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Old 2023-01-21, 14:59   Link #21
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Taiju is fierce! And he's got a chokehold on his family. Hakkai can't go against him and he smacks around Yuzuha whenever she talks back to him. What an awful big brother .

Jeez, even as far as Takemichi beatings go, that was pretty brutal. I mean, points to Takemichi for standing up for Yuzuha's sake and taking a hit for Hina, even if it just made things worse for him. But I like how Hina tried to protect him .

Well, so far it seems like the bad future is on course, Hakkai is forced to leave Toman and join the Black Dragons, but seems like he's planning to kill his brother while he's there, not knowing that will doom him to corruption in the present-day .

Oh, I guess it makes sense that Takemichi's buddies would join Toman and be in his division at this point. Akkun's alive again. But Chifuyu!!! Man is he a sight for sore eyes !

Takemichi...I know you want to go it alone for the sake of others, but you have neither the capability nor the competence to pull it off without help .

Chifuyu is such a bro. He'll always have Takemichi's back. So I don't blame Takemichi for finally telling him everything and making them full, open, partners like he's got with Naoto. And Chifuyu takes the reveal about Takemichi's time leaping and knowledge of the future surprising well, though it helps he recognized all the signs. And now Takemichi and Chifuyu are closer than ever !

It's nice to see the Toman gang together again, including Mikey and Draken, even if Draken's new VA makes him sound 10 years older .

Ah yes, so Takemichi's plan to keep Hakkai in Toman was...bribing Mikey. And when that didn't work...rely on gumption. Yeah, thanks a lot Chifuyu .

Did Mitsuya always stick up for Hakkai in every timeline or was Takemichi speaking up the motivation he needed? Either way, it seems like Toman's not going to give Black Dragon Hakkai, which sets the course for a full-on war between Toman and their old rivals with Takemichi right in the middle .
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Old 2023-01-28, 15:03   Link #22
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Seems like Hakkai was a pretty savage kid back then, although knowing his home life I can't say that's too surprising, but a chance meeting with Mitsuya put him on the path to be a better person and to use his fists for what they should be used for...protecting others .

What a family man Taiju is! Using his own sister for his criminal dealings and making them both take the brunt of his abuse. The dude seems to genuinely get off beating his siblings up for the smallest reason and lording over how powerful he is over them. And this guy calls himself a devout Christian? What a crock .

Nice to finally get more Mitsuya backstory! He has two adorable little siblings whom he's had to take care since their mom works so much. But he doesn't bemoan his life, rather accepts it and tries to make the most of it. How very Mitsuya .

Mitsuya tried to make exchanging Hakkai into a means of protecting Yuzuha, but Hakkai knows better and knows that Taiju will inevitably hurt her again. He doesn't keep his promises. So despite all that Hakkai still plans to kill Taiju, and we know in the future that's what dooms him. Well, unless Takemichi is able to do something about it .

Chifuyu straight up tells Takemichi how immature he is for a 26-year old. I mean, he's not wrong .

Nothing like two bros riding their motorcycles during the holidays! Although Mikey is being more introspective now that Toman barely has any founding members left. Also seems to be setting up some death flags for Mitsuya, which sucks .

Yeah...I don't think Takemichi has near the clout in Toman to be able to ask the rest of the gang to join in on taking Black Dragon out on the possibility that Hakkai will try to kill Tajiu. Heck, it doesn't even feel like the other members even like him sometimes...

Takemichi working with Kisaki? This can't end well. Kisaki talks about wanting to take down Black Dragon and save Hakkai, but we all know he's plotting something. Like incorporating Black Dragon into Toman by taking out Taiju and bolstering Mikey's position. But Takemichi isn't really in a position where he can refuse his help, but how is he going to change the future at this rate ?

Did Kisaki rat out his own rat so Koko would show up, presumably because Kisaki was really planning to get information out of him? I guess for Black Dragon, money talks just as well as it would for any mercenary group .

Guess the stage is set for a Christmas fight...
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Old 2023-02-04, 21:38   Link #23
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Takemichi taking a fairly reasonable stance to working with much as it kills him, he needs to get to know Kisaki better and they need help if they're going to stop Hakkai from killing Taiju. Even so, you just wish you could punch Kisaki in that smug face of him .

What a team of people who hate each others' guts .

Does Naoto look older to anyone else? More mature, too? He gets the picture to leave his sister to alone with her boyfriend quick .

We're finally unpacking the mystery of Hina's death and how this all involves Takemichi, Kisaki, and Hina...she and Kisaki actually knew each other from cram school back when they were younger! She was one of the few people who seemed to like him or want to spend time with him even though he was kind of creepy and standoffish. Although somehow she thinks he was a good kid deep down which...I don't quite buy .

But it seems like a pivotal moment for all three of them was when Hina stood up to some bullies and ended up being saved by a young Takemichi in full hero mode. And in true Takemichi fashion he got beat up for it too, but him standing up for Hina made her fall for him in full view of Kisaki. Takemichi never even knew all these years why she liked him (she was even the one to ask him out) and this was the beginning of their love story. It's surprisingly sweet .

Takemichi's got everything worked out! A date with Hina on Christmas Eve and taking out Taiju on Christmas! Nothing, not even the knowledge that Automitchy broke up with her on Christmas Eve in the other timelines, is enough to dissuade him! Oh wait, it's Hina's dad !

Hina's dad looks like almost the spitting image of Naoto when he's older. And he seems like a pretty understanding a respectful guy, having felt distant from his family because of his work even though he cares so much for them and grateful for the positive impact Takemichi has had on his children. Yet all the same, he doesn't want Takemichi's delinquent lifestyle to negatively impact his daughter, which it inevitably does in the future .

(Then again, Takemichi knows breaking up with Hina doesn't solve anything since she still ends up dead, so was there really a point to that ?)

Dang, that was a rough scene. Takemichi just breaks up with her and lies about not liking her any more, and Hina in pure rage beats the stuffing out of his face. Even his (ex) girlfriend beats Takemichi up, although I guess I can't completely blame her. I'm not even sure if Hina believes he likes someone else, but breaking up with her like, what a sad scene. I want these two to be together .

Well, Takemichi is at his lowest, even if he still thinks this is for the best, but I guess now he can focus on saving Hakkai and stopping Taiju. Although will Kisaki, Chifuyu, and Hanma be enough to beat Taijui ?
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Old 2023-02-11, 18:59   Link #24
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So...what's Kokonoi and Inui's deal? Is Inui the reason Kokonoi sold out Taiju ?

I love how Yuzuha is just watching TV and chowing down and wanting the world to end like a proper moody teenager .

Chifuyu/Baji flashback! There's tension in the ranks over Chifuyu's stats as vice-captain, and he's beating up his own teammates, so what's Baji to do? Well, beat up Chifuyu. Yeah, that's Baji to a T .

Does Takemichi deserve Baji's sash? I'm not sure. Although at least he takes it with the dignity and strength it deserves and cementing his own resolve, if nothing else .

Well, that was a pretty heartfelt plea to Hakkai to stop. Takemichi admits he's weak, gutless, and an idiot (especially for breaking up with Hina the way he did), but he knows murder isn't going to solve anything, especially for the one you're trying to protect .

I guess it's no surprised Kisaki ended up betraying them...actually, they really should've seen it coming. I mean, not only does Kisaki get to screw with them, but he gets to maybe take Takemichi out, take out Taiju, and get Hakkai under his control. No wonder Hanma likes him .

Man, Taiju is messed up. Not even just the sibling abuse, which is terrible, but just his own worldview and how he views people. He acts like a devout Catholic when he's really more of a demon .

Wait, what hasn't Hakkai told Takemichi? Why is Taiju so obsessed with his brother killing him? Has Taiju tried to mold Hakkai into being more like him? Did Hakkai participate in the abuse of Yuzuha ?

I was not expecting Yuzuha to stab Taiju. So in the original timeline Yuzuha stabbed Taiju and Kisaki used that as a means of manipulating Hakkai into taking over Black Dragon and following him? Only now, thanks to Takemichi yelling of all things, Taiju survived the future changed? Only now Taiju is probably going to kill them all .
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Old 2023-02-18, 13:29   Link #25
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Takemichi is stuck in a deadly sibling war, with Taiju determined to kill Yuzuha and continue to control and dominate his family. You have to respect Yuzuha for trying to fight her older brother for Hakkai even if she doesn't stand a chance against him. Also, panty flash .

At least Takemichi knows exactly what he needs to prevent this time around even if he's still the weakest guy in this fight. But at least he tries .

Mitsuya! Thank goodness Chifuyu knew to have a backup plan ready in case Kisaki screwed them over! And it's time for a real big brother to give Taiju a lesson in what it means to be a big brother .

So all this is going on and Mikey and Draken...are just riding their bikes in snow shooting the breeze. Yeah .

Mitsuya can hold his own against Taiju better than most, but Taiju seems to barely feel his fists. Then again it seems like Mitsuya's plan was to keep getting clobbered and tire Taiju out, which might've worked had Inui not hit him with a lead pipe. Seems Kokonoi planned on screwing them over just like Kisaki did .

The look on Takemichi's face when he realized Mikey wasn't coming. I know it was because he was consumed with despair at realizing how screwed they were, but it came off so comedically .

Okay, so Takemichi is the only one in "decent" shape despite Taiju beating him up, Chifuyu and Mitsuya are running on fumes, but if Hakkai can back them up they might have a chance...except Hakkai still can't fight his brother, completely wrecking everything and getting them more beat up .

But if there's one thing Takemichi is good at, beyond crying or yelling, it's never giving up no matter how many times he gets clobbered or gets the stuffing punched out of him. No matter how bloody and beaten he gets, he won't lose to Taiju as the only man left standing to oppose him, and even Taiju seems to be getting more and more frustrated at how Takemichi just will not stay down. And with Hina in his thoughts and her necklace driving him on, Takemichi challenges Taiju for one final showdown for control of Black Dragon !

Last edited by Frontier; 2023-02-18 at 14:12.
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Old 2023-02-25, 13:29   Link #26
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Takemichi really keeps tanking punches from Taiju! But he just will not go down, no matter what gets thrown at him, because too many people and their faith in him is riding on him continuing to fight and somehow changing the future. And it's with all that backing him up that he actually manages to land a punch on Taiju...and get him to his knees! Honestly, even felling Taiju for a second in front of his subordinates, I'd say that was Takemichi's win right there .

I love how the subs just have to describe the tone of characters' grunts. Although I guess if you're deaf that's probably very helpful .

So Hakkai was never the devoted and protective big brother he claimed to be...Yuzuha always took the hits that were meant for both of them. Which, yeah, is kind of bad on Hakkai's part and just makes Yuzuha come off like an even better person than I imagined, but both of their situation absolutely sucked and they still both got beaten so frankly I can't really blame either in that situation as desperate and alone as they were save for each other .

And it's not like Hakkai is the only one that sucks...I mean, we're talking about Takemichi here. Even Mitsuya abandoned taking care of his sisters at some point and got scolded and comforted by his mom for it. And having his fellow Toman members accept him and stand up for him is enough to get Hakkai to finally stand up for himself !

Taiju vs Hakkai! It's all been leading to this! Except...Taiju takes him out in, like, two seconds. Guess he was holding all that rage in for a big burst against his little bro .

Watching Kokonoi and Inui finally get punched was so satisfying. As was watching Takemichi and Hakkai team-up against Taiju and finally call him out for the scumbag destined for Hell that he is .

Poor seems like the Shiba siblings became messed up when their mom got sick and died, and their dad seemed barely involved in their lives, leaving the siblings alone with each other and Taiju turned on them without their mother around. And Yuzuha was left as the only person who could take their mothers' place and take the hits for Hakkai. But now she's got people who genuinely care for her fighting for her and her brother !

Despite everyone's bravado they're all running on fumes, but...Mikey showed up! Except they're also technically in the wrong for breaking the truce. So what's Mikey going to do? I mean, he can't just ignore how awful Taiju is right? Or what his friends and comrades are doing? C'mon, save them Mikey !
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Old 2023-03-04, 13:30   Link #27
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Join Date: Aug 2013 Mikey firing on all cylinders? He's talking about following dead people in a really detached and out of it manner. And we know how messed up he gets in the future. least it seems like he's genuinely there to fight Taiju ?

So Inui was an older member of Black Dragon, he'd just been in juvie after the last iteration dissolved, but he and Kokonoi have always been thick as thieves. Eventually the two of them recruited and submitted to Taiju to re-form the new Black Dragon. And Inui wore heels, because why not ?

Holy crud, Taiju felled Mikey in one punch! Although it wasn't because Mikey was weaker, it was because he felt like he needed to be punished for letting things get to this point. He even more quickly and abruptly fells Taiju with a single kick !

Takemichi's efforts to help Mikey have paid off. He's not haunted by ghosts, he's carrying the memory of his brother and Baji because Takemichi helped him move on from and properly process their deaths .

I knew they were going to reveal Draken had taken out all the Black Dragon goons, but the looks the baddies faces when they realized they'd lost all their men was priceless. Taiju lost to Mikey. Taiju's army lost to Draken. In terms of emotional resilience, he lost to Takemichi and his own family. In every way that mattered, Taiju lost. And it emotionally breaks him in the most satisfying way possible .

His remaining men abandon him, meaning Black Dragon is finished, and his own family leave him behind...but family is a funny thing. They won't take their abuse any more, but Yuzuha recognizes that their moms' death may have hit hardest for Taiju since he was never able to deal with it, and as his much as she hates him, she still loves him. The Shiba siblings are complicated .

Mikey and Draken saved the day, but if not for Takemichi's efforts and standing by his friends and his ideals, none of this could have happened and someone might've died. And for our Crybaby Heroes' efforts, maybe he deserves to make it right with the girl he loves and who he screwed up with. At least that's what I hope will happen with Mikey bringing Takemichi right to Hina .
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Old 2023-03-11, 21:33   Link #28
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Hina's not an idiot. She realized her dad probably told Takemichi to break up with her and she tells him off for denying her the right to be with the man she loves. Because, yeah, Takemichi is a delinquent but he's kind, caring, and tries his best. That's why Hina loves him .

Emma! it was great to see her again, and see her be such a great gal pal to Hina by trying to get her and Takemichi back together. And she actually inadvertently saved the day by making Draken and Mikey look for him .

Hina was so worried she'd cry seeing Takemichi again when he's the one turning into a sobbing mess...and then spouting how much he wants to take back the breakup and how he'll prevent Hina's future deaths, even if he has to keep going back in time to do it. It's kind of confusing, but it warms Hina's heart. And they finally make up! This really was one wild and successful night for Takemichi .

Mikey and Emma's older brother was the only parental figure they had other than their grandpa, since their dad isn't in the picture and Emma's mom basically abandoned her. And just like Takemichi he wasn't the toughest fighter and was generally pretty goofy, but Shinichiro had a lot of heart and his charisma just drew people around him, just like Takemichi does. No surprise then that Mikey wants Takemichi to serve as his moral compass and keep him on the right path, juts like his brother did .

So Mitsuya and Draken met first, the same night Mitsuya ran away from home to tag a dragon on a wall. Draken even dragged him to his brothel home so he and Mitsuya could play poker with some hookers in lingere! Can't beat that! Though even a hooker knows you don't just abandon your family, especially your little siblings, like that...

It's funny how Draken and Mitsuya got matching dragon tatoos by accident and Mitsuya's just been covering his up the whole time. What goofs .

Everyone looking all dressed up and fancy for New Years! Especially the girls! We even meet Mitsuya's little sisters who are adorable but don't care for Takemichi compared to Hina. Such is his lot in life .

I love how Hakkai assumed, much like the audience, that Yuzuha was crushing on Mitsuya...except it turns out to be Takemichi. Unexpected, but if Yuzuha is happy with her one-sided love, all power to her .

Taiju isn't looking for a redemption or to make up for his actions, which is in-character, but at least he's leaving his siblings to live their lives free from him and acknowledging how Takemichi did the one thing Taiju never could...change Hakkai. I hope we never see this piece of @$%^ again .

Oh hey, the gang is all here! And ready to mess with Takemichi. Classic .

Kisaki and Hanma recognize Takemichi did it again, but they don't seem too bothered by it. Kisaki is always plotting .
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Old 2023-03-18, 17:57   Link #29
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Time for the first Toman meeting of the New Year! Which involves recapping everybody on what happened with Black Dragon and Hakkai, and while Hakkai still feels bad for bringing trouble to Toman, everybody accepts him back with welcome arms. Especially because they really don't care for the nitty gritty of what happened .

Gotta be honest, was not expecting what remains of Black Dragon to join Toman, especially so that they explicitly wanted to be under Takemichi. Like, I know Takemichi said he'd take over Black Dragon, but I didn't expect Kokonoi and Inui would end up joining him. Are they playing an angle? Do they think they can use Takemichi? Or do they genuinely respect him now? Can Takemichi rely on them ?

Holy crud, they're kicking Kisaki out! And Hanma! And all the Valhalla/Moebius guys! I mean, nobody even wanted them there, so no big loss, but Kisaki really did not expect to get kicked out. Watching him squirm and desperately plead for Mikey who doesn't need him or his numbers was a delight !

Nice interplay between everything Kisaki has done in his obsession with Mikey with Kisaki pleading one last time for Mikey to keep him...but Mikey wants nothing more to do with him. Takemichi ended up screwing over all of Kisaki's plans with Mikey's help .

Ah...Mikey gave Takemichi his own bike! And it's the twin of his own, descended from his brothers' efforts in the Philippines! He even got less than stellar riding instructions from Mikey! That was really sweet .

Well, it was nice to see Mikey end things on a good note with Chifuyu and the other Toman guys. They really are his best buds .

(Honestly I wouldn't have gone back until Kisaki was in a body bag, but...)

Ah jeez, Takemichi's not back for five seconds and he's already at Mitsuya's funeral! His poor sisters .
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Old 2023-03-25, 15:25   Link #30
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I get that Takemichi is in shock after seeing Mitsuya's dead body...and finding out Hina died...meaning all his effort was basically pointless, but he still basically ditched Mitsuya's funeral, huh ?

"This timeline is the worst possible." Really? How much worse could it get? Oh wait, everybody major in Toman is dead? And murdered by Mikey? Okay, yeah, that's pretty bad. But hey, at least Kisaki died too .

I can kind of understand why Takemichi is so mad. He put all that effort in, he seemingly resolved everything, and now things are even more screwed up. Like, did Takemichi even accomplish anything ?

Man, Mikey with black hair is surreal to see. Also Hakkai went blonde. Was that in honor of Takemichi ?

Have to admit, did not expect this story to take Naoto and Takemichi out of Japan, but here's the Philippines. Not really the time to enjoy the sights though .

We finally meet present-day Mikey, and he's almost unrecognizable with that dark, short, hair though he still has the same lifeless eyes. More lifeless than ever now after everything he's done and everything he's gone through since Takemichi last saw him .

It seems like everything went to @#$% after Takemichi left Toman when it started getting more violent and gang-like, and Mitsuya and Draken had to basically beg Mikey to let Takemichi go, and without Takemichi Mikey lost his conscience and started killing everything that got in his way until he eventually just started killing even his own people. And he has no recourse left but to have Takemichi kill him and end all this .

So is the point of no return when Mikey first killed? He said killing someone for the first time and realizing he didn't feel anything is when he first realized he could solve all his problems, so is that what messed Toman up? Is that what Takemichi has to resolve next ?

Chifuyu was right...thanks to his time traveling, present-day Takemichi is still the same old Takemichi, and Mikey could never kill him. But making it look like he would is enough to get Naoto to headshot him and put him out of his misery. And leaving Takemichi with nothing but the rage to prevent this from ever happening again. Time to return to the past and enact a true revenge .
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