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Old 2007-08-26, 21:42   Link #7801
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OC Final Battle Role Call?

Spoiler for Where are they?:

Oh yeah, and to drag up the alternate OC genocide timeline...

Spoiler for Could this have happened?:
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Old 2007-08-26, 21:49   Link #7802
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Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
While I somewhat applaud your efforts, I question the logic behind them.

Let’s be realistic here the timeline you have going is by this point so wildly divergent that trying to somehow perverse the TV canon seems a tad… trite. More since the moment it ends you’ll all be going right back into TOTAL AU territory. I’m really struggling to understand why you all seem so dedicated to preserving the TV timeline, only so that the moment it stops or leaves even a tiny gap you can cram a bunch of totally AU non-canon stuff in.

Because let’s be honest here trying to say that all this stuff involving dozens of OCs crossing paths with the CC is happening at the same time as the series, but somehow totally separate and not shown at all, is lusciously contrived. I think a better approach would be to simply do what you want and if the canon contradicts it… oh well now it’s AU (which it clearly already is anyway), and if it supports it that’s cool too.

That’s the approach most people seem to use when dealing with an ongoing series and really it make the most sense. I’ve seen this is allot of NBSG and SG-1 fics and games and stuff, they start off with the canon they have, but then do what they want and if something changes later it becomes an AU, simple as that. We had an SG-1 Roleplay I was in for instance that was set after season 9 and centered on a new expedition to another galaxy to look for tech to stop the Ori, and it had living Asgard and stuff too. Once season 10 came out it was totally AU, but we didn’t care because we knew it would be that from the start.

Because really when ever the next bit of the series comes out be it Manga, OVA, or another TV series it’s going to utterly destroy all this and render it indisputably AU anyway so why bother wasting time trying to preserve the canon NOW instead of just doing neat stuff and writing a cool story rather then being hog tied by canon.
When I started working on AlternateS with X, we came up with a completely AU scenario... that turned out marginally canon. That's what started me off on a journey to preserve it, and with the little hints here and there. After that, its all clean fun basically.

About Fate's bf whom canon never sees, it's because they aren't with respect to the Forwards; Fate and Kha decided that until their future was more certain (To break that 4th wall, that meant they were waiting for StrikerS to approach its end. ) they would hide their relationship from the Forwards so as to minimize confusion for the growing kids.

Besides, Kha is never seen, but you get a feeling that he's in there, with all the little canon hints. I must admit that I've blown it out of proportion at times, but it doesn't seem too out of proportion.

That's why, I'm very confident of canon not destroying me. It has already destroyed me once due to me never reading the novel; so I rewrote Kha's profile to better match it. Since then, no SS and anime release has betrayed me.

In a way, it's the thrill of living on the edge, and the rush it brings with the Ion Canon fires and all you get is more support for your fanon theories.

Btw, Keroko IS AU, so I see no fault there... In my timeline, her involvement is somewhat different from Keroko-kun's portrayal; In NBC, she's Nanoha's cousin and is usually busy attending to matters further from home and works with Kha and Alaeith often, resulting in her absence as well.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
I've never felt the need to throw out hurtles when writing something, the act of composing something interesting and readable has always been more then enough “challenge” for me. It’s not even really a "challenge" anyway as people just keep bypassing it constantly with ludicrous contrivances and absurdly improbable events, if they explain it at all.

I mean crap just off the top of my head not having even read this ENTIRE thread:
-Nanoha has an adopted sister that’s never even MENTIONED in passing?
-Another Knight to boot?!
-Fate has a boyfriend we NEVER see?!
-RF6 apparently has at least a platoon strength force of highly trained auxiliaries attached to them that are NEVER seen?

Who do you think you’re fooling? This is already a total AU it being “within canon” is just a joke, just give into the dark side and go totally AU already. You’ll have more creative freedom, the story will probably make more sense if people aren’t busy coming up with convoluted and ridiculous situations that sort of kind allow it to exist in the same continuity, and it won't really change much but it will get rid of various problems.
The Necrons bit was pure AU RP fun, not meant to appear in canon at all. They were brought in so as to get all the OCs out of town during the first failed Vivio raid by Gadgets, thus explaining their absence "in canon".

I never throw myself a challenge; I just loved the rush of being proved correct with several wild guesses, and for everything else, follow canon somehow.

Though admittably, I am against the involvement of FW when there is hope for a 4th season... It would so mess me up... But since it's AU, and I play around with branching timelines, I could always retro back and build again from End of StrikerS when 4th season does come out. It is as Nighty said, we can reintegrate our core characters into the timeline again while what we've done becomes AU.

It's addictive.
Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
I don’t know I just don’t get anything much out of that, and watching people tap dance around making up all these silly events to try and maintain canon just makes me shake my head and sigh.

Mutters about damn illogical humans and walks off…
That's what makes us human.

Once StrikerS is over, I'll go over the entire series again and patch up the mistakes, nothing major so far, then release my "DVD Box Set" with remastering and plot fixes, just like canon does.

But whatever happens, I do hope we didn't just kill off your creative drive. We accomodate AUs as well as canon fics which we call fanon. I'm just a stickler for wild fanon, but I will support good AUs; just make it clear that we're dealing with an AU situation so we can turn our canon alarms off regarding your fic/OC.
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Old 2007-08-26, 21:51   Link #7803
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Hey, Aaron. Any progress on the Dopp/Aurion scenario? Or is it a side/crack project we thought up? Just asking.
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Old 2007-08-26, 21:56   Link #7804
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Oh my freaking god. I just thought up a Dopp/Ignatius scene:

Doppleganger: "So, Flame Braver's second form is a drill, eh?"
Ignatius: "Yep. Manly, isn't it?"
Doppleganger: "... Listen, Ignatius. Your drill... is a drill that shall pierce the blue cheese! You hear me?!"
Ignatius: "... What?"
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:00   Link #7805
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Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
A war with the most established posters in this thread: Kha, Aaron008R, LoweGear, USB500, Erio, and Lord Chaos (though he's sort of the Nanoha board in general)...

This is not something I would advise you to take up - because THEY run this board, in absence of a Modership, who really isn't going to care about continuity. Now, they're nice, so chances are that even if you keep this up, they'll still work with you - but push it too far, and they'll snub you - which in this thread means DEATH.
Haha, well, I dont think we're going to snub anyone.

In fact, we accept his point of view, as it is very valid, but we are also giving ours.

And lol Wibbles, try to edit your previous post before double posting.
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:03   Link #7806
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Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Scaglietti has Aether Threads?
Spoiler for spoiler:

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Lost souls aside, I myself am still trying to link the Destroyers in, I made my job ALOT easier by using other planets and working outside the series' timeline ... (And since I'll be using male canon characters more than the female, I'll risk less chance of getting nuke by canon )

Also, I've left my story depicting Jeno's action scenes at home. (Jeno: "YOU WHAT?!") So I'll just re-compose his profile again, I wrote the first one way pass my bed time So I'll try to make this one more... Readable

(I'll be adding 2 more Destroyers as well...)
Well, your works seems to resemble Nighty's versions. So you shouldn't have much of a problem.

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post

Not girl-chasers... so much as general perverts (like Boomer and Artei).

Yeah... <pauses> No, I lied.

What do you mean?

A war with the most established posters in this thread: Kha, Aaron008R, LoweGear, USB500, Erio, and Lord Chaos (though he's sort of the Nanoha board in general)...

This is not something I would advise you to take up - because THEY run this board, in absence of a Modership, who really isn't going to care about continuity. Now, they're nice, so chances are that even if you keep this up, they'll still work with you - but push it too far, and they'll snub you - which in this thread means DEATH.
We're not really that strict. And I consider myself as a junior to those you mentioned as I am the youngest. And Tk's comments doesn't really bother me much. Freedom of speech, yes? And besides, ha has valid points.

Therefore, here's a clip from early in my fic, LegendS:

Spoiler for Clip from LegendS, OR, Arcas+Old Acquaintance = Tackle Glomp:
Partner-Arcas? I wonder who that is.

Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
Oh. Well, Satsuhito took control of the body after an explosion that Katsuhito was in the center of (Katsu blew up a train while he was still inside it), so I think that means he's going to be a cyborg now? Will it be too h4xx, I wonder?
Well, you can make him AA BECAUSE of the cybernetic implants.

Originally Posted by KBTKaiser View Post
OC Final Battle Role Call?

Spoiler for Where are they?:

Oh yeah, and to drag up the alternate OC genocide timeline...

Spoiler for Could this have happened?:

Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
Hey, Aaron. Any progress on the Dopp/Aurion scenario? Or is it a side/crack project we thought up? Just asking.
Sorry. I don't have much of an idea so far. Besides, I'll be taking my exams tomorrow so I'll be inactive for a bit.

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:07   Link #7807
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Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
True, some OCs are more believable than the next, some requires an immense degree of 'take believe', but for most parts, we're not trying to be extremely tight about these kind of things. We're having fun.
In all honest opinion, and I won't bite, are my 5 main characters Kha, Sophia, Artei, Allison and Kaempfer believable? Just a reality check before I get lost in my own fantasy and exclude everyone.

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
.No need to go hyper over it...

<shakes head, rolls eyes>

Tk, I make it a habit to try and never make personal statements on this board, but this just sent all the funk alarms in my head going off, so lemme tell ya what you're getting into here:

A war with the most established posters in this thread: Kha, Aaron008R, LoweGear, USB500, Erio, and Lord Chaos (though he's sort of the Nanoha board in general)...

This is not something I would advise you to take up - because THEY run this board, in absence of a Modership, who really isn't going to care about continuity. Now, they're nice, so chances are that even if you keep this up, they'll still work with you - but push it too far, and they'll snub you - which in this thread means DEATH.

I had a lot of the same concerns you did when I came to this thread, but I decided to let it go - this is about having fun, and expressing yourself. If everyone was going to be anal about continuity and such, then nothing would ever get done. As the saying goes, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

[Obi-wan]Let go, Luke...[/Obi-wan]

If you wanna think of this as AU, then no one here'll stop you... just as long as you don't try to push your view on the others.
Seeing this makes me feel a little ashamed of myself. I told myself long ago that I wouldn't dominate but instead grow a thread where everyone can come in and play on equal footing, but somewhere along the line I forgot myself again...

Do know that we really welcome new entries, and no matter how negative we may be, if we ever appear to be, we're doing it in the spirit of the thread, of a thread of equal opportunities. We tend to be harsher on canon designs, but AU wise you have free reign. I tend to create Kha clones for all timelines once I is a point of entry for him because this would encourage others to join in in the AU IMO. So that it doesn't turn lonely for whoever's writing. In the mean time, I do my best to encourage everyone along with cheers balanced with constructive criticism. But in any way I've deviated from my declaration, you have my apologies. I'm working to reduce it further in future.

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post

I was watching anime this morning as I was getting ready for church, and was inspired!

Therefore, here's a clip from early in my fic, LegendS:

Spoiler for Clip from LegendS, OR, Arcas+Old Acquaintance = Tackle Glomp:
Kaempfer: ...
Wira: *happily hanging from his neck*

Girl or guy?

Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
It's right near my avatar - Shameless Tales Fanboy. I have standards to uphold, y'know.

And I was quite hyper when I wrote that. Sorry.
No problem. Everyone is entitled their thoughts. Its a free world, and we all have the right to voice our views, no matter how crazy/evil. But be socially responsible at the same time. Ah the contradictions of being human...

Originally Posted by KBTKaiser View Post
OC Final Battle Role Call?

Spoiler for Where are they?:

Oh yeah, and to drag up the alternate OC genocide timeline...

Spoiler for Could this have happened?:
It's fun to note that in one timeline everyone's keen on staying alive, while in the other everyone is rushing to die like lemmings. Nanoha is that crucial to life huh?
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:12   Link #7808
Join Date: Jun 2007
Well, intriguing designs by you there, Wibbles...nice referencing by Ignatius' device, by the by.

Now, I present to you all a brief experiment. I pondered for a while what V would be like if he was on the Doctor's side. I do recall some of you saying that it wouldn't fare well for the Bureau. Like his "good" counterpart, he isn't h4xx, and none of his abilities are demonstrated in this segment, gives you more to wonder about.

On a side note, he looks less like the movie's V in this form and more like Hei. I might reconsider his appearance, though.

Spoiler for Death of a General:
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:14   Link #7809
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@ Aaron: Yep, the AA rank is due to the implants. I'll go with that. Thanks! And good luck with the finals.

@ Erio: Sorry. But still, what do you think about the new and improved Ignatius?

@ Kha: Human? Who said anything about 'human'?
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:17   Link #7810
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Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
Oh my freaking god. I just thought up a Dopp/Ignatius scene:

Doppleganger: "So, Flame Braver's second form is a drill, eh?"
Ignatius: "Yep. Manly, isn't it?"
Doppleganger: "... Listen, Ignatius. Your drill... is a drill that shall pierce the blue cheese! You hear me?!"
Ignatius: "... What?"

I'd wish Doppler to have a humanoid mode for kicks! And don't forget the sunglasses if you ever do!

And I think I'm gonna classify Doppleganger as a Kaleidoscope device. This is because (borrowing from FSN again, pardon me...) "Kaleidoscope magic is one that involves connection with beings that share the same core character in other timelines". Kha is connected to me hence, and so Chibi-Sakura punches holes in the Nanohaverse from our timeline. Also, Kaleidostick punches holes that connect to the Tsukihime/Fate universe. Doppler can also link to our world, and its still in canon.


At the very least, he gave me the excuses to create most of Kha's fanon assets. Arigatou, Colonel Daiz. Now, you've outlived your usefulness... :evil:

@Wibbles: Tk did. We think, therefore we are...?
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:21   Link #7811
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post

I'd wish Doppler to have a humanoid mode for kicks! And don't forget the sunglasses if you ever do!

And I think I'm gonna classify Doppleganger as a Kaleidoscope device. This is because (borrowing from FSN again, pardon me...) "Kaleidoscope magic is one that involves connection with beings that share the same core character in other timelines". Kha is connected to me hence, and so Chibi-Sakura punches holes in the Nanohaverse from our timeline. Also, Kaleidostick punches holes that connect to the Tsukihime/Fate universe. Doppler can also link to our world, and its still in canon.
Aaron may be in charge of giving Doppler a human form. The sunglasses are Ignatius's 'trademark', however. Also, Iggy is the main link to GL. His drill, his cape, his glasses, and his mannerisms are all references. I intend to milk the series for all it's worth.

And Kaleidoscope is fine by me. Doppler thinks it's prissy, however.

You're scaring me, man. Knock it off...
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:23   Link #7812
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
In all honest opinion, and I won't bite, are my 5 main characters Kha, Sophia, Artei, Allison and Kaempfer believable? Just a reality check before I get lost in my own fantasy and exclude everyone.

Seeing this makes me feel a little ashamed of myself. I told myself long ago that I wouldn't dominate but instead grow a thread where everyone can come in and play on equal footing, but somewhere along the line I forgot myself again...

Do know that we really welcome new entries, and no matter how negative we may be, if we ever appear to be, we're doing it in the spirit of the thread, of a thread of equal opportunities. We tend to be harsher on canon designs, but AU wise you have free reign. I tend to create Kha clones for all timelines once I is a point of entry for him because this would encourage others to join in in the AU IMO. So that it doesn't turn lonely for whoever's writing. In the mean time, I do my best to encourage everyone along with cheers balanced with constructive criticism. But in any way I've deviated from my declaration, you have my apologies. I'm working to reduce it further in future.
Easy there, Kha-danchou.
I don't think your intimidating anyone.
And if you wanna talk about harsh standards, you should point at me.

But all in all, our Brigade leader captured the spirit of the OC thread in his words. <gives Kha an encouraging slap at the back>

It's fun to note that in one timeline everyone's keen on staying alive, while in the other everyone is rushing to die like lemmings. Nanoha is that crucial to life huh?
Saves the effort of trying to make up a story in AU. But my character's deaths in the past multiverse has importance in RevivalS. And yes, Nanoha is the heart of the universe, it seems.

Originally Posted by Dream_Traveller View Post
Well, intriguing designs by you there, Wibbles...nice referencing by Ignatius' device, by the by.

Now, I present to you all a brief experiment. I pondered for a while what V would be like if he was on the Doctor's side. I do recall some of you saying that it wouldn't fare well for the Bureau. Like his "good" counterpart, he isn't h4xx, and none of his abilities are demonstrated in this segment, gives you more to wonder about.

On a side note, he looks less like the movie's V in this form and more like Hei. I might reconsider his appearance, though.

Spoiler for Death of a General:
PWNED! A fitting end for dickhead Regius.

Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
@ Aaron: Yep, the AA rank is due to the implants. I'll go with that. Thanks! And good luck with the finals.

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2007-08-26 at 23:13.
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:30   Link #7813
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Oh, Aaron, about cyborg Satsuhito... would it be safe to say that this would leave some bad mental scarring on Katsu? He's still there, but he can't do anything, and Satsuhito is constantly taunting him by actually talking to a mirror and by fighting Katsu's friends.
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:41   Link #7814
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A quick look into 3 main destroyers that I'll be using, It's lunch break time brb... I'm stillsomewhat new to this so I'm not sure what else to include, so I'll prefer it if you could bombard me with questions instead

Spoiler for Jeno, Destroyer of Dreams:

Spoiler for Lance, Destroyer of Faith:

Spoiler for Cero, Destroyer of Courage:
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:45   Link #7815
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Not that much backlog...good.

Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
I altered the profile for Ignatius (Riot-4), in order to make him more MANLY. Note that his device's first form is nearly identical to Subaru's knuckle. Oh, well. Here it is:

Name: Ignatius Volterra
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Birthday: June 8
Homeworld: Velka
Relatives: ???? (considers Katsuhito his little brother)
Occupation/Rank: TSAB, Private
Unit: Section 6
Code Name: Riot-4
Mage Rank: B
Magic Type: Velka
Magic Circle Color: Orange/red
Favored Element: Fire
Height: Around 6’4
Weight: About 145lbs
Hair: Red, chaotic
Eye Color: Green
Build: Tall, solid
Personality: Gung-ho, reckless, MANLY (actually says so on his offical psyche test)

Device Name: Flame Braver (first form), Flame Braver Rasen (second form)
Device Appearance: Knuckle (first form), large arm-mounted drill (second form)
Barrier Jacket: Red cape and vest, black pants, and a pair of large orange sunglasses
Ultimate Attack: Guren Senshouran (Crimson Lotus Rotation Impact Storm)

Background: Ignatius was raised at the main orphanage of the Church of Velka, and was infamous for constantly getting into fights with the older boys.
Nice character; a drill, huh?

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
My characters likely actions if present during this EPIC battle…

Spoiler for Epic Action!!!:

I plowed most of the back log, but I'm going out to diner soon so I probably won't comment on anything until at least 9 PM local time, it's 6 20 now.
lol, just relaxing, I see.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
While I somewhat applaud your efforts, I question the logic behind them.

Let’s be realistic here the timeline you have going is by this point so wildly divergent that trying to somehow perverse the TV canon seems a tad… trite. More since the moment it ends you’ll all be going right back into TOTAL AU territory. I’m really struggling to understand why you all seem so dedicated to preserving the TV timeline, only so that the moment it stops or leaves even a tiny gap you can cram a bunch of totally AU non-canon stuff in.

Because let’s be honest here trying to say that all this stuff involving dozens of OCs crossing paths with the CC is happening at the same time as the series, but somehow totally separate and not shown at all, is lusciously contrived. I think a better approach would be to simply do what you want and if the canon contradicts it… oh well now it’s AU (which it clearly already is anyway), and if it supports it that’s cool too.

That’s the approach most people seem to use when dealing with an ongoing series and really it make the most sense. I’ve seen this is allot of NBSG and SG-1 fics and games and stuff, they start off with the canon they have, but then do what they want and if something changes later it becomes an AU, simple as that. We had an SG-1 Roleplay I was in for instance that was set after season 9 and centered on a new expedition to another galaxy to look for tech to stop the Ori, and it had living Asgard and stuff too. Once season 10 came out it was totally AU, but we didn’t care because we knew it would be that from the start.

Because really when ever the next bit of the series comes out be it Manga, OVA, or another TV series it’s going to utterly destroy all this and render it indisputably AU anyway so why bother wasting time trying to preserve the canon NOW instead of just doing neat stuff and writing a cool story rather then being hog tied by canon.
Like what everyone says, it's just for fun, so I don't mind.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
I've never felt the need to throw out hurtles when writing something, the act of composing something interesting and readable has always been more then enough “challenge” for me. It’s not even really a "challenge" anyway as people just keep bypassing it constantly with ludicrous contrivances and absurdly improbable events, if they explain it at all.

I mean crap just off the top of my head not having even read this ENTIRE thread:
-Nanoha has an adopted sister that’s never even MENTIONED in passing?
-Another Knight to boot?!
-Fate has a boyfriend we NEVER see?!
-RF6 apparently has at least a platoon strength force of highly trained auxiliaries attached to them that are NEVER seen?

Who do you think you’re fooling? This is already a total AU it being “within canon” is just a joke, just give into the dark side and go totally AU already. You’ll have more creative freedom, the story will probably make more sense if people aren’t busy coming up with convoluted and ridiculous situations that sort of kind allow it to exist in the same continuity, and it won't really change much but it will get rid of various problems.
Eh, my plan is to weave my fic in and out of canon events. It's AU, for sure, but that doesn't stop me.

Originally Posted by Dream_Traveller View Post
Well, intriguing designs by you there, Wibbles...nice referencing by Ignatius' device, by the by.

Now, I present to you all a brief experiment. I pondered for a while what V would be like if he was on the Doctor's side. I do recall some of you saying that it wouldn't fare well for the Bureau. Like his "good" counterpart, he isn't h4xx, and none of his abilities are demonstrated in this segment, gives you more to wonder about.

On a side note, he looks less like the movie's V in this form and more like Hei. I might reconsider his appearance, though.

Spoiler for Death of a General:
Finally! Regius dies! I've also been thinking about one of my current characters look like Hei now that I've been watching Darker than Black...'s coming, so I can't work that much on SearcherS now, which is disappointing for me. It's probably the only thing that kept me from being bored...
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:49   Link #7816
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Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito
<shakes head, rolls eyes>

Tk, I make it a habit to try and never make personal statements on this board, but this just sent all the funk alarms in my head going off, so lemme tell ya what you're getting into here:

A war with the most established posters in this thread: Kha, Aaron008R, LoweGear, USB500, Erio, and Lord Chaos (though he's sort of the Nanoha board in general)...
[cool]Causing trouble is what I do.[\cool]

LOL you guys are so dramatic even about minor quibbles like this! This isn’t any kind of war, battle, or moral failing by keystone posters lol!

What you've guys have done and said is so utterly tame compared to other stuff I've endured and seen it's not even funny. On another boards I go too if people aren’t insulting each others IQs, mothers, and country by about the third or forth post something odd is going on. See me I enjoy a good debate/fight now and again, and differing view points (Well on some subjects anyway differing views on the legality of say pedophilia not so much...) so stirring the pot and maybe getting a little burned by some of the spillage isn’t that big a deal. Longevity can breed ego and a feeling of entitlement and defensiveness to outsiders of that there is no doubt, but I feel almost none of that here. If I did it’s highly unlikely I’d have felt able to enter the thread at all, and all of you guys ludicrously neutral and nonconfrontational, or even nearly deferent(show some backbone Kha, get angry ) responses to me questioning what amounts to a tradition merely reinforces that.

But really what it boils down to is that I’ll say what I think, within reason (though not much reason sometimes), because that’s just how I am. I was in some dumbass college orientation the other day (just transferred schools.) and they had us doing some ridiculous group activity thing with an inflatable ball which where supposed to juggle in the air (to present juggling jobs, and school, and stuff or some such nonsense) anyway when it came near me I just kept reading my coruse catalog and let it drop to the floor.

Teacher was pissed but I just said “I’m 21 years old, I’ve been in college over a year now, and you expect me to play with a blow up ball? This is ridiculous and I’m not going to degrade myself like that.” Or something to that effect. Then she was really pissed and told me to just sit down and be quiet then, which was all I wanted to start with. World would so much simpler if people just said what they thought instead of worrying endlessly what other people will think of them.

But anyway anyone that knows psychology or sociology knows the role of Devils Advocate is important in society or group if no one dissents then it’s easy to think nothings is wrong and just keep blundering along doing things as you always have, because that’s how you’ve always done them, and the group MUST be right. The group isn’t always right in fact a group can be very, very wrong but the urge to follow is deeply ingrained in people and if no on says anything people can easily do so unthinkingly.

So you see I’m acutally performing a vital social function by being an ass!

In this case though I’m more then willing to follow the group, I merely wish it made plain I consider the groups direction somewhat misguided and a tad silly.
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:49   Link #7817
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@Wibbles: Mental scarring? Sounds fitting.
I expect Ignatius-aniki to get him back to his old self later.

Chaos: The characters are approved. Looks like Jeno is so going to like the Aces.
And Cero's magic potential is quite high. How high was Fate's potential in the 1st season?

Tk3997: No complaints there. It'll be boring if everybody agrees on every damned thing there is.

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Old 2007-08-26, 22:50   Link #7818
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The Girl who Lost her Tears
Originally Posted by Kha View Post
In all honest opinion, and I won't bite, are my 5 main characters Kha, Sophia, Artei, Allison and Kaempfer believable? Just a reality check before I get lost in my own fantasy and exclude everyone.
I believe they are. Kha is just more complex than the three aces combined...but that doesnt detract from his believability. I'm not complaining, BTW.

I'd like to ask the same for my characters. Are they believable?

Seeing this makes me feel a little ashamed of myself. I told myself long ago that I wouldn't dominate but instead grow a thread where everyone can come in and play on equal footing, but somewhere along the line I forgot myself again...

Do know that we really welcome new entries, and no matter how negative we may be, if we ever appear to be, we're doing it in the spirit of the thread, of a thread of equal opportunities. We tend to be harsher on canon designs, but AU wise you have free reign. I tend to create Kha clones for all timelines once I is a point of entry for him because this would encourage others to join in in the AU IMO. So that it doesn't turn lonely for whoever's writing. In the mean time, I do my best to encourage everyone along with cheers balanced with constructive criticism. But in any way I've deviated from my declaration, you have my apologies. I'm working to reduce it further in future.
I say you dont reduce anything. Your constant input is what has made this thread as big as it is right now.

Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
@ Erio: Sorry. But still, what do you think about the new and improved Ignatius?
I forgot to comment about him, didnt I?

I lol'ed at the MANLY part. And the Ultimate Drill attack... I wonder what else will you add to his background.

@Tk3997 Haha, well, if you think about it, this whole "Character Creation and Discussion" stuff is pretty silly to begin with.
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Old 2007-08-26, 22:51   Link #7819
~Night of Gales~
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Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Spoiler for Cero, Destroyer of Courage:
... You know, the first thing that came into my mind when seeing Cero's profile was...

Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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Old 2007-08-26, 23:04   Link #7820
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Originally Posted by Erio View Post
@Tk3997 Haha, well, if you think about it, this whole "Character Creation and Discussion" stuff is pretty silly to begin with.
Nonsense this is Serious Business.

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