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Old 2008-04-27, 23:48   Link #23961
Love Hina?
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Kangaroos live in my backyard =P

*presents medal of Backlog breakers to Aaron*

I retract my statements on the canon spells that Hayate has.. I wasn't aware that they were canon. Oh another complaint for me to level at 7arcs.

I'll be back later for the backlog.
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Old 2008-04-28, 00:50   Link #23962
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Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
Marcellus Fabrizio
Yup. Bad guy you wouldn't want to be unprepared to face.
Manipulative Business people are some of the villains I like to see in action.

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
As for the mage, well Katrina's my only summoner so it'll probably go to her when I decide to use it. Though the level and complexity of such is still beyond even someone like her at this point. Besides, technology associated with the Tome of the Night Sky isn't something to throw around lightly. >.>

You forgot this: 83


Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki View Post
So much pruging

*hides the IXA Knuckle from Kha*
*grabs IXA Knuckle*



Ah, yes. There was that, huh? And like a decent amount of popular boy bands comes the fanart and...yaoi


Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post

Add certain ingredients from SEED, Elfen Lied and Evangelion and this'll make for a wonderful mindfuck indeed.


Spoiler for after notes:

SHOU!!! DIE!!!!!

Gut-wrenching scenario with a huge dose of mindf*ck...


Originally Posted by Tempest Dynasty View Post
Spoiler for Possibility:

I'll see if I can throw together his spell list and put it up soon. From the looks of it right now... it's pretty nasty.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Anyway, I think the biggest problem here is our varying abillity to will SoD. To quote a discussion I had with Ark before concerning Tesla, and why she went along with the TSAB plans:

Spoiler for Varying level of SoD:

As you can see, knowing about the subject greatly increases ones critisism against it. Knowing very little about millitary stuff and having only casual notice of LoP, willing SoD becomes a lot easier.

Still, willing SoD is rather easy for me anyway. I am more knowlegable then most when it comes to melee combat, and I can still enjoy the Nanoha combat, despite the fact that if I start looking at it technically, it falls down completely.

I actually did some research into that and found this:

Reinforce II Knight’s Garb & The Book of the Azure Sky
(StS DVD2)
Ancient Belkan practitioners generally equip defensive attire known as “Knight Armor”, but the Guardian Knights wear “Knight’s Garb”, designed by Hayate. (Concerning this, details can be found in the “Book of Darkness Incident” data files) Similarly, the Unison Device Reinforce II dons Knight’s Garb when advancing to the front lines. As fitting the support-type Reinforce II, although it does not provide top-class protection, Knight’s Garb allows for more agile maneuvering. The Book of the Azure Sky is a storage device. Similar to Hayate, Reinforce Zwei’s personal device holds an enormous volume of magic data, which is not used independantly, but makes up half of the magic data available during a Unison.

So yeah, I was wrong, the Wolkies aren't wearing Knights Armor at all.

They're still called armor, aren't they?

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post

Vivio is captured again, this time brought back to the original clone production facility for ..intensive examinations. The Prize does treasure the merits of a successful Artificial Mage and clone of the Saint King, in line of continuing the progress down that road.

Btw, the name came from this guy. You'll see why I picked his name for a good reason.
The Prize's own...

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
There linked up in the index post linked in my sig, don't sweat it though like I said I'm just being a whore.

I think you're giving me a tad too much credit here it's not terrible, but let's not go overboard here.
:3 :3 :3

Not really sure quite what you mean but I'll hazard a guess that you're referring to several of them's seemingly boundless sarcasm and cynicisms. In which case you have my own personality to thank for that.
Yes, that.

Yeah Felix has been around him long enough to know most of his games... which sadly dosen't acutally really help him win any of those games.
It adds to the frustration, I daresay.

And to think it all started as crack I thought would be funny... Hell maybe that's why it works it is a pretty (fun)ny sort of pairing I suppose.It's funny cause it's true and I could totally see it happening as Vita dosen't strike me as being the most rational of thinkers when she's angry.
It's the TRUTH, anyway. Or partially, since Vita was after Nanoha's Linker Core and not life.:3

My entire idea with Pixy is that he really just dosen't care anymore he basiclly just dose whatever he wants really. He wasn't always like that though as will be hinted at a bit later assuming I can manage not to make it suck.

Well, that's what makes him, him.

I don't think I gave a ton of insight, but then again maybe my schooling in Criminal Justice is acutally doing something and I'm incorporating said knowledge subconsciously... or you're giving me too much credit again, the later seems more likely.
Didn't know some of those, so it amounts to something.:3

*TK Continues heroically resiting the urge to use Keroko in his fic basiclly just becasue*
*Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko*


From what I understand (having read of but not watch it) he was like the only good thing about the show.
I'm not one to judge that.

<Looks at Keroko>

Was he?

Indeed it can be fun to write sometimes it's such a bother to have to hand all that interaction on a plot of some kind no?
Yep. It also makes the plot easier to expound on.:3

Protective Aaron is protective.

You need to try harder Aaron!
I'm trying!!!T__T

If Goose is annoying you just bonk him on the head it's what I do, usually works. Then again he seems to have a sort of borderline hero worship thing going on with me at times... sometimes it's sort of creepy acutally. I think I kinda know what Nanoha felt like with Subaru.

Felix: It's not the Collateral damage that hurts... hell that's FUN.
Vita: Yeah it's the paperwork you have to do afterwards that hurts.

The meaning's not even acutally hidden it's bloody obvious after all what's one of the things that many people consider part of "becoming an adult"?
So it was...? >___________<

*TK rubs his temples and sighs* Just what we need more Sentai...
Aaron008R: It's not Sentai! It's Kamen Ride-*is shot*

Tk3997: <hefts gun> They're all the same to me.

Well that was the general idea glad to see you at least felt it was accomplished.

I've always thought ice was cool if I could control an element I'd totally want ice. If for no other reason then to COOL OFF MY DAMN ROOM, god it's hot in here!
Summer is not so fascinating for Summer-School takers. So hooott....

Yeah I wanted to try and make the device a bit less generic and at least have ONE device that wasn't basiclly window dressing among my OCs. I tend to focus heavily on the OCs, there combat powers, and tactics and such and think little about the devices this is probably part of my own personal bias I'm very much a "devices are weapons treat them as such" sort of guy I often treat them as sort of really advanced guns and little more.
So I've noticed.
For me, I tend to personalize devices a lot, regardless of how the owner tends to regard them...
The S2BU (Sucks to be you; aka GRUNT) sticks aren't very enticing to use after all...>.>

Notice I've never really invented a new kind of device or seriously played with even the existing ones everyone I have is basiclly using Intelligent, Armed, or Storage devices.
So am I.

... Not too much...>.>

I happen to think his spell list is perhaps my best ever... perhaps because it's like the only one I've ever acutally finished.

Lowe can't seem to fail at Romance if he tried he'd probably end up writing some sort of Shakespearean epic or something.
That's quite true...><

We can only hope It was getting boring without you around to make go @_@.

So I'm the swirly-faced PWN-puppy, huh? >.> <.< >.<

As is to be expected since you are the OC's top Hayate fan.

(Oh well, I guess I really am.:3)

Don't worry buddy I'm behind you on that! We're sharing a time line after all and it would be... inconvenient if you failed.
So that's it, huh? <.< ()

Yeah... the LAST thing she needs is to be losing capabilities.

O'Neil is always bored don't worry about him too much.
Oh? I didn't know that...

He'll be back to lazing around soon enough...

Felix: I heard that!

I don't care.

Ethics are for chumps and real life this is fiction screw morals!

It's not a good idea to bleed when you're swimming with sharks...

Sarcasm is something I can do as I said I don't take anything that seriously, at least not for long, my own works of fiction included. I've said this before but it always seems to happen that whenever I write anything of any real length sarcasm starts to creep in. I simply cannot do melo-drama to save me life.
To each his own styles...

No it's mine get your own!
Learn to share!!!


Acutally you need not worry much about that from a time line perspective I have the arc all planned and it ends sometime in early April. So you get about a month of cool down where most stuff ends back up at the status quo as far as the characters you’re using are concerned.
Err, no. I meant you might overtake the amount of work I've been able to release...><

If you’d like I can PM you a rough end game summary of the major changes and plot points.
Hmm. Nah. I'll rather be surprised.

Is all that I am to you people just VitaXFelix?!
No. But that is one of the things.


Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
*bows at Aaron's breaker*

Yeah you also missed Franz's rebuilt profile, links in my sig but meh I'm just being a whore.
Again with the whoring comment?
Seriously. Where's the additional element to point unsuspecting people to good stuff? Persuasion FTW!

The whole hero worship thing with TK is actually cuz 1) I admire TK's busting; 2) This is the best way I can mess with his head without getting ion cannons on my head :P

Awesome, Aaron. Awesome.

*goes to finish Franz Profile & BelkaRed vs AbareHunter*

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post

Wow.... now that's dedication.


*evil eye* Goood...



Tesla: ()


Yes, a lot more. Though I suspect Heavens Feel to top that, reason being I never really liked Rin all that much (the great star in UBW for me was defnetely Archer).

*cough* >.>

Thank you.


Me too...


*nods while watching Aaron being chased by anembarassed Nanoha and Keroko*

<dodges Divine Buster>


<runs from Snipe Shooter>


Nanoha and Keroko: <Too busy blushing to listen>

Hey, I've got a name to concider. :3
Now it'll start getting scarier if you and Keroko-chan start switching places.


Don't tell me you have similar voices too...>_<


Which is one of the parts that give people headaches. He looks like a girl, dresses like a boy, acts either way... GAAAH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?

They already knew eachother from the labs, so they simply remained in contact though letters.

As for references, Uomo only has two references, the first being Tachibana Saki of Snow Sakura, of whom his apearance has been taken, as well as parts of his personallity. The second is Han Solo, of whom the idea of his Barrier Jacket, IS, and other parts of his personallity are inspired.
Ah... Noted.
And of course, I should know Han Solo.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
Hail the mightiest backlog breaker in Cadia history!

We want to hear it from her spokesman.
Don't involve me in this!>___<


Why am I included in an couple's affairs? >_<
Random in-topic inclusion.




Where did you get that idea from?! Jag's no sis-con at all!

*sics Jag on Aaron again*

As for the character changes, I was kinda uninspired while revamping the first two profiles so they did come out abit bland. I did try to steer him away from the berserker outline and change the addiction of drugs to usage instead, and to make him a character who's defined by his desire to survive. Guess it didn't work out too well in the end.
*lies in pool of own blood*

Just kidding...

But the effect is mostly the same, except that his case is a bit lighter.

Well didn't change too much about him so it was expected. Something for GenerationS perhaps? Don't worry I won't try to elbow into your plans but I'm quite curious about the 'similarity in future'. I'm up for a good device discussion, provided I have the time. As for being an unlawful contact, that door's always opened.

Hence why you should display the awesomeness of HayatexGrandis to make us switch camps.

Grandis: If you'd only write faster...

Me: >____>

Though the Hayaurion camp is firmly entrenched with long time popular support. Not that I'm one. =3

Actually that's a recycled spell that appears in almost every spell list of my OCs. I'm of the opinion denying mages of their devices is a good way to go.
It is...
It just sounds so convenient a bit...><

As for the dere-dere-dere side, Jas really isn't much of an tsundere so that will be hard to come by. I'll touch on her Hyper Happy mode instead when I can.

Her future road is pretty tough though. Then again, I'm a mean creator. The more I favor an character, the nastier I'm to them.

Moe was unexpected when I didn't provide an actual image to stand on.
She gives that kind of effect.:3

As for the reason why the Prize favors her so much, Jec stands as an keystone in their future plans, as well as her device. (Have fun guessing. ) I can safely say her future is the next clearly developed, and somehow tying into Nanoha and Vivio in different ways. =3

I'm going ;_; at the thought of it though.
Want MOAR details...>_<

Don't remind me. I still go at his pic after so long.

Looking forward to his entrance Keroko. =3
Me too. =3

I realized the original was a tad messed up so I figured why not change somethings while cleaning up?

And that's because C.C. is a wonderful image basis to draw on.

Just finished the Negima manga. As said by Lowe a long time ago, Katrina and Evangeline share so many similarities it's pure >_<. Speaking of which where's Aniki. :/

Dunno. I guess it's work-related.

Holy ****.

No competition here. Aaron's Backlog Breakers are always fun to read.

Edit: Oh yeah. Page claim for Aaron. XDD
Thanks again...

Originally Posted by Mirificus View Post
These are the best official pictures of Hayate in her barrier jacket that of which I'm aware.

Fitting indeed. Though I was looking for the 19-year old pic other than the spammed profile one...>.>

Thanks, anyway, Mirificus. I'll be using the 1st one.

Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis View Post
Last point...Very true. Very, very true. Things would have gotten wayyy out of hand in both cases. In StrikerS we'd see the TSAB taking out almost 3 times more Drones than in the real story no thanks to the abundance of godly snipers, and we'd have a much better plan, which would result in a more clinical, if faster, and maybe more awesome win. Kudos on that of course goes to our OC tacticians, on-site and off-site ones alike.
Oh yeah...?

While in As, Reinforce Eins might have gotten killed, I swear it. Just get a diversion, and have Chief sneak up under Active Camo... *snaps fingers* you know the drill.
Timelines and circumstances don't match well with the availability of ways to deal with her. And I seriously doubt she could be taken down just like that even if they were available!

Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post

You've set a standard of backlog busting no one's ever done (apart from those who did a tremendous backlog buster of 400+ pages before)!

*gives Aaron Almaria, Hayate, and Hayaurion plushies (:3)*

I will also attempt a stupendous backlog buster ... after this week ends.

Yep, I did.

More developments (and shocking truths!) revealed later. Examination is a jealous time-hogger now.


I'm glad you like it, because I didn't expected her to grow up like this myself. I took a few spoonfuls of ideas learned from classes and observations of current children behaviors to come up with this Vivio.

Leraphiel nee-chan will also be a surprise later.

Lazarus is pompous towards other Magi, but cannot do so against the BIG boss.

I busted my brains a few times writing that.

Revelation from Chrono imminent! ... In Chapter 11.

Small note on the Pentateuch Archive, in any case (kind of forgotten to explain this):

Spoiler for Pentateuch Archive:

Sounds very effective!

Well, you are the top Hayate fan.

Anti-army more than anti-personnel, then?

*scribblesscribble* Might be useful later in my fic as well.
Ohoh... ()

I wonder if it'll ever remove the deep-seated image of Hayaurion, in any case. But, we can all but try, ne?
Not try. I'll DO it!!!

Harumph! I'll see if I can manage it!

(Probably not, I've already busted some along the way ._.)
Good luck.

Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis View Post
Oh, AARON!!!

Here's a new competitor for overreactions here! *waves*



How could I have been so blind to this alternative route...I need to see his profile. Now where is it...
Grandis' initial profile.

Will rebuild later.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
*Goose enters AbareKillerGoose mode*

Aaron's been putting it forward, Reiji's been hating on this pairing, and I just ship Hayaurion because it's pseudocest.

Well actually I ship Hayaurion for shits and giggles,

and it's kinda fun to see Aaron go all swirly.

It keeps me from entering AbareKillerGoose Mode.

Epic battle! Burning spirits seeking the maiden's pure heart! The epic of the month!

Aurion vs Grandis, in the battle for Hayate's heart, soul and door!



Originally Posted by Tempest Dynasty View Post
Spoiler for Maid Guy Noland:



Will check the spell list a bit later.:3

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
...just as a personal point, I really don't care how you make it work, as long as it does work...

...and Grandis still has fire spells for Arcas to copy.

Other than that...
:3 :3 :3

Originally Posted by Liingo

*presents medal of Backlog breakers to Aaron*

I retract my statements on the canon spells that Hayate has.. I wasn't aware that they were canon. Oh another complaint for me to level at 7arcs.

I'll be back later for the backlog.

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2008-04-28 at 22:30.
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Old 2008-04-28, 01:56   Link #23963
OC Belka Scriptor
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Germany
Age: 40
Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post
Canon would like to prove otherwise.

魔導師の食事 - A mage’s diet
For mages, Mana in the atmosphere is linked together in an organ, the “Linker core”, and stored within their body. For quick replenishment, a balanced diet consisting of sugars, carbohydrates and proteins is essential, as are a variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy body. Therefore out of necessity, mages undergoing hard training during their early growth period eat a much larger diet compared to an ordinary person. Furthermore, pasta and other noodle-type foods are easily digested, so these types of food, known as 「Loading Foods」, are loved by many mages, since they allow for quick energy and Mana replenishment.

You'd notice that Mana is generated within the Linker Core, and replenishment comes primarily from food and rest. While Vivian may not be a glutton, Mana is a form of energy that has its source from food, which exemplifies the fact that it's a form of physical energy that can be changed to power normal metabolism (law of energy conservation and the first law of thermodynamics). And such energies are consumed by the cells to do work; the more you have it, the more they work, and eventually they either become resistant or die.

If Vivian has "delayed aging" simply because she's brimming with Mana, Hayate is a potential candidate for such "divine manifestation", because her mana pool is large enough (SS). Yet, Hayate is not, so your argument is invalid.

And really, if Mana can be used to do everything, one wonders why there is no supra-godlike mage characters (SSS+) in entire Mid-childa. It can even be that they perish faster because of too much Mana.
Wow thanks for the Info!
Especially the Idea of "perish faster because of too much Mana". May make my Carnage even more dangerous for it's user.
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Old 2008-04-28, 02:44   Link #23964
Loveable Jerk
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Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Yup. Bad guy you wouldn't want to be unprepared to face.
Manipulative Business people are some of the villains I like to see in action.
Indeed... *shifty eyes*

They're still called armor, aren't they?
We've been over this before...
Spoiler for Armor Lesson Re-Dux:

Yes, that.
Well like I said you can blame me for that I tend to assume the worst and thing realistically (cynically) about most things. That said my total disgust with angst means that I still seem to be producing one of the most idealistic pieces in the damn thread... oh teh ironies.

It adds to the frustration, I daresay.
Almost immeasurably so.

It's the TRUTH, anyway. Or partially, since Vita was after Nanoha's Linker Core and not life.:3
Well that's what she says now, but at the time... bitch messed up her hat it was personal.


Well, that's what makes him, him.
For better or worse...

Felix: Definitely for worse.
Vita: Yeah it's not even really up for discussion.

Didn't know some of those, so it amounts to something.:3
Well you know me I'm always teaching those around.

*Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko*

Spoiler for ...:

Yep. It also makes the plot easier to expound on.:3
Not really sure what you mean here, but I know in my case most of my ideas are basiclly having some nifty brain fart about some cool interaction or scene which I quickly begin writing which is then quickly followed by "Hmm I'm probably gonna a plot to string all this crap together" at which point I then attempt to construct one.

Basically this entire fic and plot grew out of "lol VitaXFelix!!!" and the need to crap out some reason they'd be forced to spend time around each other...

I'm trying!!!T__T
Do or do not there is no try!

So it was...? >___________<
Sigh... Naive Aaron is so naive.

Aaron008R: It's not Sentai! It's Kamen Ride-*is shot*

Tk3997: <hefts gun> They're all the same to me.
Well it is… really when all you guys start going on about Ranger this and Rider that I tend to take that as a queue that I’ll have some free time to go read some news from the defense industry or just technology in general. Seriously while you guys are all screaming about transformations, combo attacks, and special moves in IRC I’m often off reading crap on wikipedia and stuff. For instance did you know that the destroy HMS Glowworm (least manly ship name EVER) rammed the German cruiser Admiral Hipper after expending all her torpedoes and coming under massive fire from the vastly superior ship during the invasion of Norway in WWII thus earning her captain the Victoria Cross?

Wikipedia really is the greatest thing ever even if it dose have some problems.

Summer is not so fascinating for Summer-School takers. So hooott....
Just one more reason to avoid summer classes...

So I've noticed.
For me, I tend to personalize devices a lot, regardless of how the owner tends to regard them...
The S2BU (Sucks to be you; aka GRUNT) sticks aren't very enticing to use after all...>.>
It's not the gun you've got it's how you use it. That said it takes enough work making interesting and balanced OCs I don't have any energy left for devices too.


So I'm the swirly-faced PWN-puppy, huh? >.> <.< >.<
Pretty much, but really you just make it too easy half the time.


(Oh well, I guess I really am.:3)
It would take someone truly frighteningly devoted to her to unseat you...


So that's it, huh? <.< ()
What did you expect some load of sentimental garbage about brotherhood or friendship? Please. ()

Oh? I didn't know that...
O'Neil often behaves something like a ten year old in a 50 year olds body He gets bored easily and well:



Learn to share!!!

Do it yourself that's how you get stronger!

Err, no. I meant you might overtake the amount of work I've been able to release...><
Oh well yeah, if you don't get your lazy ass in gear that's a given.

Hmm. Nah. I'll rather be surprised.
haha well I feel the same way, but I have a feeling I'll have to accept some spoilers since your probably going to be asking me about stuff you're doing with my chars or what I have planned.

No. But that is one of the things.

Grumbles about shippers.


Well the hero worshiping isn't so bad it's when he starts barking like a dog it really gets weird...



Tesla: ()

Somehow this sequence of smilies managed to put some thoughts in my head that probably weren't intended.


<dodges Divine Buster>


<runs from Snipe Shooter>


Nanoha and Keroko: <Too busy blushing to listen>

I'd have expected you to have watched enough anime to know the answer to that ridiculous question is most assuredly no.

Now it'll start getting scarier if you and Keroko-chan start switching places.


Don't tell me you have similar voices too...>_<

There's a fine line between creativity and madness... Keroko is looking at that line and pondering how to most spectacularly leap it.


Grandis: If you'd only write faster...

Me: >____>
I'm trying to help you out buddy, but he's just so damn slow...


Dunno. I guess it's work-related.
No matter the cause his absence weighs heavily upon us all... I mean without him around where are we supposed to get all our innuendo and perversion from?!

Timelines and circumstances don't match well with the availability of ways to deal with her. And I seriously doubt she could be taken down just like that even if they were available!
I never even argued that since frankly as I noted the knights all get pwned before she can even be summoned...

Not try. I'll DO it!!!
[Yoda]Understand you now do...[/Yoda]

Spoiler for Spiral Attack:


While somewhat cute if you do that again I'm going to have to hurt you; just to give fair notice.

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Old 2008-04-28, 11:22   Link #23965
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
Don't remind me. I still go at his pic after so long.

Looking forward to his entrance Keroko. =3
Waiting for Flame's response on that one, I don't want to write something and have Flame go 'Koji would never do that!'

Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis View Post
While in As, Reinforce Eins might have gotten killed, I swear it. Just get a diversion, and have Chief sneak up under Active Camo... *snaps fingers* you know the drill.
*snicker* Uh-huh, sure. This is the girl that tanked a point-blank Exellion Buster twice and wasn't even fazed, remember? I don't think Chief will do any better.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
The knights are totally going to get killed with extreme overkill… The Arc probably doesn’t happen though after all the book can’t be completed with the knights dead can it? Still a bad end though as Hayate probably dies and all the knights are obviously toasted, and the book might well get away and show up again later. That could almost make a decent AU Don't expect me to write or read it though her and the knights are basiclly my favorite characters in the show after all.
Hmm, well technically the Yami no Sho could revive the knights over and over again, so that wouldn't really happen. What would happen though is that our far more profesional observation teams would spot the Wolkies doing their daily activities and trace them back to Hayate, then they'd wait untill she was alone and step in to detain and negotiate with her, Hayate would understand what was happening and call her knights off while everyone figured out a more peacefull sollution to the problem.

Originally Posted by Tempest Dynasty View Post
Hmm. This sounds interesting. I'm really starting to like this idea of the Primarch. If Noland is the favored son of the Sankt Kaiser...

Well damn. Noland really does look like to be the Horus of the Belkan Empire.
Alpharus is the oldest of the Primarch at age 45, the other Primarch were cloned later when Alpharus proved that a mage cloned from the Royal Line were great leaders and fighters, Alistina is the second Primarch, cloned from Vivio's genetic data when she was born, and acted as her personal bodyguard since then. Noland could have been the third (the uneven numbers are all male, while the even numbers are female).

Hehe, this will make Noland's reaction to Keroko even more brilliant. >3

Originally Posted by Tempest Dynasty View Post
This is where the ambiguity and vagueness of Noland's history comes in handy. As I've said before, the truth could have been changed, warped, or misrepresented by historians writing the matter down. Thanks to this haziness, Noland's history can be easily modified to fit into just about anyone's story.
Thank you, that makes it a lot easier to work with him, and I already have figured out a reason why the blood on his hands matches Vivio too.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
*TK Continues heroically resiting the urge to use Keroko in his fic basiclly just becasue*
Eh, Keroko would be out of place. Besides, we already have Vita for impulsiveness. Tesla would be a better and more logical bet.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
From what I understand (having read of but not watch it) he was like the only good thing about the show.
Basically? Yes. The remaining characters are either wimps, annoying, useless moe-blobs, or any combination of the three. The plot was horrible, the lead girl had the most horrible VA I've ever heard, the main lead's best friend was the most annoying character I've ever seen and so on and so on. The only two characters who were somewhat amusing were Hachi (the male punch-bag of the story) and Shinya, who's horrible sense of direction and bluntless was somewhat amusing.

If it wasn't for Jun, I would have never watched that piece of Garbage they seemingly call anime. If you watch anime, watch it for Jun. If you don't like Jun, don't watch it at all.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Is all that I am to you people just VitaXFelix?!
And hefty doses of sarcasm. And O'Neil. And resident expert on millitairy inducing stuff.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post

Don't look at me, I have a lot on my plater myself.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post

<dodges Divine Buster>


<runs from Snipe Shooter>


Nanoha and Keroko: <Too busy blushing to listen>

It was worth a shot.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Now it'll start getting scarier if you and Keroko-chan start switching places.
*Keroko-kun grins and begins to tie up his hair*

Keroko-chan: No.

Keroko-kun: But...

Keroko-chan: No.

Keroko-kun: But I didn't even...

Keroko-chan: I have enough rumors floating around as it is.

Keroko-kun: Che.

Tiny note: Realistically I don't look like Keroko-chan at all, but in terms of artistical representation, 'keroko' has always been a long-haired red-head. And since she is often meant to be a manifestation of myself....

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post

Don't tell me you have similar voices too...>_<

*both Keroko's turn to Tesla*

Tesla: Not by a long shot.

Keroko-kun: There's your answer.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Ah... Noted.
And of course, I should know Han Solo.
Of course, any star wars fan worth his salt would smack you for not knowing him, since he and Lando were two of the most awesome charactes in the first trillogy.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Well it is… really when all you guys start going on about Ranger this and Rider that I tend to take that as a queue that I’ll have some free time to go read some news from the defense industry or just technology in general. Seriously while you guys are all screaming about transformations, combo attacks, and special moves in IRC I’m often off reading crap on wikipedia and stuff. For instance did you know that the destroy HMS Glowworm (least manly ship name EVER) rammed the German cruiser Admiral Hipper after expending all her torpedoes and coming under massive fire from the vastly superior ship during the invasion of Norway in WWII thus earning her captain the Victoria Cross?

Wikipedia really is the greatest thing ever even if it dose have some problems.
I often get the urge whenever any from of realistic technobable (be it militairy, Laws of Physics, or biology) is being discussed in relation to Nanoha. Problem is, I can't do that, since that kind of stuff is aimed at me roughly 70% of the time. T_T

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
I'd have expected you to have watched enough anime to know the answer to that ridiculous question is most assuredly no.
We Dutch have a saying "Niet geschoten is altijd mis." meaning "A shot never fired will always miss" Basically it reffers to at least make the atempt, cause if you don't, you are sure it will never work.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
There's a fine line between creativity and madness... Keroko is looking at that line and pondering how to most spectacularly leap it.
Story of my life, Tk. Story of my life. :3
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Old 2008-04-28, 12:05   Link #23966
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post

Of course, any star wars fan worth his salt would smack you for not knowing him, since he and Lando were two of the most awesome charactes in the first trillogy.

+ Chewie

On-topic question: How far in time one could reasonably date Belkan or even the proto-Belkan? I mean, after all, Rome was just a village before it was an empire.
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Old 2008-04-28, 12:25   Link #23967
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
We Dutch have a saying "Niet geschoten is altijd mis." meaning "A shot never fired will always miss" Basically it reffers to at least make the atempt, cause if you don't, you are sure it will never work.
I would say "You will always miss if you don't shoot". But me being nickpicky....
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Old 2008-04-28, 12:28   Link #23968
Jimmy C
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
What would happen though is that our far more profesional observation teams would spot the Wolkies doing their daily activities and trace them back to Hayate,
I'd have to wonder, what more could they do to find them that the Asura couldn't? Given that none of them knew the Wolkies actually lived in Uminari too. And the Wolkies covered their teleportation tracks too well.

then they'd wait untill she was alone and step in to detain and negotiate with her, Hayate would understand what was happening and call her knights off while everyone figured out a more peacefull sollution to the problem.
Trouble is, there is no peaceful solution. You know that if the Book doesn't get fed, it will consume its master instead.
The "least harmful option" is also the most risky one. Awaken the administrator program and then wrest control from it to Hayate, just like in the anime.
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Old 2008-04-28, 12:40   Link #23969
Reiji Tabibito
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Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Aaron's been putting it forward, Reiji's been hating on this pairing, and I just ship Hayaurion because it's pseudocest. Well actually I ship Hayaurion for shits and giggles, and it's kinda fun to see Aaron go all swirly. It keeps me from entering AbareKillerGoose Mode.
...technically, Goose, I don't hate the pairing...I'm actually for it (If for no other reason than it debunks Hayaurion) - one of my CHARACTERS isn't so crazy about it, however...'s complicated. You want the whole story, ask Aaron...

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Epic battle! Burning spirits seeking the maiden's pure heart! The epic of the month!

Aurion vs Grandis, in the battle for Hayate's heart, soul and door!
Yare yare...

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
*Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko**Use Keroko*

...gee, I WONDER what's Aaron's trying to say with this CRYPTIC MESSAGE...

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Now it'll start getting scarier if you and Keroko-chan start switching places.

Keroko-kun & Keroko-chan = Shmion?!


Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post

Grandis: If you'd only write faster...

Me: >____>

[Homestar Runner Parody]Aaron, did you write the best story ever during the commerical break?

I SURE DID. [/Homestar Runner Parody]

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
:3 :3 :3


...that's a yes, right?

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
O'Neil often behaves something like a ten year old in a 50 year olds body He gets bored easily and well:

I believe there's also the invisibility incident as evidence...
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Old 2008-04-28, 12:50   Link #23970
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by PhoenixG View Post
I would say "You will always miss if you don't shoot". But me being nickpicky....
Eh, different words, same meaning. 'A shot never fired' sounds more poetic. :3

Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
I'd have to wonder, what more could they do to find them that the Asura couldn't? Given that none of them knew the Wolkies actually lived in Uminari too. And the Wolkies covered their teleportation tracks too well.
Because I don't recall Shamal teleporting when she was out shopping for dinner, or Vita teleporting when she was playing cricket with the old men. Like I said: During their daily activities. Whereas the Arthra crew never found them, our vastly numerous teams surely would. They'd, say, notice Shamal when she was shopping, follow her back home, and relay the information to their temporary base.

Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
Trouble is, there is no peaceful solution. You know that if the Book doesn't get fed, it will consume its master instead.
The "least harmful option" is also the most risky one. Awaken the administrator program and then wrest control from it to Hayate, just like in the anime.
I know, but there are more peacefull ways of doing so then what happened in the anime. Hayate won't stand for her knights to go into battle with people from the bureau, already eliminating combat. After that, we would have time to research it. Also note that the program took control because Hayate was in a state of despair, if Hayate was fully concious, then regaining control would be much easier. At the very least they could relocate everyone to a safe place, like an uninhabited world, and commence the operation, having the Arc en Ciel on stand-by in case things go wrong.

Of course, that is assuming there really is no other option. At that time they were sort of hard-pressed to stay alive, they didn't really have the time to figure out a good solution. With time and effort, it could very well have been possible to rewrite the Yami no Sho and revert the damage done to it, reverting it back to the Yaten no Sho. Yuuno did have more information on the Yaten no Sho then even Reinforce had.

Also, on a minor note, actually feeding the Yami no Sho also speeds up the tempo it eats its host. Not feeding it is actually delaying he entre ordeal.

Of course, this is all just baseless theorycrafting.
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Old 2008-04-28, 12:52   Link #23971
Evangelion Xgouki
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Alright...time for my weekly


...or maybe I should call it the Aaron backlog Breaker this time...

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post

Add certain ingredients from SEED, Elfen Lied and Evangelion and this'll make for a wonderful mindfuck indeed.


For a moment I thought you were going to have a Vivio-quarium...but instead I find a graveyard...

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
I have no problems with delayed activation triggers, i'm pretty sure we've seen such things in the nanoverse already, and you're right, if he goes this way, he'd probably need a device.
I believe this is canon. Chrono used a delay-activation Binding Spell on Fate during the mage exam in the comic if I remember.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
...I'm thinking more yuri summon.......delicious yuri.....

Leena: "Oh yesssssssss~"

Oh boy...

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Patience, ghazhopper. Patience. (It's a pun on that famous line.)

Besides right now all I can say right now is ZOMG DELICIOUS YURI VIBES WRITE MORE DAMNIT, which isn't really waht you want to hear. So I'll say it anyway. ZOMG DELICIOUS YURI VIBES WRITE MORE DAMNIT.

I think Goose is a bit too addicted to yuri

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Sorry! I was QQing all night until I forgot to comment.

First point: Which part of 10 had yuri vibes?! I reached to the end, and I don't see it happening... Though Eva was much gentler than I expected I must admit...

...SaSword'd make a great Arena pet for a Hunter.

I don't quite know if Keroko's really pissed at Farukon, or pulling his leg. But the meeting after wards does bring out the difference in keikakudoori levels. That's why there's Yagami () in Riot 6, but I guess Reddo will do just fine.

Nicely done, and do forgive if I miss things. Work stacked on top of Randomness of the Day + Bloodrage means I miss the cheese for the crack.
I think SaSword is a better pet since he's so small and hard to hit. Not to mention the insanity that would ensue then they're trying to get him off

Originally Posted by Rockfest View Post
Also that scene between Rue and Eva didn't seem Yuri at all. A beginning of a friendship is what I see.
Ah, yes; friendship. Yup, definitely have that there...just friendship...

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
Another entry for today..... I guess.


Spoiler for space:
Ah, the bonding between girls. Such a lovely thing, isn't it? Great work as always, USB

and here's the new OC I earlier promised.

Spoiler for Sword of Scarlet Autumn:

Hmm...interesting OC we have here. I hope she'll make an appearance soon

And Delicious Flatchest is delicious


Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
It's basically a rogue faction of the Church, lead by Skane who uses his own religous beliefs to control his men. You won't be seeing Avatars or Stealth Tanks rolling out anytime soon if that's what you're worried about.
Well darn

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Now, I may be one of the most accepting tolerant people here, and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the occasional futanari comic, but let's not do that to Vivio shall we?

*evil eye*

Or else...
*hides in the Sea of Dirac*


Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I see. That'll be LOL. But... 0_0


Spoiler for A scene for StrikeR2?:
I think I went a little overboard and took many liberties there... I even assumed he was a Cleric-Knight and tried to make it reconcile with his profile, but I think I made a mess turning Noland into another Arthas... Do forgive me. ><
Ah, a bit of Khrack I see. And stop flattering yourself Kha . Passing out at the end...yesh

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
I smell a growing conspiracy with the entrance of Evangeline here.

Secret future harem for Hayato in the future?

*punts Tormenk*

I will not have my OCs as part of anyone's harem

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
~How deep can you dig?~
~How much effort can you give?~
~How much passion can you show?~
~For the one and only OC Thread?~

About 80 pages...


Epic Backlog Breaker is....EPIC.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
If it's with regards to OC, yes. I am VERY passionate.
I think a lot of us are passionate about our OCs and this thread

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
What can I say? This rabu-rabu-tsun-tsun-dere-dere interactions are the BLOODY BEST!!!

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post


Well...if you really want the details PM me or hunt me down in IRC

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
I must say I was quite surprised. Eva turned way different from Kamishiro Tsurugi.
I’m not complaining though. Her history and attitude very interesting. Not to mention that a “Female Rider is Fine Too”.

Good work with her. Just keep her away from Mayura for now…

Well, I mostly made her because I liked the Rider Armor a lot and wanted to port it over. Plus I didn't have a female OC yet and female Riders need more love!!
And Mayura hasn't gotten wind of her...yet...

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post

A nice and casual way to introduce the Project ZECT.
This kinda shows plenty more of port-over riders in the Future…
(*me grabs IXA Belt and Knuckle… >.>*)
Ahem! <.<
Anyway, looking forward to more.
And yes, keep Mayura away for now; or else Eva is gonna be “taken home”…

Well, needed to explain the sudden appearance of these Rider BJs without making too cracky so I came up with this idea. I think it works pretty well as well as opens the opportunity for more Riders should that happen. And who knows what Mayura to Evangeline. Though just keep that idea away from Goose

*takes the IXA Knuckle and RUNS*

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Do not mess. I repeat. DO NOT MESS with a lady Rider...
Nice scenario. Those thugs got what was coming to them.

*me wants a Zecter too...>.>*

Well, three always could be other divisions of project ZECTon other worlds...

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post


I've never felt this alive for quite a while! I just love this place!
Momotaros: THAT'S MY LINE!!! *punts Aaron*

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
*TK Continues heroically resiting the urge to use Keroko in his fic basiclly just becasue*


[Borg]Resistance is futile[/Borg]

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Which is one of the parts that give people headaches. He looks like a girl, dresses like a boy, acts either way... GAAAH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?
It makes him even more awesome

Originally Posted by Tempest Dynasty View Post
Hell yeah. You should definitely give the series a watch. I LOVE the ED. Imagine Vivio having to live with Noland acting eerily similar to Kogarashi.

Spoiler for Maid Guy Noland:


I...I think I may have to start watching this series...

Originally Posted by Tempest Dynasty View Post
Oh yes. Kha, have you ever considered a change in uniform for you genderbent form? Like... this one?

Spoiler for Change is Good:

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
*grabs IXA Knuckle*


*tosses IXA Knuckle to Evangeline for safe keeping*

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Summer is not so fascinating for Summer-School takers. So hooott....
Ugh...Summer School . Never really went to it, but I did work/help run it for four years...

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Spoiler for ...:
Ouch, well that's gotta hurt

But nice shot TK

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
O'Neil often behaves something like a ten year old in a 50 year olds body He gets bored easily and well:

Man I loved that episode


*finishes watching Evangelion 1.01 with subs*

Ryotaro: *pokes* Is he alright?

Shamsel: *shrugs* Well he's still breathing. Though I don't know about the drooling...

Evangeline: Wonder what caused this...
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Old 2008-04-28, 13:10   Link #23972
He Who Smites Shippers
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Age: 37
Hmm, well technically the Yami no Sho could revive the knights over and over again, so that wouldn't really happen. What would happen though is that our far more profesional observation teams would spot the Wolkies doing their daily activities and trace them back to Hayate, then they'd wait untill she was alone and step in to detain and negotiate with her, Hayate would understand what was happening and call her knights off while everyone figured out a more peacefull sollution to the problem.
Makes you wonder why good old Gil didn't think of this. Yeah yeah, I know, demands of the plot and all, but I say he had more sinister motives than what he let us see, 'till he got caught and came up with that "I'm doing this to make her happy!" bullshit.

The "least harmful option" is also the most risky one. Awaken the administrator program and then wrest control from it to Hayate, just like in the anime.
I don't see what's so risky about that. Call in a device meister, get a professional opinion and possibly debug the thing instead of trying to destroy it (betcha none of the book's previous masters would've thought to do that; too power-hungry) right off the bat. If that doesn't work, evaluate all other options and take those if you find any. If you can't, have Hayate, the Wolks, Nanoha and the crew ship out to some uninhabited planet and awaken Reinforce there, just to be safe. The worst that'll happen is that Hayate will lose control to Reinforce (and there's no reason why she would, since she wouldn't be forcibly put to sleep at first and can assume control immediately) and die a bit sooner than normal.

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.
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Old 2008-04-28, 13:24   Link #23973
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More and more people going to watch Maid Guy? Just to warn you guys, the only laughs you should expect is the kind you usually get from the likes of Jim Carrey's first comedies or American Pie. The cheap kind. No subtle wordplays or cultural jokes.

But this show is really worth the watch for Kogarashi's insane antics. And his "kukuku".
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Old 2008-04-28, 14:10   Link #23974
Jimmy C
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Whereas the Arthra crew never found them, our vastly numerous teams surely would. They'd, say, notice Shamal when she was shopping, follow her back home, and relay the information to their temporary base.
To concentrate their forces like that, they'd have to assume the Wolkies are in Uminari instead of somewhere else on the planet. Why would they assume that? If they had to spread out across even Japan alone, there'd hardly be any more people in Uminari than there were in the anime.

At the very least they could relocate everyone to a safe place, like an uninhabited world, and commence the operation, having the Arc en Ciel on stand-by in case things go wrong.
One hitch. How are they going to awaken the Book without feeding it? That's actually why I labelled this plan as most risky. Not that it was awaekend in a populated area.

With time and effort, it could very well have been possible to rewrite the Yami no Sho and revert the damage done to it, reverting it back to the Yaten no Sho. Yuuno did have more information on the Yaten no Sho then even Reinforce had.
And none of it seemed to have any hope. Everything in A's seemed to give the impression that the Book was not only corrupted, but corrupted in such a way that undoing or avoiding the corruption was impossible. Like someone purposefully designed it in such a way, like a certain anime studio for example...

Also, on a minor note, actually feeding the Yami no Sho also speeds up the tempo it eats its host.
Another mistranslation again? I recall one of Yuuno's briefings from the Library that the Book will consume its host if it isn't fed with magic from other mages. It does consume its host after it awakens, but that's a different event.
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Old 2008-04-28, 14:14   Link #23975
He Who Smites Shippers
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Age: 37
To concentrate their forces like that, they'd have to assume the Wolkies are in Uminari instead of somewhere else on the planet. Why would they assume that? If they had to spread out across even Japan alone, there'd hardly be any more people in Uminari than there were in the anime.
The fact that the Wolks show up pretty frequently in Uminari should be a pretty damn big hint that they live in the area, or that there is something of interest to them in the area. They engaged Nanoha and the rest, what, two or three times in the same city? Someone would've picked up on that. Sure the first time they were after Nanoha's linker core, but why would they have come back once they got that? And that's not even counting the bureau forces they dispatched in that area prior to Nanoha's involvement.

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.

Last edited by Comartemis; 2008-04-28 at 14:29.
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Old 2008-04-28, 14:42   Link #23976
Nuclear Fusion
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Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
The fact that the Wolks show up pretty frequently in Uminari should be a pretty damn big hint that they live in the area, or that there is something of interest to them in the area. They engaged Nanoha and the rest, what, two or three times in the same city? Someone would've picked up on that. Sure the first time they were after Nanoha's linker core, but why would they have come back once they got that? And that's not even counting the bureau forces they dispatched in that area prior to Nanoha's involvement.
I actually wondered why they didn't catch that the first time I watched A's. I mean, someone should have picked up on that. Unless the Wolkies had some unnatural fascination with Uminari, it's kind of obvious once you look at it with a decent eye.

That said, I bet the Wolkies would have figured out they were being tailed before long. They're a pretty sharp bunch; unless Hayate files a missing person report because they stayed away for a while (:3), I bet they could stay out of trouble long enough to finish the Book.
In my hands, a sun, that my path may be lit.
At my back, the sky, so I may be free to soar.
In my eyes, hell, for it is my cradle and grave.
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Old 2008-04-28, 20:59   Link #23977
Loveable Jerk
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LOL bangwagon! So yeah since everyone is rebuilding there OC recently I figured why the hell not?

So I present first of "Rebuild of Felix"
Spoiler for Felix:

And Just to round out my Power Trio I finally present you with a Proper (mostly) complete Profile for...
Spoiler for Solo Wing Pixy:

Yeah, yeah Fic I know but these are more fun to do and I don't have to think as much while I'm taking my finals Profiles for Keller, Macmillan, and Miller are in the works and will probably appear short as well. Anyway I'll comments on some of the posts today later.

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Old 2008-04-29, 00:57   Link #23978
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My two cents on Felix Rebuilt's Technotactical Characteristics

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Device name: Murru
Device type: Intelligent Device fitted with a cartridge system.
Appearances and overviews:
Storage: A spiffy sand colored beret, very stylish and color coordinated with his current uniform.
Standard Deployed Form:

The devices default form on activation it’s well balanced with the obvious caveat of being a nearly useless close combat weapon. Most of his spells are available in this mode, though a good number are weaker then in…

Assault Form:
(disclaimer, not mine in ANYWAY ripped off some guy on DA that I can't remember all props to him though)

The devices second and final form in this mode Felix gains access to the few spells he can’t use in standard form, and most of his others gain a power boosts at the expense of speed and increased energy demands. The weapon is also somewhat bigger and though still a terrible close combat weapon it’s long enough to kind of use as a club…
If the power boost involves longer charging times and increasing energy demands, is it really still an energy boost. Can Felix get back the speed in Pistol form, for example, by reducing the time of his charge? Do you mean to say Assault Form handles more energy?

A sort of magical chaff it spits out a number of small short ranged magical projectiles that detonate in the path of pursuing homing projectile and tend to foul their guidance and movement abilities making evasion or interception easier.
Is it effective only against SAH and AH missiles, or does it affect passive homing as well?

Restrain Lock:
Bog standard binding spell attempts to immobilize the arms and legs at the wrists and ankles respectively.
OK, (since you said you were doing this) but what happened to:
Illumination: Used to support the Magic Missile series. Basically an emission of pulse-coded magical energy that bounces off the target to provide a beacon. While Illumination is Active, Murru must be aimed at the target, within a 60 degree wide Allowable Steering Error Circle, and will not be able to support any other attacks. Should Illumination cease for any reason, all Magic Missiles self-detonate.

Illumination will attempt to automatically track the target as long as it is in the ASE, but may lose it to interference. Tracking is generally reliable (except versus ECM) in lookup situations. In lookdown situations, however, tracking may become unreliable depending on the reflectivity of the ground and the velocity of the target.

If the velocity is high, both missile and illuminator will generally reject ground clutter (even if ground reflectivity is high) and homing continues.

Otherwise, should the target have a high emissive signature, the illuminator will automatically track the target cued by the passive direction finding system, but the SAH system of the Magic Missiles may prove inadequate and the missiles may home on the ground. Therefore, in such a situation, Murru will automatically switch to Command Guidance. However, due to the limitations of passive ranging with the tiny baseline of a device, there may be a fall off in accuracy.

Should both the reflective and emissive signature of the target prove inadequate for tracking, Murru will warn Felix to switch to SACLOS. In this case, Felix can line up Murru's sights on the target. If Felix cannot spot the target optically, the engagement fails.

Incorporate as much of the above as you wish.

SR Magic Missile, MR Magic Missile, LR Magic Missile:
All are effectively the same spell but with escalating range and accuracy and proportionally decreasing power and numbers with the pre-fix letters denoting Short, Medium, and Long Range variations. Often abbreviated simply to SRMM, etc pretty much just a minor variant of the shooting spells most ranged oriented mages utilize. SRMM are launched in packs of 10 to 12, MRMMs 6 to 8, and LRMM in groups of 4 or 5.
I can understand increasing the propellant burn time to increase range, but how are you planning to increase "accuracy". What is accuracy here anyway? Is it like SR Magic Missile has a range of 50m and a CEP of 2m and LR Magic Missile has a range of 500m and a CEP of 50cm?

Burst Fire:
His device simply fires a stream of unguided and weak magic bullets mostly used to harass and disrupt casting or as a defensive spell against incoming fire. Range on the bolts isn’t inherently poor, but accuracy is which restricts its use to short range for the most part. If the targets are quite weak on the defense though it can be used as a kind of long range shotgun to house an area with a rain of bolts and keep a targets head down.
In other words, a Vulcan cannon.

Flak Shot:
Similar to assault shot but instead of relying on a direct impact upon getting near the target it can explode bombarding them and a fair sized area with a spray of magic “shrapnel”. It can also be set to impact and explode directly on a target, in which case it dose only a bit less damage then Assault Blast but also still has a limited but notable AOE competent. In either case it takes more power to cast and isn’t quite as accurate, it normally uses a single cartridge, though as with Assault Blast several can be loaded to scale up it’s power.
So. Is it time fused or proximity fused?

Shield Breaker (Assault Form required):
A surprisingly innocuous looking upper tier attack it consumes several cartridges and yet produces a beam superficially similar to those many mages pump out in machine gun like fashion. That’s acutally part of what makes it so dangerous… it doesn’t look that dangerous. Underestimating it is a mistake that has cost many their lives the beam might not look that powerful or be all that spectacular, but its penetrating power is extreme. It pierces all but the strongest shields like they aren’t their and a Barrier Jacket is child’s play and once you’re past those… well even a wound just a couple inches across through you’re torso tends to be quite fatal. The beam sadly has no real tracking capabilities, but is very fast and difficult to avoid if the shot is well aimed.
I must wonder how many mages are stupid enough for this. I mean, there's Felix, pumping cartridges and charging up for this "Shield Breaker". How many of them will really judge the thing by its visual appearance? And if it is only <=2 inches wide (as your description implies) and so fast, how can they even make a judgment based on seeing an "innocuous looking bolt"? They will be dodging as best as they can upon seeing a wickedly fast incoming bolt that obviously had a lot of oompf placed into it! If they even see that tiny thing at all...
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Old 2008-04-29, 05:28   Link #23979
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
You ever had the urge to write something after just seeing an image? No wait... most of us do. I did so this morning, after seeing this image in the image thread:


Spoiler for A moment in the mind of Syn:

Note: This is not Alpha canon, this is a more likely case scenario in what could eventually become kerokanon, if there is ever an S4 released. This is based on Vivio growing up far less angsty.
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Old 2008-04-29, 05:53   Link #23980
Loveable Jerk
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Greensboro, North Carolina
Age: 38
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
If the power boost involves longer charging times and increasing energy demands, is it really still an energy boost. Can Felix get back the speed in Pistol form, for example, by reducing the time of his charge? Do you mean to say Assault Form handles more energy?
It’s a pretty standard “gun gets bigger it hit harder” sort of deal the exact mechanics barely even matter. Also this is admittedly not all that clear but the jacket and device aren’t linked it’s entirely possible to use the Assault Form of the Device with the standard jacket and vice verse. Basiclly if you must have an then answer yes Assault Form can handle more energy but pays for that by lower efficiency and hence increased time and mana consumption.

Is it effective only against SAH and AH missiles, or does it affect passive homing as well?
Dude its magic, if the bolts home it screws with them at least a little it’s vague for a reason.

OK, (since you said you were doing this) but what happened to:
Illumination: Used to support the Magic Missile series. Basically an emission of pulse-coded magical energy that bounces off the target to provide a beacon. While Illumination is Active, Murru must be aimed at the target, within a 60 degree wide Allowable Steering Error Circle, and will not be able to support any other attacks. Should Illumination cease for any reason, all Magic Missiles self-detonate.

Illumination will attempt to automatically track the target as long as it is in the ASE, but may lose it to interference. Tracking is generally reliable (except versus ECM) in lookup situations. In lookdown situations, however, tracking may become unreliable depending on the reflectivity of the ground and the velocity of the target.

If the velocity is high, both missile and illuminator will generally reject ground clutter (even if ground reflectivity is high) and homing continues.

Otherwise, should the target have a high emissive signature, the illuminator will automatically track the target cued by the passive direction finding system, but the SAH system of the Magic Missiles may prove inadequate and the missiles may home on the ground. Therefore, in such a situation, Murru will automatically switch to Command Guidance. However, due to the limitations of passive ranging with the tiny baseline of a device, there may be a fall off in accuracy.

Should both the reflective and emissive signature of the target prove inadequate for tracking, Murru will warn Felix to switch to SACLOS. In this case, Felix can line up Murru's sights on the target. If Felix cannot spot the target optically, the engagement fails.

Incorporate as much of the above as you wish.
I’ve covered this before I never advocated only a single guidance package in fact I said repeatedly I think spells can use many different ones as needed even while looking superficially very similar. Thus the magic missiles can be heat seeking, SA, or command guided as directed but there is no reason to have 10 different versions of them listed when the only thing changed is how they track the target which would only ever matter in a story context and so would be addressed at that time.

I can understand increasing the propellant burn time to increase range, but how are you planning to increase "accuracy". What is accuracy here anyway? Is it like SR Magic Missile has a range of 50m and a CEP of 2m and LR Magic Missile has a range of 500m and a CEP of 50cm?
Fine be a nit picky ass but basiclly the extra “thrust” means they’re more nimble and so can track targets better (which they’d have to since the target will have more time to evade) thus resulting in higher hit rates and thus “accuracy”. CEP isn't really applicable to a guided missile meant for air to air combat as it's pretty much "hit or it dosen't count" hence accuracy is IMO a better word IE: how often the spell can be expected to find it's mark and strike the intended target.

In other words, a Vulcan cannon.
Or it basiclly just shots like a real automatic rifle or pistol albeit weakly.

So. Is it time fused or proximity fused?
Probably could be either a fair point I admit I didn’t really consider then again most of the spell list was basiclly a straight rip and was composed quickly some months ago most of the new stuff was in the history.

I must wonder how many mages are stupid enough for this. I mean, there's Felix, pumping cartridges and charging up for this "Shield Breaker". How many of them will really judge the thing by its visual appearance? And if it is only <=2 inches wide (as your description implies) and so fast, how can they even make a judgment based on seeing an "innocuous looking bolt"? They will be dodging as best as they can upon seeing a wickedly fast incoming bolt that obviously had a lot of oompf placed into it! If they even see that tiny thing at all...
Dude it’s hyperbole to make it sound powerful I’d never write some guy just standing there and trying to tank it without a good reason. Even so it dose in fact look quite innocuous once it’s actually shot obviously if the guy see him charging it up he's going to know something is up. Also keep in mind that this is "really fast" as compared to most Nanoha beams which still hardly makes it relativistic or anything.

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