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Old 2009-07-27, 00:25   Link #3401
*IT Support
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Originally Posted by Knight Hawk View Post
AT&T blocks 4chan

Uggh~! extremely upsetting that an ISP is doing such an act in the USA. I don't want my ISP holding my f**king hands telling me what/not to see. FFS
AT&T... Your world... Delivered Censored. Uguu~?

Although I don't participate or like 4chan that much (primarily because of Weeaboos, no offense), I still don't believe that it shouldn't be censored... I'm a supporter of Net Neutrality since the internet in my opinion should stay like it is, uncensored.... and I don't really like any kind of censorship and have been pretty vocal about it on Twitter...

Not surprising, since AT&T have been attacked for not enabling MMS and internet tethering which was promised in iPhone 3.0 (by the way, I am a iPhone user and have to deal with AT&T... but /b/ still loads on my iPhone)
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Old 2009-07-27, 00:32   Link #3402
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Originally Posted by chikorita157 View Post
AT&T... Your world... Delivered Censored. Uguu~?

Although I don't participate or like 4chan that much (primarily because of Weeaboos, no offense), I still don't believe that it shouldn't be censored... I'm a supporter of Net Neutrality since the internet in my opinion should stay like it is, uncensored.... and I don't really like any kind of censorship and have been pretty vocal about it on Twitter...

Not surprising, since AT&T have been attacked for not enabling MMS and internet tethering which was promised in iPhone 3.0 (by the way, I am a iPhone user and have to deal with AT&T... but /b/ still loads on my iPhone)
It is just another way to win customer support. By wooing even the idiot ones (i.e parents who leave internet learning to programs like Netnanny and Green Dam).

When three puppygirls named after pastries are on top of each other, it is called Eclair a'la menthe et Biscotti aux fraises avec beaucoup de Ricotta sur le dessus.
Most of all, you have to be disciplined and you have to save, even if you hate our current financial system. Because if you don't save, then you're guaranteed to end up with nothing.
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Old 2009-07-27, 00:35   Link #3403
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Don't mention it... Customer support for the most part is bad... because most of it is outsourced. (Thank god Apple still have US customer support).

Anyways, the 4chan censorship should make people want Net Neutrality more... People should instead of complaining to AT&T for censoring the internet, they should really demand to congress for Net Neutrality... once it's passed... AT&T won't be able to censor the internet... and you will hit two birds with one stone. (also, Obama is a big supporter of Net Neutrality, just for your information)
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Old 2009-07-27, 01:08   Link #3404
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Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
You are a halfwit aren't you? The reason why the poor are in their place is because they are disadvantaged, usually physically or mentally. When you can't work, you can't earn, especially in a competitive society like Singapore.

Also, the "special rights" that homosexuals ask for are pretty much the normal rights (to be married to who they want) as laid out in the 1979 Geneva Convention of Human Rights, Part 2, Article 2 :

Hohoho. Typical.... "usually physically or mentally."

That woman is implying that the rich is by no means disadvantaged. I guess there is something "progressive" people never understand.

The reason why the poor are in their place is because they are disadvantaged

Oh and if you can think which I am aware that you are capable of, you'll realize that I've claimed that I'm not interested about what the reality is in Singapore. I am just talking about a conceptual matter.
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Old 2009-07-27, 02:00   Link #3405
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Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post

OT : Posting from the office eh? Naughty naughty....
I was posting from home. Even if I weren't, I'm not sure what's so "naughty" about it.

I am, on the other hand, pushing my luck a little at another forum at the moment. A very familiar forum member there has been annoyingly vocal in her support for Thio, prompting me to engage her in debate. I shouldn't really be commenting there given my relationship to the said forum...but, well, I don't think I've crossed the line yet, with respect to professional ethics.

PS: In any case, it's no longer a secret where I work, and in what capacity. I've long since revealed my job details in my profile here, along with my age. People in the industry can easily work out my real identity from there. It's a very small community, after all.
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Old 2009-07-27, 07:30   Link #3407
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Originally Posted by TinyRedLeaf View Post
I was posting from home. Even if I weren't, I'm not sure what's so "naughty" about it.

I am, on the other hand, pushing my luck a little at another forum at the moment. A very familiar forum member there has been annoyingly vocal in her support for Thio, prompting me to engage her in debate. I shouldn't really be commenting there given my relationship to the said forum...but, well, I don't think I've crossed the line yet, with respect to professional ethics.

PS: In any case, it's no longer a secret where I work, and in what capacity. I've long since revealed my job details in my profile here, along with my age. People in the industry can easily work out my real identity from there. It's a very small community, after all.
I am only joking around....sorry if I offended you.

Besides, regarding Thio, I also have a friend on my side who is rather outspoken against weirdos (it is funny why he sees a lolicon/weeabo/mentally-disabled type as a friend yet condemns others of my kind) like LGBTs and Muslim radicals. He thinks that such people are mentally incapable. I leave him to his thoughts because I respect my friends and their views.

Nonetheless, if you have to punch somebody in the face, do it. Don't wait till they blow themselves bigger because even a boot in the arse wouldn't work by then. Often I people debating on the stand of such people vulnerable to loopholes in their own arguments. Probably because they are purists.

EDIT :Today is 27 July. Officially the 56th year since the armistice which "ended" the Korean War.

When three puppygirls named after pastries are on top of each other, it is called Eclair a'la menthe et Biscotti aux fraises avec beaucoup de Ricotta sur le dessus.
Most of all, you have to be disciplined and you have to save, even if you hate our current financial system. Because if you don't save, then you're guaranteed to end up with nothing.

Last edited by SaintessHeart; 2009-07-27 at 08:27.
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Old 2009-07-27, 11:06   Link #3408
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It seems that this morning, AT&T unblocked 4chan... it was due to a DoS attack.
AT&T Makes Friends With 4Chan
Users briefly lose access during DDoS negotiation...
As users in our AT&T forum discuss, AT&T didn't make many friends last night by temporarily blocking user access to in order to curtail a DDoS attack. Before the 4chan folks wage all out war on AT&T in the way only they can (whoops, too late), discussion on the NANOG mailing list indicates other operators also blocked the same server due to relentless ACK scan reports, including Cogent and unWired. "We had no choice but to block that single IP until the attacks let up," says unWired's Shon Elliott. "It was a decision I made with the gentleman that owns the colo facility currently hosts 4chan, he says, adding that "there was no other way around it."
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Old 2009-07-27, 12:07   Link #3409
Knight Hawk
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Originally Posted by Claies View Post
Yep, watching the hilarity. This is going to be huge, and it's what...the second time that Anonymous has to change strategies?
Oh yeah, was very interesting watching the action live last night/early hours of the morning.
Originally Posted by Central Gadget
Update (8:45 PM 7/26): After over an hour of trying, we finally got someone from AT&T corporate to provide a statement. AT&T has confirmed that they are “currently blocking portions of the internet site”, but states that they are “following the practices of their policy department.”

AT&T went on to say that they did contact (or, at least, attempted to contact, they wouldn’t clarify) the owners of 4chan. They say that they have specific reasons why they blocked these parts of the site, but they would not disclose them to AT&T states that they have requested specific things and changes from 4chan’s owners, and that 4chan has not complied.

Regardless, without a clear explanation of specific rationale for blocking 4chan… both 4chan and encourage you to continue calling AT&T technical support, and filing your complaints there (escalate as high as possible, we have heard reports that Tier 1 support agents are being told to incorrectly state that AT&T doesn’t block any web site).
Originally Posted by chikorita157 View Post
It seems that this morning, AT&T unblocked 4chan... it was due to a DoS attack.


Before hitting the sack, AT&T started unblocking 4chan. (Following blogs and twitter (oh god) the entire site was being blocked) Honestly though, it was a shitty decision to block the site and it was illegal to do so with the FCC rules in place.

Hopefully this will wake people up about Net Neutrality and demand it from our government. Can careless about 4chan these days, (4chan used to be better back in the day before the media found out about it and a bunch of newfags invading it) but i don't want fucking censorship on the net.
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Old 2009-07-27, 12:15   Link #3410
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Sure do... but back in the Bush era... they actually killed net neutrality and remember Ex-Senator Ted Steven's remarks on net neutrality having a poor understanding of Net Neutrality and calling it a series of tubes...

Atleast the Obama administration is finally doing something about net neutrality which the failed Bush administration failed to do...
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Old 2009-07-27, 14:55   Link #3411
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Japan's herbivorous boys shun sex and careers
Tokyo (July 27): Forget being a workaholic, corporate salaryman. A growing number of young Japanese men, dubbed "herbivorous boys" by the media, are turning their backs on the country's stereotypical male roles in what is seen as a symptom of growing disillusionment with Japan's troubled economy.

For decades, Japanese men were expected to work full-time after graduating from high school or college, marry and support their wife and children. But some of them, like university graduate Roshinante, have no plans to follow that path.

"Since I was a child, I hated people telling me, 'Behave like a man'," said Roshinante, 31, who runs a forum on popular Japanese social-networking site Mixi for frank discussion about herbivores. "I don't think my parents' way of life is for me," he said in a telephone interview. "I still struggle between the traditional notion of how men should be and how I am."

Almost half of 1,000 men aged 20 to 34 surveyed by market research firm M1 F1 Soken identified themselves as "herbivorous" (soshokukei), defined literally as grass-eating, but in this context as not being interested in the pleasures of the flesh or are passive about pursuing women.

The media hype has sent marketing experts scurrying to see if there is money to be made from herbivores, many of whom are spending more time and money on their appearance. "We cannot ignore herbivorous boys because they are almost a majority," said Mr Shigeru Sakai, a researcher at M1 F1 Soken.

Most herbivorous boys lack self-confidence, like to spend time alone, and use the Internet a lot, the survey showed. The mindset appears to be a reaction to the bursting of Japan's "bubble economy" in the late 1980s, which resulted in the grinding stagnation of the 1990s.

"Herbivorous men had always existed," said author and pop-culture columnist Maki Fukasawa, who is credited with coining the term. "But the bursting of the bubble and the collapse of lifetime employment contributed to their increase."

"In Japan, sex is translated as 'relationship in flesh'," she explained, "so I named these men 'herbivorous boys' (soshokukei danshi) since they are not interested in flesh."

The term has since become a buzzword in Japan. Many people in Tokyo's Harajuku neighborhood were familiar with the herbivores — and had opinions about them.

"We like manly men," said Ms Midori Saida, a 24-year-old woman sporting oversized aviators and dyed brown hair in long ringlets. "We are not interested in these boys — at all," she said, adding that she found them "flaky and weak".

Will these men simply grow out of this? Ms Fukasawa said it was anyone's guess. Some of them may, but Japan's image of masculinity is nonetheless changing.

"The men in dark suits are changing, too," she added. "Today's young people in dark suits are different from the baby boomers in dark suits. They are evolving, too."

Well... I guess that's why we see an increasing number of tsundere females in Japan. They're picking up the slack!
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Old 2009-07-27, 19:23   Link #3412
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Debrief for the 4chan-AT&T debacle.
Spoiler for Source text:

Someone was just being dumb. Move on.
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Old 2009-07-27, 19:33   Link #3413
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Originally Posted by Knight Hawk View Post
Oh yeah, was very interesting watching the action live last night/early hours of the morning.

Before hitting the sack, AT&T started unblocking 4chan. (Following blogs and twitter (oh god) the entire site was being blocked) Honestly though, it was a shitty decision to block the site and it was illegal to do so with the FCC rules in place.

Hopefully this will wake people up about Net Neutrality and demand it from our government. Can careless about 4chan these days, (4chan used to be better back in the day before the media found out about it and a bunch of newfags invading it) but i don't want fucking censorship on the net.
Originally Posted by Claies View Post
Debrief for the 4chan-AT&T debacle.

Someone was just being dumb. Move on.
it is a war of Anon

Anon vs Anon

let the blood of geeks and nerds flow
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Old 2009-07-28, 13:31   Link #3414
Shadow Kira01
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Japan: Activist visit won't affect ties with China

"We examined her visa application, approved it and issued the visa based on the usual procedure," Kodama said at a regular news conference. "We do not believe her visit would negatively affect Japan-China relations."
I do not understand why China is also interfering with another nation's internal affairs when they don't like it themselves. Such hypocrisy..

"I came here to let the Japanese people know the terrible conditions that the Uighurs are suffering," Kadeer was quoted as saying by Japan's public broadcaster NHK as she arrived in Tokyo.

"I want to let the people know how many Uighurs are actually killed and arrested," she said.
Let me guess.. The number of Uighurs actually killed and arrested should be at least 10 times the official numbers as that is rather typical. Considering that Obama, leader of the United States is planning to shape the 21st century with China who responded with a "Yes We Can" stance, the Uighurs are pretty much out of luck. Nothing can be done and thus, knowing the truth and not knowing the truth is of little importance and difference.
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Old 2009-07-28, 23:41   Link #3415
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And why should the japanese be particularly interested in knowing about the terrible conditions? Or is she going on a world tour or something?
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Old 2009-07-28, 23:58   Link #3416
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"Interfering with internal affairs" is mere diplomatic-speak. The US and China are still in the game of pushing each other's buttons, and seeing who will over-react first.
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Old 2009-07-29, 00:12   Link #3417
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It's all for the broadcaster's profit; more outrage and controversy means higher ratings and conversely more advertisement money.

it'll be ironic how the story of the Uighers will cause some Japanese viewers to shed tears, and how the comedic commercial which will pop up 5 minutes in; will brighten their mood instantly.

China will continue to push its weight around as long as it can; just like the US.

The Uighers never had a chance; unlike countries in the Eastern Hemisphere, China has no desire to bow down to its people. The Uighers are dying and will continue dying so long they try to resist the government; unlike several Middle-Eastern examples; China has no problem throwing its police force; and perhaps eventually its 7 million man army at its own people; especially minorities like the Uighers.

Whether its right or not; is of course all a matter of whose in control.

Credit To Risa-chan!
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Old 2009-07-29, 00:36   Link #3418
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The Weiwuer people are basically faced with the problem people with ancient cultures have: how to modernise without giving away too much of their heritage away. Numerically, they don't have the advantage. They're also located in a remote part of the planet. The PRC government had its cards on the table: they are going to modernise this area, whether anyone likes it or hates it. Xinjiang is a frontier which the PRC would hold, at almost any cost. Unless you're prepared to go to the ends of the world to stop them, it's best to adapt.
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Old 2009-07-29, 00:55   Link #3419
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how to modernise without giving away too much of their heritage away.
"give too much of it away?" It's being destroyed whether they like it or not. already the Han people are a majority there. It's only a matter of time before that culture will be non-existent. The Weiwuer people's reaction to this loss of identity is their last stand; it is clear that they are being actively rooted out, not simply suffering from the inevitabilities of modernization.
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Old 2009-07-29, 01:01   Link #3420
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"It's being destroyed whether they like it or not."

Exactly. The thing is: If they want to have a say as to which part of it remains, they'll have to get outside help and preserve it elsewhere. The Han is of now a large minority, but you're right, they'll form the majority in the future. Chinese policy in Xinjiang has the dubious honour of making both the Han and the Weiwuer feel that they're being discriminated against. It's a bit like the Versailles treaty: it manages to be too tough and too soft at the same time.

On the Xinjiang issue, I recommend Ching Cheong's (he of the espionage case) series of articles. On the espionage case, I feel that he's the wrong man at the wrong time, where the PRC just wanted to vent their stuff on someone and picked on him. Still, his analysis is worth reading. E.g. I'm sure it comes as a surprise to many that the CCP actually encouraged Xinjiang to break away from China before the communist takeover in 1949.

Last edited by yezhanquan; 2009-07-29 at 01:14.
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