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Old 2010-09-15, 03:09   Link #4421
Ice Block
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Thanks for the answers. Very informative. So I suppose this:

is Accelerator as he recovers from the first Sweep?

Also, I remember the earlier spoilers said that Accelerator used Kazakiri's wings and/or attacks to attack Gabriel and defend himself (noting that Kazakiri's attacks were fully effective against Gabriel, unlike his Redirection). Could this be how he partially defended himself from Sweep?
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Old 2010-09-15, 03:24   Link #4422
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Originally Posted by Ice Block View Post
Thanks for the answers. Very informative. So I suppose this:

is Accelerator as he recovers from the first Sweep?

Also, I remember the earlier spoilers said that Accelerator used Kazakiri's wings and/or attacks to attack Gabriel and defend himself (noting that Kazakiri's attacks were fully effective against Gabriel, unlike his Redirection). Could this be how he partially defended himself from Sweep?
no, he just vectored to deflect sweep

i guess the spoilers got mixed up, Accelerator used the AIM in kazakiri's wings to knock her back with that first scouting attack

a possibility is that to kill gabriel Accel used Kazakiri's wings but we dont know yet seeing as chinese trans not out.
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Old 2010-09-15, 03:39   Link #4423
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Accel didn't use Kazakiri's wings to defend against Sweep. He used them to attack Gabriel and to defend against the energy explosion that happened when Gabriel was defeated.
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Old 2010-09-15, 04:38   Link #4424
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Putting them together side by side, you can see how this image is oddly similar to the one before...

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Old 2010-09-15, 08:59   Link #4425
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Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Putting them together side by side, you can see how this image is oddly similar to the one before...

I think all of we know who is going to be the next with the same pose .
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Old 2010-09-15, 10:42   Link #4426
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Originally Posted by Wilfriback View Post
I think all of we know who is going to be the next with the same pose .
Spoiler for Hmmm:

Is it safe for me to call vol 20 - 22 as the "Trinity Trio" (just something I thought on the spur of the moment lol) now?
I like to run portable on my dude, so I ran while running runs in my portably portable, dude-like dude.

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Old 2010-09-15, 13:55   Link #4427
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academic city goal

It has been already said in novels, that academic city is seeking something in Russia and i came up with a theory what it can be. But lets first sort out the possible objectives.

Rich material resources - this sounds fine but why would academic city need exactly Russia? There are better suited countries and more peaceful methods to do this.

Nuclear material - by taking this by whathever reasons, they would only enrage the rest of the world. And more important note - How would Aleister use radioactive material for his plan to get rid of magic?

lambskin - this is surely interesting piece of paper, but as for now it looks like its only meant for accelerator. And Aleister have all the knowledge he needs from Aiwass, so why bother with this?

Kremlin report - if i understand it correctly, this will bring victory to Russia, with the cost of many Russian lives. Academic city has no use for this.

Making accelerator stronger - this could be achieved without war.

This whole war was planed by higher ups from Academic City(and i bet Aleister is no exception), meaning there must be something specific that Aleister wants for his plan in Russia.
AIM - an involuntary movement, or as seen by magic side - demonic powers. Also Aiwass was called as DRAGON (reference to satan). So if i put demons + Russia together, i get this :
Kola Superdeep Borehole, you can find information about it on wikipedia or here is documentary video - (russian lang + czech subtitles). for those who dosnt know any of these languages, here is summary : 10km north of city Zapolyarniy in Russia was the deepest drilled hole
in the world (12.262 km), everything was fine until they get to 12 km, after that a accident followed by accident. The foreign scientifists claimed that they dug out something supernatural. When they crossing that depth, the SSSR falled appart. The newspapers said that "Not long before that in the huge depth one could hear sound similar to screechs and screems of hundreths of tortureds. Followed by a massive roar and explosion. From the pit jumped out something terrible, invisible to eye and because of that, even more terrifying." The public feared that down there is hell.
I know you can say that this hell theory sounds like "oh, come on, there cant be something like hell" but well, this goes with every religious theory. It would be interesting if Kazuma Kamachi used this idea in his novels
And if there is a hell in Toaruverse, maybe its filled with AIM and by connecting to it, Aleister could flood world with AIM...
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Old 2010-09-15, 14:05   Link #4428
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but isn't that theory doesn't only applied in russia? because it just meant that deep under the earth soil is hell.

though a pretty interesting theory.

I can only see the war as a gain because Touma is getting stronger from it, as well as accelerator. If you compare the growth of those two. Accelerator get's stronger a lot faster and Touma is moving on a slow and steady pace. And thanks to the strong enemy and war from england and now to russia. Touma gained valuable experience to the point that Aleister wants Touma to awaken. He might had leaked the info about Touma to personally drag his 3rd level 5 too russia and go meet with Touma. And knowing Touma know Mikoto. Getting his friends in danger would motivate and enrage him more into power.

And emotion in toaru verse is a powerful weapon.
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Old 2010-09-15, 17:37   Link #4429
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Originally Posted by zaeraal View Post
This whole war was planed by higher ups from Academic City(and i bet Aleister is no exception), meaning there must be something specific that Aleister wants for his plan in Russia.
AIM - an involuntary movement, or as seen by magic side - demonic powers. Also Aiwass was called as DRAGON (reference to satan). So if i put demons + Russia together, i get this :
Kola Superdeep Borehole, you can find information about it on wikipedia or here is documentary video - (russian lang + czech subtitles). for those who dosnt know any of these languages, here is summary : 10km north of city Zapolyarniy in Russia was the deepest drilled hole
in the world (12.262 km), everything was fine until they get to 12 km, after that a accident followed by accident. The foreign scientifists claimed that they dug out something supernatural. When they crossing that depth, the SSSR falled appart. The newspapers said that "Not long before that in the huge depth one could hear sound similar to screechs and screems of hundreths of tortureds. Followed by a massive roar and explosion. From the pit jumped out something terrible, invisible to eye and because of that, even more terrifying." The public feared that down there is hell.
I know you can say that this hell theory sounds like "oh, come on, there cant be something like hell" but well, this goes with every religious theory. It would be interesting if Kazuma Kamachi used this idea in his novels
And if there is a hell in Toaruverse, maybe its filled with AIM and by connecting to it, Aleister could flood world with AIM...

Funny you should mention this, I've was just watching a documentary on History Channel call 'Gates of Hell', which talk about six sites around the world that are supposedly actual entrances to Hell.
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Old 2010-09-15, 19:36   Link #4430
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Geez, I didn't know that XD
Who would have thought the gate to Hell was in Russia, lol :P
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Old 2010-09-16, 01:46   Link #4431
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Here's a summary of the rest of Ch8 (only one last part, a 'battle report' left until the whole of Vol21's translated, yay! )

Ch8 pt8: Touma broke the core that's anchoring Misha in this world, and Acqua drained 50% of Misha's power. Misha then got pwnt by Accel and Kazakiri, but before it went down it lost the ability to keep its shape and collapsed into a sphere and is about to self-destruct. Accel now relies on a new philosophy (ie the one he found after being beaten by Touma again, to protect the one person he wants to protect no matter what, even if that is only a fantasy he's willing to overturn reality to make it happen) to release his power instead of his black wings, and Kazakiri gave all her power to Accel for him to manipulate a barrier to stop the sphere of light exploding.

Acqua collapsed and let go of his Ascalon. His body is totally messed up and he lost his ability to perform magic. He doesn't have long to live, but he's satisfied he'll be taking Misha down with him. Acqua's only dream is for everyone to smile in the distant future, and to him it doesn't matter if he's in that future or not - as long as that future happens it's his victory. Shiage and Rikou came across him while they are trying to stop the biological attack from Russian Military, and Shiage asked Rikou to heal Acqua as they took out some bandages. Acqua asked them to stop, as on the battlefield resources are limited and those can be better used by saving someone else, to which Shiage just told him to shut up. Acqua continued saying he achieved what he came to do, and they should just leave. Shiage then replied in a pained voice, "What about the ones waiting for you to come back?", and Acqua froze up. Shiage continued saying Acqua has saved so many people, just like when he came to save that village and him, there's no way he'll be alone as those people follow in his footsteps; so what about everyone he'll leave behind? The narrative said Shiage's words are like nails pinning Acqua down, preventing Acqua from sliding off into oblivion. Acqua flashes back to many people, the Knight Leader, the ones he saved, and most importantly - 3rd Princess Villian.
Shiage grabbed Acqua by his collar and yelled at him to stand up. Blood spurted out as Acqua tried; he may have lost all his abilities as a Saint and one of the God's Right Seat, but even now as a "Ordinary Human" he clenched his teeth to stand back up.

Ch8 pt9: Fiamma has acquired the info on the lambskin Accel has, as Misha's senses allowed him to read what's on the lambskin before without having to get his hands on it. Fiamma launched a long distance attack towards Touma who is 5Km away, but was negated by Imagine Breaker. Fiamma then used Instant Movement to move to where Touma is, and found Sasha has been buried under the rubble after his attack. Fiamma said it's time for Touma to hand his right hand over. Touma replied now that the Misha is gone, the scales have tipped towards their favour now that humans have defeated a Archangel. Fiamma pointed to the sky - where even after Misha is gone it's still dark as night.

Fiamma revealed all he wanted Misha to do was unleash this night sky. Like the 'Croce di Pietro' (aka St. Peter's Cross, see Vol9-10), Fiamma plans to unleash a grand magic that relies on the stars, and he's artifically created the conditions for his next spell to work.
The 'Star of Bethlehem' (the actual star, not this fortress), legend stated prophets knew the Son of God has been born due to that sign, and Fiamma's merely using a magic based on that legend. Fiamma boasted from the moment this fortress has started to float up in the sky, he has already won. Also, everything Fiamma has done, such as gaining control over Index Librorum Prohibitum, starting World War 3, making this fortress float, is all for getting Touma's Right Hand.

As artificial stars started to cover the night sky, flying out from the floating fortress, Fiamma stated now he would have achieved enormous power - if it weren't for the fact this world have been 'distorted'. Killing Intent flowed out from Fiamma, something huge is writhing inside his 3rd arm, as he stated it's time for Touma to see what 'true power' really is and for this world to be set straight.

My comments:
- Villian x Acqua is pretty much sorted as a couple - for once Touma didn't get a girl he came in contact with =P
- IMO Fiamma is about to go One Winged Angel on Touma - this WILL be good xD
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Old 2010-09-16, 07:45   Link #4432
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On the guess that Fiamma's going OWA, don't those villains (no pun intended, stupid typo) learn their lessons or something?

Anyway, starting on Volume 11 Chap 1. Will link it when I'm done with the second part.

Last edited by Hell_ping; 2010-09-16 at 12:13.
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Old 2010-09-16, 08:45   Link #4433
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Originally Posted by Flere821 View Post
My comments:
- Villian x Acqua is pretty much sorted as a couple - for once Touma didn't get a girl he came in contact with =P
- IMO Fiamma is about to go One Winged Angel on Touma - this WILL be good xD
Well Touma isn't the one who rescued Villian. It's Aqua and toaruverse states that the one who save the girl/princess wins her heart

October 2010 would rock my world. I can't wait for it...... VOL 22!!!!
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Old 2010-09-16, 09:51   Link #4434
Ava courtesy of patchy
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Wow. Hope Acqua will at least manage to get some of his power back XD. A nerf is still okay, but to lose all his power? What a waste of superman XD. Did the novel say anything whether his power loss is temporary or permanent?
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Old 2010-09-16, 11:21   Link #4435
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IMO, it seems to be permanent, first he lost Divine Mother's Mercy on his fight against Amakusa and he didn't recovered from that, now that he lost all his power the chances of recovering are low, but then, again, who is the person who has the overwhelming knowledge which is the hope for people like Accelerator? I wouldn't be surprised if Index can bring her knowledge to make Acqua to recover at least his status as a saint.
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Old 2010-09-16, 12:13   Link #4436
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IMO, I don't really want Acqua to lose his powers permanently. Unless this is the author's way of including someone who was once powerful but lost his power, which Shiage fits somewhat. (Accelerator doesn't count because he somewhat gained more powerful, though with time limit). This could be interesting, but then again, who needs powers when 'love conquers all' (Looking at you, Villian, spent so much time on TAMnI that I forgot how to write 'villain'...)

40%, Volume 11 Chapter 1.
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Old 2010-09-16, 12:34   Link #4437
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Erm hi im new here.

I know this is seriously random judging by how far the light novel had gone ahead of the anime, but is Misaka Mikoto still active in this manga or has she slowly disappeared into some side character for comical relief?

Before anyone here says im a fanboy, i'll admit I am ;D

Another thing I'll like to have some opinion if this light novel series is worth reading or should I just wait for the anime release?
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Old 2010-09-16, 13:02   Link #4438
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Originally Posted by Teh_Ping View Post
IMO, I don't really want Acqua to lose his powers permanently. Unless this is the author's way of including someone who was once powerful but lost his power, which Shiage fits somewhat. (Accelerator doesn't count because he somewhat gained more powerful, though with time limit). This could be interesting, but then again, who needs powers when 'love conquers all' (Looking at you, Villian, spent so much time on TAMnI that I forgot how to write 'villain'...
That remindsme I was typing Villain instead Villian a time back , Acque the guy is enough worth to return back with some recover of his powers, maybe not as full as he was on the begin but enough to keep his badassness.

Originally Posted by Teh_Ping View Post
That second part makes me think, what an idiot, has Touma become masochist for Index? LOL

Originally Posted by Methias View Post
Erm hi im new here.
Welcome to the forums.

I know this is seriously random judging by how far the light novel had gone ahead of the anime, but is Misaka Mikoto still active in this manga or has she slowly disappeared into some side character for comical relief?

Before anyone here says im a fanboy, i'll admit I am ;D
- Index first season cover 6 of 22 novels + 2 SS novels.
- Mikoto is active on Railgun manga, she is the protagonist of that series afterall.
- In Index manga, still is at the last arc of the anime.
- In Index novels there ire laps of time where she doesn't appear at all, when it comes events related to magic or is just a supporting character(Vol.8 for example). I think her doing are being saved to feature them on Railgun manga.

Another thing I'll like to have some opinion if this light novel series is worth reading or should I just wait for the anime release?
It depend if your tastes involves reading text or just watching people moving.

Last edited by Miraluka; 2010-09-24 at 13:05.
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Old 2010-09-16, 15:20   Link #4439
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Erm hi im new here.

I know this is seriously random judging by how far the light novel had gone ahead of the anime, but is Misaka Mikoto still active in this manga or has she slowly disappeared into some side character for comical relief?

Before anyone here says im a fanboy, i'll admit I am ;D

Another thing I'll like to have some opinion if this light novel series is worth reading or should I just wait for the anime release?
Misaka is a side character in Index. She still appears from time to time.

And seriously, she has her own freaking spinoff. I really don't need to see more of her (no offense, but I don't like her that much).

I'd say go for both. I think Index is best enjoyed in novel form but the anime is also awesome.
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Old 2010-09-16, 17:38   Link #4440
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If you like Misaka Mikoto then stay away from the novel. You wouldn't see her much on it aside from the between the lines or something which I forget what's the name of that part. But that's the near ending of each chapter.

We rarely see her on the novel and as of now she's also in russia and still finding touma but if she did find touma what would she do? his enemy is an archangel class and an overkill magician Fianma of right of the god's right seat.

Vol 22 is the epic battle between Fianma and Touma and I can't wait too see how it would be. Though I think Mikoto would fight Mugino even though Mugino already found Shiage and Rikou. Shiage might be cool with his gun but a yandere Mugino would be tough to handle.

Thanks for the new translation on Vol 11. And I decide to stop reading the novel and wait for Teh_Ping bro to translate it. I stop reading on the end of chapter one.
I would like to try Utsuru no Hako so it's great the Teh_Ping is doing vol 11 so I had tiem on other novel to read.

I think Aqua should recover his powers. Well enough for him to cast magic because his totally wasted now to the point he can't even cast spells now.
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