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Old 2014-10-21, 09:14   Link #54921
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by demino_hellsin View Post
We're at that point in time where traditional bond villain schemes would be welcome right about now. Like setting up a seismic instigator machine that will literally shake down all of Japan from those very islands that sunk.
- Didn't they already do that in Battlefield 3?

And I don't think anyone's figured out just how big overall IS Academy is. We know for sure that a monorail connects it to the mainland, and that at least in the anime they travel to and from on a regular basis. But that pic shows just how massive the island is, with all those buildings and the tiny docks...I would say it's a fair-sized island.

On the other hand, if the students frequently travel to the mainland for entertainment and other such, I would probably have to hazard a guess that it's not a city in itself., Buildings might be entirely for support staff (I think I mentioned this previously as well) and outside of food not really much in the way of shopping or entertainment on the island itself.

It kind of reminds me of the Gold Coast (here in Australia) in a way--from a distance it looks like a city because fo all the buildings, but when close up you realize it's not a city. In the case of the Gold Coast, all the highrises are all hotels and apartments and eateries. I could guess that all the highrises in IS Academy are all support staff housing (cooks, technicians, security etc) outside of the faculty and students.
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Old 2014-10-21, 09:17   Link #54922
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
I slightly remember in the anime that Ichika went with Charlotte to buy her swimsuit in a shopping district inside a monorail station. Was that on the mainland or in ISA? If it was on the mainland, WHY THE HECK CAN'T WE JUST MAGICALLY GIVE ISA ITS OWN MALL!?!?!?!

How bout something a lil more doofenshmurtzish? Coat the whole city/country in chocolate and set all the sugar ants in the world on it. That is ofcourse after you buy out all the available sugar ant farms on sale in the world.
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Old 2014-10-21, 09:34   Link #54923
I am no one
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Inside your head
I.S. Academy are about 2-3 km wide, considering that those arena are about 200-300 m wide each. Also, the buildings might be densely packed but overall there's a LOT of empty spaces, random woods and rock cliffs in this island, hell there looks like what could be considered abandoned beach.

As far as artificial island considered, I.S. academy look TOO natural and realistic, and that would be considered waste of resources.

I could try to dig the old booklet photo, which seems to be my answer to DarkJak's question.
My OTP is fucked up as expected
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Old 2014-10-21, 09:45   Link #54924
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
I think we're just being too anal with the landscape. More so than the tech, location is generally handwaved with the few notes on famous places. For everything else, it's conveniently inaccurate
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Old 2014-10-21, 10:35   Link #54925
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
More bits. I damn well better use as much opportunity to write as I can when I can. Never know when you hit a wall again.
A division between what is pure and what is corrupt.

The unmistakeable mass of red torii hovered at the foot of the steps. Much like a path she had taken weeks earlier, before the O-Bon festival.

A red gate hidden among the green. It belonged and did not belong, like <Ren> herself.

The mountain she now faced was tall and deeper green-grey rough-hewn stone, unlike the gentler slope of the shrine's hill. This new path was not lined by the giant structures. No gods were here to thank, no wealthy patrons donating their millions to add brothers to the lone red gate. This was not a place for Shinto worship, no shrine lay at the end. It was just the one torii, a warning rather than a welcome. Imposing yet silently hidden, no one visited this spot save those who had purpose here. The wooden torii of a Shinto Shrine were more elaborate, with a roof above the top. This was a simple, older design of two long wooden beams across the top of the huge stone posts.

The comparative irony did not escape <Ren> as she began to walk toward red-hewn stone pillars.

"You sure you want me to wait?"

<Ren> did not turn to face Haruko on the bottom step. The car was idling, parked on the incline of the hill.

"Just me from here on." <Ren> replied, strangely looking up at the blood-red gate. Doubt in her eyes, whether she was walking back into the realm of the sacred or the profane. "You're not allowed in here."

Haruko did not reply, but shut the engine. She knew full well what lay beyond the red gates.

<Ren> went up the steps, without word or sound as she distanced herself from Kokuto's car. Soon, the green forests hid all from view. Sunlight could barely sneak past the trees and their shade, melting the view of the path that was still visible.

She came to a stop at one tree. Etched into the wood was the same symbol tattooed on her arm. Symbols of the I-ching, two broken lines split by a straight line for water. Fire was its opposite, two straight lines split by a broken line. A second meaning existed within the first: Three straight lines stood for the heavens, while three broken lines represent earth.

The symbol of the clan. Being both Fire and Water, masters of Heaven and Earth.

She walked on, taking more caution in every step she took. Eyes felt but not seen were watching her.

Another wooden torii, much smaller than the first. This one unpainted, a dull and simple brown struture standing watch over a hidden home. No walls were seen. Or needed. <Ren> walked through the gate in silence, but not silent.

There were a few people tending to the courtyard, entrance to a large and classical home. Glazed tile roofs atop lacquered wood and paper structures. The house was vast, as large as she had remembered it as a child. Those around remained engrossed in their work: Cutting the grass and trimming the hedges. Housekeepers, gardeners and hired help. As invisible to ordinary people as air.

<Ren> knew they were not merely househelp. The Clan did not employ outsiders. And though they kept silent, she could hear. The whispers. They accused beneath their breath, pretending that she could not hear them. But she heard. Clearly. And they knew she could hear, though they pretended she could not.

Bastard child.

Devil child.

Stain on the Clan's name.

<Ren>'s vicious smile could not be wider. She relished in the spite they all had for her, fed on it. The pride made the pain in her arm and leg throb slightly as she walked. The path was clear and she had her lip curl in a smile as she strode forth. Let them see me, let them see my contempt.

And then she stopped. The entranceway to the house, forboding and forbidding. Paper doors shut, but to <Ren> as impenetrable as iron and stone. The sounds of grass-cutting and sweeping disappeared. Not even birds or beetles sang or moved. Total silence remained.

"You know I'm not armed. You know why I'm here," she whispered, knowing the ears on the ground could hear and the eyes in the trees could see. The gardeners and help were absent from view, but their presence remained. Hostile in response if not intent. <Ren> made no move, instead defiantly staring at the doors. "You know who I want to talk to."

The doors slid open slowly, to cause no sound. And a lone person strode out of the shadows.

A young man of his twenties. Uncharacteristically clothed in formal business wear, sharp edged tie and suit. In his hand sat an unlit cigarette, the rumpled appearance of which suggested he rolled his own smokes.

<Ren> wore a razor-edged grin on her face. "Yo, Jo."

"That's such a stupid joke." Hijikata snarled through the polite smile that was not a smile. Baring teeth. Like a tiger in its home territory. A snap of fingers, and the cigarette on Hijikata's lips lit. "Really. When everyone in the family is against you, you really should accept all the kindness you get." He shook his head, taking a deep and savoury breath through his cigarette.

"The Strong Master." <Ren> spoke it mockingly, and felt a dozen unseen eyes pierce her with hatred. Far fewer than she had been expecting. Which meant that the clan's home was understaffed. There was only one reason it would have been so. "You've been busy."

"Unlike some." Hijikata crossed his arms. "Your skills--the clan's skills--were not meant for babysitting a mere boy." A tap, and ash fell from the lit cigarette. The grey ash never reached the ground, as Jo casually sliced his free hand under it. The ash was gone, mere dust in the wind. "We are not shields. We are swords. We do not protect by stupidly throwing our bodies in front of our lords as the samurai do." Another draw of the cigarette. "We protect by killing anyone and anything that threatens our lord."

"And who is our 'lord'?"

"Japan." Hijikata replied, unflinching.

"I am not a sword."

"No. That you are not." Hijikata did not move. Like a tiger ready to pounce, he stood relaxed and wary all at once. "You will fight alone. You will always fight alone. One day you'll die, and on that day the clan will rejoice."

<Ren> tried to match his cold smile. "Then throw my corpse a party."

"The boy you like won't be won over by a demon's smile."

<Ren> refused to be baited, leaving Jo to try another tactic.

"What is it you really want, Shiho?" He replied under his breath, loud enough only for <Ren> to hear. Jo's smile was smug as he looked down upon the girl who he saw as a blight on his existence. "I have heard from the Johohonbu, they've relieved you of guard duty. This joke has gone too far for too long."

She did not look at him. <Ren>'s eyes were warily eyeing the absent gardeners and household help. All of them unseen, yet watching. All casting hateful glances at her when they thought she wasn't looking. Whispering in venomous, small drips under their breath.

Devil. Snake. Bastard. Monster.

"They have asked me to undertake a killing." <Ren> responded. She refused to use the more professional term: Assassination.

"Where?" Jo asked, uninterested.


A ghastly chuckle. "So you couldn't keep away from it after all."

<Ren>'s snakelike eyes met the proud tiger in Hijikata's eyes.

"An assassin who does not want to kill. What good is that?" Hijikata blew the rest of his smoke into the air. "What good are you?"

"I am not here to argue with you." <Ren>'s eyes continued to lock eyes with Jo's. The snake would not back down. "I want what's mine."

For the first time, the mocking smile left the Strong Master's face. It was a mien that spoke of personal offence, the way a tiger reacted to a little snake threatening his majesty. "You own nothing."

"I own what my father bequeathed to me."

"Oh?" There seemed to be flicker of relief on Jo's face for a split-second. "Just that?" Hijikata's sudden cold laughter chilled even <Ren>'s bones. "Very well." A wave of his hand, and wind chilled the air.

Whispers. Singing. Not a traditional japanese song, nor was it modern. The lilt was familiar to <Ren>, as she had heard it sung to her as a child.

An American nursery rhyme. Something she learned from her father.

Something the others hidden from sight mocked her with.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor.
Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief.
Black Man, White Man, Red Man, Old Man.
Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief.

<Ren> almost snickered aloud as she whispered her own lines to the tale.

"One man did what no man could,
stole my fate that's understood.
What he did was beyond belief,
oh that devil was a common thief!

She met Hijikata's eyes as she spoke thus.

From the depths of the home a bag was thrown, landing squarely at <Ren>'s feet.

"Take it." The still-smiling Jo rasped. "Take it and never come back."
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Old 2014-10-22, 06:51   Link #54926
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
next bit up. I'm surprised nobody's remarked how familiar some of this...oh wait, I forget. Most of you guys weren't even born yet during the original 1980's ninja craze.
The phone was left off.

Crumpling the fifth empty can, she was going to toss it in the back like the four before it. But eventually she settled for tossing it in the front passenger seat with a disgruntled sigh. <Ren> had not been gone long, but she was bored. Fishing into her pocket, she looked at the little black object.

A thumbdrive, small with only 8 gigabytes of data on it. Kokuto frowned. In the little device was a collection of information she had been sitting on. The device never left her person, especially after the search of the apartment. In it was her own investigation, separate from the Johohonbu. Information that the heads in HQ wanted her to undertake off the record. Sightings. Locations. Findings. Information.

Blackmail. She considered. Information that she could use to get out of this mess on her own. But she doubted Johohonbu HQ and it's secret heads would play ball. They'd just take this data and sweep it under the rug. They could not keep any secrets fromt he rest of the Government intelligence agencies any longer. And the information would be sloppily handled. Disgusted, Kokuto wanted another can of coffee.


"GAH!!!" Kokuto jumped when she saw <Ren> standing outside her car window. Instinctively she hid the device in her skirt pocket. "DON'T. DO. THAT!!!"

"We're good to go." <Ren> walked over to the passenger side door and entered, a bag on her lap as she sat. It was a duffel bag, of the variety used by the US Army in the 1970's. The faded black stencils scrawled on the surface were of the same typeface used by the american military, though unreadable now.

Haruko started up the car but left it idling. "What's in it? Your father's keepsakes?"

"No." <Ren> responded quietly. "This."

Inside the bag were all manner of weapons. <Ren> picked out the most notable one: a straight sword in its scabbard, that had no hilt. A second one was produced, a slightly curved smaller brother to the first. Blades that took no pride in being swords, lacking in any of the honor that the traditional Japanese Katana had.

"Chokuto and Wakizashi. My father kept these for me." <Ren> explained before Kokuto could think of asking. She drew the weapon slowly. The swords, despite not being of the same steel and temper as a true Katana, felt firm in her hand. They were by both law and necessity shorter than the traditional Katana of lore. The straight blade of the longer Chokuto was 48 centimeters long, a size ideal for an adolescent. The shorter Wakizashi was the better made of the two, yet only 25 centimeters length. It was of more a large knife than a sword. Haruko had heard of them, weapons that in medieval times were prohibited from being long enough to challenge the katana. Swords that had no right to question the nobility of the samurai. Paired together, one slightly shorter than the other.

Swords that were called knives by the Samurai--the only ones in those times allowed to have a true sword.

There were a large variety of star-shaped throwing blades or shuriken, which Kokuto was not surprised to see. <Ren>'s skill with throwing concealed weapons made them expected. The small blades were simple but reliable weapons, easily carried and expendable. Some had as many as eight points, others were simpler with four or three points. More conventional modern throwing knives were also in the mix.

If the swords seemed ancient, the bow was more modern as <Ren> began to assemble it. It was a compound bow, similar to those used by bowhunters and athletes. Although it was in good condition, the scars and chips on its handle and arms showed how much wear the weapon had gone through. A pair of wheels and pulleys were on each end, and <Ren> initially had difficulty pulling the bow's drawstring together by hand.

"Isn't that a lot of trouble?"

<Ren> grunted. A second later, the bow was prepared. "I won't be able to throw as well with my right arm. The bow will give me more range."

You're seriously going through with this. With rusty old ninja swords. Have you got a death wish? Haruko was sure she didn't have to say that out loud.

"All of these weapons are silent," <Ren> explained as she picked up one of the star-shaped blades. Four tips, perfect angles. Testing its balance, how it felt in her left hand. Satisfied, she put it back in the bag. "Besides. You honestly think HQ will just give me weapons?"

Well it's a mission, Kokuto thought but did not speak. Given the trouble it was in, the Johohonbu would most likely ignore the request.

<Ren> took out one last weapon. Unlike the others, this was unused and well-kept.

A Tanto, far simpler and robust in design than the swords. Haruko thought it jarring, as the thick blade was coated black like modern military knives. Yet it sat within a traditional if plain scabbard and handle of equally dark lacquered wood.

"Are you really okay with this?" Haruko was formulating her own plan in her mind.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I've no compunctions about killing." <Ren> felt the weight of the heavy Tanto in her hand. The chisel-pointed blade seemed to mock her in the dim light as she toyed with it, locking the weapon in a hidden holster then drawing it out again. No noise from the sheathing or resheathing action. <Ren> was satisfied and kept the blade out. "I was just wondering how Orimura Ichika would feel about it."

"Is he really that kind of man?"

"He was too kind, even back as a child." <Ren>'s eyes opened, the focused glare of a serpent ready to strike. The only other item in the bag was what looked vaguely like a karate gi, the garments used in martial arts practice. Yet the cloth was thicker, worn. Crude patches were sewn into the legs and arms, in some places as thick as padding. It was more grey than white, musty cobwebs and dust with their mottled prints marking every inch. Dirty snow, or the scarred scales of a snake. "Because he's kind, I have to be cruel."

Without another word, <Ren> took the tanto and started shredding one of the pants legs.

Haruko was befuddled. "What are you doing?"

"Making edits." <Ren> continued to slice viciously through the cloth. "I was twelve when I last wore this. I've grown up since then."

"Not by much." Kokuto mumbled, but went back to driving. "You know, we could just buy you some white winter clothing."

"Another excuse to go shopping."

"Shut up." Haruko's peeved mien glared back at <Ren>. Like old times. "I'll have to fill up in the city before we start off. This little beetle of a car won't get very far on a half tank."

"Before that." A shredding of fibers. The pants leg was widened, space enough to wear over street clothes. "There's one more person I need to speak to."

"Dammit." Haruko's palm clapped hard on the steering wheel. "You know you can't speak to Orimura Ichika. HQ is strict about that."

"It's not him I need to speak to."

"Eh?" Haruko looked back at <Ren>, perplexed.

"You know who." <Ren> tucked the baseball cap over her brow. "Wake me when we get there."

Sometimes I don't know if you planned this all ahead, Haruko thought of the secret thumbdrive. Or if you're actually reading my mind.
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Old 2014-10-22, 07:55   Link #54927
Lumine Passio
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Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Age: 18
Say, in the case of Axis did hit Earth and the Republic declared independent, do you think that the Federation would be less likely to maintain their hold on Von Braun? I'm thinking for Full Frontal to staged a Revolution and the annex Moon,
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Old 2014-10-22, 20:42   Link #54928
Senior Member
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It's really nice to see lots of fanfic ideas for IS. It only means that many people really love this series, however screwed-up its author is.

PS: Newbie here.
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Old 2014-10-22, 21:45   Link #54929
That one guy
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If you mean the series then no. If you mean the machine and Chifuyu then yes.
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Old 2014-10-22, 21:47   Link #54930
I am no one
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Welcome to the cloudcuckooland

leave your sanity on the door and spill your ideas out.
My OTP is fucked up as expected
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Old 2014-10-22, 22:16   Link #54931
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2014
Originally Posted by ZeroXSEED View Post
Welcome to the cloudcuckooland

leave your sanity on the door and spill your ideas out.
I don't have sanity to begin with. My avatar should speak for itself.

I'm not writing a fanfic anytime soon. But I'll throw in some ideas from time to time.
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Old 2014-10-23, 04:02   Link #54932
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Fanfic writing is kind of like high-speed slalom skiing: Just when I think I'm on the home stretch I hit another wall again.
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Old 2014-10-23, 05:49   Link #54933
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
Originally Posted by wavehawk View Post
Fanfic writing is kind of like high-speed slalom skiing: Just when I think I'm on the home stretch I hit another wall again.
What are you talking about wave? There is always a wall. YOU MUST BREAK THROUGH IT WITH THE DRILL OF CREATIVITY!
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Old 2014-10-23, 06:30   Link #54934
Expert Procrastinator
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: An air vent, staring at you
Also, as a side note, it may take up to twelve hours for all of us to see a post, since we are all spread out across the globe.

And unrelated note attached to my side note, I'm almost done with chapter one of my AU fanfic. Hopefully you will like it. (Fingers crossed)
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Old 2014-10-23, 07:38   Link #54935
Lumine Passio
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Age: 18
Von Braun, like all city, was divided into concentric circles. The closer to the center of it, the more prestigious yours standing in society was. We has just seen the middle one of them, where most of the middle class lived. Now, please move our eyes a bit further to the West.
The citizens of “Beltline”, another name of the outer rim, had no reason to complain about their rulers. Pacifist as they were, an agreement was reached and the neighbor was divided into fiefs with their own peaceful, undisputed, un-interfered administrators. Just as they were, courts were replaced with a more personal branch of ‘Justice’, Lynch. Benevolent as they were, those otherworldly pleasures were sold by packets in preferential price. Liberty as they were, all form of commercial were accepted, as long as you pay the taxes. Full of equality as they were, the fixed rate of 10% was applied to each and every transaction. Religious as they were, the church welcomed them every weekend, bringing a goat with golden fleeces, or in some particular day, one of own their flesh and blood to the sacrifice stone.
This was a place where Second Amendment became First Priority. This was a place where radio stations broadcasted word of promise of Eden for zealous Crusaders of Drugtendom, and Mary appeared between grey smoke. This was a place where the Olive Branches were handled to the ones who dare. This was the Free World, in all of its glory.
Maybe I've gone a bit too far. Tempest?
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Old 2014-10-23, 07:48   Link #54936
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by demino_hellsin View Post

I'm going to finish this POS fic even if it kills me. The next bit after this one is a Chifuyu section, and it's driving me bonkers how to write it


They met each other a few more times in that field. Ichika once wrote his name in the soil,
oddly enough in Kanji. Orimura Ichika: Cut from a bone, a single summer. He then asked his
playmate what her full name was.

Shiho only wrote her name in plan hiragana, which meant nothing. Ichika did not pursue the
matter further.

Those few times they played chase together, Ichika could never catch her. On more than one
occassion he wondered how it was Shiho ran as fast as she did. Or hid as well as she did. At
the age of five or six, Ichika kept trying but almost always lost to Shiho. Except the
moments she let him win.

Shiho never answered when he asked. She could never explain how her feats were considered
normal for her clan. Maybe I'm just stronger, she wanted to say. But Shiho was also
afraid to lose the only friend she had.

The times she spent with him were short, in the grassy plains beneath the mountain. Away
from the big house, away from the clan. She preferred it here, where no one forced her to
apologize for things her father supposedly did.

"I bet you have a big family." Ichika asked.

Shiho was afraid for a second, but answered. "Yeah."

"In my family there's just me and Chifuyu-nee," Ichika didn't seem sad or jealous, just
stating a fact. Then a worried look on his face, coupled with that sheepish laughter. And
the silly gesture of scratching his head. "We don't stay in the same place for long. Maybe
I'll go somewhere else."


Ichika was a little frightened at this response, but laughed it off. "Actually, Chifuyu-nee
usually brings me to places. She says its to protect me. Maybe she'll stay here this time."

"I'll protect you."

"Hah?" Ichika had an odd look on his face, not laughing only because of the seriousness on
the little girl's face. "But you're a girl."

"I will protect you." The little girl grabbed his hand tightly. "If I protect you, do you
promise to stay?"

"It's a boy's job to protect a girl, you know." He then stopped, realizing how he sounded
after mentioning his sister earlier. "I mean only giant robots and big monsters can protect
a boy. Just like in the cartoons."

"Then I'll stop being a girl." Shiho spoke in a firm voice, with unnatural determination for
a child her age. "Even if I have to become a monster, I'll protect you. Just stay."

"I promise I'll stay, Shiho-chan." Ichika smiled back, more than a little amused at Shiho's
serious look. "If you promise to tell me your family name."

There was a hint of terror in the little girl's eyes for a second, but it left just as
quickly. Shiho had already decided. Without her father there was no reason for her to stay
with the clan. At worst, she would go with Ichika. Shiho actually liked the idea, being
part of another family. To be with her first real friend. "If you come here tomorrow, I'll
tell you."

"It's a promise." Ichika held up a small hand, pinky finger curled. "Pinky promise?"

Shiho curled her small finger around his.


Last edited by wavehawk; 2014-10-23 at 08:06.
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Old 2014-10-23, 10:17   Link #54937
Join Date: May 2014
Location: PH
I lost count in adding 2 chapters today and I feel that I can still go work for 5 chapters. I really cannot blame my imagination for this

What I am doing right now is taking some time off today. The IS,I specifically created for my OC is named after Arthur`s Knight who is the first one who achieved the Holy Grail Quest. I`m making the color scheme of the IS in red to symbolize the name and origin.

I have enough material to start the fic right now but that will be postponed.
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Old 2014-10-24, 07:41   Link #54938
Lumine Passio
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Age: 18
A particular Haven for all those poor, rejected souls was bar “Albion”, famous with both Federation and Zeon troops alike. What make this frowzy, rundown place so attracted? It carried the same air of nonchalant as its customers. Between for black sooth brick walls, they drank rum or vodka in these cracked mugs, as well as stories of the pasts. Some were about glories, more about losses, and all were sad. They came, burned the little money and much time that they had left, before going back to their dens with souls empty as wallets.
On one afternoon, the bar was full – it was a market day. However, crammed as it was, everything was still kept in a tranquil – A word rarely associate with pubs. But like these dusty furnitures that the owners didn’t give a slightest though, everyone seemed asleep. The only audible sounds were mumbles of drunkens.
Suddenly, their slumber was interrupted by a new face. They dimmed their eyes, only to be then wide open in the features of a female. She was beautiful, yes, but also had been honed by hardship. That black coat, raptor-like look, and confident strides of commanding persona: she was a mystery.
However, these men were soldiers, and they immediately recognized one of their kin. Bird of a feather, these eyes, as much as their owner want to hide it, simply existed, not live. Existed only to be questioned by a big Why? Why continue this meaningless survival?
Continue, continue. Chifuyu Orimura could be the perfect alternative version of Motoko Kusanagi.
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Old 2014-10-24, 09:24   Link #54939
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
You guys think an IS is agile enough to fight horrors? I personally think they'd only have trouble with the human sized ones. For those who understand. What do you think?
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Old 2014-10-24, 09:58   Link #54940
I am no one
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Location: Inside your head
Define 'horror' and from what franchise
My OTP is fucked up as expected
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fanfic ideas, fanfiction,, harem, is fanfic, warning fanfic spoilers, wincest

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