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Old 2015-12-18, 10:46   Link #221
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And finally pedoknight ending... in the most creep and weird way possible as if this anime not was already too much creep and weird.

It's seens which is a "family busy" be a lolicon since also his father was/is one and had his "angel(little girl) which he wanted to "protect" but failed then she literally ended as a "angel", then he wanted his sons prevails where he "failed" in being the "ultimate phedofile in the world, with his harem of not only loli but ageless girls.

This anime is so weird, when sometimes i can "burden" that japanaese obssession toward "little kids(specially girls) this is one type of anime where is hard they take the "joke too near the bordeline of "call the police".

And talking about police I was thinking if someone decide to call the police to investigate that "knights" association for how weird they are probably none could survive the majority can easy ending being throwed at jail for mass pedo aka lolicons/shotacons...

Really what disgusting weird knight association is this with old ladies/guys(30 or 40+) seducing teens(16-), teens seducing kids(10-), really a world where i probably could not want to live

my final note well just for the mistical horse girls which unexplainned can turn in "womans" and they owners act as if this is "normal" then a 2.0/10.0 otherwhise could easy be 0.0/10.0

Really a very "specific target audience"(aka true lolicons) type of anime.

Last edited by Blueknight78; 2015-12-18 at 11:59.
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Old 2015-12-18, 11:00   Link #222
Mystic Musician
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Seeing as how people liked the series its safe that despite production values it was fun enough.

Specially that horse.
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Old 2015-12-19, 02:20   Link #223
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Shirohime's mom is hawt.

*A horse is fine too*

(wish I have special powers like in their universe to understand and see animals human forms...)
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Old 2015-12-19, 05:00   Link #224
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Originally Posted by Blueknight78 View Post
And finally pedoknight ending... in the most creep and weird way possible as if this anime not was already too much creep and weird.

It's seens which is a "family busy" be a lolicon since also his father was/is one and had his "angel(little girl) which he wanted to "protect" but failed then she literally ended as a "angel", then he wanted his sons prevails where he "failed" in being the "ultimate phedofile in the world, with his harem of not only loli but ageless girls.

This anime is so weird, when sometimes i can "burden" that japanaese obssession toward "little kids(specially girls) this is one type of anime where is hard they take the "joke too near the bordeline of "call the police".

And talking about police I was thinking if someone decide to call the police to investigate that "knights" association for how weird they are probably none could survive the majority can easy ending being throwed at jail for mass pedo aka lolicons/shotacons...

Really what disgusting weird knight association is this with old ladies/guys(30 or 40+) seducing teens(16-), teens seducing kids(10-), really a world where i probably could not want to live

my final note well just for the mistical horse girls which unexplainned can turn in "womans" and they owners act as if this is "normal" then a 2.0/10.0 otherwhise could easy be 0.0/10.0

Really a very "specific target audience"(aka true lolicons) type of anime.
You do realize you have a signature with Wendy in it? You also have an avatar of Lucy jiggling her breasts in a bikini, who by the way is 17 and would be considered a minor in most countries. This is by far the not the most loli pandering borderline show, not even close. And despite your protest you watched the show to the end. But you must be one of those, I just watched to show to see how disgusting everyone else. What is the word I am looking for......hypocrite.
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Old 2015-12-19, 08:38   Link #225
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Originally Posted by Pierre View Post
You do realize you have a signature with Wendy in it? You also have an avatar of Lucy jiggling her breasts in a bikini, who by the way is 17 and would be considered a minor in most countries. This is by far the not the most loli pandering borderline show, not even close. And despite your protest you watched the show to the end. But you must be one of those, I just watched to show to see how disgusting everyone else. What is the word I am looking for......hypocrite.
lol. lucy currently is 18+ she already passed to have 17, actually she passed on the tenroujima arc, when they vanished for 7 years even wendy is only 14 in look, everyone which vanished in tenrou arc is 18+.

You want to compare a serie which basically the mc keep flirting with 6 or 8 years old where the maid call him a lolicon??? is not hypocresi.

And in purpose i don't watched all the episodes after episode 4 when i get tired of all the "loli" exposure i just stoped to watch and waited the final episode come just to see how things gonna end.

Another note just because i watched don't means which i'm one or this anime is my type, i watched the 3 first episodes to see what is abot the anime then after i see how poor and stupid is the plot and the jokes of the mc hitting in little girls in his "knigh" mode started to creep me too much was when i stopped to watch and decided wait this end.

Becarefull before judge peoples, if you like that type of anime fine, but not everyone gonna and sometimes even don't liking some peoples will try to watch until to the end just because the famous don't leave things unfinished if i'm started then i need to go to the end.

Another note comparing fairy tail with this anime is being "hypocresy too you know, while in fairy tail only very few girls look or are underaged, (my standart for underaged is under 16 or 15-) the other even old girls don't look more old than 15 even mc father which is a very old guy looks like a minor, most of the characters don't really look even close to have 16, most of the characters on that serie don't look more old than "wendy in FT.

And last that is what "lolicon means" for lolicons they only care for characters which looks 14 or years old(the most common is between 6 and 10 years), well whatever that is my opnion about that show.
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Old 2015-12-19, 08:50   Link #226
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I am sorry, but I am honestly getting tired of people calling Youtarou a lolicon. As I've said before, it's natural for a boy who's not used to being near females in the nude to blush and freak out when it happens even if the girl is six. Besides that, he, like his father, was raised to believe that a knight must always protect others, especially women, not because they're weak but because they're that important. His relationship with Makio from the start felt a lot more like Kippei and Yuzuyu in Aishiteruze Baby to me: just as she saw that he needed a place to stay and gave it to him, he sensed a need for family and companionship in her and responded to that need. True, she's crushing really heavy on him, but aside from the blushes of embarrassment that as I said are predictable when a guy with deceptively little experience with women sees a nude female of any age or hears declarations of marriage, he has not exhibited any romantic feelings toward her. And don't go saying because he kissed her hand; it's pretty clear that he reflexively kisses the hand of any "lady" he saves. He'd kiss the hand of a one-year-old or a hundred-year-old without hesitation.

Also, while his dad MIGHT be pedo, bear in mind that Yuma was Makio's MOTHER. That means that for at least some time she was of age, and all we know about her past with Jin is that he treasured her and wanted to protect her; we don't know if there was ever an actual romance or just friction with her later suitor/husband due to a sense of rivalry on the suitor's part, and even if there was a romance we don't know if it started that early or much later.

Everyone seems to be simply assuming the absolute worst on this show with very little cause. Try starting a story like this with at least some assumption that he might think of her as a sister and not a lover. And try to imagine what a guy like that might do in similar situations before declaring it to be something like that.

Part of what I liked about this series was the way it showed a boy and a girl in a knight/lady story WITHOUT romance, just a protector striving to become able to protect her and a "princess" trying to become a lady worthy of his protection. Yes, there was a one-sided romance, but again I'll emphasize: she's SIX YEARS OLD. There's a lot of six-year-old girls who say they're going to marry their fathers. Does this mean there's a pedophilic relationship going on there?

Last edited by BWTraveller; 2015-12-19 at 09:26.
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Old 2015-12-19, 09:12   Link #227
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Originally Posted by Blueknight78 View Post
Another note just because i watched don't means which i'm one or this anime is my type, i watched the 3 first episodes to see what is abot the anime then after i see how poor and stupid is the plot and the jokes of the mc hitting in little girls in his "knigh" mode started to creep me too much was when i stopped to watch and decided wait this end.
This is contradictory. You are basically saying that you had no reason at all to even bother after the first 3 episodes other than pure curiosity, meaning there was no point in you watching the final episode (let alone the series to begin with).

Becarefull before judge peoples, if you like that type of anime fine, but not everyone gonna and sometimes even don't liking some peoples will try to watch until to the end just because the famous don't leave things unfinished if i'm started then i need to go to the end.
You are trying to reprimand someone of that when you only watched 1/3 (more like 1/4) of the series. Sure, you can judge up till episode 3. But if you're saying that you judging up to the final episode is actually valid, then you're dead wrong. That's like saying I can judge Fairy Tail or any other anime just fine if I watch the first 3 episodes and then the final one. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't agree.

And last that is what "lolicon means" for lolicons they only care for characters which looks 14 or years old(the most common is between 6 and 10 years), well whatever that is my opnion about that show.
That's not an opinion, that's wrong. Just because a lolicon likes lolis doesn't mean he can't like anything else and it most definitely does not suggest that when a loli character is present, that char is automatically preferred over other characters.

Also I noticed you are mixing up lolicons that watched this anime with in-anime characters that you labeled as a lolicon (Youtarou). Two different things. BWTraveller already elaborated pretty well on why Youtarou isn't a lolicon.
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Old 2015-12-19, 09:42   Link #228
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lol, not all lolicons in anime will open admit they are "lolicons" have a joke over it, many shows you have the lolicon which normally say which he is not a lolicon and bla bla bla which the girl is just cute and bla bla bla

here what means lolicon
Lolicon (ロリコン?), also romanised as lolikon or rorikon, is Japanese discourse or media focusing on the attraction to young or prepubescent girls. The term lolicon is a portmanteau of the phrase "Lolita complex";[1] it describes an attraction to young or prepubescent girls, an individual with such an attraction, or lolicon manga or lolicon anime, a genre of manga and anime wherein childlike female characters are often depicted in an "erotic-cute" manner (also known as ero kawaii), in an art style reminiscent of the shōjo manga (girls' comics) style.
Lolicon or shotacon are terms for a particular type of pedophilic character (a lolicon targets girls, and a shotacon, boys) most commonly found in Japanese Media. The names are derived from Lolita and the main character from Gigantor respectively, while "-con" is short for "complex"; the term "lolicon" entered the Japanese lexicon by way of Russell Trainer's pseudopsychological work, The Lolita Complex.

Sometimes, a work's creator wishes to overlook the damaging aspect of pedophilia and use a pedophile character for comedic purposes. Therefore, rather than being played to repulse the audience, a lolicon or shotacon in mainstream works is normally treated as being a little creepy, but ultimately harmless. Because of Western media views, you are highly unlikely to see a lolicon or shotacon outside of Japan-derived works - while Western media can and will use pedophilia for jokes, it tends to contain stronger elements of Black Humor. Note that the terms do not refer to any pedophile regardless of portrayal, nor does the existence of this trope imply that the Japanese are more approving of pedophilia.
that is normally what happening while youtaro could not be a true lolicon he does some antics which make him looks like a lolicon/creep, many mangas/animes about loli characters normally have the mc not being a "loli" at the beginner but as he keep having weird moments he ending become one.
while youtaro in normal mode "try to act normal" when putting a mask he automaticaly start to act all "gentlyman and call specially little girls all "my lady" i will devote my life to you and bla bla bla.

Let's be honest if was in real life you see a teen ager doing that things to 6 years old girls how much peoples "will be fine and act as it normal??? why peoples call him a pervert or lolicon when he does that??? that is the joke of the anime, whenever a character do that he automatically is called a lolicon in all animes/mangas when he is too old in comparation with the other character and she really looks too young like makio case.

is not fair compare fairy tail which while you have a "loli character" she is not the focus you don't see natsu going and say "my angel", my lady to wendy, you don't see males characters trying to hitting in too underaged characters.

and comparing a character with 17 years old(lucy which is really nearly adulthood) with a character which is not even a pre-teen omg) with another with 6 years old is being too extremist, again specially when at last the character interested on her also is near on her age" is not "fair".
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Old 2015-12-19, 09:49   Link #229
I disagree with you all.
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Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
I am sorry, but I am honestly getting tired of people calling Youtarou a lolicon. As I've said before, it's natural for a boy who's not used to being near females in the nude to blush and freak out when it happens even if the girl is six. Besides that, he, like his father, was raised to believe that a knight must always protect others, especially women, not because they're weak but because they're that important. His relationship with Makio from the start felt a lot more like Kippei and Yuzuyu in Aishiteruze Baby to me: just as she saw that he needed a place to stay and gave it to him, he sensed a need for family and companionship in her and responded to that need. True, she's crushing really heavy on him, but aside from the blushes of embarrassment that as I said are predictable when a guy with deceptively little experience with women sees a nude female of any age or hears declarations of marriage, he has not exhibited any romantic feelings toward her. And don't go saying because he kissed her hand; it's pretty clear that he reflexively kisses the hand of any "lady" he saves. He'd kiss the hand of a one-year-old or a hundred-year-old without hesitation.

Also, while his dad MIGHT be pedo, bear in mind that Yuma was Makio's MOTHER. That means that for at least some time she was of age, and all we know about her past with Jin is that he treasured her and wanted to protect her; we don't know if there was ever an actual romance or just friction with her later suitor/husband due to a sense of rivalry on the suitor's part, and even if there was a romance we don't know if it started that early or much later.
We also know Shin had a son years before Yuma had a daughter.
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Old 2015-12-19, 14:35   Link #230
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I think the problem is you're not the target audience of the show. If you watched the preview and understood Japanese a bit you'd figured out it was a show targeting lolicons.
There's even a Makio dakimakura
And there's literally nothing wrong with Yotaro being a closet lolicon
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Old 2015-12-19, 14:54   Link #231
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Originally Posted by Thany View Post
I think the problem is you're not the target audience of the show. If you watched the preview and understood Japanese a bit you'd figured out it was a show targeting lolicons.
There's even a Makio dakimakura
And there's literally nothing wrong with Yotaro being a closet lolicon
Makio's the cutie and yes they have a dakimakura, just like they do of almost every cutie in every show I know of, but that doesn't necessarily mean that this was made for lolicons who want to ship Youtarou with Makio. Yes, the preview CAN be taken to imply a loli romance as you seem so insistent on encouraging, but it's entirely a matter of interpretation. The preview I saw, at least, has nothing that suggests anything different from the show itself, which again has nothing to contradict a platonic relationship between a knight protector and his princess charge.

And Blueknight, try watching a few more shows through with child characters. Just because a guy is with a little girl doesn't mean he wants her or will come to want her at any time in the future. You seem to have decided straight from the get-go that since it's a guy protecting and staying with a little girl he must be a pedophile. This is incredibly erroneous and frankly offensive. Not everyone who looks at a little girl is undressing her with his eyes, you know. I for one would not immediately assume that a guy who plays with a little girl wants to do that sort of thing, and if he kissed her hand or cheek, I'd be more inclined to suspect he's her brother who's playing around or showing affection rather than a pedophile who thinks romance could bloom. Yes, there were a couple times where they MIGHT have been pandering to the lolicons who undoubtedly watched this, but that doesn't mean that Youtarou's behavior was ever in any way, shape or form inappropriate. In Aishiteruze Baby, Kippei is suggested to have dressed and undressed Yuzu, who's one year younger than Makio, and even gone into the bath with her. Would you call him a lolicon?

Additionally, wanting to be a hero who protects maidens doesn't necessarily mean you want to go out with every maiden you rescue. Especially in the classical chivalry that this series claims the knighthood is based upon: most of the time the knight was saving the maiden in order to save the maiden, and one or both of them were promised to others if not married. By the standards of chivalry, you rescue those in trouble and behave with a certain courtesy and honor regardless of the person you're with. You kiss the hand of a crone and a child barely out of diapers alike, and treat both like fair maidens worthy of utmost honor and respect. By modern eyes, yes, it would be easy to look at the behavior of a classical knight toward a girl and say he's interested in her and going about it in a stupid way, but that's part of the point of Youtarou's situation: he was raised to behave toward all girls in a way that by modern standards is awkward, flamboyant and overly-familiar. When he rescues a six-year-old he looks like a pedophile; when he rescues a classmate he looks like a freaky otaku. Neither is true, but he still struggles constantly to quell the rumors.

Last edited by BWTraveller; 2015-12-19 at 15:25.
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Old 2015-12-19, 15:11   Link #232
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Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
Makio's the cutie and yes they have a dakimakura, just like they do of almost every cutie in every show I know of, but that doesn't necessarily mean that this was made for lolicons who want to ship Youtarou with Makio. Yes, the preview CAN be taken to imply a loli romance as you seem so insistent on encouraging, but it's entirely a matter of interpretation. The preview I saw, at least, has nothing that suggests anything different from the show itself, which again has nothing to contradict a platonic relationship between a knight protector and his princess charge.
A anime to be "lolicon target" or something like that, don't need to have "full romance", a good exemple is fate kaleid illia, the focus are elementary girls turning in mahou shoujos and have some ecchi moments and being sexy displayed this is a lolicon anime because is focused on loli characters which is what the lolicons are aiming is not just "romance", a anime manga focused on little girls with some antics and characters being called lolicons are animes targeted to lolicons.

Now just because that was the main target this don't means which "non lolicon peoples can't watch", the same for games just because one game match a specific gender don't means which only peoples which love that gender gonna watch, peoples which love anime in general gonna also watch despise even if theyh don't like the gender cuz they love anime in general.

for exemple i hate harem in general because of how they are executed(spineless or ultra perv mcs, incest and others things) but sometimes i can find some harems which i can actually watch and like even if in general i don't like harem.

another note since this anime is based on the idea of "KNIGHTS and protect his princess" then this means romance, normally when a knight voews to a girl which she will be his princess and he bet his life to protect her this means "love" which he deep love her and aiming to marry her one day, that is how they ask for the hand of the princess in the medieval tales, then you can take youtaro actions in both context what is matter is personnal interpretation, just because your personnal opnion is about not being romance don't means which this is not, the anime use the common ambiguous troper where you can take the anime in both way specially since all the hints he drops about youtaro and his relationship with makyo.
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Old 2015-12-19, 15:38   Link #233
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Originally Posted by Blueknight78 View Post
A anime to be "lolicon target" or something like that, don't need to have "full romance", a good exemple is fate kaleid illia, the focus are elementary girls turning in mahou shoujos and have some ecchi moments and being sexy displayed this is a lolicon anime because is focused on loli characters which is what the lolicons are aiming is not just "romance", a anime manga focused on little girls with some antics and characters being called lolicons are animes targeted to lolicons.

Now just because that was the main target this don't means which "non lolicon peoples can't watch", the same for games just because one game match a specific gender don't means which only peoples which love that gender gonna watch, peoples which love anime in general gonna also watch despise even if theyh don't like the gender cuz they love anime in general.

for exemple i hate harem in general because of how they are executed(spineless or ultra perv mcs, incest and others things) but sometimes i can find some harems which i can actually watch and like even if in general i don't like harem.

another note since this anime is based on the idea of "KNIGHTS and protect his princess" then this means romance, normally when a knight voews to a girl which she will be his princess and he bet his life to protect her this means "love" which he deep love her and aiming to marry her one day, that is how they ask for the hand of the princess in the medieval tales, then you can take youtaro actions in both context what is matter is personnal interpretation, just because your personnal opnion is about not being romance don't means which this is not, the anime use the common ambiguous troper where you can take the anime in both way specially since all the hints he drops about youtaro and his relationship with makyo.
I never could have imagined anyone would compare this to Prisma Illya. That's frankly like comparing Maria-sama ga Miteiru to Strawberry Panic! There is not one fleck of sexual content in here. There are a few moments that can be construed sexually if you want to view them that way, but it's always a matter of opinion. To compare it to a series where a girl is repeatedly shown nude, placed in severely-compromising situations, and has her dark twin shove her tongue down her throat on a daily basis is ludicrous.

Additionally, like I added to my recent post, this is indeed about knights protecting their princess, and more importantly about classical knighthood and how it's seen in the modern world. Look back into chivalry and you'll find that the knight becoming romantically involved with the princess is a much more recent thing. Classically, there was no expectation of romance, and in fact either the damsel or the knight fighting for her/saving her were married or promised to someone else. Regardless of the possibilities of romance, it was simply considered appropriate for a knight to treat a lady with utmost respect and shower her with praise, whether she's still in diapers or an ancient "crone". Youtarou's entire problem arises because people do to him what you are doing, immediately obsessing over the flamboyant and overly-familiar way he acts toward ladies and declaring him to be either a pervert or a freak without the slightest interest in considering that maybe there's something else going on.

And again, the anime does not drop hints that Youtarou is in love with Makio. If you take anything as a hint of this, then you would have to expand it to mean that he's developing a romance with all the girls, because he literally treats all the girls alike. The only difference about Makio is that he wants to stay by her side because he doesn't like the idea of a little girl being all alone in the world, and he has eventually decided that since she is in constant danger he will constantly protect her. Other than this, everything people grab at and call a hint of romance is either something that Youtarou does instinctively to every girl he meets in similar circumstances or something that Makio did to Youtarou, and I for one am not going to blame a guy for what a six-year-old girl decided to do on her own.
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Old 2015-12-19, 15:48   Link #234
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Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
I never could have imagined anyone would compare this to Prisma Illya. That's frankly like comparing Maria-sama ga Miteiru to Strawberry Panic! There is not one fleck of sexual content in here. There are a few moments that can be construed sexually if you want to view them that way, but it's always a matter of opinion. To compare it to a series where a girl is repeatedly shown nude, placed in severely-compromising situations, and has her dark twin shove her tongue down her throat on a daily basis is ludicrous.

Additionally, like I added to my recent post, this is indeed about knights protecting their princess, and more importantly about classical knighthood and how it's seen in the modern world. Look back into chivalry and you'll find that the knight becoming romantically involved with the princess is a much more recent thing. Classically, there was no expectation of romance, and in fact either the damsel or the knight fighting for her/saving her were married or promised to someone else. Regardless of the possibilities of romance, it was simply considered appropriate for a knight to treat a lady with utmost respect and shower her with praise, whether she's still in diapers or an ancient "crone". Youtarou's entire problem arises because people do to him what you are doing, immediately obsessing over the flamboyant and overly-familiar way he acts toward ladies and declaring him to be either a pervert or a freak without the slightest interest in considering that maybe there's something else going on.

And again, the anime does not drop hints that Youtarou is in love with Makio. If you take anything as a hint of this, then you would have to expand it to mean that he's developing a romance with all the girls, because he literally treats all the girls alike. The only difference about Makio is that he wants to stay by her side because he doesn't like the idea of a little girl being all alone in the world, and he has eventually decided that since she is in constant danger he will constantly protect her. Other than this, everything people grab at and call a hint of romance is either something that Youtarou does instinctively to every girl he meets in similar circumstances or something that Makio did to Youtarou, and I for one am not going to blame a guy for what a six-year-old girl decided to do on her own.
i compared with illya just to show case which dont need to be "romance" to be a lolicon anime all you need is focus on elementary girls, and throw some double standarts here and there.
ok to finish it in the end as you told is a matter of vision and opnion while you don't see anything is fine others can see cuz this anime let a lot of double standarts here and there.

Without count the fact which his actions raised romance flags with her and even with others loli girls even if it's not his intetion, show things and the fact which he is aware of her feelings and don't try to make her learn which he can't answer then make him your average prota kun.

Another note while i agree which yotaro is not a full lolicon and he raise flags with others girls, he is basically your "harem nice guy prota-kun" which keep raising romance flags with all the girls even if this is not his real intetion(chicken magnetic).

he not only flirth with makyo but basically almost every girl and others "loli girls, this is your typical prota-kun.
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Old 2015-12-20, 06:07   Link #235
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Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
Makio's the cutie and yes they have a dakimakura, just like they do of almost every cutie in every show I know of, but that doesn't necessarily mean that this was made for lolicons who want to ship Youtarou with Makio. Yes, the preview CAN be taken to imply a loli romance as you seem so insistent on encouraging, but it's entirely a matter of interpretation. The preview I saw, at least, has nothing that suggests anything different from the show itself, which again has nothing to contradict a platonic relationship between a knight protector and his princess charge.
Well there are only 2 dakis and both of them are of Makio. Hell even the magazine scans are mostly Makio fanservice shots too. That and of course the Lance n' Masques's twitter account posting daily videos of "Makio talking to you" since the show's debut. The whole show is encouraging a Yotaro x Makio's ship and it's pretty obvious that it's gonna end up like that in the LN. Sadly I doubt there'll be a second season to see that happen.
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Old 2015-12-21, 17:32   Link #236
a random Indonesian otaku
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ugh.. why Yotaro avoid Sae ending and choose Makio? xD
but in the end, I'm sure Yotaro would not marry Makio.. just like how his father didn't marry Yuma

If I should find a flaw on this anime, I would say they're failed to deliver a simple plot in good way
They rushed all Shin's true intention in just few minutes that makes everything still left in the dark
what happened in the past? What happened between Akira, Shin, and Yuma? Who is Yotaro's mom? Who is Yoriko in the past? nothing got answered at all

I don't really enjoy the show or "cuteness" that they wanted to show
However, there are several things I like... especially when Lancer Rangers fight against Dafei's guards
and also probably the reason at why Makio run away from Yotaro is something I don't expect
It is a good reason though.. a hero that got revealed would disappear

well, this anime is a good thing to waste time
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Old 2015-12-21, 23:15   Link #237
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Originally Posted by ~Yami~ View Post
ugh.. why Yotaro avoid Sae ending and choose Makio? xD
but in the end, I'm sure Yotaro would not marry Makio.. just like how his father didn't marry Yuma

If I should find a flaw on this anime, I would say they're failed to deliver a simple plot in good way
They rushed all Shin's true intention in just few minutes that makes everything still left in the dark
what happened in the past? What happened between Akira, Shin, and Yuma? Who is Yotaro's mom? Who is Yoriko in the past? nothing got answered at all

I don't really enjoy the show or "cuteness" that they wanted to show
However, there are several things I like... especially when Lancer Rangers fight against Dafei's guards
and also probably the reason at why Makio run away from Yotaro is something I don't expect
It is a good reason though.. a hero that got revealed would disappear

well, this anime is a good thing to waste time
He didn't avoid Sae's ending at all. He hasn't chosen anyone: he decided to go to knight school to become strong enough to protect the princess he's decided to fight for, he chose to invite her to come with him because he promised to stay with her and protect her and he couldn't do that from far away, and Sae chose to go to the same school to pursue him. The only reason given for Youtarou's choice to bring Makio with him is his promise to protect her for the rest of his life, and the only reason given for his transfer was to become able to uphold his promise. Since they're just friends so far he wasn't really in a position to ask Sae to come with him and turn her life upside down, but she did of her own accord. No "route" has been chosen, and all appear to remain open, though I still hold that even if he chose a "Makio" route there is absolutely no indication that he would go that way anytime in the near future. All things considered, he'll probably at least wait until she's of marriageable age.
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Old 2015-12-22, 02:46   Link #238
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
If Yotarou and Makio are going, shouldn't Alice and Yufeng follow?
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Old 2015-12-22, 10:41   Link #239
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
If Yotarou and Makio are going, shouldn't Alice and Yufeng follow?
I'm pretty sure everyone's going to follow for their own reasons. Alice, Yoriko and Shirohime are bound to follow or chase because they've committed themselves to Youtarou just as much as he's committed himself to Makio. Yufeng considers herself Youtarou and Makio's daughter, so there's no way she'd let them leave without her. Yuhua may very well go to continue serving as their maid/hacker, in which case so will Yuyan since he/she won't leave his/her sister alone there. Sae's the one whose purpose is most romance-based though. I'm sure Alice would be delighted to have Youtarou as her boyfriend as well as her knight/liege, but I don't know if she'd push that and even without love she'll follow him to the ends of the earth. Yufeng would probably not be cool with a romance since she's already decided that they're father and daughter.
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