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Old 2012-07-02, 23:32   Link #4521
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Thanks so much Ikuzemina. That answers a lot. Sorry for the belated "thank you." I would keep checking up on my post, unaware that you answer was on the next page, and being completely dense and unfamiliar with this site, I didn't even bother to look at the bottom to see that a new page of posts had continued on. Oops. Again, thanks so much for taking the time to answer.

Uh....^^;;;; I kinda have more. Anyone else, please feel free to chime in:

1. Concerning the implication of Duo JR.'s paternity: I've read on both wikia and tv tropes that Hilde denies that Duo JR is hers and Duo's son, and that Duo JR is the love child b/t "Father" and one of his man women. When she says "Father" (and always with a capital "F"), does she mean Duo Sr. or that the previous Priest that gave the church to her was sleeping around? @_@

2. Just to confirm, Hilde is dead right? Has there been any reaction and reminiscing from Duo Sr. and Duo Jr? Considering how much they've bastardized Duo Sr, I wouldn't be surprised if Sumizawa didn't even bother to give him a reaction. =.= (sigh)

3. Is Duo Sr. or "Father" even likeable anymore?

4. Any info on how Hilde died? We know she was researching Nano tech on the PPP and trying to find a cure for it right and fans are probably guessing she was close to one and that was when she was offed?

5. I also read on Tv tropes that Relena has in fact been brainwashed with PPP but she's showing signs of fighting it. At last! ONE part of the plot I like. I LOVE that she is brainwash b/c one can do so much with it. However, with sumizawa's track record, I won't hold my breath=.=. Anyway, my actual question: if she's brainwashed, does that mean Zechs, NOin and their kids are brainwashed as well if they are on her side? Do they know she's brainwashed?

6. In fact, do the GW pilots know she's brainwashed? And if they do, why would they try to kill her knowing she's not in control of her actions? Are they just trying to kill her b/c that's the most easiest way to achieve their goals? Or are they in fact trying to find a cure at the same time?

7. I keep reading that Heero cried at the mention of having to kill Relena. Can someone summarize that scene for me? Sounds touching. Also, any other 1xR moments?

8. Any mention of Dorothy? How's she doing?
(sigh) Like they say, the more you know, the more confused you get.^^;;;;
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Old 2012-07-03, 00:29   Link #4522
Tendou Souji
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1. Duo is called Father because he uses the guise of a priest to hide the fact that he is a bounty hunter. Hilde says that Duo was sleeping around.

2. Hilde is alive. Jr and Naina talk about her as if she is alive when they fight Father says that he has nothing to say to her. Duo hasn't been bastardized. People need to realize that people grow up and don't stay the same. He is beat up by life.

3. Duo is still likable and has great insight. All of the original characters are still likable. Just mature.

5. Relena isn't brainwashed. I don't know where this info came from.

7. Heero didn't "cry". After Trowa and Catherine were going to self destruct the ship Heero stopped them and told them to let themselves be captured because it would get him closer to Relena and that would make killing her easier. He shed one tear.

8. iirc Dorothy is president of Earth.
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Old 2012-07-03, 00:43   Link #4523
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I don't like the playboy angle. Duo wasn't sleeping around in Wing or Endless Waltz and wasn't trying to get in every girls pants. So it was a very sudden change to many that after he gets with Hilde he suddenly starts banging the entire galaxy and drops a kid on her lap.
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Old 2012-07-03, 01:08   Link #4524
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Originally Posted by Tendou Souji View Post

2. Hilde is alive. Jr and Naina talk about her as if she is alive when they fight Father says that he has nothing to say to her. Duo hasn't been bastardized. People need to realize that people grow up and don't stay the same. He is beat up by life.

3. Duo is still likable and has great insight. All of the original characters are still likable. Just mature.

5. Relena isn't brainwashed. I don't know where this info came from.
Whether Duo has been bastardized or not is left to opinion. However fans have the right to express discontent if they see things are out of whack with a story they love so much. Duo was never the golden child of morals but its still disconcerting to hear he married Hilde for money, continues to leave her while also piling a huge wad of debt on her. Its upsetting especially when Hilde was the one that took him in during and after the war and gave him a home, a job, her friendship, and eventually her love. I don't care what demons you're dealing with, if you're half decent person, you don't do that to someone you care about. I can forgive the constant breaking up, but then gold digging your ex and burdening them with debt is a huge no no for me.

Also, why does Duo have nothing to say to Hilde? I'm guessing it implies he's pissed at her? If he is, what for? Is Hilde still working at the church and doing the PPP research?

As for Relena, I read this on the tv tropes website under her profile. The trope she was labeled with was "Brainwashed and Crazy." It reads: "Brainwashed and Crazy: In Frozen Teardrop, the villains infected her with nanomachines as part of their "Perfect Peace Program", intended to force people to be peaceful by removing their capacity for violence. They also apparently made her their public face, much like Romefeller tried during the show. There seem to be some signs that she's fighting back, however."

When Relena woke up, was she not programmed with a set of new memories? Kind of like Heero?

I know that Dorothy is President and that she was the one that sent Kathy Po on her mission. Any news or scenes with her thus far?
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Old 2012-07-03, 01:15   Link #4525
Tendou Souji
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That isn't what happened at all. Duo wasn't sleeping around in Wing or Endless Waltz because he was in the middle of a war. He was 15 and then 17-18. He spent too much time hiding and being on the run. He didn't have time to sleep around but he possibly could have been hooking up with Hilde when they were living together in Wing or Endless Waltz. Duo also felt that during the time Jr was conceived he was with Hilde and not cheating on her.
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Old 2012-07-03, 01:21   Link #4526
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So, Tendou Souji, if I'm getting things clear, what you're saying is that Duo never slept around (w/ or w/o Hilde), and that his promiscuity is only something Hilde is accusing him of? Is that correct?

Also Destined Fate, you mentioned on page 217 about Hilde's 'looming death.' What did you mean by that? The story is heavily hinting that she will die eventually?
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Old 2012-07-03, 01:50   Link #4527
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That's a trade secret. Though this is Wing, "death" isn't really all that permanent unless you're Trieze. So even with a looming death over her Hilde could easily show up again like nothing happen just like many other characters have. Just like Heero saying "I'll kill you" has literally no meaning since he recants on it so many times.

Originally Posted by Tendou Souji View Post
That isn't what happened at all. Duo wasn't sleeping around in Wing or Endless Waltz because he was in the middle of a war. He was 15 and then 17-18. He spent too much time hiding and being on the run. He didn't have time to sleep around but he possibly could have been hooking up with Hilde when they were living together in Wing or Endless Waltz. Duo also felt that during the time Jr was conceived he was with Hilde and not cheating on her.
Hilde says Jr. just showed up one day at her doorstep. Kinda strange if she's the Mother to make up such a story though I wouldn't blame her, Duo is the worst father by far. Taking money from Hilde, leaving her in debt, not even caring if she dies, and leaving a child to be raised all by herself while he's banging the galaxy.

Hilde really got the short end of the stick in FT.

At least Noin's husband didn't end up a deadbeat jerk.
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Old 2012-07-03, 01:55   Link #4528
Rising Dragon
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Well, while I do appreciate the idea of the Gundam pilots being left really messed up by their tribulations in in the Eve Wars, we should remember this:

This story, with all of its severe characterization discrepancies for returning characters, is being written by the guy who was thrown out of Gundam Wing's development team. Frozen Teardrop is probably a good insight as to why Sumisawa was fired.
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Old 2012-07-03, 02:10   Link #4529
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Originally Posted by Tendou Souji View Post
That isn't what happened at all. Duo wasn't sleeping around in Wing or Endless Waltz because he was in the middle of a war. He was 15 and then 17-18. He spent too much time hiding and being on the run. He didn't have time to sleep around but he possibly could have been hooking up with Hilde when they were living together in Wing or Endless Waltz. Duo also felt that during the time Jr was conceived he was with Hilde and not cheating on her.
Whether any of the pilots had the time or not to sleep around isn't what's in question. The issue is that we have an established secondary character in a story acting out in a strange manner that doesn't fit into his persona. The biggest issue is the way he treats Hilde. In the series he is very kind and forgiving... to a fault even. I don't recall exactly where he saids it, but at some point he mentions that he wants to help people and not have them suffer. And then in FT he does exactly that to Hilde, the woman he supposedly loves.
There was never a great talent without a bit of insanity.

I don't think I've ever seen so much nonsense in so little space. -FalsePrime

Stone Age man attempted to draw movement on cave walls by drawing mammoths with multiple legs. The artists worked until their eyes went bad, they got no pay, no credit, and they were eventually eaten by wild animals. Animation was born! - Tom Sito

And as the Black Beast lurched forward, escape for Arthur and his knights seemed hopeless, when suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack! The cartoon peril was no more. The quest for the Holy Grail could continue. - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Last edited by Eeni; 2012-07-03 at 03:49.
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Old 2012-07-03, 02:21   Link #4530
Tendou Souji
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Originally Posted by Purdys99 View Post
Whether Duo has been bastardized or not is left to opinion. However fans have the right to express discontent if they see things are out of whack with a story they love so much. Duo was never the golden child of morals but its still disconcerting to hear he married Hilde for money, continues to leave her while also piling a huge wad of debt on her. Its upsetting especially when Hilde was the one that took him in during and after the war and gave him a home, a job, her friendship, and eventually her love. I don't care what demons you're dealing with, if you're half a decent person, you don't do that to someone you care about. I can forgive the constant breaking up, but then gold digging your ex and burdening them with debt is a huge no no for me.
Duo said that he wanted Hilde to leave him. He wanted her to find a middle class guy to marry so that she could be happy but she was still stuck on him. He constantly sends her money from his bounty hunting and gambling. The guy felt his life had no meaning. He had been fighting since he was a small child and then war was suddenly over and everything was peaceful. Fighting was basically all he knew. Soldiers go through stuff like that in real life all the time and they don't start being soldiers until 18+. Duo had his church blow up when he was like 10 and then was a weapon until he was 18. He even felt that he probably should have been frozen like Heero.

BTW from what I recall Duo did marry Hilde for money but not directly like people imply. Basically after Duo's motorcycle accident he tried to contact Trowa and Catherine to help him out but they weren't on Mars yet. He had huge bills due to how long he was in the hospital. Hilde ended up showing up because a circus contacted her about him. She paid his bills and told him she didn't want him to pay her back. This is a few years after they broke up and hadn't seen each other for a while. Duo ends up staying with her due to how lonely he was. He did work and everything and wanted to rebuild his bike. He found the frame in the junkyard but the engine was being sold for a ton of money. He wanted to get it legit so he did honest work like being a bouncer.

The price on the engine kept going up so he had to keep working harder. He got his piggy bank up and Hilde went off on him and broke it and took the money because she said it was a fee for having to put up with him for so long. Instead of letting her take the money he impulsively asked her to marry him. He told her he'd forget about women, cigarettes, alcohol, give up his name and even cut his hair. He expected her to reject him and laugh but she agreed. Anyway they got married but Duo didn't take her money. He continued to work on his own to get his bike parts. He was legit for a few months then did some illegal stuff. He married her basically to keep her from taking his money and when he got enough to fix his bike he left for a year which is 2 Earth years. But he honestly was working so hard he forgot he was married when he was leaving.

Duo's debt wasn't originally his own. Basically the owner of the church Hilde now runs was in debt to Duo. He died while Duo was gone and left the church to him. The problem was that the church was in debt itself. So since Hilde and Duo were married the debt was now hers too. When Duo came back she demanded a divorce and broke his arm so they got one. Hilde made Duo write and IOU to repay the debt and then made him leave after giving him the name Father Maxwell and his new clothes.

Also, why does Duo have nothing to say to Hilde? I'm guessing it implies he's pissed at her? If he is, what for? Is Hilde still working at the church and doing the PPP research?
I think it was because he felt bad about how he treated her.

As for Relena, I read this on the tv tropes website under her profile. The trope she was labeled with was "Brainwashed and Crazy." It reads: "Brainwashed and Crazy: In Frozen Teardrop, the villains infected her with nanomachines as part of their "Perfect Peace Program", intended to force people to be peaceful by removing their capacity for violence. They also apparently made her their public face, much like Romefeller tried during the show. There seem to be some signs that she's fighting back, however."

When Relena woke up, was she not programmed with a set of new memories? Kind of like Heero?

I know that Dorothy is President and that she was the one that sent Kathy Po on her mission. Any news or scenes with her thus far?
Relena stuff is completely wrong.
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Old 2012-07-03, 03:58   Link #4531
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Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
Well, while I do appreciate the idea of the Gundam pilots being left really messed up by their tribulations in in the Eve Wars, we should remember this:

This story, with all of its severe characterization discrepancies for returning characters, is being written by the guy who was thrown out of Gundam Wing's development team. Frozen Teardrop is probably a good insight as to why Sumisawa was fired.
Wow. Just wow. If that is true, that just explains SO MUCH. That's hilarious.

Where did you get this incredibly insightful tidbit? What's your source?
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Old 2012-07-03, 04:30   Link #4532
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Tendou Souji, please don't take this to offense. I'm not insulting you here. It just seems that you have a different interpretation of FT, so if anyone can chime in and give me a different opinion or confirm Tendou's info, it would be much appreciated.

Originally Posted by Tendou Souji View Post
But he honestly was working so hard he forgot he was married when he was leaving.
.....Uh, are you kidding me? Maybe you mistyped this sentence. At least I HOPE you mistyped this sentence. Are you actually saying he FORGOT that he was MARRIED?!?! Unless he suffered another accident and got severe brain damaged or was brainwashed, there is no way he forgot that he was married.

The dude LEFT her. He didn't forget anything.

And if he did honestly forget, are we suppose to feel sorry for him? o.O

Originally Posted by Tendou Souji View Post
Duo's debt wasn't originally his own. Basically the owner of the church Hilde now runs was in debt to Duo. He died while Duo was gone and left the church to him. The problem was that the church was in debt itself. So since Hilde and Duo were married the debt was now hers too. When Duo came back she demanded a divorce and broke his arm so they got one. Hilde made Duo write and IOU to repay the debt and then made him leave after giving him the name Father Maxwell and his new clothes.
From other sources I've read, on top of the church's debt, when Duo finally came back, he also had debt of his own (I read this on his Wikia profile).

Originally Posted by Tendou Souji View Post
She paid his bills and told him she didn't want him to pay her back.
And then you said:

Originally Posted by Tendou Souji View Post
He got his piggy bank up and Hilde went off on him and broke it and took the money because she said it was a fee for having to put up with him for so long. Instead of letting her take the money he impulsively asked her to marry him. He told her he'd forget about women, cigarettes, alcohol, give up his name and even cut his hair. He expected her to reject him and laugh but she agreed.
So Hilde goes from saying "You don't have to pay me back" to suddenly stealing his money? o.O And then instead of taking back what is rightfully his, he 'impulsively' marries her? What the hell is going on in this story?! Are you sure you got your details straight? Duo is suppose to be this street smart rogue with excellent hacking and thievery skills. If Hilde was honestly stealing from him, he would've just stolen it back through trickery and hacking if he had to. He wouldn't freaking marry her. What kind of an excuse is that?

I know Sumizawa isn't a great writer but even he can't be that bad. I'm not trying to undermine you Tendou Souji, but can anyone else support these details? It seems a few have already disagreed with your interpretation of FT's events. I just want confirmation, that's all.

Also, though Relena is NOT brainwashed, wasn't she implemented with new set of memories like Heero was? Does she still remember her own past from the tv series and EW, Heero and everyone?

Does Heero remember who Relena is and their history?

I read a long time ago that Heero didn't remember Relena at all. True or False?
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Old 2012-07-03, 10:32   Link #4533
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Originally Posted by Purdys99 View Post

I know Sumizawa isn't a great writer but even he can't be that bad. I'm not trying to undermine you Tendou Souji, but can anyone else support these details? It seems a few have already disagreed with your interpretation of FT's events. I just want confirmation, that's all.
Yeah. The thing that bothers me the most is that Sumisawa got fired... but then he came back, and made Episode Zero, which is epic. What the hell is wring with him? It's like he wants things to go bad... before they can be good again? That's my hope.

Originally Posted by Purdys99 View Post
Also, though Relena is NOT brainwashed, wasn't she implemented with new set of memories like Heero was? Does she still remember her own past from the tv series and EW, Heero and everyone?

Does Heero remember who Relena is and their history?

I read a long time ago that Heero didn't remember Relena at all. True or False?
We don't know actually what Heero does and doesn't remember. We don't know which memories were used in Relena (I think... am I wrong? I don't remember), except for the fact that she started watching the memories of Treize's past (I think that's it).
When Relena meets Heero (through a video screen), she gets emotional and says she misses him. So, she remembers him and probably her past. But he's in the middle of a fight, so he (a little rudely) asks her to get to the point. She asks him to kill her, and he accepts his mission.

And Heero sheds a tear when Kathy asks him if he can kill Relena. I guess he remembers her also.

What do you know about the PPP?
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Old 2012-07-03, 11:59   Link #4534
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Originally Posted by Destined_Fate View Post
At least Noin's husband didn't end up a deadbeat jerk.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if zechs cheated on Noin, had a mid life crisis or something. Seriously Noins family is nuts, and exploiting the peacecraft name. And if Zechs did i really hope he has another kid hidden some where with the wyvern.

fanfic anyone lol
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Old 2012-07-03, 12:03   Link #4535
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Originally Posted by Mkam View Post
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if zechs cheated on Noin, had a mid life crisis or something. Seriously Noins family is nuts, and exploiting the peacecraft name. And if Zechs did i really hope he has another kid hidden some where with the wyvern.

fanfic anyone lol
dude, I kinda see duo "cheating" (he stopped having, or never had anything official with Hilde, therefore it is quoted), but I really don't want to see Zechs cheating on Noin... perhaps if it was something before the Eve Wars, but in these new circumstances, I wanna hold to whatever little innocence is left on the LN
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Old 2012-07-03, 12:14   Link #4536
Deacon Blues
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I think a lot of it has to do with the tone of the characters being misrepresented, that's all. Back when I released the prologue, I tried keeping the tone similar to what people were familiar with based on the characters.

So why do people fight, anyway?
Perhaps the meaning of existence lies within their will to fight.
People feel a sense of accomplishment through battle.
And it’s also a fact that the ones actually fighting are never perceived as being tainted.
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Old 2012-07-03, 12:54   Link #4537
Tendou Souji
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Originally Posted by Purdys99 View Post
Tendou Souji, please don't take this to offense. I'm not insulting you here. It just seems that you have a different interpretation of FT, so if anyone can chime in and give me a different opinion or confirm Tendou's info, it would be much appreciated.

.....Uh, are you kidding me? Maybe you mistyped this sentence. At least I HOPE you mistyped this sentence. Are you actually saying he FORGOT that he was MARRIED?!?! Unless he suffered another accident and got severe brain damaged or was brainwashed, there is no way he forgot that he was married.

The dude LEFT her. He didn't forget anything.

And if he did honestly forget, are we suppose to feel sorry for him? o.O

From other sources I've read, on top of the church's debt, when Duo finally came back, he also had debt of his own (I read this on his Wikia profile).

And then you said:

So Hilde goes from saying "You don't have to pay me back" to suddenly stealing his money? o.O And then instead of taking back what is rightfully his, he 'impulsively' marries her? What the hell is going on in this story?! Are you sure you got your details straight? Duo is suppose to be this street smart rogue with excellent hacking and thievery skills. If Hilde was honestly stealing from him, he would've just stolen it back through trickery and hacking if he had to. He wouldn't freaking marry her. What kind of an excuse is that?

I know Sumizawa isn't a great writer but even he can't be that bad. I'm not trying to undermine you Tendou Souji, but can anyone else support these details? It seems a few have already disagreed with your interpretation of FT's events. I just want confirmation, that's all.

Also, though Relena is NOT brainwashed, wasn't she implemented with new set of memories like Heero was? Does she still remember her own past from the tv series and EW, Heero and everyone?

Does Heero remember who Relena is and their history?

I read a long time ago that Heero didn't remember Relena at all. True or False?
Like I've been saying. Most information around the internet is incorrect. Period. People have spread misinformation around the internet and taken it as fact. Relena and Heero have all of their memories and have had a conversation. Heero has interacted with all of the previous Gundam pilots. When Heero was woken up Wufei asked him if he remembered his promise to never kill again and Heero said he did. Heero called Kathy a mini Sally, knew Jr was Duo's son, Recognized Trowa, Duo, Wufei and Quatre. When Jr complained about having to fight 20 MD Heero said that his father could do it with his eyes closed. Heero has bis memories. He and Relena had a conversation when he was fighting in Snow White. Relena has her memories too. Qautrine took Relena's adopted mother to see her and they had a great reunion full of tears and all that. I have a different interpretation because unlike 99% of the people who talk about Frozen Teardrop I have actually read it. I'm not going by secondhand information. I'm going by what I have read. I'm the one who wrote that summary of the Mars plot which was taken from /m/ and put here. The same summary which lists all of the MS and their reveal armaments.

A decent amount of time passed between Duo getting out the hospital and Hilde taking the money. She didn't invite him to live with her. He followed her. He was living rent free basically and she was sick of it. She loves him so she didn't boot him out. He makes it perfectly clear that she could do much better than him but she stays with him. He wanted her to marry up so she could be happy but even after the divorce she was still stuck up on him. He really did forget he was married. It wasn't a happy lovey marriage. It was basically like a marriage that people get for citizenship. Duo wasn't serious but she was. There wasn't even a big ceremony. Duo had the guy in charge of the church do it for nearly free. Duo was too busy worrying about his bike so he could get on the road again. When he finally came back and saw her he suddenly remembered and felt bad. He wouldn't steal from Hilde. He didn't want to steal from anyone to rebuild his bike. He wanted to rebuild it legit but the dealer with the engine kept raising the price. Duo's face was too known because of his illegal gambling so it was hard for him to get a legit job. So he started using his other skills to get the money. But again, he wouldn't steal from Hilde.

You don't have to believe me. You can ask for other opinions but know that when someone who has read it comes along they will back me.
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Old 2012-07-03, 15:28   Link #4538
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Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
This story, with all of its severe characterization discrepancies for returning characters, is being written by the guy who was thrown out of Gundam Wing's development team. Frozen Teardrop is probably a good insight as to why Sumisawa was fired.
Haha, I'm certainly inclined to blame the weirdness that is episode 4 on him. But let's give credit where credit is due. He did write Episode Zero and it's pretty dang good. And although FT is a mess, GoL had been pretty enjoyable, too so far.

As for Purdy's questions:

1. Yup, both Duo and Hilde deny that Duo Jr. is their son. Hilde claims to think one of Duo's women had him and Duo himself disaffirms it when the kid asks him. For some reason he still introduces him as his son in the beginning of FT though.

2+4. The rumor (because without any confirmation, that's what it is right now) sprung up from the first chapters when Duo aka Father Maxwell apologized for his son's foul behavior and said it was because ever since the child's mother died, he had to raise him by himself. Whether Hilde is alive or not is not clear. At least I don't remember it being made clear.

During the chapters happening in the present, Quatrine makes some stupid comments about Duo delivering a message to Hilde but Duo says it's common knowledge that "the way [he is] now, [he has] no reason to say anything to Hilde." Taking into account that Quatrine was talking as if Hilde were still alive and that thanks to their disastrous relationship Hilde is pissed as all heck at Duo, hence why Duo likely couldn't talk to her, it has been taken as a sign that she may in fact be alive still.

Her researching the PPP may have gotten her on the Neuenheim's hit list but as I said, the way Quatrine and Duo talked about Hilde makes it sound that at most, she faked her death to avoid persuasion. But this is just my personal speculation, not fact.

3. Haha, that's highly subjective. When he's being a cool, old, smart guy he's likeable alright but in the chapters in which his past is explained, I feel "bastardization" is literally the most fitting word. It's not the playboy thing or even the horrid emoness going on (though both is annoying). As Eeni already said, the way he treats Hilde and others is what bugs me most. Here's the link, in case you want to judge yourself.

I just reread those two chapters and confirm that Tendou's summary is very much spot on. Duo saved up money to buy the engine and Hilde took it because she was apparently worried he'd go blow himself up again, so on the spur of the moment he proposed to her. For whatever reason. And she agreed to marry him because he'd cut his braid. For whatever reason. So they marry, Duo saves up enough cash to buy and assemble his bike and once he's done, he drives off. Seriously. It goes something like this:

Duo: "Woohoo! Mars, here I come!" *drives off* "Hm, I have the nagging feeling I'm forgetting something..."
-somewhere a woman screaming "YOU IDIOT!" is heard-
Duo: *shrugs* "Ah well, if it's important I'll remember."

The only debt he incurred was the church's and that he wasn't aware of until he returned from his two year long trip. And this is one part that really pisses me off.
Duo comes back and decides to not even stop by Hilde's because he "didn't need anything from her place" and instead goes to the old church. There, he spots Hilde taking care of a bunch of orphans and once Hilde sees him, he finds himself with his face in the dirt and Hilde ready to break his arm. Although Hilde is portrayed as a shrieking harpy throughout the chaps, this time I'm actually with her.
Anyway, so Duo asks what's going on and Hilde is kind enough to explain that since she's married to him, the church and its debts the old priest bequeathed to him are hers as well and demands a divorce. Duo curses, having apparently forgotten they were married. He then asks her why she didn't just divorce herself and Hilde promptly breaks his arm, yelling at him how she couldn't just leave the orphaned children to fend for themselves. Duo actually has the audacity to go "why not?" and Hilde is as shocked as I am that he'd even suggest it. In the end he signs all the papers she places in front of him, lets him heal up at the church and sends him off to collect money.

This is one time FT!Duo is being a complete bastard. The other time is when he proposes to Hilde and cuts his braid off. I can't believe a guy like Duo, who is laden with mementos of his beloved ones, would "sever his past" just to buy a freaking bike.

Spoiler for FT excerpt:

What the f- Where did this come from?! You give up what connects you to the closest thing to a family you ever had and what defines your entire existence to get a stinking bike?! Nevermind that your girlfriend demands this. I'm sorry but I strongly disagree with anyone who claims this behavior to be in character for Duo. There's just no. freaking. way. How can Sumizawa spit on his own Episode Zero like that? Honestly, the nerve...

Ahem. So, is Duo Sr. likeable? If you ask me, bar these two chaps, yes. With them? Heck no.

Though I did crack up pretty hard at Duo's comment when Trowa and Catherine found him after his accident and helped him, knocking him all the while. While Duo was glad they'd bring him to a hospital, he was even more relieved that Trowa didn't have Heavyarms. He feared getting Heero's treatment. xD

5. With all due respect, Purdy, never take whatever is written in TV Tropes as fact. It's as respectable a source as the rabid GW yaoi fangirls back in the day.
As Tendou said, she wasn't brainwashed but her defrosting didn't go as well as Heero's. Zechs himself says that she's a hostage of the Neuenheim Konzern but that she's fighting back. Noin is acting as her bodyguard while I have no idea what her kids are doing. They probably inherited being a little messed up in the head from their father...

Though considering how there was a faulty defrosting mentioned in the early chapters, I can understand that rumor. Here's the excerpt of Relena talking to Duo:

“What about Heero?” Relena was staring straight at me. “His awakening was successful, wasn't it?”

“Yup... his comprehension is way better than yours.”
I guess brain damage is to be expected if Treize's mom making out with him is loaded into someone's brain. xD It certainly would explain why Relena randomly shows up in places to throw a tea party and ask to be killed.

6. They should be aware of her recollection. As for their reason to want her dead, dude, I have no idea. You'd think doing research on nano tech would bear better results than killing Relena in terms of finding a cure for the PPP. Heck, all she does is advocate peace on Mars, I really don't see anything wrong with that. Why Dorothy and the pilots would want her dead aside from rehashing an age-old plot point is beyond me.

7. Haha, it would be easier if you just read the chapters. Nonetheless, here's what you asked for:

#1 (from Duo's perspective)
Spoiler for Heero and Relena meet (sort of):

And #2 (from Trowa's perspective)
Spoiler for Catherine asks if Heero can really kill Relena:

8. Dorothy was mentioned once in the beginning and a few times during the AC history stuff. But other than knowing that she's ESUN's president, we still have to learn anything about her in MC.

Whew, this took a while. I hope it helps. (and you're welcome for last time)
IkuzeMinna is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 2012-07-03, 20:07   Link #4539
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: who knows?

About hilde, Probbaly she's still alive, since she was involved with the nanomachines project she faked her death to evade more problems, thus she was trying to find a way to heal duo's rapid aging, she still loves him, but he's taking everything as a child, even with his junior package.

about Duo(after reading this chapter again), as i sayed before, it looks like he taking everything as a child's Play, like a dream, even his line when he says goodbye to his past sounded like he doesn't giving a fuck about them even with the girl who loves im and his friends.
DuoRanger is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 2012-07-03, 22:19   Link #4540
Join Date: May 2012
Thanks to everyone who has responded, especially to Tendou and Ikuze. Tendou, like I said, I didn't mean for my skepticism to be disrespectful. I just really couldn't believe a story this bad was ever conceived and published. Its like the Gundam version of Twilight or something @_@. I'm just baffled, bewildered and boggled.

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
Haha, I'm certainly inclined to blame the weirdness that is episode 4 on him. But let's give credit where credit is due. He did write Episode Zero and it's pretty dang good. And although FT is a mess, GoL had been pretty enjoyable, too so far.
I don't understand why he's being so inconsistent. However GOL is strictly based off of a tv series that's already been finished. Its much easier to tweak and improve upon an already established story then coming up with an entirely new one. However I've read better fanfiction than FT=.=;;;;;

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
As for Purdy's questions:

1. Yup, both Duo and Hilde deny that Duo Jr. is their son. Hilde claims to think one of Duo's women had him and Duo himself disaffirms it when the kid asks him. For some reason he still introduces him as his son in the beginning of FT though.
Seriously? o.O What the hell is the point then? Why freaking lie? Would that change anything?

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
2+4. The rumor (because without any confirmation, that's what it is right now) sprung up from the first chapters when Duo aka Father Maxwell apologized for his son's foul behavior and said it was because ever since the child's mother died, he had to raise him by himself. Whether Hilde is alive or not is not clear. At least I don't remember it being made clear.

During the chapters happening in the present, Quatrine makes some stupid comments about Duo delivering a message to Hilde but Duo says it's common knowledge that "the way [he is] now, [he has] no reason to say anything to Hilde." Taking into account that Quatrine was talking as if Hilde were still alive and that thanks to their disastrous relationship Hilde is pissed as all heck at Duo, hence why Duo likely couldn't talk to her, it has been taken as a sign that she may in fact be alive still.

Her researching the PPP may have gotten her on the Neuenheim's hit list but as I said, the way Quatrine and Duo talked about Hilde makes it sound that at most, she faked her death to avoid persuasion. But this is just my personal speculation, not fact.
Hmmm....well then, Hilde must be alive then. Why else would they talk about her in present tense? o.O Its only logical....then again, Sumisawa doesn't work on logic, I wouldn't be surprised if his grammar went out the window too. =.=;;;

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
Duo: "Woohoo! Mars, here I come!" *drives off* "Hm, I have the nagging feeling I'm forgetting something..."
-somewhere a woman screaming "YOU IDIOT!" is heard-
Duo: *shrugs* "Ah well, if it's important I'll remember."
.___. God.....I can't even.

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
The only debt he incurred was the church's and that he wasn't aware of until he returned from his two year long trip. And this is one part that really pisses me off.

Duo comes back and decides to not even stop by Hilde's because he "didn't need anything from her place" and instead goes to the old church. There, he spots Hilde taking care of a bunch of orphans and once Hilde sees him, he finds himself with his face in the dirt and Hilde ready to break his arm. Although Hilde is portrayed as a shrieking harpy throughout the chaps, this time I'm actually with her.
Anyway, so Duo asks what's going on and Hilde is kind enough to explain that since she's married to him, the church and its debts the old priest bequeathed to him are hers as well and demands a divorce. Duo curses, having apparently forgotten they were married. He then asks her why she didn't just divorce herself and Hilde promptly breaks his arm, yelling at him how she couldn't just leave the orphaned children to fend for themselves. Duo actually has the audacity to go "why not?" and Hilde is as shocked as I am that he'd even suggest it. In the end he signs all the papers she places in front of him, lets him heal up at the church and sends him off to collect money.

This is one time FT!Duo is being a complete bastard. The other time is when he proposes to Hilde and cuts his braid off. I can't believe a guy like Duo, who is laden with mementos of his beloved ones, would "sever his past" just to buy a freaking bike.

Spoiler for FT excerpt:

What the f- Where did this come from?! You give up what connects you to the closest thing to a family you ever had and what defines your entire existence to get a stinking bike?! Nevermind that your girlfriend demands this. I'm sorry but I strongly disagree with anyone who claims this behavior to be in character for Duo. There's just no. freaking. way. How can Sumizawa spit on his own Episode Zero like that? Honestly, the nerve...
I really can't believe what I'm reading. I also read the chapter that you linked me. Thanks for that....though I'm just thanking you out of politeness. That chapter was AWFUL :S lol :P

I find it ironic how Duo and HIlde have turned out. Among the fanfiction writers, there seems to be this unspoken consensus that 2xH was the stable couple. Every time there is a 1xR fic depicting Heero and Relena in a tumultuous romance, you can bet 2xH will arrive on the scene to contrast the turmoil with their blissful union. If I had a nickel for every time that happened, I'd probably have enough to buy the GW DVD box set. lol

I always thought if Duo and Hilde potential romance as a challenging one. CHALLENGING, but NEVER toxic. Sumizawa passed toxic 9.46 parameters ago . I'd imagine there'd be a lot of passionate bickering due to them getting on each other's nerves and unable to cope with their love for one another. Not to mention both of them having to deal with their demons from the war and Duo's immaturity. I can see him running off tons of times but he'd always be back, and against her own logic, she'd forgive him b/c she's tough and (as a soldier) she understands that he has a lot of inner turmoil to deal with. In turn he'd feel guilty but can't stay away because every time he comes back from a fight and sees her again, he's reminded of how much he deeply cares for her b/c in the end they're each other's best friend. Eventually, Duo would recognize that life has to move on and he'd recognize that he was afraid to be happy all along which was why he was running. And finally, no matter how many years, they'd end up together.(sigh) That was my dream for them

Also, while everyone has pretty much agreed that 'passed' Duo is completely out of character, what the hell did Sumizawa do to Hilde?! You already called her a 'shrieking harpy' and I couldn't agree more. I was complaining about the bastardization of Duo, while having no idea that Hilde is completely left unrecognizable. She never had a temper like that, she would never be that callous and cruel about Duo's braid and his past, and she's not the type to just go breaking her ex's arms out of the blue (even if it was very well deserved). From the show, Hilde really came across as such a chill chick but with a bad ass persona if she ever needed it. She was a competent, very intelligent, intuitive solider that stuck to her guns, and yet she could also be laid back and just be the best friend you never had. Where the hell is she in FT?! They might as well kill her off because THAT'S NOT Hilde!

Another thing, I never thought the braid cutting thing was a big deal. When I didn't know all the details, I thought he cut off his braid b/c he was trying to let go of his painful past. I didn't think he'd do it for a FLIPPING BIKE!!!!!! >.<! This piece of #@%$##%$!!! Doesn't make sense!

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
5. With all due respect, Purdy, never take whatever is written in TV Tropes as fact. It's as respectable a source as the rabid GW yaoi fangirls back in the day.
I had no idea it was an unreliable source. Now I know better. Still an amusing site I must say.^^

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
Heero, however, spoke with unchanging coldness, “I've accepted that mission. Once this fight is over, I'll carry it out immediately...”


“But Relena, you won't make your battle end.”

“My... battle?”

“End communication.”[/SPOILER]
Oooh, I quite like that piece of dialogue. Heero's as cryptic as usual. It has so much potential....

However, again, not holding my breath =.=;

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
8. Dorothy was mentioned once in the beginning and a few times during the AC history stuff. But other than knowing that she's ESUN's president, we still have to learn anything about her in MC.)
I certainly hope she makes an appearance. I loved the tension and chemistry she had with Relena. How they were each other's foils. If I was at the helm, I'd make an entire series about these two.

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
Whew, this took a while. I hope it helps. (and you're welcome for last time)
Thanks so much again. You're awesome.

Also, I don't mean to be a hater. But honestly, FT deserves its criticism. For better and mostly for worse however, its still pretty darn entertaining. lol

So from what I've gathered, Heero is about to board Relena's ship in order to carry out her orders to kill her? Exciting...
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