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Old 2016-08-12, 08:56   Link #41
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now guys,during my short break of playing Umineko,how about i become beatrice for a bit?

i recently saw a "fan mystery" based on umineko,and i liked the concept(though didnt like the game its self lol. the answer was extremely obvious but the questions/goals were undefined),so i decided to improve on its concept and make a fun one for all of us to enjoy . here you go

in a certain place in rokkenjima,a pile of gold exists with rosa,maria,eva,krauss and george dead close to it. george,eva,maria,and rosa died from piercing wounds. but george and maria had one piercing wound through the neck while rosa and eva had piercing wounds in many parts of their bodies. krauss doesnt appear to be pierced.the room has one door with no secret passages.the room is of a medium size,and the gold is generally organized except for a few ingots which are on the floor.

in another part of rokkenjima,in an old room full of dust,rudolf is dead by a piercing wound.close to him lies some gold ingots and a bloody knife which has gohda's fingerprints on it.

Kinzo is in his room,laughing.

a boat with jessica on it is leaving the island.

what happened that lead to what i described?
how did the dead die?
why is kinzo laughing?

take battler's seat,present what you believe are the answers,and ask me to repeat in red. i will either agree to repeat(ATR for short) in red or not. ofcourse,not agreeing to repeat doesnt necessarily mean that i cant repeat,as i might not repeat some stuff just to trick you . you can say that this game will be full of red stuff
ofcourse,you win when you present me with the right answers to the 3 questions,or at least be very close to it

when playing this game,you only know what battler knew at the end of episode 2.information that we discover in future episodes may or may not apply here,so forget all about them

i put my all into designing this one,so i hope you guys enjoy it

now for thoughts and replies:

-it just occured to me but what happened to the other ushiromyas?we know some survived that disaster,as the"ushiromya elders"are the ones who chose kinzo's wife to him,so where did every other ushiromya disappear to?shouldnt they be atleast somewhat represented in the "ushirmya family gathering"?even by sending one member for each family branch?in addition to the gathering,as kinzo is now the head of the family,wouldnt they too go to him at various times for help in various things/borrow some money/discuss their recent investments/etc? now that i think about it,it is indeed weird that they werent referenced at all,not even by people who live in the island like jessica and the servants :/

-also,the design of the"ushiromya symbol"on ange's hand is somewhat different than on the rest of the family. maybe eva modified it after she became the head?

-a random thought about the solution to episode 2's jessica/kanon murder:what if the"jessica's key" they found wasnt actually the real key,but a clone that looked similar to a degree but not enough for it to be usable to lock/unlock the door?this way all the red webs are avoided, and the killer exited using jessica's real key

"I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Episode 4 "

glad to hear that! hopefully i wont disappoint

"Yeah, legally that is the case. But unfortunately, there isn't anyone alive that would give a shit about Ange, only lots of people who would like to have her money. So let's say they appointed some trustee or something, and Ange would make it to 18 years old. I could see something like this happening:

Ange: Hey I'm 18. Gimme my inheritance.
TRUSTEE: Okay, most of your family was in debt but some of them had some money on their accounts. Should be enough to pay for your college at least.
Ange: Huh? Then what about the companies? Grandfather owned a ton and his children were all businesspeople, too.
TRUSTEE: Some went bankrupt, others were sold and we used the money to, off debts and stuff.
Ange: You're full of shit. I'll sue you and get the state to give me my money.
GUARDIAN: Ange-chan, aren't you so sad about your family's deaths that you might even jump off a rooftop or something?
Ange: Huh?
GUARDIAN: Nevermind. It's a nice day, so let's go for a drive to Tokyo Bay! "


that is indeed a big possibility IRL lol. however,Ryuukishi could have made kyrie's family religious people who wouldnt do that,or a rich family too who,while taking some of the money, doesnt need to stoop this low. there are logical reasons to make that scenario not occur

"Look very closely at that moment. Her face twists, turns sad, then teary, then angry. There's something going on there that wasn't spelled out in the text.

It's not weak writing, it's foreshadowing. The Tea Parties hint at what's going on, here."

when i saw those changes i simply explained them as her thinking about going back to her"moe"mode but finding it too mendoksai and"not her"so she was like"fuck this"and revealed her actual self. an explanation that beatrice supported by talking about how cute faces dont fit her.
after the tea parties,i guess there is a possibility that she did it to end the game without battler losing,but her order to virgilia to force him to sign makes me not trust this theory much.

"What if she legitimately wants to help Battler AND Beatrice? The North Wind and Sun strategy was necessary to make Battler continue playing the game, and Battler needed the trick revealed to him in the end or he'd lose."

*wants to help Battler and Beatrice*
*holds battler and forces him to sign a paper which spells his doom*
choose one

also,the one who first revealed the trick in the end was beatrice,not virgilia.

however,i did consider a possibility that,just like the rest of the people in the"golden land"scene,this "virgilia"might be a fake virgilia not the real one. but this explanation,while it makes sense for now,would be weird in episode 4,as the real virgilia would be like"bro. it wasnt me bro."while battler is rejecting her lol,so i doubt this theory is correct.

oh,and i think you mrant the"schrodinger cat"theory not"north wind",as the former is the one that helped battler.

"To clarify, Ange is Rudolf's child with Kyrie, while Battler was raised by him and Asumu, his first wife."


"The arrangement is very deliberate, or else rearranging it is arbitrary. If it's a pair of dates, then 07/15 and 11/29 mean something. Presumably, Battler's birthday and something else."

eitherway,this is unsolvable by the audiance as we have no clue of the dates that matter to the ushiromyas,so whatever.

"I believe she clarified that a witch can be described as 'human' (just one with magic powers) for the sake of denying robots, traps, or silly nonsense. Rather, think of it as "a person did it."

except that,at that point,if we believe endless eva's claims,she was an alternate personality of eva who became a witch.if we dont then she is an illusion. which means that she is either an"alternate personality who became a witch"or"an illusion". both of the options mean that she isnt human,and she clearly stated in red that"no life forms other than humans were involved in this game"

"Nanjo's not really a possible candidate; he was on the second floor of the guesthouse the entire time and would have been noticed sneaking up and down the stairs, and being so old, leaving out the second story windows isn't possible.

Though, he's very clearly the one who locked the window behind George."

know the rope ladders that helicopters use?that or something similar would make nanjo easily leave from the second story window,and they are easy to fold and hide

"Hey, just because she survived doesn't mean she's getting a happy ending. But she 'won' Beatrice's game. She found the gold and got out alive."

well,she certainly didnt get a happy ending lol. though,like i mentioned...

"There's an explanation."
"No, Eva's critically necessary, as you'll see in Episode 4."
ok. we will see in episode 4 how this will be"explained".

"Not quite, though there is suicide symbolism here."

huh?the last shot we saw was ange jumping off the building to her death. how can that be anything but obvious suicide lol?

"Lambda is Beato's patron the same way Bern is ours. And maybe Kinzo didn't summon a supernatural being, and maybe Shannon's deal has a non-supernatural allegory, and maybe Rosa met an ordinary human Kinzo was keeping trapped."

the princess and the vase?the furniture?the ritual to summon the witch?etc etc?
anyway,i would rather not discuss this particular part until i understand it more through episode 4,as lambda might not be telling the whole truth.

"It's just how they should be read in narrative order. Putting Ange's 1998 snippet first doesn't really end the episode off nicely."

but episode 2's tea parties would have also had a nicer ending(and make more sense too) if they reversed the order,yet they didnt. when the description is"the party for those who arent human",having almost everyone be a human kinda doesnt fit what is on the box >_>.

"He kept the cigarette butt in his pocket for so long, even though there's trash cans all over the house? Unlikely. If he kept it in his pocket it means he didn't want it found."

you misremember. the butt was in Kyrie's pocket,not hideoshi's. kyrie supposedly got it from an ash tray in eva and hideoshi's room.
so,again,hideoshi could have smoked this cegarette at any point when he was alone before eva got sick. why would we assume that it is recently smoked?he could have smoked at any time before the 2nd twilight.

"FFTHEWINNER, I hate to spoil you, but i'm just gonna say that there's no trained monkeys involved in this murders, lol. Please take this as applying to all games this once, for your own sanity."

i legitimately LMAO-ed when i read this lol XD about about trained robot gurellas who can fly?maybe those are the murderers? XD(jk lol)

"There's more spotlight time to come too, btw."


"But I never technically said it'd be 'better', just broader. You were initially writing her off as fairly irrelevant, if I recall."

seems like you misunderstood me. here is what i said:
"Eva:1/10. the apparently obligatory"strong woman who can do anything a man can but was treated unfairly because of her gender". truly worthless character who i wish would disappear anytime she is onscreen. a game with"shotgun eva"is a game i am likely to skip a lot of lol."
i was simply talking about her horrible personality. the fact that i stated that,at some point,she could be"shotgun eva"(aka the main focus of the episode)shows that i did consider her important to the plot

"Though do bear in mind that she might not be as bad as she seems even here; after all, "Eva being the killer" is supported by Beato's magical lies."

i did consider that eva isnt really the culprit. however,what happened between her and battler is undeniable,which means that she openly admitted to him that she was the main murderer and then shot him. there is no wiggle room at all here. she killed battler and admitted to the rest.

"Eva=Beatrice fears then before she's completed her 'birth' through the ritual, and Beatrice lost most of her powers. Could be that."

i didnt understand this sentence tbh. what did you mean?

"It's a little of both, honestly. He does clearly influence him as will become more and more apparently; Battler doesn't seem to realize the rules of what he can do at this point, though."

we will see in the future then. however,if meta battler knows everything that piece battler knows then meta would know why piece stated that eva is the killer.meta knowing that doesnt sound right though,as the reason is supposed to be a mystery,so i doubt that meta knows everything piece knows.

"There's not really a difference. When there's infinite universes, making one up is the exact same as describing one that really exists."

so,in your opinion,creating something is the same as influencing something that already exists?

"Battler has no memory of the place. Perhaps she whispered into his ear across planes of existence, or perhaps she was speaking to the player. Or maybe both. Bernkastel and Lambdadelta are basically almost gods."

we will see in the future i guess,though there is no proof that battler doesnt remember the hidden tea parties.not referencing them doesnt mean he cant remember them.

"Sure, but what I'm getting at here is that the Meta-World's rules are based on Platonic Idealism. It's made of ideas. Those ideas might be true or false, but they're what makes up its substance. Whether Beatrice is real or a lie, you can talk to her there. Whether people are alive or dead, you can meet them.

Truth can cut illusions like a sword, or choke the air out of your throat like a red web... "

to speak to someone or meet someone,he has to exist first."i think then i exist". all the meta world inhabitants think,so they all exist.

the problem from the beginning is that what we percieve as truth might not be the truth,or be a portion of the truth.
there is a story that an elephant was inside a very dark room. 3 scientists entered. one grabbed the elephant's leg and said that what inside the room is a tree. one grabbed the elephant's tail and said that what is inside the room is a donkey,and one grapped the elephant's nose and said that what is inside the room is a water hose. to each of the scientists,what they said was logical and the truth. i think this story fits umineko well lol.

thing is,so far,there is no proof that the"meta world"is anything but either a"plane between planes",or simply the world of the dead,so until there is proof to the contrary those options make the most sense.

Also Aura,does your fanfiction story(in your signuature)include any umineko spoilers after episode 3?because i am interested in reading it

Last edited by FFTHEWINNER; 2016-08-14 at 12:59.
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Old 2016-08-12, 11:59   Link #42
The True Culprit
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-it just occured to me but what happened to the other ushiromyas?we know some survived that disaster,as the"ushiromya elders"are the ones who chose kinzo's wife to him,so where did every other ushiromya disappear to?shouldnt they be atleast somewhat represented in the "ushirmya family gathering"?even by sending one member for each family branch?in addition to the gathering,as kinzo is now the head of the family,wouldnt they too go to him at various times for help in various things/borrow some money/discuss their recent investments/etc? now that i think about it,it is indeed weird that they werent referenced at all,not even by people who live in the island like jessica and the servants :/
They're dead of old age.

*wants to help Battler and Beatrice*
*holds battler and forces him to sign a paper which spells his doom*
choose one
And yet...isn't being so aggressive and creepy what tipped Battler off enough that he didn't give in?


eitherway,this is unsolvable by the audiance as we have no clue of the dates that matter to the ushiromyas,so whatever.
More clues are incoming. :3


know the rope ladders that helicopters use?that or something similar would make nanjo easily leave from the second story window,and they are easy to fold and hide
And yet that leaves the problem of the windows not being locked behind him.

huh?the last shot we saw was ange jumping off the building to her death. how can that be anything but obvious suicide lol?
Because she lived.

but episode 2's tea parties would have also had a nicer ending(and make more sense too) if they reversed the order,yet they didnt. when the description is"the party for those who arent human",having almost everyone be a human kinda doesnt fit what is on the box >_>.
I guess if you want to be pedantic, the ???? Tea Party is between Eva and Ange, who both have the right to call themselves witches.

you misremember. the butt was in Kyrie's pocket,not hideoshi's. kyrie supposedly got it from an ash tray in eva and hideoshi's room.
so,again,hideoshi could have smoked this cegarette at any point when he was alone before eva got sick. why would we assume that it is recently smoked?he could have smoked at any time before the 2nd twilight.
Ah right, got my wires crossed with the book that scene is referencing.

Here's the thing though, is that Hideyoshi is never really in that room before Eva is, since that room was improvised for her sickness after everyone transferred to the guesthouse. Remember, the adults spent the night in the mansion.

i did consider that eva isnt really the culprit. however,what happened between her and battler is undeniable,which means that she openly admitted to him that she was the main murderer and then shot him. there is no wiggle room at all here. she killed battler and admitted to the rest.
Here's a scenario for you. For whatever reason, Eva and Battler are both alive, neither are the culprit, but they don't know who the third person is, so they blame each other.

Eva concludes that if she's not the culprit, Battler has to be. Battler has to be the one who killed her husband and son. All her anger takes control, she's insane with hatred and grief. Battler accuses her of being the culprit.

Really? She thinks, he's gonna play innocent now? She laughs in his face, and just goes "Yea, sure, whatever, I did it. I'm the culprit, whatever you say."

Then she kills him. She's all alone.

And she doesn't feel any better...

i didnt understand this sentence tbh. what did you mean?
The Beatrice who reflected bullets with a badass always does so when she's at full power. Eva-Beatrice hadn't yet completed the Epitaph and thus wasn't fully 'born' as the new Endless Witch, and Beato gave her magic away in EP3 and so was little better than a ghost.


we will see in the future then. however,if meta battler knows everything that piece battler knows then meta would know why piece stated that eva is the killer.meta knowing that doesnt sound right though,as the reason is supposed to be a mystery,so i doubt that meta knows everything piece knows.
They're like a Venn diagram.

so,in your opinion,creating something is the same as influencing something that already exists?
When you're occupying the space between infinite universes, where everything that COULD exist pretty much already does, and thought becomes reality as soon as you think of it?

...Pretty much.

Though bear in mind that Beato's magic, and it's ability to create, is discussed in EP4.

to speak to someone or meet someone,he has to exist first."i think then i exist". all the meta world inhabitants think,so they all exist.
Well, if you want to be pedantic, we can't prove that. Maybe no one exists but Battler and he's going crazy (but that's dumb).

Maybe imagining a sentient being causes it to exist, like creating an A.I.

Also Aura,does your fanfiction story(in your signuature)include any umineko spoilers after episode 3?because i am interested in reading it
It would if I ever finished it. Stuff in my real life happened and it never got beyond the first chapter, so don't bother. I just keep it there so it's not forever forgotten. If it were completed, though, it would spoil the whole novel.
When the Silent Spirits Cry: An Umineko/Silent Hill crossover fanfiction
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Old 2016-08-12, 16:54   Link #43
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you arent going to try to solve my fan mystery?

*feels a bit dejected*
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Old 2016-08-12, 21:06   Link #44
The True Culprit
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I was still thinking on it, sorry. Let me try to take a crack at it.

n a certain place in rokkenjima,a pile of gold exists with rosa,maria,eva,krauss and george dead close to it. george,eva,maria,and rosa died from piercing wounds. but george and maria had one piercing wound through the neck while rosa and eva had piercing wounds in many parts of their bodies. krauss doesnt appear to be pierced.

in another part of rokkenjima,in an old room full of dust,rudolf is dead by a piercing wound.close to him lies some gold ingots and a bloody knife which has gohda's fingerprints on it.

Kinzo is in his room,laughing.

a boat with jessica on it is leaving the island.

what happened that lead to what i described?
how did the dead die?
why is kinzo laughing?

take battler's seat,present what you believe are the answers,and ask me to repeat in red. i will either agree to repeat(ATR for short) in red or not. ofcourse,not agreeing to repeat doesnt necessarily mean that i cant repeat,as i might not repeat some stuff just to trick you . you can say that this game will be full of red stuff
ofcourse,you win when you present me with the right answers to the 3 questions,or at least be very close to it

when playing this game,you only know what battler knew at the end of episode 2.information that we discover in future episodes may or may not apply here,so forget all about them

i put my all into designing this one,so i hope you guys enjoy it
Alright, let me take a crack at this. First, Repeat it. Rosa, Maria, Eva, Krauss, and George are truly dead, with none of them faking. Moreover, none of them killed each other, or committed suicide.

Second, Gohda killed Rudolf, repeat it.

Third, Kinzo and Jessica are not murderers, repeat it.

Fourth, what are the statuses of Natsuhi, Hideyoshi, Kyrie, Battler, Nanjo, Gohda, Kumasawa, Shannon, and Kanon? Are they alive? Dead? Not on the island? Are they relevant to this puzzle at all?
When the Silent Spirits Cry: An Umineko/Silent Hill crossover fanfiction
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Old 2016-08-13, 06:34   Link #45
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^wonder what you said here lol

for aura,refuse to repeat all 3(why the blue text btw?)

Hideyoshi, Kyrie, Battler, Nanjo, Gohda, Kumasawa, Shannon, and Kanon?

gohda was mentioned in the puzzle. the rest of your list are irrelevant to the puzzle.

a little advice:it is better to have multiple"repeat"phrases,each containing one statement,than to have one phrase that contains many statements. that way if i can repeat some and cant repeat some then i will most likely do so,but to have one phrase that contains many statements means that,if even one of the statements is something that i cant repeat,i will be forced to not rpeat the whole phrase
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Old 2016-08-13, 09:52   Link #46
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Well, it wouldn't make sense for people to be playing dead there anyway.

But it's curious that only Krauss has no external injuries. So why don't you repeat this:

"Krauss was murdered by another person"

And also this, if I may be a little greedy:

"Krauss was the first one to die during this incident"
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Old 2016-08-13, 11:37   Link #47
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Originally Posted by FFTHEWINNER View Post
^wonder what you said here lol

for aura,refuse to repeat all 3(why the blue text btw?)
The blue text was something I pointed out to AuraTwilight.
I first made a post about it, but to not spoil something for you I changed it to a PM.

What the blue text is will be revealed in Episode 4.
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Old 2016-08-13, 13:50   Link #48
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Originally Posted by Jaden View Post
Well, it wouldn't make sense for people to be playing dead there anyway.

But it's curious that only Krauss has no external injuries. So why don't you repeat this:

"Krauss was murdered by another person"

And also this, if I may be a little greedy:

"Krauss was the first one to die during this incident"
sorry,both refuse to repeat.

and you can ask me to repeat as many as you want. it would be boring otherwise,and this one certainly isnt easy

Originally Posted by chaos_alfa View Post
The blue text was something I pointed out to AuraTwilight.
I first made a post about it, but to not spoil something for you I changed it to a PM.

What the blue text is will be revealed in Episode 4.
oh. ok
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Old 2016-08-13, 16:01   Link #49
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Yea, sorry, Blue Text is very, very early on (like before any of the Twilights), and I forgot you were still a few pages back. It's not that much of a spoiler.

Repeat: "No one touched the knife except for Gohda."
When the Silent Spirits Cry: An Umineko/Silent Hill crossover fanfiction
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Old 2016-08-13, 17:27   Link #50
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Plot thickens. But I can't quite fill in the blanks coherently. Guess we have to wring out some red text to lean on. So perhaps you can repeat these.

"Rudolf's corpse was not moved."
"The gold is real."
"The piercing wounds were all made with knives or similar bladed weapons."
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Old 2016-08-13, 17:37   Link #51
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@aura: no problem . And cant repeat
Rudolf's body wasnt moved
All the piercings were made with knifes or similar bladed objects

For the second one you said refuse to repeat

Last edited by FFTHEWINNER; 2016-08-14 at 12:18.
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Old 2016-08-14, 04:12   Link #52
The True Culprit
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Hm. "Rudolf, Rosa, Maria, Eva, Krauss, and George were killed by the same knife, or any knives or blades were all used by the same person."
When the Silent Spirits Cry: An Umineko/Silent Hill crossover fanfiction
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Old 2016-08-14, 07:25   Link #53
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Perhaps actually answering the riddle will prompt you to deny things with red. Here's a crazy theory:

Krauss finds the gold, but is followed. Eva hits Krauss from behind with a blunt weapon, killing him.

Eva is followed by Rosa and Maria. They discover Eva and Krauss' body, leading to an argument. Eva and Rosa arm themselves with knives. Eva takes Maria hostage with a knife on her throat, in order to make Rosa stand down.

Rosa and Maria were followed by George, who comes in and tries to calm his mother down. Eva doesn't listen, so Rosa takes George hostage the same way. when she panics and struggles, Maria gets stabbed by Eva's knife and dies. The enraged Rosa kills George in the same way. Eva and Rosa fight, causing each other lethal wounds, then bleed out.

George was followed by Rudolf, who sees the state of the gold room and flees to the hidden mansion, taking some gold with him. Rudolf was followed by Jessica, who had caught wind of the adults' evil plans and armed herself with Gohda's knife. She sees Rudolf leave the gold room, then goes in to find the corpses. Jessica pursues Rudolf to the hidden mansion, corners him in a room and interrogates him.

Unable to prove his innocence, Rudolf is killed by Jessica, who then finds a boat parked on the hidden mansion's pier. Realizing that she will be judged as a murderer, she flees the island.

Meanwhile, Kinzo is watching everything through security cameras, and laughing his ass off at how his retarded family are killing each other over the fake gold he planned to troll them with.
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Old 2016-08-14, 12:16   Link #54
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Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
Hm. "Rudolf, Rosa, Maria, Eva, Krauss, and George were killed by the same knife, or any knives or blades were all used by the same person."
refuse to repeat

Originally Posted by Jaden View Post
Perhaps actually answering the riddle will prompt you to deny things with red. Here's a crazy theory:

Krauss finds the gold, but is followed. Eva hits Krauss from behind with a blunt weapon, killing him.

Eva is followed by Rosa and Maria. They discover Eva and Krauss' body, leading to an argument. Eva and Rosa arm themselves with knives. Eva takes Maria hostage with a knife on her throat, in order to make Rosa stand down.

Rosa and Maria were followed by George, who comes in and tries to calm his mother down. Eva doesn't listen, so Rosa takes George hostage the same way. when she panics and struggles, Maria gets stabbed by Eva's knife and dies. The enraged Rosa kills George in the same way. Eva and Rosa fight, causing each other lethal wounds, then bleed out.

George was followed by Rudolf, who sees the state of the gold room and flees to the hidden mansion, taking some gold with him. Rudolf was followed by Jessica, who had caught wind of the adults' evil plans and armed herself with Gohda's knife. She sees Rudolf leave the gold room, then goes in to find the corpses. Jessica pursues Rudolf to the hidden mansion, corners him in a room and interrogates him.

Unable to prove his innocence, Rudolf is killed by Jessica, who then finds a boat parked on the hidden mansion's pier. Realizing that she will be judged as a murderer, she flees the island.

Meanwhile, Kinzo is watching everything through security cameras, and laughing his ass off at how his retarded family are killing each other over the fake gold he planned to troll them with.
false theory.

Krauss doesnt appear to have any injuries of any kind,and wasnt attacked by any blunt weapons
No one was taken hostage
a"Two attack each other and kill each other"situation never happened
if all the aforementioned gold were sold,it would be worth tens of millions of dollars

also,i modified the original text to add a bit more details that you might need to know. oh,and those who know my way of thinking/analyzing umineko well will find solving this riddle easier

sp:dont you think that having everyone follow each other the way you described would be way too weird and unlikely lol?

ssp:i was wondering what Ryuukishi is up to lately. according to wiki he hasnt made a game since 2013,3 years ago :/. also,is his last major work "rose,guns,days"also a mystery story like umineko/higurashi?as it isnt as famous. i also found it weird that all his games are fantranslated except for Okami Kakushi,even though it got an anime adaptation which should have sparked interest in it more. maybe because it was only released on psp?still sucks though,as it looks quite interesting :/

Last edited by FFTHEWINNER; 2016-08-14 at 12:58.
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Old 2016-08-14, 14:46   Link #55
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Originally Posted by FFTHEWINNER View Post
ssp:i was wondering what Ryuukishi is up to lately. according to wiki he hasnt made a game since 2013,3 years ago :/.
Currently Ryukishi07 is working on TRianThology, which is set to be released August 28th.

He is also working on Iwaihime which is set to be released on November 27th.

Between his 07th Expansion visual novels he has worked on several smaller projects.
Has has for example written one of the character routes for the visual novel Rewrite from Key.

also,is his last major work "rose,guns,days"also a mystery story like umineko/higurashi?as it isnt as famous.
I haven't read Rose Guns Days yet, but from what I have heard it isn't the type of mystery story like Higurashi and Umineko.

The type of mystery you are referring to is the When They Cry series.
Currently the When They Cry series consist out of 4 visual novels.

- Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
- Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai
- Umineko When They Cry
- Umineko When They Cry Chiru

If you look beneath the title of these visual novels you will see the subtitle "When They Cry" with a number.

I also found it weird that all his games are fantranslated except for Okami Kakushi,even though it got an anime adaptation which should have sparked interest in it more. maybe because it was only released on psp?still sucks though,as it looks quite interesting :/
I expect Okami Kakushi not having been translated for the reason you stated, because it is a PSP visual novel rather than a PC one.

Last edited by chaos_alfa; 2016-08-14 at 15:15.
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Old 2016-08-14, 19:37   Link #56
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Originally Posted by FFTHEWINNER View Post
sp:dont you think that having everyone follow each other the way you described would be way too weird and unlikely lol?
I admit I don't have a theory that I really find acceptable, but I thought that part was likely. In a setting with 9 people, how do 5 people get killed in the same room with just knives? It must be either

1. There was a big fight between multiple groups.
2. Weapon X, for example tear gas, was used to give the culprit an advantage they needed to take all those people down.
3. The victims came in one by one and were killed.

I don't like 1, because there'd be no way to tell who killed who. Don't like 2, because the only clue for something other than knives being used is Krauss' body.

I liked 3, because I imagined a situation where people dispersed into their own camps and tried solving the epitaph and finding the gold. They would also keep an eye on the others, in case someone managed to solve it first. In fact, some people might make it their entire strategy to stalk the others and steal the prize from them.

The hostage situation and the Eva/Rosa double kill were to satisfy the different types of wounds on the bodies, but those are now denied. I also thought Eva and Rosa were likely culprits, since you see them as pretty evil.

ps. Then, repeat it: "The 5 victims in the gold room were simultaneously alive in that room."

Last edited by Jaden; 2016-08-15 at 07:53.
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Old 2016-08-15, 03:13   Link #57
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Repeat: "There is only one killer."
When the Silent Spirits Cry: An Umineko/Silent Hill crossover fanfiction
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Old 2016-08-15, 08:35   Link #58
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-tried to think of who is saying the tips each episode.
in episode 1 it is maria
in episode 2 it is beatrice/killer,and they are talking to maria
in episode 3 there are actually two different people.
one speaks with respect and the traditional"witch did it"way,and he is the speaker for the first 8 deaths,nanjo,and the kids
the second speaks with disrespect and doesnt like doing it the magical way,but is forced to do it that way for some reason. he is the speaker for the adult husbands and wives.
why 2 speakers?we know that there is a minimum of two killers this episode,so is every killer commenting on the ones he killed?that seems unlikely,as it makes eva the one who talks with respect and the traditional"witch did it"way,which doesnt sound right to me at all. so,this is a question mark for now.

-Maria is hugely being underestimated both in-game and in fan theories. she isnt some gullible idiot who believes anyone who comes to her saying"i am beatrice". she is far smarter than that. her true smartness has only been hinted at so far in the game. no wonder that the same people who say that Kinzo is crazy say that Maria is gullible though.

Originally Posted by Jaden View Post
I admit I don't have a theory that I really find acceptable, but I thought that part was likely. In a setting with 9 people, how do 5 people get killed in the same room with just knives? It must be either

1. There was a big fight between multiple groups.
2. Weapon X, for example tear gas, was used to give the culprit an advantage they needed to take all those people down.
3. The victims came in one by one and were killed.

I don't like 1, because there'd be no way to tell who killed who. Don't like 2, because the only clue for something other than knives being used is Krauss' body.

I liked 3, because I imagined a situation where people dispersed into their own camps and tried solving the epitaph and finding the gold. They would also keep an eye on the others, in case someone managed to solve it first. In fact, some people might make it their entire strategy to stalk the others and steal the prize from them.

The hostage situation and the Eva/Rosa double kill were to satisfy the different types of wounds on the bodies, but those are now denied. I also thought Eva and Rosa were likely culprits, since you see them as pretty evil.

ps. Then, repeat it: "The 5 victims in the gold room were simultaneously alive in that room."
i fully get your point,but i still think that having five different cases of people deciding for some reason to follow other people who themselves were for some reason following yet other people is a bit too unlikely. one or two cases of following makes sense,but five is a bit much

oh,and refuse to repeat

Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
Repeat: "There is only one killer."
refuse to repeat(beginning to sense that your strategy is figuring out what happened through what i refuse to repeat rather than the red text lol. a reverse-normal way,but certainly an interesting one

Originally Posted by chaos_alfa View Post
Currently Ryukishi07 is working on TRianThology, which is set to be released August 28th.

He is also working on Iwaihime which is set to be released on November 27th.

Between his 07th Expansion visual novels he has worked on several smaller projects.
Has has for example written one of the character routes for the visual novel Rewrite from Key.

I haven't read Rose Guns Days yet, but from what I have heard it isn't the type of mystery story like Higurashi and Umineko.

The type of mystery you are referring to is the When They Cry series.
Currently the When They Cry series consist out of 4 visual novels.

- Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
- Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai
- Umineko When They Cry
- Umineko When They Cry Chiru

If you look beneath the title of these visual novels you will see the subtitle "When They Cry" with a number.

I expect Okami Kakushi not having been translated for the reason you stated, because it is a PSP visual novel rather than a PC one.
thanks for the info

i dont get how Higurashi/kai or umineko/chiru can be considered two games though,being that they are the"question arcs"and"answer arcs"of the story. they are like the two faces of a coin,but it is still one coin though.
that reason is probably correct,but i would have loved to play okami koushi,both because it looks interesting and because i love playing visual novels on the psp lol.XD

what route in rewrite did he write?i imagine it would be quite a scary route lol

Last edited by FFTHEWINNER; 2016-08-15 at 09:09.
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Old 2016-08-15, 09:47   Link #59
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Originally Posted by FFTHEWINNER View Post
what route in rewrite did he write?i imagine it would be quite a scary route lol
It's Lucia's route.
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Old 2016-08-15, 18:12   Link #60
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Originally Posted by Jaden View Post
It's Lucia's route.
I see what he did there

Also,any new text you want me to red?
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game, ryukishi07, sound novel, umineko, visual novel

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