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Old 2025-02-04, 11:39   Link #1
Sleepy Lurker
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[EA] Battlefield 6

Not a proper, full-fledged announcement, but EA got the word out. They already have a pre-alpha, whose short teaser footage reminds me of Strike at Karkand and Gulf of Oman.

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So, Battlefield 6? Not yet. For now, it's Battlefield Labs.
Welcome to Battlefield Labs.

We'd like to invite you to join us for our most ambitious community development collaboration ever. This is an opportunity to provide feedback, validate the future of Battlefield, and have a direct and lasting impact on the next generation of Battlefield games.

Our collective Battlefield Studios teams have been hard at work and are now entering a critical phase of our development cycle, where your feedback is crucial in helping us know what to prioritize, improve, and refine before release.

Battlefield Labs is a place for us to test concepts and experiences we’re excited about with you, our players. We want our community to play a key role in the future of Battlefield and this is an opportunity for many of you to do just that.

We will test (almost) everything but not everything you see will be complete. To ensure that your feedback has impact, players will experience, under NDA, different pieces of an unfinished puzzle so we have time to incorporate your feedback into the final product.

Even in pre-alpha, we are proud of where the game is at. We tirelessly playtest, but your feedback will supercharge our development as we strive to hit that perfect note between form, function, and feel.

This is an unprecedented moment for Battlefield. We will start by testing the pillars of play, like core combat and destruction. Then transition to balance and feedback for our weapons, vehicles and gadgets, ultimately leading to where all these pieces come together in our maps, modes, and squad play.

And yes, we will be testing Conquest and Breakthrough, the heart and soul of our all-out warfare experience, but BF Labs will also be a place to explore new ideas and fine-tune and improve Battlefield pillars like our class system (Assault, Engineer, Support, and Recon) to create deeper more strategic play.

Sign up now. To form an accurate snapshot of our community we need a variety of players - veterans and new recruits - ready to play and feedback on our vision for the future of Battlefield. Initial invites will be limited to a few thousand participants with servers located in Europe and North America. Over time we’ll invite tens of thousands more with support for further territories.

Regardless of your level of participation, we want all Battlefield fans to be a part of the process. We’ll be posting work-in-progress public updates from our community team where you will hear directly from developers at Battlefield Studios.

Visit for more information on how you can sign-up.

There will be ample opportunity to play and converse around the next Battlefield ahead of its launch. This is just the beginning.

Until then, join us on the official Battlefield Discord as it’s our prime way to stay up to date on all things Battlefield!

Let’s build Battlefield together.
//The Battlefield Team
Signup page for Battlefield Labs here.

...Another incentive to replace my old GPU (a stout-hearted GTX970) this year...either a 4070/Super (Ti Super might be too much of a burden for my finances) or a 5070 if the scalpers don't sweep them all off the table and the prices are decent.

personal, hardware-related digressions, don't mind me
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Last edited by Renegade334; Yesterday at 17:30. Reason: Trimmed my gripes about GPUs - they're irrelevant to the discussion
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Old 2025-02-04, 12:15   Link #2
Infinite Zenith
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I'm going to sit out until after launch. Battlefield's going to need classes and not specialists, plenty of maps, weapons and vehicles, a campaign and no Fortnite skins (or at least, the option to turn them off) to begin holding my attention.
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Old 2025-02-04, 20:22   Link #3
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I'd honestly be satisfied with just some improvements to BF4.
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Old 2025-02-05, 18:02   Link #4
Sleepy Lurker
*Graphic Designer
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Location: Nun'yabiznehz
Age: 39
Apparently, at the latest EA investors' call, it was declared that the game wouldn't be released before 2026. First pre-alpha playtests (under NDA) will, however, take place in the coming weeks.
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Old 2025-02-07, 02:31   Link #5
Join Date: Apr 2010
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I will always be a BF fan and will continue to buy and play their titles. While it's well known for many years to be skeptical of EA/DICE (and every other triple A company), I can't help but still be excited. We are due for the next title and one can only hope for the best. That snipit of destruction and debris being brought back is huge. Yes, it's not new, but it changes the visuals enormously and 2042 severely lacked the destruction.

Read some news that they said it'll be released within their 2026 fiscal year which starts in March or April (I forget). Sept/Oct and February are usually big months for game releases so I would assume that would be a date for release.
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