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Old 2009-03-17, 14:15   Link #21
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Originally Posted by Slick_rick View Post
... I don't believe that reason ever got revealed in the Anime. I always thought it was weird that the anime skirted that issue. The novel makes it clear quite early.
The anime does strongly imply it when Sei says "birds of a feather", but only for those who have worked out how what kind of bird Sei is.
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Old 2009-03-17, 15:05   Link #22
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Originally Posted by 4Tran
I've been on a bit of a shoujo anime binge (30 episodes of Utena in three days) lately, but Marimite still hits a high note relative to that. I'm really quite pleased with the way Touko dug herself deeper into a hole before realizing just how self-destructive she's been. Her reasons for turning Yumi's offer was what I thought, but the creators did a very nice job of putting that into words and pictures. It's nice to see everyone - Sachiko, Suguru, and especially Yumi - finally get angry at her for how she's been behaving. I imagine that Touko is going to feel obligated to do a bit of grovelling to get back into Yumi's good graces; and given what we've seen with the "count to a hundred", it's pretty clear who's going to be figuratively wearing the pants in that relationship .
I had to respond here, because if I respond in the episode forum, it'll most likely get dinged, so I'll just post my reply here.

Just be warned that my answer is going to be somewhat spoilery. I'll even do it this way... I'll leave out the really egregious stuff, but anyway, here goes.

Spoiler for reply... spoilery, so just in case...:

Oh, and it's obvious that Sei goes that way. She wanted to run off with Kubou Shiroi, and it wasn't to do some sightseeing. There's no puzzle to unravel there.

Last edited by cynicalicious; 2009-03-17 at 21:29.
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Old 2009-03-19, 23:27   Link #23
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Originally Posted by cynicalicious View Post
I had to respond here, because if I respond in the episode forum, it'll most likely get dinged, so I'll just post my reply here.

Just be warned that my answer is going to be somewhat spoilery. I'll even do it this way... I'll leave out the really egregious stuff, but anyway, here goes.

Spoiler for reply... spoilery, so just in case...:

Oh, and it's obvious that Sei goes that way. She wanted to run off with Kubou Shiroi, and it wasn't to do some sightseeing. There's no puzzle to unravel there.

Ah was hoping that Touko never accepted the rosario. so it is a repeat of yumi refusing the Rosario the first time and then accepting it.
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Old 2009-03-20, 00:59   Link #24
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Just going to put my answer in spoiler tags, because...

Spoiler for so nobody burns down my house for accidentally ruining something....:
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Old 2009-03-20, 04:44   Link #25
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Originally Posted by cynicalicious View Post
Just going to put my answer in spoiler tags, because...

Spoiler for so nobody burns down my house for accidentally ruining something....:
I have always liked touko more than any of the other chracters in the series since she was introduced as a character because she doesn't take crap from anyone. I just can't see her acting in an obedient way toward Yumi once they become sisters. Will she obey Yumi's guidance or will she continue being the strong willed girl she has always been.
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Old 2009-03-20, 09:21   Link #26
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Touko is much more complex than she appears to be on the surface (which is why I like her, too).

But to answer your question: yes.
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Old 2009-03-20, 19:29   Link #27
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Originally Posted by cynicalicious View Post
Just going to put my answer in spoiler tags, because...

Spoiler for so nobody burns down my house for accidentally ruining something.... (snipped):
Since Maria-sama ga Miteru 4th season vol. 1 DVD was among the leading anime series in pre-orders on Amazon JP (in a generally disappointing season), the economics for an OVA release are at the very least encouraging. I don't know anything about 4th season television ratings ... AFAIU, it was poor ratings for Season 2 when it was moved to a "better" time slot that pushed Season 3 into OVA release.

So reasonable hope for an OVA 5th, and one can always hope, even if its unreasonable, for a broadcast series.
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Old 2009-03-20, 20:36   Link #28
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That's good to know. I read a recent article in the Japan Times about reduced revenues for animation companies in Japan due to the usuals-- poor ad sales on TV, poor sales on video, etc. So it would stand to reason that the market in general wasn't so hot these days. Ads aren't selling, people aren't buying, so it puts a squeeze on production companies.

Even Ken Akamatsu was wondering about the OAD market that Kodansha has been dabbling in. (He posted something about it on his online diary recently, wondering about the viability of that particular business model, just as they had released yet another Negima OAD. lol.) Granted, OADs aren't the same as OVAs, but the industry in general apparently ain't doin' so hot.

That said, I sure hope there's a 5th season of MSGM, where they go back and clean up the mess they left in season 4. (i.e., all of the great stories I want to see animated that they left behind, especially...)

Spoiler for rose mille-feuille:
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Old 2009-03-20, 23:56   Link #29
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No difference between an OVA and OAD. OVA used to be called OAVs but some reason OVA won out, OAD is the more modern and should be how it's said in the future, as seasons come out on discs now not vhs
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Old 2009-03-23, 00:50   Link #30
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Because you keep asking...

Yumi's card is...

Spoiler for Where is Yumi's card?:
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Old 2009-03-23, 08:54   Link #31
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Originally Posted by cynicalicious View Post
Because you keep asking...

Yumi's card is...

Spoiler for Where is Yumi's card?:
Oh! for crying out loud! What is Yumi thinking.
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Old 2009-03-23, 10:16   Link #32
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HAHAHAHA You've gotta be kidding me?!?!! AHAHAHA

How did she come up with that??

ANyway, must thank cynicalicious for all your input!! I don't mind being spoiled!! haha I'm reading the light novels too but I'm only up to book 9!!

I've translated a small chunk before (the bit where Yumi farewells Sei just before her graduation in the classroom) and that was HARD!!! Took me like 5 or 6 nights to translate something like 10 pages!?!

Can't wait for episode 13! They so need to do a season 5!!
My blog - a bit of yuri, anyone? My favourites are Marimite and Girl Friends (manga)!
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Old 2009-03-23, 12:03   Link #33
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I can tell you roughly what Yumi's thinking, (but it's been a while since I read the book, so pardon me if I don't recall her motivation completely) and that's...

(Also, Shimako's hiding spot is in here, too...)

Spoiler for Why Yumi hid the card where she did...:

Oh, and I feel your translating pain. My Japanese isn't quite up to snuff to translate. Or to put it another way-- I enjoy reading the books too much to translate them. If I had to translate them, I'm afraid that I'd start to hate them.
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Old 2009-03-23, 13:48   Link #34
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Originally Posted by cynicalicious View Post
Because you keep asking...

Yumi's card is...

Spoiler for Where is Yumi's card?:
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Old 2009-03-23, 14:09   Link #35
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Originally Posted by golthin View Post
Spoiler for Answer, will spoil part of ep 13:
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Old 2009-03-23, 14:31   Link #36
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My thinking was about Yumi's hiding place...

Spoiler for Just kidding...:
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Old 2009-03-24, 08:05   Link #37
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Oooh inisipis!! That's a touch rude!! hehe

Off the back of cynicalicious describing the "finding card" incident:

Spoiler for where Yumi's card is...:

Thanks again cynicalicious!! It'll probably be like another 2 years until I can get to the final volume. It takes me over a month to read one volume!! Oh and I'm reading the chinese one...but I shouldn't complain. At least I have the luxury of reading these missing details!!
My blog - a bit of yuri, anyone? My favourites are Marimite and Girl Friends (manga)!
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Old 2009-03-24, 11:53   Link #38
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Well, if it's any consolation, I've been studying Japanese for a few years, and it has taken me a while to get decent enough to read the books in Japanese with my little electronic dictionary in my lap. Those are the best tools for reading Japanese books. They have a stylus that lets you draw the kanji you want to look up, and it will find the words it's in. They're a godsend, because half of the time, you don't know the reading you're trying to find, and paper kanji dictionaries are the devil's work. Sure, you could use your computer, but it's not as comfortable to draw kanji with a mouse. I used to use Kanji sono mama rakubiki jiten with my Nintendo DS, but the DS took too long to boot up every time I wanted to look up a word. But it's a good cheap solution if you don't have $200 for an electronic dictionary. (It was like 10 seconds vs. 1 second. It really adds up over time.)

I don't try to get it all 100% perfect, either. I just try to get it in the ballpark. If I can read a sentence and say to myself, "Yeah, I get the general gist of that," then I don't spend 30 minutes trying to figure out exactly what it means, because down that road lies madness.

You might miss a detail or two that way, but you're not going to miss the Big Stuff.

Also, I skipped ahead, to Blank Map of the Future, and just read from there. I had already read various English translations of earlier books, and I really wanted to know what was going on from there. I'll go back and read from the beginning when I finish up.

I've gotten to the point pretty quickly where I can finish a book in about 5-7 days, depending on how much free time I have. Given the way Konno Oyuki writes, once you get used to her style, you start seeing a lot of the same phrases over and over again, so it gets a little bit easier to read her books.

Some characters are easier to read than others. Yumi doesn't make me hit the dictionary a whole lot, but some of the other characters like to use the big words. For example, Noriko and Shimako's vocabulary involves the odd Buddhist term, and since they're both pretty smart (Shimako frighteningly so), they like big words and complex sentence structures.

Japanese sentence structure is evil, and will drive a lot of native English speakers mad at first. It takes a while to get used to it. Verbs are always at the end, so you never really know what all of the subjects, objects (direct and indirect) are doing in various places (or not doing!) until the very end of the sentence.

But Konno Oyuki does a really good job of giving each character a unique voice in the way she writes their thought, I think.
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Old 2009-03-27, 07:56   Link #39
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Originally Posted by cynicalicious View Post

.... Don't ask me how you get Mifi from rabbit, because I don't know.
YES! This is what I'm talking about. The other day my girlfriend told me about this charming "Miffy tie" a law tutor had on. I had no clue what she was talking about. It turned out Miffy = some sort of rabbit with an X for a mouth.

Sorry for the off-topic, just had to type this.
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Old 2009-03-28, 23:43   Link #40
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Originally Posted by Kaoru Chujo View Post
If they decided it made sense to do another season or OVA series, would there be enough material in the novels?
Yes. The story isn't over yet.

Theoretically, it's possible. Is it going to happen? Who knows? Business is tough these days, so only proven properties will get support.

But to answer your question:

There's definitely plenty of material of another set of 4-5 OVAs like "season 3." If they decided to cover the material they didn't cover in Anata wo Sagashi Ni, which they just left to the preview of episode 13 in episode 12, that alone would be one episode's worth. (And notice that they specifically avoided the details. Just sayin'.)

They could cover the White Rose and Yellow Rose dates from Anata wo Sagashi ni for sure. Both stories were great, and it's a shame they were dumped from season 4, but they had time/story constraints. They did what they had to.

After Anata wo Sagashi Ni, there's Bara no Kanmui, which is full of enough material that it could easily go two episodes or one 50-minute OVA. Lots of good stuff in there.

Kira Kira Mawaru is also chock full of good material, and would give you enough material for 2 eps/50 minutes. It follows up quickly on some of the threads in Bara no Kanmui.

Margaret/Ribon is a short story collection that takes place the day after that... dunno if they could or would do anything with that, as it's kind of all over the place. Maybe an episode or two, depending on interest. They could cherry-pick stories if they really wanted to, and make an OVA out of it, but I don't think they've turned previous short story collections into episodes before. They tend to skip those.

Oshaku-sama is the story of Yuuki and the Hanadera boys. I doubt they would do that, but you never know. (Haven't read it yet, so I don't know the details.)

I would assume that Before Graduation in Fine Scenery and Hello, Goodbye would also give you plenty of material. (I haven't read them completely yet, but I can't see how they couldn't get you at the very least the same 2 ep/50 minute bang for your buck.)

I would assume that both books would get the Heavy Hitter treatment, because they're building to/reaching the finale of the series.

I'm not so sure about a full 13-episode season. That would depend on who would produce it. If they decided to go back and pick up some of the stories they dumped to rush through season 4, you could make a 5th season of 13 episodes, filling in with some of the stories that got dumped. (Like Nana and Yoshino stalking Rei on her date with her 10 year old boyfriend, which was a hoot.) Or you could drag some books out, I suppose.

The thing is, there has been plenty of demand for the series-- enough for 4 iterations of it. If they think they can find enough demand to make a 5th season (either in OVA or 13-ep format) sell, they'll do it. If not, they won't. They're not dewy-eyed fanboys/fangirls, they're businesspeople.

And if not, hey, ep 13 is a nice way to go out. (But it's not by any means the end of the story.)
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