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Old 2023-08-11, 16:10   Link #121
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Yeah, I'm dropping this one.

I'm just not feeling it, every episode feels like it's the writer going "look how awesome my obvious favorite character Nanao is, she yet again did something amazing that she isn't aware of that made Oliver be amazed at her yet again" and that would be fine and all if, you know, she didn't feel like an obvious O.C. do not steal, or if Oliver was interesting instead boringly generic.

Then there's the setting that just makes you question why set this in a school at all. The teachers don't exist outside of the few short scenes where they are doing exposition or being quirky (because lol weird teachers), at least have them interact with the students in the daily life outside of the classroom, maybe show them scolding students in the background or talking with each other or just have the characters see them in the hallways and greet them, literally anything.

The maze isn't properly explained and is just there so the "bad guys" can conveniently get away with shit just 'cause, the non-existent teacher's apparently don't monitor the clearly dangerous pocket dimension they decided to build their school on top of and the villains are infesting the whole school and are allowed to walk around as students (even though everyone knows how dangerous they are) free to terrorize and kill students just 'cause... at least have the decency of establishing proper rules for any of this.

The fights look good... but feel stale, none of the ones shown so far have felt that interesting, at least in my opinion.

But my biggest problem is definitely the main group of characters, how is it that I still don't care about a single one of them? There isn't even one character for me to get attached to that will let me ignore a lot of my complaints, heck, I barely remember any of their names (I only remember Oliver and Nanao's name just because I was just watching the episode). They just feel empty and stereotypical, they don't feel like people, the complaints in the first episodes about how the story clearly rushed to make them friends is pretty valid because it WAS rushed. It would have been better if we had met and been introduced to them little by little throughout the season so we could have had time to come to understand them and why they become a group of friends.

For example, one of my personal favorite anime/manga is Kateikyo Hitman Reborn! where you have a whole cast of characters who little by little throughout the first cour of the first season become close friends. Some closer than others (Gokudera and Yamamoto being the Sanji and Zoro of the group and are become close to Tsuna), while others like to keep their distance for one reason or another (Hibari and Dokuro/Mukuro), yet at the end of the day when they team up and/or protect one another, no matter how much they may dislike the other person (Gokudera despising Lambo for being an annoying little shit, yet still protecting him and being concerned for him), you can believe they would stand there and help, you believe that they are part of the group and I don't feel that from this show. We are meant to believe they would just because we are supposed to, not because we experienced the reasons why they would be such a close a group of friends.

The premise itself isn't bad (I like the Harry Potter books and movies so I inherently don't hate the magical school setting), the idea of a Hogwarts that is spartan in their way of teaching is interesting, but I'm just not it feeling with this show, I at least respect the fact that it:

1. Isn't Isekai (as far as I know) and is a proper kind of unique fantasy world.

2. Doesn't have videogame mechanics (as far as i know) that make every easy and super convenient.

3. Oliver isn't a Kirito Stu or Jesus Onii-sama Yamato (as far as we know), sadly Nanao is starting to lean a bit too much to the problematic O.C. side of things in this regard, at least in my opinion.

I don't hate this show, it is just that the state of movies and tv shows lately have been making me more conscious and aware about this kind of stuff and has spilled over into my criticism when it comes to anime (I have definitely become more critical of my favorite ongoing series). It's even more difficult to not notice after you have experienced things like One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, Tri-gun (the new show) among others, so I'm not hating for the sake of hating, I just want to see them do better.

Tl:dr: I have a problem with the writing, don't care about the characters and feel bored watching this show.

I hope the rest of you keep enjoying it.
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Old 2023-08-11, 16:49   Link #122
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After getting Nanao's backstory previously, we finally get to see what drives Oliver.

The trauma from his mother's death and torture must have shaped who Oliver is. That must be part of why he was so moved by Katie's kindness and was so insistent on protecting that kindness. Everyone should take a look at the ending song lyrics. It makes so much sense now that I've watched this episode.

The twist on the 2nd half aside, the 2 spellblades introduced this episode was portrayed really beautifully. The stylistic visual and sound effects are really used to bring out the epicness if the sure-kill moves.

It's also great to see Oliver fighting creatively and Nanao just nonchalantly creating new techniques on the spot without even realizing it. Those two make a great duo.
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Old 2023-08-11, 16:58   Link #123
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Well, that surely took a turn. I expected Oliver to have a spellblade. I didn't expect him to be Lelouch. I think the other characters outside of him, Nanao and Katie will get their turns to have proper stories soon-ish, but this really pulled a sudden switch on what this show is going to be about.

Down goes Snape!
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Old 2023-08-11, 17:01   Link #124
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Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post
Yeah, I'm dropping this one.

I'm just not feeling it, every episode feels like it's the writer going "look how awesome my obvious favorite character Nanao is, she yet again did something amazing that she isn't aware of that made Oliver be amazed at her yet again" and that would be fine and all if, you know, she didn't feel like an obvious O.C. do not steal, or if Oliver was interesting instead boringly generic.

Then there's the setting that just makes you question why set this in a school at all. The teachers don't exist outside of the few short scenes where they are doing exposition or being quirky (because lol weird teachers), at least have them interact with the students in the daily life outside of the classroom, maybe show them scolding students in the background or talking with each other or just have the characters see them in the hallways and greet them, literally anything.

The maze isn't properly explained and is just there so the "bad guys" can conveniently get away with shit just 'cause, the non-existent teacher's apparently don't monitor the clearly dangerous pocket dimension they decided to build their school on top of and the villains are infesting the whole school and are allowed to walk around as students (even though everyone knows how dangerous they are) free to terrorize and kill students just 'cause... at least have the decency of establishing proper rules for any of this.

The fights look good... but feel stale, none of the ones shown so far have felt that interesting, at least in my opinion.

But my biggest problem is definitely the main group of characters, how is it that I still don't care about a single one of them? There isn't even one character for me to get attached to that will let me ignore a lot of my complaints, heck, I barely remember any of their names (I only remember Oliver and Nanao's name just because I was just watching the episode). They just feel empty and stereotypical, they don't feel like people, the complaints in the first episodes about how the story clearly rushed to make them friends is pretty valid because it WAS rushed. It would have been better if we had met and been introduced to them little by little throughout the season so we could have had time to come to understand them and why they become a group of friends.

For example, one of my personal favorite anime/manga is Kateikyo Hitman Reborn! where you have a whole cast of characters who little by little throughout the first cour of the first season become close friends. Some closer than others (Gokudera and Yamamoto being the Sanji and Zoro of the group and are become close to Tsuna), while others like to keep their distance for one reason or another (Hibari and Dokuro/Mukuro), yet at the end of the day when they team up and/or protect one another, no matter how much they may dislike the other person (Gokudera despising Lambo for being an annoying little shit, yet still protecting him and being concerned for him), you can believe they would stand there and help, you believe that they are part of the group and I don't feel that from this show. We are meant to believe they would just because we are supposed to, not because we experienced the reasons why they would be such a close a group of friends.

The premise itself isn't bad (I like the Harry Potter books and movies so I inherently don't hate the magical school setting), the idea of a Hogwarts that is spartan in their way of teaching is interesting, but I'm just not it feeling with this show, I at least respect the fact that it:

1. Isn't Isekai (as far as I know) and is a proper kind of unique fantasy world.

2. Doesn't have videogame mechanics (as far as i know) that make every easy and super convenient.

3. Oliver isn't a Kirito Stu or Jesus Onii-sama Yamato (as far as we know), sadly Nanao is starting to lean a bit too much to the problematic O.C. side of things in this regard, at least in my opinion.

I don't hate this show, it is just that the state of movies and tv shows lately have been making me more conscious and aware about this kind of stuff and has spilled over into my criticism when it comes to anime (I have definitely become more critical of my favorite ongoing series). It's even more difficult to not notice after you have experienced things like One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, Tri-gun (the new show) among others, so I'm not hating for the sake of hating, I just want to see them do better.

Tl:dr: I have a problem with the writing, don't care about the characters and feel bored watching this show.

I hope the rest of you keep enjoying it.
I think we've seen enough of the teachers. We've seen them in class a few times, seen them interact with their teachers outside the class setting (the instance with the troll for one), but the teachers aren't main characters (outside being antagonists in Oliver's story).

I like Nanao and Katie so I don't really mind. I feel like Chela has layers too. I feel like as the show goes on we'll develop more of the cast. Obviously Oliver wasn't quite what he presented himself as. This feels very prologue-ish (which I think is because it was the first volume).

I think the lack of rules is kind of the point.
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Old 2023-08-11, 19:28   Link #125
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“That was when Darius witnessed Oliver Horn’s madness for himself”

If there is one episode any LN reader has been looking forward to ever since the adaptation was announced, it would have been this one given how key narrative foundation it is. I appreciate JC staff really going out stops with production and presentation here.

Personally, speaking before the epilogue, I had found vol 1 to be fun romp overall with solid world-building and decent characters (who aren’t all just girls for once) but if there one significant weakness it was a lack of overarching plot to pull everything into and span several novels as it does. There were hints of something building on the peripheral around vol 1’s conflict based on the prologue but wasn’t until the other shoe dropped and my concerns were addressed. Hints that Oliver more than what he seems was always, but I didn’t expect him to do what he did or how far the intrigue and narrative story ambitions were intending to go beyond just being a simply magic academy story.

But before getting to that, I want to talk about the other highlights of episode 6. First the fight with Vera was fantastic. Tons of cool and slick storyboarding going around. Contrast to the Garuda in the arena, which was a general high-octane battle, 2vs1 mage duel here leaned more on tactics wits and sleight of hand which made equal exciting. Moreover, this showed better coordination between Oliver and Nanao than Colosseum one did through showing how well their vastly different fighting styles fill in grasp between their attacks and complimented each other. Millgan herself of course was no slouch in combat despite her more scientific inclinations and displayed what difference in experience between someone who has been Kimberly for 4 years vs ones who have barely stepped into it. Her deployment of nonverbal magic and tactical positioning that before her real trump card is showcase of high degree competent who survived Kimberly’s grinder. It’s clear had Oliver or Nanao challenging her on their own (based on what we knew of Oliver before his throwdown with Darius) this fight would have been over already since they only won by skin of their teeth. J.C. Staff really cooked here.

I’m glad they got in most of Katie’s speech in too including her kiss both Oliver and Nanao. lol. But this was an important starting point for Katie’s growth, especially because out of all primary character she consistently experienced some of worst of Kimberly which included outright betrayal for someone she thought shared the same vision. At the heart of it, Kati’s dialogue is just frustration at of her views and values being mercilessly trampled on many aspects of the environment and shame having to depend on friends support so much without being able give back. However, she recognizes the school is a reflection of problems that exist outside of it. Katie’s speech symbolized her gratitude for having these support networks that were crucial in preventing her from being crushed by the despair of it all and allowing her to make a vow of revenge against the irrationalities of Kimberly & mage society as whole. By changing herself in hopes of ultimately changing them while still remaining true her core values. She may not have the fighting skills of Oliver, Nanao and Michela but she made just as sterner stuff as they are, Katie only needed the time to realize it before the academy broke her spirit.

Then there is Oliver who is a lot. Up until now he’s worn the visage of a well-meaning ace student, only briefly pulling back once in a while but only when the confrontation between him and Darius happens in the Labyrinth depths does he fully strip himself of that persona, to reveal a ruthless, cold and brutal youth, fill with such a deep rage he’s barely stable. Moreover, Oliver shows willingness do anything to destroy the people who wronged him in total, heelless of morality or tabooness of the methods. You thought Nanao was pretty damaged herself but she almost nothing compared to Oliver. It seems only those closest to him, like his cousins know this tortured side of him and keeping stable. The surprises with Oliver don’t end there though, because not only is he not going at his alone Oliver looks to big shot with command small army of upperclassmen. Needless to say but this moment does a lot recontextualize not just Oliver himself who certainly did not come here to learn, but establish the true narrative goals of series.

Also hope the episode gives you a better idea of what spellblades are. Essentially high-concept melee techniques which of perfect fusion of sword arts and magic whose very nature make them impossible to defend against by any conventional way. Imagine several views picked up on Oliver possibly having a spellblade, but most people assumed he had the seventh spellblade where the actually it is Nanao who does…. by unknowingly inventing the technique through sheer instinct. It hammers home what’s been hinted already, she’s basically a child combat prodigy, with a raw potential that surpasses Oliver.

On the smaller note its a shame they cut Darius fight against the monsters or Gwyn mentioning Teresa being born in the labyrinth, but I do like how they used her summon Godfrey & Carlos to to Vera's workshop.

All in all, I’m really damn excited how J.C Staff will adapt rest season as things get wilder with both new discoveries regarding the core 6 and Kimberly’s labyrinth.

Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
I think we've seen enough of the teachers. We've seen them in class a few times, seen them interact with their teachers outside the class setting (the instance with the troll for one), but the teachers aren't main characters (outside being antagonists in Oliver's story).

I like Nanao and Katie so I don't really mind. I feel like Chela has layers too. I feel like as the show goes on we'll develop more of the cast. Obviously Oliver wasn't quite what he presented himself as. This feels very prologue-ish (which I think is because it was the first volume).

I think the lack of rules is kind of the point.
Yep, all the character got layers, even the teachers who Oliver's primary antagonists have their own reason for doing what they did. Expecting the show expose all that in 6 episode of 12 volume novel series is absurd though.
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Old 2023-08-11, 22:12   Link #126
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Haven't read the novels yet. But I'll be super pissed if the author kills off Nanao and 'promotes' another heroine and make her the 'true heroine'. Again.
I hope it's not going to be something like Nanao dies to make Oliver realize the 'pointlessness' of revenge or something.
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Old 2023-08-11, 23:01   Link #127
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Originally Posted by Applehell View Post
[I]Personally, speaking before the epilogue, I had found vol 1 to be fun romp overall with solid world-building and decent characters (who aren’t all just girls for once) but if there one significant weakness it was a lack of overarching plot to pull everything into and span several novels as it does. There were hints of something building on the peripheral around vol 1’s conflict based on the prologue but wasn’t until the other shoe dropped and my concerns were addressed. Hints that Oliver more than what he seems was always, but I didn’t expect him to do what he did or how far the intrigue and narrative story ambitions were intending to go beyond just being a simply magic academy story.
I do hope the next few episodes do more with Guy and Pete. I feel like Nanao, Katie, and even Chela to a certain extent took up the brunt of the focus so far (at least when it comes to non-Oliver characters).

This really does put a lot of Oliver's behavior in the past episodes in a new light.
But before getting to that, I want to talk about the other highlights of episode 6. First the fight with Vera was fantastic. Tons of cool and slick storyboarding going around. Contrast to the Garuda in the arena, which was a general high-octane battle, 2vs1 mage duel here leaned more on tactics wits and sleight of hand which made equal exciting. Moreover, this showed better coordination between Oliver and Nanao than Colosseum one did through showing how well their vastly different fighting styles fill in grasp between their attacks and complimented each other. Millgan herself of course was no slouch in combat despite her more scientific inclinations and displayed what difference in experience between someone who has been Kimberly for 4 years vs ones who have barely stepped into it. Her deployment of nonverbal magic and tactical positioning that before her real trump card is showcase of high degree competent who survived Kimberly’s grinder. It’s clear had Oliver or Nanao challenging her on their own (based on what we knew of Oliver before his throwdown with Darius) this fight would have been over already since they only won by skin of their teeth. J.C. Staff really cooked here.
The OP was not lying when it comes to the intensity of the action. I also think the only fight left they've teased that we haven't seen yet is Oliver versus that knight looking guy in the black armor.
I’m glad they got in most of Katie’s speech in too including her kiss both Oliver and Nanao. lol. But this was an important starting point for Katie’s growth, especially because out of all primary character she consistently experienced some of worst of Kimberly which included outright betrayal for someone she thought shared the same vision. At the heart of it, Kati’s dialogue is just frustration at of her views and values being mercilessly trampled on many aspects of the environment and shame having to depend on friends support so much without being able give back. However, she recognizes the school is a reflection of problems that exist outside of it. Katie’s speech symbolized her gratitude for having these support networks that were crucial in preventing her from being crushed by the despair of it all and allowing her to make a vow of revenge against the irrationalities of Kimberly & mage society as whole. By changing herself in hopes of ultimately changing them while still remaining true her core values. She may not have the fighting skills of Oliver, Nanao and Michela but she made just as sterner stuff as they are, Katie only needed the time to realize it before the academy broke her spirit.
Nothing does the heart good more than seeing Katie still being as cheery and kind as ever despite all the bullying she's experienced since episode 1 (maybe it's a bit of a coping mechanism, but it feels very Katie). Maybe this is finally the end of all the Katie punishment .

I wouldn't even mind her being more assertive with her feelings for Oliver .
Then there is Oliver who is a lot. Up until now he’s worn the visage of a well-meaning ace student, only briefly pulling back once in a while but only when the confrontation between him and Darius happens in the Labyrinth depths does he fully strip himself of that persona, to reveal a ruthless, cold and brutal youth, fill with such a deep rage he’s barely stable. Moreover, Oliver shows willingness do anything to destroy the people who wronged him in total, heelless of morality or tabooness of the methods. You thought Nanao was pretty damaged herself but she almost nothing compared to Oliver. It seems only those closest to him, like his cousins know this tortured side of him and keeping stable. The surprises with Oliver don’t end there though, because not only is he not going at his alone Oliver looks to big shot with command small army of upperclassmen. Needless to say but this moment does a lot recontextualize not just Oliver himself who certainly did not come here to learn, but establish the true narrative goals of series.
It seemed like there was much more to Oliver than at a first glance for a while now with how competent he is or how he relates to Nanao, but I didn't expect him to be a on a vengeance-fueled crusade.

I don't think his school act, at least when it comes to his friends (and especially Nanao) is a complete facade, so I guess the main drive to the story will be him balancing his school life, relationships, and his vengeance and how they all interplay with each other. But now he truly feels like the main character.
Also hope the episode gives you a better idea of what spellblades are. Essentially high-concept melee techniques which of perfect fusion of sword arts and magic whose very nature make them impossible to defend against by any conventional way. Imagine several views picked up on Oliver possibly having a spellblade, but most people assumed he had the seventh spellblade where the actually it is Nanao who does…. by unknowingly inventing the technique through sheer instinct. It hammers home what’s been hinted already, she’s basically a child combat prodigy, with a raw potential that surpasses Oliver.
Well, he's still got his own Spellblade which is actually pretty cool. Kind of also complimentary to Nanao because both involve messing with time and space in a way. Also probably a coincidence that it's eerily similar to the male leads' powers in In/Spectre .
Yep, all the character got layers, even the teachers who Oliver's primary antagonists have their own reason for doing what they did. Expecting the show expose all that in 6 episode of 12 volume novel series is absurd though.
Feels like we might get all Assassins Creed where all the assassination targets get tougher and more emotionally complex as Oliver systematically takes them out...

I'm also curious more about his mother and his family life considering nobody knew she had a kid and I'm assuming he's connected through his father.
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Old 2023-08-11, 23:57   Link #128
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Dang man, the protagonist forgives the bully guy after he kills so many people and animals... oh, yeah, no one died lul, but he's not willing to forgive Snape? And using Crucio too? Bruh.

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Old 2023-08-12, 04:22   Link #129
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Real question is how is Oliver plannig to get revenge on so many people when his use of Spellblade is highly limited. It's unlikely that Grenville is only one strong enough to justify using it, especially as he is nothing extra outside of it.
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Old 2023-08-12, 04:45   Link #130
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Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Real question is how is Oliver plannig to get revenge on so many people when his use of Spellblade is highly limited. It's unlikely that Grenville is only one strong enough to justify using it, especially as he is nothing extra outside of it.
I presume: "two times" does not mean total, but like "in a row". I.e. he neeeds a long recharge after this or it will kill him. Which means he is fine unless he has to deal with more than two strong opponents at once. I may be mistaken, of course, but it sounds more logical.
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Old 2023-08-12, 05:24   Link #131
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From context it definitely doesn't seems like they are talking about consecutive uses. In first place by very nature of what spellblade is, you would not use it twice in row as once is enough to kill any single enemy with absolute certanity.
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Old 2023-08-12, 05:27   Link #132
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Yes, but you can only kill one opponent with it. Only being able to use it twice in your life also sounds dumb. And I doubt Oliver would have used it on the very first opponent in this case. Granville was strong but not the stongest one of the bunch.
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Old 2023-08-12, 06:07   Link #133
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He didn't used it on Garuda and he almost died. Also him being use it more times make perfect sense. It's not his spellblade and he himself doesnt seem to be as talented as his mother. She probably didn't have such limitation but Oliver is not her. Of course using something far beyond his ability would come with prize.
"I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it" (Charles R. Swindoll)
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Old 2023-08-12, 06:22   Link #134
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Oliver's mother already had 1 or more kids while looking like a student. Hopefully we get some real motivations for the faculty doing what they did, I'm guessing the spellblades powers themselves come into that reasoning.
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Old 2023-08-12, 06:29   Link #135
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Originally Posted by Alchemist007 View Post
Oliver's mother already had 1 or more kids while looking like a student. Hopefully we get some real motivations for the faculty doing what they did, I'm guessing the spellblades powers themselves come into that reasoning.
Considering how surprised Granville was about hrvdirect relatives being alive, I presume Olivers siblings have a different mother.
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Old 2023-08-12, 09:22   Link #136
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Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post
Dang man, the protagonist forgives the bully guy after he kills so many people and animals... oh, yeah, no one died lul, but he's not willing to forgive Snape? And using Crucio too? Bruh.
In fairness the Garuda was Milligan's fault and Andrews helped stop it while Grenville was rotten to the bone once Oliver found out he was helping Milligan the whole time.
Originally Posted by Nachtwandler View Post
Considering how surprised Granville was about hrvdirect relatives being alive, I presume Olivers siblings have a different mother.
They're his cousins (I presume from his fathers' side), they aren't his direct siblings, he just views them like siblings.
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Old 2023-08-12, 17:02   Link #137
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Originally Posted by larethian View Post
Haven't read the novels yet. But I'll be super pissed if the author kills off Nanao and 'promotes' another heroine and make her the 'true heroine'. Again.
I hope it's not going to be something like Nanao dies to make Oliver realize the 'pointlessness' of revenge or something.
In the most none spoilerly way I can answer as someone 8 books in, I can just say this, you don't need to worry about any of that.

Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
I do hope the next few episodes do more with Guy and Pete. I feel like Nanao, Katie, and even Chela to a certain extent took up the brunt of the focus so far (at least when it comes to non-Oliver characters).
Oh you will be quite happy with the next arc then.

It seemed like there was much more to Oliver than at a first glance for a while now with how competent he is or how he relates to Nanao, but I didn't expect him to be a on a vengeance-fueled crusade.

I don't think his school act, at least when it comes to his friends (and especially Nanao) is a complete facade, so I guess the main drive to the story will be him balancing his school life, relationships, and his vengeance and how they all interplay with each other. But now he truly feels like the main character.
Yep, his public face at school is just one side of him. He still cares for his newfound friends but Oliver also putting them at certain distance so they don't get too close him caught in his affairs.

Well, he's still got his own Spellblade which is actually pretty cool. Kind of also complimentary to Nanao because both involve messing with time and space in a way. Also probably a coincidence that it's eerily similar to the male leads' powers in In/Spectre .
You essentially treat Nanao as his potential love interests, rival and foil. They compliment each so much despite on surface being complete opposites.

When I read the novel that was my first thought how Angustavia would be protrayed and I'm glad the anime had same idea.

Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Real question is how is Oliver plannig to get revenge on so many people when his use of Spellblade is highly limited. It's unlikely that Grenville is only one strong enough to justify using it, especially as he is nothing extra outside of it.
Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
From context it definitely doesn't seems like they are talking about consecutive uses. In first place by very nature of what spellblade is, you would not use it twice in row as once is enough to kill any single enemy with absolute certanity.
Nachtwandler is right, the correct translation should be that Oliver can use his spellblade only twice consecutively. I've heard CR have worded a bit weird. Also if you noticed Nanao, suffered no drawbacks from using to her spellblade unlike Oliver. That's because the LN has one line with anime left where he describes his as being borrowed which is why body recoils from its use.
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Old 2023-08-12, 17:53   Link #138
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Originally Posted by Applehell View Post
Yep, his public face at school is just one side of him. He still cares for his newfound friends but Oliver also putting them at certain distance so they don't get too close him caught in his affairs.
Ah yes. Double life shenanigans. Something a certain other Oliver can relate too .

(So wait...Nanao is Black Canary then...)
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Old 2023-08-12, 19:12   Link #139
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Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post
Dang man, the protagonist forgives the bully guy after he kills so many people and animals... oh, yeah, no one died lul, but he's not willing to forgive Snape? And using Crucio too? Bruh.
Andrew didn't really get under Oliver's too much and he did mature from the entire debacle. Darius tortured someone Oliver loved and didn't show any signs of having a hidden good side/maturity.
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Old 2023-08-12, 20:14   Link #140
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Join Date: May 2014
Hamlet Potter: I got Severus. Which majin(demon person) is next?

Maken(magic sword/demon sword) is a concept. Once a maken is activated, the opponent cannot block it.

The fourth makan simulates the possible infinite scenario and find a way to beat opponent. It is like a chess player use artificial intelligence to win a game.
The sevent makan strikes opponent regardless any distance.

Last edited by scififan; 2023-08-12 at 22:28.
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