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Old 2025-01-17, 05:21   Link #621
is this so?
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finally managed to pull Herta. She's surprisingly easy to build.

she currently has 72.6 Crit Rate, 124.5 Crit DMG, and 135 SPD. Still plenty room for improvement... her current head relic has no crit damage, and the sphere I'm using is far from optimal, it is ATK and have no crit rate or crit damage. I plan to make improvements until at least 150 crit dmg is reached - will go higher if I get lucky on sub stat rolls.

also not yet have her light cone.. things would certainaly better if I could have it.

planning to test her in Apoc Shadow when it refresh in a few days. Maybe some days after, since her talents are still only level 3, I need to farm for a few more days to max them.

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Old 2025-01-17, 17:51   Link #622
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Got Jade!!!!!! Time to build her right!
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Old 2025-01-21, 13:25   Link #623
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I've planned to use Sunday with The Herta but turns out Remembrance Trailblazer is better in slot than him. That's 50% bonus damage as true damage is totally broken.
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Old 2025-01-21, 18:03   Link #624
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cleared Gold and Gears level IV with my Rappa team.

clearing up some back logs to get more jades.

surprisingly easy, even with Droidhead throwing Destruction at my team every now and then.
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Old 2025-01-25, 05:37   Link #625
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tried using the Variable Dice to improve Sparkle's rope.

not as good as I had hoped, but still better than having 20% DEF. lol

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Old 2025-01-25, 06:37   Link #626
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Originally Posted by Liddo-kun View Post
finally managed to pull Herta. She's surprisingly easy to build.

she currently has 72.6 Crit Rate, 124.5 Crit DMG, and 135 SPD. Still plenty room for improvement... her current head relic has no crit damage, and the sphere I'm using is far from optimal, it is ATK and have no crit rate or crit damage. I plan to make improvements until at least 150 crit dmg is reached - will go higher if I get lucky on sub stat rolls.

also not yet have her light cone.. things would certainaly better if I could have it.

planning to test her in Apoc Shadow when it refresh in a few days. Maybe some days after, since her talents are still only level 3, I need to farm for a few more days to max them.

From what I heard E1 is better than LC. Anyway I can testify, she does great job in AS even on E0S0
"I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it" (Charles R. Swindoll)
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Old 2025-01-25, 08:23   Link #627
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yeah, finished testing as well. E0 S0 Madam Herta can handle even level 4 of the current AS.

due to limited resources, I did plan on getting her E1 first. So that even if I fail, the pulls done would help build up for the next character. Currently 30 or 40 pulls in, and no 5 star triggered. Will keep going until banner end.
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Old 2025-01-26, 23:32   Link #628
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Cosmic lucky prize (Lottery event to win 500,000 stellar jades) starts today, make sure you participate everyday.

This is an in-game event, not web event. You need to login to draw everyday. Not just one time.

Last edited by Marina2; 2025-01-27 at 00:09.
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Old 2025-01-27, 00:02   Link #629
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Winners are announced 9pm on GMT+8.
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Old 2025-01-27, 05:02   Link #630
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thanks for the info...

anyway, will just play it small with the 100 jades. I'm f2p, need the jades.

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Old 2025-01-28, 05:16   Link #631
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after some more relic rolls. Managed to increase Madam Herta's Crit DMG to 140. While maintaining her Crit Rate above 70 and SPD at above 134 (SPD breakpoint).

could potentially get 150 Crit DMG, but that would require me to have an ICE Sphere with both Crit Rate and Crit DMG sub stats both at 9 or above. Can actually do that, but using Self Modeling Resin, Wishful Resin, and possible reroll with a Variable Dice once or twice just to get 10 more Crit DMG does not feel right (lol). Would just be content with 140 Crit DMG that I have right now... temporary stopping point until I get her light cone on re-run, or I manage to get an ICE Sphere from Sleepy with the right sub stats.


Last edited by Liddo-kun; 2025-01-28 at 05:27.
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Old 2025-01-31, 05:14   Link #632
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also anyone here speak greek? What does Nikador say when he swing the large sword, and when he throw the spear? Thanks -- at 0:28 and 1:37.
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Old 2025-02-01, 17:44   Link #633
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Aglaea - Whereto Shall We Go quest

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Old 2025-02-03, 10:15   Link #634
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full cleared the refreshed Pure Fiction.


just for fun... I used Hanya this time. Score would probably be higher if I used Sparkle... but just wanted to do something different. ^^
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Old 2025-02-05, 00:02   Link #635
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Didn't get even one 600 jades from the lottery. That's how it is when you gamble. All or nothing.

Managed to get Aglaea in 30 pulls. This is where my luck went Though I doubt I can get her lightcone after only barely just getting Herta's. Already used 40 pulls as well and didn't even get one copy of the new 4 star Remembrance LC(though I did get 2 DDDs to max it). I'll try some more up until the drip marketing starts next week so I can start saving if it's going to be Castorice first since 3.1 is a skip. There's a new 5 star Remembrance LC in the Herta shop next patch so I could just settle for that, though that means I can't use Aglaea until then. I'll just borrow the shop 4 star LC that RMC has right now even if it doesn't fit her.


Seems they're addressing issues in the 3.0 main story pacing. It was that bad of a reception and I agree. I love Greek mythology and the mythology of Amphoreus but it was definitely too much of a lore dump with a lot of tell and less show, like that history lesson in the fountain. And also too much puzzles that padded out the pacing.

Last edited by belatkuro; 2025-02-05 at 00:37.
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Old 2025-02-05, 05:54   Link #636
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was clearing up some more backlogs today.

I thank Rappa for clearing Gold and Gears V.
was not expecting she is strong enough to do this.


got jades and a resin as reward. ^^

oh, and new banner. Easy skip. I don't like Aglaea's char design.
just personal preference ok, no offense to those who like her.

this banner will be a rest banner... saving up jades for some re-runs that I'm waiting for.
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Old 2025-02-05, 07:35   Link #637
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Originally Posted by belatkuro View Post
Seems they're addressing issues in the 3.0 main story pacing. It was that bad of a reception and I agree. I love Greek mythology and the mythology of Amphoreus but it was definitely too much of a lore dump with a lot of tell and less show, like that history lesson in the fountain. And also too much puzzles that padded out the pacing.
The history lesson in the fountain definitely could have been done instead with a short narrated cutscene instead; wouldn't even have had to be too fancy. But it all ties back to the overall problem I thought about 3.0, which to me is that they spread themselves way too thin to put out that much story content in one patch, so it has the feel of "quantity over quality." I too thought the overall lore is interesting, I liked the characters, and the art of the world is nice (with some cool-looking locales), so on the whole I thought it was good, but yeah. I feel like if they took their budget and instead had half the text but with higher production values (and, as you say, a bit less tedium/padding in the exploration/combat/puzzle aspects), it'd come across better. I do think, however, this is partly because this was just the "worldbuilding" patch, and future patches were probably already likely to be a bit shorter and more narrowly-focused.

The other thing about that news post that has people curious/excited is the hint at the end that they are planning to buff some older characters, which isn't common for Hoyoverse games (but likely makes more sense in a turn-based game like this). People are speculating there was a hint at what might be one of the likely planned adjustments to a past/early character in the 3.0 story, so I guess we'll see. I do think they went a bit too overboard with the power creep, so unless they do something to address it, it will likely impact their long-term sales (e.g., why invest in e1/e2/etc. if they're just going to be useless in a year). Having an "evolution" mechanic for older characters might be a half-decent compromise, and it'd make reruns (and just focusing on your favorites) a bit more palatable.
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Old 2025-02-05, 09:53   Link #638
is this so?
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the question is... what kind of buff will the older characters receive? Is it a direct buff.. increased damage multipliers for example? Or are they gonna release new characters that specifically buff older ones? Direct buffing might be dangerous, they might get sued by certain players.

speaking of power creep. I'm glad to have only got E0 S0 Jingliu. There is a massive gap in power between E0 S0 Jingliu and E0 S0 Madam Herta. I made this comparison, since both are limited banner ice dps that can hit multiple enemies. Give them both decent relics and decent stats... Herta destroys Swarm King in Apoc Shadow lvl 4, while Jingliu is far too slow...
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Old 2025-02-05, 21:00   Link #639
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Originally Posted by Liddo-kun View Post
the question is... what kind of buff will the older characters receive? Is it a direct buff.. increased damage multipliers for example? Or are they gonna release new characters that specifically buff older ones? Direct buffing might be dangerous, they might get sued by certain players.
I don't think it's likely they'd get sued for buffing. Plenty of gacha games have had variations of "awakening" systems for older characters, and some have even reworked their kits entirely in subsequent patches. (Cygames has had variations of this in almost all their games, whether it's kit rework, or various kinds of awakening.) Very unlikely someone would sue because the character they paid for is now better than it was at the time.

To somehow sue and sustain an argument like "I paid for Character X because Character Y was weak, but then you made Character Y strong so I didn't need to buy Character X" would never really work. The conclusions people arrive at based on relative performance at the time are not indicative of how future content will play out anyway. (It'd be no different than someone trying to sue because their character got power crept.)

The example buff that people are speculating about...
Spoiler for Patch 3.0 Trailblaze Quest:

Originally Posted by Liddo-kun View Post
speaking of power creep. I'm glad to have only got E0 S0 Jingliu. There is a massive gap in power between E0 S0 Jingliu and E0 S0 Madam Herta. I made this comparison, since both are limited banner ice dps that can hit multiple enemies. Give them both decent relics and decent stats... Herta destroys Swarm King in Apoc Shadow lvl 4, while Jingliu is far too slow...
Yes, this is exactly the sort of issue they need to address if they want to have old characters come back in reruns at the same price point. This is a game where, ultimately, stats and skills matter more than games like Genshin (where elemental reactions and player skill can cover a multitude of disadvantages). So you have characters like Jingliu who have just been blatantly powercrept into near-uselessness in all endgame content (and the whole community knows it), and who is going to spend on her rerun? And in general, why bother investing in any new character beyond e0s0 if everything is just "good enough for now"? Basically a mess of their own making by being a bit too aggressive with monetization, which worked at first but is going to catch up with them.
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Old 2025-02-06, 05:47   Link #640
is this so?
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ok, that's fair enough. Anyway, I see this as a win win for us players. If they succeed in implementing buffs, near obsolete units will be useful again. On the tiny chance they get sued and forced to rollback, hopefully there would be 1600 jade compensate.


on Jingliu. Not sure, but from my blurred memory.. it seems like she ran wild for at least six patches. And her decline started when the Aventurine boss was introduced as a counter to her - possibly, so that Acheron's banner would sell better.


about the current banners. Really surprised they actually did a Silver Wolf re-run... maybe the people at Hoyo are checking pull stats if people are still pulling for her?


and just a few more thoughts on the current state of the game . I have a good friend from Germany who plays Star Rail on two servers. He's not on this forum though. But we talk casually about Star Rail often on discord... he was waiting a long time for Boothill's banner. Then yesterday, I asked him if he's gonna pull since Boothill is here again.. he said, not pulling because it's "dangerous" to pull single target dps right now. Well, I sort of agree on that... current meta feels totally slanted towards aoe... my Feixiao is barely holding on in clearing one side of Apoc, while Rappa or Madam Herta clears the other side easily.
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