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Old 2020-08-17, 06:42   Link #21
Key Board
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Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
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Barely after 5th gen's release, Aloe is in cold storage since she got doxxed and leaked.....Seriously otakus and YAGOO?! They also ditched her since her relationship got outted. She had to break with her boyfriend as a result.

Hope she continues seeing him behind all their backs even if she has to take higher privacy measures. Coz creepy otaku need to stop holding pop culture creators hostage
She broke with him before this, but the fact that this is even a problem to Cover shows that Hololive still has the flawed trappings of the idol industry.

I think that normally they would tell her to not leak the live2D again.

The fact that doxxing and a potential ex boyfriend being involved raised the stakes, so they took advantage of it to suspend her for 2 weeks .

Predictably, they placed most of the blame on her, because why wouldn't they?
I still remember them forcing Towa to apologize for something that she should not.

TLDR, Cover is a terribad company.

"Legitimacy is based on three things. First of all, the people who are asked to obey authority have to feel like they have a voice—that if they speak up, they will be heard. Second, the law has to be predictable. There has to be a reasonable expectation that the rules tomorrow are going to be roughly the same as the rules today. And third, the authority has to be fair. It can’t treat one group differently from another.” Malcolm Gladwell
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Old 2020-08-17, 10:54   Link #22
Cosmic Eagle
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Originally Posted by Key Board View Post
She broke with him before this, but the fact that this is even a problem to Cover shows that Hololive still has the flawed trappings of the idol industry.

I think that normally they would tell her to not leak the live2D again.

The fact that doxxing and a potential ex boyfriend being involved raised the stakes, so they took advantage of it to suspend her for 2 weeks .

Predictably, they placed most of the blame on her, because why wouldn't they?
I still remember them forcing Towa to apologize for something that she should not.

TLDR, Cover is a terribad company.

The test live was management approved. The problem was her crappy cybersecurity/hygeine but poor IT practices are an issue very rampant in JP and is frankly, the onus of the company's IT dept to facilitate her with. If anyone is at fault for starting this it's the doxxers/hackers who managed to break into her Twitcast store and sold out her personal Twitter account

Anyway, I hope they don't throw her under the bus. When Cover throws someone under the bus it's really bad.....look at the way they handled Hitomi Chris. Towa is....I'll be honest, not at fault in her case but she certainly doesn't seem to be cut out for this kind of issues. Too thin skinned, too fresh and uptight. It doesn't help her. Aloe at least, if past things are any indication, appears more chill and open

Holo might be overtaking Nijisanji in popularity but Niji sure takes better care of their own people

EDIT: Otaku are also more upset about Aloe's private stream prior to debuting for Holo where she spoke plainly of the restrictions being a formal, company-linked VTuber entails to her long time (before Hololive) followers and how she cannot interact with them as openly and often as a result Note that almost all Holo (and indeed many VTubers in general) VTubers are former Nico Nico personalities and utaite so they have many fans from long before. Such relationships are always going to be of extra meaning to them so I don't blame her for speaking this openly to her old followers

The otaku see this as a betrayal of the industry even though she did not attack anyone and was just speaking plainly of the reality in that industry. Well otaku, the industry is like this because you demand it so.....and if you all think it makes you look bad, that's called looking in a mirror.

EDIT: <------- Nico stream of her "controversial" Twitcast in case the above one gets taken down

Last edited by Cosmic Eagle; 2020-08-18 at 02:26.
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Old 2020-08-17, 21:06   Link #23
Key Board
Join Date: Nov 2003
That sounds a lot like targeted outrage and disinformation to me.

if any of this "breach" was a problem she wouldn't have been hired in the first place.
In fact, she would be terminated right now like Hitomi Chris.

It's concerning to me that that's the story that's being spread around in English spheres just because someone claims to be from Japan and in the know, and they're taking that at face value.

Also, whenever Nijisanji is involved just assume that's someone trying to agitate things. Because apparently fandumb is a thing


Someone found Nene's private account from her art
once they found it they realized Nene was following the other 5th generation private accounts
They used that to comb said information for private information
When they got to Aloe's account they noticed that she had the gaul to like some Korean tweet
The netouyo did not like that and found ammo when they realized she had an ex boyfriend.
They used that to start their campaign against Aloe. That campaign intersected with fandumb and stalker and now here we are.

The fact is that she is the victim here.
She is being harassed.
That's just how 5ch/futaba works

"Legitimacy is based on three things. First of all, the people who are asked to obey authority have to feel like they have a voice—that if they speak up, they will be heard. Second, the law has to be predictable. There has to be a reasonable expectation that the rules tomorrow are going to be roughly the same as the rules today. And third, the authority has to be fair. It can’t treat one group differently from another.” Malcolm Gladwell
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Old 2020-08-18, 00:19   Link #24
Cosmic Eagle
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It's concerning to me that that's the story that's being spread around in English spheres just because someone claims to be from Japan and in the know, and they're taking that at face value.

Well, that's because this is the story being amplified in JP spheres. And it's a fact she has that Twitcast out and it got leaked by the hackers who broke into her Twitcast archive. Look at the YT and Twitter JP comments as well as those on the JP boards regarding this.....And it's not even disinformation worthy material because there was nothing inflammatory at all in her Twitcast so, I don't even see how to reasonable people it can even be considered as slanderous. Only otaku take it as so

They are literally taking something normal and twisting it around to get people upset over it but when you see it, you just go "that's it? Is there anything wrong?"

Nijisanji was involved because Aloe's fellow utaite friend/acquaintance, Kudou Chitose, was formerly hired by them and Aloe was using said friend's experiences as an example how tough the VTuber industry is. That's all......Nothing more than that

And ofc, this is not Cover's reason for the suspension....Just that this is what is triggering those otaku the most. Their imaginary "purity" being tainted because someone is speaking plainly about their ridiculous standards. If you look through the YT comments on her apology vid, you notice a small core of JP ppl posting about her twitcast and trying to stir shit....Those are the 5ch antis and they are trying to use this to influence everyone else....But regardless, it is still what they are upset over. And there's unfortunately, a lot of neutral JP ppl who believe it without seeing the actual vid and are slamming her. Mostly for "leaking company secrets" without fully knowing the context and extent

Some of the JPers also blame her for causing the private info of herself and her friends to be leaked. Like, they seriously think someone should be punished if they got hacked/doxxed because their carelessness compromised others' privacy.......Fair enough but this isn't going to make her into a privacy guru overnight nor does it deal with issue of the doxxers themselves. Only in Japan can you hack someone's landline and spam them and the owner of the line gets roundly criticized as a villian

But end of day, Cover can't be really trusted either, there's too many cases of incompetence or shoddy management within them for that. If the otaku start dropping them, I can see them abandoning Aloe

And yeah I saw the thing where the breach was traced to Nene also. Highlights even more the need for better practices online

When they got to Aloe's account they noticed that she had the gaul to like some Korean tweet
Well, where were they when Chocco and Pekora got swarmed by PRC trolls and nmslese? Or when Cover slowly sell away more of themselves to the PRC market? I don't doubt many of these otaku are stupidly nationalistic also but they are utterly useless in defending anyone



Examples of either unthinking suspicion, or soft disinformation by antis. The YT comments are full of them. Most of them are the highest upvoted ones. Ironically, some of them also claim foreign supportive comments for Aloe are actually Hololive foreign staff. It's astonishing how the JP comments (hundreds at least) are roundly negative. The worst is when some of these English-speaking antis go on to Reddit and elsewhere to try to sell their cause to foreigners. The dishonesty and bad faith coming out of their mouths smell worse than a sewer

At this rate, I personally won't surprised if all this is engineered by rival companies. Many JP comments are also people turned off by Hololive's shit and considering ditching them.....Was this the desired outcome <__<

And BTW, for people who think she was dissing Cover/Hololive in her Twitcast and thus breaking contract....That was around Oct 4 2019. Before 4th Gen's debut and two months or so after Marine's. It might even be before 5th Gen's auditions (Rmb, Holo 5th Gen ppl stopped their old accounts around March 2020). She also never gave the slightest hint what company it was. Also she hadn't even taken up the job yet whichever company it was and is still technically speaking, free to talk openly. Not that any JP anti would have you know this of course.

As for people like this person here: who think Aloe was lying about Chitose. Well, I'll just say, for the sake of not impacting Chitose's current activities that her identity leak was well known long before this incident. It was alluded to many times and you do not know if Aloe and Chitose know each other personally especially when both are utaite.

7 months.....That's how long Chitose lasted as a VTuber. And it's not like she had bad blood with Nijisanji either. Think about that. I actually am a follower/fan of Chitose's current and past activities prior to her VTubing so I saw that letter she Twitted but we all know official reasons are as diplomatic as possible for obvious reasons. I am not going to say for certain that Aloe is correct in what she says but I won't discount her as lying either. Not when there's a high chance of it being true.

Stop blindly sucking anti dick and use Google. You'll find Chitose's identity has been leaked as far back as May 2019. She first talked of stepping down in June 2019. It's certainly not impossible she left over fears for her own security. She is also known to maintain contact with Nijisanji so it's not like she fell out with the company in general. And again, you do not know if Chitose and Aloe have privately discussed this before. Take it as hearsay and LEAVE IT AT THAT. Chitose is happy where she is now and that's what matters in the end.

And of course, this Twitcast would never have seen the light of day if some anti did not copy and slap in on Nico Nico in the first place

Then again, I won't be surprised if some of those people are English-speaking JP antis or associated with them

Last edited by Cosmic Eagle; 2020-08-20 at 10:00.
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Old 2020-08-23, 07:02   Link #25
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Old 2020-08-23, 11:54   Link #26
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I don't follow any, but I friend told me about ironmouse and after watching some videos en youtube I find her hilarious
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Old 2020-08-23, 20:35   Link #27
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I haven't been watching any anime after I fell into Hololive at the Azur Lane event at the end of last year. I've been following the Big 4 before, but they were more short-video uploader, I was quite shocked seeing Hololive archives are filled with hour long videos. After I got more used to the live stream format I got into Nijisanji as well. After following girl vtubers for some time strangely enough now I'm a steady viewer of Yashiro Kizuku instead, and mostly only catch up with the girls using the archives.
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Old 2020-08-30, 21:05   Link #28
Key Board
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It's over.

The haters have won.

They pressured Aloe to retire.

"Legitimacy is based on three things. First of all, the people who are asked to obey authority have to feel like they have a voice—that if they speak up, they will be heard. Second, the law has to be predictable. There has to be a reasonable expectation that the rules tomorrow are going to be roughly the same as the rules today. And third, the authority has to be fair. It can’t treat one group differently from another.” Malcolm Gladwell
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Old 2020-08-31, 10:45   Link #29
Cosmic Eagle
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Not unexpected. But if music is her goal first and foremost then VTubing is a shitty platform and she'll do better elsewhere. Ironically it kind of mirrors Sirose's path

Polka is furious. Can hear it in her voice. Well done Cover....

TBH, I am this close to boycotting Holo. I just don't because Marine and the rest didn't do anything wrong and it's obviously the antis goal. But they are really a good for nothing company. Apparently, despite having Aloe's IRL friends and family harrassed they still cannot mount a successful legal case against these people.

Last edited by Cosmic Eagle; 2020-08-31 at 11:47.
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Old 2020-08-31, 15:47   Link #30
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I used to watch Kizuna Ai some, thought it was a cute concept, but ultimately kinda cringe.

Then next I checked, there was like a thousand VTubers running around. Great, I thought, a bunch of amateurs hopped in on the bandwagon, and will probably run this fad into the ground pretty quickly.

But, they persisted and grew, until some of my friends started linking VTuber content. One day they dragged me in to watch Hayato Kagami's 3D debut stream together.

Needless to say, stream was epic AF, and I was really impressed. So, I started diving into the VTuber bog on my own time, and quickly revised my opinion of them being "amateur bandwagoners". Clearly, collaboration and competition are breeding excellence in this genre.

YouTube is being pretty nice to VTubers so far. I didn't have to go out of my way to familiarize myself with them, all I had to do is click one random VTuber clip, and the recommended feed algorithm took care of the rest. They also seem to be making decent money. I'm a little worried that YouTube will eventually crush this genre, like they've done with many others.
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Old 2020-09-09, 01:01   Link #31
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Old 2020-09-12, 07:21   Link #32
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Mori Calliope from Hololive EN just debuted, and she totally slayed those beats:

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Old 2020-09-12, 08:46   Link #33
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I don't know if she belongs here but: Yamato Ami. Has anime-artstyle. But is more traditional 3D render vlogger.
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Old 2020-09-12, 09:37   Link #34
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Originally Posted by Cipher View Post
I don't know if she belongs here but: Yamato Ami. Has anime-artstyle. But is more traditional 3D render vlogger.
From what I know, she was THE very first vtuber by definition in the world.

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2020-09-12, 12:11   Link #35
Cosmic Eagle
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For those who follow Nico Nico composers/musicians Oster Project is a well known name.

She's now gone down the VTubing hole lol. Obviously as a composer

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Old 2020-09-13, 04:16   Link #36
Cosmic Eagle
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And so has Ukai Saki (illustrator of Black Bullet, Goumon Hime, IbuSou etc)

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Old 2020-09-14, 08:37   Link #37
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Old 2020-09-17, 05:10   Link #38
Cosmic Eagle
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one of Aloe's harassers revealed himself on YT, gloating over her fall and is taking loads of heat for it. Now he asks people to leave him alone. What a dumb fuck

The mentality behind it all.....Like someone dissatisfied with his own achievements and having to prop himself up roleplaying some hero of social justice in getting rid of the "cheap filthy fallen idol" then implicitly support morally and legally questionable acts of harassment lmao

And Cover....Really Cover, they couldn't protect their own from a bunch of high school kids with an internet connection and too much free time. This damned company......

Last edited by Cosmic Eagle; 2020-09-17 at 06:35.
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Old 2020-09-18, 11:36   Link #39
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Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
one of Aloe's harassers revealed himself on YT, gloating over her fall and is taking loads of heat for it. Now he asks people to leave him alone. What a dumb fuck

The mentality behind it all.....Like someone dissatisfied with his own achievements and having to prop himself up roleplaying some hero of social justice in getting rid of the "cheap filthy fallen idol" then implicitly support morally and legally questionable acts of harassment lmao

And Cover....Really Cover, they couldn't protect their own from a bunch of high school kids with an internet connection and too much free time. This damned company......
Without knowing the full detail of the situation. We don't know the extent of the harassment. It could another Hana Kimura situation for all we know. Not even Fuji TV manage to stop let alone start-up like Cover.

Regardless Cover seems learning form the situation and make statement about it already regarding talent harassment.

Also there is the theory of her might come back based on how cover didn't delete all her stuff and allow her fellow genmates to remember her. Unlike what happened to Koaru.

btw can you link me the YT video of the person. or at least some source link regarding to this person being harrasher?
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Old 2020-09-18, 11:49   Link #40
Cosmic Eagle
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Originally Posted by RRW View Post
Without knowing the full detail of the situation. We don't know the extent of the harassment. It could another Hana Kimura situation for all we know. Not even Fuji TV manage to stop let alone start-up like Cover.
They could, you know.....hire lawyers if the police doesn't work. Or at the very least send a firm message to antis that they won't be cowed and are willing to take a hit in loss of some puritan otaku customers in exchange for standing up to them. Either way, they shouldn't let themselves be dictated around like that.

btw can you link me the YT video of the person. or at least some source link regarding to this person being harrasher?
Lol, why? I don't wish to give him any publicity or invite a horde of enraged fans on his ass. Not that he isn't already getting that of course. Also he isn't a doxxer, just one of the public harassers who made loud anti-video against her. So unfortunately, he can't be prosecuted
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