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Old 2009-04-19, 02:02   Link #6601
Nuclear Fusion
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Originally Posted by JamesEdwards View Post
When you mean, a "Tank" mage, I'm going to assume RPG nomenclature, a'ight? I don't really think you need help making a mecha musume-style magus, after all.

Anyways, as far as Tanks go, normal Nano-verse examples are the likes of Zafira, Arf, and Yuuno. Though as far as the Guardian Beast and Familiar go, they're both honestly closer to Yojimbo who will go out and engage the enemy giving the caster breathing space. So that leaves Yuuno as the true Tank, per say, since last I checked he has no true offense spells to speak of.

A build for a Tank mage, though, depends ultimately on what you want to do / the theme for this Tank, e.g. "The Ultimate Defense", "The Tank", "The Mirror", etc. Things to think about are like Speed, Power, Defense, etc. Is this going to be a mobile Cloth-type. Slow, purposeful Armor-type. Or a Technical-type that tries to find a happy middle ground.

Do you want someone who just wades into harm's way like it's walking in the rain? Do you want someone who'll take a hit and then return the favor tenfold? Do you want someone who pretty much is a walking Area Denial field? An Interceptor? Or is this someone who gets attacked and they can turn that attack back on the attacker directly or indirectly?

We can take the next appropriate steps as soon as you can figure out what you like or would like to see.
My "tank system" is inspired by how DnD does it. Defense classes there can put a mark on an enemy; marked enemies get a hit penalty against anyone besides whoever marked them and depending on your class you get an ability or two against enemies you mark.

I think any kind of tanking system in the Nanoverse has to be active. MMOs use some kind of "aggro" that can be influenced by the player to determine who the ogre goes after. Good for gaming, but that doesn't translate into the real world. Why go after the guy in full plate sitting there shouting garbage at me when I can bumrush the squishy caster and take him out in one solid hit?

The reason I like this idea of marks is that I can force the enemy to make a choice: Do I attack the tank, who can stand there taking my best magic all day, or do I try to go after his less-protected allies and risk some kind of retribution?

I'm thinking this system has two main options: The tank goes all-out defense and casts a plethora of protective spells on all his allies, making it more advantageous to try and knock him out and expose the party; or take a more offensive route by using spells that allow him to retaliate directly and viciously against enemies who do attack the squishies.


Like I said, it's far from the most organized thing I've ever written; I really don't have that much time to sit down and think this all through. I think I've seized on an idea here that is A: practical, and B: not OP, so I'll try to work on it some more.

Originally Posted by itanshi1 View Post
Everything is explained by mtg!

//end troll
Of course, in the alternative, I could simply have the tank borrow one of these. Throw in a Storage Matrix while I'm at it and make it so enemy mages can only use offense/defense/support magic for some amount of time...

God I made people mad when I ran Storage Matrix. Thanks for reminding me of it. >:3
In my hands, a sun, that my path may be lit.
At my back, the sky, so I may be free to soar.
In my eyes, hell, for it is my cradle and grave.

Last edited by LimitedEternal; 2009-04-19 at 02:24.
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Old 2009-04-19, 02:26   Link #6602
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Love the chatter here, I should print it all up and be educated in the ways of OC. Still, I need to design my own OCs. Seems Keroko and I had gone similar ways, but not too similar. Should be interesting given maturation.
For those that belittle their favorite characters, complain about pairings, complain about oversexed images. Stop, thank you.

Fear Anxiety Doubt is but a fad. The life of a fad depends entirely on the willingness to support it. Difficulty is a choice. Determination is a path. Your next great idea after your destination is the true goal.
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Old 2009-04-19, 04:07   Link #6603
The Interstellar Medium
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
A Missing Persons case for a OC? Wow... better get writing on the rest of the profile quick
Yea, I'm holding back more info for now until she is introduced in the main story. Brainstorm in IRC produced some ideas I'm not prepared to reveal just yet until they have been worked out.
She will be different though

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Old 2009-04-19, 04:31   Link #6604
Adeptus Animus
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
That last was only one week, max, IIRC since next week she was going to face Ginga.
I know, the time spend varies depending on the complexity of the weapon.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
If all it is having is AMF energy, why would it bursting produce physical damage?
Oh, it doesn't? I figured physical round exploding would do at least some physical would do at least some physical damage. Changing that to none then.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Isn't Round 3 just a variant of Round 2? Why not just have Round 2 with a variable field of work. In fact, you can even have ONE round, and do a three-way tradeoff between Time, Volume and Average Effectiveness.
Complexity. The various settings require different types of builds, and since we are talking bullets here rather then tall gadget drones, the operational variety is limited, and a single bullet can only incorporate one setting.

That's the in-universe explanation. The out of universe explanation is that it's simply a matter of balance. If she can simply flip between modes, it will be very easy to kill even higher level mages. Fire two rounds of disruption round, switch mode, fire a penetration round. The first will shatter the barrier raised against it, the second will punch a hole in the Barrier Jacket's Barrier and Field, and the penetration round will punch through before the Jacket's defenses have a chance to close the hole and kill the mage. That's rather overpowered, wouldn't you say? That's why the settings vary for rounds, it forces a reload, giving the defenses a chance to close and making the weaponry less "lulz, I is three-shotting Nanoha."

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Besides, given the rules of volume expansion, given how weak you've set the field for a mere <10mm radius of action, the logical consequence is that the 3m radius of work Round 2, with at least 27,000,000 times the volume to cover will be basically useless if the field is equal density, and if it is variable density its useful radius of work will be substantially shorter than 3m (less than 30cm by the looks of it). You can play around with power requirements (Round 2 might be much more demanding per Round), but there IS a HUGE magnitude chasm here.

1 Quick and simple recommendation: Move the effectiveness rating of Round 3 to Round 2. When the radius is down to Round 3, it can punch a little hole through ANY (<SS or even somewhat more than this) shield. Since it doesn't do anything beyond punching that hole, it is probably not too h3xx.
For the first part, round 3 may have a small radius high-density AMF field, but since it is designed for destroying a target rather then surviving impact and generating a field, it can't generate that kind of field for more then a few seconds before it runs out of power. Round 2 is designed to put out an AMF for a longer time, thus has a more powerful battery, limiting it in both speed and destructive power. Since killing is not the point of the jamming round, this matters little.

The role of punching a hole in powerful defenses is delegated to round 1. Round 3 is more a mook killer, or a way to put the stronger enemies on guard.

Again, it's more a balance thing. I don't want rounds generating very powerful AMF fields over large radius, nor do I want a round that can easily punch through even SS-ranked defenses and kill their caster at the same time.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
If you are shorting out lots of delicate circuits, you are destroying them.
They're not androids, they're cyborgs. Disabling their mechanical parts does not kill them. The Ion rounds work similarly to the Star Wars ion weaponry, which has often been shown the be somewhat repairable in the field. Same logic here, it's basically a stun-gun for cyborgs.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Wow. How easy is it to disable a device using this method?
Hard to the point where it really isn't an option unless the target has lowered his guard. Ion blasts can't penetrate magical defenses, so any mage in their Barrier Jackets would by default be safe. The only way to really use this attack with any efficiency is by shooting a mage's device before he activates his defenses.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
and you'll just have decided for everyone else that their devices can be very easily disabled using ions.
Well, this was done with the train of thought that magical devices are still devices with mechanical parts. I can scrap this function if the general consensus says no to this though.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
And for once we seem to agree
These rare occasions seem to multiply recently, don't they?

Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
Okay, here's the knife sequence I had been working towards... I ended up doing two throws, but I want to ensure my execution comes across as showoffy of roland, but not showoffy to the point where the reader thinks the story itself is being too showoffy...

Spoiler for Neat Knife Tricks:

Mainly, I decided that the best evolution is to have Crash successfully 'challenge' the General, and show just a little more why Roland is a General, and add depth to it, but do it in such a way that Roland is essentially responding to a minion's attempt on his personal pride rather than just trying to show up our main cast...

You guys let me know if I lay it on a bit too thick, or if it works.
I agree, having written it as his minion poking him does make it feel less as if he's showing off to the Aces.

Also, Vivio was adorable here.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Arkh, this is OCT, kindly leave your overanalysis and nitpickery perspective out the door. We are not in Magitech.
Dunno, so far I wouldn't call this overanalysis. The radius thing is getting close, but that might be Ark's assumption that all rounds are the same except for their effect.

Originally Posted by AtomicoX View Post
So I decided to do a revamp of my OC's layouts and also update them with more info. Also introducing a third OC.
Linking back to the two other updated ones because I don't see the need to post a whole new one.

Aaaand here is the new OC.

Spoiler for Angelika:
Hmm, not much so far except her personality. But doesn't her being a positive child kind of conflict with her uncertainty to make friends?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
"... unfortunately so, lest by accident..."
.... *bangs head on table* "Two comebacks! Two comebacks she didn't even realize she made!"

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
... a blatant contempt for Acous Verossa?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
It also doesn't help that Mai herself is stubborn and forceful at times, and she partly sees Yuzu as a large, cute plush doll to play with (hence her like for the ears ), and thus often drags her into her room to sleep with her... no, not in that manner >.>

*confiscates all the Yuri goggles*

I can suddenly see both onee-chans in a covert war for Yuzu's affections - who can dote on her more
Exactly, and while Mai does not care, or even realize what she's doing, her 'rival' does not have that advantage. Many tsun~tsun dere~dere moments in stock.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Well, she can touch a Linker Core directly - being that Linker Cores are organs that not only form out of a person's genetic base, but also sustained by nutrients from food, I'm assuming that Linker Cores are partly biological for whatever mysterious reason. Thus she can't destroy a linker core by just touching it, though the effect would be much like draining all the energy away from it - and as A's shows, that can be a very painful process. Same pain is felt by Rein Zwei or the Wolkenritter whenever they're within the field. Thankfully the field can be turned off, and even when active can easily be avoided by keeping your arm's length away from her.

Also, the payoff is quite simple: The power consumption needed to maintain her strength enhancement implants (the most powerful out of the Numbers series), her IS's, and her Sylpherion Raiser (the flightpack is needed for her to fly since an active Null Absolution nullifies flight ability - not like she can actually fly at all without it) is much greater than other Cyborgs of her class, making her operationally limited in terms of combat endurance. It is possible to outlast her simply by staying out of her way, and without ranged weapons Yuzu herself can't force her enemies into range either. Kinda working on specific numbers at the moment (no pun intended), but with all systems functional at optimum performance, say 5-10 minutes max? Meaning she's not the type you send into prolonged combat situations.

Also, use of either of her IS's gives her movement and agility penalties due to the messy nature of her power distribution systems, with her becoming noticeably sluggish when using her 2nd IS, relying on flightpack maneuvering or her brute strength to fight. This makes her vulnerable to very fast moving and agile units - she can catch up to them, but they'll run circles around her.
Yeah, that sounds about sufficient for such a powerful skill. Green light from me.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Another thing of note about Null Absolution: It can actually be purged as a spherical wave, destroying any stray and residual magic particles in the surrounding area, and disrupting spells in the process. It also makes mana collection spells like Starlight Breaker difficult in the area - you can't collect mana when there is none to collect afterall. Though this ability is a one-time use desperation measure that leaves her unable to use the IS for a while.
.... Why did I just get flashbacks of KOSMOS using Hilbert Effect in the anime?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Methinks she should work more as a weapons smith/ device meister than a warrior... kinda like Aurion...

No, she can only create what has been programmed into her. She's not that technically creative.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
All other points of contention have been covered by pretty much everyone else, personally I see no problem with the variety or function of the bullets - different shapes for different occasions. They do make an interesting counterpoint to Yuzu though - Yuzu is a blanket disabler that can only disable objects within range, while Adenn is a pin-point disabler with better reach and versatility.
Perfect compliment for one another, no?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
... thought processes exactly similar to mine when trying to think up of a name, though replace "scientist" with "writer" and we're all set. Though now we have another problem... the name of this character himself, which'll be almost as difficult to think about
... Here we go again.

Also, cookies for anyone who can guess the language Adenn's name came from.
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Old 2009-04-19, 04:40   Link #6605
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Also, cookies for anyone who can guess the language Adenn's name came from.
Aw, c'mon, Kero-bro, that's too easy. You're looking at a guy who raises his young TSAB officer cadets on Mando'a and all things Mandalorian in basic training for 14 weeks before they even get to Battle School in his homebrew-verse. I had the luckless Chrono Harlaown, personally, suffer along with the rest of his training platoon right under the mad dog eyes of Master Drill Instructor Sergeant Major Walon Vau himself (the rank and title were but one of many conditions for him signing on to train future Bureau brats).

To quote a classic Mando idiom:

"Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya." - "Train your sons to be strong but your daughters to be stronger."

That all said, can I have my doggie treats yet?
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Old 2009-04-19, 04:56   Link #6606
Jimmy C
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Well, this was done with the train of thought that magical devices are still devices with mechanical parts.
Here's a thought, mage devices run on magic, not electricity. Something designed to disrupt electronics should have no effects on them.
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Old 2009-04-19, 05:12   Link #6607
Adeptus Animus
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Originally Posted by JamesEdwards View Post
That all said, can I have my doggie treats yet?
Cookies for you. And that idiom does seem an awfully accurate description of the Nanohaverse, doesn't it?

Her name is often shorted to simply Kyr. It started because people started to associate her with Eden due to the similar sound of their names, which angered our new tsundere cyborg to no end (she and Eden have a relationship of one sided frustration. Eden's laid back no-care attitude irks Kyr to no end, while Eden simply doesn't care, which further irks Kyr, which... well, you can see where this goes. )

Or, as she always says when she introduces herself:

Spoiler for Troublesome indeed:

Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
Here's a thought, mage devices run on magic, not electricity. Something designed to disrupt electronics should have no effects on them.
Right. Scratch that option then. It's purely an anti-cyborg or anti-machinery round. There should be plenty of worlds using electrical equipment for it to be useful.
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Old 2009-04-19, 05:13   Link #6608
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Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
Here's a thought, mage devices run on magic, not electricity. Something designed to disrupt electronics should have no effects on them.
Jimmy, let's be real here. If you assume that, the notion pretty much overturns everything we have ever seen in canon. It's outrageous and completely absurd, especially in a show that says it's magic is based in technology / science, and has some pseudoscience to back it up.

And fine, if we were to assume they do run on magic, and by that stipulation have no electronic components to speak of, then please define to us so brilliantly what "MAGIC" is? A new form of elementary particle? Substance? What in the World is a Device really made of? ...Must I go on? There will be literally nothing left to salvage from old theories.

We are seriously going into the realm of "**** IT! KICK ALL YOUR REASON TO THE CURB! AND PIERCE THE HEAVENS WITH YOUR DRILL!" anything goes. If we're going to go there, the magic and technology thread doesn't even need to exist anymore, 'cos everything can be explained with Love and Courage. For reals.

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Old 2009-04-19, 05:19   Link #6609
The Interstellar Medium
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Hmm, not much so far except her personality. But doesn't her being a positive child kind of conflict with her uncertainty to make friends?
Hmm, got a point there. I was in the thoughts that her shyness impairs her in that way. She might be positive and cheerful, but as she has been helped with a lot by her sister and other occasions, coupled with shyness, it has some effects on her mentality.
"She was rather shy around people she didn’t know, unwilling to cause them problems" was what I meant by that.

I am generally very bad with personality in profiles though I prefer the story to tell that usually.

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Old 2009-04-19, 05:44   Link #6610
Secret Society BLANKET
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
.... *bangs head on table* "Two comebacks! Two comebacks she didn't even realize she made!"

Originally Posted by Keroko
Exactly, and while Mai does not care, or even realize what she's doing, her 'rival' does not have that advantage. Many tsun~tsun dere~dere moments in stock.
Well, Mai does know about her "rival's" discomfort for the relationship... she just doesn't understand why Adenn would feel that way, given that Yuzu spends equal time between them (even though Yuzu shows her affections more to Mai). And so she acts like she doesn't care or know about it... which might really make Adenn tsun~Tsun to no end

Originally Posted by Keroko
.... Why did I just get flashbacks of KOSMOS using Hilbert Effect in the anime?
The Hilbert effect?

Originally Posted by Keroko
No, she can only create what has been programmed into her. She's not that technically creative.
Ah, so she still needs a device meister to program the devices for her... I see her spending a lot of time with Aurion then...

And the harem continues to grow...

*dodges shot*

Originally Posted by Keroko
Perfect compliment for one another, no?
Very... If the mage or cyborg isn't within range of Yuzu's abilities, Adenn can just heard them towards her, or impair the target enough that Yuzu can come within range to disable them. Which'll require a lot of coordination and teamwork on their part (not a problem for Yuzu, since she listens to whatever Adenn says).

Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
Here's a thought, mage devices run on magic, not electricity. Something designed to disrupt electronics should have no effects on them.
Exactly the reason why I had Yuzu's Absolute Judgement as an Inherent Skill, rather than an electromagnetic phenomenon like EMP: she was designed to shut down both magic-based and electric-based circuits and machinery. Thus she can shut down even Intelligent, Armed and Storage Devices with ease. Rein Zwei is kinda a grey line how she should be affected, but I believe there will be an effect on her at least.

Note on AJ: It's more an Aura-like phenomenon, meaning it only keeps devices shuts down as long as they're within range. They regain functionality once they're outside the range of effect (discounting any start-ups, boot-ups or any reactivation required).

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Her name is often shorted to simply Kyr. It started because people started to associate her with Eden due to the similar sound of their names, which angered our new tsundere cyborg to no end (she and Eden have a relationship of one sided frustration. Eden's laid back no-care attitude irks Kyr to no end, while Eden simply doesn't care, which further irks Kyr, which... well, you can see where this goes. )

Or, as she always says when she introduces herself:

Spoiler for Troublesome indeed:
Kyr eh... at least it's easier on the tongue to say And why is it that Kyr always seems to get the people that make her tsun all the way?

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2009-04-19, 06:12   Link #6611
Saint X
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Or, as she always says when she introduces herself:

Spoiler for Troublesome indeed:

????: Kyr eh? Not a cute enough name...

*after a few minutes*

????: I know! Kyrie... it's such a cute name. Well pronounced as "kai-ri"

[insert reaction]
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Old 2009-04-19, 06:41   Link #6612
Adeptus Animus
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Originally Posted by JamesEdwards View Post
Jimmy, let's be real here. If you assume that, the notion pretty much overturns everything we have ever seen in canon. It's outrageous and completely absurd, especially in a show that says it's magic is based in technology / science, and has some pseudoscience to back it up.
I'm actually with Ark and Jimmy on this one. It's been stated that Devices do run on magic (and if not, then we're stuck with trying to explain what they do run on) so until we see Devices being affected by EMP-like weaponry, I'm discarding the Ion round affecting Devices.

Originally Posted by AtomicoX View Post
Hmm, got a point there. I was in the thoughts that her shyness impairs her in that way. She might be positive and cheerful, but as she has been helped with a lot by her sister and other occasions, coupled with shyness, it has some effects on her mentality.
"She was rather shy around people she didn’t know, unwilling to cause them problems" was what I meant by that.

I am generally very bad with personality in profiles though I prefer the story to tell that usually.
You might want to list that then. Something like "While often positive and cheerful, she was often helped by her sister. This made her rather shy around people she didn't know, unsure of how to act around them."

Or something along those lines.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Well, Mai does know about her "rival's" discomfort for the relationship... she just doesn't understand why Adenn would feel that way, given that Yuzu spends equal time between them (even though Yuzu shows her affections more to Mai). And so she acts like she doesn't care or know about it... which might really make Adenn tsun~Tsun to no end
Most likely.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
The Hilbert effect?
Yes, the Hilbert Effect. It does a different thing, but visually it was the first thing that came to mind.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Ah, so she still needs a device meister to program the devices for her... I see her spending a lot of time with Aurion then...

And the harem continues to grow...

*dodges shot*
Well, more then a Device Meister she needs someone with experience in the cyborg area. So it would depend on how much knowledge Aurion has in this area.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Very... If the mage or cyborg isn't within range of Yuzu's abilities, Adenn can just heard them towards her, or impair the target enough that Yuzu can come within range to disable them. Which'll require a lot of coordination and teamwork on their part (not a problem for Yuzu, since she listens to whatever Adenn says).
*imagines the combat scenarios* Yes, quite effective.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Exactly the reason why I had Yuzu's Absolute Judgement as an Inherent Skill, rather than an electromagnetic phenomenon like EMP: she was designed to shut down both magic-based and electric-based circuits and machinery. Thus she can shut down even Intelligent, Armed and Storage Devices with ease. Rein Zwei is kinda a grey line how she should be affected, but I believe there will be an effect on her at least.
Perhaps the Unison Device equivalent of getting sick?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Kyr eh... at least it's easier on the tongue to say And why is it that Kyr always seems to get the people that make her tsun all the way?
Eden: More like why does she keep finding us?

Because it's fun messing with her.

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
????: Kyr eh? Not a cute enough name...

*after a few minutes*

????: I know! Kyrie... it's such a cute name. Well pronounced as "kai-ri"

[insert reaction]
Kyr: It's pronounced Keer, not Kair. Keer. And who gave you permission to give me nicknames!
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Old 2009-04-19, 06:42   Link #6613
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Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
????: Kyr eh? Not a cute enough name...

*after a few minutes*

????: I know! Kyrie... it's such a cute name. Well pronounced as "kai-ri"

[insert reaction]
Your only reaction to that reaction should be "Kyrie Eleison".
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Old 2009-04-19, 07:09   Link #6614
Secret Society BLANKET
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Yes, the Hilbert Effect. It does a different thing, but visually it was the first thing that came to mind.
I can actually use that visual effect for the Null Absolution Purge, it fits wonderfully - asides from the range, it doesn't quite reach as far as the Hilbert Effect

Originally Posted by Keroko
Well, more then a Device Meister she needs someone with experience in the cyborg area. So it would depend on how much knowledge Aurion has in this area.
Aurion does seem to have experience with prosthetics, given Reishiki and all... but it is best to ask Aaron yourself

Originally Posted by Keroko
Perhaps the Unison Device equivalent of getting sick?
Rein going down with a fever?

... alright, that image just put something cute in my head

Originally Posted by Keroko
Eden: More like why does she keep finding us?

Because it's fun messing with her.
Mai: ... you cannot escape fate.

*sips red tea*

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2009-04-19, 07:18   Link #6615
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Originally Posted by MeisterBabylon View Post
@FlameZ: I used Trieze as a template for Kaprika, then later she got assimilated completely during the extensive revisions. I wanted to ask you for permission but you weren't around for a long time...
It's ok, I don't mind. I'm even using Treize to her fullest

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Deshou? I'm kicking myself for not going for Little Busters! EX now. >_<

Oh well, at least I secured her template for OC purposes.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Rein going down with a fever?

... alright, that image just put something cute in my head
Something like that kind of happened in those flashback chapters I wrote

Last edited by FlameSparkZ; 2009-04-19 at 07:35.
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Old 2009-04-19, 07:23   Link #6616
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
I'm actually with Ark and Jimmy on this one. It's been stated that Devices do run on magic (and if not, then we're stuck with trying to explain what they do run on) so until we see Devices being affected by EMP-like weaponry, I'm discarding the Ion round affecting Devices.
Well, in that case, y'all self-styled gurus need to come out and say what "Magic" is. Is it some kind of universal can do everything elementary power source / stream / substance?

'cuz the way I understand magic? Yes, it is another elementary substance. However, it's useless in its natural form. You have to take that sucker and convert it into Prana, which can then take the form of just about anything, wherefore it finally becomes useful.

That said, we can all pretty much be on the same page, if you say that the mana outputed by a Linker Core by Nano-verse standards is already a finished product. There are such examples in nature, after all, e.g. coal, wood, etc. It just made more dramatic, artistic sense to me to do it the other way, since I have practically be raised up on Nasu.

Now, taking all that into account, the Ion round might not affect the Device itself, but I sure as hell bet it's great for severely beating the hell out of Barriers...and guess what? The human body is run by electrical impulses...last I checked. Could be fatal to have that stuff disrupted by an ion pulse.

Oh, and y'all dodged my question of what a Device is made of. If it's not electronics, what is it then? Unless someone here will actually rise up to the batter's plate and give me a decent theory. I'm just going to keep looking at y'all like you've grown an extra appendage where it don't belong, thinking "My Lawd, d'ey be some K-Razy folk." I'm with the pseudoscience school of thought, so there has to be some kind of electronics. It's a show being written by human beings for pete's sake. We like to apply and innovate based on things we know that work.

If a device is so darn magical, why does a mage even need one? You should memorize that stuff and cast it straight up, sleight of hand, like Yuuno Scrya does.

Oh God. That's it. That's the answer. Devices are just an overpriced accessory for marketing purposes, and for good sane folks to spend countless hours debating over this pseudoscience. YES! I have seen the light! Now, if I can only control myself from not blowing a gasket over this again.

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Old 2009-04-19, 07:29   Link #6617
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
... Hope you don't mind if I wait for Flame's word on this first.
I know; the craziness in Kaprika fortunately/unfortunately runs in the family. <_<

Now the only problem is, when will be the next time FlameZ appear...? Considering that Kaprika herself gets a major role in StrikerS as Drake 4...

The backup idea is that Kaprika is Number-series #00000. While some minor changes to her can be made, I'll then need to find when was Uno constructed before I work out her origins.

...and there's the possibility that the imouto is actually the older child... Okay was, I did mention Kia had fertility trouble, did I?

Gah once again the crazier option beckons me. Halp.

Other than that, Kaprika's character design remains the same... Is that acceptable?

EDIT: FlameZ has spoken! Now the only problem is that all the changes I've made will directly retcon anything from WindS, as Kaprika/Trieze is retrieved in A's to StrikerS (4 years before StrikerS) off a tipoff given by Kia working the next stage of her plan from inside Jail's experiments... Are you alright with that?
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Old 2009-04-19, 07:45   Link #6618
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
I can actually use that visual effect for the Null Absolution Purge, it fits wonderfully - asides from the range, it doesn't quite reach as far as the Hilbert Effect
Yeah, the range is rather ridiculous.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Aurion does seem to have experience with prosthetics, given Reishiki and all... but it is best to ask Aaron yourself
I'll wait until he wanders in here again then.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Rein going down with a fever?

... alright, that image just put something cute in my head
Tiny little Rein with red cheeks, sweating and breathing heavily...

Yeah, cute indeed.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Mai: ... you cannot escape fate.

*sips red tea*
Don't push her too far, or she might fall into her 'heavy-tsun rambling mode:'

Though you'd have to be pushing her really really far to reach this 4 minute ramble record.

Originally Posted by JamesEdwards View Post
Oh God. That's it. That's the answer. Devices are just an overpriced accessory for marketing purposes, and for good sane folks to spend countless hours debating over this pseudoscience. YES! I have seen the light! Now, if I can only control myself from not blowing a gasket over this again.

By the same logic you are using, I can ask you "If Raising Heart runs on electricity, where is her battery plug then?" Last I checked, a tiny little jewel did not have a lot of plugs wires and whatnot. This is one of those times where I think even Ark agrees that deep analysis brings us nothing, as there is as much evidence to claim 'it does' as there is 'it doesn't'. What you said right now is exactly the reason we don't try to debate this. We don't know how it works, so it would be bashing theory against theory with no final outcome. Devices work on magic, how do they work on magic? Beats me! They just do.

Though your part on the Ion round I can use. I guess I could change the Ion round from not effective to stunning the enemy. Gives it a use in a mage fight too.

Originally Posted by MeisterBabylon View Post
Other than that, Kaprika's character design remains the same... Is that acceptable?

EDIT: FlameZ has spoken! Now the only problem is that all the changes I've made will directly retcon anything from WindS, as Kaprika/Trieze is retrieved in A's to StrikerS (4 years before StrikerS) off a tipoff given by Kia working the next stage of her plan from inside Jail's experiments... Are you alright with that?
The timeline is troubling. For number 13 to be recovered four years before StrikerS throws a huge wrench in the plot, which had cyborgs be a secret until the day off episode.

Last edited by Keroko; 2009-04-19 at 09:09.
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Old 2009-04-19, 07:52   Link #6619
OC Belka Scriptor
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I must agree with James here about Devices not necessarily being needed by powerful mages.

Not only Yuuno did that. Nanoha herself sealed RH before stopping Teana's and Subaru's attacks and handing thier asses with a bind and crossfire shoot.

I disagree with the device being only a accessory though, we already found out they help with mana control and enable mages to use greater spells more efficiently. (We never saw Nanoha pull a SLB without her device. This makes Sankt Kaiser Vivio even more scary as she was on Nanoha's level without even having one). As well providing help with communication and maybe other functions.

But we never actually found out how they work, so his idea of electronic Devices is as valid as the 'only magic' one.
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Old 2009-04-19, 07:58   Link #6620
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Going by Jimmy comparison of Nanoha with the fantasy genre, Devices are the thinly disguised signature weapons of each member of the party. Before you say storage devices, I'll answer that the Nanohaverse is like a D&D campain running on a Monty Haul setting where even the weakest nameless mage gets a +1 wand. Armed and Intelligent Devices are your Intelligent Weapons from D&D (those in AD&D2).
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