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Old 2008-03-27, 08:47   Link #501
Mr Hat and Clogs
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Yeah I'm pretty pleased with it to, although some of the bugs are quite lolworthy. We wont be trying Sunwell for a little while though, want to kill Illidan first, stupid patch bugs/restarts interfered with tonights clear. Leaving Monday for BB/RoS/Shaz kills.. then Council and Illidan learnings. Prolly be a week or two before we go to SWP and poke around in there. Illidan or bust atm! Really want to see Kalecgos, M'uru, and Kil'jaeden, don't care much for the other two! Though Brutallus looks to have potential. (lolore wise more then just holy crap gibfest)

New Dailys are pretty easy, just need to motivate myself to do them, hate farming so much.
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Old 2008-03-27, 10:57   Link #502
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We decided to clear Hyjal/BT one more time to get some last minute gear before trying Sunwell. The new 3 tokens per kill now is nice...except when it drops the ones you don't need. Targeting circles on bosses are a lot smaller now, which kinda threw me off on Archimonde and Supremus (which is freaking huge now) at first.

From what I've been reading, a lot of people seemed to be pleased with Kalcegos trash. Difficult enough that a T6 guild can't really slack off. And while there's a lot before Kal, there's not much afterwards. I'm also pretty happy that Shivering Felspine drops off the trash...not so happy that I'll have to get another expensive weapon enchant so soon.

Haven't run MT yet unfortunately. I want Shard of Comtempt so bad...
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Old 2008-03-27, 15:50   Link #503
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MT's alright for its intended difficulty range for 5-mans. Heroic MT is pretty fun and yields some awesome trinkets (the tank trinket and expertise trinkets are freakishly good).
It's okay, but requires heavy CC management with, preferably, two mages. It's good practise for raids, but eliminates classes like rogues from ever entering there. Just yesterday we couldn't finish Kael because the rogues simply took too much damage from the phoenix and AoE. Also, warriors have difficult time tanking there, but our druid seemed to do just fine in contrast.

On the other hand, this is the first time in a long while since I have had to play with peeps in their greens/blues and do I regret it. Already 5 encounters where they mysteriously "disappear" to the bowels of earth and force us to cancel the run. Another case where they kept me hanging for an hour until Mr. When-I-Please would suit himself to come over from a BG and start the run. Man I hate these guys.

Have to get my title and white hawkstrider from there, btw.
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Old 2008-03-27, 16:33   Link #504
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With decent gear and a good understanding of the classes in your group you can do normal MT pretty easily without any CC. Heroic, I didn't notice the trash being that much harder.

The bombing daily that came with the second phase is pretty fun. I noticed if I hotkeyed the bomb and hit that fast while targeting I was dropping way more then one bomb per cooldown, probably a bug since I wasn't lagging at all at the time. Helps for killing the bigger demons. The other new dailies are pretty easy.

My guild is slacking on getting back to raiding, but I've heard and read crazy stories about Brutallus requiring some really serious dps from the raid and on felmyst it being a terrible idea to bring any melee. Apparently Premonition sat all their melee dps and even offtank to do it.

I was influenced by a certain group overflowing with madness and started trying to write a story. Please give it a try. Crashed into Fantasy
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Old 2008-03-28, 02:55   Link #505
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Yea, from what I heard Felmyst is pretty much an anti-melee fight. Can't wait to bench the melee-ers!

Brutallus looks...brutal as a gear check. 27778 raid dps and an estimated requirement of about 1750+ dps per raid dps-er (yea, I'm even factoring in some leet prot warrior / feral druid tanking dps too!). I know my rogues, destro locks, mages can achieve that benchmark. Hunters are kinda iffy so I dunno...enhance shammies are pretty much in the same boat with the hunters. S priests are putting out 1400-1500 dps which is pretty much expected, considering their gear (but that doesn't change the fact that they must be carried by the other dps-ers to meet the pre-enrage mark). I'm gonna have a headache tomorrow on Brutallus. =(
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Old 2008-03-28, 05:18   Link #506
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At least you can do it. I'll wish you luck, hopefully my guild stops slacking soon I'm bored after not raiding for three months.

I was influenced by a certain group overflowing with madness and started trying to write a story. Please give it a try. Crashed into Fantasy
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Old 2008-03-28, 05:35   Link #507
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My guild was working on Felmyst when PTR went down, however we havnt set foot into Sunwell since it went live. Raiding as normal. Hyjal and BT in a 2 day clear and Sunwell on Sunday. I'm sure we will get to Felmyst as well then push for progression on Monday. Although we picked up our first set of glaives so our rogues are really happy. My cowl still hasnt dropped. I'm still dissapointed.
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Old 2008-03-28, 06:20   Link #508
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Originally Posted by Xacual View Post
At least you can do it. I'll wish you luck, hopefully my guild stops slacking soon I'm bored after not raiding for three months.
Thanks for the well-wishing, but ouch...3 months? A sudden drop in motivation?
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Old 2008-03-28, 07:31   Link #509
Mr Hat and Clogs
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Sometimes I wish my guild raided more, 2 days a week doesn't seem enough at times. But suits our bunch of drunkards well enough. Geez doubt we could pull off 20K RDPS with what we have atm, we've had the worst luck with non-set gear drops. GG Paladin Ret gear, and DPS plate, other classes would like some stuff!

Well, its all good either way, good luck you guys in their bug testing the instance for us!

If only 2.4 was a couple weeks later. Would have liked to have killed Illidan before then.
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Old 2008-03-28, 10:29   Link #510
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Finally got to do MGT last night. Normal is a joke. Ran heroic with myself (ret), a prot pally, CoH priest, rogue, and feral. Sap was enough CC with the feral OT as necessary. Turn evil is also really nice for CCing the demon mobs during the priestess (lame healing trinket dropped) boss. Kael is a joke now. Quite amusing to see his fall from grace after TK. Anyways, finishing up BT on sunday (didn't raid on tuesday) and getting a crack at Sunwell on Monday.
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Old 2008-03-28, 11:16   Link #511
Mr Hat and Clogs
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Yeah Normal MrT (Thats what our server seems to have taken to calling it, pity the foo's who don't) is pretty easy, first time we went in there was an interesting challenge. Heroic is a good challenge. Priestess can still throw you a curve-ball in normal like Heroic if you aren't careful. I've done it once with any form of CC so far, a Mage for todays heroic. Every other time has been another shaman, feral druid, paladin or what ever. Did one Normal with a lock one time today though, we just Seeded the instance into the dirt.

Stupid Priestess dropped my Shard once, lost to a Druid. been Tank and Heal trinket the other times. Q_Q

I like Kael'thas, I think its tragic (in a good story way) in how he has fallen. He is a prime example of the deception and corruption the Legion is capable of. Kil'jaeden basically led him on. Now he's batshit crazy and completely cracked. A fairly ignoble (but fitting) end to a good character. Can totally hear it in his voice, through his monologue and combat dialog, its really strained when he does gravity Lapse for example. Anyone else thing he sounds like William Dafoe? I'd almost say Bliz pulled off the tragically fallen hero led astray through twisted beliefs, morals and desire for power this time.
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Old 2008-03-28, 18:08   Link #512
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We were raiding about 5 days a week trying to finish up Black Temple and Hyjal before 2.4 came out and when the holidays hit we lost quite a few people to real life so when the holidays ended we would have had to recruit about 10 new raiders and of course then run SSC and TK to key them up and not many of us wanted to go back to those instances after four months or so.

The officers decided we'd try to get back into raiding with 2.4 and I'm hoping for the best.

I was influenced by a certain group overflowing with madness and started trying to write a story. Please give it a try. Crashed into Fantasy
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Old 2008-03-29, 13:48   Link #513
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Originally Posted by Mr Hat and Clogs View Post
I'd almost say Bliz pulled off the tragically fallen hero led astray through twisted beliefs, morals and desire for power this time.
I'd say blizzard has once again destroyed every single piece of good lore that they had developed with the games and books. I'm really wondering if they just have no creativity or if they literally plan to destroy Azeroth completely.

If you think back to Warcraft 3 and back to WoW almost every NPC has been dealt with or there is plans to deal with them. The exception to this rule is Malfurion. There have been mentions of Deathwing. And in WotLK Arthus Menethil, The Lick King and Malygos (The Aspect of the the Blue Dragonflight) will be killed.

If you think about it, the only original piece of raid content that they have released is Molten Core, Ahn Quiraj, and the Troll instances.
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Old 2008-03-29, 19:37   Link #514
Mr Hat and Clogs
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Ahh but you can't have a game where no one dies. At the least the way this MMO is designed someone *has* to die. I do think its fairly annoying that there will be no villains left for WC4 if they keep going at the rate they are. How ever I think the way they portrayed Kael was good. I think they did him really well.

How ever, what they are butchering with Malygos I cannot agree with, UNLESS it results in him being 'pure' in the end, like we smack some sense into him. The fact that Alexstraza is supposed to help you in the fight itself gives me some hope for that. Deathwing has 'died'... 4 times now? Personally I think killing the Aspects is a retarded idea. Killing the beings that supposedly regulate the flow of things on and through Azeroth is just stupefying. I guess at least we cannot kill Nozdormu.

Arthas dieing in WotLK or in WC4, either one doesn't matter to me, he's a dead man either way. If we get help from a bunch of hero's to kill him, say Jainia as one (lolillidan to?), it wouldn't be to bad. All depends on the execution. But I'll be a sad panda if anyone ends up with either Frostmourne or his armor. That just spits in the face of lore then. Though I think Bornakk hinted at (lol @ Bornakk saying anything concrete though) that Ner'zhul, Arthas (Lich King?) wouldn't be so easily defeated in WotLK. Arthas' body might be destroyed but Ner'zhul will still be around in spirit form, may or may not be bound to his armor any more though, waiting to posses another person. Kinda like Sauron and the Ring. I'm not gona touch the lore around Frostmourne with a 10 foot pole though, that thing is a bona-fide lore trap. So lets just say Frostmourne's will > anyone elses.

Kil'jaeden is still alive, even after Sunwell, you just force him back into the Nether. Neltharion is like a cock roach. Illidan is alive as well I believe, thats the vibe I get. I've got this suspicion that they could explain his being alive with that Maiev took his 'body' away. And no I'm not part of the Illidan fan club, more of a Medivh fan, or a Neltharion fan myself, hell even Arthas. Thats not to say he is a bad character though. I would like to see him actually get a second shot at Arthas.

also winnar go go PM, thought we'd be failing at it. >.>

Last edited by Mr Hat and Clogs; 2008-03-29 at 20:14.
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Old 2008-03-29, 21:23   Link #515
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I agree with you about the characters dying. A lot of people seem to think in an mmo the storyline and characters should stay static but I'm all for new heroes and old ones getting killed or dying off in battle. Moving the story along is a good thing. In WoW, we've seen blood elves go from following Kael'thas blindly to being loyal members of the Horde and forsaking their king who has abandoned and forsaken them. Its good lore in my opinion.

About Frostmourne, I read a great idea about the that one of the things you loot is a shard from the sword and you can turn it in and they'll purify it and turn it into some kind of ring or something. Basically a "boss head" quest. I would really enjoy that more then seeing a night elf rogue in AV with it.

I was influenced by a certain group overflowing with madness and started trying to write a story. Please give it a try. Crashed into Fantasy
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Old 2008-03-30, 07:15   Link #516
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I'm thinking Frostmourne will be a death knight only weapon, it's a runeblade after all, kinda...their..thing.

Or Arthas doesn't even need any drops really if it will be the last boss in the game.
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Old 2008-03-30, 07:44   Link #517
Mr Hat and Clogs
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This is why I didn't really want to discuss Frostmourne, but I'm not going to be able to stop myself I have no self control. Lets say I hope it is NOT weilded by anyone, and I hope the blade is destroyed in the encounter so that none of it can be used. The Curse section has some interesting information about the blade and provides some fairly good lore reasons why the blade should not be wielded at all. Even for short periods of time.

Of course they will more then likely ignore that to give warriors a new toy, since they need more legendaries.

Though if I had to chose I would have it as DK only.

Thats just my opinion though.
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Old 2008-03-30, 10:17   Link #518
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Ah that's kill Arthas/the Lich King, the sword will have to be destroyed, it's like their body. It'd be funny if the characters who picked it up would actually become the Lich King and have to spend their days as a raid boss.
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Old 2008-03-30, 19:25   Link #519
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I really hate farming but the new daily quests have become somewhat of an obsession for me. Have made over 1000g across 2 characters this week just from the quests and the drops I've gotten while finishing them. Even managed to finish the bombing quest in one run yesterday. I really should stop wasting time and get back to leveling my rogue, but for some reason I'm having fun.
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Old 2008-03-31, 05:19   Link #520
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Or Frostmourne would be only available for DK class, which means that blizz makes us play even more to become DK to get it. They are killers.
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