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Old 2006-05-21, 06:06   Link #61
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@ NightWish
@_@ Thanks for the info... never thought about that...
*I'll expand a little to make it clearer for future readers of this thread ^^...*

What NightWish meant by Nested list tags was... list tags inside list tags... apparently the appearance will change if they are placed one after the other...

This is an example to show how they work... as you can see all from level 3 onwards they use the square ones...
  • List Item
  • List Item
    • List Item
    • List Item
      • List Item
      • List Item
        • List Item
        • List Item

This little feature seems to be reserved for the No Option List Tag (as described in the Forum FAQ... Direct Link To The List Tag Use Section... the other tags aren't effected...
Spoiler for Little Proof ^_^:
//Note :
Look at NightWish post above... notice that the tag level is calculated according to the number of lists it is in (not the type of list)...
So if you use a
Decimal List Tag » Lower-alpha List tag » No Option List Tag... it will have the squares and not the circles...
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Old 2006-09-03, 14:56   Link #62
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In the Quick Reply box...
In the little Options section there are two buttons Show your signature and the Quote message in reply?

What does the mysterious Quote message in reply? button do ?

//A little off-topic...

When I switch to the AnimeSuki Style a lot of buttons are exactly the same as in the VBulletin Style. Is this :
  • An error.
  • Something GHDpro missed when he designed the skin.
  • A limitation of VBulletin's parent/child style mumbo-jumbo. As in you can create diffrent layouts for things but you have to keep the same icon set for all of them.

Just curious
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Old 2006-09-04, 10:14   Link #63
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Age: 44
Originally Posted by BlackCatXIII
In the Quick Reply box...
In the little Options section there are two buttons Show your signature and the Quote message in reply?

What does the mysterious Quote message in reply? button do ?

//A little off-topic...

When I switch to the AnimeSuki Style a lot of buttons are exactly the same as in the VBulletin Style. Is this :
  • An error.
  • Something GHDpro missed when he designed the skin.
  • A limitation of VBulletin's parent/child style mumbo-jumbo. As in you can create different layouts for things but you have to keep the same icon set for all of them.

Just curious
When you click the "quick reply" buttons, the "Quote message in reply?" is enabled. If you tick it, the post you selected as a "quick reply" is automatically prepended to your post as a quote. See the result of this post as an example, I've ticked the box but not tried to insert a quote manually. Personally I hate it and wish no one would ever use it... full post quotes are pointless and annoying (unless you're quoting pages apart, which happens infrequently).

As for your other question; none of the above. Though it is a cross between #2 and #3. The way the style system works you would have to change a lot of style code to have buttons for each style. So technically, you can do it, but we "missed" it on purpose as it is more effort than it is worth.
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Old 2006-09-06, 06:07   Link #64
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Originally Posted by NightWish
When you click the "quick reply" buttons, the "Quote message in reply?" is enabled. If you tick it, the post you selected as a "quick reply" is automatically prepended to your post as a quote. See the result of this post as an example, I've ticked the box but not tried to insert a quote manually. Personally I hate it and wish no one would ever use it... full post quotes are pointless and annoying (unless you're quoting pages apart, which happens infrequently).
Yeah the thing is pretty useless. You might just as well hit quote

Originally Posted by NightWish
As for your other question; none of the above. Though it is a cross between #2 and #3. The way the style system works you would have to change a lot of style code to have buttons for each style. So technically, you can do it, but we "missed" it on purpose as it is more effort than it is worth.
I see...
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Old 2006-10-29, 12:32   Link #65
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Things you shouldn't do on the forums (fun list)

I thought of an idea, you know how they have those lists, I thought of making a fun "Things you shouldn't do on the forum list" It's meant for fun, not to offend anyone. A lot of people make things like these for topics and I thought for fun to make one. This is not meant to offend anyone, this is a good forum with a lot of good users, this is just meant for fun as a joke. It is not meant to offend anyone. So, please, just add fun, good-natured replies. Here are some ideas I came up with, feel free to add.

Tips for users:

1. If you post to someone in a topic saying "U R 2 kewl." and sent them an anonymous rep saying "UR stoopid, u suxors!" They're going to figure out who it's from.

2. Make sure the person you're calling a "noob" isn't an adminstrator.

3. Don't create new topics for every question you have, ie
"How do I post?" "How do create a new topic?" "How do I reply to a topic?" "How do I edit my profile? "How do I send messages?" "How do I edit messages?" "How do I delete messages?" "How do I make a smilie?" "How do I make bold messages?" "How do I make italic messages?" "How do I make spoiler tags?" "How do I put links in my messages?"

4. Don't create a topic saying "I have thousands of liscensed anime and manga downloaded on my computer. I am selling them on DVDs for 200 dollars an episode. Please buy them and visit my homepage!"

5. Don't put an image in your signature of a screencap of your entire computer screen in that size.

6. Don't post the same message in every topic on the forum.

7. Don't make a topic with the message "Wat iz anima n mango?"

8. If someone has a different opinion than you, don't reply 20 times saying "U R an a@@hole! How can you not like the same character as me! You suc!k!!!111oneeleven111!"

9. Don't type your message as "GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS OR DIE!!!!!"

10. Don't ask "Why doesn't all the series I like have their own discussion forums? How can you include those series but not mine?"

11. If someone makes a topic asking "What is a light-hearted, cheerful series that will make me smile?" Don't reply "Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien and Saikano are really light-hearted and cheerful series. You will smile, laugh and be smiling every minute of each episode. You will be cheerful each time, they will cheer you up whenever you need a good laugh."

12. If a series being discussed has over 100 pages of a topic, don't create a new topic for it just to show your opinions.

13. If the last reply to a topic is dated "September 5, 1954", don't reply to it with a one sentence opinion.

14. Don't ask if a series that hasn't been touched since 1970 will have another season coming out soon.

Also, a new one, in a pm by xris:

15. Forget to check to see if there is a sticky which discusses the same basic topic.

Note: This topic is not meant to offend anyone. I've replied to topics in other forums that were years old, making the same mistake so if you did it too, I respect you. This is not meant to be harsh, it's kind of like showing mistakes everybody makes, but exaggerates them in a joking way. If you've made a similar mistake, this is not meant to be making fun of you, it's just for fun, everyone has made mistakes in lesser forms as listed, so this is just meant to be for fun. Please add your ideas, too.

This was originally made as a new topic, until it turned out that there was already a topic for it, so it was merged. I'm not gonna say "I meant to do that."

Please delete this message if you feel it is not relevant or is not nice or there is any other reason it should be deleted, I'm already feeling like I shouldn't have posted it, I hope it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings or upset anyone, if it does please delete it, I don't want my post to make anyone feel upset. If it hurts someone's feelings please tell me, I don't want this post to have that affect, I really hope this post won't make anyone upset. I'm feeling bad about it, I don't like making post that may sound like they could be mean.

Last edited by MamoruUsagi; 2006-10-29 at 13:07.
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Old 2006-10-30, 14:25   Link #66
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Originally Posted by MamoruUsagi View Post
13. If the last reply to a topic is dated "September 5, 1954", don't reply to it with a one sentence opinion.
AnimeSuki isn't that old.. (something like 3-6 years old or something)

Actually I clearly remember NSW mentioning that necro-posting is allowed.. actually the word (s)he used, if I'm not mistaken, was "tolerated".. I don't think there's any logical reason for anyone to mind..
I've seen forums with a "thread based-system".. where you have to post a new thread every time the thread becomes 2 weeks old or something.. kinda sux IMO..
16. Don't start threads with fun in mind..
17. Don't start threads just for polls..
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Old 2006-10-30, 23:12   Link #67
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Depending on the thread involved, necro-posting is actually encouraged.

We expect a certain level of intelligence and maturity when someone decides to revive a dead thread. Ask yourself it the thread is still relevant. Then ask yourself if you have something to add that wasn't already said ten times. If the answer to both these questions is "yes," then PLEASE revive it. If either of these answers is "no," then please think again before you post.

Also, if the thread is a series discussion thread where nobody has had anything to say for a year because the fansubs are long done and it hasn't been licensed, but you just discovered it and wanted to comment, then go right ahead and revive it. No reason to make a new thread because you only just discovered the show.

Always, use your mind before you post.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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Old 2006-11-08, 12:07   Link #68
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The following is a Q&A PM Conversation.
Please do not reply as new info will be placed in the F.A.Q. page shortly, as stated by NightWish bellow.

The Questions I asked were :
  • What is the infraction system?
  • What does The BCC field do? The [BCC] field is located in the PM creation page bellow Recipients
Quote From PM (NightWish)
  • Each infraction is given a point value based on severity. Various currently undisclosed point levels will effect a ban automatically. The more points you have the longer the ban. Basically what we've been doing by hand up until the infraction system appeared. We've grouped them into Minor, Moderate and Major. We're planning an "Infraction" section for the "AnimeSuki FAQ" that we are in the process of writing, where this will be clarified. Bear with us.

  • BCC is an email/memo term: it means "Blind Carbon Copy" (or Blind Courtesy Copy). The term "Carbon Copy" comes from the days when memos would be duplicated using carbon paper. The blind part means that the recipient list is not disclosed.

    Previously you could address more than one person on a PM and each of the recipients would think they were the only person who got the message and that said message was directed at them. BCC replicates this functionality now that the "to" field is public (see the top of the PM for a list of who it was sent to). Again, this will be FAQ'd if it isn't already in the VB FAQ.

  • I'll copy my reply to the "how to post" thread when I get a moment... feel free to post it for me.
~NightWish Administrator

~ End Quote ~

Some Extra Info:
  • When you receive an infraction a RedCard-Button appears in the bottom-right corner in the post where you committed the crime. Like this :

    You can click it to receive additional info :
    • How many points you were deducted ~ most likely when you receive enough points you are automatically awarded one of xris free 7 day vacations (a.k.a. ban)
    • When it expires ~ the time it takes for it to wear-off, in other words after it expires the points don't count anymore. The Minor Infraction expires in about 6 months.
    • Who it was from. (self-explanatory)

  • When you receive an infraction a PM is generated. It has what appears to be a automatically generated message, telling you that you received an infraction etc. Depending on the case the Admin/Mod that gave you the infraction may offer you an explanation in the same PM.

  • You will also notice that a new VBulletin Container similar to the one for Reputation has appeared in your CP. It looks something like this :

    Spoiler for Image:

Last edited by felix; 2006-11-08 at 13:06. Reason: Added some Extra Info.. ^__^
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Old 2006-11-08, 16:36   Link #69
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Originally Posted by BlackCatXIII View Post
Some Extra Info:
  • When you receive an infraction a RedCard-Button appears in the bottom-right corner in the post where you committed the crime. Like this :

    You can click it to receive additional info :
    • How many points you were deducted ~ most likely when you receive enough points you are automatically awarded one of xris free 7 day vacations (a.k.a. ban)
    • When it expires ~ the time it takes for it to wear-off, in other words after it expires the points don't count anymore. The Minor Infraction expires in about 6 months.
    • Who it was from. (self-explanatory)

  • When you receive an infraction a PM is generated. It has what appears to be a automatically generated message, telling you that you received an infraction etc. Depending on the case the Admin/Mod that gave you the infraction may offer you an explanation in the same PM.

  • You will also notice that a new VBulletin Container similar to the one for Reputation has appeared in your CP. It looks something like this :

    Spoiler for Image:
Thanks for the info! Unfortunately, not having received any infractions myself, I didn't know most of that. Except for the part about the PM. A large part of that PM is automatically generated, but it includes a personal message from the moderator who will try to explain the reason for the infraction. Could you tell me if that PM automatically contains a quote of the offending message, or just a link to it? (In the event that the message was deleted, the quote would obviously be a lot more useful than a link.)

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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Old 2006-11-08, 18:34   Link #70
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Just a link.. :)

<?> How do you use the [sigpic] tag..
//#1 ~Silly me forgot to save it..
//#2 ~Great now something else.. what's the tag for strike-thou..
<?> What does the [nobr] tag do..
<?> Do avatars expire.. I notice that member that have been inactive for a very long time seem to loose their avatars..

//#3 Has the behavior (settings) for the infractions changed.. or is it that after a certain period of time you are unable to access the source of your infraction.. hmm.. it would appear that the thread is no longer there.. need to check the archive to make sure..
Don't tell me the forum is intentionally hiding it from me.. lol.. now that would be a smart move from the people at Vb..

Last edited by felix; 2006-11-08 at 18:57.
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Old 2006-11-08, 18:53   Link #71
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  • You put "[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]" in your signature where you want the uploaded signature image to appear.
  • Stops lines wrapping.
  • Not that I'm aware of...

Edit One
  • There wasn't a tag for strikethrough, so I've added it.
  • No other settings have changed, I just forgot to remove your post before... it has since been removed.

Last edited by NightWish; 2006-11-08 at 19:40.
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Old 2006-11-08, 19:11   Link #72
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Very intresting, the nobr tag is very usefull indeed.. To think I really needed it a few hours earlier. :D heh

I read quite a few old threads and every time I see people talking about Member X's avatar memeber X doesn't seem to have any.. Now I doubt people just go : "I hate the forum, won't come here again *goes and removes avatar and sig* " lol

BTW the "//" thing above is for "Edit".. because I'm too lazy to write 'em like normal people.. sorry.. :)

//#1 Thanks for the new tag. I prefer to show what I deleted when I edited it.. it's much more honest.

Last edited by felix; 2006-11-09 at 08:07. Reason: Reply to Edit..
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Old 2006-11-09, 08:41   Link #73
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How do I make the Disable smilies in text option located in the Additional Options (you see it when you go in Advance Mode while posting) section be by default off..

I usually don't care much about them.. I generally use 2-3 in a post to show my mood.. Sometimes I use them in the hundreds , in the case of smalled posts.. sometimes~

These new yellow smilies are way to annoying. Quite francly I prefer to use just the text representation.. if I want to place a smilie in my post I can always place them as an internaly linked image..

<!> The problem is that I have to go and check that box every time I post..
<?> BTW.. is the fact that it doesn't stay uncheked a bug..
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Old 2006-12-14, 22:33   Link #74
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will some one please tell me if my signature is working and if it is why cant i see i t
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Old 2006-12-14, 22:36   Link #75
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Originally Posted by brandfireX View Post
will some one please tell me if my signature is working and if it is why cant i see i t
Hi ya. My name is Catgirls and I'll be your guide today.

Hmmm..I just checked your signature and there's nothing in it. No image, no text...nothing. Did you add anything to your signature? It looks completely blank to me.
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Old 2006-12-14, 22:38   Link #76
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You need to add "[SIGPIC]Mugiwara Pirates[/SIGPIC]"* to the signature field in your profile (on the edit signature page).
You uploaded an image but didn't add the tags... I've fixed it for you.

Edit: You also need to make sure the "Show signature" option is ticked when posting. It wasn't for your post above (though is now as edited it for you so you can see the effect...)

* - You can change the text is red to anything you want, it becomes the title of the image... I figured "Mugiwara Pirates" was sensible as it is the text in the image...

Edit 2: Oh! Sorry Catgirls, didn't see you there
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Old 2006-12-14, 22:45   Link #77
I am mowing clowns
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Originally Posted by NightWish View Post
Edit: You also need to make sure the "Show signature" option is ticked when posting. It wasn't for your post above (though is now as edited it for you so you can see the effect...)
Ahhh...that was it.
Edit 2: Oh! Sorry Catgirls, didn't see you there
Heh. No worries. You nailed it.
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Old 2006-12-16, 00:18   Link #78
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i have no idea what you pppl did but thank you this is my first forum so im not good with that stuff yet
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Old 2006-12-20, 10:13   Link #79
Elhaym Van Houten
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Thank you for the info!Are you the boss,NightWish?
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Old 2006-12-20, 20:36   Link #80
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How Do I Do The Spoiler Tag?

How exactly do I do that button thingy in the forum where you click on it and a spoiler is revealed?I have a posting I want to do that may contain a spoiler.
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