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Old 2008-02-04, 16:22   Link #461
Power of the Damager
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The funny thing is, Nen, that it seems like more girls are attracted to you the less you try to attract them. I always managed to get fangirls every time I started dating someone, it's so illogical. If you don't try to stress yourself into something, the odds are that you'll find it easier anyways. Some girls like the strong silent type, and others like the extroverted and aggressive type. However, most people are a little put off by people who fumble around.

Just because you're introverted doesn't mean that you can't be confident. Try try to be extroverted; just be yourself. I believe that a good relationship will happen, but if you're looking, you tend to pass over a lot of good opportunities and chances. I find that a good balance for an introverted person would be an extroverted person, and vice versa. Funny how it works out. Those relationships tend to last longer, but you wouldn't be able to tell at first glance since they aren't like two people who find someone that they automatically "know" is perfect and get bubbly and giddy whenever they're around them. You usually get bored with the sameness.
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Old 2008-02-04, 17:06   Link #462
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haha yeah, i know what you mean. that's why i decided not to look for a girlfriend till my 280z is a bit further along than it is now. at my core i'm pretty introverted, but i do have a somewhat extroverted side that comes out every once in a while.

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Old 2008-02-04, 19:06   Link #463
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So here's a dating-related question for you guys... not the usual sort for this thread, though, since I already am dating someone. I think it's more a problem with me than anything else, but maybe someone will have some advice to share?

There's kind of two parts to it...

First, he makes me really happy. Besides being a complete match in personality (in the good way, not in the "we're way too similar to get along" way), which makes doing anything together tons of fun, he'll go out of his way to do little stuff that he knows will make me happy. (For instance, I have the unusual hobby of collecting My Little Ponies... please don't laugh... and he actually makes an effort to remember their names and such. And he's started coming to my Welsh singing class on Thursday nights. ...It's really hard to come up with specific examples, but you get the idea.) But, and I think this might be because I've always had some self-esteem issues, I never feel as if I'm making him happy. It's not that he seems unhappy or anything... but I still end up feeling kind of selfish.

The second part (which doesn't help at all with the first) is that lately it seems like all he wants to do is play World of Warcraft. Which is fine; I enjoy it too. But it seems like most of the time that's all he wants to do with me. He already does stuff with his guild three nights a week, and then we've got our Dungeons and Dragons game on Friday nights. So that leaves very little time for me to begin with (I don't count four hours rolling dice in a crowded room as spending time with me, since we both tend to get really caught up in the game) and running around killing monsters online isn't exactly how I like to spend my time with him. Especially since when we play WoW, we're both at home, not together. I've tried telling him that I'd like to spend more time -alone- with him, -in person-, and I guess I'll see how that goes... it was really hard to figure out how to say it without coming across as clingy or needy. Which I try not to be, and I think I do a pretty good job. I'm not sure how to get him to understand, though, if it turns out just telling him wasn't enough. :/

I guess sometimes it just feels like we're back to being just friends again, albeit much more affectionate...
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Old 2008-02-04, 19:49   Link #464
King Lycan
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wow i wish my GF would play Guild Wars with me

well if my gf told me she wants to spend more time alone i would try to please her. but i think he thinks that going to your Welsh Singing classes as spending time with you. but i dont think your selfish at all u didnt ask him to go to any of ur Welsh singing classes rite XD well ur bf might be addicted to MMO's

P.S. im ambivert
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Old 2008-02-04, 19:56   Link #465
Gillian-class Chibi
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Originally Posted by King of Lycans View Post
well if my gf told me she wants to spend more time alone i would try to please her. but i think he thinks that going to your Welsh Singing classes as spending time with you.
Hmm... I hadn't thought about it that way, but it makes sense. I did ask him to come the first time because we were short on guys that week (there's already twice as many girls), but since he said afterwards that he didn't really like singing, I told him it was fine if he didn't want to come with me anymore. But he still insisted on going every week.
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Old 2008-02-04, 19:56   Link #466
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Originally Posted by ChibiMenos View Post
While I don't know him, if I were to take a guess, he probably just doesn't realize, so letting him know how you feel is certainly the right approach.
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Old 2008-02-04, 20:43   Link #467
Love Yourself
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Originally Posted by Archontic View Post
The funny thing is, Nen, that it seems like more girls are attracted to you the less you try to attract them. I always managed to get fangirls every time I started dating someone, it's so illogical. If you don't try to stress yourself into something, the odds are that you'll find it easier anyways. Some girls like the strong silent type, and others like the extroverted and aggressive type. However, most people are a little put off by people who fumble around.
When you're actually dating someone girls may come onto you more easily because it's something of a female thing. The explanation one of my female friends offered me was that it sort of throws a spotlight on the guy because if another girl is with him, then it must mean that he's OK. There may also be a bit of human nature involved. That is, people tend to want something more when they know they can't have it.

But I agree overall, relationships tend to find you when you're not looking. That's always been my experience, and it's the advice I give to people who put so much effort into dating and can't seem to find anyone. They're likely trying too hard, and perhaps they're overlooking a lot of potentially good relationships. However, I don't give that advice to people who want to be in a relationship but don't put the effort in. If you don't speak to anyone at all and you barely leave your room (and that's not a criticism; I've had plenty of days like that myself) then you're simply not going to have any encounters. You want to at least make connections and be able to form relationships with people. Those relationships can either be jumped up to dating, or they may lead to relationships with other people who may be candidates (again, that was an experience of mine).

I suppose the best advice is the same general rule that applies to all life: always be in moderation. Be open and perhaps even work toward a relationship, but don't desire it too strongly.

Originally Posted by ChibiMenos View Post
First, he makes me really happy. Besides being a complete match in personality (in the good way, not in the "we're way too similar to get along" way), which makes doing anything together tons of fun, he'll go out of his way to do little stuff that he knows will make me happy. (For instance, I have the unusual hobby of collecting My Little Ponies... please don't laugh... and he actually makes an effort to remember their names and such. And he's started coming to my Welsh singing class on Thursday nights. ...It's really hard to come up with specific examples, but you get the idea.) But, and I think this might be because I've always had some self-esteem issues, I never feel as if I'm making him happy. It's not that he seems unhappy or anything... but I still end up feeling kind of selfish.
You don't need to feel selfish. There are two parts to this. First, doing something nice for someone and seeing that it made them happy is a pleasure in itself. It's even more important if you're able to make a difference to the person who matters most to you. The second part comes with understanding part of the first: you have to let others do nice things for you, at least every now and then. That was the advice given to me by my mother, and I'm glad she said it. I often try to do everything so that my girlfriend won't be inconvenienced, but she always wants to help anyway. I understand the importance of allowing others to help you, so I often make an effort to let her do something to help (usually I'll try to make sure it's something easy, but don't tell her that ).

It's important because many people don't understand that. Almost all of us have the value of doing nice things for others, but for many of us that value supercedes the value of allowing others to do nice things for us. The two are not opposites, but many people would believe it to be so. After all, if someone is doing something on your behalf when you could have done it yourself and saved them the time, didn't you just fail at doing something nice for them (in a sense)? It's not always easy to distinguish when it's appropriate. The games that people play don't help, either (false offering to aid, and then becoming angry when they perceived the polite thing to do as rejecting that aid).

So this sort of leads into the second part of your post:

The second part (which doesn't help at all with the first) is that lately it seems like all he wants to do is play World of Warcraft. Which is fine; I enjoy it too. But it seems like most of the time that's all he wants to do with me. He already does stuff with his guild three nights a week, and then we've got our Dungeons and Dragons game on Friday nights. So that leaves very little time for me to begin with (I don't count four hours rolling dice in a crowded room as spending time with me, since we both tend to get really caught up in the game) and running around killing monsters online isn't exactly how I like to spend my time with him. Especially since when we play WoW, we're both at home, not together. I've tried telling him that I'd like to spend more time -alone- with him, -in person-, and I guess I'll see how that goes... it was really hard to figure out how to say it without coming across as clingy or needy. Which I try not to be, and I think I do a pretty good job. I'm not sure how to get him to understand, though, if it turns out just telling him wasn't enough. :/

I guess sometimes it just feels like we're back to being just friends again, albeit much more affectionate...
I think it's very good of you to be giving this a lot of thought. Part of the reason I broke things off with the first girl I dated was because I felt that we were really just friends, and I wasn't getting feelings of affection or true caring from her. In your case you still seem to be feeling affection, so you're not lost.

I have a bias against MMORPGs because I feel that they consume your life. If he's heavily playing WoW, it could be because he's stressed and is relying heavily on it to relieve stress. It could be that something big is going on there. Another possibility is that he's bored. Examine those angles (and a few others) and see if you can find the source of what's causing him to play more often. You don't want to come off as a control freak, but at the same time you need to respect your own feelings as well and make them known. If you told him once before, then tell him again. Hopefully he'd be open-minded enough to consider it, and he could also give feedback to you and let you know if you are really being clingy or not.

If you want to try a more subtle approach, do something new with him. My girlfriend and I tend to be busy, so I occasionally ask that we try new restaurants together or check out new shopping areas. When she's a bit more free we plan to visit an aquarium nearby. These aren't things I'd normally do and admittedly I don't have a huge fascination with any of them, but it's a nice excuse to get out of the house, spend some alone time together, and to further bond through new experiences. You know what I mean?

I can't tell you whether you're being clingy or not, because I am obviously not there to see how things are going. It sounds like you are very respectful of his alone time (which is important!). I'd just advise you to not put your own feelings on the back shelf. Relationships are hard work because we need to work together, negotiating so that both parties are satisfied. If you can make changes on your end to accommodate him, great - you've arguably conquered the hardest part of being a good partner in a relationship. But you need to be able to be up front about your feelings. If something is bothering you, think about it for a bit on your end to ensure that it's not just you, and then discuss it with him.
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Old 2008-02-04, 21:18   Link #468
King Lycan
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Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
I have a bias against MMORPGs because I feel that they consume your life.
This might be the wrong thread to argue over this but i dont think MMORPG's concume your life because i have bean playing guild wars for about 25 months and i have 2.5k hours on it i go to parties alot of parties i have a girlfriend, i go out to movies all the i also have friends in school who play 2 times more then i do and they still have a "Life" I think it all comes down to time mangament, race , location and enviorment
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Old 2008-02-04, 21:27   Link #469
Love Yourself
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Originally Posted by King of Lycans View Post
This might be the wrong thread to argue over this but i dont think MMORPG's concume your life because i have bean playing guild wars for about 25 months and i have 2.5k hours on it i go to parties alot of parties i have a girlfriend, i go out to movies all the i also have friends in school who play 2 times more then i do and they still have a "Life" I think it all comes down to time mangament, race , location and enviorment
I don't know - it sounds to me like you're trying to justify yourself to me by saying that you go to parties and have a girlfriend.

That was an unfair statement to make, I'll admit. I think MMORPGs are geared toward sucking people into a second life of sorts. I played Ultima Online for ~3 years, and my experience with it was pretty much as I stated. The more time you spend in the game, the better your character is. It's the same as any other game except for the fact that MMORPGs tend to be a bit more immersive (although compared with UO and what I know of Everquest, WoW is rather linear and much less immersive). So if you're not putting the time in, you can do much less. In addition, there are other people around, and the world is changing in its own ways. If you're not there, you're missing it and you're becoming an outsider. Everyone wants to be involved and to have power that everyone else can respect. The social factor, the fact that the game is going even when you're not logged in, and the fact that there's no end to the game are probably the greatest encouragers of having people spend copious amounts of time in the game.

Any time spent in the game is time not spent on other things. When I say it's a life-eater, I don't mean that you'll have "no life" in the social sense. I mean that large amounts of your time that could have gone into new hobbies or experiences was spent on a single game. And I'm not against games - I've played plenty. But the only game I've spent well over 100 hours on was Ultima Online. I'm not proud of that.

There are people who are completely not impacted by those aspects, of course. In my opinion they're in the minority, but they exist. And good for them - I wish I could play MMORPGs in a non-obsessive manner, like most other games. I can't, and the impression I got from my fellow players was that they couldn't, either. I'll avoid those games like the plague, and I generally recommend others to stay away from them as well.
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Old 2008-02-04, 21:43   Link #470
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I am madly in love with a girl, my heart tells me she is the one. When I am not with her, I think about her all day and dream about her all night. When I go on dates with her, I can't feel like clicking with her... This sucks...
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Old 2008-02-04, 21:46   Link #471
King Lycan
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Tell her how U feel thats what i do since you go on dates she WONT freak out
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Old 2008-02-04, 21:58   Link #472
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Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
I don't know - it sounds to me like you're trying to justify yourself to me by saying that you go to parties and have a girlfriend.

That was an unfair statement to make, I'll admit. I think MMORPGs are geared toward sucking people into a second life of sorts. I played Ultima Online for ~3 years, and my experience with it was pretty much as I stated. The more time you spend in the game, the better your character is. It's the same as any other game except for the fact that MMORPGs tend to be a bit more immersive (although compared with UO and what I know of Everquest, WoW is rather linear and much less immersive). So if you're not putting the time in, you can do much less. In addition, there are other people around, and the world is changing in its own ways. If you're not there, you're missing it and you're becoming an outsider. Everyone wants to be involved and to have power that everyone else can respect. The social factor, the fact that the game is going even when you're not logged in, and the fact that there's no end to the game are probably the greatest encouragers of having people spend copious amounts of time in the game.

Any time spent in the game is time not spent on other things. When I say it's a life-eater, I don't mean that you'll have "no life" in the social sense. I mean that large amounts of your time that could have gone into new hobbies or experiences was spent on a single game. And I'm not against games - I've played plenty. But the only game I've spent well over 100 hours on was Ultima Online. I'm not proud of that.

There are people who are completely not impacted by those aspects, of course. In my opinion they're in the minority, but they exist. And good for them - I wish I could play MMORPGs in a non-obsessive manner, like most other games. I can't, and the impression I got from my fellow players was that they couldn't, either. I'll avoid those games like the plague, and I generally recommend others to stay away from them as well.
I have to agree with Ledgem here. The number one reason why I hate MMORPG's is that a close friend of mine became a total jerk off. He had a great girlfriend and was basically a good guy. He started playing WoW and got addicted. Guess what happened? His grades dropped, he became more violent, and he started to hit his girlfriend (they broke up, thank god). Now, I'm not sure if MMORPG's changes a person negatively, but since me and my best friend quit WoW, we've been more peaceful and serene. From my experiences, there has to be a negative linear relationship between behavior and an addiction to MMORPG's. Keyword here, addiction.

That's not to say that it owns your soul.
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Old 2008-02-04, 22:13   Link #473
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Originally Posted by Cipher7 View Post
Guys guys... it's the fact that you PAY TO PLAY. I never buy a game that I have to continuously pay for. One time fee is only what a game is worth. You become a dick because you want to go home and play while everyone else seems to be an obstacle.

O yah... free games is really up to your control. I dropped so many because of the fact that I got bored. Good for me eh?

Originally Posted by King of Lycans View Post
Tell her how U feel thats what i do since you go on dates she WONT freak out
Been there done that 5 years ago, didn't go well.
we are going on dates now, but I can not feel any vibe from her at all.
it's better let things goes naturally then force it, it could get really awkward
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Old 2008-02-04, 22:18   Link #474
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Hah. I was just reading the last 3 pages until I hit my own post and realized how idiotic my post was. My apologies........

I don't know, I just read about WoW and people going anal.... so....

Lesson learned: Read the previous posts first.
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Old 2008-02-04, 22:19   Link #475
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Originally Posted by Cipher7 View Post
Hah. I was just reading the last 3 pages until I hit my own post and realized how idiotic my post was. My apologies........

I don't know, I just read about wow and people going anal.... so....

Lesson learned: Read the previous posts first.
lol... i was just playing around, u didnt have to delete your post. MMO is a good discussion, should start a thread
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Old 2008-02-04, 22:22   Link #476
King Lycan
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Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
I don't know - it sounds to me like you're trying to justify yourself to me by saying that you go to parties and have a girlfriend.

That was an unfair statement to make, I'll admit. I think MMORPGs are geared toward sucking people into a second life of sorts. I played Ultima Online for ~3 years, and my experience with it was pretty much as I stated. The more time you spend in the game, the better your character is. It's the same as any other game except for the fact that MMORPGs tend to be a bit more immersive (although compared with UO and what I know of Everquest, WoW is rather linear and much less immersive). So if you're not putting the time in, you can do much less. In addition, there are other people around, and the world is changing in its own ways. If you're not there, you're missing it and you're becoming an outsider. Everyone wants to be involved and to have power that everyone else can respect. The social factor, the fact that the game is going even when you're not logged in, and the fact that there's no end to the game are probably the greatest encouragers of having people spend copious amounts of time in the game.

Any time spent in the game is time not spent on other things. When I say it's a life-eater, I don't mean that you'll have "no life" in the social sense. I mean that large amounts of your time that could have gone into new hobbies or experiences was spent on a single game. And I'm not against games - I've played plenty. But the only game I've spent well over 100 hours on was Ultima Online. I'm not proud of that.

There are people who are completely not impacted by those aspects, of course. In my opinion they're in the minority, but they exist. And good for them - I wish I could play MMORPGs in a non-obsessive manner, like most other games. I can't, and the impression I got from my fellow players was that they couldn't, either. I'll avoid those games like the plague, and I generally recommend others to stay away from them as well.
Well aggre with the ousider part that happenes to me when i dont play for a week
well it looks like i didnt understand what u said so yea they could have been doing sumthing else instead of playing MMORPG's

Originally Posted by Astrana View Post

Been there done that 5 years ago, didn't go well.
we are going on dates now, but I can not feel any vibe from her at all.
it's better let things goes naturally then force it, it could get really awkward
There u gho u anwsered it urself
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Old 2008-02-05, 02:05   Link #477
Twilight Storm
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This a very interesting topic =) I am a relationship counselor, so I always enjoy reading through these threads in different forums.

As long as were not talking about mates that are too young,I don't think a person's age so much as matters as their maturity level. Although, the former may play a part in various aspects besides the initial bond and relationship itself, such as influences.

One of the most important aspects of a relationship is a proper understanding of your partner's inclinations and goals with you. So very many people go into to a relationship with either very shallow ideals or with very little desire to put any effort into truly understanding their mate, and growing with them. A great love and bond is something both parties have to work at with a mutual consideration of each other and common goal.

Of course, this is not to say everyone has to have something so very deep. It all depends on the person and their mate, and how they match up in that aspect. Some people are well satisfied with just casual companionship and fidelity. Everyone has different definitions for love. But, we must also carefully come to an understanding of our mates ideals and definitions on love as well. This is especially important when your young. By better understanding these things about each other you can easily avoid normally inevitable future problems. The key is taking the time and wanting to mutually consider them and their future happiness as well and how various factors in your life and decisions may affect them. There's infinite variations of circumstances on this subject which is why I think its so widely discussed. ^^

As far as people disobeying their parents, I cant exactly say you should as that will make me look like a bad influence. =P That situation goes both ways. Sometimes parents can be over protective/anal retentive and immature in their judgments and quickness to stereotype.
Other parents simply fear for their child's 'heart' and well being, sometimes with very good reasoning. They may see through experience where the kid may not. And then we have those glorious shades of grey that upset all of our calculations =P I suppose if anyone is going behind their parents back, the best thing to do is of course be of good decision. Make sure logic plays an equal part in your choices for a mate and what you do with one especially. Today, many people wear masks or simply use others to get what they want so its important to be patient and keen on building trust.

Last edited by Twilight Storm; 2008-02-05 at 02:09. Reason: typo strikes again
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Old 2008-02-06, 23:07   Link #478
King Lycan
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Yea so my GF dumped me this monday

~This all began on friday i saw her walking in the hallway so when i walked up to her and i ask her if she had cheerleading pratice after school and she said yes and i told her ill give her a ride after practice so i can take her to the movies and she said she doenst want to go see it anymore { the first time she ever said no to something she planned} so i was like WTF so i asked her wats wrong and she said nothing and i said yea right then she walked away i tried chasing after her calling her name but she just ignored me so i went back to the car and went home{now i was pissed}. So at 7 pm {that's when cheerleading practice ends} i went to go pick her up soi could take her home and she said she's not gonna go wit me she's gonna get a ride from one of her friends{now i was really pissed cause i quit playing Guild wars and we had an important Guild Vs Guild match} so i went home . at 11pm i called her and she didnt pick up the cell phone i even sent her a messege on myspace and she was online. so then saturday morning i called her at like 9am cause that's when i and her go to work at the mall { i work at Subway she works at TJ max} and she said doesnt want a ride from me, as soon as i said "why, are u mad at me" she hung up on me. So after work i went home and called her again and she picked up so i said" wats up" and she said i saw with Kimberly{the girl i was stareing at} and i said "hell no she's in college" then she hung up. the Monday i was eating breakfast with the homeis and she comes over and said "the relationship is over " and i was like what the hell did i do then she walked away and didnt even reply when i was calling her name just i followed her for like 5 mins no reply so i said fuck this and walked away.
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Old 2008-02-07, 00:10   Link #479
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@King Lycan: So, to see what you've done wrong...let's start with the word everything.

When you're contacting a girl, you should try to follow the 3:1 ratio. You try calling her three times, she calls you back at least once. If you try the fourth time and she didn't call you back, she's really mad at you (and possibly thinks you're creepy). And when a girl is mad at you, it's best that you stay away from her a bit. When I say stay away, I mean stay away COMPLETELY. Stay away from her in person, stay away from her MySpace, stay from her messenger. Not only that, why did you call ex at 11PM in the night and 9AM? If she's mad at you, and if you really wanted to call her, you should have tried the next day (meaning around noon). handled your break up badly. When she said that it was over, that means its over, quiet possibly for good. There are minuscule chances that ex-boyfriend/girlfriend do back together (and congrats to deathreape!), but following her around for five minutes only made the situation worse.

Bringing back my optimistic side...she may just wants some time off away from you. If you're too much to handle for her (and I don't mean that in a good way), give her some time off. Try not to talk to her, and, if you're willing to, not to her friends as well. Give some time and if she does miss you, she may just ask you to take her back... within a month's time.

...or not and never. Sorry to break the bad news again to another person.

For my situation, (and thanks Ledgem for your great comment) I haven't ask that girl out that I mentioned in my previous post. On the day that I tried, she was quite sick during our work together. I really did want to ask her out, and was willing to, but I don't think it was the right time to. I know that timing is everything and I have to cease the right conversational moment to ask her out as well. For now, I won't see her for a while, at least not until after the Valentine's Day (which I think it's rather a bad day for a FIRST date). I'm thinking of taking her to a convention that happens until the end of February. It does involve both of our interests, and I think it's really a good way to get to know each other while we circle around the convention center.

Anyone agree?
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Old 2008-02-07, 00:52   Link #480
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King Lycan, Knightmare213 beat me to it. You handled a lot of stuff pretty poorly. I think this girl should have been more up front, but that would be too much to ask.
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