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Old 2010-12-23, 01:00   Link #6761
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Originally Posted by Clarste View Post
Of course the tank will die if you only use Holy Light, but the group will also die if you only use Divine Light and go oom instantly. You need to mix them up and use whichever is appropriate.
Originally Posted by Clarste View Post
You're missing the point. Yes, Holy Light heals for shit. Really, it heals for basically nothing. No, you don't need to cast anything else very often. In most cases, spamming your super-efficient weak heal on the tank and using Holy Shock on cooldown is enough to keep a good tank up. Sometimes it's not, and then you'll need Divine Light, but it certainly shouldn't be your staple.

The way I see it, I am a HoT now. I'm not supposed to constantly heal large amounts, I'm suppose to tick slowly but regularly to keep the party alive. In emergencies, I have a number of expensive but powerful heals that I can use to catch up, but using the expensive heals is just as much an emergency button as Lay on Hands or whatever. It's just that they're limited by mana instead of a cooldown.
According to you, you use Holy Light + Holy Shock close to exclusively. Obviously you need to use what's appropriate, but if what's appropriate is Divine Light, then you're pretty much boned. When you have 1 option, and that option drains you, what are you supposed to do? Go with something weaker to preserve mana, or drain your mana to keep the tank up?
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Old 2010-12-23, 01:04   Link #6762
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I never said close to exclusively. I need my big heals nearly every pull. I just don't need them very often within each pull. What I was arguing against was that Holy Light was useless, which is blatantly false. Holy Light is what you do between everything else, it's your healing auto-attack.
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Old 2010-12-23, 01:15   Link #6763
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Originally Posted by Clarste View Post
I never said close to exclusively. I need my big heals nearly every pull. I just don't need them very often within each pull. What I was arguing against was that Holy Light was useless, which is blatantly false. Holy Light is what you do between everything else, it's your healing auto-attack.
Holy Light isn't useless, but it's on the low end of my casting, not the high end, as I generally use Divine Light, Holy Shock, and Word of Glory far more than it; though I do use it more than Flash of Light.
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Old 2010-12-23, 01:17   Link #6764
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You said you only used them in emergencies. Unless your definition of emergency means all the damned time, then you're using them way more than just in emergencies.

And no one said Holy Light was useless. It was said that it heals for shit when you need to actually do real healing. And by "real healing", I mean "can a Death Knight heal themselves through this fight without dying?"

Also, not counting crits, I believe the math shows 3 Holy Lights is worse than 1 Divine Light for the mere fact that you get 2 more GCD with the Divine Light. Those GCD can be used for Judgment, cooldowns, Holy Shock, WoG, etc.

I'd like to see a video of one of your heroics (including a quick screen grab of group members' gear (can be quick since it'd be a video, and thus pausable)) to see just how often you use Holy Light compared to other heals.

Speaking of Flash of Light, I haven't used it once since Cataclysm. I probably should have in a few instances, but whatever. DPS can stay out of the fire if they don't want to die that fast.
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Old 2010-12-23, 01:22   Link #6765
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Emergencies are all the damn time. Tanks nowadays have lots of cooldowns that they're expected to use regularly, why should healers be different?

And... I suppose makes me look like an idiot or a hypocrite, but I don't actually play a paladin. I play a shaman, which in terms of the basic heals are pretty similar (and Holy Shock is similar to Riptide). Upon consideration I guess Earth Shield might be changing my experiences significantly, but paladins get Beacon of Light, so...
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Old 2010-12-23, 01:32   Link #6766
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Well, I consider emergencies to have to be unexpected events. When you know it's going to happen, it's just a tough moment, not an emergency.

I'm not really familiar with how Earth Shield works exactly, but Beacon doesn't do anything when we heal the tank directly (unless we use Divine Light or Flash of Light, in which case we get a Holy Power).
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Old 2010-12-23, 01:44   Link #6767
Lost in my dreams...
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Originally Posted by Hooves View Post
I wonder, are you able to Reset the instance and then get a different combo? I just don't like that combo since he stacks the debuff almost instantly to 100% healing reduction which completely keeps obliterating us. We can down the fight, but its just the fact that he is stacking the debuff way too fast that its causing our tanks to switch almost every 15 seconds. (After about 10 minutes of explaining it, and catching my breath, we got the basis of the mechanic) there is also the Fire Breath that the proto-drake does, our pally healer wanted to use Aura Mastery for the good 6 seconds to increase our fire resistance by an extra 400 to just eat up that fire damage no problem.
No, you can not get a different combo there - your only option is to suck it up and hope you get a better one next week. This is the combo we got last week as well, and it took a few pulls to get the tank switching right indeed. In the end he went down though, so it's certainly doable, just kinda stressful ... then again that fight generally is.
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Old 2010-12-23, 01:48   Link #6768
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My guild had that combo this week, and found it much easier than the one we got last week (100% attack speed + shadow nova). While I suppose we already had the experience of doing it last week, the fact that we one-shot it with 3 new people who hadn't seen the fight before implied to us that it was easier.
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Old 2010-12-23, 02:07   Link #6769
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Shadow nova is something we have pretty much learned to deal with, as Storm Rider has been present in all our attempts (we have 3 drakes and Halfus gets all 3 buffs ... i am pretty confused here actually, as i see many people only talking about two drakes/buffs) - had to stick a melee on Halfus full-time for interrupts until we killed the bastard ... the drake took somewhat longer to die, with one melee constantly preoccupied, but what can you do - unchecked shadow novas will wreck your raid cohesion and healing, can't afford to have many go through.
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Old 2010-12-23, 02:09   Link #6770
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The problem arose in the second half of the fight, when he starts doing the aoe stun + damage. Because of the length of the stun, he nearly always got the Shadow Nova off, so there was just massive raid damage in that phase. For the rest of it I just kept the boss focused and Wind Sheared him while dpsing the drakes. Honestly, I think shaman are a bit overpowered for interrupts on bosses.
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Old 2010-12-23, 02:21   Link #6771
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The Shadow Nova which which follows staggering roars is something your raid will have to eat, as that one is impossible to interrupt, as everyone will still be knocked down from the 3rd roar (unless a quick mage manages to iceblock the roars and interrupt the nova, but that's a one-time gimmick), which is something that will have to be dealt with the hard way - need to anticipate the roars and have the raid topped off before them, so no one dies from the following nova. I actually find this to be the easiest stage - at this point two of the drakes will be dead, and raid/tank damage should be much more contained as result. This is a fight that gets easier as the encounter goes on, contrary to most - still not an easy end, but certainly more manageable than the mayhem at start.
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Old 2010-12-23, 02:23   Link #6772
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We managed to interrupt it. Once. I don't know how. Anyway, mana is usually getting low for the healers by that point, or at least it was last week. Raid damage just sort of siphons healer mana like nothing else.
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Old 2010-12-23, 03:10   Link #6773
Lost in my dreams...
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Raidhealing is a mana sponge indeed, which is why we arranged for somewhat "static" positions for 5 people - they stand in the middle of the room (the 3 healers + 2 ranged) and the healers throw down their shiny circles - 4 of them stand in those in a "square" formation (on the very edges of the healing circles), with the fifth in the middle. This way they are still spread enough not to chain fireballs, and keeping those 5 up is significantly easier. Me and the other warlock were staying outside, as we take the least damage due to soul link. Without this, mana was much more of an issue indeed.
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Old 2010-12-23, 11:21   Link #6774
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Well then.. It could probably be the fact that our healers are not throwing down their big heals on our tank which is sorta wiping us. Or that people are taking too much damage from the Fireball Barrage (which they are not moving for it) so that would probably be why we are dying.

Also on the 2 dragons we keep talking about. I'm merely talking about the ones we plan to release, we had the 2 dragons I was talking about. As well as the whelps, which the whelps when released gives both the boss and the raid 50% reduced damage right? So the fireballs don't hurt that much?
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Old 2010-12-23, 14:29   Link #6775
Gamilas Falls
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Or (if the healers are paladins) they didn't read the notes on the hotfixes that changed what they could do with their holy spells (and not for the better). Though it was supposedly to even out the healing verses mana so everyone is even.
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Old 2010-12-23, 15:53   Link #6776
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Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Or (if the healers are paladins) they didn't read the notes on the hotfixes that changed what they could do with their holy spells (and not for the better). Though it was supposedly to even out the healing verses mana so everyone is even.
The holy light change was needed for mana vs other other healers since it allowed holy light spam to be too mana efficient, but the light of dawn nerf really erks me, I am seriously considering dropping it as a talent cause it's a dam mediocre ability now for the "final holy paladin talent", since with heals I'm getting with it now it looks to be never better Word of Glory in terms of healing done per holy power .

Also Tol Barad is getting annoying missed the extra dailies twice because we can't seem to control the zone... yet somehow we have people bothering to keep wintergrasp >.>.
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Old 2010-12-23, 17:29   Link #6777
Gamilas Falls
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Probably groups of people that don't have CATA yet with some that don't like Tol Barad are doing Wintergrasp. I did notice that while, as a level 85, I didn't get Justice Points for running a Wrath Heroic with some level 80 guildies that don't have CATA yet, but because we had Wintergrasp, I did get Honor Points for each boss kill.

I've not done Tol Barad yet (I went there once thinking about exploring, but didn't get anywhere as I was unprepared for the place...didn't even do the dailies even though we held the place because I was busy with other stuff (finishing Archeology at the time) and only dropped in because of trying to do the exploration cause I happened to stop in Stormwind.

Not sure if I've found all the Cata dailies yet. There are about 6 in Deepholm, 6, I guess, in Twilight Highlands, 2 in Uldam, and I can't think of any in Hyjal or Vash'jir. Plus the cooking/fishing dailies in Stormwind. So there should be nine others...or is that entirely Tol Barad?
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Old 2010-12-23, 18:19   Link #6778
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Dailies for Cata are as follows:

7 Therazane in Deepholm
5 Dragonmaw or Wildhammer in Twilight Highlands
6 at the Tol Barad base camp where you portal in
3 at the base in the Tol Barad zone that are static, and 3 that change everytime you win basically a potential 9 dailies from these changing 3. 12 total possible if you control the zone.
1 Ramkahen and 1 non rep related one in Uldum
Cooking and Fishing dailies

Pretty sure that's all of them.

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Old 2010-12-23, 18:47   Link #6779
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Would explain why I was 9 short the first day I did dailies. Didn't look at Tol Barad because I started leveling my first alt through Cata with guild alts (even got to use an Archeology rare I found (a ilvl 226 one handed axe) for about 12 quests before it was a dagger) Also shortly after that replaced the ilvl 251 gear I got off the Pre-Cata event bosses and of course the heirloom items (sholders and chest only) that I'd been using leveling in Northrend (because I didn't really have anything else to use those Crusader marks on, and they might be useful again later for a shaman). Basically most things were replaced in an hour ot two.
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Old 2010-12-23, 19:38   Link #6780
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Originally Posted by Konakaga View Post
with heals I'm getting with it now it looks to be never better Word of Glory in terms of healing done per holy power
It's better if you want to heal the tank, have Beacon on the tank, and manage to hit all 4 of the LoD targets with it to transfer to the tank. And then, it's only something like 400hp better than a WoG would've been, but you also get that healing on the side.

Though since you can Glyph WoG for 10% more heal, I'm pretty sure doing so would allow more healing on a single target than even a perfect chance LoD.

Also Tol Barad is getting annoying missed the extra dailies twice because we can't seem to control the zone... yet somehow we have people bothering to keep wintergrasp >.>.
That's weird. My server, it literally changes hands once a day. Today Horde has it, yesterday Alliance had it, day before Horde, etc etc. Tomorrow, Horde shall lose it.

I'm mostly annoyed that the "triplet" set is completely random. And I mean completely. It can even select the set that was just available, which just happened and is really freaking annoying.
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