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Old 2010-03-12, 07:24   Link #6061
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ehhhh when people take pic links from 2ch... than please reupload them on different servers.... since 2ch page delates pictures really fast so all those links are dead by now..... so cant see any pic of the spoiler.....

anyway Hayate was so screwed up...... 10years of waiting to reunite with athena... and the purpose he had no girlfriend....... and Athena just stops here >__< ....the same Hayte is left in a spot that he doesnt know if tis the end for him and athena forever so he can get a normal girlfriend.... or he will stay like for the past 10years... waiting for athena and wont get any girlfriend becouse of it..... personaly I dont want to see NagixHayate becouse its just wrong...... I root for AthenaxHayate or HinaxHayate..... cant see any different ending ^^ (athena sacrificed kinda more than nagi... she kinda backed off from hayate... like sacrificeing her own love...... while nagi only money that she did not worked for but she got from mother/grandfather and was spoiled by it (well hayate desroyed athenas house too :P)....

I would be WAY WAY better if she tagged along to Japan... her presence would develop all girls around hayate...

well Hina might start to dig what happened with Athena and the same learn that she stayed in greece and wont be comeing here.... so she might think this is her opportunity.... yet she has no idea that nagi crushed that stone and so she could have lost the inheritance (maybe athena calls mikado and says to give it back since mistress destroying the stone was not in the rules )

yet it would lead to where it started.... like nothing happened
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Old 2010-03-12, 07:45   Link #6062
Your fagottry, I hate it!
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Well looks like Hata is taking a break from all of these seriousness. Seems that we're going to have a couple of chapter's dose of lighthearted comedy.

Seems like a logical decision to me, to give way for other character development (as others pointed out) and possibly time to let the angst sink deep for the angsty fans (hmm, i'm partially affected, bleh).

Hopefully, the stage will be set for her next appearance, somewhere someplace Hayate will be in deep shit and its his turn to be saved ^.^

I would be WAY WAY better if she tagged along to Japan... her presence would develop all girls around hayate...

well Hina might start to dig what happened with Athena and the same learn that she stayed in greece and wont be comeing here.... so she might think this is her opportunity.... yet she has no idea that nagi crushed that stone and so she could have lost the inheritance (maybe athena calls mikado and says to give it back since mistress destroying the stone was not in the rules )

yet it would lead to where it started.... like nothing happened
If Hata did that, then the manga may be shortened as it would fasten the pace of the story (forcing the other girls to develop quick to catch up with her), although I do not know for how many chapters Hata plan to extend the series, hmm.
anyway Hayate was so screwed up...... 10years of waiting to reunite with athena... and the purpose he had no girlfriend....... and Athena just stops here >__< ....the same Hayte is left in a spot that he doesnt know if tis the end for him and athena forever so he can get a normal girlfriend.... or he will stay like for the past 10years... waiting for athena and wont get any girlfriend becouse of it..... personaly I dont want to see NagixHayate becouse its just wrong...... I root for AthenaxHayate or HinaxHayate..... cant see any different ending ^^ (athena sacrificed kinda more than nagi... she kinda backed off from hayate... like sacrificeing her own love...... while nagi only money that she did not worked for but she got from mother/grandfather and was spoiled by it (well hayate desroyed athenas house too :P)....
He has a promise to protect Nagi, and it will span until 40 years, so 40 years being single may be hard for a normal person, but with Hayate's fortitude we might as well see him as a successful 56 year old virgin butler ^.^
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Old 2010-03-12, 07:55   Link #6063
Are you a lolicon? :3
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It would be a foolish mistake to let her go now. Especially this way. She can easily fit together with the group, even if they don't do anything love-orientated, though perhaps Hata doesn't have the capacity to imagine the scenario without at the same time messing everything up between the other girls (like they even stand a chance, hah!).

1. They part
2. Athena turns around, and starts to walk away; Hayate grabs her hand, and hugs her tightly, conveying his feelings...
3. They make some lame promise that they'll see each other again sometime...


Come on, just introduce Athena as a normal girl in the cast! The normal cast (even if you include Fumi & Sharna) is getting boring. Hina won't do anything at this point, Ayumu will just hope for all eternity, and the others are all bakas anyway.
And then.. sharks eat them! Hahahahah!!
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Old 2010-03-12, 08:14   Link #6064
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yeah since its really boring when its allways the same:

1) nagi plays games and goes into manga/anime referance in her talk
2) Isumi getting lost in every possible place
3) Maria beign a normal maid....
4) the girls tio... pranks, teasing hayate
5) Ayumu liveing with all that hope that hayate will love her...
6) Hina returning to her seriousness as president of hakuo >__>

Hata already overused all of those soooo much that its already boring.... Athena kinda gived a refreshment to the story and the plot somehow moved further...

and what now... Hayate is even more obligated to watch over he wont be able to get another girl... seriously its more like a curse than life.... you cant do what you like becouse there is a girl with 1sided crash that thinks hayate loves her (and not that he is doing his work and has no romantic interest inyounger girls.. since it gives the perophile impression)... and what she did will force him to remain at her place even throught he doesnt love her that way...

Well I doubt that Athenas current disapperance will do any better.... and bring the comedy aspect.... its rather immposible to revert back... becouse Hina is depressed... Ayumu i depressed too after learning the truth.....we dont know what will happen with Nagi and Maria as she crushed that stone if they are forced to leave the mansion will this be pointed as comedy... or more like a drama (hayate will feel depressed that its his fault that this happened)

now mostly Hina will be depressed becouse of what she saw with Athena and Hayate... she might think that they are now lovers or something....she might start to dig the truth of what happened with athena (but from hideing sinde she was disguised as the hero..)

so I dont see returning to the comedy aspect that fast... the drama will change its form from Athena-Hayate to Hinagi or nagi who lost her moeny...

Sadly I really hoped that athena would be made into standard character (besides what happened with that ring... well they are not adults yet so maybe in future they will end up together as they made the promise before god in RG :P)... since I wont survive if they return again to the Nagi-slacking off- playing games all day- ect.
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Old 2010-03-12, 08:32   Link #6065
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The plot is probably going to develop in Hayate's brother's direction. Cross shaped scar on his head = Shiranui?

When three puppygirls named after pastries are on top of each other, it is called Eclair a'la menthe et Biscotti aux fraises avec beaucoup de Ricotta sur le dessus.
Most of all, you have to be disciplined and you have to save, even if you hate our current financial system. Because if you don't save, then you're guaranteed to end up with nothing.
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Old 2010-03-12, 10:36   Link #6066
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Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
I can understand your disappointment, but - for what little it's worth - having Athena leave now in this noble way actually _increases_ her end-run chances in my book.
Nah, it's not really disappointment because she's not going to break the series and win at this point in time, since I strongly argued that they weren't going to become a couple either. It's the idea of "goodbye forever" that makes me sort of sad, because Athena is one of the main reasons I read this series. I love the Nagi and Hayate interactions too, but those are only rarely as serious as they were in this arc.

Also, I wasn't really singling you out, honest. You might have been one of the ones arguing for Athena's selfishness, but you're hardly the only one that dislikes her for those reasons.
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Old 2010-03-12, 13:24   Link #6067
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Oh my God ...
At last, this tiring, boring week was coming to an end and then, I read THAT!
I hate this chapter ...
I cannot accept this kind of ending for A-tan!
Well, that is a so noble sacrifice, nevertheless, if she thinks Nagi can be a better girlfriend for Hayate than herself, she should right now call the police because it is a clear crime of pedophilia!

Ok, I will wait for Hayate's answer.

By the way, I at last read some older chapters which were not easy to find on the web, and I came to the conclusion that Hayate is able to go through the past (and maybe the future) because of the power of Royalty Nagi's mother used.
Yukariko did something to protect Nagi and for some unknown reason, Hayate was chosen to be her shield.
Moreover, I saw a picture of Nagi's father. He looks like somebody we know, don't you thnik so?

Please Hayate, do not let A-tan leave like that!
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Old 2010-03-12, 14:40   Link #6068
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I don't think the author will simply let Athena leave just like that, for there are some things that haven't been covered yet:

1) What happened to Hayate's bro
2) Maria's connection to Athena and Hayate

At the very least this needs to be answered, so Athena will be staying for quite a while IMHO.
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Old 2010-03-12, 15:17   Link #6069
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This is the gutsiest thing that Hata has ever done. Sure, there are more gutsy things (like moving towards Hayate X ANYONE), but this is at least a movement somewhere. At the rate Hata is building up popularity around all the girls, and keeping them all involved, this will turn into a lame, open ended Harem ending.

Not saying I liked it (I like Athena a lot), but I'd rather Hata send Athena packing rather than adding her to the harem and keeping the status quo with silly gags. Either send her away or start getting Hayate married; that's the way a manga should go rather than milking character popularity.

Originally Posted by aldw View Post
I don't think the author will simply let Athena leave just like that, for there are some things that haven't been covered yet:

1) What happened to Hayate's bro
2) Maria's connection to Athena and Hayate

At the very least this needs to be answered, so Athena will be staying for quite a while IMHO.
This can be answered through other characters, though.

Last edited by babohtea; 2010-03-12 at 15:30.
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Old 2010-03-12, 15:38   Link #6070
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well we still dont know hayates anwer.... Athena says goodbye... but hayate didnt answer to this.... he waited soooo long for the to meet her... so he might make her come so she wont be alone...

Right now we see goodbye hayate... but its only athena talk... hayate must say what he thinks... at least confess his feelings like he held to the (I love her...) for all this time...

I dont want A-tan to disappear like that... becouse she shows funny emotions (like with that hair going into "??" and big eyes [Eee?] as she asked the question what person is his mistress...)... she is more energetic and lively...

so personaly part of the manga for me will die as she disappers and gets replaced with Nagi (she is boring for me..... and her "love" reaks of pedophilia....), and again another good, cute character (a-tan) with big boobs disappears >__> and we will stick with all those boards again....

from now on I kinda dont see where the manga will go and what new it can give withotu repeateing over and over and over the same thing.... A-tan gived something new....... while from nagis point I kinda dont see any new stuff

its just my personaly opinion everyone has their own...... but I dont like the pairing NagixHayate... first its a crime... its boring... there are other more interesting girls...
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Old 2010-03-12, 15:49   Link #6071
Are you a lolicon? :3
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Uhm, as I said all over the place (here and MF, though mostly MF), Athena is too important to leave.


1. Needs to repay Nagi (some view this as a must, while I don't really consider it something important, but.. well, it's a reason.. haha +1)
2. Hayate needs to find out her true feelings, and confess to her
3. She has a past with Maria, that without her presence can't be properly revealed. Or can it?
4. She was all alone for these 10 years. People only saw her for her money, and wanted only that. She was constantly betrayed. Wouldn't it be time for her to make some real friends?
5. HnG is getting stale. Athena is a good change.

Let me fix something for you, tea-tan. You said: "This is the gutsiest thing Hata has ever done.". Well, no, it isn't. What would be harder is to actually use her as a member of the usual cast from now on, and keeping it together!

Removing her does nothing. Everything returns to what it was, except for Nagi's situation, but that will be solved some way... Hayate fixed his problem, and only Hina, Sakuya, Isumi, and.. I can't think of who else know about it. Nothing changes. Especially not with Hina, since if Hayate doesn't find out Athena's feelings, Hina won't be able to do anything, or do you think that she might go for it if Athena doesn't answer? Like, it's her loss, right?

6. Umm, I'm basically repeating 2. here, but Hayate still needs to confess.
7. Cinderella parody (credit to Ken-chan, and whomever came up with it first) - The clock struck midnight, Hayate still has Athena's ring (the one he gave her when they were kids). Think of the ring as the shoe. Hmhm...

What else? Hmm...

Well, 8. could be that she's connected to Hayate's brother, and would be nice of her to see him again, and properly thank him, eh? I wonder how much he's changed over 10 years.... (don't tell me that he's really Shiranui.. lol.. absurd...).

9. Oh, let's not forget Izumi. She kissed Hayata, and Athena might recognize her, and start something interesting. Hehehe.... I'd certainly like to see that!

Well, I don't know what else to add at the moment. I just think that she'd be a refreshing new addition to the cast.

Hata can always come up with some way to deter Hayate and Athena from going in a relationship, right? A personality change, perhaps the promise he made to Nagi to watch over her forever? Or what if Nagi would have to allow it first? And you know how stubborn she is, and how much she likes Hayate...

Maybe something else? Hmmm....
And then.. sharks eat them! Hahahahah!!
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Old 2010-03-12, 15:54   Link #6072
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so rah why did you and pretty much every active poster on MF just get banned? xD

oh yeah btw...I bet when they return to Japan Nagi's home will be sealed or something
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Old 2010-03-12, 15:56   Link #6073
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I think you misread what I meant by "gutsy". From some standpoints, it's the easy way out (keeping a series going is harder than letting it end). However, if the editorial notes and Hata's consistent breaking of the fourth wall say anything, he desperately want(ed)s to keep the series going. Dropping Athena can be a step away from the status quo, or it might be one backwards.

For Hata, whose previous patterns of behavior shows hints of maintaining the status quo in order to throw out more gags and keep Hayate serialized, a step towards ending the series would be gutsy.

Btw, do you really understand the suffix "tan"? I don't understand it, I assume it's a very informal one but I haven't found a very specific explanation anywhere yet.
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Old 2010-03-12, 15:57   Link #6074
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Originally Posted by Rah View Post
Uhm, as I said all over the place (here and MF, though mostly MF), Athena is too important to leave.


1. Needs to repay Nagi (some view this as a must, while I don't really consider it something important, but.. well, it's a reason.. haha +1)
2. Hayate needs to find out her true feelings, and confess to her
3. She has a past with Maria, that without her presence can't be properly revealed. Or can it?
4. She was all alone for these 10 years. People only saw her for her money, and wanted only that. She was constantly betrayed. Wouldn't it be time for her to make some real friends?
5. HnG is getting stale. Athena is a good change.

Let me fix something for you, tea-tan. You said: "This is the gutsiest thing Hata has ever done.". Well, no, it isn't. What would be harder is to actually use her as a member of the usual cast from now on, and keeping it together!

Removing her does nothing. Everything returns to what it was, except for Nagi's situation, but that will be solved some way... Hayate fixed his problem, and only Hina, Sakuya, Isumi, and.. I can't think of who else know about it. Nothing changes. Especially not with Hina, since if Hayate doesn't find out Athena's feelings, Hina won't be able to do anything, or do you think that she might go for it if Athena doesn't answer? Like, it's her loss, right?

6. Umm, I'm basically repeating 2. here, but Hayate still needs to confess.
7. Cinderella parody (credit to Ken-chan, and whomever came up with it first) - The clock struck midnight, Hayate still has Athena's ring (the one he gave her when they were kids). Think of the ring as the shoe. Hmhm...

What else? Hmm...

Well, 8. could be that she's connected to Hayate's brother, and would be nice of her to see him again, and properly thank him, eh? I wonder how much he's changed over 10 years.... (don't tell me that he's really Shiranui.. lol.. absurd...).

9. Oh, let's not forget Izumi. She kissed Hayata, and Athena might recognize her, and start something interesting. Hehehe.... I'd certainly like to see that!

Well, I don't know what else to add at the moment. I just think that she'd be a refreshing new addition to the cast.

Hata can always come up with some way to deter Hayate and Athena from going in a relationship, right? A personality change, perhaps the promise he made to Nagi to watch over her forever? Or what if Nagi would have to allow it first? And you know how stubborn she is, and how much she likes Hayate...

Maybe something else? Hmmm....
That's a good point, if Athena just leaves that will leave Hina in a lurch with Hayate, while Athena staying will facilitate resolutions between Hina and Hayate. People seem to forget that there are multiple dynamics at work here and not just one set of character interactions.
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Old 2010-03-12, 16:11   Link #6075
Are you a lolicon? :3
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I have no idea, tea-tan. And I really don't CARE. Hahahahah!!!

Anyway, don't think how he wants to orchestrate things, but how, if he goes through with it, he basically throws away all of the build up of the Greece arc. Eternal love for Athena, Eternal protection for Nagi. Nuff said...

Else he changed his mind. Eh, details. I just wanna see more people suffer.. Hahahah!!

Athena's presence would do exactly that! Nagi, Ayumu, Hina.. all down in the dumps!

Ahh... perfection!

Anyway, I think I've said all I wanted to say regarding that. We'll just have to see what Hayate does in 265, and that's that.

But Hayate is really a... eh, I don't have an appropriate word for him, but it's like all his desire to save her, to see her, to be with her, etc.. that was building up for the past 10 years has been reduced to ash!

He saved her, and he's satisfied? Come now, don't joke around! Confession time! Cinderella style on his knees!! Whahahah!!
And then.. sharks eat them! Hahahahah!!
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Old 2010-03-12, 16:15   Link #6076
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You're crazy. Your signature should've warned me.
yeah.. we'll see in one week. can't wait, this may cause me to drop the series...

btw, what did happen at MF?
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Old 2010-03-12, 17:22   Link #6077
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Originally Posted by Rah View Post

Athena's presence would do exactly that! Nagi, Ayumu, Hina.. all down in the dumps!

Ahh... perfection!

Anyway, I think I've said all I wanted to say regarding that. We'll just have to see what Hayate does in 265, and that's that.

But Hayate is really a... eh, I don't have an appropriate word for him, but it's like all his desire to save her, to see her, to be with her, etc.. that was building up for the past 10 years has been reduced to ash!

He saved her, and he's satisfied? Come now, don't joke around! Confession time! Cinderella style on his knees!! Whahahah!!
(1) Doesn't hurt one bit to have more competition to try and win Hayate over If Athena sticks around for awhile longer. That way, if they decide to end the series with Hina on top (no idea yet how he'll pull that one off), it will be that much sweeter (Even more perfect, but I'm showing alittle bias).

(2) If Hayate was interested in Athena, there's no way he would risk his life to save her just so they could part ways. If Hata has no room for Athena, slowly work her out of the series, not completely write her out in one or two chapters. But if Athena was Hayate's choice, He would of first saved her then confess on the spot.
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Old 2010-03-12, 20:12   Link #6078
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Well, the Greece arc was very enjoyable til the end with all Hayate and Athena moments I thought couldn't have happened. The waiting weeks after weeks with some stalling here and there was worth it. I don't mind if Athena were to have a temporarily disappearance with the comedy returns; my attention span could last for at least some weeks with the comedy chapters until I drop it again... If Athena were to disappear completely, I guess that's the end of me with this manga.

Hell, Don't even know her age yet, how can she be gone? That's bullshit =D

But if Athena was Hayate's choice, He would of first saved her then confess on the spot.
He is in quite a tough spot right now.
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Old 2010-03-12, 21:13   Link #6079
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These next few chapters had better be significant. I really hope there isn't a major cliffhanger staring us in the face throughout the whole next ark.

That would suck.
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Old 2010-03-13, 00:42   Link #6080
Used Can
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I agree that just dropping Athena at this point would suck, but as I said before, I don't know how can Hata keep Athena and the status quo at the same time, unless he decides to revert Hayate and Athena's relationship to just friendship - which would basically render most of this arc useless, in my opinion.

It'd be really gutsy of him to break the status quo, have Hayate get a girlfriend, and then have the other girls play another role, rather than possible love interests. However, I highly doubt his editors would allow him to do so, and I'm sure a good amount of fans wouldn't like it. So, I think it'd be quite understandable not to change the way things are, since in the end, this is his job.
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