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Old 2008-02-12, 00:56   Link #19601
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Short Backlog Breaker...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Asagi: Nanoha-san, you're...
Nanoha: Hai, Asagi-san?
Asagi: ...

Can I take you home?
Nanoha: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeh?

What did they do to clear this mess?

I better reconsider the idea of Aurion doing a Big One now...

*runs before Asagi can hear*

Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
On the subject of rankings:

So I have two characters whom I have no idea what to rank as. Both are villains, and both are supposed to be incredibly potent threats, of the "the TSAB is in trouble" sort. I have backstory notes for why they were not detected by the TSAB earlier even though they were SSSSS-rank or whatever, so that probably won't be a worry.

I'll summarize what each of them is supposed to be able to do, leaving out all the stuff about history or appearance or whatnot, since it's not that important for now.

Spoiler for Galatea:

Spoiler for Zachariah Aarons:

So, what would you rank these people as? I'm also coming up with their own magic systems, outside of Midchilda or Belka (yes, this will be explained in the story), but a rough rating and other hack-busting would be appreciated.
For Galatea... There doesn't seem to be much of a problem. Though a few seconds delay in the teleportations after a certain point within her given span of activity should be nice... I'd give her an S+ for that.

And for Zacharia... his ability is just plain frightening... If it was me, I'd also give him lots of energy to spend (mana) but crank down his combat capability a lot. It sounds better if he requires a lot of energy for big HAXXing (literally).

The ideas are still workable, I think...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Linking up is not so much frowned upon, concidering its one of the things that make this thread fun. What is frowned upon is giving your character connections to the main cast. One of the reasons I created a background for Keroko that extended back several years was to make her becomming part of the Takamachi familly feel slightly more natural, as oposed to 'the stranger that apeared and wormed its way into everyones heart in a matter of days' Having someone apear and suddenly have a deep running connection to the main cast, that is what's frowned upon.

Originally Posted by Estavali View Post
Btw I have been thinking of an alternate ranking system for my OCs, since the canon TSAB ranks doesn't seem quite helpful to me. Basically I rate my characters in 8 catergories, namely:

- Melee Attack
- Magic Attack
- Physical Defense (How good are you at defending against physical attacks)
- Magical Defence
- Mana Capacity
- Regeneration Rate (How fast you can recover. Applies to both physical and magical stamina)
- Speed (Movement speed)
- Reflexes

Ranks range from A to F, A being the best and F the worst, as shown below:

A - Excellent
B - Very Good
C - Good
D - Average
E - Below Average
F - Bad


A - 5
B - 4
C - 3
D - 2
E - 1
F - 0

If converted to marks format:

A - 91 ~ 100
B - 76 ~ 90
C - 60 ~ 75
D - 40 ~ 59
E - 20 ~ 39
F - 0 ~ 19

After assigning a rank to each category, there will be an Overall rank to roughly determine the person's current status:

Overall rank = (Sum of ranks when converted to points)/8


- Melee Attack: B
- Magic Attack: C
- Physical Defense: A
- Magical Defence: A
- Mana Capacity: E
- Regeneration Rate: D
- Speed: F
- Reflexes: E

Converted to points:

- Melee Attack: 4
- Magic Attack: 3
- Physical Defense: 5
- Magical Defence: 5
- Mana Capacity: 1
- Regeneration Rate: 2
- Speed: 0
- Reflexes: 1

Overall rating: 21/8 = 2.63 = D+ (+ for above 0.5, - for 0~0.5)

Right now I'm not sure if the Speed catergory should be scraped or not, whether Regeneration should be divided into (Physical) Stamina and Mana, and if the Overall rating idea is really that fair. Your thoughts, folks?
I tried it by tens, and liked what I saw.

Spoiler for Aurion:


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Saw not much problem with the spell list the first time, see no reason to complain about the refined version

Although so not only is Aurion a Granzon, but a Freedom Gundam and Throne Zwei as well?

Hardly. No spamming for him.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Sophia: KISAMA! What are you trying to do to my imouto?!

Hell hath no fury like a Tsundere scorned.

And I love playing this card. :3

*draws card*

I play the instant spell Ritual of Twisted Light, sacrificing Sophia Alexei as Tribute to place Kaleido-Sofy on the field in ATTACK position!

Attack Phase! GO KALEIDO-SOFY!

*Kaleido-sofy launches*

Hell I love this card. :3

The seniors have seen the earlier versions before, and I'd like to point ut to the juniors to count the number of binds this perverted uncle of Hayate's has.

Ah well. :3

Spoiler for size:

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Let's keep going!

Rebuilt of Vita

Spoiler for size:
Do you REALLY have to make Eisen invoke Siman as well as make Vita a Goldymarg?

Other than that, it's fine. :3 The Alt Eisen Claymore attack is a great addition.

Originally Posted by Kyral View Post
Coming up!

Well... mostly your Neo-Belka spells are variations of Mid-Childa spells so I won't translate them and mention only the things that really caught my eye.

Spoiler for Things like:

That's it.
Not much errors. Great job!

Thanks! I'll edit them right away!

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Take your time.

Now why did I like Grandis so much again?

*looks up*

Oh yeah, that's why.

Oooh, nice spell markers. And you reminded me that I needed to add some extra stats to my spells too.

Field Manipulation now has a larger explanation as well, which is much apreciated.
Thanks. I'm now working on a more believeable background.

Originally Posted by PhoenixFlare View Post
And just for teasers, I developed some new spells for Hayate (Belkan wordings courtesy of Kyral the Official Belka Scriptor ).

Spoiler for New Spells for Hayate:

Everything seems fine aside from the last... Space-time warping is rather ....

These are NICE! I'll note them down, if you don't mind. Tausend Hiebe is a lovely sight in imagination!

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
SS+ is a tad high even for the SK. No doubt she should have a massive mana pool and she did break Nanoha's defences bare-handed but other than that, no other ability Vivio displayed during that short duration would warrant a SS. S+ is more probable imo.

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Hmmm... Dark Keroko...
~First loves die hard.~


P.S - Btw guys, how's this for a device ?

Good thing he didn't leave it open...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Casting speed, yes. This has already been confirmed. 'package', no. I see neither a reason, nor confirmation, for Nanoha to outclass Hayate in this (if anything, Hayate outclasses Nanoha, look at Hraesvelgr again and how 'compact' the explosions were before they went off). Now, this may be a stretch to some, but I am willing to bet that Hayate can match Nanoha's Limit Break Staright Breaker. Hayate is an SS-rank mage, a full rank higher then Nanoha, you on't get those for nothing.
Hmm... This might provide me with some ideas...

Originally Posted by Ryand-Smith View Post
Arron 008R
Spoiler for Aurion:

Though I have read his history, @Aurion is nice, Strong, Detailed, and a powerhouse. I would never want my 12th to fight him. I would love to see him vs Hayate, full power, no limits, on a planet. The Universe would remember that combat! It would be glorious

Actually, in the soo-to-be-revised revised profile, he can't spam beams and has only about half of Fate's mana capacity... He fights technically, not with big booms. So if anybody will be making big bangs, it's Hayate only.

He's investment is in skill and adaptablity, not power.

Aurion is Dis Astrigant, there!
Actually, no more. Forget Regression Impulse Blaster and Breaker. They're scrapped. Kaput. Zilch. HAXX that serves no purpose than for self-wish-granting and ego-stroking.

Forget Blaze, Blitz and Buster Phoenix. Their too powerful and are blatant references.

Deletion? Bah! The theory is nigh illogical, even in Magical Girl show standards. Scrapped that too.

Perfect Void? DOWNGRADED to just about Jewel Seed and YnS-level.

Tyrfing? To become Grandis' later.

Astranagant the Device? I think I'm scrapping it too.

Like I said before, I'm busting out his profile a ton here.

Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis View Post
@Aaron008R: Aurion is the original spell mugger (mugger as in "excellent study") and Ultimate Oji-san + 'h4xx without h4xx'!
Thanks. Though what I said above applies. I'm trashing most of the HAXX in the last profile and completely revamping it for a more 'Real-type' feel.


Design Notes:

Her name is from this innocent-girl character from Dangerous Liaisons (fits, I think), and her surname I think is quite guess-able from here (Okay, it's from the Arkham Asylum.) Lesathe is the Venomancer from DoTA.

*Sigh* What a rip-off I am today...But rest assured I shall do my best not to rip off ANY of Lesathe's attacks in her spell list.


Oooh! Melikes! A sunny girl with a poisonous charm+abilities is a unique and interesting concept. nice job!

Originally Posted by krisslanza View Post
Tomino? Who is this... Tomino?
Creator of the Gundam series. known for killing off large amounts of characters (even the entire universe in one non-Gundam series, Ideon) at times; which carnered him the nickname, "Kill'em all Tomino."

BTW, he's one AWESOME producer.

You didn't read Arc-en-Ciel did you? :P

Although we haven't gotten to the part of how she was captured yet... It'd be pretty messy though
Sorry... I'm in a tight schedule...
I read it now. And damn, Fate sure still has a lot of fight there!

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Arcas: ERO-OYAJI!!!
Grandis: Looks like you finally accepted my seniority, brat.

Thanks...but things aren't looking good. As of that post, I'd set up meetings with half a dozen other professors - and I'm now down to my last 2.

The worst part is that the moment they heard "Senior," they said, "No, sorry, can't help you."

Dammit - why? WHY? Why did it have to be ME? Why does life insist on treating me like StrikerS treated Hayate?


Anyway, it's not over yet! Go for it!

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
@AARON: Hey what's Serena's device name? I need it for something of Rebuilt Subaru's profile. :3
PM away.

Originally Posted by krisslanza View Post
Now then *ahem* Offhand I was tinkering with a idea for Rune here...
Spoiler for For neatness:
Aurion is similar with regard to that. Suggestion. She STILL uses her Linker Core's energy to collect mana, even if just a bit. She runs out of mana = no more Dying Souls. Some other damage is nice too.

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Lucifer... This is my favorite new arms... Even though I still can't use it right yet...

P.S - And Yes, it actually comes with a rose, NOT. KIDDING.

P.P.S - Pay attention to what Dante says


Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
Spoiler for Kyriss:

Ooh, nice!

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2008-02-12 at 06:07.
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Old 2008-02-12, 01:03   Link #19602
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Well, they do have FIVE members...
Wait. who's the fifth Aggressors?
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Old 2008-02-12, 02:16   Link #19603
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
That method can convey feelings and intent quite well, but if you're trying to explain technical terms, I don't think that method's gonna work
Yeah... Hmm...

*ponders further*

Even so, if I could come up with even a theoretical working unified language, I think I deserve a Nobel mention... There must be a reason why no one has done it till now.
Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Nanoha and Wang Liu Ming Chao? I'd like to see that scenario

And we need more italian OC's here, so I don't mind
I have serious trouble thinking of that. Cos, why would Nanoha know Chinese of all things?

But Chao does drop a few hints to Nanoha.

It's a go then.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
So Gimmy is into such things I see

Foy: Gimmy's the most hotblooded Cleric-knight of them all, though not exactly in the right sense as we'd prefer--

*sees Smith & Wesson and remembers something*

Foy: So this is a product of hot blood?

Gimmy: Oh shut up you robot.

Oh shi--

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Ginga: Ore no Drill wa... TEN WO TSUKU DRILL DA!!!!!!

Eeeeeeeh... No, I'm trying to tone down on the Simon-invokation.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Well, I wouldn't mind you bringing her over too I'm sure Shiro Kha would like to see his teacher again
If I have time. But due to the similarities, I'm going with Taiga Nissan.

That's right. :3


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Yes, their Evil Influence is quite strong
It's the end of the material dimensions if all 5 go dark at once...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Teana works for The Agency?
Nope, just little ol Lanstar 47. :3


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Death and Destruction following in her wake? Check

*runs from SLB*

*skirts passing SLB*

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Do you REALLY have to make Eisen invoke Siman as well as make Vita a Goldymarg?

Other than that, it's fine. :3 The Alt Eisen Claymore attack is a great addition.
I'm dropping Simone, but can I keep Goldytank? I've always wanted Vita and Subaru to turn things into light together. :3

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Actually, no more. Forget Regression Impulse Blaster and Breaker. They're scrapped. Kaput. Zilch. HAXX that serves no purpose than for self-wish-granting and ego-stroking.

Forget Blaze, Blitz and Buster Phoenix. Their too powerful and are blatant references.

Deletion? Bah! The theory is nigh illogical, even in Magical Girl show standards. Scrapped that too.

Perfect Void? DOWNGRADED to just about Jewel Seed and YnS-level.

Tyrfing? To become Grandis' later.

Astranagant the Device? I think I'm scrapping it too.

Like I said before, I'm busting out his profile a ton here.
There goes all those things that made Aurion fun.

Oh well at least we still got those binds--

*screams mixed with sounds of metal burning in beamfire*

~~~New Intelligence Data Updated~~~

A garbled mess of transmissions:
Spoiler for Meessy craack:

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Old 2008-02-12, 02:46   Link #19604
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Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
Wait, there aren't?

*Picks up a phone.*

"Hey Mike, is that plane already in the air? Redirect it from TSAB HQ to McBeth... No, no reason. Oh, and how many SUBROCs are onboard the Whisper? That many? Okay, later."

*Puts down phone. Presses Secretary Call Button.*

"Yes sir?"

"Miss Inverse, put a note out to come up with a new motto. It seems 'Nuke the site from Orbit.' might not be the best choice."

"I'll get right on it."

"Oh, and Miss Inverse?"

"Yes sir?"

"Do you know what happened to the printer?"

"It experienced a mechanical fault sir."

"Is that why its chared remains were in the trash can this morning?"

"Could be..."

"Have the tech center bring a new one up."

"I already got Mr. Gabriev on it."

"Make sure he's not lost in the basement again..."

"Yes sir."

You gotta be kidding...

... LINA INVERSE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
I can see this too:

Dr. Psychologist: Okay... before we start our session for today, we have two new friends with us today... introduce yourselves.

Cerebrate Zasz: I am Zasz, the ever faithful Cerebrate of the Overmind...

Cerebrate Daggoth: I am Daggoth, the ever faithful Cerebrate of the Overmind...

Dr. Psychologist: Okay... your turn old guys...

Jim Raynor: Jim Raynor, Ex-Mobile Infantry, leader of a ragtag group of Terrans... this here Protoss is my buddy... *points to next individual*

Zeratul: I am Zeratul, follower of the Void, a Dark Templar of the Protoss...

Dr. Psychologist: Hmm... okay... now, shall we begin our anger management session then?

*in another room*

Saint X: This is cracky...

Andrei: You can say that again...

I think it's gonna take more than an anger management session to resolve the problems in the Koprulu Sector... also, where's Mengsk and Duran?

Originally Posted by Saint X
Spoiler for Kyriss:

I need Evaluations/Questions and comments.
WICKED looking weapon

Originally Posted by Saint X
And yes, speaking of new magic styles, I'm going to bring this rather "experimental" yet "exacting" magic into light as well...

maybe the Nanohaverse can help it to develop.

Spoiler for Linear Magic: Introductory Snippet:

Hmmm using mere geometry to cast magic? Like to know where this is going

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post

What did they do to clear this mess?

I better reconsider the idea of Aurion doing a Big One now...

*runs before Asagi can hear*
... Fate?

And I think it's too lat-

Asagi: BIG ONE?!?!?! HONTOU CHIEF?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by Aaron008R
Actually, no more. Forget Regression Impulse Blaster and Breaker. They're scrapped. Kaput. Zilch. HAXX that serves no purpose than for self-wish-granting and ego-stroking.

Forget Blaze, Blitz and Buster Phoenix. Their too powerful and are blatant references.

Deletion? Bah! The theory is nigh illogical, even in Magical Girl show standards. Scrapped that too.

Perfect Void? DOWNGRADED to just about Jewel Seed and YnS-level.

Tyrfing? To become Grandis' later.

Astranagant the Device? I think I'm scrapping it too.

Like I said before, I'm busting out his profile a ton here.
No more Granzon for Aurion then

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
Wait. who's the fifth Aggressors?
... Tempest Hawker?

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Yeah... Hmm...

*ponders further*

Even so, if I could come up with even a theoretical working unified language, I think I deserve a Nobel mention... There must be a reason why no one has done it till now.
Precisely If someone had come up with a working perfect universal language that everybody can understand, it'd be big news

*infiltrates Dokusensha*

Originally Posted by Kha
I have serious trouble thinking of that. Cos, why would Nanoha know Chinese of all things?

But Chao does drop a few hints to Nanoha.

It's a go then.
Well, school? Self-interest perhaps

No objections though

Originally Posted by Kha
Foy: Gimmy's the most hotblooded Cleric-knight of them all, though not exactly in the right sense as we'd prefer--

*sees Smith & Wesson and remembers something*

Foy: So this is a product of hot blood?

Gimmy: Oh shut up you robot.

Oh shi--
Wesson: Foy, don't bunch me in with that... siscon ( ) of a Cleric-knight over there. We maybe COURAGEOUS AND HOTBLOODED, but we prefer our women human!

Originally Posted by Kha
Eeeeeeeh... No, I'm trying to tone down on the Simon-invokation.
Aaah sou ka

Originally Posted by Kha
If I have time. But due to the similarities, I'm going with Taiga Nissan.

That's right. :3


Originally Posted by Kha
It's the end of the material dimensions if all 5 go dark at once...
More like end of all dimensions

Originally Posted by Kha
Nope, just little ol Lanstar 47. :3


Originally Posted by Kha
~~~New Intelligence Data Updated~~~

A garbled mess of transmissions:
Spoiler for Meessy craack:

Yep, I knew I wasn't the only one who thought the GRAHAMS are cool no matter the universe You forgot something though...

Gil Graham: I will force that reasoning aside with my unreasonabless!!!!


Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2008-02-12, 02:57   Link #19605
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UUUHWAAHHH... Phew.... You gotta' respect the guys who did the Mid-childa and Belka spell pattern designs.

I just spent the last, three, almost four hours doing a crest.
Spoiler for Said Crest:

Anywho, backlog boarder time! Well, maybe not a backlog, but a boarder none the less.
*Whips out snowboard, gets an Osprey lift up to The Throne, and cranks 'GO' by Andy Hunter up on his M-COMM.*


I was thinking of taking her "Dying Souls" spell, which if you don't know (I don't expect anyone to really ) made her expend cartridges to get little spheres of mana as catalysts for her other spells. However I liked the idea of her normally having a very low mana capacity and the only reason she's progressed so far is due to a special unique trait of hers that summons up those spheres seperate from her own will in a way...

Think of the spheres as being collected mana in the air given a form for Rune to use in her spells so that most of her magic uses outside mana rather then her own limited supply. Thoughts? The problem I see is that wouldn't she have a whole bunch amassed just walking around? So I haven't thought of a way to limit it really...

Okay, so I'm having trouble wrapping me head 'round this. How is this exactly useful? The way I read this, the cartridges expended are used to create collection hubs to gather more energy. It's like.... expending cartridges to get cartridges(?).

I wouldn't be so concerned with limitation, so much as finding a way to make this useful when there's a working boost system in place. I think, it would be useful, if they could be chained. Expend carties, gain nodes, use nodes to make more nodes, multiply node level, charge nodes to max, then unload monster spell with a fraction of the strain. (Given prep time.)

The way I can see it having drawbacks, is that this mechanic would be time consuming, and stand out like an airraid siren in a mime academy. But allow for a cascade of an extremely high ranking attack normally not available to low class mages.
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Old 2008-02-12, 03:02   Link #19606
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Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
UUUHWAAHHH... Phew.... You gotta' respect the guys who did the Mid-childa and Belka spell pattern designs.

I just spent the last, three, almost four hours doing a crest.
Spoiler for Said Crest:


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
You gotta be kidding...

... LINA INVERSE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I'll pass. Definitely.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
... Fate?

And I think it's too lat-

Asagi: BIG ONE?!?!?! HONTOU CHIEF?!?!?!?!

Here we go again.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
... Tempest Hawker?
I definitely have no memories of this man (RIP).

But yeah, Super Aggressor Sentai?

*cue Trombe!*

Elzam Ratsel: Hashire, Trombe!!!
Zengar: Daizengar, Kenzan!!!
Kai: Plasma Buckler Set-o!!!
Gilliam: Mega Buster Cannon, Hassha!!!

All: we are the Aggressors!!! *insert cheesy pose* There is nothing we cannot overcome!!!

Lowe, did you forget the PM I sent to you?

Last edited by USB500; 2008-02-12 at 03:14. Reason: adding quotes
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Old 2008-02-12, 03:04   Link #19607
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Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
UUUHWAAHHH... Phew.... You gotta' respect the guys who did the Mid-childa and Belka spell pattern designs.

I just spent the last, three, almost four hours doing a crest.
Spoiler for Said Crest:

Now THAT is a righteously


crest there

So it's a squadron Logo then? Or a sigil, which I can't imagine it being one

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2008-02-12, 03:26   Link #19608
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Now THAT is a righteously


crest there

So it's a squadron Logo then? Or a sigil, which I can't imagine it being one
It's a Seal (Like you'd have on patches, on paper scrolls, etc... One can call it a Logo, but SEAL has a more, ancient zest to it...) Mark of the most powerful warrior order in my personal universe in the story Zeropoint. All that concept work on the Enchantments of Flesh reminded me I needed to get it done since I had been toying with the logo idea off and on right as I've been going to sleep.

Spoiler for Details details...:

But I digress... This is a nanoha thread, which is why I haven't invited Megumi in. (Take your pick, Airhead mode, or Valkyrie combat instinct. She's equally dangerous either way... what being a goddess with access to insane magical power.)

It's almost 2:30 AM here... How about I challenge you guys to develope sigils/crests/whatever yourselves?

If I can do it, and I'm the lazy one with the short attention span... someone should be able to come up with something awesome.
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Old 2008-02-12, 04:13   Link #19609
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Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Jeno: "Heh, for what reason would they have a common... hated... goal..."
Katrina: "Simple enough."


Bah. Needs lotsa refinement but I'll definitely be using something like this..

Oh, and count this as a appetitiser scenario. The main course is too spoiler-ish. :3

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post


The Dark Twins of Carnage and Mayhem?

Now THAT's a sight to see Both so sadistically evil, going at full power at each other, letting their raging passions wild, and no holding back until the... climax


Don't forget the collateral to the people around them.


Nanoha as the Queen of Blades?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Now where's the situation that had Nanoha being overrun by the Swarm on a planet while the party ship deserted her to flee the system?

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Is it wrong that I actually read it as


Perhaps I'll suddenly begin to like... Like... YOU!



*dodges cruise missile*

Besides, what's wrong with being random all some of the time?
Perfectly fine, like all the other times I mis-read something and mutated it into something completely wrong.



"Are you afraid of change? Or are you afraid to change?"

"Wheel turns, river flows and life goes on."

"Best way to kill a man, is to leave him alone."

"Until you come, until we close our eyes."

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Old 2008-02-12, 04:25   Link #19610
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Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
I'll post this right quick before I go to work here... I started toying with how I'm going to set up Gen. Roland's office, and I wrote a short poem on display behind him. Among other items in his office, I think this will be very telling of his views as a person before I get down to the nitty gritty. Its based of the old WWI or WWII St. Peter cadance...

Spoiler for Poem In Roland's Office:

I'm out...
I suppose it's the old classical rhyming's pretty funny though.

Ah, yes! I remember, there's a fine poem of "classical love" and its "effective rejoinder"...maybe you've seen it before, but well, it's called old and classic crack. It's still good, though. No, wait, it's excellent. We did it for a test some time back, and I remember we almost ran out of time because we laughed so hard reading it.

Spoiler for The original Marvell-ous text:

Spoiler for The effective rejoinder - Notes accredited to William Grey:

Ka-ching! Poetry Crack

Originally Posted by Ryand-Smith View Post
And BackLog Breaker 2.X

Spoiler for Censored by Intelligence Services:

Is Cecile the Mulder, to Ashcroft's Mulder?
*Cue X-Files theme*
Spoiler for This is capture:

Well, these are nice powers. I can see Ashcroft saving himself with these

*Generic investigator "I have you now Ashcroft!"

*Cecile looks very sleepy (another night with no Mountain Dew )*

Ashcroft: Hmmm...but if I'm not mistaken, it was Mr. X who said "trust no one". If anything, I'm Scully and she's Mulder.

Cecile: *wakes up slightly* Ahhnn....ara?

Ashcroft: *pats her on the head* Never you mind, go back to sleep. You'll only have half an hour till Acous gets here, anyway.

Ashcroft: And wasting so much magic on just one generic guy? Nahhhh...I'll just use Chaos. [Uchiha Itachi] Lie there, you'll wake up later. [/Uchicha Itachi]

Originally Posted by krisslanza View Post
I've been told to do something by Chaos! :O
So therefore I must do the opposite and declare that backlog is indeed a rite of passage.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Oh I've got more than enough inspiration, especially with the torrent of CRACK around here. It's WILL that's currently lacking
Just as expected from one of the LORDS OF CRACK.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
"I got me some Zerg right here-"

*blood-curdling scream*

You mean like this poor lad?

Spoiler for Poor lad:

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Actually, his name is Lesale, not Lesathe

Otherwise, nice extensive, if incomplete profile for the Chained Arrays, and it seems Cecile's gonna be a nice addition to any Precious Lost Logia search effort. In fact, I think she can get along with Asagi just fine

*runs from Poison Nova*
Yeah, I realized my mistake just after knocking off to sleep. Oh, well. That what happens to you when you don't play for too long, you forget things...

Cecile: Ara? Don't put up the face, I don't mean any serious harm! unless you consider being pumped full of poisonous lead during sparring a lot of serious harm...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Subaru: Gin-nee, have you forgotten? Victory goes...


Ashcroft: One thing I like about this is the HOTBLOOD. But one thing that I don't like is the lack of brains, but maybe I'm just being fussy.

Cecile:'ll never get a girlfriend this way.

Ashcroft: Well, I have you, don't I That'll have to wait a bit.

Cecile: Hmmm? did you say something?

Acous: Yes, he did.
Xena: Yes, he did.
Ashcroft: I said nothing.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Aegina the Bloodthirster maybe? Or Impaler? Or Aegina of Blood? or...
Bloodthirster sounds like FFTA to me...Impaler? (Some Translyvanian noble of sorts...Vlad, right?)

Spoiler for Speaking of Blood, How about...:

Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
UUUHWAAHHH... Phew.... You gotta' respect the guys who did the Mid-childa and Belka spell pattern designs.

I just spent the last, three, almost four hours doing a crest.
Spoiler for Said Crest:
Ashcroft: I'll pass...Although if the girl's hotblooded, I wouldn't mind sparring with her

Xena: You've gotta be kidding.
Acous: He's right, you know.

Ashcroft: There's much more to me than already meets your eyes. Just you watch.

Cecile: *Points to his tie* Like what that insignia there means?

Ashcroft: SOMETHING like that...

Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
Okay, so I'm having trouble wrapping me head 'round this. How is this exactly useful? The way I read this, the cartridges expended are used to create collection hubs to gather more energy. It's like.... expending cartridges to get cartridges(?).

I wouldn't be so concerned with limitation, so much as finding a way to make this useful when there's a working boost system in place. I think, it would be useful, if they could be chained. Expend carties, gain nodes, use nodes to make more nodes, multiply node level, charge nodes to max, then unload monster spell with a fraction of the strain. (Given prep time.)

The way I can see it having drawbacks, is that this mechanic would be time consuming, and stand out like an airraid siren in a mime academy. But allow for a cascade of an extremely high ranking attack normally not available to low class mages.
If you read my Chained Arrays like that, I almost would have seen you complaining the same way...if not for the theorized time limit

Spoiler for Thanksgiving (wrong season but I'll let that pass):

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Now THAT is a righteously


crest there

So it's a squadron Logo then? Or a sigil, which I can't imagine it being one
It's a Squadron Logo, it was in his invite to join the team, remember? Something like...

"The official mark of the Valkyrie. Those with who bear the winged V at its center are known as the finest warriors in the universe. "

Yeah, looks inviting enough...

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
Now where's the situation that had Nanoha being overrun by the Swarm on a planet while the party ship deserted her to flee the system?
Um, since it was once stated that 7ARCS leaves rather large plot holes...we can think of something, no? (Yes, that can be regarded as a request, although I have some ideas myself.) Although, I'm of the humble opinion that Nanoha would have blasted them into oblivion pretty badly.

Spoiler for 1337 Zerg Swarm:

Then and only then would they even have a prayer against the White Devil...

My OC Works

We Don't All Go to Ravenholm...Ashcroft Ravenholm's Profile
The Illusionist - Ashcroft's Spells

Currently Working On: The Green Abyss (Cecile's Spells) and OC #3 - A Sol Badguy this time. And not to forget, completing the Chained Array section, while checking it meticulously for h4xx

Last edited by XenahortCharybdis; 2008-02-12 at 06:06.
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Old 2008-02-12, 05:14   Link #19611
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
There goes all those things that made Aurion fun.

Oh well at least we still got those binds--

*screams mixed with sounds of metal burning in beamfire*
You're making it sound that Aurion is not an interesting character without HAXX... So you mean my characters are bland and boring without outofthisworldliness, huh?

*sulks in a corner*

Would the changes affect Rebuilt, BTW? If you want, you can keep the old profile for RevivalS if it isn't scrapped yet (as well as Rebuilt, if needed). I can just make a new profile and place it in a separate section. Do note that I'm going with this version starting now...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
No more Granzon for Aurion then
Yep. Though that doesn't really mean he can't have some things similar. I still have my new HAXX stuff which are more acceptable in the oven.

Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
UUUHWAAHHH... Phew.... You gotta' respect the guys who did the Mid-childa and Belka spell pattern designs.

I just spent the last, three, almost four hours doing a crest.
Spoiler for Said Crest:

beautiful crest there!

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
Katrina: "Simple enough."


Bah. Needs lotsa refinement but I'll definitely be using something like this..
It's quite good already!...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
... Fate?

And I think it's too lat-

Asagi: BIG ONE?!?!?! HONTOU CHIEF?!?!?!?!

Aurion: (This is not good...) Ah, no, no. It was just I'm good at using disguises too. ()

Me: Not to mention he likes to flirt with women on occasion. [BIG ONE in wiki]He is also a cool-headed leader and masterful tactician who can come up with the most brilliant of battle plans...[/BIG ONE in wiki]

Aurion: O-oi! (Abunai!!!)

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2
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Old 2008-02-12, 05:55   Link #19612
illusion control
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Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
For Galatea... There doesn't seem to be much of a problem. Though a few seconds delay in the teleportations after a certain point within her given span of activity should be nice... I'd give her an S+ for that.

And for Zacharia... his ability is just plain frightening... If it was me, I'd also give him lots of energy to spend (mana) but crank down his combat capability a lot. It sounds better if he requires a lot of energy for big HAXXing (literally).

The ideas are still workable, I think...
Galatea needs to be able to do the insta-port. I don't think I can even swing a few seconds of pausing. I can say that she can't keep it up for long, though. Fifteen minutes tops, perhaps.

Zachariah does require a substantial amount of energy to "start up", but once he does, it's pretty much just coasting.

He also has to do this in hidden locations, because every time he does his hacks he lights up like a beacon.


I'm actually just posting now to make a request of everyone in the thread.

I know that Youtube videos help in visualization or whatever. Well and fine.

But for some reason, and this happens inconsistently enough that I don't know what the problem is, too many Youtube videos in one page messes up my browser. I'm running Firefox, but it could be something in my settings. What happens is the video gets displaced from its actual position, and ends up blocking someone else's text.

So if possible, please, please, LINK instead of embedding.

And if you want to quote a post with a video or picture, please cut out that picture at the least. It's very, very tiring to have to scroll down past several huge pictures which don't actually do anything. It's like image macro territory. And for the original posters of the pictures, at least resize the things.

I'm serious here. I can go down on my knees to beg if you want to. I've tried to tolerate it ever since the trend started, but right now it's the last straw.
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Old 2008-02-12, 06:02   Link #19613
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Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
Galatea needs to be able to do the insta-port. I don't think I can even swing a few seconds of pausing. I can say that she can't keep it up for long, though. Fifteen minutes tops, perhaps.

Zachariah does require a substantial amount of energy to "start up", but once he does, it's pretty much just coasting.

He also has to do this in hidden locations, because every time he does his hacks he lights up like a beacon.
On the magical radar? Hmmm...Since secrecy is the key here, it's a fair limitation.

Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
I'm actually just posting now to make a request of everyone in the thread.

I know that Youtube videos help in visualization or whatever. Well and fine.

But for some reason, and this happens inconsistently enough that I don't know what the problem is, too many Youtube videos in one page messes up my browser. I'm running Firefox, but it could be something in my settings. What happens is the video gets displaced from its actual position, and ends up blocking someone else's text.

So if possible, please, please, LINK instead of embedding.

And if you want to quote a post with a video or picture, please cut out that picture at the least. It's very, very tiring to have to scroll down past several huge pictures which don't actually do anything. It's like image macro territory. And for the original posters of the pictures, at least resize the things.

I'm serious here. I can go down on my knees to beg if you want to. I've tried to tolerate it ever since the trend started, but right now it's the last straw.
Okay, I hear you...Sounds fair enough, I shall give due compliance to this request.

(I know what it's like to screw up in this fashion, because my com's Firefox too, except that somehow that doesn't happen with me. But since one of my computers is not very fast, I know it's a torture to have to sit through gigantic pictures that just lag up the screen, and don't really contribute to the laughter and all, 'cuz you've seen them before...)

Anyway. there's no need to beg, we're (mostly) equals here.

*Goes to edit post*

(You don't mind if I didn't change the Zerg thing, right?)

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
You're making it sound that Aurion is not an interesting character without HAXX... So you mean my characters are bland and boring without outofthisworldliness, huh?
LOL...I think he was just joking...damn, he beat me to it! (Oh whatever, my view on Aurion doesn't change: H4XX without H4XX IS THE ULTIMATE WIN for OC creation!

Last edited by XenahortCharybdis; 2008-02-12 at 06:22.
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Old 2008-02-12, 06:05   Link #19614
~ I Do ~
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*notices Aaron chilling in the corner with both Tohkiha twins*

As much as I think you're currently the luckiest man in the thread for the above situation, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!

I was just joking about the de-h4xxing.

Can't reply to others yet. Gotta run soon, but I must make this post while I'm still going ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-...

(And hopefully cheer poor Aaron up enough to notice that Hayate and Ringo are beside him)

Rebuilt of Subaru

Spoiler for Subaru, Queen of Braves:


Last edited by Kha; 2008-02-13 at 01:01.
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Old 2008-02-12, 06:34   Link #19615
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post

Can't reply to others yet. Gotta run soon, but I must make this post while I'm still going ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-...

(And hopefully cheer poor Aaron up enough to notice that Hayate and Ringo are beside him)
He's pretty alright now, I think...reckon he was just joking too, actually

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Rebuilt of Subaru

Not a very Ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-etc. Subaru

Spoiler for Subaru, Queen of Braves:

Unrefined is essence of ultimate Hotblood, Subaru is now the new Granzon, the (actual) Queen of Braves, and even the new-gen Eva all rolled into one?

Maybe she's the new Inspector Gadget as well!

Anyway, Gao Gadget Gao!

This is just. too. Um, I'm catching the bug too- Ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga...

Ashcroft: I do wonder what on earth you think you're doing, repeating the first part of "ga-hahahahahahaha" like the stuttering idiot that you are...

Xena: Ga-ga--

*Ashcroft runs (for dinner), with the still-stuttering Xenahort in tow*
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Old 2008-02-12, 06:40   Link #19616
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Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis View Post
On the magical radar? Hmmm...Since secrecy is the key here, it's a fair limitation.
Kind of.

What happens is that if someone happens to be looking his way when he does his thing, there's a large flare of magical energy. Midchilda or Belka practitioners won't know what it is, they just know that something's there. (A- ranked and above practitioners of the magic system, of which there are currently only two including Zachariah himself, will be able to discern the purpose of the magic.)

I haven't decided how big the flare is precisely, other than "really big". It shouldn't be extreme, but just something which would make the average mage go "wait, what was that?" It's like the difference between suddenly hearing a loud slightly deafening bang outside your window, and an immense explosion which rocks your house.

In other words, worthy of investigation, but not All Hands On Deck. This does mean that when Zachariah does his thing, he has to quickly move to another location.

Zachariah is cunning and patient, which is why he hasn't been caught yet. However, TSAB Intelligence has more people who are just as cunning and patient, which is why they've been on his trail anyway.

Also, Zachariah has no direct combat ability whatsoever. As mentioned, hit him once, and he's down.
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Old 2008-02-12, 06:44   Link #19617
Secret Society BLANKET
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Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
I definitely have no memories of this man (RIP).
I don't even remember him much, just that he was an Aggressor

Originally Posted by USB500
But yeah, Super Aggressor Sentai?

*cue Trombe!*

Elzam Ratsel: Hashire, Trombe!!!
Zengar: Daizengar, Kenzan!!!
Kai: Plasma Buckler Set-o!!!
Gilliam: Mega Buster Cannon, Hassha!!!

All: we are the Aggressors!!! *insert cheesy pose* There is nothing we cannot overcome!!!

I think I now prefer the Huckebein Sentai


Originally Posted by USB500
Lowe, did you forget the PM I sent to you?
I need to slog through a few PM's first

Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
It's a Seal (Like you'd have on patches, on paper scrolls, etc... One can call it a Logo, but SEAL has a more, ancient zest to it...) Mark of the most powerful warrior order in my personal universe in the story Zeropoint. All that concept work on the Enchantments of Flesh reminded me I needed to get it done since I had been toying with the logo idea off and on right as I've been going to sleep.

Spoiler for Details details...:

But I digress... This is a nanoha thread, which is why I haven't invited Megumi in. (Take your pick, Airhead mode, or Valkyrie combat instinct. She's equally dangerous either way... what being a goddess with access to insane magical power.)

It's almost 2:30 AM here... How about I challenge you guys to develope sigils/crests/whatever yourselves?

If I can do it, and I'm the lazy one with the short attention span... someone should be able to come up with something awesome.
Good explanation for the elements of the seal, considering how remarkably simple it is it's good to see the elements thought out

And sigils huh?

*tempted to repost the Mid-Chaos and Neo-Lyrical Sigils*

But no, I think I'll take your offer and create a sigil worthy of your challenge

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
Katrina: "Simple enough."


Bah. Needs lotsa refinement but I'll definitely be using something like this..

Oh, and count this as a appetitiser scenario. The main course is too spoiler-ish. :3

I sense a VERY PISSED OFF Nanoha incoming in 3, 2, 1...

Originally Posted by Tormenk
Now where's the situation that had Nanoha being overrun by the Swarm on a planet while the party ship deserted her to flee the system?
NEVER HAPPENING, not if I can help it!!!!!

*Sends Battlecruiser fleets to reinforce*

*sees Nanoha fire Starlight Breaker on swarm*

... on the other hand, maybe she can take care of herself

Originally Posted by Tormenk
Perfectly fine, like all the other times I mis-read something and mutated it into something completely wrong.


Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis View Post
Ah, yes! I remember, there's a fine poem of "classical love" and its "effective rejoinder"...maybe you've seen it before, but well, it's called old and classic crack. It's still good, though. No, wait, it's excellent. We did it for a test some time back, and I remember we almost ran out of time because we laughed so hard reading it.

Spoiler for The original Marvell-ous text:

Spoiler for The effective rejoinder - Notes accredited to William Grey:

Ka-ching! Poetry Crack
Kinda rare to see poems here, but I like these

Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis
Just as expected from one of the LORDS OF CRACK.
Uhm, thanks?

Originally Posted by '
You mean like this poor lad?

Spoiler for Poor lad:
That's no mere poor lad you fool, that's Fenix!!!

Although yes, if only he had used Energizer... goes on and on and on and on and on and on and...


Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis
Yeah, I realized my mistake just after knocking off to sleep. Oh, well. That what happens to you when you don't play for too long, you forget things...

Cecile: Ara? Don't put up the face, I don't mean any serious harm! unless you consider being pumped full of poisonous lead during sparring a lot of serious harm...
... Cecile is sounding rather scary there

And you should play, especially the latest version, which kicks ass with the return of Kael the Invoker

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
You're making it sound that Aurion is not an interesting character without HAXX... So you mean my characters are bland and boring without outofthisworldliness, huh?

*sulks in a corner*
Don't listen to the heathen, Aurion's still awesome without his H4XX, hell we never even see him with his H4XX much anyways

Besides, he still has his multitudes of binds to restrain his wo-

*radio static*

Originally Posted by Aaron008R
Aurion: (This is not good...) Ah, no, no. It was just I'm good at using disguises too. ()

Me: Not to mention he likes to flirt with women on occasion. [BIG ONE in wiki]He is also a cool-headed leader and masterful tactician who can come up with the most brilliant of battle plans...[/BIG ONE in wiki]

Aurion: O-oi! (Abunai!!!)
Asagi: Masaka... Sonna....



Julie: At this rate she'll take home the entire Bureau...
Mayura: Sempai

Originally Posted by dkellis View Post

I'm actually just posting now to make a request of everyone in the thread.

I know that Youtube videos help in visualization or whatever. Well and fine.

But for some reason, and this happens inconsistently enough that I don't know what the problem is, too many Youtube videos in one page messes up my browser. I'm running Firefox, but it could be something in my settings. What happens is the video gets displaced from its actual position, and ends up blocking someone else's text.

So if possible, please, please, LINK instead of embedding.

And if you want to quote a post with a video or picture, please cut out that picture at the least. It's very, very tiring to have to scroll down past several huge pictures which don't actually do anything. It's like image macro territory. And for the original posters of the pictures, at least resize the things.

I'm serious here. I can go down on my knees to beg if you want to. I've tried to tolerate it ever since the trend started, but right now it's the last straw.
Me thinks you need a PC upgrade, a Firefox fix, or learn to use an alternate browser

Although it's no big deal, we can certainly comply to that

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Rebuilt of Subaru

Spoiler for Subaru, Queen of Braves:
Spoiler for Subaru, Queen of Braves:


Subaru has ascended into her rightful place as Yuusha-Joou

But you're forgetting the Broken Phantom ref in her Divine Buster

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2008-02-12, 07:32   Link #19618
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
And sigils huh?

*tempted to repost the Mid-Chaos and Neo-Lyrical Sigils*

But no, I think I'll take your offer and create a sigil worthy of your challenge
Sounds very cool. I would have wanted to join too, but circumstances press me. Perhaps if y'all wouldn't mind an uncolored pencil sketch, maybe I could pull off something in time.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
[*sees Nanoha fire Starlight Breaker on swarm*[/I]

... on the other hand, maybe she can take care of herself
Well, those WERE only Zerglings (points to one of my earlier posts)

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Kinda rare to see poems here, but I like these
*Points to ATC* Thank/Blame/Shoot/Kill/Praise/Whatever him, he got me started

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
That's no mere poor lad you fool, that's Fenix!!!

Although yes, if only he had used Energizer... goes on and on and on and on and on and on and...

Don't worry, I knew he was Phoenix Fenix.

But since he was in a Dragoon, and who-knows-what he's gonna do now (I don't really care how much Blizzard says he's gone for good, I still love him), I think he uses General Purpose (GP) batteries instead.

Not to mention the amperage of the GP is higher than that of the Energizer...

Spoiler for methinks:

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
... Cecile is sounding rather scary there

And you should play, especially the latest version, which kicks ass with the return of Kael the Invoker
Cecile: *sweet smile* Kowaii ja nai... *strange green fog starts to rise from suddenly appearing cracks in the ground...*

And don't worry, I'll start playing again, once I have the time. Good to hear that he's back

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post
Asagi: Masaka... Sonna....



Julie: At this rate she'll take home the entire Bureau...
Mayura: Sempai
Ashcroft: No way, I can, and shall resist. *points to Asagi* Meet me in the sparring room later. I'd like to show you something

And anyway...I'll be finishing the upcoming OC Profile soon...geh.
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Old 2008-02-12, 07:41   Link #19619
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Sorry for the double-post...

Anyway... Might as well post the nerfed ability data...

I'm welcome to suggestions and criticisms and will adjust if needed...
Nice... though it often reminds one just how 'full' Aurion's hand of cards is, compared to the much more compact demonstration of our canon characters.

You might as well give Aurion a 4-dimensional briefcase as well.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

... so that's where Eisen's Limit Break Zerstrorung Form comes from...

Though the image of Simon (( child or adult )) pulling a Hayate, and carrying Vita bridal-style while she looks at her device's humanoid form with a dere-dere look is...


Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Do note that relics are supposed to contain tremendous amount of power. So I don't think that was only Vivio alone. and SS+ sounds about right.
It seems to be implied that the core of Vivio's combat-prowess lies more in smart-combat... and we know Vivio's mentally not in her right mind at her fighting mode, and with the loss of Cradle and Relic, she no longer has her power source either.

I'd say Vivio's potential was SS+ and above, since she's supposed to be stronger the longer a fight drags out and her shield is supposed to be extremely strong, but her conditioning pushed her to Synthetic S, if only because of the Barrier.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
No New Year's Allowances out here in the Outback...

And yes I've been here since last Friday, hence why I started the countdown.

[AgentClone]We missed you too.[/AgentClone]
Well, I'm back in school now... Internet connection's limited to hotspots, but I have FARRRRRRR more freedom now.

I'll be back. soon.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
This is my latest rethink of the Nanohaverse, and to get the Rebuilt picture right from the start I better air this now.

Is this acceptable? What flaws are there in this simplistic military world view?
I don't know... it seems to me that StrikerS showed that, even if the highest level of magi-performance is superior to conventional applications of weapons-tech, it's not the same for mid-tier performances... Tanks and the such should be more well protected, helicopter and planes should be faster... among other things. Else, honestly it made no sense for Rein to be transported, not flying directly among other things.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Let's keep going!

Rebuilt of Vita

WTB Better portrait. ^^;
[SPOILER="Vita, Dark Iron Count"]Vita, Dark Iron Count

Objections? Criticisms?
Ohh, I like. Nice little details on Vita's past and all that, keeping points of how she became who she is, without being too exposy.

And GARf Eisen is GAR.

No comment on the... hikari ni NAREEEEEEEE.... -_-;

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
P.S - Btw guys, how's this for a device ?

Reminds me of Black Cat, Sven to be precise.

To be honest, I've always found these 'weapon-pimping' displays upon obtain of DMC a little corny.

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Of course, for balance purposes, we only get to use those 6...
Which in the end... is only 6.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

So Teana likes that kind of man eh? I can definitely see why

*runs from Variable Barret*
The image... is not... computing....

Though on the other hand...

Teana: You!

Schach: What's going on!? He's just our gardener.

Teana: Just a gardener... that bastard is... that bastard!

47: The past always haunts one's back... To think I'd meet the sister of the last person I killed...
Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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Old 2008-02-12, 08:47   Link #19620
Jimmy C
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Originally Posted by kha View Post
Rebuilt of Subaru

Quint then resorted underhanded means to produce children, approaching one Dr. Wily and his team. This resulted in the creation of the Nakajima twins which Quint then “conveniently rescued” from a disused research facility.
Not sure if this is such a good idea. If she got found out, at the very least, she'd be forced out of the Bureau.
But then again, rescuing them after someone else stole her genetic data and she didn't know about it until much later seems even more far-fetched, so...

This immediately caught Jail's attention when he was part of a team that helped Quint create her future children.
I don't know if you remember from canon or not, but even Scaglietti doesn't know who made the Type-0 Combat Cyborgs. If he was part of the team that built them, why is he interested in reacquiring them? He should know everything he needs to know about them by now, right?
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