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Old 2007-06-06, 06:54   Link #1161
Secret Society BLANKET
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: 3 times the passion of normal flamenco
Thankfully, I've managed to breath back LIFE into my main PC... for now I'm not sure exactly how long it'll last

Anyways, I don't think even Sonic Emitters can stave back this much Bluecheesium, but I'll try

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
So Lancelot had an evil streak from the very beginning? Good rework on the Arthurian mythos here, and impressive enough that Lancelot is a pure brute strength warrior, yet could still counter Excalibur.

Originally Posted by KBTKaiser View Post
*hears chain reactions as someone mishandled the old multimissile warheads*

Dammit...I just had that storage area refurbished...

Spoiler for Revelations of...SAY WHAT!?! Part 2:

*hears an old nuke alarm sound.*

Dammit, who set off the 20th century flat silo? I thought I had that area stasised!

And references galore!

Hmm...Reinforce Eins reappearing? I'm in.
Oooh Mai-Hime FTW

And... I think Mabiko deserves the break, especially with Hayate's generosi-

*dodges sniper fire*

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Back at the 21st Trinity Optimus office, that resembled something straight out of a noir film, these files were on Kha's messy table:

[SPOILER="Profile #GSD-999 - Thomas Kluize"]Name: Thomas Kluize
Alias: The Highlander, The One Who Escaped Destiny, Captain Nemo
Age: 31 (questionable)
Birthday: Unknown.
Magic Rank: Ungraded, but it is rumored to be the impossible ‘X’
Height: 178cm
Weight: 85kg
Hair: Short, white and spikey
Eyes: Red
Personality: Aloof, arrogant, sarcastic, cynical, in direct opposition of the idealistic Kha.
Usual wear: Uniform with unrecognized markings
Magic Type: Every system ever recorded. His skills are too numerous.
Magic color: Pure white.
Caster Class: ??

Weapon: A spear called Thousand Cross, which is English for the Tausend Kreuz. Only uses this when he is serious in slaying the target. Otherwise, he fights unarmed and yet still being able to cast most of his magic.

Brief Background

In the course of an one-dimensional organization’s progression into deeper space, it never fails to find masses of lesser intelligent beings, some that are on par, various levels of threats, and one impossibly transcendent being.

Thomas Kluize first appeared on TSAB radar 60 years ago, when he released an incredible amount of mana to destroy a demon trying to teleport to an unknown location, but by the time they got to him, the 20 year old exocist had disappeared without a trace.

Little did they expect him to reappear a year later, in another dimension, aiding a 10 year old boy teacher and his class of 31 15 year old girls in battling the forces of evil. What was even more baffling was that he had aged 6 years. Kluize disappeared before TSAB found him once more.

Half a year later, 20 year old (his age mysteriously back-peddling from the last encounter) Thomas Kluize appeared with the indestructible ship Riviera and laid waste to a key installation of the attacking Invid, providing the GDI with an opening to punch through and push back the alien force.

A month later, on a world monitored by TSAB, 24 year old Thomas Kluize and his new partner in sliding Anna Wayne hijacked a ship strikingly similar to the Riviera and disappeared.

A year later, a massive jump was detected near Langrange outpost. And the Riviera was there again, providing support fire to a group of 3 magic knights against an invasion by other planets within its star system. They fielded a squad of mecha that the TSAB had never seen before.

Then, even more confusing was when the Riviera reappeared on the planet where Thomas had hijacked the Seraph earlier, and stole the mecha that they deployed some time ago. This led to the conclusion that Thomas and the Riviera somehow had the ability to travel back and forward in time. TSAB dug deep into their records…

And there it was. At several historical events in Mid Childa and Velka history, there was one crucial person who turned things around that could be identified. They all went by different names, but the common pattern was that these individuals all had part of their first or last names starting with “K”.

Needless to say, Thomas Kluize became wanted as a criminal for interference in Non-administrated regions, for there was no other sensible way to charge a person with time paradox crimes, especially when he had not committed any real felony. For the next half a century, many Enforcers would try and fail to catch this slippery eel as he continued to appear and influence that world’s history. Clyde failed to stop him; so did his son. Even the Aces and their Knights were soundly defeated, with Wolkenritter knocked senseless by Kluize before their devices could even shout “Exprozion”, and Nanoha and Hayate bounded in chains that they could not break. Fate dodged the bind and tried to slash Thomas, but he stopped Bardiche with his finger, and with a look of sadness on his face, disappeared again.

For the first time after that, Thomas Kluize disappeared for almost 4 years. Then during the AlternateS arc, the Riviera reappeared, and aided the Silvana from the shadows at first, then openly later in the Holy Grails War for the Sealed Devices. Kyla put a good word in at the end of the war, and a hush-hush arrangement was made with the Riviera: “Remain in the shadows as the Bureau’s hidden punch, and we’ll drop all charges.”

The unpredictable 31 year old Thomas Kluize did a turnaround and agreed. That marked the last time Kluize has been known to “time hop“, for the man has since admitted dubiously that “there has been many individuals” like him before from other dimensions, and that he made himself “look like he was time traveling with illusions and transformation magic to throw the TSAB off his tracks“.

As usual, he has plenty of bad-blood within the TSAB, though not with the Aces, for he both intrigued, impressed, yet frightened them. And he has much interest in Kha, though its in the negative sense, calling him idealistic and naïve, that his wish to protect everyone in the multiverse was an impossible and self-destructing cause, reminding him that “To save a person meant not saving another“. Thomas acts brusque, pessimistic and apathetic to everyone he interacts with.

However, in spite of his bellicose attitude and independent demeanor, Thomas is seen to care deeply for some people, namely Fate, Sophia (who calls him Oni-chan), Erio, Caro, Allison, Carim and Sakura. As far why is this the case, is anybody’s guess.

Kluize’s True Identity

Spoiler for Open File?:


By the God Empress... I'd have to agree, his haxx powers are too dangerous!!! He even had the nerve to visit Mahora Academy!!!

And I guess it should've been obvious who this is, for his name is Der-

*dodges more sniper fire*

Originally Posted by Kha
The Crew of the Riviera

Spoiler for Open File?:

Kha went over the details once again in his head. Artei found Yuuno, and through him found Kay and brought her to the now destroyed "Hand of Danaan" Barracks. Sophia had successfully located Aurion and was now dragging him to his home to run tests on the captured mechanical specimen. Allison's on her way back to the office after spending some time with Fate and was bringing some food with her.(Yes that bit has been changed Fuyu)Keroko remained at the Riot 6 base to keep the Aces company after this "Castor" person appeared and spooked Hayate out.

He looked back at the desk.

Kluize... Of all times, why now... Help us instead of hindering us for once please...

There was still one question to be answered, but that had to wait till Sophia returned. And so the Cleric kicked back in his armchair and looked out the window.

It's raining bullets again...


Boy did that feel like Dick Tracey. References and haxx0r characters + battleship galore! It's meant to foreshadow the truth of Caster, and it's got to do with Hayate's wish, Reinforce's deeds, the God Empress and Thomas Kluize t3h H4xx0r from another dimension. ...

And only now can I say, BLUECHEESIUM Alart! Otherwise it would destroy the flow up there.
*is dizzy with all the references*

Btw, I may have missed something here... what's the Hand of Danaan?

I smell El-Hazard (?), Gundam SEED, Zone of the Enders, The Frozen Throne, Chobits, Ghost in the Shell... you even managed to add the TAU EMPIRE (does that mean we'll be getting Tau interference against the Necrons? ) and and... Did I just see a reference to Starcraft II there? O_O

So much hax, yet both awesome and worrisome haxx approaching critical levels here

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
:Ah well. At least my GAV-X00 Galactus-class Devourer ship "NecroDrive" looks better. imo. :3

Spoiler for GAV-X00 Galactus-class Devourer ship "NecroDrive":

Now THAT'S a pirate space warship.

Are those... PLANETS around that warship to scale?

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post

Arthur's profile is up! Next stop, Guinevere. Caution: may cause one to wonder whether Arthur is an emo or...

Spoiler for space-saving:

phew, that was so long, almost reaching the same level of Hikki's profile thoughts before I proceed to Guinevere's profile, anyone?

Emo indeed, although I think much better than the stock Arthurian legend, not to mention all the added mod history, including Caesar And ... + 50 coolness points for Omnislash

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
O Great MODS! I have to confess! I have sinned! I shall do my best to atone for it! To get us back on track...

Spoiler for Track 6.1:
Some family fluff to cool the madness. This time I based the style on the more reminescient tracks of a normal SS. I'll add on to it later.
A quaint, quiet, and totally enjoyable moment for the Lightnings here. Need some of these interspersed with all the madness in this thread

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Nice. But are you going to answer my question?

Fluff? Coming right up!

Mid-Childa Galaxia Issue #6 : Keeping Fit


All right then. I'll try to cook my details up early so that everyone's happy.

I think there may be hints why Chrono is missing from StrikerS here And dear lord, Hayate, why do you torture Shamal so?

Although I admit, the more weight, the better to seku-hara wi-


Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2007-06-06, 07:06   Link #1162
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Question: I've created a fifth Wolkenritter for the purpose of my A's summary, am I in trouble?
Not. at. all. Okay, maybe SOME, but the good outweigh the bad.

In fact, it's perfect. One of my coming chapters involve Saga going out to the field to balance the scales with his l33t Keybade skillz after his knights were defeated, and adding a 5th would be a nice reason.

Gimme a name, a basic description, her skills, etc and I'm ready to throw that person in my story!
Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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Old 2007-06-06, 07:14   Link #1163
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Not. at. all. Okay, maybe SOME, but the good outweigh the bad.

In fact, it's perfect. One of my coming chapters involve Saga going out to the field to balance the scales with his l33t Keybade skillz after his knights were defeated, and adding a 5th would be a nice reason.

Gimme a name, a basic description, her skills, etc and I'm ready to throw that person in my story!
I'll get on it as soon as work's over... though you may not get it untill tommorow, unless we manage to fix internet back home today.

Yeah, internet took a bad time to to go broken on me. Praise the aspects that work is light today, so I can abuse the internet here to catch up on backlog.
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Old 2007-06-06, 07:17   Link #1164
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Okay, Eyes of the Beholder-character template archtypes ASIDE, I've got to get this clear, so that we can all play nice and compromise. How extensive are the "Rein Revival" thing of yours anyway?

Mine is mildly so-so, but it can be flexible depending on the other theories.

From what I see, Kha and An Hero already got's something in mind, so do I. Now... how to fit all into a properly mixed fanon? My Tiara thing covers till the Book's official creation, after it's pages got torn off in the future. An Hero seems to have something in mind about the Book though I don't know how extensive his covers, and well...There's this Kha' THRONE-thingy which involves someone who can bring back someone from nothing.

So, are we gonna keep everything under wraps until the MOMENT of truth, or will we lay down our cards now? I'll willing to compromise. :3
Originally Posted by An Hero in Disguise View Post
OK, first let's try to come to a compromise without revealing each others' ideas so far : if you have a cover for the Book's origins already and it's mixed with your characters tightly I could suggest not to change it (your stories were great so far, I expect the rest to be as good) as I can very easily adjust mine to involve one of the Book's reincarnations instead and it won't have much impact on the story (as the Book isn't the main character there), don't know about Kha's ideas though. As for the way the Book got reincarnated again I've already mentioned that I'd be glad for someone to come up with it instead of me
Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Nice. But are you going to answer my question?
Looks like there's no avoiding it. The hints in that haxx post, other than the Kluize = Kha joke:

-Think FSN (Wish? Regret? Second chance?)

-From Anna's profile we see that she's a Summoner.

From earlier posts:

-I mentioned the Throne of Heroes, followed by the mention of Danaan, who I've been hinting has something to do with Velka religion.

-4th Line of the Velka Code: Death on the battlefield is the greatest glory to be achieved by a Velka knight.

-Kha's mention of "As long as you do the right thing, you'll never be defeated spiritually."

-And finally, the revelation that Unlimited Imperium Vault which was able to summon Rein 1 original without memories. Implication: No soul.

After confusing everyone with this not very well planned Da Vice Code, here's what I intended to say:

When Rein died, she, and her Meister had a wish: They both wanted to stay with each other and be happy. No amount of principle, nor Code of Honor was ever going to change that. But Rein knew she had to leave, and died like a true Velka. Now with all Velka being related to religious themes, the next part kicked in. Danaan, the goddess from which the first Velka descended from, saved Reinforce's soul and crowned her a true Hero, like the many Velka before her, and thus came to reside in the Throne of Heroes to be exalted for all eternity.

This is the crossover bit that gave me the idea for Caster Reinforce:
Spoiler for :topicoff::
What happens in the Nanohaverse, is that once someone has mastered summoning the epic spirit's weapon from the Imperium Vault, he/she shall earn the right to summon the Epic Spirit itself. When Anna calls out for a Caster to become her tsukaima (the entire Riviera crew has no AOE mage, that's why she calls for a Caster), Reinforce answers and returns, if only for a short while. The only way to keep her material permanently is to recall her soul together with her soulless body that resides in Unlimited Imperium Vault. Which means, only Sophia has a chance of doing that.

It's supposed to be an end-of-StrikerS thing for Sophia to master Unlimited Imperium Vault and summon the complete Reinforce 1 as her own tsukaima. However, my itch got the better of me... And I summoned Godh4xx as well as Caster Reinforce... I must train harder to avoid such a mess in future!

EDIT: Sophia can summon RH from the Imperium Vault not only because it resided there before, its also because of the alternative version of Nanoha, a Velka practicioner, resides in the Throne of Heroes too. I've a feeling that idea of an alternative Nanoha is by Darkalpha, so apologies for being liberal with it.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Fluff? Coming right up!

Mid-Childa Galaxia Issue #6 : Keeping Fit

Video magazine, ka? Graphic! Absolutely graphic!

Last edited by Kha; 2007-06-06 at 07:29.
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Old 2007-06-06, 07:29   Link #1165
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Looks like there's no avoiding it. The hints in that haxx post, other than the Kluize = Kha joke:

-Think FSN (Wish? Regret? Second chance?)

-From Anna's profile we see that she's a Summoner.

From earlier posts:

-I mentioned the Throne of Heroes, followed by the mention of Danaan, who I've been hinting has something to do with Velka religion.

-4th Line of the Velka Code: Death on the battlefield is the greatest glory to be achieved by a Velka knight.

-Kha's mention of "As long as you do the right thing, you'll never be defeated spiritually."

-And finally, the revelation that Unlimited Imperium Vault which was able to summon Rein 1 original without memories. Implication: No soul.

After confusing everyone with this not very well planned Da Vice Code, here's what I intended to say:

When Rein died, she, and her Meister had a wish: They both wanted to stay with each other and be happy. No amount of principle, nor Code of Honor was ever going to change that. But Rein knew she had to leave, and died like a true Velka. Now with all Velka being related to religious themes, the next part kicked in. Danaan, the goddess from which the first Velka descended from, saved Reinforce's soul and crowned her a true Hero, like the many Velka before her, and thus came to reside in the Throne of Heroes to be exalted for all eternity.

This is the crossover bit that gave me the idea for Caster Reinforce:
Spoiler for :topicoff::
What happens in the Nanohaverse, is that once someone has mastered summoning the epic spirit's weapon from the Imperium Vault, he/she shall earn the right to summon the Epic Spirit itself. When Anna calls out for a Caster to become her tsukaima (the entire Riviera crew has no AOE mage, that's why she calls for a Caster), Reinforce answers and returns, if only for a short while. The only way to keep her material permanently is to recall her soul together with her soulless body that resides in Unlimited Imperium Vault. Which means, only Sophia has a chance of doing that.

It's supposed to be an end-of-StrikerS thing for Sophia to master Unlimited Imperium Vault and summon the complete Reinforce 1 as her own tsukaima. However, my itch got the better of me... And I summoned Godh4xx as well as Caster Reinforce... I must train harder to avoid such a mess in future!

EDIT: Sophia can summon RH from the Imperium Vault not only because it resided there before, its also because of the alternative version of Nanoha, created by Tshouryuu in, resides in the Throne of Heroes too. Sorry for being liberal with your idea, Tshou...
Hmm...a little tight, but Saga should be able to fit into it. Especially if we assume the general context of the whole Heartless/Nobodys/Soul/Memories thing of the composition of a entire being, so Sophia has the power to change the fate of times using her control of the body and soul, while Saga is the key for Reinforce to be herself by restoring her heart and memories, minus the time she was Tiara.

And since Sophia's power makes Rein her tsukaima, I think I can add in Saga wanting to prevent that to be complete 100%, since what he wants is to make Rein solely Hayate's and no one else's, no matter what. So, we can have Wolkies vs Zerstros II! An throw in a huge bunch of misunderstandings!

You know WHAT? I had no intention of even linking the whole Kingdom Heart paralell with Saga bar his weapon, but now that the Rein I issue actually extends out to this far with your ideas and mine, it ACTUALLY became a Kingdom Hearts reference. Awesome.

The last time I had such synchro-levels was with...a friend, playing a SEED fiction writing game on a now-defunct forum. Good times, good times.
Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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Old 2007-06-06, 08:03   Link #1166
~ I Do ~
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Age: 38
Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Hmm...a little tight, but Saga should be able to fit into it. Especially if we assume the general context of the whole Heartless/Nobodys/Soul/Memories thing of the composition of a entire being, so Sophia has the power to change the fate of times using her control of the body and soul, while Saga is the key for Reinforce to be herself by restoring her heart and memories, minus the time she was Tiara.

And since Sophia's power makes Rein her tsukaima, I think I can add in Saga wanting to prevent that to be complete 100%, since what he wants is to make Rein solely Hayate's and no one else's, no matter what. So, we can have Wolkies vs Zerstros II! An throw in a huge bunch of misunderstandings!

You know WHAT? I had no intention of even linking the whole Kingdom Heart paralell with Saga bar his weapon, but now that the Rein I issue actually extends out to this far with your ideas and mine, it ACTUALLY became a Kingdom Hearts reference. Awesome.

The last time I had such synchro-levels was with...a friend, playing a SEED fiction writing game on a now-defunct forum. Good times, good times.
I'm honored... I wouldn't say I could sync on this because I only played KH Chain of Memories halfway, but luckily that bridging point was enough.

So until StrikerS end, we can take our time in dealing with the Rein 1 Revival issue, settle the Einst and Necron, AND the Erio superlolis , and leave Caster to haunt us whenever she feels like it.

@Lowe: Ya know, mind if I just keep the Riviera in here? I will do without the crew and the ***dam, but the ship... and my favorite Broadsides. It's Kha's ship after all, in a very weird sense.
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Old 2007-06-06, 08:38   Link #1167
An Hero in Disguise
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
@Lowe: Ya know, mind if I just keep the Riviera in here? I will do without the crew and the ***dam, but the ship... and my favorite Broadsides. It's Kha's ship after all, in a very weird sense.
You must keep it (and let me keep mine too ) - I won't be able to let an epic battle escape just like that Then both could be crippled (or even destroyed for the sake of balance ) in the process and everyone can live on happily.
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Old 2007-06-06, 08:47   Link #1168
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Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
Arthur's profile is up! Next stop, Guinevere. Caution: may cause one to wonder whether Arthur is an emo or...

Spoiler for space-saving:

phew, that was so long, almost reaching the same level of Hikki's profile thoughts before I proceed to Guinevere's profile, anyone?
Excellent!!! Major points for Omnislash ending with a backhand!

Originally Posted by An Hero in Disguise View Post
Hey, right now only my battlecruiser can be called actual haxx (and that requires Serge on board). Other characters don't seem to cross the boundaries of possible in Nanohaverse so far (I hope, point me at my flaws if I'm wrong).

And the battleships were haxx since long ago, they're just cooler like that

I feel like I must finish the second Act of my background immediately to show how hax bites the dust
I jest. Your characters are all fine. And Serge is only on the border but not beyond it. unless AO gets an absolutely haxxed final form

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
What can I say? I love HK-47, and concidering Artherion was made from a scale of Neltharion, it's no surprise that he would have a few odd personallity quirks.
I see...

Chance? I'd call it a certainty.

Keroko: *tormenting Chrono with the other three female Aces ; taking turns * Onii-Chaaan~!
Kha: *does a spit take*
Aurion: (She's even as good as the other three. Quite impressive.)
Sakura: K-Keroko-chan!
Keroko: *looks over, blushing lightly* What?!

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Looks like there's no avoiding it. The hints in that haxx post, other than the Kluize = Kha joke:

-Think FSN (Wish? Regret? Second chance?)

-From Anna's profile we see that she's a Summoner.

From earlier posts:

-I mentioned the Throne of Heroes, followed by the mention of Danaan, who I've been hinting has something to do with Velka religion.

-4th Line of the Velka Code: Death on the battlefield is the greatest glory to be achieved by a Velka knight.

-Kha's mention of "As long as you do the right thing, you'll never be defeated spiritually."

-And finally, the revelation that Unlimited Imperium Vault which was able to summon Rein 1 original without memories. Implication: No soul.

After confusing everyone with this not very well planned Da Vice Code, here's what I intended to say:

When Rein died, she, and her Meister had a wish: They both wanted to stay with each other and be happy. No amount of principle, nor Code of Honor was ever going to change that. But Rein knew she had to leave, and died like a true Velka. Now with all Velka being related to religious themes, the next part kicked in. Danaan, the goddess from which the first Velka descended from, saved Reinforce's soul and crowned her a true Hero, like the many Velka before her, and thus came to reside in the Throne of Heroes to be exalted for all eternity.

This is the crossover bit that gave me the idea for Caster Reinforce:
Spoiler for :topicoff::
What happens in the Nanohaverse, is that once someone has mastered summoning the epic spirit's weapon from the Imperium Vault, he/she shall earn the right to summon the Epic Spirit itself. When Anna calls out for a Caster to become her tsukaima (the entire Riviera crew has no AOE mage, that's why she calls for a Caster), Reinforce answers and returns, if only for a short while. The only way to keep her material permanently is to recall her soul together with her soulless body that resides in Unlimited Imperium Vault. Which means, only Sophia has a chance of doing that.

It's supposed to be an end-of-StrikerS thing for Sophia to master Unlimited Imperium Vault and summon the complete Reinforce 1 as her own tsukaima. However, my itch got the better of me... And I summoned Godh4xx as well as Caster Reinforce... I must train harder to avoid such a mess in future!

EDIT: Sophia can summon RH from the Imperium Vault not only because it resided there before, its also because of the alternative version of Nanoha, a Velka practicioner, resides in the Throne of Heroes too. I've a feeling that idea of an alternative Nanoha is by Darkalpha, so apologies for being liberal with it.

Video magazine, ka? Graphic! Absolutely graphic!
Ne, Kha. Won't completely summoning R1 make Sophia a mage with a tsukaima definitely more powerful than her? No nerf is planned? If we follow your plan, she can Triple-cast the Breaker moves.

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2
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Old 2007-06-06, 08:54   Link #1169
~ I Do ~
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Location: In the XV-8A Spartan "00"
Age: 38
Originally Posted by An Hero in Disguise View Post
You must keep it (and let me keep mine too ) - I won't be able to let an epic battle escape just like that Then both could be crippled (or even destroyed for the sake of balance ) in the process and everyone can live on happily.
Kluize: Hahaha... As if I'll let you, Kha! (flies off into the sunset)

Kha: ... The Broadsides...

Actually I'm saying this cos I suddenly got a very big brainwave, thanks to that earlier mess of a post. Kha might get his own ship after all, albeit shrunk to the original size. The Riviera's just too insanely huge. And...

...Guess what...?

Kha's ship will also have an army...


Explanations and profiles, plus the key handing-over ceremony coming soon. Boy is der Kleriker going to be in sooo much trouble.

Oh I almost forgot to mention Erio being loli-piled.

Kha: Okay Kha just what are you up to here?
Kha: Hey don't try to break the Fourth Wall. You'll look silly.
Kha: As in?
Sof: Captain? Why are you talking to yourself?
Kha: Oh.

@Aaron: That 3x Breaker EX show was because Anna had the mana equivalent of a small sun, so even just 10% shared with Caster is still a lot. If Rein 1 comes under Sophia, it's not that insane. After all, Sophia can't fly without her Bellophon pegasus, so she's the nerf.
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Old 2007-06-06, 09:05   Link #1170
Secret Society BLANKET
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post

@Lowe: Ya know, mind if I just keep the Riviera in here? I will do without the crew and the ***dam, but the ship... and my favorite Broadsides. It's Kha's ship after all, in a very weird sense.
The Guncannon boys you can keep alright... those lovely XV-88's would be a waste if you gave them up now Although contrary to Hero's assumption, I don't think I'll live on happily if those were destroyed (unless you have some loli-clone piloted Crisis Suits hidden there somewhere )

So btw, I'm not sure if I can handle THAT many enemies and scenarios at once (I already have my hands full with Glock and the Necrons)... so which threat is the TSAB giving priority to?

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2007-06-06, 09:10   Link #1171
An Hero in Disguise
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Currently - Germany
Age: 39
Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Actually I'm saying this cos I suddenly got a very big brainwave, thanks to that earlier mess of a post. Kha might get his own ship after all, albeit shrunk to the original size. The Riviera's just too insanely huge. And...

...Guess what...?

Kha's ship will also have an army...


Explanations and profiles, plus the key handing-over ceremony coming soon. Boy is der Kleriker going to be in sooo much trouble.
Ah, if Kha gets his own instead of Riviera than it'll be OK

But less than 1km long is insanely huge? I doubt it. When I get home I'll dig something huge up, if nobody does it earlier
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Old 2007-06-06, 09:14   Link #1172
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
The Guncannon boys you can keep alright... those lovely XV-88's would be a waste if you gave them up now Although contrary to Hero's assumption, I don't think I'll live on happily if those were destroyed (unless you have some loli-clone piloted Crisis Suits hidden there somewhere )

So btw, I'm not sure if I can handle THAT many enemies and scenarios at once (I already have my hands full with Glock and the Necrons)... so which threat is the TSAB giving priority to?
Kluize: To my dear Cleric, if you haven't blown yourself to pieces by now, I should accelerate the process. Here's the key to your own battleship, the one I stole from the Earth Alliance to confuse the TSAB windbags both of us are unfortunately working with. I took liberties to shrink most of Riviera's haxx weapon systems into it, including a little surprise.

And to Lowe, I think you'll have your fun with the upcoming loli-Crisis, if you catch me drift.

For the Light... my foot!


Kha: Oh well, I'm focusing on the Necron first. They're gonna get blasted fast, I hope.

@Hero: That's just IMO. Too slow. Riviera was somewhere in between, in fact, it was my limit of preferred size. I leave the giant ships to the Admirals with carrier groups. I'm a small force with big punch kinda guy.
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Old 2007-06-06, 09:25   Link #1173
Adeptus Animus
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Kha's ship will also have an army...


Explanations and profiles, plus the key handing-over ceremony coming soon. Boy is der Kleriker going to be in sooo much trouble.
Loli clones.... I think Keroko would opt for a Harisen instead of an I.C.B. in that case.

Then she'd back away when Hayate comes to the scene.... Best not get between Hayate who has seen a potentional cosplay army.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
The Guncannon boys you can keep alright... those lovely XV-88's would be a waste if you gave them up now Although contrary to Hero's assumption, I don't think I'll live on happily if those were destroyed (unless you have some loli-clone piloted Crisis Suits hidden there somewhere )
Precious XV-88's, the bane of my armored enemy and without a doupt the greatest unit of the Tau empire. Period. Kha better have some of those on his ship, otherwise Keroko would scrounge up a few for a birthday present anyway.

Originally Posted by An Hero in Disguise View Post
Ah, if Kha gets his own instead of Riviera than it'll be OK

But less than 1km long is insanely huge? I doubt it. When I get home I'll dig something huge up, if nobody does it earlier
I'll have an executor class Super Star Destroyer, thank you.
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Old 2007-06-06, 09:30   Link #1174
Saint X
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@ Kha...

you've overclocked...

didn't expect you to overclock him


Is it safe to say if we place SS+ and up villains in here?
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Old 2007-06-06, 09:38   Link #1175
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Loli clones.... I think Keroko would opt for a Harisen instead of an I.C.B. in that case.

Then she'd back away when Hayate comes to the scene.... Best not get between Hayate who has seen a potentional cosplay army.
I know, I know. The comic effects of such a force knows no bounds! And I can't help but imagine all of them wearing maid's costumes when not in battle armor. Remember Kha's a Cosplayer too!

Let's not forget crazy Sakura while we're at it. Misaki must be so glad she doesn't have a Unison Device to be forced to wear weird costumes!

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Precious XV-88's, the bane of my armored enemy and without a doupt the greatest unit of the Tau empire. Period. Kha better have some of those on his ship, otherwise Keroko would scrounge up a few for a birthday present anyway.
All I can say is, he's gonna have a loli-Crisis. Oh and a loli-Broad to keep him company, and a loli hiding somewhere too.

Now... About that loli-Devilfish...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
I'll have an executor class Super Star Destroyer, thank you.
I forgot about the ship that mesmerized me before I discovered mecha... But never mind I'm sure Keroko'd let Kha's Seraph hitch a ride if he lets her take a spin in the Stahlmut. . Plus Seraph's only 420m in length, opposed to 12 km.
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Old 2007-06-06, 09:49   Link #1176
Adeptus Animus
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I forgot about the ship that mesmerized me before I discovered mecha... But never mind I'm sure Keroko'd let Kha's Seraph hitch a ride if he lets her take a spin in the Stahlmut. . Plus Seraph's only 420m in length, opposed to 12 km.
19 kilometers, actually. But that's only an example of large ships. If the TSAB had ships that large, there's no way in hell they'd give one to one squadron -even an elite one- just like that.

Besides, Keroko would hate being a Captain of a ship. She loves being in the sky, not in a chair (and item she never stops discussing with Chrono).
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Old 2007-06-06, 10:02   Link #1177
Saint X
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@ the issue of ships:

I'd rather have a small, very agile ship that can dodge star destroyers on a daily basis thank you...

@ the issue of villains:

by the way, what is the minimum/maximum level a villain can be?

- any level is not a good answer

- reason as to why such a level if its a low one.

- i prefer maximum level villains so try to provide with the highest rating.

i need the answers so that i can create a hard to beat villain under the parameters of this thread.

and i'll post one or two more character before i proceed with the stories about thier pasts.
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Old 2007-06-06, 10:13   Link #1178
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I know, I know. The comic effects of such a force knows no bounds! And I can't help but imagine all of them wearing maid's costumes when not in battle armor. Remember Kha's a Cosplayer too!

Let's not forget crazy Sakura while we're at it. Misaki must be so glad she doesn't have a Unison Device to be forced to wear weird costumes!
If Hayate's good, she'll have them wear maid customes as combat armor!

I just hope she didn't hear that

Originally Posted by Kha

All I can say is, he's gonna have a loli-Crisis. Oh and a loli-Broad to keep him company, and a loli hiding somewhere too.

Now... About that loli-Devilfish...
Don't forget the Loli-Hammerheads and Skyrays... and a fully pimped XV-22 while we're at it... all in mecha musume configuration

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
19 kilometers, actually. But that's only an example of large ships. If the TSAB had ships that large, there's no way in hell they'd give one to one squadron -even an elite one- just like that.

Besides, Keroko would hate being a Captain of a ship. She loves being in the sky, not in a chair (and item she never stops discussing with Chrono).
... There's always Hayate's way of "requisitioning" things, straight out of the God Empress herself

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2007-06-06, 10:19   Link #1179
An Hero in Disguise
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How about some Titan class battleships?

I'd better go write Act II

P.S. I've almost forgotten my favourite one - Dämmerung. Over 10.000 square kilometers in size

Last edited by An Hero in Disguise; 2007-06-06 at 10:30.
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Old 2007-06-06, 10:32   Link #1180
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Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
@ the issue of villains:

by the way, what is the minimum/maximum level a villain can be?

- any level is not a good answer

- reason as to why such a level if its a low one.

- i prefer maximum level villains so try to provide with the highest rating.

i need the answers so that i can create a hard to beat villain under the parameters of this thread.

and i'll post one or two more character before i proceed with the stories about thier pasts.
Why is "any level" not a good answer?

Basically, it depends on what sort of villain you want to have. Someone who can pwn the Aces with sheer magical power needs a high (SSS or something) rating. Someone who creates an army to do the pwning may not need something that high; we don't know what magical rating Scaglietti has, for example.

And then there's another sort of villain, the master manipulator, who may have zero ability in magic, but is able to waltz into the highest echelons of command with his/her silver tongue and turn allies against one another.

Personally, I'm biased towards low-magic villains, but those with high charisma and intelligence. One of the hardest villains to defeat is the one which nobody bothers looking for, since they're all busy fighting one another.

I'd make a comparison to Lex Luthor, but there's too many counter-examples in the comics already, so I'll just refrain. Instead, if you've seen Read Or Die (the ROD TV series in particular), consider how much actual power Mr. Joker/Carpenter has.

EDIT: And then there's the "Not Applicable" of, say, AI villains, which have a venerable tradition in science fiction from HAL to SHODAN to Guilty Spark.
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