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Old 2025-01-20, 20:31   Link #1581
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Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Good luck on ch.14! It's nowhere near as hard as the battle sim challenges, but... well, it is long and you'll be needing all your MP for the final series of battles. Lv9 weapons really make a difference!

It took a lot longer than I expected, in part thanks to dying several times and losing carry-over buffs.

Jenova Lifeclinger was going great until right as I was going to cast the killing Firaga; Cloud got annihilated, so I lost all of his buffs and had to spend several more tries of that last phase figuring out how to survive long enough to kill Jenova without Faith or Haste.

Same thing happened with Sephiroth. Lost all the buffs Zack put on Cloud because Sephiroth cast Heartless Angel before I even regained control of Cloud after climbing up him. The AI is so ridiculous sometimes.

The Bahamut/Sephiroth Wing fight went very sideways on me but I eked that out.

And then final Sephiroth with Aerith also ended extremely quickly when my Firaga didn't the least bit interrupt Sephiroth firing Whisper Cannon point-blank into Cloud's face.

So, yeah, that was way too frustrating. But, did get it done, so now Cloud has Weapon Level 9. I probably won't have sufficient time to want to try Bonds of Friendship again until this weekend, so I'll have plenty of time to stew before then. Just thinking how if I wasn't an idiot on Saturday and had used my Limit Break I'd be done with everything I wanted to do in Rebirth by now and would be starting Crisis Core this week.
A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite point in the future. –General George S. Patton, Jr.

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Last edited by JagdPanther; 2025-01-20 at 20:48.
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Old 2025-01-23, 08:50   Link #1582
Mad Pierrot
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You guys think Nintendo will license Remake and Rebirth now that they made the new Switch console?
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Old 2025-01-23, 13:18   Link #1583
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Rebirth has been cleared for the steam deck, that much is fact. Can't tell whether or not they'll go for a Switch release, though SE has already made their stance on multi-platform releases abundantly clear. I suppose it's a win-win situation for everyone, provided it runs properly without too much post-release patching.
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Old 2025-01-24, 11:29   Link #1584
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Part 3 has been in development for 9 months
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Old 2025-01-25, 20:25   Link #1585
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Well... I could've been done with this a week ago, but I wasn't. Took me another 5 and a half hours straight through with no break today, but I finally beat Bonds of Friendship.

I made it to Odin like 3 times but kept getting screwed by stupid stuff (including once where the camera wigged out on me and I got Cloud stuck on the wrong side of Spatial Distortion). As had been the case before, I had *way* more trouble with Titan and Heuycotal than almost anything else in the challenge. It's insane how much I struggled with those two.

The last time I made it to Odin, almost everything went as well as it could've. I thought I accidentally screwed myself over once more because I switched to Cloud for a moment while Odin was still on the other side of Spatial Distortion, and then Odin started casting Temporal Imprisonment. I quickly switched back to Zack and thought I was done for, so I blew Zack's ATB to cast Barrier on himself to try to survive until Cloud was released, but I guess I switched back quickly enough that Zack got stopped. I had nearly 2 full ATB with Cloud, so it took just a hit or two to get to full and a Swiftcast Thundaga to finish off Odin. *whew*

NEVER doing that sh** again.

I had no interest in Platinuming the game, and even though it *seems* like I'm close, I am going to call "game" here and move on. I did what I wanted to do. I would have to get to level 3 on a bunch of minigames that I am not good at and don't want to dump hours into.

Picked up Crisis Core Reunion on PlayStation Store earlier and played a little bit earlier. I'll dive in deep tomorrow. Hopefully this will last a good portion of the next 3 months until Lunar Remastered comes up in mid-April; can't wait to replay my two favorite games of all time!
A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite point in the future. –General George S. Patton, Jr.

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Old 2025-01-26, 04:43   Link #1586
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Glad to see people excited for the Lunar collection Rebirth eventually burns you out, and it's always the battle sim stuff. Mini-games may have been a bit tricky, but it's the fighting that poses the greatest challenge. Great job getting there, also for making that call; I've stopped myself from getting a platinum on games that I knew I wouldn't enjoy if I'd gone for it.

P.S: We're also getting Suikoden 1&2 remastered on March 6.
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Old 2025-01-26, 20:12   Link #1587
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Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Glad to see people excited for the Lunar collection Rebirth eventually burns you out, and it's always the battle sim stuff. Mini-games may have been a bit tricky, but it's the fighting that poses the greatest challenge. Great job getting there, also for making that call; I've stopped myself from getting a platinum on games that I knew I wouldn't enjoy if I'd gone for it.

P.S: We're also getting Suikoden 1&2 remastered on March 6.
I was SO shocked and thrilled when I saw the Lunar Remastered announcement. I cannot wait for it to be available on preorder, let alone for it to be released. Lunar is actually what started my "Games of my Childhood" marathon I started 4 years ago. I played fresh starts on my jailbroken PS3. It'll be interesting to see what they do with the remaster in terms of any upgrades.

As for FFVII Rebirth... I might jump back in to see Yuffie's Chapter 8 and Chapter 12 date scenes. I realized I forgot to do those. I could just watch them online, but I guess I want to control it still.

A couple hours into Crisis Core. I forget how far I got in the PSP version years ago; I don't think I got far, but I definitely got as far as the slums. Just grinding missions right now until I carry on with chapter 2. Having not played this in forever, I immediately see where this battle system and visuals heavily influenced Remake and Rebirth.
A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite point in the future. –General George S. Patton, Jr.

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Old 2025-01-26, 22:41   Link #1588
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The Chadley stuff burned me out more than anything else. I like the combat enough to do the simulation missions, but I got tired of the exploration loop by the time I got to the Nibelheim region.
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Old 2025-01-27, 11:58   Link #1589
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Got started with this now that it's on PC, currently in the coal mines. As I recall, this part of the original game was mostly adventuring between places, getting to know the world and characters. This game has been very successful at recreating that vibe. But I guess that wouldn't be enough, so once in a while they throw in the "You know, this time things will go different, right?" teases, just like in Remake. But yeah, absolutely brilliant so far.

For me it's also the best-performing PC port I've seen from this company, though many people are reporting issues so it's still kind of a crapshoot. Some gripes I have about the graphics, like the forced TAA, are more of an industry wide issue than a fault of this specific game.
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Old 2025-01-27, 12:00   Link #1590
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Nibelheim was a breath of fresh air after the torture that was Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon. I think Gongaga was the hardest one to explore, but Cosmo Canyon had sooo many flight pads, it was hard on a blind playthrough.

For me it's also the best-performing PC port I've seen from this company, though many people are reporting issues so it's still kind of a crapshoot. Some gripes I have about the graphics, like the forced TAA, are more of an industry wide issue than a fault of this specific game
Let us know how it fares in particle-heavy battles, once you get there.
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Old 2025-01-27, 20:28   Link #1591
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Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Nibelheim was a breath of fresh air after the torture that was Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon. I think Gongaga was the hardest one to explore, but Cosmo Canyon had sooo many flight pads, it was hard on a blind playthrough.
I don't know... I feel like the Chocograss was the most annoying regional item in the game because there were so many and some were hidden in the most aggravatingly hard to find areas.
A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite point in the future. –General George S. Patton, Jr.

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Old 2025-02-03, 07:36   Link #1592
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I am 80 hours in now and explored all the open world zones. About 2 hours of that is parry training against Odin, lol. The amount of minigames is a little bit ridiculous, and I'm definitely never 100%ing this game. The game is unplayable on mouse+keyboard, and I'm simply not adroit enough with a controller. My brain thinks I'm pushing a stick down, while my hand is pushing it left. Especially the piano broke my spirit.

I guess it counts as a particle-heavy battle when you use Petrify and Synergy materia with Arcane Ward and Doppleganger (4x Quake for free whenever I perform any action). A well-known cheese strat that works for some of the more annoying battle arenas.

This runs quite fine. If anything, there are more framerate issues in towns. Also when panning the camera in the open world, the texture pop-in is still noticeable even with Ultra background detail. Other than that, I'll stand by the statement that this is a better port than FF16 or Remake. I heard 15 was also a good one, but I haven't played it.
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Old 2025-02-03, 11:43   Link #1593
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Apparently, the PC version was given a patch but according to a player there are still some framerate issues.
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Old 2025-02-07, 07:56   Link #1594
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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I finished playing Crisis Core Reunion. I probably wouldn't have touched it normally but it's on PS plus extra so might as well make use of my subscription.

The plot was a bit whatever, but it achieved what I was hoping it would by enabling me to get to know Zack more and get attached to him. I feel like that will matter for part 3 of the remake.
Giving the game the same UI as Remake/Rebirth was much appreciated, and the gameplay was better than I expected. It's simple compared to Rebirth since you control only one character and you only have six materia slots but it works pretty well.

I definitely think it's worth playing if you're into FFVII.
Rize and Kaneki
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Old 2025-02-07, 10:48   Link #1595
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I finished playing Crisis Core Reunion. I probably wouldn't have touched it normally but it's on PS plus extra so might as well make use of my subscription.

The plot was a bit whatever, but it achieved what I was hoping it would by enabling me to get to know Zack more and get attached to him. I feel like that will matter for part 3 of the remake.
Giving the game the same UI as Remake/Rebirth was much appreciated, and the gameplay was better than I expected. It's simple compared to Rebirth since you control only one character and you only have six materia slots but it works pretty well.

I definitely think it's worth playing if you're into FFVII.
I played the original PSP game back in the day. It's fun but giving the gameplay some sort of pachinko system sure feels weird. The story was fun though it was weird working for Shinra especially considering what happens after Cloud faces Sephiroth. I heard that since Tifa wasn't an actual an adult, Reunion had to tone down her sex appeal. The character of Genesis is kinda controversial too since he is basically the singer Gackt but was never hinted to return since Dirge of Cerberus.
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Old 2025-02-07, 20:59   Link #1596
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I finished playing Crisis Core Reunion. I probably wouldn't have touched it normally but it's on PS plus extra so might as well make use of my subscription.

The plot was a bit whatever, but it achieved what I was hoping it would by enabling me to get to know Zack more and get attached to him. I feel like that will matter for part 3 of the remake.
Giving the game the same UI as Remake/Rebirth was much appreciated, and the gameplay was better than I expected. It's simple compared to Rebirth since you control only one character and you only have six materia slots but it works pretty well.

I definitely think it's worth playing if you're into FFVII.
Just met Aerith and did the minigames in the market, so quite a ways to go yet. But, I am definitely enjoying Zack as a character.
A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite point in the future. –General George S. Patton, Jr.

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Old 2025-02-08, 07:38   Link #1597
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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Originally Posted by Mad Pierrot View Post
I played the original PSP game back in the day. It's fun but giving the gameplay some sort of pachinko system sure feels weird. The story was fun though it was weird working for Shinra especially considering what happens after Cloud faces Sephiroth. I heard that since Tifa wasn't an actual an adult, Reunion had to tone down her sex appeal. The character of Genesis is kinda controversial too since he is basically the singer Gackt but was never hinted to return since Dirge of Cerberus.
The problem with Genesis is that he just plain sucks as a character. 80% of his lines are just quotes from Loveless, it's completely ridiculous. I don't care how obsessed he is with this play, USE YOUR WORDS!

It of course doesn't help that he's basically discount Sephiroth either.

Originally Posted by JagdPanther View Post
Just met Aerith and did the minigames in the market, so quite a ways to go yet. But, I am definitely enjoying Zack as a character.
That chapter was fun and a nice break from all the fighting.
Rize and Kaneki
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Old 2025-02-08, 15:55   Link #1598
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Crisis Core suffers from the same writing issues that every other FF7 Compilation work has, where there's too much brooding with characters that are written with canned dialogue that sound like they don't know how to talk like a human being.

The one silver lining Crisis Core has that Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus didn't is that Zack is the one character that acts and talks like a normal person.

Genesis is an easy target, but Angeal, Hollander, Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, and all of Deepground are just as bad as he is.
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Old 2025-02-08, 20:59   Link #1599
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Angeal is probably the most memorable part from Crisis Core due to how he keeps testing Zack's values in regards to following Shinra's orders until Even Sephiroth decides to avoid killing the traitor. Nomura also showed off by making a younger Zack look different from FF7 and become his default look when Angeal dies and Even starts acting like him. It's a shame that Angeal's death is ruined by making the next fight take place without making the Buster Sword that memorable in the process
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Old 2025-02-09, 08:03   Link #1600
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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Originally Posted by Shadow5YA View Post
Crisis Core suffers from the same writing issues that every other FF7 Compilation work has, where there's too much brooding with characters that are written with canned dialogue that sound like they don't know how to talk like a human being.

The one silver lining Crisis Core has that Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus didn't is that Zack is the one character that acts and talks like a normal person.

Genesis is an easy target, but Angeal, Hollander, Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, and all of Deepground are just as bad as he is.
Maybe in the English localization, but I didn't notice Angeal or Hollander speaking oddly in Japanese. Genesis, on the other hand, is ridiculous in every language.

As for Kadaj and his brothers, they were basically supposed to be children, so makes sense to me.
Rize and Kaneki
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