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Old 2012-01-23, 02:46   Link #561
Join Date: Sep 2008
Create your overlay.

Then using:
###  Overlay functions for RGBA videos and images with optional mattes
## Written by pichu, v0.4a
## Requires AVISynth 2.56+
## Put this into your avisynth plugins directory
## Preliminary: aviSign( clip c string "filename" [, bool "rescale" = false , string "alpha_file" , string "colorspace" ] ) - this will open the overlay video for all sign( ) and reset the frame number, until another aviSign( ) is declared.
## Preliminary: imgSign( clip c string "filename" [, bool "rescale"  = false , string "alpha_file" , "colorspace" ] ) - this will open the overlay image for all sign( ) and reset the frame number, until another aviSign( ) is declared.
##       Usage: sign( clip c , int "start_frame" = 0 , int "end_frame" = 0 ,  , int "offset" = 0 , string "mode" = "Blend" , int "x" = 0 , int "y" = 0 )
#   Parameters:            c           is the current clip getting overlayed (required)
#                          filename    is the filename of the RGBA overlay avi. (required)
#                          start_frame is the starting frame of the overlay. (default = 0)
#                          end_frame   is the ending frame of the overlay. (default = 0)
#                          offset      is the number of frames to offset from current. (default = 0)
#                          mode        is the blending mode of the current overlay segment. (default = "blend")
#                                Note:    When mode="splice", the current clip will be spliced instead of overlayed.
#                          x, y        are the coordinates offset (default = 0,0)
#                          colorspace  is the colorspace conversion.  It can be: RGB, RGB24, RGB32, YUY2, or YV12.

#   Conditions:   If start_frame = 0, it will compute using the number of frames in the overlay to the end_frame. 
#                 If end_frame = 0,   it will compute using the number of frames in the overlay to the start_frame. 
#                 If start_frame and end_frame are both 0, then the beginning of the video will get overlayed.
#                     Note: this code can't allow you to overlay the clip on frame 0 with only one frame.
# Examples:
# import( "Signs_Overlay.avsi" )
# sign( 1111 , 2222 ) +\
# sign( 4444 , 5555 )
# The above example will generate the entire video sequence for clips at those frames. (synonymous to trim)
# Now, you just need to add in aviSign( ... ) and remove +\ to get the final overlays :)
# import( "Signs_Overlay.avsi" )
# aviSign( "Sign1.avi" ).sign( 1234 )   # Allow you to overlay Sign1.avi at frame #1234 and ends at wherever the overlay ends.
# aviSign( "Sign_all.avi" )
# sign( 1111 , 2222 )
# sign( 4444 , 5555 ) # The next sign, starting at frame 4444 and end at frame 5555 will get overlayed

global SIGN_OVERLAY = ""
global SIGN_FRAME = 0

function sign( clip c , int "start_frame" , int "end_frame" , int "offset" , string "mode" , int "x" , int "y" )
	offset = Default( offset , 0 )
	mode = Default( mode , "Blend" )
	end_frame = Default( end_frame , 0 )
	x = Default( x , 0 )
	y = Default( y , 0 )
	start_frame = Default( start_frame , 0 )
	overlay_frame = SIGN_FRAME
	assert( defined( c ) , "You must have a working video clip to be overlayed" )
	end_frame = SIGN_OVERLAY.isclip ? ( ( end_frame > 0 ) ? end_frame : start_frame + SIGN_OVERLAY.framecount - 1 - SIGN_FRAME ) : end_frame
	start_frame = SIGN_OVERLAY.isclip ? ( ( start_frame >= 0 ) ? start_frame : end_frame - SIGN_OVERLAY.framecount + 1 + SIGN_FRAME ) : start_frame
	assert( start_frame < end_frame , "Starting Frame (" + string( start_frame ) + ") must be smaller than Ending Frame (" + string( end_frame ) + ")!" )
	assert( ( start_frame >= 0 ) && ( end_frame >= 0 ) , "Starting (" + string( start_frame ) + ") and Ending Frame (" + string( end_frame ) + ") must not be smaller than 0" )
	assert( end_frame < c.framecount , "The number of frames being overlayed must not be bigger than the number of frames in the clip you're overlaying on (end frame = " + String( end_frame ) + ")" )
	o = SIGN_OVERLAY.isclip() ? SIGN_OVERLAY.assumefps( c ).trim( overlay_frame + offset , overlay_frame + end_frame - start_frame ) : ""
	global SIGN_FRAME = SIGN_FRAME + end_frame - start_frame + 1
	start_frame = start_frame + offset
	sign_overlays = lcase( mode ) == "splice" ? o : ( SIGN_OVERLAY.isclip() ? c.trim( start_frame , end_frame ).overlay( o , x , y , o.showalpha , mode=mode ) : "" )
	return \
		SIGN_OVERLAY.isclip() ? \
		   ( start_frame > 0 ? \
			( end_frame < c.framecount( ) - 1 ? \
			c.trim( 0 , -start_frame ) ++ sign_overlays ++ c.trim( end_frame + 1 , 0 ) : \
			c.trim( 0 , -start_frame ) ++ sign_overlays ) : \
			( end_frame < c.framecount( ) - 1 ? \
			sign_overlays ++ c.trim( end_frame + 1 , 0 ) : \
			sign_overlays ) \
		   ) : c.trim( start_frame , end_frame )

function aviSign( clip c , string "filename" , bool "rescale" , string "alpha_file" , string "colorspace" )
	rescale = Default( rescale , false )
	colorspace = Default( colorspace , "" )
	colorspace = UCase( colorspace )
	alpha_file = Default( alpha_file , "" )
	v = avisource( filename ).converttorgb32
	global SIGN_FRAME = 0
	global SIGN_OVERLAY = rescale ? ( ( alpha_file != "" ) ? mergeargb( avisource( alpha_file ) , v.showred , v.showgreen , v.showblue ) : v ).assumefps( c ).lanczos4resize( c.width , c.height ) : ( ( alpha_file != "" ) ? mergeargb( avisource( alpha_file ) , v.showred , v.showgreen , v.showblue ) : v ).assumefps( c )
	global SIGN_OVERLAY = colorspace == "YV12" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttoyv12( ) : ( colorspace == "YUY2" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttoyuy2( ) : ( colorspace == "RGB" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttorgb( ) : ( colorspace == "RGB24" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttorgb24( ) : ( colorspace == "RGB32" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttorgb32( ) : SIGN_OVERLAY ) ) ) ) 
	return c 

function imgSign( clip c , string "filename" , bool "rescale" , string "alpha_file" , string "colorspace" )
	rescale = Default( rescale , false )
	colorspace = Default( colorspace , "" )
	colorspace = UCase( colorspace )
	alpha_file = Default( alpha_file , "" )
	v = imagesource( file=filename , start=0 , end=c.framecount - 1 , use_devil = true , pixel_type="RGB32" ).converttorgb32
	global SIGN_FRAME = 0
	global SIGN_OVERLAY = rescale ? ( ( alpha_file != "" ) ? mergeargb( imagesource( file=alpha_file , start=0 , end=c.framecount - 1 , use_devil = true ) , v.showred , v.showgreen , v.showblue ) : v ).lanczos4resize( c.width , c.height ) : ( ( alpha_file != "" ) ? mergeargb( imagesource( file=alpha_file , start=0 , end=c.framecount - 1 , use_devil = true ) , v.showred , v.showgreen , v.showblue ) : v )
	global SIGN_OVERLAY = colorspace == "YV12" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttoyv12( ) : ( colorspace == "YUY2" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttoyuy2( ) : ( colorspace == "RGB" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttorgb( ) : ( colorspace == "RGB24" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttorgb24( ) : ( colorspace == "RGB32" ? SIGN_OVERLAY.converttorgb32( ) : SIGN_OVERLAY ) ) ) ) 
	return c 
Overlay your karafx on the video like this:
Import(X:\path\to\Signs_Overlay.avs") #the above script

avisign("X:\path\to\overlay.avi").sign(startframe,endframe) #endframe optional
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Old 2012-01-23, 06:30   Link #562
Join Date: Sep 2010
Emm I don't know if ask here or in other place.

In Aegisub the line start in 0:22:30.05 after I encode the episode the line start in 0:22:30.10. (I put the encoded episode in Aegisub and match the times, before and after)
end in 0:22:31.98 after the encode 0:22:32.019.

looks like in the lines of all the ep is OK but in the name of the episode and of the next episode it's happening.

Beelzebub forever! XD
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Old 2012-01-26, 23:48   Link #563
Join Date: Sep 2008
(from visitors messages or something)
Originally Posted by jnazh
When I used this orders, background of overlayFX video is black -_- ?

AVISource("D:\anime\Persona4 ED WR.avi")

I used this orders when I make overlay video for ass karaoke FX
v =AviSource("D:\anime\Persona4 ED WR.avi")
MaskSub("D:\anime\persona 4 ED2 [Kanji Ktimed].ass" v.width,v.height,v.framerate,v.framecount).FlipVer tical()
thnx for help . ^^
You didn't save your overlay as RGBA.

When you make your overlay I'd use lagarith (lags), fast recompress, set to output RGBA (null frames and multithreading should probably be checked on too).
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Old 2012-01-29, 08:09   Link #564
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I don't use AFX to save overlay as RGBA
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Old 2012-01-30, 13:12   Link #565
Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by jnazh View Post
I don't use AFX to save overlay as RGBA
v =AviSource("D:\anime\Persona4 ED WR.avi")
MaskSub("D:\anime\persona 4 ED2 [Kanji Ktimed].ass" v.width,v.height,v.framerate,v.framecount).FlipVer tical()
Well obviously but I'm saying in vdub you have to save it as RGBA. I'm not sure you're understanding how it all works.
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Old 2012-02-01, 11:53   Link #566
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Originally Posted by TheRyuu View Post
v =AviSource("D:\anime\Persona4 ED WR.avi")
MaskSub("D:\anime\persona 4 ED2 [Kanji Ktimed].ass" v.width,v.height,v.framerate,v.framecount).FlipVer tical()
Well obviously but I'm saying in vdub you have to save it as RGBA. I'm not sure you're understanding how it all works.
you mean I have to use Lagarith lossless Code, right ?
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Old 2012-02-01, 14:21   Link #567
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Originally Posted by jnazh View Post
you mean I have to use Lagarith lossless Code, right ?
Any codec with RGBA, lags is simply most suited to overlays because of a lot of the frame being blank. utvideo would be much larger (but would still work fine if you chose RGBA).
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Old 2012-02-02, 10:52   Link #568
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Originally Posted by TheRyuu View Post
Any codec with RGBA, lags is simply most suited to overlays because of a lot of the frame being blank. utvideo would be much larger (but would still work fine if you chose RGBA).

The problem still exists

even when if I encoder with RABA, overlay video with black background

anyway thanx for reply and ur help

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Old 2012-02-03, 00:03   Link #569
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Originally Posted by jnazh View Post
The problem still exists
What are you using to make the file?
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Old 2012-02-03, 07:48   Link #570
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First I encoder overlay video, I used Lagarith lossless Code to save overlay as RGBA
v =AviSource("D:\anime\Persona4 ED WR.avi")
MaskSub("D:\anime\persona 4 ED2 [Kanji Ktimed].ass" v.width,v.height,v.framerate,v.framecount).FlipVer tical()
after that I used this :

AviSource("D:\anime\Persona4 13 ED.avi")
but black background still exist
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Old 2012-02-06, 10:29   Link #571
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Did you set it to Wumbo?...
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Old 2012-02-06, 15:10   Link #572
Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by jnazh View Post
but black background still exist
The only thing I can think of right now is that you're using vdubmod (which you shouldn't be) which has a bug where even if you select fast recompress it would convert to yuy2 for some random reason.
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