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Old 2014-01-23, 20:40   Link #361
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Originally Posted by orion View Post
I'm not bullying anybody. From my perspective, it's not justified. The girl needs counseling.
Don't sweat, that's just a figure of speech. Well, since (probably) the script for this anime was written by someone who was drunk like heck, the dude wasn't just satisfied with screwing the story, he totally blasted the living day lights out of the critical points. The characters! Well~ these dolls came out of the woodwork, so you can't expect much from them.

I really can't say much, because this is an anime thread.
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Old 2014-01-23, 21:07   Link #362
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Originally Posted by the one above all View Post
Why is it that sometimes I find myself rooting for the girls that are sort of scary? Gekkou should have went to see a therapist a long time ago. I think that something did bloom between Takeshi and Kurumi it's just that neither one of them can really address it. I just get a little sister feeling from Mui instead of a romantic feeling. Their son would be a product of her and Takeshi's love I refuse to believe she would do such a thing no matter how obsessed she can be
Originally Posted by DevilHighDxD View Post
She insane? Where did you get that from?
She to me is just a typical girl who is jealous that her "boyfriend" might have a eye on another girl. While she say she hate all the men, she seen to have no problem with that fire magic guy.

Also, long time no see final after Valvrave had ended.
Ok, I'll admit that "extinction of men" kick-started my bias. Maybe she will, maybe she won't kill her son if she has one. I do also see Takashi viewing Mui in a sibling-like manner and would like it if it could remain like that.

Isoshima seems fairly harmless aside from her issues and tissues regardless of whatever justification she has and any psychologist worth a salt would recommend her to therapy ASAP.

I don't hate her character tbh, but I'm not a fan of "kicking a person while they're already down or Never kick a man while he's down." I judge her actions as going too far even if she has 190% justification for doing so. Just because you have reasons to do something does not give you a free pass to do it. That being said, a little foresight and thinking never hurt anyone imo and letting your emotions control you isn't worth the outcome as a result imo.

@Devil: Any psychologist worth a salt would diagnose her as being mentally unstable at the very least. It's also not healthy to be obsessed. Her reaction after the fortune telling is blatantly obvious and shows her lack of faith if she went into denial that easily. :/
Or it could be that the scriptwriter and scenario writer are on some strong stuff or downing that Vodka like madmen and want to make all kinds of crazies with her character. :c

Yo, nice to see you too Devil.
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Old 2014-01-23, 21:11   Link #363
Feng Lengshun
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Originally Posted by edomaeexa View Post
Haters will be haters. Mahou Sensor's strength is about its story and characters. Yes, it's predictable but what can you expect, for example, Miu Aiba is not even a teenager but people expect her to be. Compare this to Date a Live in terms of pacing and you'll be surprised that it's first and second episodes are better.

Mahou Sensou just wants to adapt a story, not make it's own story. Read the light novel before you tried and criticise it. Of course, there will be differences but that's common in anime adaptation, after all, it's not the author directing anime.

In my last post I compared this to Aoki Hagane Arpeggio, it's because I felt that the anime will be like it. Haters hate Aoki Hagane, but because of little things like the 3DCGs. But when you start to compare it to anime like Evangelion, you see that it is a work of a genius. If you like the Rebuild series, you like Aoki Hagane.

Really, the main similarity of Mahou Sensou and Aoki Hagane is on how people perceived it as. Many claim Aoki Hagane is bad, they just didn't understand it or are clearly new to a story, it's an underwater adventure story and if you don't like such, you won't like it. In Mahou Sensou, people claim it's poorly executed and all but is it. The fact that I was able to watch this with my girlfriend and friends without any interruptions show that the flaws in it doesn't really affect it. They never complain about it and even said that it is an excellent anime. If you start criticising it on little flaws, you began to hate it and I also felt that way. But it doesn't change my opinion on it.

If you compare this to Hidan no aria, this is almost 10 times better than it.
Ahaha, no. But indeed, wankers shall be wankers, critics shall be critics, and cynics shall be cynics, that much is true. In any case, I'm pretty sure that most of us don't really hate this anime (thus not qualifying for the title Hater). That's too much of a 'care' for this trainwreck. For me, I'm just watching it to laugh, mock, and ridicule it. Kind of like the reason why anyone would read My Immortal, except if being able to read My Immortal is like surviving getting shot in the head and letting you feel like a badass afterwards, this one felt like seeing a turd in the middle of an alley. You'll forget about it in no time.

And before anyone says anything, I'm only talking about the anime. Manga seems okay to me and LN is probably decent at least. But still, there are two routes to evaluate an adaptation: as what it is and as an adaptation. As an adaptation, it sucks. Hard. So many changes, so little advantages given. As an anime, it feels like watching a series of disjointed 'scenes' ('scenes' because most doesn't feel necessary) with excerpts from Physics Text Book inbetween--on a ratio of 1:9 that is. Truly, infodump at the beginning? That is poor writing there, even my Literary/Language teacher knows that. The characters should demonstrate their, well, characterization in the beginning. Also, one should start with the correct amount of mystery and 'revelation' (or foreshadowing too) so as to keep viewers seated and curious. And by those, I meant on the characters' characterization and deep/true characters. Because it's more interesting that way.

But seriously, why do we need to read the LN to like/understand/criticize it? That would be like having to buy a DLC to understand the game's story. That would be even worse than Asura's Wrath.

I don't hate--well, hate is a little extreme--Arpeggio for its 3D CG Animation; in fact, that was its main saving grace for me (plus Iona and Takao). It is just the story being, well, just so-so and the characters being shallow. Justified for most of the Fog Mental Models, but not so much for Iona and Gunzou. Gunzou is too much of a Stu for me to like and he's not nearly 'cool' enough to make me don't mind it like I did with Lelouch and--to a certain degree--Sakamaki Izayoi. Aria, at least, had a lot of Action Scenes (and hilarious subs too) to compensate for the weak story. So far, we had naught but expositions, expositions (Rush it out, ASAP!--I love that song).

In the end, it's mostly just either we knowing too much knowledge about storytelling and anime-making to not like it or people ignoring/in ignorance of all of its flaws because, well, anime. On one side on the extreme we have critics/cynics (or haters as some would call them--I hate that word, making me a hater of hater-user) and on the others there are the optimists/casual (or fanwankers/morons, as some would call them--no, I'm not calling you a wanker). It's just the usual split. Though I find it most interesting that most people who have read the manga and the LN hates the anime.

So, does Episode 3 adds anything to the overall plot? I'm always late by about a day because I'm waiting for encoded ones on C12 (bandwidth limits and friends relying on me for anime, no choice there).
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Old 2014-01-23, 21:21   Link #364
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Wow, this is a really bad show.

What in hell happened to Madhouse?
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Old 2014-01-23, 21:29   Link #365
Feng Lengshun
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Originally Posted by Moeterum View Post
What in hell happened to Madhouse?
It's in the name.

I wonder how hard will this anime get shafted though... well, unless they shafted the whole writing first, I don't think it will help much.

Any prediction on how hard the BD will sell or dump? I'm going for the latter at a value enough to warrant no second-season, but you'll never know. On that note, anyone here goes to Japanese forum or sites posting their discussion? If so, can someone tell me what do they think of this anime?
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Old 2014-01-23, 21:40   Link #366
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Originally Posted by finalfury View Post
Ok, I'll admit that "extinction of men" kick-started my bias. Maybe she will, maybe she won't kill her son if she has one. I do also see Takashi viewing Mui in a sibling-like manner and would like it if it could remain like that.

Isoshima seems fairly harmless aside from her issues and tissues regardless of whatever justification she has and any psychologist worth a salt would recommend her to therapy ASAP.

I don't hate her character tbh, but I'm not a fan of "kicking a person while they're already down or Never kick a man while he's down." I judge her actions as going too far even if she has 190% justification for doing so. Just because you have reasons to do something does not give you a free pass to do it. That being said, a little foresight and thinking never hurt anyone imo and letting your emotions control you isn't worth the outcome as a result imo.

@Devil: Any psychologist worth a salt would diagnose her as being mentally unstable at the very least. It's also not healthy to be obsessed. Her reaction after the fortune telling is blatantly obvious and shows her lack of faith if she went into denial that easily. :/
Or it could be that the scriptwriter and scenario writer are on some strong stuff or downing that Vodka like madmen and want to make all kinds of crazies with her character. :c

Yo, nice to see you too Devil.

No wonder someone like this came along. This is what happens when things are taken a little too literally.

(Side Note: For those who think that they "understand" the meaning of "Justified", please google it)

I have already made my point. I am all for constructive and critical exchange, but this exaggerated statements, nah, I am not gonna entertain no one on this.

Originally Posted by Feng Lengshun View Post
Ahaha, no. But indeed, wankers shall be wankers, critics shall be critics, and cynics shall be cynics, that much is true. In any case, I'm pretty sure that most of us don't really hate this anime (thus not qualifying for the title Hater). That's too much of a 'care' for this trainwreck. For me, I'm just watching it to laugh, mock, and ridicule it. Kind of like the reason why anyone would read My Immortal, except if being able to read My Immortal is like surviving getting shot in the head and letting you feel like a badass afterwards, this one felt like seeing a turd in the middle of an alley. You'll forget about it in no time.

And before anyone says anything, I'm only talking about the anime. Manga seems okay to me and LN is probably decent at least. But still, there are two routes to evaluate an adaptation: as what it is and as an adaptation. As an adaptation, it sucks. Hard. So many changes, so little advantages given. As an anime, it feels like watching a series of disjointed 'scenes' ('scenes' because most doesn't feel necessary) with excerpts from Physics Text Book inbetween--on a ratio of 1:9 that is. Truly, infodump at the beginning? That is poor writing there, even my Literary/Language teacher knows that. The characters should demonstrate their, well, characterization in the beginning. Also, one should start with the correct amount of mystery and 'revelation' (or foreshadowing too) so as to keep viewers seated and curious. And by those, I meant on the characters' characterization and deep/true characters. Because it's more interesting that way.

But seriously, why do we need to read the LN to like/understand/criticize it? That would be like having to buy a DLC to understand the game's story. That would be even worse than Asura's Wrath.

I don't hate--well, hate is a little extreme--Arpeggio for its 3D CG Animation; in fact, that was its main saving grace for me (plus Iona and Takao). It is just the story being, well, just so-so and the characters being shallow. Justified for most of the Fog Mental Models, but not so much for Iona and Gunzou. Gunzou is too much of a Stu for me to like and he's not nearly 'cool' enough to make me don't mind it like I did with Lelouch and--to a certain degree--Sakamaki Izayoi. Aria, at least, had a lot of Action Scenes (and hilarious subs too) to compensate for the weak story. So far, we had naught but expositions, expositions (Rush it out, ASAP!--I love that song).

In the end, it's mostly just either we knowing too much knowledge about storytelling and anime-making to not like it or people ignoring/in ignorance of all of its flaws because, well, anime. On one side on the extreme we have critics/cynics (or haters as some would call them--I hate that word, making me a hater of hater-user) and on the others there are the optimists/casual (or fanwankers/morons, as some would call them--no, I'm not calling you a wanker). It's just the usual split. Though I find it most interesting that most people who have read the manga and the LN hates the anime.

So, does Episode 3 adds anything to the overall plot? I'm always late by about a day because I'm waiting for encoded ones on C12 (bandwidth limits and friends relying on me for anime, no choice there).
That was thrown at me (too), but no worries I've dodged it.

Well joking aside, this is basically what I think about this adaption in a nut shell.... Well not really in a nut shell, but still my opinion exactly.
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Old 2014-01-23, 21:45   Link #367
Wandering Soul
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Originally Posted by finalfury View Post
Ok, I'll admit that "extinction of men" kick-started my bias. Maybe she will, maybe she won't kill her son if she has one. I do also see Takashi viewing Mui in a sibling-like manner and would like it if it could remain like that.

Isoshima seems fairly harmless aside from her issues and tissues regardless of whatever justification she has and any psychologist worth a salt would recommend her to therapy ASAP.

I don't hate her character tbh, but I'm not a fan of "kicking a person while they're already down or Never kick a man while he's down." I judge her actions as going too far even if she has 190% justification for doing so. Just because you have reasons to do something does not give you a free pass to do it. That being said, a little foresight and thinking never hurt anyone imo and letting your emotions control you isn't worth the outcome as a result imo.

@Devil: Any psychologist worth a salt would diagnose her as being mentally unstable at the very least. It's also not healthy to be obsessed. Her reaction after the fortune telling is blatantly obvious and shows her lack of faith if she went into denial that easily. :/
Or it could be that the scriptwriter and scenario writer are on some strong stuff or downing that Vodka like madmen and want to make all kinds of crazies with her character. :c

Yo, nice to see you too Devil.
I think you might have taken my comment a little too seriously.
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Old 2014-01-23, 21:48   Link #368
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Originally Posted by the one above all View Post
I think you might have taken my comment a little too seriously.
I think I sounded like an elitist prick who makes the rules when I wrote that.

Apologies for that and to Ougon as well for taking things tooo seriously.

Pair Gekkou and Mui together and I'll be happy.
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Old 2014-01-23, 21:55   Link #369
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whoa i wonder what happened to kurumi in middle school for her to shiver that much when another guy touches her
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Old 2014-01-23, 22:36   Link #370
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Originally Posted by waffler View Post
whoa i wonder what happened to kurumi in middle school for her to shiver that much when another guy touches her
Because she got chased and stalked by pedophile lolicon~
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Old 2014-01-23, 23:50   Link #371
Osana-Najimi Shipper
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Ok I officially give up on the series. As much as I love seeing Miu struggling against Isoshima before getting it on with Takashi (yeah that's right, osananajimi is not some accidental roadkill on the path to true love, but the frigging final boss!), the anime itself is just too painful to watch. I don't want to go through another Reideen again, so I'm just gonna chalk this up to a loss no matter what happens in the end.

Originally Posted by Feng Lengshun View Post
Any prediction on how hard the BD will sell or dump?
Plot twist: Mahou Sensou becomes the best selling series of the cour.

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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Old 2014-01-23, 23:52   Link #372
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Originally Posted by Ougon no Kemono View Post
Huh an? What?.......Wait, What?

...... The butchering and mutilation in here is even worse than Itsu-Ten, like 10x more!

And one more thing, Kurumi is perfectly justified for her behavior. So rubbing your perspective onto others will only work on ignorant masses, I and other source readers will not be bullied by this.
I know, right? But even with that much butchering, thankfully they still manage to keep Kurumi being the most interesting and exciting character in anime too.

Now waiting for Takeshi's moment of realization on who he loves... and then his cute jealousy I think it'll be around ep. 8-9 we'll see.

Also anxiously waiting how/whether will they animate Kurumi and Oigami Takao's future interactions. Quite amusing too, they were. Sadly they already skipped their first interaction.

Originally Posted by DevilHighDxD View Post
Shock to say but it first time I like a blonde over black-haired
Have you watch Strike the Blood? If you haven't then try it. You will probably like Asagi (blonde) more than Yukina (black-haired) too Despite some people says they're kinda similar, Kurumi and Asagi actually different. They have few "deja-vu" situations/qualities but that's it. Oh, and also coincidentally voiced by same VA, the talented Asami Seto.

Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 View Post
Ok I officially give up on the series. As much as I love seeing Miu struggling against Isoshima before getting it on with Takashi (yeah that's right, osananajimi is not some accidental roadkill on the path to true love, but the frigging final boss!), the anime itself is just too painful to watch.
As long as they can do right the emphasis on Takeshi-Kurumi-Gekkou "painful" plots later and Takeshi's family story, I'll give it a pass score . Though that means I have to keep watch it until at least 8 eps or so.

If you like Kurumi, I suggest you to try stay on this a bit more. It'll be a worthy payoff.

Last edited by vanca; 2014-01-24 at 01:37.
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Old 2014-01-24, 00:56   Link #373
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Originally Posted by finalfury View Post
Pair Gekkou and Mui together and I'll be happy.
That will be a interesting development, Mui won't be left alone in the relationship and Takeshi will solve the tension between them two about Kurumi.
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Old 2014-01-24, 03:11   Link #374
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Lol, please at least make the pairing to be Ida and Mui. Anyone other than the retarded excuse of a brother.
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Old 2014-01-24, 03:23   Link #375
Feng Lengshun
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You know, I will admit one thing: this series has a pretty decent premise. I'm actually having several fanfiction idea, one where the Ghost Trailers' objective was to spread magics (through some sort of bombing) and another where Gekkou is actually a good guy, the Ghost Trailer being anti hero instead of some typical evil organization. Well, those are the premise anyway and they could be combined... but I do am thinking "What if Gekkou is a good guy instead of being just a whiner?"

Protagonist vs Protagonist... that rarely happens...
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Old 2014-01-24, 04:46   Link #376
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Seems to be popular in this thread to dump on the anime, but - not knowing the light novel or manga - I somehow feel that most of the criticism lobbed at the show (especially on the characters) is waaaay overblown. Even DragoonKain giving up on the one osanajimi who I actually give good end-run victory chances? What has the world been coming to?

Kurumi doesn't need a shrink. She was obviously the focal point of endless unwanted attention and then had a particularly traumatic experience in the past, setting off what seems to be a general fear of men. Other than that, she seems to be a perfectly normal adolescent girl. To be honest, from the way of character development, she is the one who I consider to be most interesting. She has both flaws AND qualities to match them.

Takeshi suffers the typical denser-than-diamond disease that most shounen show protagonists are subjected to. Instead of picking up on one of the myriads of signs that Kurumi is simply JEALOUS, and dealing with the issue (a talk, anyone?), his knuckle brain ends at wondering what's up in a passive way, and making things worse due to his ignorance. He seems to possess a relatively well-meaning disposition, but it would increase his chances with me if at least 12 of the knuckles in his brain turned into braincells for him to use.

Mui is fine. She finds herself in the middle of the Kurumi-Takeshi minefield, and at the very least, she is trying to deal with the ensuing problems in a proper and constructive way. I like her.

Fireball guy didn't leave enough of a lasting impression on me so that I can't even recall his name ... but I guess this will change in due time.

All things considered, we've got a standard LN setup, definitely not a starburst of originality, but none that I find particularly grating. At the moment, the character triangle (plus the outside add-on) around Kurumi is carrying the story (and my interest). And if my long-range antenna is working, I suspect that Kurumi has better chances to grow closer to Takeshi in a romantic way than Mui, who got an early headstart.

So guys, hate all you want, I'll stay on board for the time being
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Old 2014-01-24, 05:11   Link #377
Feng Lengshun
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...hate implies that we care about the anime enough to actively put efforts in actually hating it. And being standard LN setup is no excuse fot being bad. Fate/zero did something similar but it was miles more interesting because despite the expositions (and this is a Nasuverse works, none can match its exposition except Mahouka Koukou) we still get more interactions and revealing on the characters' motivation and characterization, in addition to being able to balance the exposition very nicely (for a Nasuverse work).

So a question: What is preventing Mahou Sensou from being as goof as that?
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Old 2014-01-24, 05:23   Link #378
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Originally Posted by Feng Lengshun View Post
...hate implies that we care about the anime enough to actively put efforts in actually hating it. And being standard LN setup is no excuse fot being bad. Fate/zero did something similar but it was miles more interesting because despite the expositions (and this is a Nasuverse works, none can match its exposition except Mahouka Koukou) we still get more interactions and revealing on the characters' motivation and characterization, in addition to being able to balance the exposition very nicely (for a Nasuverse work).

So a question: What is preventing Mahou Sensou from being as goof as that?
You can't compare Fate/Zero to your run of the mill action/harem LN. They're made for different target audiences in the first place. Not to mention Fate/Zero could be considered within the top 1% of the best Light Novels.

If you're going to compare it to anything, it's better to compare it to the LN adaptations we've gotten in the last season, ie, Tokyo Ravens, Strike the Blood, Unbreakable Machine Doll, and Kyoukai no Kanata. Those are made for the same target audience as Mahou Sensou and use the same typical action/harem LN setup.
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Old 2014-01-24, 05:34   Link #379
Dewgong >w<
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Yet, here I am hoping the show will get better around episode three... I was wrong.

Instant drop for me.
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Old 2014-01-24, 05:36   Link #380
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Originally Posted by Feng Lengshun View Post
...hate implies that we care about the anime enough to actively put efforts in actually hating it.
You already wrote several denigrating responses, so you obviously do care enough. If you don't care in the least, why are you wasting your time here and bother those who still enjoy it?

So a question: What is preventing Mahou Sensou from being as goof as that?
Is that really the discussion you want to lead? "Why isn't it as good as <insert your favorite LNs here>?"

To be fair, I was shaking my head after ep1, since many things really irked me about it. As a big fan of magic-based LNs, I really wanted to like the show, but I had several issues with it. Episode 2 still had many things I didn't like (especially the way they handled the infodumps), but I was getting used to it. And episode 3 was quite all right to me. Got to differentiate between getting irritated about characters or about the show. And I do see some potential in it.

Soo... gotta persevere!
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