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Old 2009-01-08, 18:38   Link #1261
Optimus Prime
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Together as in standing near each other (and not even that anymore)?


Even when they WERE standing near each other their interaction amounted to dropping commentary on the Kenpachi/Noi fight. There was no "Orihime, I'm so glad you're okay" from Ichigo, no "Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you and I'm going to bring you home". From her there was no "I love you Ichigo!" or anything remotely to that effect. In fact, they said very little to one another apart from exchanging awkward, constipated looks.

You gotta be digging REAL deep to see a definite romantic connection between them from that.
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Old 2009-01-08, 19:25   Link #1262
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Yeah because people form a deep, romantic connection in a span of 28 hours.

Even though they haven't formed a deep connection, Kubo has chose to keep them in the manga together for over a year already. I hardly see her falling out of the spotlight soon.

And if you look back to the SS arc, Orihime was just a mere classmate to him. And now he RAGES when he hears her name? His reiatsu seeks out to her instead of his best friend Rukia? What's up with that? They barely even knew each other back then, so you can say they got closer over the past few years, but not as deep as the IchiRuki bond.
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Old 2009-01-08, 19:43   Link #1263
Optimus Prime
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Originally Posted by Scarlett_Rain55 View Post
Yeah because people form a deep, romantic connection in a span of 28 hours.

Even though they haven't formed a deep connection, Kubo has chose to keep them in the manga together for over a year already. I hardly see her falling out of the spotlight soon.

And if you look back to the SS arc, Orihime was just a mere classmate to him. And now he RAGES when he hears her name? His reiatsu seeks out to her instead of his best friend Rukia? What's up with that? They barely even knew each other back then, so you can say they got closer over the past few years, but not as deep as the IchiRuki bond.
Don't give me any of that sass missy. You're the one who suggested that their romantic pairing was inevitable because Kubo had drawn them together in the manga.

There's a difference between drawing characters together (as in sharing panels/scenes) in a manga and giving them a deep emotional connection or suggesting a romantic bond is developing between them.

Ichigo has spent more manga time with Nel than Orihime in the past year and a half of manga chapters so should I conclude from that that Kubo is trying to tell us they are destined to be together? It's a stretch no matter how you slice it. Orihime remains in the plot as a plot movement device not because Kubo is trying to develop a romantic relationship between her and Ichigo. Remember what kind of manga you're reading - it ain't shoujo.

At the beginning of the SS arc Ichigo barely acknowledged Orihime, now they are friends. That tends to happen when people go through a traumatic situation together - they get closer. Ichigo rages over what has been DONE to Orihime, just as he would any of his friends. Considering their close friendship I firmly believe that were it Chad who was kidnapped Ichigo's reaction would have been equally as intense. He's not raging because "omg ORIHIME is being trash talked/threatened", it's because one of his FRIENDS/NAKAMA period is being treated that way.
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Old 2009-01-08, 19:52   Link #1264
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I would say this plot device comes with fine legs and a well endowed body to go with it!
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Old 2009-01-08, 20:20   Link #1265
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I'm not being sassy! I meant to click the uhoh button! Oopsie daisy, they're like the same thing!Wouldn't want to disrespect Langus kun!! Can I call you Landon? I love that name! It reminds me of my cute doggy.

Landon. Ok, what I'm trying to say is, Ichigo rescuing Orihime is the focus of the story is it not? And it has been these past 2-3 years. Therefore, I see no room for IchiRuki interactions until after this arc is over or until Orihime is rescued/safe.. The manga is heading or is in the direction of some Ichihime scenes. There's bound to be some, whether people choose to see it or not. Not IchiRuki, not right now. Though I guess Rukia uttering "Ichigo" in one panel is considered an Ichiruki moment, while completly ignoring the fact that Ulquiorra singled out Orihime and Ichigo's NAKAMA, ulquiorra sure likes talking about Orihime in front of Ichigo. I never said Ichihime was inevitable because they've spent some time together for a years. I just don't see how the story can just drop her out of the focus and include some deep and meaningful Ichiruki scenes afterwards. It's like how SS was supposedly IchiRuki and Orihime had no chance since she was with Ishida and the story was focused on Ichigo saving Rukia for over a year. Difference? Orihime isn't going to fall out of the spotlight anytime soon, due to Aizen's interest in her, and being a plotkai like you said. She's also the driving force in Ichigo's DEM hax.

Orihime remains in the plot as a plot movement device not because Kubo is trying to develop a romantic relationship between her and Ichigo

I kind of agree that she's a plotkai, but I don't agree that this arc isn't developing their relationship. The beginning of the arc was basically Orihime saying she'd love the boy for five lifetimes. Why would he make her say that and not develop their relationship at all? Yes she's vital to the plot, but so is her relationship with Ichigo and all her friends. They're both growing together, getting powerups together, and realizing how they both affect one another. That may not be love or romantic to some people. But case in point, Kubo IS developing their relationship. Not romantic or romantic. The latter being obvious.

I also dislike the he would react the same way to either of his friends argument. That can be pretty much said for any IchiRuki/Ichihime scene. So I don't get why people say that. Though Ichigo repeating Orihime's words is so not a thing a boyfriend would do. >_<

I would like to hear what you consider a "romantic" moment Landon!!

Last edited by Scarlett_Rain55; 2009-01-08 at 20:38.
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Old 2009-01-08, 21:15   Link #1266
Optimus Prime
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Originally Posted by Scarlett_Rain55 View Post
I'm not being sassy! I meant to click the uhoh button! Oopsie daisy, they're like the same thing!Wouldn't want to disrespect Langus kun!! Can I call you Landon? I love that name! It reminds me of my cute doggy.

I would like to hear what you consider a "romantic" moment Landon!!
Eugh Landon? Like hell. It sounds like a name from some Harlequinn Romance. If you really must you may call me Logan - a shout out to one of the most awesome comic book characters of all time. I'm not bestowing this privilege on anyone else so use it well young grasshopper.

Ichigo rescuing Orihime was at one time the focus of the story but it is no longer the primary focus. I'm not sure if you're a manga reader but the infinite number of chapters Kubo just spent on the happenings in K-town make it pretty clear that he's moved the plot forward and Orihime's involvement is about to take a back seat. (Ulq can make leading statements all he likes but until we see what's really going on with Orihime he's doing nothing but goading Ichigo for the pure enjoyment of it).

I'm not sure why you're bringing Rukia into this convo... I certainly didn't. I've been pointing out that your previous statement:

Sadly, that seems to be the only thing that can prevent Ichihime from happening.
is full of fail. Saying that there is only one thing that can prevent Ichigo and Orihime from hooking up romantically is the same as saying without that one thing them becoming a romantic pairing is inevitable. It's not going to happen.

Contrary to what you may think, Kubo has not been developing the Ichigo/Orihime relationship. There have been no advancements between them, thus no development. What Kubo's been doing is developing individual characters.

At best, he's given more emotional depth to Orihime's character while revealing the sad and pitiful extent of her one-sided love. True character development will come when she accepts that Ichigo doesn't feel the same idealistic love for her that she feels for him and she'll move on (a process I think has already begun, but that's another argument for another time).

Edit: Sorry you asked about a romantic moment and I forgot to answer. I think the most romantic moment I've seen in Bleach to date was when Ichigo rescued Rukia from execution - just that scene where they're staring at each other and he's wearing a grin the size of Texas. That was romantic to me.

A close second is during Ichigo and Renji's fight during SS after Renji has his ass whooped and he spends the whole ep remembering his time with Rukia. When he's sobbing at the end asking Ichigo to please save her, I thought that was pretty romantic too.
(This magnificent sig. is courtesy of the talented Kuroda )

Last edited by Langus; 2009-01-08 at 21:19. Reason: Romantic moments
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Old 2009-01-08, 21:27   Link #1267
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Originally Posted by Kakashi View Post
I would say this plot device comes with fine legs and a well endowed body to go with it!
I love you.

Also, in response to Langus..

That Soukyoku scene tops my list and surprisingly Renji's plea is a very close second.

*is a closet RenRuki shipper*
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Old 2009-01-09, 05:35   Link #1268
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Originally Posted by Langus View Post
Eugh Landon? Like hell. It sounds like a name from some Harlequinn Romance. If you really must you may call me Logan - a shout out to one of the most awesome comic book characters of all time. I'm not bestowing this privilege on anyone else so use it well young grasshopper.
Lantern is a cool alternative. I do love the Green Lantern.

Originally Posted by Warchef View Post
I love you.

Also, in response to Langus..

That Soukyoku scene tops my list and surprisingly Renji's plea is a very close second.

*is a closet RenRuki shipper*
I love you too Chef of War. Don't think I haven't noticed you tend to say that whenever I make lewd comments.
Come to think of it I completed God of War on GOD MODE once. That was intense, and my greatest gaming achievement. Anyway my favourite romantic moment was Hime's confession. I don't care if it was one-sided, it was still oh-so-sweetly animated and well executed.

Originally post by Anonymous
From an anime character....
Holy shit? Can you at least keep coherent when you neg rep me for no apparent reason? I don't even understand what the fuck you're saying.
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Old 2009-01-09, 08:01   Link #1269
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Kubo already said that Ichigo's and Rukia's relationship isn't romantic, that they don't view eachother that way. So that pairing has been debunked. Of course this will be denied to every shippers dying breath, am I right?

Anyway, we don't know how Ichigo feels about Inoue. Nothing has been proven or disproven up to this point. But, I have a feeling we'll find out soon. All we know is that he's excessively overprotective of her for some reason.
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Old 2009-01-09, 09:31   Link #1270
Ishida Zealot
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My favorite Bleach pairings are Ishida and Orihime, Renji and Ishida, Ulquiorra and Orihime, and Ichigo and Ishida.

These are the pairings I tend to want to read about and celebrate in fanfic and fanon; I would love for any of them to become canon but I don't have much argument for any of them doing so (except for Ishida and Orihime and that argument is based largely on their compatibility and my devoted faith and "spidey sense" that they will get together").

As to which pairings I think will become canon in the manga, my money is on one alone: Ichigo and Rukia. My vow: if I am wrong, I will eat my green-striped hat and adopt and IchiOri shipper and take her/him out for ice-cream.

Originally Posted by HayashiTakara View Post
Kubo already said that Ichigo's and Rukia's relationship isn't romantic, that they don't view eachother that way. So that pairing has been debunked. Of course this will be denied to every shippers dying breath, am I right?

IchiRuki has not been debunked. Kubo said that Ichigo and Rukia's relationship was not romantic but Japanese speakers have told me that they view this as "not dating, not sleeping together, not kissing" and that the accompanying remark about IchiRuki not having received romantic development means just that too--there was no "Rukia, do you love me? Will you go out with me?" sorts of plot events.

I find it hilarious that in the onslaught of the IchiRuki attention from Kubo calling Rukia "Ichigo's Ray of Light" in interview to Sony's advertising the IchiRuki Bleach Beat duet as a "love song" that Ichigo and Orihime shippers are clinging to these misinterpretations of Kubo's words and calling all of Japan and the rest of the world blind for not having heard the TRUTH.

It's interesting that Kubo supposedly debunked the whole possibilty of IchiRuki in the Fade To Black movie pamphlet (which contained the interview) and there was no shock, horror, or outcry in his native Japan--or even any discussion about the controversy of his words. Only in America, on a particularly militant shipper's forum does a translation and interpretation of "KUBO SAID ICHIGO AND RUKIA AREN'T ROMANTIC" appear and said shippers jump to the absurd conclusion that Ichigo and Rukia will never be more than platonic friends.

Even if one were to interpret Kubo's words at their most extreme--Ichigo and Rukia do not have the hots for one another now--there is nothing to say that their relationship, given the fact that they are the most important nakama to one another and so much has been made of their BOND, that they will not eventually become lovers.

They ARE platonic at this point. Kubo never said anything about their lustful feelings--in fact, he said that they were "not friends" which implies that they're in that area of "more than friends, less than lovers" that most readers of the manga have been noting all along.

It's the IchiOri shippers who are denying with dying breaths. They can still imagine a world in which Ichigo introduces Orihime, "hey, this is my girlfriend" and Rukia "and this is my Ray of Light, the woman who Changed My World and who I exceedingly need" (that "exceedingly need" is a quote from the current FTB novel released in conjunction with the movie).

Dream on. That what fanfic and fanon are for. I'm all happy here with my not-likely -to-be-canon-pairings no matter what Kubo does. In my imagination, Renji and Ishida have some damn good yaoi times. But I know how to read Kubo's story and it's a story that favors only one pairing at the moment: IchiRuki. Orihime's declared love for Ichigo is a standard trope; she's the maiden of unrequitedness; Ichigo's enormous PLATONIC feelings (which Orihime seemed disturbed by and jealous is chapter 213 "Trifle") for another girl make his falling suddenly in love with Orihime very unlikely.
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Old 2009-01-09, 10:59   Link #1271
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I kind of agree that she's a plotkai, but I don't agree that this arc isn't developing their relationship. The beginning of the arc was basically Orihime saying she'd love the boy for five lifetimes. Why would he make her say that and not develop their relationship at all? Yes she's vital to the plot, but so is her relationship with Ichigo and all her friends. They're both growing together, getting powerups together, and realizing how they both affect one another. That may not be love or romantic to some people. But case in point, Kubo IS developing their relationship. Not romantic or romantic. The latter being obvious.
It is developing their relationship but not the way you want to.
Look, just because she declared her love doesn't mean he'll love her back eventually. Let's not forget that just because her confession was beautiful, it was childish and girlish. She was babbling about food and jobs.
There is and will always be the fact that she has nothing to base that sooo strong love on.(before her confession). Love is usually based on experiences shared together and meaningful conversations. Whether it's one-sided or not, it's based on understand and trust. IchiOri didn't have that the chapter she confessed. Then what is it based on? Admiration, Ichigo's kindness, his scowl? Is that enough to love a person for five times?
It was meant to be immature, girlish AND beautiful confession. Why give her those feelings if he's not gonna do anything with them? How can you assume Kubo can do nothing with them other then make them shared? These feelings can make her tougher and more mature. They are part of her character developement. Making her feelings required isn't the only thing he can do with them.
IchiOri is not obvious. If it was, it wouldn't be shipped my such a minority in Japan. Popularity comes from manga. Kubo made ByaHisa and KaiRuki popular for a chapter or two. Yet still, after 100 chapters of Ichigo and Orihime standing together, 10% of Japanese shippers actually think of them as possible. Please enlighten me why is that. Because they are blind or because they are those who know what Kubo has really said in interviews and don't cling onto some misinterpreted translations?

Anyway, we don't know how Ichigo feels about Inoue. Nothing has been proven or disproven up to this point. But, I have a feeling we'll find out soon. All we know is that he's excessively overprotective of her for some reason.
He's very protective of Rukia as well. I don't need mushy tearful confessions of "I'll love you another 10593479843748 lives" to see what Kubo wants us to.
Yes, this is not a reason why IchiOri should n't be...but it's not a reason why it should be either.

Even though they haven't formed a deep connection, Kubo has chose to keep them in the manga together for over a year already. I hardly see her falling out of the spotlight soon.
Rukia and Ichigo were both the spotlight in Karakura/Soul Society arcs but it pretty much changed. Then what prevents Orihime from falling out of the spotlight?
She isn't more special than Rukia or Ishida or Chad or ANYONE from the main gang. Not more special to be in the spotlight forever. I mind her being on the spotlight because she does nothing and only her fans are pleased with seeing her angsty expressions and her pacifism that oddly why, is sooo special, dynamic and interesting.
What if Kubo keeps them together? Rukia slept in Ichigo's closet for three months and they were together for like 90% of the time. So what? If they did nothing, standing next to each other is fail.
Claimed by BleachOD
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Old 2009-01-09, 11:10   Link #1272
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Originally Posted by debbiechan View Post
As to which pairings I think will become canon in the manga, my money is on one alone: Ichigo and Rukia. My vow: if I am wrong, I will eat my green-striped hat and adopt and IchiOri shipper and take her/him out for ice-cream.
You should really gamble with something to gain. Right now, you're either going to lose and eat a hat, or win and hold on to your pride. You'll also be what we call a 'winner'. Winners can't talk shit about losers because they've already gone through enough turmoil, whereas the losers can go bananas. Unless you plan to ignore these important rules, which would be analagous to laughing at poor people when you're rich, or dissing midgets if you're tall. I would ignore these rules of course, but you seem like a decent person, so it's a lose-lose situation.

Ichigo introduces Orihime, "hey, this is my girlfriend" and Rukia "and this is my Ray of Light, the woman who Changed My World and who I exceedingly need" (that "exceedingly need" is a quote from the current FTB novel released in conjunction with the movie).
I mean who came up with that? Exceedingly need. Those two words just don't go together unless you're short on rations.
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Old 2009-01-09, 11:13   Link #1273
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I mean who came up with that? Exceedingly need. Those two words just don't go together unless you're short on rations.
I'm assuming Kubo did, since he has some involvement with the movie novels.
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Old 2009-01-09, 23:25   Link #1274
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Don't worry HT kun I'll protect you!!

Are those japanese people reliable? Did they like record the interview?

The "without receiving romantic development" line. Doesn't that mean that all their previous interactions together which were supposedly romantic were "without romantic development? The 3rd line which everyone overlooks says "that describes their relationship very well." And you're right, since there has been no scenes like that in the past, not even any hints like blushing. Why would Kubo start now? The bleachverse is in the middle of a war. While Ichigo and Orihime are going through it together. Where does Rukia fit? Maybe after this arc is over, but that's going to be a long long time. So enjoy your movie in the meantime and rukia saying Ichigo for the next couple of chapters.

And don't use that IchiRuki=everyone in the world sees it argument. Fact is, if there's 2 main characters and they're opposite sex, there's bond to be a large fanbase. Happens in every other entertainment media. People choose to see the romance because they want to, when reality it isn't there.

Is Kubo working for SONY? Did he make them advertise it as a love duet? Did he write the song? No. You seem to forget the animators put in that hand holding thing in the anime. Does that make it canon? No. So that love duet advertised by sony means nothing just like the handholding scene debbie!

Are you living in Japan? Do you go to 2CH? 2ch=all of japan. There's no shock or outcry because Kubo is giving you guys an movie dedicated to your beloved couple with /spreads/posters/corny interview quotes, etc. You guys are in a euphoric state that something like that would be DCed to hell since you've already got a bunch of goodies.

Hmmm true, they can become lovers in the future but just where in the story is room for them to become lovers? 1. It would complicate alot of things such as broken hearts and "moving on" scenes, which would be a drag 2. Ichigo and Orihime are the focus of the plot right now, it's up to the heroes job to make sure she's safe again. Since he VOWED only to Orihime to protect her without fail. I hardly see her dropping out of the spotlight so Rukia can have oogly eyes and meaningful scenes with Ichigo when they haven't spoken in a while (apparently her saying Ichigo in one chapter and save the reunion will lead to more ichiruki scenes right now ). And then she'll become jealous and turn evil and have satan babies with Aizen. Not gonna happen! 3. Why would Ichigo abandon his family/home for a girl? I'm guessing he's a chicks over dicks type of guy? Is Rukia that too?

Eww what are they then? A love that transcends time? Fated lovers destined to be together forever? LAME. I think the best title is "family".

So you need to change someone's world to become a lover? Ok I saved a kitty from a burning house, now Im his litter mate!! Maybe Orihime can change Ichigo's world too. By giving him the love/care his mother once gave him. That is SOMETHING important too.

Read the pilot sista. Ichigo declares his love for her. How you're going to get to argue against this is beyond me. But you are pretty good, and I feel scared im going against a tough ichiruki person!

And I hate quoting so find out what I responded ok? =)
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Old 2009-01-09, 23:48   Link #1275
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Originally Posted by Scarlett_Rain55 View Post
So you need to change someone's world to become a lover? Ok I saved a kitty from a burning house, now Im his litter mate!!
naaah, what you need is interaction. and if they get lucky, maybe there will be some dialogue. then babies.

Originally Posted by Scarlett_Rain55 View Post
Maybe Orihime can change Ichigo's world too. By giving him the love/care his mother once gave him. That is SOMETHING important too.
mmm, stepmoms - i can dig that doujin.

renji and rukia - gin and ran
there's just something about alliterations and matching syllables that just gets to me.
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Old 2009-01-09, 23:53   Link #1276
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Are those japanese people reliable? Did they like record the interview?

The "without receiving romantic development" line. Doesn't that mean that all their previous interactions together which were supposedly romantic were "without romantic development? The 3rd line which everyone overlooks says "that describes their relationship very well." And you're right, since there has been no scenes like that in the past, not even any hints like blushing. Why would Kubo start now? The bleachverse is in the middle of a war. While Ichigo and Orihime are going through it together. Where does Rukia fit? Maybe after this arc is over, but that's going to be a long long time. So enjoy your movie in the meantime and rukia saying Ichigo for the next couple of chapters.
Exactly. He never said anything about romantic development at all in the interview. He NEVER said that Ichigo and Rukia weren't given romantic scenes or that they would never get them, nor did he say that they weren't going to become a couple. He said their current relationship is not one of romantic nature. I honestly don't get all of the wanking going on with the interview.

Also, if you hadn't noticed, Orihime isn't the sole focus of the manga anymore. Kubo has spent the last 30 or so chapters focusing on KKT and the captains vs espada/fraccion battles. At best it's a draw between both pairings.

And don't use that IchiRuki=everyone in the world sees it argument. Fact is, if there's 2 main characters and they're opposite sex, there's bond to be a large fanbase. Happens in every other entertainment media. People choose to see the romance because they want to, when reality it isn't there.
Then why isn't there a large IchiOri fanbase? Inoue IS a main character you know, and she is of the opposite sex of Ichigo. Why isn't there a large fanbase for them? That's faulty logic/reasoning right there. It's also a fallacy to assume that the romance isn't there. Kubo never said there wasn't any romantic development/moments between Ichigo and Rukia. There was not one thing said about it. People see the possibility of romance in the future because, unlike Ichigo and Inoue's relationship, Kubo has done an amazing job building it from total strangers to something that is beyond mere friendship/familial bonds but less than lovers. Romance is just a hop, skip, and a jump from where they are now.

Is Kubo working for SONY? Did he make them advertise it as a love duet? Did he write the song? No. You seem to forget the animators put in that hand holding thing in the anime. Does that make it canon? No. So that love duet advertised by sony means nothing just like the handholding scene debbie!
The point isn't that Kubo is or isn't working for Sony, but that the fact that IchiOri fans are crowing about the death of IchiRuki with the interview when CLEARLY JAPAN AND THE REST OF THE ASIAN BLEACH FANBASE DIDN'T GET THE SAME NEGATIVE VIBES FROM THE INTERVIEW THAT ICHIORI FANS DID. I think Debbie used the duet as a perfect piece of evidence.

Are you living in Japan? Do you go to 2CH? 2ch=all of japan. There's no shock or outcry because Kubo is giving you guys an movie dedicated to your beloved couple with /spreads/posters/corny interview quotes, etc. You guys are in a euphoric state that something like that would be DCed to hell since you've already got a bunch of goodies.
This is ironic. Do YOU live in Japan? The translations/pics/etc are from people who went to the movie. There are interviews with the cast etc. about the movie and what they thought about it as well as interviews with fans about the movie. Japan obviously doesn't think the same thing about the IchiRuki relationship as the IchiOri fanbase does.

Hmmm true, they can become lovers in the future but just where in the story is room for them to become lovers? 1. It would complicate alot of things such as broken hearts and "moving on" scenes, which would be a drag 2. Ichigo and Orihime are the focus of the plot right now, it's up to the heroes job to make sure she's safe again. Since he VOWED only to Orihime to protect her without fail. I hardly see her dropping out of the spotlight so Rukia can have oogly eyes and meaningful scenes with Ichigo when they haven't spoken in a while (apparently her saying Ichigo in one chapter and save the reunion will lead to more ichiruki scenes right now ). And then she'll become jealous and turn evil and have satan babies with Aizen. Not gonna happen! 3. Why would Ichigo abandon his family/home for a girl? I'm guessing he's a chicks over dicks type of guy? Is Rukia that too?
The room is after the War is over .

1- I don't know, but you seem to have a skewered idea about love/romance. Love in reality isn't about fairytales and happy endings for everyone. People are going to get dumped by the wayside in this situation. It's inevitable. The thing is, Inoue is an understanding person. She's not going to kill herself if Ichigo isn't return her affections. Neither is Renji.

2- Wut? The focus of the plot is Aizen and the Soul Society. The Ichigo/Ulquiorra fight hasn't even gotten more than one chapter in. The Winter War has started, and the fate of the Earth and Soul Society is at stake. There isn't any relationship in focus at the moment. Will there be? We don't know, and I'm not psychic

3- What makes you think Ichigo isn't going to go to Soul Society after the War is over? It may seem weird to you, but the fact is that he identifies himself as a shinigami already. He takes pride in being a shinigami and being able to protect those he cares about. There's also nothing stopping Rukia from staying with Ichigo. I don't think anyone would stand in the way of either's happiness if it comes to that.

Eww what are they then? A love that transcends time? Fated lovers destined to be together forever? LAME. I think the best title is "family".
Lol, I'm pretty sure that Kubo has already pushed their bond beyond familial bonds and simple friendship. Ichigo doesn't treat Rukia like he treats Yuzu/Karin. Where are you getting this quite frankly idiotic assumption from?

So you need to change someone's world to become a lover? Ok I saved a kitty from a burning house, now Im his litter mate!! Maybe Orihime can change Ichigo's world too. By giving him the love/care his mother once gave him. That is SOMETHING important too.
The fact is, as Langus said earlier, Kubo didn't advance Ichigo and Inoue's relationship. He advanced individual characters. Inoue is finally getting some long awaited character development and she's learning her worth to her friends and that she isn't weak and worthless.

Read the pilot sista. Ichigo declares his love for her. How you're going to get to argue against this is beyond me. But you are pretty good, and I feel scared im going against a tough ichiruki person!

And I hate quoting so find out what I responded ok? =)
Christ, why do people keep bringing this up

The pilot was rejected as in it wasn't used and it isn't used. It's funny how IchiOri crow about IchiRuki fans holding on to the SS arc when they are using something from the archaic ages of Bleach. Hypocrisy 101.
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Old 2009-01-10, 00:17   Link #1277
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I would like to echo what Warchef said especially about many of the arguments involved. The one that Ichigo and rukia being family is a very poor one. If kubo wanted to make it that simple he would have. he would have said that they are like family. He could have clearly defined it but hasn't. That in and of itself says its more complicated. And again, we have example for sibling relationships and they don't match up. Rukia's behavior is especially suspect as she act just like inoue does in regards to ichigo. (Ichigo just reacts more to her). Yet, people make the argument that INoue is in love and Rukia is not. doesn't make any sense to me.

Hmmm true, they can become lovers in the future but just where in the story is room for them to become lovers? 1. It would complicate alot of things such as broken hearts and "moving on" scenes, which would be a drag 2. Ichigo and Orihime are the focus of the plot right now, it's up to the heroes job to make sure she's safe again. Since he VOWED only to Orihime to protect her without fail. I hardly see her dropping out of the spotlight so Rukia can have oogly eyes and meaningful scenes with Ichigo when they haven't spoken in a while (apparently her saying Ichigo in one chapter and save the reunion will lead to more ichiruki scenes right now ). And then she'll become jealous and turn evil and have satan babies with Aizen. Not gonna happen! 3. Why would Ichigo abandon his family/home for a girl? I'm guessing he's a chicks over dicks type of guy? Is Rukia that too?
I'm going to analyze this if you don't mind.

There is plenty of room in the story for them to be lovers. Its Kubo's story and its popular enough that he can pretty much do whatever he wants.

1. Just because something is a drag in your opinion doesn't mean that it won't be used in the story. I also don't think that Inoue and Renji would drag the process out. Both have already shown signs of understanding.

2. Number two is filled with a lot of faulty arguments. So bear with me. Ichigo and rukia have not spoken for maybe a day. Our understanding of time and the the timeline of the story are very different. A day, that's probably about how much time has passed. We haven't seen anyone sleeping or eating, so i think that is safe to assume. ichigo and Rukia have already had meaningful scenes in the one short reunion they had.

The "ichigo and inoue are the focus of the plot" does not help your argument. They have been together for what 40 chapters and nothing has happen. Nothing. Their relationship hasn't really progressed. ichigo treats her the exact same way he did before. That really hurts your argument for some ichigo/inoue climax as there is nothing being built up.

I also don't think that Inoue is going to go to Aizen. Anyone who thinks that Inoue and Aizen are going to hook up is very silly in my opinion, but to each his own. Still, inoue liking Ichigo does not mean Ichigo will like her back. There has been zero evidence that they are going in that direction.

3. Ichigo has already expected/ hoped for Rukia to come with him once. The end of SS he fully expected her to come with him. Furthermore, I think you are blowing this one out of proportion. Really, Ichigo and Rukia could easily go to SS just about anytime they wanted. Heck they could still be apart of the protection squads. Just have their base in the human world. Its really not that tough.

I don't feel like messing with the rest of your arguments as the interviews aren't going to give you future massive plot developments. Whether ichigo and Rukia are romantic or are going to be romantic Kubo is not going to tell us that.
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Old 2009-01-10, 01:26   Link #1278
Ishida Zealot
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Originally Posted by Scarlett_Rain55 View Post
Read the pilot sista. Ichigo declares his love for her. How you're going to get to argue against this is beyond me. But you are pretty good, and I feel scared im going against a tough ichiruki person!
Oh don't worry, I'm not going to argue with you except to say...

I think you're a little confused about the pilot. Ichigo did declare his love for a girl but it was Rukia. He said "I love you Miss Rukia" in the pilot in a joking pleading way. He didn't say that about Orihime.
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Old 2009-01-10, 02:59   Link #1279
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@Sinta, FALSE on the thing about Ichigo and Rukia going back and forth anytime they want. Rukia is a soldier, she goes wherever she is directed. And going to the human world without proper authorization is illegal. And Ichigo also need permission as well as a escort with a hells butterfly to go to S.S. Unless you think Yamamoto is nice enough to give them all hells butterflies and free reign access to dimensional gateways.

Well, doesn't matter in the end. Kubo himself said their relationship isn't romantic. That's enough for me to smirk all the way to the bank.
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Old 2009-01-10, 03:37   Link #1280
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Originally Posted by Warchef View Post
Then why isn't there a large IchiOri fanbase? Inoue IS a main character you know, and she is of the opposite sex of Ichigo.
because it's a BORING pair


lol how many times have we seen rukia broke SS rules?
ichigo went to SS at least 2 times without the hell butterfly...

anyways, i want ichiruki relationship to stay platonic as long as ichihime fans want

then rukia will die at the end of bleach
she'll be reincarnated and she'll met kaien's reincarnated self
then they'll live happily ever after
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