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Old 2008-06-15, 20:42   Link #1221
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Originally Posted by Kyral View Post
Spoiler for Trap Names:

That's all I know... ^^;
I thought V.V was a girl at first -_-

Long Live Lelouch! Waiting for Tales of the World:RM2 USA release
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Old 2008-06-15, 21:12   Link #1222
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I'd like to make a character, but I have a few questions.

1. Is there an actual RP topic, or is this more to stretch creative ideas?

2. Is there any sort of list of explanations on the magic system? I can't find an English database of Nanoha information, and Wikipedia is only so-so in terms of use. I'm watching the strikers part of the series, and should be done fairly soon. I'm primarily interesting in the Belka system, although I've also seen it typed Velka, so I may use that.

3. What are the limits, in terms of rank, things like that? I read the intro but I'd like some personal perspectives on this.

Thank you in advance. I'm really glad I got into this series, and I really love it. It's one of my favorite shows.
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Old 2008-06-15, 21:46   Link #1223
~ I Do ~
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Welcome Mirron!

1. Nope there isn't really a topic, but we do have multiple continuities, since various people have varying takes on what the canon timeline could be like. Take your pick, of the major continuities there's:

- Canon timeline: It used to be good, but then came StrikerS which when it tried to expand the universe seemed to have tripped up. Not many of us use this timeline

- the Kerokanon timeline: Essentially the canon timeline, but with 1 more Ace, Keroko, who is Nanoha's sister. Most people work in this timeline currently, though each work actually extends into its own sub-timeline based off Kerokanon as like I said, different people have different takes of the same thing.

- the Alpha timeline: Kerokanon, but evolved into a dark grim future, opting to focus on sense and militarism over the usual Mahou Shoujo fare. Depending on what you liked in Nanoha StrikerS, you might go for this timeline, but be prepared for angst.

- the Original Generations timeline: Kerokanon, but with more prominent OCs, and even more patches and fixes to canon facts and errors, as well as additional content like new magic systems, in-depth racial histories, device varieties and greater customization. It is built like an MMORPG, strives to achieve balance while cramming in as much content as possible, and at the same time keeping things open for others to come in and use it, or even have fun. As such, most of this "timeline" is essentially pages and pages of histories of the various races, racial abilities, playable classes available to each race... With my OCs built within this framework.

Just my massive pet project.

At the forefront of this timeline is Rebuilt of StrikerS, which is the reconstruction of the original events set in this giant timeline. However, no one else works in this timeline because its too prone to changes, always in flux, and pretty much never gets written beyond loads of scrap paper scattered around my desk. My reputation of not giving things a good thinkover is killing it. Which is kinda ironic, considering that prior to coming to Asuki Nanoha forums, I was known in another writing circle for hiding multiple plotlines that ultimately come together Agatha Cristie style.

And there are even more works that don't exactly exist clearly in one timeline, like for Lowe's OCs, they can fit into any timeline.

Bottomline Mirron: just post something, and we'll help you on your way.

2. Unless you want to use my OG rules (which were never published by the way, its still in alpha testing ), I don't see why Wiki does not cut it. Yes Belka is my speciality, but I've developed it along a framework that would not make sense unless you take into account the long history of Belka generated by us. The Belka system first and foremost is just a melee-oriented school of magic. We've come to agree that Belka existed in parallel to Mid-style magic, but declined in recent years, outmoded by mid-ranged tactics like in the modern world. For anyone intending to use the original Belka system and make their own spin of it, that is the source.

However, instead of completely dying out, Belka still exists today. Why is that? This, and many other questions about Belka feasibility, history, theorycrafting, and lore behind the Belka character classes I created reside. I don't want to overload you so soon, but if you want I can generate a summary from my notes after my exam papers this week.

DISCLAIMER: You are NOT obligated to use my writings on Belka when creating a Belka character. They are not canon and so must be taken with a pinch of salt.

Oh and feel free to spell it as Velka. SaintX and I used to do that, but I've changed it after conventions settled for B, but asides from credibility, I don't see the big trouble in using Velka over Belka.

3. Not my zone of speciality, but I emphasize having good sense over Dragonballism.
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Old 2008-06-15, 21:58   Link #1224
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Originally Posted by Mirron View Post
I'd like to make a character, but I have a few questions.

1. Is there an actual RP topic, or is this more to stretch creative ideas?

2. Is there any sort of list of explanations on the magic system? I can't find an English database of Nanoha information, and Wikipedia is only so-so in terms of use. I'm watching the strikers part of the series, and should be done fairly soon. I'm primarily interesting in the Belka system, although I've also seen it typed Velka, so I may use that.

3. What are the limits, in terms of rank, things like that? I read the intro but I'd like some personal perspectives on this.

Thank you in advance. I'm really glad I got into this series, and I really love it. It's one of my favorite shows.
  1. Actual RP topic.... not really. We don't even have all the characters in the same multiverse...
  2. As for explanation on magic system, there isn't much info either but in a nutshell, this is the info we got. * Steals Borrows Keroko's IS: Silver Retriever.
    Spoiler for IS:Silver Retriever!!:
  3. Basically, its pretty subjective. As long you give enough justification and backstory and don't try to HAXXed out your character, it should be fine. Mind you, some of us are very critical about haxxed out characters (aka Mary Sues).
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:00   Link #1225
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Oh my, such a long post to my questions. Interesting.

1. If there is not a topic, that would explain part of the reason behind my confusion. I would recommend a topic be made, and we figure out some sort of problem. Or, perhaps just live out day to day lives. I'll need to finish Striker before I can say whether it's hard to follow for me. As for the last one, while interesting, sounds like a rather large thing for me to try and read, without having finished the series at least.

2. Good. Velka just seems more magical to me. Perhaps I just like the letter V though. Wiki seems a bit small, but I can work on that. Velka magic does indeed specialize in close to midrange at best, so I'll need to think along those lines. A weapon will have to be my first goal, although what it will be, I'm not sure. Shame that the weapons I primarily like are already in use, by canon characters, no less.

As for why Velka still exists, I'd say some of my ideas on the idea, but it mainly revolves around the fact that magical combat is a bit different from our style of combat.

3. Well, that much I know. I like fighting more along the lines of Nanoha and Cardcaptors, another anime which has similar feels to it's fighting I feel. Fantastic, but it doesn't feel overpowered. What I'm looking for, I'll need to think about.

Thanks for the fast response. And thanks for the other response. The nutshell post was what I had gotten, but it's always nice to have more support. I always feel I think something really different from what is going on.
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:02   Link #1226
Wild Goose
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Originally Posted by Mirron View Post
I'd like to make a character, but I have a few questions.

1. Is there an actual RP topic, or is this more to stretch creative ideas?

2. Is there any sort of list of explanations on the magic system? I can't find an English database of Nanoha information, and Wikipedia is only so-so in terms of use. I'm watching the strikers part of the series, and should be done fairly soon. I'm primarily interesting in the Belka system, although I've also seen it typed Velka, so I may use that.

3. What are the limits, in terms of rank, things like that? I read the intro but I'd like some personal perspectives on this.

Thank you in advance. I'm really glad I got into this series, and I really love it. It's one of my favorite shows.
Welcome to Nanoha OC, fondly referred to as Outer Cadia! As one of the senpai here, I'll be more than happy to answer your questions.

1) OC is mostly a place to stretch creative ideas, and not really for RP. The last time there was a moderate attempt at RP it didn't turn out very well. OC is pretty much a place to test out ideas and concepts, introduce charecters and worlds, and where idea settings are tested and examined. Upfront, I'd just like to point out that the majority of OC works take place in a shared universe that as much as possible tries to stay as close to canon as possible... which I note tends to have the effect that most OCs interact peripherally with the Aces. My Task Force Six project is working on that a bit...

On a note: Be prepared for close examination of whatever you put up. The haxxbusting process, where charecter concepts are grilled, broken down, and then built back up, is something all of us have gone through, and emerged the better for it. But as long as the charecter ideas are reasonable, and not, say, ports of Son Goku or Sailor Moon, or god knows what other overpowered shounen anime charecter, you should be alright. Hell, I ported over Master Chief and Johnson, and managed to rewrite their histories to keep them true to their origins while still fitting into the Nanoverse. (I did have to nerf a fair number of Chief's abilities...)

2) List of Explanations on the magic system: there's no big overarching database that I know of; what's happened is that there's some sorta gestalt-group hivemind shared knowledge of the magic systems, where everybody knows a bit and they bring that bit to the table. Potluck magical knowledge, as it is. That said my memory isn't too hot after just waking up in the morning (worked the night shift and closing up last night), so generally what's best is to ask your query and then sit back and watch the replies scroll in.

Off the top of my head, a few things to note: the Linker Core is - unlike what some other cadians would have you believe - an organ present only in mages that converts carbohydrates into mana. Which is why mages tend to go for hi-carb diets. (Which explains why NanoHayaFate have those busts, I suppose.) And beamspamming cartridges is NOT how you gain power - you can only charge up to 6 cartridges at a time for any given spell; any more and you risk blowout. (It's like loading 6 tons onto a truck that can ccarry 6 tons - it can hold the weight, and do repeated trips carrying 6 tons, but anything above 6 tons and the suspension blows).

3) In terms of rank, SS is the maximum, since that's what Hayate is. In terms of rank and ability, the Aces are the highest tier: any charecter equal or more powerful than them will receive greater scrutiny. SSS is a theoretical rank limit and is not used because we have no clue how powerful SSS is, which means balancing is rather diffucult.

In terms of rank and skill and military rank, there's no hard limit, really. All of these are approached on a case-by-case basis. That said AAA to S-rank is the practical limit for most OCs; but IIRC most OCs are around A-AAA, with only a few S-rankers running around (I can only think of Eric, and he's more of a desk guy nowadays, despite, or perhaps because, of his Jet Magnum.)

For me, I tend to write middle-tier charecters. Of my OCs, only Johnson and Naomi Jaeger are AA. Franz Jaeger, my main OC, is an A-rank, and Chief is B-ranked. It's really a matter of personal preference, but note that high ranks will be scrutinised, especially if you've got, say, an AAA-rank in the Ground Forces leading other AAA-ranks.

When all's said and done though, the main purpose is to have fun and create charecters. At the end of the day, it's a shared sandbox we're playing along, so give and take and compromising is required. That said the line between stubbornness and sticking to your guns is a very fine line indeed... which is why haxxbusting is done case by case.

Basically, just be reasonable, and use common sense, and think, and you'll do fine... AND BE PREPARED TO LISTEN. I cannot stress the last enough. If you insist on ignoring what everyone is saying, then IMO you're better off making an AU - which is what one other poster is doing.

Sorry, but I had to make that very clear. Apart from that, again, welcome to OC.

On the timelines, something I want to note: Alpha is pretty grim and dark at the beginning. This is due to evangelion - Kagerou and I grew up, so the speak, in the Evangelion fanfiction community... which pretty much collapsed when Top Dog Random stopped writing. I predict similar things vis-a-vis Nanoha and Satashi but that's neither here nor there. The First Half of Alpha Timeline is rather dark. But then Nanoha levels up speccatularly and gets a new BJ form and kicks much ass.

That said the general mood and feel is rather reminiscent of Halo. And Xenogears.

EDIT: FFS beaten by Kha. Damnit Beanbag! And beaten by shou! Damnit shou!

Also, if you want more help, I'd suggest the #outercadia channel at Set your username to whatever you like, and channel to #outercadia. You'll find a lot of us in the channel at any one time - most of the haxxbusters are on at this time as well, so you can quickly run concepts and ideas by them.
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

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Old 2008-06-15, 22:03   Link #1227
~ I Do ~
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@Mirron: Aha! Cardcaptor Sakura! Yes we will agree a lot then.

Not too sure about RP topics though. We do have interactive fics being written, but it's really really situational...

@Goose: I had to ensure a non-aggressive and welcoming image was projected above all else.
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:08   Link #1228
Wild Goose
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Bakha Beanbag, how was my post agressive, hmmmm? I'm just serious. You're khracked. Hell, you damn nearly scared me off Cadia Eins with your khrack!

Sides, look at my welcome post. Detailed and well written, and aims to answer the key points.

Right right, I'll stop now.

Basically Mirron, Kha and I rib each other from time to time.
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

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Old 2008-06-15, 22:11   Link #1229
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I rest my case.

And Nanoha Keroko and Fate me are in the top 3 post counts! Darn it Hayate Aaron, stop shafting yourself!!!
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:12   Link #1230
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I apparently need to watch here more. My usual habit of posting once in a while and watching anime might not work as well if people keep posting this fast.

Glad you like Cardcaptors. The first anime I really watched and remember watching, although I did have Sailor Moon when I was really young. I'll keep it around that level, most likely. Or higher, depending on what I see and what I guess would be an average I'm comfortable with.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll be sure to work on something when I decide on a weapon, some elemental idea, and, of course, finish Strikers.

I would like to try working on an RP, as that is where I usually am able to see a character in action. Writing works best with others, in my case.
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:14   Link #1231
~ I Do ~
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Plotwise keep it at Sakura's. But power-level-wise, I recommend below Sakura and Sailormoon, those are really high power levels relative to Nanoha...

Oh and while you're at it, you might want to take a crack at Season 1 Nanoha and Nanoha A's, these would help solidify the picture about the World of Nanoha.
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:15   Link #1232
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lol I'm not going to get into it too deeply, however, our general preferences are that you try to be open minded about everyone's comments.

Although you may mean well in your ideas, there will be some people who may jump off the handlebar and scream at you. If it's just one or two people, wait for them to cool off and then discuss the issue, otherwise it's going to just end up as some sort of pointless argument, that will just cause a long chain of people having hissy fits.

That's all I really wanted to say.
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:21   Link #1233
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I already finished the first two seasons. I am on the third, episode 10. I started, I think it was Friday, so given this rate, I should be done by tomorrow, sometime around 4, although I could be wrong, as my life should be getting active pretty soon.

Cardcaptors is really powerful? I only followed the second season of Sailor Moon at most, and I was too young to remember anything about it, except that I wanted special powers as well, I believe. Of course, some things in CCS are over the top. The Shield and The Sword, for one. But Nanoha is really weaker compared to CCS? I never got that feeling, unless you look at the ways the Clow can be used, I suppose, in devious ways.

Plot-wise? What do you mean by that? As for power, I'll probably try and keep it consistent with the level I see best. I doubt I'm going to go Hayate level, so that isn't a worry.

And thanks for the advice. I'm used to people yelling at me about my ideas though. Especially one person in particular.
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:23   Link #1234
Wild Goose
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PLot wise would refer to the Aces being OOC, or charecters who are greatly powerful due to acts of plot. Ghaz, explain, I'm in a hurry.

For best quick response, go to the #outercadia channel at Set your username to whatever you like, and channel to #outercadia. You'll find a lot of us in the channel at any one time - most of the haxxbusters are on at this time as well, so you can quickly run concepts and ideas by them.
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

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Old 2008-06-15, 22:26   Link #1235
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I think I get it. Avoid having random things happen to your character that result in vast increases of power.
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:29   Link #1236
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Originally Posted by Mirron View Post
I think I get it. Avoid having random things happen to your character that result in vast increases of power.
Yeah pretty much. There is one minor thing.
Villains are allowed to be a bit more powerful than what's considered "powerful" in the OCT, but only on the basis that they'll lose... or something.
Kagerou - Generic Universal Rage Producing System
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:32   Link #1237
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Which is understandable. Villains need to be more powerful than heroes, or at least able to match them, in order for their to be a good basis for combat. Even so, I'll try to avoid having black holes turned humanoid villains.
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:33   Link #1238
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Ooh, new member.
Welcome Mirron. I hope you have a fun time in your stay here.
The other's have already stated the needed points, so the only thing left I'll be adding is that while the policies stated are the groundwork of the activities here, there's also the equally higher policy of thread civility to stay in topic and have everything flow amicably. There is a high chance that there will be instances that we may become overly stringent or lax, but allow it to blow over and we'll be able to sort it out.

Another important point is, HAVE FUN!!!

@FateKha: No need to rub it in. ;_; Like I said, the AdministrativeSchoolwork CareerActivities I am currently in is very stringent with my schedule...T_T

@NanohaKeroko: YAY! I guessed right!

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2008-06-15 at 23:33.
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:35   Link #1239
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Originally Posted by Mirron View Post
Which is understandable. Villains need to be more powerful than heroes, or at least able to match them, in order for their to be a good basis for combat. Even so, I'll try to avoid having black holes turned humanoid villains.
...actually... >.>
Really in my opinion they can be fuck-powerful; my villain OC has the massive power because he is an avatar of the Gravemind and controls the Spawn of Razgriz, and can break open portals to another dimension and-

*is smacked around by Goose*
Kagerou - Generic Universal Rage Producing System
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Old 2008-06-15, 22:36   Link #1240
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Which reminds me, with great power comes great explanations.

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Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2
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