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Old 2012-06-07, 00:28   Link #22661
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Tsukune vs Akua is coming up. That much is pretty obvious.

To be honest: the outcome of such a fight at this point is pretty much clear, especially considering the lengths gone to in order to showcase much much Tsukune has matured, he's much stronger than before, etcetc. In all likelihood Akua will be raging, seems to have the upper hand, Tsukune seems down and is all like 'crap I'm still no match for her!' then Moka does her teary eyed thing and it's all 'power of love, power of friendship!' from there. I can not see it going any other way, the plot essentially demands her defeat (especially considering the whole Alucard is awake/Gyokuro is on the move etc plot threads).

What happens afterwards though is what I'm interested in.

Spoiler for Ideally::
thanks to Patchy ♥
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Old 2012-06-07, 00:40   Link #22662
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Originally Posted by Seitsuki View Post

What happens afterwards though is what I'm interested in.

Spoiler for Ideally::
Well, personally speaking I doubt you're "ideal ending" has a huge chance of occurring, after all Inner Moka has said it herself, that she will never forgive Akua for what she has done.

In my opinion, Akua just went too far, and there is no chance of her being redeemed anymore.
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Old 2012-06-07, 01:54   Link #22663
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Originally Posted by Tempest35 View Post
Well, we can all pretty much deduce that Akua wanted to keep Moka as 'pure' as possible, if one can make Darkness Incarnate 'pure'... Partially because of the Shinso and also because she's pretty much in love with Moka (yandere angle). If Akua had her way, she'd gladly take over the human world, install herself and Moka as the heads of the Shuzen Family and wrestle control of Fairy Tail from the Masked King and 'rule the world' together with Moka. That would have been her ultimate goal.

It's actually the outline of an AU story I came up with for Akua.

But there's that lil bump in the road called 'Tsukune'...XD
Yeah, that sounds about right to me. I had her actually propose her plans to Moka in my fic, but she was brutally turned down, for obvious reasons. Poor Akuha, she simply does not understand why Moka doesn't want the same things she does. Sad, it really is.

Originally Posted by Chris38 View Post
Well, personally speaking I doubt you're "ideal ending" has a huge chance of occurring, after all Inner Moka has said it herself, that she will never forgive Akua for what she has done.

In my opinion, Akua just went too far, and there is no chance of her being redeemed anymore.
Oh yeah, especially in the last chapter where she toyed with both Tsukune and Omote's lives. No loving sister would put Ura-chan in that kind of situation. More proof that Akuha doesn't understand that actions have consequences, but she will over the summer, I'm sure of it. Until then...
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Old 2012-06-07, 03:10   Link #22664
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Originally Posted by bigdeal000 View Post
I for one agree with this. Akua has an over-the-top personality as a villain, but, at the same time, besides the last chapter (wich wasn't that bad either) i fail to see where all the hate came from. As a villain, her actions were just average. Some people act like this is the first time they see a manga bad guy. Plus, more than someone that needs punishment, Akua needs help.
She can get that "help" from Tsukune, if you know what I mean..
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Old 2012-06-07, 03:14   Link #22665
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That's only if she wants to get Tsukune's "help", which considering the state she entered into, at the end of chapter 54, might be a little difficult.
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Old 2012-06-07, 03:23   Link #22666
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Originally Posted by bigdeal000 View Post
Not now. After the dust settles.
After the dust settles you say, well we will see what kind of plans Ikeda has toward Akua, it's just that in my opinion the way Ikeda portrays her character, doesn't give me an impression that she can somehow change, but maybe we will have a better understanding of what Ikeda intends to do with Akua, after we see how her fight against Tsukune is going to look like...
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Old 2012-06-07, 03:39   Link #22667
Merilyn Mensola
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Man...the chapter was EPIC!!..

really liked it...Akua didn't learn anything from the past..and at the end of the chapter..she become really angry..a promises of a good fight..

Really liked Moka words..the fact that is ok for her to be don't hurt anyone..and then..Tsukune make her understand that she isn't alone, and that this time, Tsukune is the one that is going to protect her and everyone..really perfect when they embrace each other...and Moka tears...

Ok now..that the fight is going to start..i just make this speculation for Akua change....for me, if Ikeda is planning to change Akua behavior..and make her accept Tsukune, this could happen only if Akua get almost Killed by Alucard..and Tsukune save her..maybe after this..she can start understand who is Tsukune.
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Old 2012-06-07, 04:43   Link #22668
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imho, this chapters text already shows where we are headed with Akua: It's not a coincidence she mentioned that she resents Tsukune for being a human "using" her sister, for being "weak" and not being able to protect her - and then we get this setup where he is about to proove her wrong by protecting Moka, demonstrating he achived both the power to do so and has a spirit/will to protect her surpassing Akua's own.

I am slightly annoyed with a couple of people voicing criticism of so called "haters". What's the matter? Why can one not express ones opinion on a character more passionately now and then? IF anything it's a testament to the author succeeding in getting readers emotionaly involved. And I beg ya, a proper hate rant looks a tad more ugly than what I and a couple of others voiced here during the last three months regarding Akua and for the record, haters are haters cause they know nothing else which ain't the case here.

The fact remains that she is largely responsible for Moka's current condition, all you folks going "oh my, what's all the fuss, so she mishandeled Kuru and Mizore, big dealio^^" might wanna take a step back and consider that it was Akua's actions in the first place that got Akasha to end up inside that thing, that it was Akua's actions that largely are responsible for Moka's shinso side awakening prematurely in such force that it had to be sealed by the rosary and so on and so forth. Atop of that, she is painted so singlemindedly egocentric, narcisstic, bitchy and utterly incapable of even once even trying to consider what Moka wants for herself that I personally find it really hard to NOT dislike her for it. And as for her "victim side" I yet wait to be shown any serious character development that hints at that side of her being the result of some trauma she suffered herself, yeah some hints here and there but largely as a topic it got neglected ...

And yeah, regardless, probably it's gonna turn out she is but a poor lost girl who has been influenced and used by Gyokuru who in turn might be used by somebody else in the background, and yeah, sure, in time she'll see the light, repent her evil ways and lust after Tsuki like all the other girls do

That doesn't mean I won't enjoy myself ranting a bit with each month we get yet another dose of her crap, and unless this gets turned and twisted around brilliantly I also feel her character was painted a bit too much with the "rough brush" when it comes to bringing out her bad side and I'd be quite thankful if I could voice an opinion like that, be it distanced and with proper arguments for my reasoning or blindly emotional, without somebody totally needlessly stating BS like
"oh you know, I have this totally positive opinion of her and would like to express it but there is all these evil haters here who are gonna eat me up if I do so I'll sadly be forced to shut my trap - the world has become so damn injust "
- how low can you get? this place is for DISCUSSION - strikes me such attitude would be far more befiting of ranting against then Akua but I'll refrain from doing so as it seems people can't take it

ah whatever, lez see what next month brings

Last edited by haegar; 2012-06-07 at 04:55.
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Old 2012-06-07, 05:16   Link #22669
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What the next month is going to bring, is in my opinion the fact that we will finally learn how strong Tsukune has gotten after his one month training, most likely along with Inner Moka's amazement, on how Tsukune could become so strong in such a short period of time.

Of course, the fight against Akua won't be easy, since even if she became a little more unstable, due to Tsukune's actions in chapter 54, it doesn't make her any less dangerous, if we consider the abilities that she has.

Still, I'm quite sure that Tsukune has learned techniques that are the perfect countermeasures to Akua's technique - at the very least, he will be capable of blocking Akua's most dangerous technique, the Jigen-tou, which is going to be another surprise for Inner Moka, who doesn't know that Tsukune has learned how to use them.

Furthermore, due to the fact that Tsukune has inherited Moka's Shinso blood he has been shown of being faster then Akua, which is definitely going to allow him to countermeasure Akua's higher experience in effectively using her vampire powers.

Overall, it looks like the next chapter is going to be even more exiting then the current one.
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Old 2012-06-07, 07:04   Link #22670
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when tsukune hugged moka, did anyone notice all the scars on his hand?
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Old 2012-06-07, 07:27   Link #22671
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Originally Posted by Narosian View Post
when tsukune hugged moka, did anyone notice all the scars on his hand?
Good job noticing that. Now, the question is, where those scars come from, since I don't think that Tsukune had them before...
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:03   Link #22672
Kyero Fox
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He has scars all over his body if you haven't noticed. The amount of time he's been cut and beaten I'm pretty sure he has scars everywhere. And yes I remember him being cut in the hand.
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:11   Link #22673
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Must been when he was augmented or during his training. Training with a Vampire Lord will probably leave you noticeable scars. I doubt he got those in the current situation. I really don't understand the hate that Aqua (Or is it Akua both meaning water). I have seen much more worse characters than her, like the character in a certain manga called Happy Project. Anyway, like Redeyes260 said I think she can change for the better. Even though it is a little overdue, she wants to be loved by Moka and Tsukune can help her with that. After the battle of course or maybe during.
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:19   Link #22674
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Sjes a hypacrit she just wants to use her sister for the power. Which reinforced my hate for her iin this chapter. Trying to convince her that he was using her the whole time.

On another note you can't really call her a lesbian because if moka was a boy she would still be in the same position.
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:22   Link #22675
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Originally Posted by ReaperxKingx View Post
I been wondering for sometime, one of the biggest part of this Manga is Outer Moka and Inner Moka. Wonder if they could just be a single Moka who can just switch different personality time to time?
Well, to bring up Change 123 again, that's pretty much what some of us were hoping to happen with the main heroine, for all her personalities to merge. So,

Spoiler for Change:
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:26   Link #22676
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Join Date: May 2012, I thought there would be a tad bit more fighting but this is pretty satisfying too. Seeing Inner Moka teary eyed also is a pretty uncommon sight. Akua's sister complex is entertaining to watch as always.

I do wonder exactly how many of those seals Tsukune can break considering he's going to need to pull out everything he learned the past month against Akua.

Can't wait for the next chapter and I really want to see how this fight turns out. Do wonder what Kahlua and Gyokuru are going to do about the reinforcements that are supposed to be coming.
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:28   Link #22677
Kyero Fox
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I got a feeling that he is going to take her out pretty easily.
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:32   Link #22678
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Well the term lesbian means a lot of things. Often others considered intimacy between females or just simple attraction to the same sex. Overall, Moka and Akua or Aqua (someone correct me here, I've been hearing one of the other) are step siblings. They are not real sisters, though Akua or Aqua stated she love Moka as a sister. That sort of love seems to be more than sisterly. Kyero Fox stated she was a hypocrite, well not exactly. Akua or Aqua stated she love Moka, the real one, though she also wish for the destruction of the human race. To release Alucard, outer Moka will have to die and Inner Moka will be a single person. Disturbing, but she holds to her set of values which is to kill humans and monopolize Moka. Kahlua, on the other hand, is the real hypocrite. She stated she doesn't like to hurt or kill others, yet is okay with killing an entire race and is willing to do assassinations for the family.
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:52   Link #22679
Kyero Fox
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sigh, she loves moka because she's moka. If she were a man it would be the same exact thing. We don't need to know the meaning of lesbian. Thats why I said we can't call her one because she doesn't give a damn about moka's gender. And she is a Hypocrit because she too is using her for her power to awaken Alucard. She says their using her for her power to protect pretty much. they both are still USING her.
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Old 2012-06-07, 08:56   Link #22680
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All things considered, we can all agree on one thing. Moka's family is very weird in so many ways. Tsukune (Almost like son in law now) is going to fight Akua and we get to see how strong he is. We only saw a glimpse, so I can't wait for next month.
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