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Old 2011-06-14, 13:44   Link #41
Anime Cynic
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Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
Interesting, the same thing happened to me. Although I'm not sure that I'm moving any slower than I did before - I figure that games are being made to be a bit longer, or maybe I'm just not as good as I used to be
I doubt it's either. I have the same issue, even when it comes to older games that I once enjoyed and played like crazy.

Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
I also can't enjoy the longer, more engrossing games anymore. As I'm playing them, I start thinking to myself how competitors in my field of study might be in the lab or reading articles, pulling ahead of me while I'm sitting here doing something virtual that ultimately means nothing. It begins to feel like a waste of time. That's probably an early indicator for being a workaholic (or an overly competitive jerk)

A lot of it probably does have to do with lacking time, as you suggested, and also with being able to do more. As a kid living in a place that would qualify as being something between a suburb and a rural place, I was basically confined to my parents' house. I had a lot more free time then, and it was basically channeled into the internet, anime, and video games. Now my free time can be channeled into a lot of other activities and places. That changes things.
Very true. These days, playing a game (or watching a movie, or going through several anime/tv show episodes) means dropping several hours at a time into something with no long-term benefit. I don't have several hours to spare anymore. There are friends that need attention (something that wasn't an issue when I went to school with them), exercise that needs to be done (working in front of a computer for 8 hours a day is a sure way to get fat), and personal projects that need work (writing, programming, practicing piano, etc.)

People characterize gamers and anime fans have people with no life, but on some level, it's true: it really is impossible to be well-rounded in your interests if you're really serious about either.
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Old 2011-06-14, 15:12   Link #42
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Originally Posted by Gamer_2k4 View Post
I doubt it's either. I have the same issue, even when it comes to older games that I once enjoyed and played like crazy.
You can still play games like crazy if there's people playing them with you. When I played a coop game with my friend a while ago, we kinda gradually forced each other into finishing it. And loved it. But that's not always possible.

Can't do that with anime though. I prefer watching it alone.

Originally Posted by Gamer_2k4 View Post
People characterize gamers and anime fans as people with no life, but on some level, it's true: it really is impossible to be well-rounded in your interests if you're really serious about either.
I guess this has some truth to it. Never really thought about it that way. Not to mention it's coming from someone whose nickname is "Gamer". Aren't you somewhat bashing yourself, saying those words?
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Old 2011-06-14, 15:33   Link #43
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Originally Posted by Larthak View Post
I guess this has some truth to it. Never really thought about it that way. Not to mention it's coming from someone whose nickname is "Gamer". Aren't you somewhat bashing yourself, saying those words?
You'll noticed that it's suffixed with "_2k4"; I've had this nickname for eight years (started in 2003 to stay "current"), back when I was a gamer. And yes, I'm very much bashing what I was, though I imagine it's common to speak poorly of the things we think we've grown out of.
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Old 2011-06-14, 18:13   Link #44
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Originally Posted by Gamer_2k4 View Post
There are friends that need attention (something that wasn't an issue when I went to school with them)
Sorry to interrogate you, but why would they take up more of your time now than they did in school? Could it be that your social life is expanding and becoming more elaborate?
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Old 2011-06-14, 20:41   Link #45
Osana-Najimi Shipper
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When I was a child, anime usually meant something more substantial/mature/plot-worthy than most kid shows that'd otherwise be aired on national tv.

During high school/college, anime meant a much needed break from schoolwork.. or more accurately, a break from the shipping debate wars for a particular book series I participated in during my actual break (yes you read that right; break within a break lol).

Nowadays? I just watch anime because it's the medium that has the greatest chance for me to find something to ship for. I mean sure, it's not the sole reason why I watch anime. Other reasons include... moving art is the reason why I prefer it over manga; HanaKana is ALWAYS a pleasure to listen to; and it doesn't need interaction from me so it's a break of pace from gaming (aka. League of Legends).

But for the most part? Yeah, it's to find more childhood friend couples, because they are most numerous in Japanese animation, and they'd win more often than not (unlike say, Korean dramas, or heaven forbid, Western shows). Yeah, being a shipper is too ingrained in me for such a long time that I just can't shake it off lol, and anime is my only outlet for it. XD

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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Old 2011-06-14, 23:50   Link #46
Anime Cynic
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Originally Posted by Tempester View Post
Sorry to interrogate you, but why would they take up more of your time now than they did in school? Could it be that your social life is expanding and becoming more elaborate?
When I went to school, we were together all the time. We had classes together, did homework together, etc. Now that I'm working, I don't see them several hours a day by default. Instead of hanging out with my friends incidentally, I actually have to make time for them.
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Old 2011-06-15, 00:12   Link #47
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Originally Posted by Gamer_2k4 View Post
When I went to school, we were together all the time. We had classes together, did homework together, etc. Now that I'm working, I don't see them several hours a day by default. Instead of hanging out with my friends incidentally, I actually have to make time for them.
Ah, OK. Thanks for clearing that up.
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Old 2011-06-15, 05:14   Link #48
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working in front of a computer for 8 hours a day is a sure way to get fat
i found a way to work around that:

all i had to do was lessen how much i ate

okay, my parents, teachers, classmates, doctors, etc. say i should eat more

but damn straight i'm not giving up a minute of my anime time
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Old 2011-06-15, 07:54   Link #49
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I started watching anime back in Junior High School, back when dragon ball z was on toonami and I finally got cable. Although I did not call it anime at the time nor did I know what Anime. One Night I stayed up to watch Adult swim then I finally got hooked to Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist. at the time i wasn't allowed to stay up late so i started searching online for episodes. then somehow learned about the culture and I got really hooked. It was around the same time Cable internet came out, and I was downloading anime by the gigabytes, and watching nonstop. Anime was something special too me, because it made me think critically sometimes, made question my religion, my existence, sometimes made me hate mankind, sometimes made me feel empty inside. At some point during the naruto filler hell, I stumbled upon this forum looking for an explanation and have been stuck here since. I was happy to know there are other people that shared my interest in Anime and the Japanese language. Although I never posted often, either because i was afraid of sounding stupid when i realized there are extremely smart people in these forums, and they right very articulately. or everything I've ever wanted to say has already been said by someone. but i always loved reading discussions

It's not until recently that I've slowed down on Anime. I think the main reason i Slowed Down is because anime was becoming more mainstream. first I get really pissed off when an anime i thought was pretty cool, comes to america and 4kids humiliates it. then I somehow did not like it when the "cool" people started watching anime. either way stopped watching anime for a while, and it was After seeing this AMV that i was inspired to watch again. Although I'm not a huge fan of the newer anime. A lot of them just look "shiny" but that is all they got going for them.

"The Journey of thousand miles begins with the first step"

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Old 2011-06-15, 10:18   Link #50
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Originally Posted by Gamer_2k4 View Post
Very true. These days, playing a game (or watching a movie, or going through several anime/tv show episodes) means dropping several hours at a time into something with no long-term benefit. I don't have several hours to spare anymore. There are friends that need attention (something that wasn't an issue when I went to school with them), exercise that needs to be done (working in front of a computer for 8 hours a day is a sure way to get fat), and personal projects that need work (writing, programming, practicing piano, etc.)

People characterize gamers and anime fans have people with no life, but on some level, it's true: it really is impossible to be well-rounded in your interests if you're really serious about either.
The way you characterize gaming and anime fans makes it seem like they need to be dedicated for some reason. By definition both mediums are created to be hobbies or pass times, completely different to responsibilities which you need to be serious about to get by (work, acadamia). They're there to be enjoyed. A waste of time sure, in a sense, but like Vexx said play is important. Here's a defenition I came across a while ago and think is good here (w/ link):

Play is an activity that:

•is voluntary
•has no obvious survival value or is apparently purposeless
•is pleasurable or fun
•creates a diminished sense of time and self consciousness
•is improvisational

I think what Ledgem is trying to figure out is if anime (and gaming since he mentioned it) is even enjoyable for him anymore. His old hobbies aren't as pleasurable as they used to be, so they're becoming ways to pass time. Which at a certain stage of one's life will quickly starts to feel like a waste of time. Why is this happening? Maybe he really is a competitive workaholic, or maybe it's not intellectually satisfying anymore and he needs to find a new way to 'play'.
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Old 2011-06-15, 12:37   Link #51
Endless Soul
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Like many others have stated before, my anime appreciation has probably changed as I got older.

Growing up I remember running home from school so I could watch shows like Speed Racer, Starblazers and Battle of the Planets. However I didn't recognize them as anime for many years.

Then, in 1985, along came Robotech, or more specifially the Macross Saga. It was quite a slap in the face and dealt with some really heavy stuff, especially compared with other cartoons of the day such as Voltron and G.I. Joe. This show had an actual story.

Spoiler for Plot Points:

This was unheard of in those days, especially in a cartoon. I still remember the shocked numbness I felt after watching the episode Bye Bye Big Brother. This show was clearly a cut above anything else available on American TV at the time.

In those days there was no internet, I actually had to go places to learn things. In my case I started going to the Los Angeles Comic Book and Science Fiction Convention (when it was still held at the Ambassador Hotel, which has long since been torn down) to start collecting Macross related stuff such as books and many, many models (some of which I still have). It was then that I learned that this wasn't a cartoon, but anime, and there were several other shows of equal quality. I don't really want to say it, because I strongly dislike Harmony Gold (I try very hard not to use the word "hate" in my life), however it was because of them that I became a fan of anime and I actively looked for anime.

Throughout the years I collected various other titles as much as I could (remember, there was still no internet so I had to find titles through video stores in Little Tokyo or the aforementioned convention). Akira, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and various Miyazaki Hayao movies. I have others, but I can't remember them right now. Yet through most of the 90's and early millenium years anime fell by the wayside for me. Not so much that I lost appreciation for them, but more because I didn't have time. I worked a lot, I dated a bunch of girls until I finally found the right girl and married her. (turns out she was a huge Chobits fan and collector)

My interest in anime was rekindled with the release of Macross Zero. A lot of stuff had changed over the years, especially how anime was created with the use of computers. I know my join date says May 2011, but I found AnimeSuki around 2005. I've since discovered dozens of titles that I like.

Now I am nearing the age of 43 and I don't think I'll ever find something that affected me as much as Macross did all those years ago, and still does to some degree. I certainly don't go out of my way to collect merchanise like I used to. My tastes seems to have changed as well. These days I seem to collect more comedies than anything else although I do get some dramas. Detroit Metal City was a riot as was shows like Kamen no Maid Guy. This season I'm watching shows like Softenni, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko and AnoHana. I find myself having less "Wow, that totally ruled!" reactions to shows and having a lot more "I can relate to that" and "That was beautiful" reactions.

EDIT: (somehow this got posted before I was finished typing. I guess i hit the wrong key!)

I have a four year old daughter now and she loves Miyazaki's Castle in the Sky.

Spoiler for More Plot Points:

Perhaps in the future she will become an anime fan.

Last edited by Endless Soul; 2011-06-15 at 14:31. Reason: I wasn't done yet!
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Old 2011-06-15, 22:27   Link #52
Osana-Najimi Shipper
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Oh wow, another one changed by Robotech/Macross? Same for me... before Sailor Moon, before Dragon Ball, there was Macross (or Robotech as I knew it back then). Probably the source of me loving mecha, and more importantly, romance (aka. shipping). XD

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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Old 2011-06-16, 03:37   Link #53
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Western cartoons that happened to be made by Jap studios dont count, so I guess I had never seen Anime before my early/mid 20's. Probably got into anime the same way most people did at the time. Films like Akira/Ghost in the Shell/Ninja Scroll... urotsukidoji and then onto series like Evangelion/Bebop... Bible Black.

I was going to post that my tastes have not changed in the slightest, and the reason that I don't watch anime any more is no one makes decent shounen these days. But then I remembered the tentacles and its more of a case that I hope they dont make it like they used too.
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Old 2011-06-16, 05:18   Link #54
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Old 2011-06-16, 10:58   Link #55
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Originally Posted by Gamer_2k4 View Post
I doubt it's either. I have the same issue, even when it comes to older games that I once enjoyed and played like crazy.

Very true. These days, playing a game (or watching a movie, or going through several anime/tv show episodes) means dropping several hours at a time into something with no long-term benefit. I don't have several hours to spare anymore. There are friends that need attention (something that wasn't an issue when I went to school with them), exercise that needs to be done (working in front of a computer for 8 hours a day is a sure way to get fat), and personal projects that need work (writing, programming, practicing piano, etc.)

People characterize gamers and anime fans have people with no life, but on some level, it's true: it really is impossible to be well-rounded in your interests if you're really serious about either.
Programming or working out while watching anime is a pretty chill way to get through those series you want to finish.

You probably won't get the most out of it, and it'll slow down whatever else you're doing, but hey. Works for me
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Old 2011-06-16, 12:47   Link #56
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Very true. These days, playing a game (or watching a movie, or going through several anime/tv show episodes) means dropping several hours at a time into something with no long-term benefit.

No long term benefit, it called relaxation and stress relief 2 of the biggest benefits you can get from something. I am not talking about spending hours watching all the new series but finding time to watch an episode or 2 periodically can really help you out. Throw an episode on a portable device and when you go to lunch or take a break sit down and watch it, it can do wonders for you mentally.
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Old 2011-06-22, 17:51   Link #57
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I don't know if it's necessarily "no-benefit". The benefit is fun and entertainment.

Still Ledgem does have a point. About pushing constant hours into an anime or game hobby. You can loose a certain well rounded-ness, unfortunetly I am still dealing with that. I'm no otaku or hikkikomori by a long shot, but I find that I need to rekindle other interests, reading, sightseeing, history, martial arts (if I had the money, damn membership fees!) especially now that anime's luster has faded for me.

I do think there is a difference between the two though. Anime by and large is in weekly bite-size chunks and unless you are SUPER OPEN MINDED or a blogger, I doubt many people are watching EVERY anime show aired each season. (I'd go nuts).

Games are more like perpetual movies, (especially now with the cinematic tendencies they have) you work and work at em, it becomes a cycle.

================================================== =

On the broader topic.

It's easy to say "ahh they dont make no good shit no mo", but that's simplistic. I can attest that I'm not on the moe wagon therefore my tolerance for some shows has waned considerably since I was a lad.

What's more with the death of the original OAV, you don't get a lot of those experimental works that tickled the belly of the young art student in me anymore. It's just a foriegn sub-group of TV/Movies. Not the nirvana of the animated medium like I thought it was, that's what I realized.
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Old 2011-06-22, 18:02   Link #58
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Originally Posted by cyth View Post
I think it's OK to stop watching series as soon as they start to bore or annoy you. I guess that's one habit I've developed over the years. Most people who drop series have a three-episode test, or something like that. Personally, I just don't have the time nor interest to throw away so much time, so I ultimately go for a one-episode test. I don't think I'm mistreating a series, because I expect anime to be engaging at all times, not just in the later stages (there was an interesting discussion on this topic not long ago in the English-speaking anime blogosphere though).

I like Steins;Gate though, but I won't deny that its flavor is quite challenging for anyone who's getting to know anime anew. It's hard to explain, but for people in your position there's a very narrow strip of the anime spectrum that you'll most likely find appealing, and it lies somewhere in between anime made for the otaku and anime made for more general audiences. I don't think any of those recommendations will work for you, I'm afraid. Your best bet from this season would be something like TIGER & BUNNY... probably.

So yeah, keep looking and drop series as soon as they start to annoy you.

I can relate. There is a TON of stuff out there to sift through. So if something doesn't grab you leave it. Sometimes what happens to me is that I try something, don't like it then take some time off maybe read about it get in a different mood then come back to it. Happened to me with Zeta Gundam and Haruhi then bam two of my favorite shows, Zeta in particular.
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Old 2011-06-24, 09:31   Link #59
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I just think of it as a phase in life. Now, with a job, I don't really have the strength to search for current shows to watch. On the other hand, I do have the money to buy more JP games (for the voice acting). So, I guess that is how I get my fix now.
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Old 2012-05-31, 13:54   Link #60
this is how its done
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For me as long as I have somebody to enjoy and discuss the anime with that passion will never die.It also helps if you have more things going in your life or hobbies.for example I do sports like boxing,AM football,basketball,taekwondo etc my other hobbies include gambling at the casinos,working on cars,videogames,hunting,playing air assault with paint ball guns stuff that can keep me busy so when I get in the mood to watch anime again it feels totally fresh since I've been off it for a while.I don't think you could ever be old for anime and anybody who thinks this hobby is childish or stupid I just tell them to go F themselves
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