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Old 2025-01-24, 10:46   Link #1081
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MAGAs think quoting CNN is some sort of "gotcha", completely ignoring (because it goes against their narrative) that CNN got bought out by a Trumper years ago and has become Fox Lite. It's the primary reason their viewership numbers have dropped so much.
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Old 2025-01-24, 13:56   Link #1082
formerly ogon bat
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Originally Posted by GDB View Post
MAGAs think quoting CNN is some sort of "gotcha", completely ignoring (because it goes against their narrative) that CNN got bought out by a Trumper years ago and has become Fox Lite. It's the primary reason their viewership numbers have dropped so much.
*insert meme of astronaut on the moon with the gun* It always was.

No, seriously, have we forgotten how (before there was any proof) CNN declared dubya winner in the 2000? CNN has always leaned right, the thing is that FOX has moved so far to the right, that it generates the illusion that CNN is somehow center or left leaning.

Also, after the 2024 election, I would not trust any USA mainstream media outlets, go see Reuters in Plex or some other news outlet which is not part of the USA oligarchy, just don't choose RT, the russian oligarchy is worse, I know it is obvious, but in the times we are living on, it must be said out loud.

Last edited by mangamuscle; 2025-01-24 at 16:24.
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Old 2025-01-24, 17:44   Link #1083
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Originally Posted by mangamuscle View Post
No, seriously, have we forgotten how (before there was any proof) CNN declared dubya winner in the 2000? CNN has always leaned right, the thing is that FOX has moved so far to the right, that it generates the illusion that CNN is somehow center or left leaning.
Sadly cold war propaganda rotted boomer brains to the point that there's basically no left in the US, the Dems are neoliberals and the Repugs are fascists.
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Old 2025-01-24, 18:00   Link #1084
formerly ogon bat
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Trump administration freezes many health agency reports and online posts

Setting the stage for a bird flu pandemic. Why would he do that? Remember, that people are easier to manipulate when they are afraid.
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Old 2025-01-25, 01:37   Link #1085
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Originally Posted by GDB View Post
MAGAs think quoting CNN is some sort of "gotcha"
Ahh, give him a break. It took him two days to come up with that.

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Old 2025-01-25, 02:30   Link #1086
Yu Ominae
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Episcopal Bishop of Washington, Mariann Edgar Budde, said that she's not going to say sorry due to a speech she gave "to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now."

There's vids of Trump shifting in his seat uncomfortably.

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Old 2025-01-25, 08:32   Link #1087
Guardian Enzo
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Originally Posted by Yu Ominae View Post
Episcopal Bishop of Washington, Mariann Edgar Budde, said that she's not going to say sorry due to a speech she gave "to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now."

There's vids of Trump shifting in his seat uncomfortably.
That could easily have been his diaper needing to be changed.
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Old 2025-01-25, 12:30   Link #1088
formerly ogon bat
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Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post
Ahh, give him a break. It took him two days to come up with that.
What? Hell no! MAGA mobs know their purpose in life is to regurgitate the soundbites given to them by Fox News, RT and the like. Thinking by themselves is frown upon, it is a clear sign they have been compromised by evil ideologies.
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Old 2025-01-27, 13:51   Link #1089
formerly ogon bat
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Again, here I am copy/pasting a tweet, this is why I no longer trust 'murrican news media:

Colombia: We're not taking shackled detainees returned on military flights. Transport them with dignity

Trump: let's slap some tarrifs on.

Colombia: OK, here's some tariffs right back at cha. *America has a meltdown over price of coffee

Trump: Fine, no more shackled detainees returned on military flights. We will be dignified like Biden was in returning migrants.

Colombia: it's called negotiation and we don't really want to with a white slaver but have no choice.

Trump: I won!
Western media - King Trump <crowned face>

Rest of world- well done Colombia.

BTW, besides coffee, Petro also threatened with closing USA military bases in Colombia.
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Old 2025-01-27, 21:25   Link #1090
Yu Ominae
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Getting reports that someone who got pardoned for Jan. 6 was shot and killed by a Sheriff's Deputy in Indiana.

Even if we were at odds with each other, I still thank you for training me, Instructor Bowman - Yu Ominae, reflecting on Bowman's death after killing him in Phantom Island
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Old 2025-01-27, 22:47   Link #1091
formerly ogon bat
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Originally Posted by Yu Ominae View Post
Getting reports that someone who got pardoned for Jan. 6 was shot and killed by a Sheriff's Deputy in Indiana.
The bad news is that this pos with a presidential pardon now think they are above the law (they might feel trump will grant them pardons as required) and will continue to clash with law enforcement, don't be surprised if next time it is a police officer who is shot and killed at the scene, some already did in jan 6!
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Old 2025-01-28, 03:03   Link #1092
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Originally Posted by The Green One View Post
*shrugs* dunno why people are surprised.

People voted for him which means pretty clearly they don't give a shit. So whatever.

It's like handing a small child power tools and then being surprised when they start destroying stuff with them.

What were you expecting to happen?
Honestly, while there are more than a few nuts, seems like a lot of people voted him because they thought he'd "improve" the "economy". Which is absurd on at least two points honestly. First off, the President doesn't have near as much power to impact the economy as people think, and any action will take years to show its real impact; you might get a small shift up or down for a few years, but the real impact won't come until after the term is over. Second, most of the people who talk about "the economy" are really talking about their personal and individual financial situation, which is even further detached from the President's power or concern.

And of course they insist he'll be able to "fix" it while ignoring the fact that one of his big promises is to put a tax on just about everything we buy. That's going to make things cost more, not less.
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Old 2025-01-28, 05:41   Link #1093
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I read that he wants to put tariffs on Taiwan made semiconductors and chips, which is absolutely nuts considering that majority of the high end chips we use today come from TSMC fabs, and the US has yet to have its own fabs that can output the same amount for its own use. It's like shooting your own tech industry in the knees with a shotgun and demanding it learn to walk on its own.
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Old 2025-01-28, 07:03   Link #1094
The Green One
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I don't know what's worse.

Trumps ignorance on how the world works with his multiple bankrupt businesses, or the general public's ignorance in believing him or their general apathy that ANYTHING must be better than the last four years.

We'll see if time proves them right or not.
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Old 2025-01-28, 12:51   Link #1095
formerly ogon bat
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Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
Honestly, while there are more than a few nuts, seems like a lot of people voted him because they thought he'd "improve" the "economy".
The absurd part is that the economy was doing fine. But the news media hammered the "not perfect" part and made people wish for a change for it to improve, without giaving some thought that they were electing the person that made the economy turn for the worse. Of course the MAGA mobs will jump the moment anyone says that the economy has been trashed by republican administrations for decades now, but it is the simple truth they fear the most.

The next for years motto will be "You don't appreciate what you got until you lose it".
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Old 2025-01-28, 17:28   Link #1096
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Originally Posted by ramlaen View Post
I do enjoy the discourse about the price of eggs. All the folks attacking Trump for not lowering their price during his first week in office without realizing they are admitting things were not fine during the previous admin.
No, they're attacking him because "eggs are too expensive" or "make groceries affordable again" was one of his loudest campaign mottos. Yet, things just get worse under him.

Like, it's almost impressive that he's made things so much worse in just a week. If it weren't for the fact we had to live with it, it'd be an amazing feat.
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Old 2025-01-28, 20:38   Link #1097
Key Board
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if Trump is serious about egg prices, he should manage the bird flu

and doing that requires firing RFK first. You do not want that person to be in charge of managing an epidemic.

"Legitimacy is based on three things. First of all, the people who are asked to obey authority have to feel like they have a voice—that if they speak up, they will be heard. Second, the law has to be predictable. There has to be a reasonable expectation that the rules tomorrow are going to be roughly the same as the rules today. And third, the authority has to be fair. It can’t treat one group differently from another.” Malcolm Gladwell
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Old 2025-01-28, 22:02   Link #1098
The Green One
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Most of the common people just want the economy "fixed" so things are "affordable" again.

Trump claimed he would do it among other things and they voted him in for it regardless of Trump's moral bankruptcy. As long as the economy is "fixed" they just don't care what he does otherwise until it personally inconveniences the common folk.
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Old 2025-01-28, 23:25   Link #1099
formerly ogon bat
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Originally Posted by The Green One View Post
Most of the common people just want the economy "fixed" so things are "affordable" again.

Trump claimed he would do it among other things and they voted him in for it regardless of Trump's moral bankruptcy. As long as the economy is "fixed" they just don't care what he does otherwise until it personally inconveniences the common folk.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary (economic) Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Because, no matter how I look at it, essential liberties are being targeted like never before *coff* Project 2025 *coff*
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Old 2025-01-29, 03:23   Link #1100
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Tariffs were used by many nations to build their own industry, like in Japan and South Korea. That requires a level of consensus and long-term planning that I doubt a Trump admin can achieve, though.

The modern way to promote domestic industry is subsidies, like Biden's CHIPS act. It's unfortunate that MAGAs are too prideful to continue a good policy when they can't take credit for it, so here come the tariffs.
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