Union destroy their homes?

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Relooking at it... it's like Vivio's wearing tan "makeup" and her tears are making the makeup run.
Shading, really. But it does look a bit much. Most of Vivio's face is in the shadow of Syn.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Well, it took him long enough. Excepting Kha, who apparently can only write crack, everyone's done some crack at some point
Nighty's latest comment on Tesla sparked a bit of crack in me too.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
On a tangent, I suggest that Kha's crack be redesignated/rebranded asKhrack, so as to provide immediate distinction between his stuff and our stuff.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Lol, KOTOR refs?
I love Carth, so I made him Normandy's XO. Problem is, Carth normally sat at the helm as well, so I put KotoR II Aton there instead.

Last edited by Keroko; 2008-02-27 at 18:15.
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Old 2008-02-27, 12:02   Link #20805
Sleepy head
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Location: KL, Malaysia
Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
38 Actually, you're forgetting the Fereshte Drive
Spoiler wa kinshi! *sends flying daggers at Lowe*

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
What should I pitch exactly?
A fast ball?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
So this is Takeru now eh... wait a minute, did you just turn him into Train Heartnet? Good to see his core persona hasn't changed much.
Noesssssss! Train is the haxxor! (the manga version even more so)

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Shaman King
Ahhh I see. You'll pardon me if I dunno much. Just started the manga a few days ago. Now at chapter 142. Never watched the anime. But what can I say, so far I'm liking it a lot. Anna is a strong personality that's incredibly charming, despite her tsuntsun-ness.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Well, real-life matters have impeded their progress, most especially the Winny-related arrests in Japan, which means their typical good quality raws come out slower

Shinsen's the third group doing 00.
AFAIK, the winny incident is over, and they are more or less getting good raws again. The past 2 episodes have shown that again.

About shinsen, it is my policy not to acknowledge the existence of a group of arrogant fansubbers.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
And more shall be converted to the cause of Aria...
*has been hypnotized by Lowe's nodding head*

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Why Vita though? Does he have a loli fetish?
Its the unquenchable urge to ruffle her head! (wait that didn't really make sense...)

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Valencia, 4th AW, Current Name "Aquos"
Operation Mercurius - Day 03

Gimmy: (mumbling due to cross bun in mouth) Hey, you guys tried praying for an answer to why are we here on this low-tech retirement home?
Foy: (still tightening hairband) Why would we do that?
Taiyo: ( while playing Nintendoi.)

Gimmy: I used my daily before lights out, and all I got was... something weird.
Foy: Ho?

Gimmy: You guys might think I'm going nuts from boredom, and I think I am, but all I heard was...


Gimmy: ...desu ka.


...goodbye 4th wall...

Kinda freaky.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post


UUZAKE NA!!!!!!!!!

Mai: ...

Priority set to Mai Enna.

Astaroth release from standby to Broading Mode.

Commencing Intervention.

*chainsaw revs*

Smith: How come she likes 00 so much?
Wesson: Beats me
Gundan Enna!

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post



Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
C'mon, Everyone Loves Vita

(actually no, I'm not joking on that part )

Truth! As you can see from my siggy.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
And away we goooooo.......!
What happened to super short line breakers?

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post

*imagines wooden Graf Eisen*

Well she does play that sport where you need a wooden mallet...or whatever you call it.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
As I said before, another reason I prefer more subjective ranking systems. Assigning definite values to something as nebulous as combat skill is tricky at best.
But necessary. In Nanohaverse, we can probably safely establish that power and magic capacity though important, does not complete the entire equation for the coefficient.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Now that you mention do multiple personalities "talk" to each other?
Sensui style.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Eeh??? I thought we were a crack community...!


We are a mixture of everything! Not to be confused with jack of all trades.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Does Subaru have a Full Drive already? If not, consider this nominated.
She does. Though I'm not sure what it actually does.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
So...what are we doing with serafuku now???
As Kha said, many things. On the note, one of the first things I'll do when I ever get to visit Japan is go to the nekomimi cafe in Akihabara.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Eeeeh??? When did this come about???

I mean the group, not the panchira.


I'm quite sure by now you should have seen it coming. Otherwise you have not completely warmed up to the Chaos of Outer Cadia.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
In that case I think I'm better off not knowing. I have no interest in shipping.
Good for you. It was quite a pain back then.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Aah, wasn't the South Pole teleport a 4koma joke?
Yeah I have the full set of the 4koma too.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
I'm not sure exactly, but IRL the best description would be much like an IM
Strangely computes.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
The OC does have lots of female-chasing characters... and they're automatically members


The skirt-chasing-but-always-fail-and-gets-the-chainsaw-treatment-instead group?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Spoiler for Gundam 00F spoilers:

Those two ports at the back are just engines. Ptolemy requires charging from the GN Drives of any of the Gundams to operate.
Nuuuuuu!! Spoiler ha kinshi!!!

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
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Spoiler for "Kore ga...":

Holy shi-! Nina Wang and Emma Ai rowing gondolas? DOES NOT COMPUTE!

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
Vita going to the court of justice?

Vita: this case is closed. *slams Graf Eisen onto the wooden plat*
Zafira: all rise!!

Does not compute.
I dunno, but for me it strangely computes!
Vita: Uruseh! Bakadomo! *bashes court offenders with Graf Eisen*

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Lol, KOTOR refs?
Will we be getting more soon?

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
You're a cow too. This reminds me of a terrible pun i learned in the backass jungle: "Kau itu lembu!" Lembu = Cow; Kau = omae = you. Terrible, terrible pun.
I lol'ed at that one.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Alpha Naomi: "No Mai, you need to stop using the chainsaw, it isn't as efficient." *whips out BR55 Carbine SOPMOD variant* "Now, THIS, on the other hand...." *evil smile*
Lurch: "Hay Naomi, I got that assault blade prototype for mai working...." *revs chain combat blade*
Naomi: "Lurch, that's just ridiculous."
Lurch: "So's 25mm HEAT rocket ammo for the M109." *shrugs*

Mai is not Mai without the chainsaw.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
*headshots Lowe*
Naomi: "Right, that's how you do it." Mai goes around sniping people.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Leena: "She's mine! I saw her first!"
Psycho: "Damnit Leena we're supposed to share!"
Ivanovich: "John."
Chief: "Avery."
(Note, this is crack, and noncannon. I have given up on breaking for today and willl just put out lulz.)
I've given up breaking the last few days and it piled up. Half way through Kagerou and your works. Will try to ignore Shaman King whispering at me to read and finish up.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Leena: "Same here!"
Naomi: "Mai, gimme that assault blade for a moment."
Emili: "...i suppose it's too much to hope that Lurch hasn't made a chain zankantou?"
Lurch: "...actually I blew the last of my R&D budget for the month on... shoulder claymores."
Chief: "...No."
Will we be seeing her muscle veins pop up and swing the claymore with one hand?

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
Indeed. Added with some delicious yuri-twincest flavours as well.



Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
Of course there is. Although it's Frieda who's usually at the dominative position making the advances.

*is killed by Silver Breaker*
Most interesting.... WANT THIS!

Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
(... are my OCs the only ones who have primarily desk jobs?)
Well so far mine are all in the military.

Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
I'd actually be willing to write another post with actual input from everyone else for the OC Dictionary, since that one I just wrote on the fly, and its biases are definitely showing.
Dictionary eh. I suppose we could do that. We'd need to have Erio post in the first page though.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Smith: Hiro and Mai have been getting close aren't they?
Wesson: Too close for comfort?
Smith: ...

I'll shut up before I say anything stupid...

Wesson: Oh ho...

Do I smell jealousy?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Smith: There's no problem then!
Wesson: Right?

Well, that issue got addressed at least

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Best of all, no one expects the Infinite Library to pull Battle-Brothers from behind their shelves!

Now I can't get crack of:
Spoiler for Infinite Library Madness:
...out of my head!
Crack...making my head spin...terrible headache is not helping. Would be mighty interesting to see that happen though.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
After all, I can't let Princess Maria Miss Mariko disappear for StrikerS.

Does Mai hug her new little brother often?

Mai: Hiro ha daisuki!
Smith: orz

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Brigadier-General Haruka Armitage!!?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Mai: ...

I do not understand...

!! *runs*

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Smith: Not even I get hugs that often
Wesson: More like never


There, there. *pats Smith comfortingly*

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Gimmy: She's... smiling...
Taiyo: Which means...
Foy: Starting running. Much faster than usual.

Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
Download one first. You might not like the pace of it.

Just be like me and skip it
Hmm...I've never really had problems with slow pacing and I'm used to downloading batches now. So I think I'll just trust you guys that it's good.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Doctor Tesla... Scaglietti?

Spoiler for *sniffs the air* Crack? Here?!:
This is actually quite interesting. Though we would like liked more...GriffithxTesla! Oh and more disastrous cooking would be nice.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Manga shouldn't be taken too seriously anyway (the day that happens, is the day I grin at them handing me the ultimate proof of a link between Hime and Otome ).
And manga version Mashiro is trap too.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
I love Carth, so I made him Normandy's XO. Problem is, Carth normally sat at the helm as well, so I put KotoR II Aton there instead.
Heh...makes me wanna play KotoR II all over again.

Backlog over..time to get back to work. (Manage to spend so much time on this because my supervisor is out. Shhh...)
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Old 2008-02-27, 12:26   Link #20806
Evil Rick
Black Dragon
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Location: In the Netherrealm, thinking who to betray next...
I was looking some Dark personallity for Zaeta the Demon Slayer, incluiding a dark name for her axe, the names I was thinking for it were Dante, Nosferato and Jericho and at the end I decided for Jericho, we don't forget tath China has many magic legends as chi, Ying and Yang, Feng Shui, etc...

And the only clue I will give of the Intentions, of the Tecno - Union Empire, of why they want to capture Vita and why they destroy Zaeta's homeland wiil be this...

Last edited by Evil Rick; 2008-02-27 at 13:23.
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Old 2008-02-27, 12:42   Link #20807
Evangelion Xgouki
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Keroko-tan: Kane-san! Kane-san is here!
Tiberium Seed missles, Tiberium Catalyst Missles, Nukes, and now an Ion Canon?!

*runs for cover*

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Well, these personalities are the best for each situation... but that doesn't mean they always succeed It's because "they" can make mistakes that's another reason Julie has them - if she herself makes a mistake, she'd never be able to live it down, but if her "alternate personas" make that mistake, she can convincingly tell herself she has no fault in the matter

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
No matter what it takes, we will destroy you!!!!!!

(Although Kane's Wrath only has a NOD campaign, damn...)
Kane: Come, My Brother. It is time you saw the face of the future.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Oooh nice


Yep, that sums it up, though Ryotaro having Cast-Off too? This'll make for some interesting fights
Well, each mode is essentially an armor-add-on to the base form and most mages seem to have some kinda Barrier Jacket Purge ability. Plus Cast Off is just so cool not to have

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
And in the Name of the Empress, I hereby claim Alicia T. Florence for the good of Belka!


The good of Belka? Sounds mor elike the good of...Kha

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
I like her. Looking forward to yurilover sistermore flavoring out, of course. But...I wonder why a tsundere is sporting a maid's uniform as a Jacket...
Logic is not needed to explain why she chooses a maid outfit. It should not be questioned, just accepted...and stared at


Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
*imagines Fate as a mad scientist*

Should NOT COMPUTE......but somehow DOES COMPUTE...
That tends to happen a lot here, huh?

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
Then get ready for scene III, which has a little bit of the following:

* Erio, Caro, and Lutecia
* Spawn
* More Spawn
* Not one, but TWO BIG DAMN HERO moments.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
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Spoiler for "Kore ga...":



Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Doctor Tesla... Scaglietti?

Spoiler for *sniffs the air* Crack? Here?!:

What the...?
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Old 2008-02-27, 12:48   Link #20808
The Resurrector
Join Date: Sep 2007
Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post

Please listen to this song while listening for it to make sense...

Oh, and watching the video might help in visualization as well.


I wanted to use Keroko-chan as well. But it was hard finding room so I had to make do with the canon Aces...

I don't know what came over me!

But hey, there's quite a bit if fanservice and in this madness... So I hope it works...

Aaron making crack? And a Sentai-inspired one at that?!

Not that this is bad (in fact, it's all when you imagine them coupled with the clip ), but it's also as well.

Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
That reminds me of Roan's Devotion scene (around 1:09) in episode 15 of Ragnarok the Animation, the skill pretty much does that.
A Crusader casts it on the party members, whenever they are hit, the damage is transfered to the Crusader, of course, it can't be cast on another Crusader
Originally Posted by Estavali View Post
Something like RO's Crusader/Paladin Skill Devotion or WC3's Soul Link?

Hmm, my 2 cents. How about adding an extra condition in which should this link be disrupted, there will be a backlash at all involved parties? Damage is up to you, but for myself I think something around at least 50% of the total damage absorbed should be interesting.
Something along this line (strange that I couldn't think of the name before).

As for the extra conditions, I don't think there will be any, simply because this spell is what one would call a last-ditch effort to save another person's life. That said, within the context of reasonable author limit:

1. This spell would appear once, and only once in the entire length of the story.
2. This spell kills the casters. No saves possible.
3. The spell has a limit on the person it is cast on, where the "life bubble" (the accumulated life force from the casters moulded into a protective sphere) can only take so much damage before vanishing, thereby exposing that person to suffering the full damage again.

Note: Another possible form of this spell is that instead of a life bubble, the casters attach life strings from themselves to the person, thereby transferring all damage suffered by that person in real time to them, divided as appropriately. Regardless, the life strings vanish after the spell is depleted/casters have run out of supportive power, thereby killing them.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
1) Commander works as a title - Shirei - not as a rank (Chuusa). A Navy Commander is equal in rank to an Army Lt. Colonel. Thus, Chrono would be an Admiral in rank, and the Commander of Escutcheon by virtue of being Commanding Officer. The CO is alternatively titled as Commander; for example, the Admiral in charge of the US Navy's 7th Fleet is "Commander 7th Fleet."
Ah, I see. So, Chrono is still an Admiral in rank, though his title in Escutcheon is Commander? This would eliminate the problem I was thinking along then, since the two rules mentioned in the story basically limit the privileges of his original rank drastically (sort of a temporary compromise so that he could command Escutcheon). Thanks!

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
2) Hailstorms, snowstorms can distort and reduce radar effectiveness, ditto sandstorms. Aircraft tend to thus fly above these phenomena when possible. Lightning storms can affect radar, depending on the radar unit and how much hardening has gone into it; military-spec radars tend to be tougher and more resistant to these kind of things compared to civvie radars.
I have two options, actually. One is to affect to local weather pattern where the military-spec (?) radar station is (Escutcheon), the other is to affect the weather pattern on the location where the radar is going to scan (unnamed as of yet). If possible, I'd have wanted to affect the area where the radar is going to scan, since this would make it easier to progress with the story without exposing other important elements, though the other idea is still feasible.

What I wanted to know is whether it is possible to disrupt radar scan effectively at that location, causing severe enough interruption that the radar could not possibly "detect" whatever is happening there (life form, item signals, communications, etc.). If that is not possible, then I'd just send someone to send a thundercloud above Escutcheon. A big one at that, too.

Of course, that leaves it possible for the staff to use satellite scanning, but I don't particularly know how advanced this is compared to radars, and whether it's affected the same way. :3

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
4) Naomi sucessfully revived a Dead Franz on a mission. She did so via CPR. There is a reason mouth-to-mouth resucitation is called the "kiss of life." This spell.... we'd have to see it first, then decide if it's haxed. More details please.
"Kiss of life", eh? Reminds me of a scene where a guy always wakes up when kissed by a girl, but never when a guy kissed another guy.

Anyway, details listed above.

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
Furthermore, correct me if I'm wrong, but sometimes the signs of brain damage don't show up for quite some time; it can take years, even.
It depends on the location where the brain is damaged. If it's not involved directly in maintaining important activities (i.e. locomotion, thought, memory, sight, hormones, nervous system, etc., which just about limit you to very restricted areas to choose from), then the signs may remain hidden until something happens to exacerbate it. Interestingly, heterochromia can result as a form of brain damage.

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
That was just an example, sorry.
Not to worry. My mistake in thinking it was real, sorry.

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
I forgot if you were talking to me about this, but I'll reply anyway.
In Vivio's case in my story, it's not genetic manipulation that caused her violence/aggressiveness, but rather a mix of how she was raised (in this case, her violence is an emotional outlet that she developed; and really, that part of it is from seeing so much of it when she was younger), brain damage from a mistake made in her forced maturation rate when she was younger, and mental instability from what happened during the Cradle incident.
Makes sense.

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
Originally, this scene was a lot longer, with a great deal of technobabble thrown in. This was scrapped in favor of not confusing the readers, thanks to input from ATC, dkellis, and Lowe.

The ending for this scene is also really bad, but whatever.

Spoiler for MSLN Alpha Episode 02, Scene II:
A big portion removed indeed. But, you pulled it off nicely. As Nighty suggested, maybe you can show us the prototype which includes the technobabble? It might not be as bad as it sounds.

Anyway, interesting development on the White Tempest. I can see that Cosine Phi is being the louder speaker as usual (much to the annoyance of those that couldn't bear hearing it all day ), and Vita still retains her wounds from the previous battle (and the implication of her presence in Ariadne ). Nice start also for Zafira's eventual non-shafting, too!

And what a revelation about the event in Ariadne being a Bureau-wide coverup! Must be something seriously troublesome.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Well, technically it won't be "Asperger's", though the severity of Leona's case and near similarity of the symptoms would make it sound like it It'd be more like severe withdrawal though than actual ASD.

"Dropping the bomb" could break her, though at the same time be necessary in getting that door to herself open

Waiting to see this one

Yep, it isn't, but the symptoms are quite similar . Dropping the bomb is going to happen in a most dramatic way (the scenes are already planned), but writing is going to take some time.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Yep, provided it's severe enough, and also depends on the equipment.

On Sat Scanningm the satellite itself shouldn't be affected, though of course it'll be difficult to penetrate such severe weather conditions with orbital sensors
I don't know where I read this (maybe too much science-fiction mumbo-jumbo), but satellite scan appears to be more sensitive than Earth-bound radars, in which they can penetrate the weather conditions and "see" what's below it.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
IIRC If the anomaly occurs at the target location, they'll pick up the weather phenomenon itself (probably as one large blob), but they can't identify anything in it. If the anomaly occurs at the radar station itself, it'll be much like a total radar blackout.
Ah, yes, thanks!

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Umm...I forgot what that syndrome means again. Refresher?
An autistic syndrome disorder manifested by difficulty in social interactions (usually causing withdrawal and inattention) and generally repetitive interests.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Eeh??? I thought we were a crack community...!

That isn't too far off, either.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
To play devil's advocate here, could one maybe gene-twist someone's predispositions to that end? A medical expert I am not, but I know there are mental conditions influenced be genetics...why not some kind of mind-rot that makes that person more inclined to anger?
I am no medical expert either, but I'm pretty sure that in the 30,000 estimated genes in the entire human genome, there is none that affects the predispositions of a person. The genome may cause limitations in certain behaviors, which in case the person adapts to it in various ways, including being aggressive. The inability to perform something (i.e. mental retardation, birth defects, abnormalities, etc.) because of the implied limitations predisposes that person to frustration, thus he or she becomes aggressive or become angry easily. It's pretty much social conditioning than genetic inheritance.

If you really want to relate it to medical conditions, though, you can perhaps ascribe it to hormonal imbalance, such as elevated levels of adrenaline, dopamine, or testosterone. It makes you hyper, but it won't make you angry unless you're already angry in the first place.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Does Subaru have a Full Drive already? If not, consider this nominated.
I think she has. It's called Gear Excellion (sporting wings on the blades similar to Nanoha), if I'm not mistaken.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
And I know what an Emperor is... but the image I'm getting I can't get out of my head...

Spoiler for The Emperor Protects:

Long live the Emperor!

Last edited by PhoenixFlare; 2008-02-27 at 13:00.
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Old 2008-02-27, 12:54   Link #20809
Evil Rick
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As Lowgear sugest I shall fix some things here


Spoiler for History:

Spoiler for Description:

Spoiler for Powers:

Spoiler for Weakness:

Last edited by Evil Rick; 2008-02-27 at 13:18.
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Old 2008-02-27, 13:01   Link #20810
Reiji Tabibito
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Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Nande? Omae wa nihongo wo hanasenai?


Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Caro: (stops mid-sentence) Heeeeeeh?!
Teana: Haa?

Subaru: ...I think.
Serena: Dekkai baka desu...
Allie: Ah-hahaha...

Caro = Akari...hmm....

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
Cosine is not 343 Guilty Spark; he's simply another Monitor. GS is around, somewhere, doing stuff.

Stupid random trivia:
Cosine Phi follows the same numbering system as all the rest of the Monitors found in the Halo games. If he were really in the games, he'd be the Monitor of Installation 06.

(The numbering system is powers of 7. 343 Guilty Spark is 7^3, 2401 Penitent Tangent is 7^4, and 16807 Cosine Phi is 7^5.)
I know that he's not - I'm just saying if he is LIKE...

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
You're a cow too. This reminds me of a terrible pun i learned in the backass jungle: "Kau itu lembu!" Lembu = Cow; Kau = omae = you. Terrible, terrible pun.
...That's not what I meant. I was referring to this:

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Yes, I do. You're talking about a slap to the back of the head, delivered to idiots or people doing stupid things, in the style of L. J. Gibbs as portrayed by Mark Harmon, former Marine MP, interrogator, and Gunnery Sergeant Sniper, now NCIS special agent of pwn, has won best agent 7 years running.
Kay, just checking.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
This then calls into question how/why would he "pick it up". What was the catalyst, the process?
I dunno, a senior taught it really that important?

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
I haven't gotten to him yet. You first, then USB500, then Sheba, THEN Nighty. And.... goddamn mothereffing backlog. There goes my weekend.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Maybe ADD? Either that or simply.... Leona is so bright that she's unable to connect with people. I've found out that I am apparently too bright, and while my exam results suck ass, I think totally differently from people and suffer from an inablity to socialise properly.

The stupid goddamn moddereffing lol is that I'm more social than my brother. On the other hand, ototo is like the rest of my cousins; insular, only looking inwards/
Sounds like Asperger's Syndrome.

And the brother thing is not that uncommon. Mine, for example, can be summed up in one sentence:


Or so it seems, anyway.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Now I can't get crack of:
Spoiler for Infinite Library Madness:
...out of my head!
After all, I can't let Princess Maria Miss Mariko disappear for StrikerS.
Oh boy...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Show me some recent h4xxwork of Nighty, and I'll gladly bust it. Pointing fingers, especially at parties that have nothing to do with this, is very immature.
Nothing Nighty's done recently could be (to my knowledge at least). My point was that there're some parties who get away with things easier than others.

Kha is another example - though 85% of the stuff he puts out there is crack anyway...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Cosine isn't Guilty Spark, but Guilty Spark is present though, and I'm going to make every effort I can to keep him alive. I love the arogant blue basketball.
Uhh, isn't this Kagerou's story?
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Old 2008-02-27, 13:02   Link #20811
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*Tosses an EMP Grenade at Robo and walks away. Hops into a HUMVEE and puts the downed bot full of Incindiary rounds.*

"Superior" robots. Really, robots are so overrated.
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Old 2008-02-27, 13:31   Link #20812
Evil Rick
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post

Doctor Tesla... Scaglietti?

Spoiler for *sniffs the air* Crack? Here?!:

You are going some were with this. Don't you?
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Old 2008-02-27, 13:45   Link #20813
Evil Rick
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The Tecno - Union Empire

Spoiler for Histoty:
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Old 2008-02-27, 13:51   Link #20814
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Rick, I know you're Mexican, so you're subject to mistakes in English just as much as I'm subject to mistakes en Espanol... but I'm seeing the same thing over and over again.

'tath' is correctly spelled 'that'.
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Old 2008-02-27, 13:57   Link #20815
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
And there was a sound no one on Aquos has ever heard: the sound of thunder...
uhm.... err...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

She can also work by the Zubaida Water-Front, lots of opportunities

(Yes, Zubaida is based ALOT on Dubai )

Neo-Dubai perhaps?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

That Oar is scary indeed
Especially if it's a Primadonna Oar

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Ai: They like to ride with you don't they?
Ai: ... yes, they do.
Mai: ...

Maybe I should try it out...
That sounded wrong

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
I nearly forgot about that daughter of Jail's
*Begins to summon An Hero*

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Best of all, no one expects the Infinite Library to pull Battle-Brothers from behind their shelves!

Now I can't get crack of:
Spoiler for Infinite Library Madness:
...out of my head!
Now where shall we place the sword then?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
See? Now get going into NATURAL!!!!

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Just tell the story as you see fit, but certainly this piece is made of WIN and ARIA -GRADE FLUFF

But Agnes also took "HAZUKASHII SEIRIFU KINSHI"?!?!?! H4XX!!!!


Still Working on Bridget
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Old 2008-02-27, 15:26   Link #20816
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Doctor Tesla... Scaglietti?

Spoiler for *sniffs the air* Crack? Here?!:
Ohh~ I liked it

Funny though...Koji is going to pay a visit to Scaglietti too

Allow me to finish this chapter's part and I'll post it
*goes back to work*
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Old 2008-02-27, 15:36   Link #20817
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Cosine isn't Guilty Spark, but Guilty Spark is present though, and I'm going to make every effort I can to keep him alive. I love the arrogant blue basketball.
Wait, what.
Well, no matter. Alpha is a massive OC project anyway . 343 GS will make an appearance in this very chapter I'm working on .

Doctor Tesla... Scaglietti?

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Spoiler for *sniffs the air* Crack? Here?!:
THIS! IS! CRA- *kick'd*

Naomi: "Ah, much better."

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Agreed, fully agreed. And it also gives some Vita drama, which is fully apreciated.
Vita-drama is always good. Hell, character drama of any sort is good, as the anime was somewhat light on it at times (other times just right).

Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post
It depends on the location where the brain is damaged. If it's not involved directly in maintaining important activities (i.e. locomotion, thought, memory, sight, hormones, nervous system, etc., which just about limit you to very restricted areas to choose from), then the signs may remain hidden until something happens to exacerbate it. Interestingly, heterochromia can result as a form of brain damage.
Ah, I did not know that.

Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post
A big portion removed indeed. But, you pulled it off nicely. As Nighty suggested, maybe you can show us the prototype which includes the technobabble? It might not be as bad as it sounds.
Lemme retype it first and I'll show it to ya. It might be a while because I'm not a fan of "oh hay let's do-over".

Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post
Anyway, interesting development on the White Tempest. I can see that Cosine Phi is being the louder speaker as usual (much to the annoyance of those that couldn't bear hearing it all day ), and Vita still retains her wounds from the previous battle (and the implication of her presence in Ariadne ). Nice start also for Zafira's eventual non-shafting, too!

And what a revelation about the event in Ariadne being a Bureau-wide coverup! Must be something seriously troublesome.
I haven't decided when I'm going to reveal what happened to Ariadne, but it'll probably be later on...

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Uhh, isn't this Kagerou's story?
Anyone who contributes to the story in some way will get their name in the ending credits of the quote "final episode/OVA" (which isn't actually the final episode, as there's an epilogue chapter after that). Not only that, but I really want Outer Cadia's input .
Kagerou - Generic Universal Rage Producing System
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Old 2008-02-27, 15:46   Link #20818
Evil Rick
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

And I know what an Emperor is... but the image I'm getting I can't get out of my head...

Spoiler for The Emperor Protects:

Ah, Chiuahua . Not that kind of emperor (Still pretty cool) but just give a bit of time and I will give you... (Dramatic Pause) The Tecno - Union Emperor

Last edited by Evil Rick; 2008-02-27 at 16:14.
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Old 2008-02-27, 16:47   Link #20819
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Cyber Emperor?

Do you mean something like


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Old 2008-02-27, 18:34   Link #20820
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Day 04 of Operation Mercurius

The Four Knights plod along quietly...

Gimmy: Hey shall w--
Foy: Urusai.
Gimmy: Or--
Foy: Urusai.

Gimmy: It's not like it was only my fault! You confirmed we saw Juliet.
Foy: But you forgot to scan for a Machine Core and I got a false signature since Sakura Milfuelle's toy was in the area.
Gimmy: And so it's still my fault?

Others: Dekkai always your fault!


Hiro: ...

Intervening Backlog...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Doctor Tesla... Scaglietti?

Spoiler for *sniffs the air* Crack? Here?!:
...I was kinda disappointed, since when I first saw that I screamed JailKo.

But this works just well too!

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Manga shouldn't be taken too seriously anyway (the day that happens, is the day I grin at them handing me the ultimate proof of a link between Hime and Otome ).
It's not in there? Looks like its the job for...


Young Inquisitor Sophia!


...kanna. Rebuilt sneak.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
I'm tempted too.

Originally Posted by FieryAeon View Post
Brigadier-General Haruka Armitage!!?
Her daddy?

Originally Posted by FieryAeon View Post
And manga version Mashiro is trap too.
But still very innocent.

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
uhm.... err...
It was just a joke.

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
Now where shall we place the sword then?

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
Still Working on Bridget
Keep going.


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