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Old 2008-04-19, 02:42   Link #661
Observer/Bookman wannabe
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GSD had plenty of holes.

Anyway, after looking through the seiyu list, I was convinced that GSD was nothing more than a frat party for the seiyu involved.

I feel that Seed was pretty ok. Not spectacular, but definitely not mediocre.
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Old 2008-04-19, 08:26   Link #662
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Too many reused plots.

Gundams just got stolen? That's never happened before.
The main character just disobeyed orders and returned a female back to the enemy! What Innovative ideas they can come up with
Orb is being attacked? Wow that's original
OMG it "Neo" Genesis! Never seen anything like that before.
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Old 2008-04-20, 01:35   Link #663
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Too many characters to deal with but not enough episodes and that the new characters wern't able to keep up with the characters of the old.
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Old 2008-04-20, 04:18   Link #664
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it didn't fail. provided lots of lulz moments, which is its aspiration anyway. the so called plot and content are just pretensions, the real business lies in the gundamu and the chicks

seems like most of the people who say gsd failed are taking gundamu entirely too seriously.
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Old 2008-04-21, 00:55   Link #665
I Want GN Flag II
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Too much beam spamming and repeated scenes like in redwing's avatar :P. GSD just didnt work, after ep10, where it started going downhill. You could tell which eps were properly planned and which werent-after EP10 I think they started to rush.....
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Old 2008-04-21, 17:07   Link #666
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Repeated battle scenes are unforgiveable !!!!!!!!

and to many summary episode...

is like they slacked and wanted to end it fast.

The first ending was very lame, but the final plus saved it
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Old 2008-04-21, 17:11   Link #667
Srsly ?
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He was reponsible of everything

Athrun's regression, Cagalli's tears, Kira's infinite power...without him nothing will have going this way...

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Old 2008-04-22, 02:50   Link #668
Eidolon Sniper
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I'd pretty much say GSD was a failure because of a badly written story. Characters were plentiful, but during episode 13 up, the characters now only serve as "stand in characters", with no purpose at all, except just to....appear in the show. Also, the Gundams. I never realized it was very easy to create Gundams like that! And EVERYBODY can have a Gundam too. The grunts are cannon fodder, even Gundams can be cannon fodder. seriously, where's the ace and Gundam in this show? Gundams were feared because of the pilots who also pilot them, as well as carrying the trademark, Gundam (which was now disproven in Gundam 00 lol ). The SEs made it even's not that Fukuda doesn't want to make Shinn or Kira an enemy in the fans' POV, he was just scared to let that happen, and so opted for Athrun instead. If he was really serious that "Kira is off the path of justice" in one of his unreal interviews, then he would go on and do some SEs that makes Kira like that, but sadly no. Cagalli and Athrun were destroyed as characters. Reused animations. Also loved how Fukuda retconned and made the Druggie Gundam responsible for Shinn's family's death, lol. Dullindal suddenly became the "evil, obligatory" villain. Rampant fanservice....errm, the Archangel bath scene looks and feels so much like Tenchi Muyo...I don't mind seeing spaceship baths in Tenchi Muyo, but it disturbs me in GSD for some reason.

Ethereal Exiled Queen. NATCH~~~!!!
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Old 2008-04-22, 05:11   Link #669
Killer Tomato
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Lol...I think the reasons of why GSD failed has been repeated countless times...maybe we should just close this thread and move on...

@ Eidolon_Sniper:

Fukuda actually said Kira was "Off the path of justice"?
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Old 2008-04-22, 06:17   Link #670
Eidolon Sniper
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Yes, it was, in one of his nonsensical interviews. that being said, we all do know very well that we should not believe Fukuda in any way. Also, the TSA fight in the ending reminded mne too much of a Final Fantasy summoning a very bad way...

Ethereal Exiled Queen. NATCH~~~!!!
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Old 2008-04-22, 06:21   Link #671
Affably Evil
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I liked GSD. The trick to enjoying the series is to pretend that Haysoos Yamato was still the protagonist instead of Shinn.
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Old 2008-04-22, 06:32   Link #672
Eidolon Sniper
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Actually, you don't need to pretend. That's the very sad part of it.

Ethereal Exiled Queen. NATCH~~~!!!
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Old 2008-04-22, 11:57   Link #673
Killer Tomato
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Originally Posted by Eidolon Sniper View Post
Yes, it was, in one of his nonsensical interviews. that being said, we all do know very well that we should not believe Fukuda in any way. Also, the TSA fight in the ending reminded mne too much of a Final Fantasy summoning a very bad way...
Wow. Like, when did Fukuda say that? At the end of GSD? Midway thru?
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Old 2008-04-22, 18:41   Link #674
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As I wrote earlier:
Here's an excerpt from the Chinese translation of the interview:

Originally Posted by cajunman380

福田 從一開始就沒有這個打算。因為我想做的是真在最後失去了一切,只剩下露娜瑪莉亞的故事。 希望大家不要 誤解的是,我完全不認為飛鳥真不是正義的。真和杜蘭朵的所作所為是為了世界著想,煌這邊反而是 有些偏離了正 義。

- Shinn seems to have realized that he's wrong during the final confrontation against Athrun, have you ever thought of the possibility that he may go to Kira's side?

Fukuda : I have absolutely no such intention right from the start, because I always want to create a story where in the end Shinn loses everything except Lunamaria. I hope people don't misunderstand it, I don't think Shinn is incorrect (unjust? wrong?) at all. What Shinn and Dullindal have done are all for the good of the world, on the other hand Kira's side is the one which has somewhat deviated from the path of justice.


福田 是啊。我想杜蘭朵對人類是覺得絕望的。如煌和拉克絲所言,世上充滿戰亂,將來會如何沒有人能提出明確 的答案。人類永遠無法讓戰亂停止,戰爭的本質無法改變。那麼就從根本來改變世界的構造,將戰爭從人類世界除 去。對杜蘭朵來說這才是人類的救贖之道。他不是為了自己的慾望而想支配世界的,以這點來說他並非邪惡。就算 有人反駁說這種世界無法進化,他也能回答那麼放著人類不管的話戰爭會消失嗎

- But isn't that (Dullindal's world) a world unable to evolve according to Kira?

Fukuda : yes, I think Dulldinal is pessimistic (holds no hope?) for mankind. Just like what Kira and Lacus said, the world is full of wars and conflicts, no one can give a clear answer to what the future will be like. Mankind can never stop wars and conflicts, the nature of war cannot be changed. So the basic structure of the world needs to be changed to erase wars from the human world. For Dullindal that's the path of salvation for mankind. He does not want to control the world out of his own desires, so he's not evil in this sense. Even if someone opposes him and says that kind of world will be unable to evolve, he can still counter that if we just leave mankind alone wars will never disappear.
What Fukuda was saying was that Shinn and Durandal were fighting for the higher ideal of a world without war, while Kira's side was fighting for much less lofty goals. It says nothing about Durandal not being a villain. Also keep in mind that this is a translation of a translation, so there's going to be some room for error (and there's no point in quibbling over exact wording).

I'd also like to point out that we shouldn't take Fukuda's interviews too seriously in any case since, as Deacon Blues said:
The interviews contain nothing official in them because they are purely 'off the record' and highly opinionated, hence why anything that Fukuda said about crap happening in SEED and DESTINY is not official
In general, creators' interviews are a nice insight into their thought processes, but it usually doesn't go much further than that.
The interview came out some time after Destiny finished, but it shouldn't make a whole lot of difference since Fukuda is well known for poor interviews.
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Old 2008-04-22, 20:31   Link #675
Bluefin Distribution
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Why are we grave digging?

In any case I want to point out for people using the DVDs/CDs as an indicator of success , that, yes, this was the chief profit contributer. However Gundam shows need to have really high GunPla/toy sales. A lot of R&D goes into transfering a design into a working model kit that spans several grades and toys and they expect that investment to be returned several times over. This didn't happen as planned. Only certain mecha designs were able to accomplish this resulting in an over estimated demand. Also, it was mentioned by Foxpaws a while ago that the lack of inexpensive later designs such as the Legend, Justice, and Akatsuki in the small FG 1/144 format contributed highly to the gunpla weakness. The fans wanted Gundams, not ZAKUS or GOUFs or DOMs or other things. Of course the old UC designs were put in there because they were supposed to be a throw back for older fans to encourage them to invest in buying the other Destiny designs. Didn't happen. The older fans for the most part didn't bite.

Destiny revealed two things: Older male fans are not likely to be attracted to a new Gundam even if there are Universal Century references and young female fans don't have the same merchandise tastes as male fans. And finally, it's very hard to get newer Gundam fans to check out older Gundam series.
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Old 2008-04-22, 20:53   Link #676
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Originally Posted by Derringer View Post
The fans wanted Gundams, not ZAKUS or GOUFs or DOMs or other things.
It would have helped if the Destiny model lines weren't quite so half-assed. We never did get even an HG Blast Impulse or Slash ZAKU (the two forms I wanted most)...

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Old 2008-04-22, 23:48   Link #677
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Ok gonna jump in here.

I rewatched the series in its entirety. For me, the series started losing credibility was when they revealed that EA could erase memories. I felt this cheated Sting, Auel, and Stellar out of better character development. Let's take for example when Auel flips out, says Stellar's block word, and she runs off. When Phantom Pain finds out what has happened, we COULD have had Sting and Auel go after her out of concern for a teammate since it was shown that they at least have SOME form of comraderie. But what do we get instead? NOPE! Memory wipe, Sting and Auel just fight for kicks. Lame. They COULD have gone with the whole "getting back our teammate" angle, and that MAY have made the trio more likeable and viewers could relate to them. Nah, the writers/director decided they weren't worth keeping since Yamato and co. were still around.

Another example: Auel dies, Sting memory wiped. We could have had Sting go get some revenge for the missing Stellar and dead Auel, but now he doesn't even know who the hell they are. Yippee.

So the whole memory wipe thing was a convenient way of 1) copping out of new character development because of Kira and friends, 2) a convenient way of making Neo into Mwu.
They could have gone with so many different paths at the start of the whole memory pod thing. I think the memory pods was the start of GSD's nonsense. It just snowballed into oblivion afterward.
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Old 2008-04-23, 00:02   Link #678
Eidolon Sniper
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Oh wow I can't believe I've forgotten about Neo "just because there isn't an interesting adult about so we resurrected Andrew Waltfeld" Lorrnoke.

Also, that facility in Lodonia didn't actually make enough sense just to point out that EA are the sadist and most miserable villains the CE universe has ever known. I can't recall if Rey had an awful experience in there (as he lost it when he saw all the children in the EA labs - see, this is another loophole ). The Lodonia labs were only presented in a couple of episodes and served as the obligatory backdrop for the reconditioned children - Extendeds - who we now know as Sting, Auel and Stellar. Other than that, it served no other purpose (unless it was tackled in the Astray manga). This also goes the same for Stellar - was her memory wiped when Auel died?

Ethereal Exiled Queen. NATCH~~~!!!
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Old 2008-04-24, 00:00   Link #679
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Originally Posted by Eidolon Sniper View Post
Oh wow I can't believe I've forgotten about Neo "just because there isn't an interesting adult about so we resurrected Andrew Waltfeld" Lorrnoke.

Also, that facility in Lodonia didn't actually make enough sense just to point out that EA are the sadist and most miserable villains the CE universe has ever known. I can't recall if Rey had an awful experience in there (as he lost it when he saw all the children in the EA labs - see, this is another loophole ). The Lodonia labs were only presented in a couple of episodes and served as the obligatory backdrop for the reconditioned children - Extendeds - who we now know as Sting, Auel and Stellar. Other than that, it served no other purpose (unless it was tackled in the Astray manga). This also goes the same for Stellar - was her memory wiped when Auel died?

Probably since her memory of Shinn was supposedly wiped as well. Anyway to finish off my rant about the lame memory-wipe thing: it was so lame, it never fully did the job it was supposed to anyway (i.e. Auel "thinking" he remembered Gaia being in the hangar, Neo recalling memories of Mwu, Stellar NOT forgetting Shinn, etc.)!
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Old 2008-04-24, 00:08   Link #680
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Do you need anything more than an arrogant brat named Shinn?

But, excluding that I think the problem was speeding up the second part. They could have had a better storyline by slowing the things down, by not making the earth forces to suddenly become the forces to be easily trashed, and by not making Durandal only a half-way demon. For me, I felt the ending as being faster-paced and having a lower-intensity compared to the original, and that was not a good thing.
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