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Old 2017-02-14, 22:25   Link #621
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Currently has no reason to betray Tekkadan that we know of. McGillis' motives are still quite murky to us -- we know that he wants to get rid of Gjallarhorn's corruption, but we have no idea what he wants to replace it with, and we don't know that whatever his plans for after Rustal is defeated are will necessarily be compatible with Tekkadan continuing operation in its current form.

That also doesn't mean he'll never find a reason to betray them. We don't know what Tekkadan is going to do from here, or if they'll end up alienating McGillis somehow. They don't know the bulk of his plan, so we don't know that they won't find out that they signed up for something they can't agree with.

As near as we know right now, McGillis has no intention of betraying Tekkadan, but that is a status quo that could very easily change, and we're working with very limited information anyway.

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Old 2017-02-15, 03:13   Link #622
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I agree about exercising caution with McGillis. Even if there's no immediate reason for him to betray Tekkadan that we can see right now, it doesn't mean things will stay the same and such a reason won't suddenly appear sometime later (we still have the whole of 7 episodes to go; that's a ton of time to fill). The same goes for Tekkadan. Those vows not to betray are beautiful and all, but they won't mean jack in the all-fight-all mess with everyone in the wrong and no one in the right that the situation seems to be moving towards.

Originally Posted by Skaddix View Post
There is presently zero benefit McGillis gets from screwing Tekkadan, The Heroes of Mars. At the very least that is hardly likely to help Gjhallahorn Approval Numbers on Mars.
They're not exactly heroes on Mars though. According to Ogawa, people's attitude to them is very divided: only kids and teens consider them heroes, while majority of adults think of them as a dangerous unpredictable element and even a nuisance, much like the Allium guy, Sandoval and Jasley. It makes sense, too, considering that originally Kudelia was to be even scorned by the public for her connection with them. They lightened up that aspect but the controversy didn't go anywhere.
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Old 2017-02-15, 08:26   Link #623
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It's indeed possible, especially if McGillis goes insane at some point. But I really can't see him betraying them. He has said that Tekkadan fight with the spirit and ideals of Agnika, and he basically sees Mika as Agnika reborn. Considering how much that role model figure means to him, not only thematically, but as his own personal savior during his most darkest days (and nights), I highly doubt he would ever give that title to someone lightly.
If he's going to actually go so far as to compare you to the man who is his all time hero, I can't see him betraying that person. it would be like betraying Agnika himself.

One blogger wrote how both Mikazuki and McGillis have a very similar scene in an alley where both kill in cold blood to survive. They both lost a part of their emotional and mental balance in their fight to live, with both becoming sociopathic in the process. McGillis is more high-functioning than Mika is, but you can still see the similarities between the two. I think if Gaelio had been older and more knowledgeable with a bit more of a spine, or if Rustal wasn't so "its none of my business so why bother getting involved"-ish, either one could have served as the Orga to Macky's Mika. But alas, neither were and McGillis made much of his way alone.
Mika, I honestly think, is the only one who sees and saw the real McGillis from day one. He can see behind every mask he puts up, which is what I think McGillis alludes to when he says that Mika is very perceptive. The two are very similar, which is why I think there is a comfortable understanding between them.
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Old 2017-02-15, 08:57   Link #624
The 48th Ronin
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The way Rustal react to McGillis' stunt is basically the "I-thought-you-were-better-than-this" one.
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Old 2017-02-15, 09:26   Link #625
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Originally Posted by The 48th Ronin View Post
The way Rustal react to McGillis' stunt is basically the "I-thought-you-were-better-than-this" one.
Well, Rustal thinks McGillis' entire pursuit is silly. He favors the status quo. His idea is, sure there is corruption, but what does it matter as long as the system works? Just cover up the bad parts and keep going. Gjallarhorn keeps the peace, and should continue to do so by any means necessary. Change isn't necessary.
Rustal is slightly better than his peers, but he too is spoiled and entitled. As long as it doesn't involve him or his, it's none of his business. And even if it is, he just covers it up with a "band-aid". Iok committed war crimes, killed civilians and destroyed lives? Just call the right people and make the right deals and you've covered it up with a "band-aid". The child in front of you is obviously being abused? It's not causing a problem that can be seen, so just ignore it. People are tired of the way they are being treated by the blocs? Make an example that will be a preemptive measure against any kind of revolt that could cause a problem.


Rustal believes in band-aids, but the wound is already festering and full of decay and rot. Band-aids will do nothing but put a small cover over a much bigger problem. Soon, it won't do him any good. All the "band-aids" in the world won't help any.
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Old 2017-02-15, 09:38   Link #626
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Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
One blogger wrote how both Mikazuki and McGillis have a very similar scene in an alley where both kill in cold blood to survive. They both lost a part of their emotional and mental balance in their fight to live, with both becoming sociopathic in the process. McGillis is more high-functioning than Mika is, but you can still see the similarities between the two. I think if Gaelio had been older and more knowledgeable with a bit more of a spine, or if Rustal wasn't so "its none of my business so why bother getting involved"-ish, either one could have served as the Orga to Macky's Mika. But alas, neither were and McGillis made much of his way alone.
My interpretation of what happened in the alley with Mika and Orga is a little different. Orga is injured (that scar on his left arm looks nasty even now, and it's a miracle he didn't lose his left arm to infection at the time), Mika is unharmed. So imo, what happened is Orga fought, trying to protect them both, but obviously he, only a little kid at the time, was badly outmatched against an adult man. Still, he was good enough to knock out the gun out of the man's hands but got badly injured in the process with a knife. Mika, seeing that Orga was about to be killed, had made his most important decision in life, picking up the gun off the ground and pulling the trigger to save Orga. That is, Mika didn't kill to survive. He killed to save his friend, and that defined him for life. A big difference from McGillis who indeed killed to survive himself and never had anyone he wanted to protect.
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Old 2017-02-15, 10:08   Link #627
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Originally Posted by tdx View Post
My interpretation of what happened in the alley with Mika and Orga is a little different. Orga is injured (that scar on his left arm looks nasty even now, and it's a miracle he didn't lose his left arm to infection at the time), Mika is unharmed. So imo, what happened is Orga fought, trying to protect them both, but obviously he, only a little kid at the time, was badly outmatched against an adult man. Still, he was good enough to knock out the gun out of the man's hands but got badly injured in the process with a knife. Mika, seeing that Orga was about to be killed, had made his most important decision in life, picking up the gun off the ground and pulling the trigger to save Orga. That is, Mika didn't kill to survive. He killed to save his friend, and that defined him for life. A big difference from McGillis who indeed killed to survive himself and never had anyone he wanted to protect.
I too think he was trying to protect Orga, though going by his response. I also don't think that was his first kill either. In the same way, considering how Macky was just eating right in front of the body, that probably wasn't his first kill either. I think the similarities come in the emotionless fashion that both handle everything, which I think was indeed born from both having to scrape by to survive by any means necessary.

Also, these summaries have appeared recently! And I'm pretty sure about them.

or in plain text:



From what my translator can tell me, it looks like well be in for the fight against Arianrhod in these next couple of episodes at least. Though I have a feeling thing won't go at all as planned.
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Old 2017-02-15, 10:32   Link #628
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Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post

44 The man who obtained a soul
The Arianrhod fleet led by Rustal Elion is massing their entire force to counter the coup d'etat.

45 If this is the end
After some twists and turns, Orga and Tekkadan also face Arianrhod in battle, but...

Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
I too think he was trying to protect Orga, though going by his response. I also don't think that was his first kill either.
Even if Mika isn't emotional there, judging by Orga's freak-out, it was Mika's first kill.

Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
Though I have a feeling thing won't go at all as planned.
Oh it definitely won't. The "but..." with dots states that much loud and clear.

Thanks for these spoilers btw! I take it the next episode will be more drama than anything (Okada's specialty after all), and the most interesting things will start happening in episode 45...
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Old 2017-02-15, 11:10   Link #629
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Originally Posted by tdx View Post

Even if Mika isn't emotional there, judging by Orga's freak-out, it was Mika's first kill.

Oh it definitely won't. The "but..." with dots states that much loud and clear.

Thanks for these spoilers btw! I take it the next episode will be more drama than anything (Okada's specialty after all), and the most interesting things will start happening in episode 45...
I think that might have just been the first time he's killed like that in front of Orga. We don't know about prior to their meeting. (Can we get their backstory now?!)

Well, let's see, if the info we got is right, next episode will be written by Okada herself, and the one after that, by Kuroda, who hasn't written anything for this series yet. Kamoshida was one that wrote this past episode, which is interesting since the last thing she wrote for IBO was episode 24, arguably one of the best episodes of last season.

I'll be interested in seeing what drama she Okada and her fellow writers do next.

Oh, also, remember back when this cour started and we talked about the OP and about they symbolism of the flowers shown? One of those was the lotus which in flower language deals with Buddhism as is of course the AV system. And a purple one, like in the OP, shows that the Noble Eightfold path has been reached. Interestingly if you look at Vidar's AV system, it has 8 sections to it showing that it's AV (which also comes from Buddhism) has reached it's ultimate level. But could the flower that crashed on the ground, out of it's vase be Mika instead? Showing that he will go beyond that level?
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Last edited by Irenesharda; 2017-02-15 at 11:57.
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Old 2017-02-15, 12:09   Link #630
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Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
But could the flower that crashed on the ground, out of it's vase be Mika instead? Showing that he will go beyond that level?
Since he is the lead Gundam's pilot, I find that to be very likely.
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Old 2017-02-15, 19:43   Link #631
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Originally Posted by tdx View Post
44 The man who obtained a soul
The Arianrhod fleet led by Rustal Elion is massing their entire force to counter the coup d'etat.

45 If this is the end
After some twists and turns, Orga and Tekkadan also face Arianrhod in battle, but...
Not sure how I feel about this wording, but it seems like something might happen in 44 that will lead to 45.
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Old 2017-02-15, 20:14   Link #632
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Originally Posted by darkone45 View Post
Not sure how I feel about this wording, but it seems like something might happen in 44 that will lead to 45.
I don't doubt it. Others have picked up on the "twists and turns" part and are wondering why it's only after that Orga and Tekkadan get involved? Did something happen in the meantime?
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Old 2017-02-15, 20:39   Link #633
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Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
I don't doubt it. Others have picked up on the "twists and turns" part and are wondering why it's only after that Orga and Tekkadan get involved? Did something happen in the meantime?
ugh better not be what I think it is. ( and I hope I'm way off)
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Old 2017-02-15, 21:27   Link #634
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Speaking of which, where does Nobliss play into this? We haven't seen him for awhile and I'm under the impression nothing significant has happened to him.
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Old 2017-02-15, 21:47   Link #635
Obelisk ze Tormentor
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Originally Posted by SonicSP View Post
Speaking of which, where does Nobliss play into this? We haven't seen him for awhile and I'm under the impression nothing significant has happened to him.
I guess he's still joyfully eating his ice cream since all the conflicts that's happening makes him richer & richer (and some of that money goes to Kudelia's company too btw).
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Old 2017-02-15, 21:55   Link #636
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Ah yes the Peace Princess in bed and profiting from the War Profiteer.
Yeah Nobliss doesn't have to make a move at all at this point. And even if he is Rich nothing suggest he can build a force to challenge Gjhallahorn anyway. So he wins by sitting down and waiting to see how things play out.
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Old 2017-02-15, 23:49   Link #637
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Originally Posted by Skaddix View Post
Ah yes the Peace Princess in bed and profiting from the War Profiteer.
Don't joke like that, after the recent episode my imagination doesn't react adequately to this kind of references , starting to paint disturbing pictures I'd rather unsee

Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
I guess he's still joyfully eating his ice cream since all the conflicts that's happening makes him richer & richer (and some of that money goes to Kudelia's company too btw).
Ugh, why isn't he dead from diabetes already. Anyway, he's rich and has weapons, so theoretically he can hire some mercs, but even if he tried, it'd just go the same way it went with Jasley, hastily gathered ragtag groups are no match for Tekkadan or Arianrhod.

Still, maybe we shouldn't forget about Nobliss and Barriston just yet. If it will indeed turn into battle royal with everyone joining the fray in some way, maybe the loose end of the two's connection will be tied up somehow (I can hope okay), maybe even via Kudelia. I personally like the idea floating around of Kudelia making a third side, because the two we have are both off one way or another.
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Old 2017-02-16, 01:56   Link #638
Obelisk ze Tormentor
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Originally Posted by tdx View Post
Don't joke like that, after the recent episode my imagination doesn't react adequately to this kind of references , starting to paint disturbing pictures I'd rather unsee
There's a certain hentai subgenre for that. Though I hope the doujin artists aren't looking for inspiration in this thread

Originally Posted by tdx View Post
Ugh, why isn't he dead from diabetes already. Anyway, he's rich and has weapons, so theoretically he can hire some mercs, but even if he tried, it'd just go the same way it went with Jasley, hastily gathered ragtag groups are no match for Tekkadan or Arianrhod.

Still, maybe we shouldn't forget about Nobliss and Barriston just yet. If it will indeed turn into battle royal with everyone joining the fray in some way, maybe the loose end of the two's connection will be tied up somehow (I can hope okay), maybe even via Kudelia. I personally like the idea floating around of Kudelia making a third side, because the two we have are both off one way or another.
You know what, isn’t it incredible that a number of slimy a-holes who are responsible for some treachery, crimes, deaths, abuse or trauma for many people got away with their lives in one way or another? It’s as if this show wants to paint the bitter IRL reality where not many a-holes got their just deserts. Let’s count:

Norman Bernstein
Maruba Arkay
Todo Mirconen
Brooke Kabayan
Nobliss Gordon
Iznario Fareed
Sandoval Reuters

I still count out Rustal & Iok from the list since I think their arcs aren’t over yet and could end up dead.
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Old 2017-02-16, 02:41   Link #639
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Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
You know what, isn’t it incredible that a number of slimy a-holes who are responsible for some treachery, crimes, deaths, abuse or trauma for many people got away with their lives in one way or another? It’s as if this show wants to paint the bitter IRL reality where not many a-holes got their just deserts. Let’s count:

Norman Bernstein
Maruba Arkay
Todo Mirconen
Brooke Kabayan
Nobliss Gordon
Iznario Fareed
Sandoval Reuters

I still count out Rustal & Iok from the list since I think their arcs aren’t over yet and could end up dead.
Norman barely counted since we saw like a few scenes with him. And now his relationship with his daughter is pretty ireperable and she will soar while he'll lose his job and be forgotten, so I'm not worried about him.

Maruba got enslaved somewhere so I can count that as just deserts.

Todo, got a beatdown and embarressed so that was fine for his one time offense. He's basically just a comic relief toady anyway.

Orcas, doesn't really matter. If for the story's sake, you can say that Tekkadan cause him a lot of damage which caused his business to go bankrupt. Brooke lost everything so, that's taken care of, and I'm sure Teiwaz did something unpleasant to him.
Nobliss will probably get taken care of eventually.
Iznario might just find his way back into the plot as a loose thread that needs to be taken care of, especially since they sort of brought him back into the limelight this episode.
Sandoval? Who was that again? Was he the guy in charge of Dawn Horizon? If so, he's imprisoned, so that story's done.

There you go, only really a few thread that might make another appearance in the show. And only a few that need to.
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Old 2017-02-16, 02:58   Link #640
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Well Iznario gets to go from All powerful to impotent from his prospective that is pretty severe punishment.

Nobliss is really the only villain who could if he plays his cards right escape without having to pay up at all.
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