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Old 2014-03-14, 21:56   Link #50901
Lumine Passio
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Age: 18
Say, I'm having these scenario in my head:

- Rin: Her parent divorced. The father began to live with his former wife's little sister - A.K.A Rin's aunt. She wandering through the destructed streets of Hong Kong, stealing and robbing to live. Then, the truth was revealed: Her mother is in the last stage of cancer, and entrusted her sister to taking care of her love (inspired by an old Chinese saga). The story: Parents only want the best for their children.

- Kanzashi: She didn't end up as a secluded girl. Instead, she dwells on the world of her imagination, became the famous author "Tamachi" with the "A Certain Technology Contents" light novel franchise. However, when the war came, the second Sarashiki found herself leading the resistance. Battle is the second thing that makes her alive. But her force was wiped out, and she fell into despair again, nearly ending her novel in an "Kill 'em All" style. And like always, Ichika came to the rescue. The story: Life is the most beautiful thing.

- Cecilia: Born without a father, her underlings both scare, jealous and despite her, thus develop an inferior complex. The feeling only get stronger when she found out the relationship between her mother and the butler, whom she sees as her father. But he is. The once prince of England, after ran away from an political assasination, became the Alcott butler in order to protect and watch over his daughter. The story: Lies can Hurt, but Lies sometime come from Love.
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Old 2014-03-15, 04:41   Link #50902
Big Game
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^^ More drama is added
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Old 2014-03-15, 09:04   Link #50903
Just another Idiot
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Originally Posted by Fireminer View Post
By the way, anyone could explain why Tabane never bother to fix Byakushiki?
Tabane is actually only interested in Chifuyu? Ichika is more like an accessory to her?

Maybe a little tune up by the Mechanical Department could work
Originally Posted by StratoSpear View Post
I like that idea. Then again, an OC like that would probably have, at one point, where he goes all-out and curb stomps a particularly powerful opponent. (probably with a certain flamenco music playing in the background)
Stratospear is right, the OC is not actually a complete loser... more like incompetency due to one simple logic: He had NEVER pilot an IS before.

It's like Somebody being thrown into a cockpit and forced to fly a plane (even though he has no idea how to do it). You would be lucky if he doesn't actually crash the plane.

The OC's concept is more like Onion Knight rather than a complete loser (but still fail equally as bad in the beginning anyway)

In term of skills, his reflex is actually better than most IS pilots....and his skillset is more towards High-speed battle and sniping rather than melee.

The real reason behind his constant defeat is due to his unit pulling him down. Uchigane is actually not as good compared to Raphael (he fare a little better piloting latter).

However, the Uchigane is actually more like training bracer. It force him to rely more on his skill than the machine performance. With every struggle/defeat, he learn to use his IS a little better until he gain enough experience (and a new unit), he would start showing signs of curbstomp-ing other IS pilots but would ultimately struggle due to his opponents (mary sue or Gray stu level) are using high-end units....or just plain cheats.

Sidenote: His upgrade is just a soup-up Uchigane (probably with literal bell and whistle).

The name of the upgrade: Uchigane Bujin.

Edit: Rather than flamenco music, it is more Japan-ish (to fit Uchigane's Samurai Motif):
Ara Han

Last edited by agetreme; 2014-03-15 at 09:14.
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Old 2014-03-15, 16:43   Link #50904
Akisa Akimune
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Originally Posted by agetreme View Post

Stratospear is right, the OC is not actually a complete loser... more like incompetency due to one simple logic: He had NEVER pilot an IS before.

It's like Somebody being thrown into a cockpit and forced to fly a plane (even though he has no idea how to do it). You would be lucky if he doesn't actually crash the plane.

The OC's concept is more like Onion Knight rather than a complete loser (but still fail equally as bad in the beginning anyway)

I completely agree with you for the OC. Still, it's more interesting for the plot if the OC has something that make him not utterly useless. Like making good food so girls will not try to kill him right away.

These are pretty interesting ideas, but somethig is bugging me. How Ichika would be involved with Cecilia? He is what? Her butler?
False tears bring pain to those around you, false smiles bring pain to oneself...
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Old 2014-03-15, 23:01   Link #50905
Just another Idiot
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Originally Posted by Akisa Akimune View Post
I completely agree with you for the OC. Still, it's more interesting for the plot if the OC has something that make him not utterly useless. Like making good food so girls will not try to kill him right away.

These are pretty interesting ideas, but somethig is bugging me. How Ichika would be involved with Cecilia? He is what? Her butler?
Agree, how about he is very good at knitting and baking.... you know "girly" unmanly stuff?

His family is f-ed up.

> His Father divorce his mother to be with his "true love/Waifu"

> His mother is manipulative bitch who sleep around (Slut is the appropriate but politically incorrect term to describe her so he use creative ways to say it....)

> His sister is actually a sadistic yandere and the OC has years of being subjected to her "special kind of love".

The combination of mother's and sister's abuse is what cause him to be terrified of all women.

Females are like F.O.E. to him.....
Ara Han
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Old 2014-03-15, 23:06   Link #50906
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Still stuck. It's...hard trying to keep Dan true to character and yet original. Especially when I have other LN/VN characters sharing space in what's essentially Dan's story.

Followed by: "People die if they are killed, oh yes they do. Except when they don't..."

Dan swore he could hear Emiya's teeth grinding after that one.
"Oi, you! Ginger-boy! Get over here!"

Why the Ginger bit again?! Gotanda ran to the spot amongst the heavy flares of fire.

"See this?" Waterlake pointed to the unconscious prettyboy. "Slap him."

Dan blinked. "What."

"Slap him."

Dan blinked again. "No."

"Oh?" An eyebrow arched on Rin's face. "Why not?"

"What for?!"

"To wake him up, stupid!" Waterlake replied matter-of-factly. "So, slap him!"

"Why the hell does it have to be me?"

"Because someone here who's been doing nothing all this time has to pull his weight!" Rin
kept gesturing to the unconscious form. "Come on now! Hard as you can! Hardest BrightSlap
you can manage!"

If this was a game, this would be one of those ridiculous quicktime events. One that you
HAVE to win to get to the next stage.
"What the hell!" Gotanda screamed aloud and
took a swing at prettyboy's face.

"---OW!!" The boy's eyes flashed open. Very angry eyes.

And just like that, Kirigaya Kazuto's hands were around Dan's throat.

Goddammit. Goddammit. Goddammit. Gotanda was losing consciousness quickly.

Last edited by wavehawk; 2014-03-15 at 23:59.
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Old 2014-03-16, 00:42   Link #50907
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Redid some of the previous part.

How long are you going to just lie there, Baka-Nii?!

Dan finally opened his eyes, stil strapped into the metal coffin. Woozy, his head was thumping to loud invisible drums. Gotanda remembered a few seconds of screaming before losing consciousness. It didn't feel like he was moving right now, though he could smell the acrid scent of burnt rubber and wiring in the air.

"Everyone alive still?!" Flightjacket guy walked down with the biggest of smug grins on his face as he dusted himself off from the wreckage. "I haven't felt this thrilled about atmospheric reentry since I took the F-90 for a spin with its P-type armament."

He is having too much fun with this. Dan had absolutely no idea what mister crazyjacket was babbling about, but didn't like the look on his face. He seemed unconcerned with the situation as he pulled out a strange set of playing cards and started shuffling them. Gotanda watched him do a few clumsy tricks before finally giving up on patience. "Hey! Could you stop playing with yourself and get me out of this thing?"

"Can't you do it yourself?"

"--OBVIOUSLY NOT!" Gotanda spat.

Flightjacket clapped the cards together before returning it to his pocket. "Really. Kids nowadays." He walked over to the metal pod and pulled a handle. A few clicks as the restraining belts released Dan from their grip. Rubbing sore arms, he finally stepped out of the capsule. The jacket man looked back at Dan with his psychotic grin and hands in his pockets. "Oh yeah. Call me Rin. Rin Waterlake."

"Rin." Dan's face gave the impression that he'd eaten a fresh sea slug. "Everytime I hear that name I get the feeling I'll be bashed into a wall."

"Oh! So you DO know the little flat-chested firecracker, then!"

I don't think even Ichika would be stupid enough to say that to her face, Gotanda grimaced, then blinked. Huang Ling Yin, a childhood friend of his and Ichika's. Nicknamed 'Rin' as well. How does he--? "You know Rin-chan?"

"Sweet and Sour Pork is better with Plum Sauce than Apricot Sauce. I wonder if she's gotten over her hang-up of shooting wallabies, though." Waterlake shrugged, then waved. Gotanda turned around to see the others getting out of their containers. Alive, and none too happy. The black-haired kid still looked asleep, draped over the other redhead's shoulder. "Well, everybody looks none the worse for the wear."

"No thanks to you!" Koyomi's weird hair turned into an exclamation point.

Waterlake did not even acknowledge the remark, instead walking toward a door. Dan had a sudden sense of deja vu to one of his games: Wherein after a long and boring cutscene that you couldn't skip through, a random character opens a previously unopenable door to progress the story. It was the only way his brain could accept his situation without going crazy.

"That was NUTS." Kamijou took the words right out of Dan's mouth. "Are you trying to kill us?"

"No, but those people upstairs might." Rin kicked the elevator door open to the light and the sound of sonic booms thundering overhead. "Why does the Galactic Patrol have to be staffed by unreasonable, intergalactic idiot savant boy scouts with lenses on their wrists? Thank you oh so much, Mister Kinnison."

Slowly the troupe crawled out of the crashed elevator, with Dan coming out last. Adjusting to the light, he then saw the action overhead. Strange aircraft spun and rolled and died in the skies above, exchanging red and blue lights of fire. Distant thunder cracked from across the barren plains as the same vibrant lights cut across from one point to the other, through massive dust clouds and blackened fields. They were standing on what looked like a wide balcony of white crossed with burns and brown scorches. Gotanda suffered an urge of fear as he looked back at the wrecked elevator lift they were in, a disklike form the size of three buses. Covered in a thick yellow-orange melted plastic goo.

"Welcome to Planet Gordian!" Rin had his arms outstretched, a manic travel guide showing them the glories of hell. "Worst possible date spot in all of creation. Seriously, do NOT take your girlfriends here."

None of the others commented. They were all too awestruck by the sight.

This can't be real. Dan shook his head in disbelief. It looked like a real-time strategy wargame in session, at this distance. All of it, including the barely-visible tanks and more distinct walking machines. Waterlake could only chuckle at the sight, while the others were silently awestruck. Gotanda looked straight at the clearly mad man. "Rin Waterlake. Who the hell ARE you, really?"

"Well you see, I'm a Doctor--"

"No." The other awake three replied in concert.

"But I--"

"NO!!" The answer was final.

"Doctor?" Gotanda was confused. "Who?"

They turned their glares on Dan. "JUST NO!!"

"Okay!" Dan surrendered with arms up.

"Well now that we're all properly introduced, on with the show." Waterlake's grin was smug on his face. He skipped off onto the platform steps, jolly as a child on a school trip. "Come on then, boys! Try to keep up!"

"I'll kill him." Dan heard Emiya quietly mumble, even as he miserably hauled the prettyboy on his back. "I swore never to hurt anybody, but I'll make an exception for that lunatic. I am going to kill him."

"No you won't!" was the absurdly mocking response from below.

"What's the deal, anyway?" Dan followed last, pausing only to take in the odd view. He turned to ask the one with the funny name, Araragi. "What are we here for?"

"I think I'm here because I'm being stupid. Or punished." Koyomi just looked off into the distance, almost missing a step on his way down. "Saving little snails, snakes, monkeys, cats and crabs. This is what I get for accepting help from strangers in matters that don't concern them. They pay high but charge you higher. You'd think that I'd have known that by now, but no. I bet Oshino's laughing at me."

Yeah, that was a whole lot of absolutely makes no sense. Dan grimaced and wondered if Koyomi had the same problems understanding the obvious as Ichika did. Or if he knew any girls that were halfway as violent. He sure talks to himself like Ichika does.

Gotanda then turned to the other redhead, Shirou. Thinking about Araragi's response, he chose his words more carefully. "Emiya, right? Why are you here?"

A tired sigh, as if Shirou had told the tale one too many times today. "Because you can't have a copy of a weapon that doesn't exist. You can't even make a copy of that weapon, if you don't even know it exists. You need to at least know of that weapon before it's made." There was a bitter chuckle on his lips, as if recalling an event prior. "I guess Gilgamesh is just going to keep looking forever for that one thing he doesn't have in his vault." With that, he shrugged and continued to carry the unconscious boy on his shoulders.

Oh. Sure. Now THAT made perfect sense. Gotanda thought, making no sense of what was said. The last one he spoke to was the black-haired Kamijou. Not a word was out of Dan's lips before Touma mumbled his own statement.

"Such misfortune."

And THAT is the understatement of the year. Gotanda was by now sure he was pumped with hallucinogenic drugs and having a shared delusion with everyone. "Okay. What's your story?"

Kamijou didn't seem to take notice, instead mumbling to himself dejectedly.

"Lemme guess." Dan wished he could laugh, but there was nothing funny about it. "He kidnapped you, too."

"Kidnapped is such a serious, criminal word. I didn't kidnap anyone." Waterlake suddenly interrupted the conversation, and didn't seem to care about personal space. Walking downwards from the base of the space elevator was a small hike, the wrecked and abandoned surface not putting up resistance. "To put it more accurately, you're all on loan. From each of your respective universes."

Araragi blew a gasket. "Stop talking about us like we're property or a harem or something!"

"Harem. Oh that's a pretty big lamp you're shading there, vampire-boy."

"Vampire?" Emiya suddenly looked at Koyomi oddly. "You're a vampire?"

"Aren't you supposed to be burning right about now?" Touma added. "The sun is up."

Araragi groaned. "OH. SHUT. UP."

Man. These guys have some real ISSUES. Gotanda slowly started walking slightly apart from the troupe. No straight answers from any of them, and none seemed all right in the head. I'd hate to see what crazy story the prettyboy will tell when he wakes up.

"Do you mind not chatting with each other? It's still quite a long ways down." Rin was referring to Dan again. "Wouldn't want you out of breath just yet. We might need to do a runner pretty soon. I'm sure the Orbit elevator stuff will want to know why we destroyed their pretty lift car and part of the landing spire."

"Hey, that was YOUR fault!" Gotanda shot back.

"No it wasn't. The lift fell."

"YOU! You-You-You." Gotanda tried to think of the biggest word he could. "You LUNATIC!"


"STOP CORRECTING ME!" Dan screamed again.

"Well if you weren't dead wrong about things 98.5 per cent of the time..."

"How can you---Can I punch him?" Gotanda whimpered. "Seriously. Can I just...punch him?"

"Take a number." Touma replied.

So I'm stuck with a bunch of angry nutcases on an alien planet in the middle of a really big nowhere. Dan rolled his eyes and still saw explosions overhead. He then looked forward at Flightjacket Rin babbling something nonsensical abut how amazing the whole place was. And we're being led by a troll.

The lights up above were still exploding, and the bursts in the distance amond dust and smoke clouds did not stop. Gotanda thought about turning back, but had no idea what else to do.

It was still quite a way down.
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Old 2014-03-16, 02:36   Link #50908
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Just for the record, there is nothing unmanly with baking or knitting. Not that I have a character that does it, but like Oren is a musclebound unman, there can be a badass manly pattessire.

You take the whole package and demeanor to determine what's manly or not.
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Old 2014-03-16, 05:06   Link #50909
Big Game
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SOPA is on the move. SOPA = Stop Online Privacy Acts

It deletes fan works, fanfiction, subbed anime episodes, some thing along those lines. If got caught, you`ll get imprisoned. Also it will shut down Youtube, Deviantart and websites that hosts fan-made stuff. It affects the whole world too

I already signed a petition to stop the bill passing. More signatures please. 'Stop SOPA 2014'

__________________________________________________ ________________________

I`m done with my chapters, I already saved it in my USB
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Old 2014-03-16, 08:20   Link #50910
Lumine Passio
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Originally Posted by Silver-Throne View Post
SOPA is on the move. SOPA = Stop Online Privacy Acts

It deletes fan works, fanfiction, subbed anime episodes, some thing along those lines. If got caught, you`ll get imprisoned. Also it will shut down Youtube, Deviantart and websites that hosts fan-made stuff. It affects the whole world too

I already signed a petition to stop the bill passing. More signatures please. 'Stop SOPA 2014'

__________________________________________________ ________________________

I`m done with my chapters, I already saved it in my USB
Did it!

Also, made this:

Glossary of Terms


Active Inertia Canceller: A system designed to negate the inertia of a moving mass. In simple terms, it stops the movement of any object the user wishes.

Alaska Treaty: The treaty that came into effect after the debut of the IS and the USE Civil War, which effectively regulates the usage of IS in the military.



Core: The black box of an IS that allows it to function. Its surprisingly small size (only bigger than the tennis ball a bit) is archived thanks to quantum physic. The reason for having Designated Pilot and Personal IS lies with the very nature of IS itself: possessing self evolving mechanism which is manifested only when IS is kept paired with a pilot for a prolonged time. It is considered illegal to exchange or remove the cores, due to the fact the core is a mixture of an AI and a power source.


Designated Pilot: Pilot of a Personal IS. They (in most of the cases) are chosen accordingly to the attribute and personality of the Core.


Extra Operation Seeker (EOS): A type of combat exoskeleton suit that predates IS. It's inferior to both IS and the Unknown in all aspects. However, their cheap prices, ease of maintenance, and the large number of units that are usually deployed make up for their weakness. Each unit is powered by Hydrogen Cells, which limited the weaponry to ballistic weapon.

Equalizer: The name for any kind of add-on equipment for IS beside Preset. They have to specially made for the IS in question, a complication made problematic since each Core is unique and may reject the equipment made.


Fold-Out Armor: The ability for IS to configure itself to a form optimized for various roles, such as attack, defense, and mobility in an instant.




Impact Cannon: A cannon that compresses space and fires it as a bullet. Its specialty is that both the barrel and bullet are invisible to the naked eye.

Infinite Stratos (IS): Combat exoskeleton suit that is made to fight against the Unknown. It's humanity's most powerful weapon ever made, able to annihilate every other man-made armaments before it. The capability of IS and its Core is still not fully understand, even with its creators.




Mondo Grosso: A supercomputer that connects all Cores. It enables sharing information and effective implement of Alaska Treaty. The machine is put on a satellite of the same name, orbits around the Earth on Lagragian Point 1. Its exact location is top confidential.




Passive Inertia Control (PIC): The system that allows IS to accomplish extreme agility and mobility unparalleled by any conventional platform. PIC largely absorbs and negates impact shock, thus protecting the pilot and the IS from catastrophic events such as high-speed collision. It is also applied to flight assist, and coupled with gravity control technology, makes IS capable of flight and hovering.

Personal IS: An IS that is tailored and manufactured for a Designated Pilot. It's usually a prototype to mass-production models and testbed to many new technologies. However, in order to archive maximum efficiency and data output, the technologies must be appropriate to the Core's characteristic.

Preset: A weapon that is integrated on an IS from from the beginning. It is considered a part of the IS and will evolves with it as well. Preset is different between IS and will determinate the machine' main purpose.



Rapid Switch: A technique that enables the pilot to access and switching between weapons with relative ease during battle. The ability to execute this technique requires the pilot's ability to remember the shape of the weapon, as well as their concentration.


Shift: Stages of evolution of an IS. Every IS starts from Default Shift, which is the the same as factory setting. When the machine has the sufficient information about its operator, the IS will evolves into 1st Shift (and in some rare cases, 2nd Shift) which suits the combat preference of the pilot.



Unknown: Aliens that are attacking Earth. They are mechanical living forms, unlike us. Their technologies are superior to human's.


Valkyrie Trace System (VT System): A program developed to increase the performance of the IS by forcefully takes over the pilot and executes sets of movement in a data bank located on the Mondo Grosso.





Zenny: USE's currency, one equals to 3 US Dollar before the WWIII.
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Old 2014-03-16, 08:46   Link #50911
Akisa Akimune
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Originally Posted by Silver-Throne View Post
SOPA is on the move. SOPA = Stop Online Privacy Acts

It deletes fan works, fanfiction, subbed anime episodes, some thing along those lines. If got caught, you`ll get imprisoned. Also it will shut down Youtube, Deviantart and websites that hosts fan-made stuff. It affects the whole world too

I already signed a petition to stop the bill passing. More signatures please. 'Stop SOPA 2014'
Did it. Not many people seem to know they are doing SOPA again... I think I'll make a fake chapter to inform people...
False tears bring pain to those around you, false smiles bring pain to oneself...
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Old 2014-03-17, 01:55   Link #50912
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Originally Posted by agetreme View Post
Agree, how about he is very good at knitting and baking.... you know "girly" unmanly stuff?

His family is f-ed up.

> His Father divorce his mother to be with his "true love/Waifu"

> His mother is manipulative bitch who sleep around (Slut is the appropriate but politically incorrect term to describe her so he use creative ways to say it....)

> His sister is actually a sadistic yandere and the OC has years of being subjected to her "special kind of love".

The combination of mother's and sister's abuse is what cause him to be terrified of all women.

Females are like F.O.E. to him.....
peaked my interest

especially @bold I have a weakness for slutty milfs, if u ever do get around to writing it please do share
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Old 2014-03-17, 04:14   Link #50913
I am no one
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It's supposed to be repulsive

(Though since I like incest, I can understand that sentiment)
My OTP is fucked up as expected
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Old 2014-03-17, 04:33   Link #50914
Lumine Passio
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You know the words: "The one that is most similar to you is also the one who argue with you the most." I could imagine Madoka inhertenced a lot from Chifuyu.
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Old 2014-03-17, 06:03   Link #50915
Big Game
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Originally Posted by ZeroXSEED View Post
It's supposed to be repulsive

(Though since I like incest, I can understand that sentiment)
Comrade Zero, bring out more vodka
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Old 2014-03-17, 06:20   Link #50916
That one guy
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Was there ever any of us who made a unit that only used knives?
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Old 2014-03-17, 06:22   Link #50917
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Originally Posted by demino_hellsin View Post
Was there ever any of us who made a unit that only used knives?
- Nope, but an Assassin's Creed-inspired IS with a white hood has crossed my mine more than once.

...I just couldn't get it to work without laughing my @$#@ off.
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Old 2014-03-17, 06:43   Link #50918
Big Game
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Originally Posted by wavehawk View Post
- Nope, but an Assassin's Creed-inspired IS with a white hood has crossed my mine more than once.

...I just couldn't get it to work without laughing my @$#@ off.
I think I can imagine looks funny
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Old 2014-03-17, 06:59   Link #50919
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Originally Posted by Silver-Throne View Post
I think I can imagine looks funny
"My name is Kanuma Kanata. I am the 53rd in a long line of assassins who strike in secret, hiding in shadows..."

Ichika: "I don't see how you can hide in the shadows when your IS is bigger than a delivery truck..."


Ichika: "I see nothing! you're hidden in the shadows! Please don't kill me with that giant sword!"

"Fool! This is but a tiny, assassin's knife..."

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Old 2014-03-17, 07:17   Link #50920
Lumine Passio
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Age: 18
I'm thinking about making an Infinite Stratos Fanon Wikia. Any suggestion?
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fanfic ideas, fanfiction,, harem, is fanfic, warning fanfic spoilers, wincest

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