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Old 2007-08-04, 15:40   Link #1
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Code Geass - General Character Discussion

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Old 2007-08-04, 22:23   Link #2
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Great! The creation of this thread was not in vain. The question is, do I still have the willpower to discuss the topic "Lelouch VS Suzaku" with all the Zero-haters out there? I most certainly do, but it's time to hit the sack for now. Be back tomorrow, hoping to find this thread full of serious theories and discussions. ^^

Way to go xris! =)
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Old 2007-08-04, 22:40   Link #3
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I doubt I can give better biographies than wikipedia(ha Nina's last name was Einstein, seriously?), but I can give my opinions of the characters that are still alive.

Lloyd Asplund - His interest in research seems to be above his interest in relations to others. Not only that but he appears to be in a technological arms race with Laksharta. He and Cecile have a previous relationship with Laksharta, but it is unclear under what terms it broke off. He is also responsible for the data that went in to designing Lelouch's Hadron Cannon on his Gawain, and the flying fortress which has become Lloyd's base of operations so to speak. As for the fans I'm sure we can expect some new inventions in the 2nd season from Lloyd.

Cecile Croomy - One of the few remaining important people to Suzaku. She apparently is replacing him for someone who we haven't learned about yet. I suspect her to be one of the only people other than Nunnaly capable of helping Suzaku get over Euphie.

Laksharta Chawla- The Research and Development chief for the Black Knights. We still are unclear what the past relationship was between her, Cecile, and Lloyd but I'm willing to be it ended badly even though Laksharta still has trust with Lloyd.

General Bartley - In charge of the original project with C.C. and most of the time a comedy aspect for the audience. Things just never seem to go Bartley's way except getting saved by Schneizel.

Gilbert Guilford- Guilford is an elite Knightmare pilot, is Cornelia's personal knight, commands troops well, and has become a rival for Todo Kyoshiro in the show. He has also become the commander for the Glaston Knights in the Battle for Tokyo.

Nina Einstein- Nina is also a character that has provided comedy to us throughout the 1st season, despite her level of intelligence. Nina has a very racist view towards the Japanese, and expresses it several times in the show. Honestly, I don't know where her character is going, I can only hope for someone to put a bullet in her head in the 2nd season so she stops taking screen time. She has vast knowledge of nuclear physics, and later uses it in the construction of her homemade bomb. Her Euphemia love crush caused a complete breakdown once Euphemia died and like many others seeks revenge against Zero.

Millay Ashford- She is the most calm out of the student council members, often keeping her cool even in times of crisis such as the hotel jacking and Ashford takeover. She is engaged to Lloyd, and is incredibly wealthy in many ways.

Rival Cardemone- friend to Lelouch and one of the earliest characters we meet. He is in fact responsible in a round about way for everything in the shows events starting from when he blocked Kallen's trailer with C.C. in it. He defends Millay and the other student council members when the OoBK take over the school. His crush on Millay, well we will just have to see how that works out in season 2.

Arthur- probably one of my favorite characters is this cat, thought I'm not sure if I like this cat because of his comedy aspect or because he bites Suzaku almost all the time or both.

Sayoko Shinozaki- I'm guessing she is supposed to be Nunnaly's bodyguard but seeing how much Nunnaly gets kidnapped. I'm surprised Lelouch hasn't fired her.

Shirley Fenette - Shirley has had an extremley tough time in this series so far from being kidnapped, to her father dying, to nearly killing her love, to getting geassed. Her character has become one of pity, and I don't see her romantic interest of Lelouch getting re-sparked.

Jeremiah Gottwald - Nickname: Orange-kun Even with his recent power up given by General Bartley Jeremiah has fallen from a high ranking officer to a lab rat experiment. The worst thing he has done was at the end of the most recent episode where one of our favorite characters C.C. is sinking his mech to the bottom of the ocean along with herself. Hopefully we can be rid of Orange-kun and move on to new villains in season 2.

Viletta Nu- A high ranking purist who has now regained her memory and will likely report to the higher Britannian officers in an attempt to gain nobility. Her biggest contribution to the war so far has been shooting the Black Knight commander Ougi Kaname.

Euphemia Li Britannia- She is the only dead character I am going to mention due to her importance. Her pacifistic ideals were enough to even sway Lelouch to join her before the massacre. She had many supporters and as a result of Lelouch killing her Lelouch has gained an unbelievable amount of enemies. Perhaps the most important of these being her relationship with her knight Kurugi Suzaku as he has caused the most problems for Lelouch. Euphemia was kind to a fault even risking her own life several times. Her death was not only the most tragic, but the most important in relation to the story because it has created a dividing line between Suzaku and his long time friend Lelouch; one that can only be broken by one of them or both of them dying.

Cornelia- Older sister to Lelouch, Nunnaly, and Euphemia. Another person who was shattered by the death of Euphemia. We have known about how closely Cornelia thought of Euphie, and she also values the lives of her army. Her view on numbers though is very different and will not hesitate to kill many numbers if it completes her objective. I suspect she is still alive.

Schneizel El Britannia- He is very intelligent as it is mentioned not only about his chess matches with Lelouch, but several plans including when Zero and Lancelot teamed up and using Euphie's S.A.Z. to stop resistance in Area 11. However, I only have Scheizel as #3 on Lelouch's list of main enemies. Hopefully Scheinzel won't be able to hold the Chinese Union and the OoBK can get some back up. He is one of Lelouch's suspects to be behind the murder of Lelouch's mother.

V.V. - I have V.V. tied with #2 with Suzaku as main enemies for Lelouch. V.V. is skilled, loves confrontation, and is bored three things that have created disaster for Lelouch. V.V. has the ability to teleport people, the limits of this ability we do not know. He put Suzaku close to Kallen, and Lelouch close to Euphemia the first time clearly trying to spark violence. All V.V. had to do was kidnap Nunnaly the second time and everything that Lelouch has worked for begins to crumble. Needless to say I don't think Lelouch and V.V. will be able to discuss their differences over a cup of tea.

Emperor or Britannia- this guy in addition to be a world class jackass, is also a major pimp. He has more wives then James Bond has women. The Emperor throws Nunnaly and Lelouch away to Japan then declares war on Japan. Honestly, I think to either kill Lelouch or have him grow up in a war area. Either way this is Lelouch's main villain / final boss so to speak. But if Lelouch is going to face the Emperor he is going to need Japan. He is also one of Lelouch's suspects to be the killer of his mother.

Ougi Kaname- A one time teacher and friend to Kallen's brother Naoto has become a commander with Lelouch's Black Knight army. He has recently been shot and even though shot ordered Kallen to retrieve Zero to help turn the tide back for Japan.

Kallen Kozuki/Stadfeld- It's getting harder and harder to choose between Kallen and C.C. as my favorite character. She has been Lelouch's most impressive Knightmare pilot and soldier. She has been fighting alongside Lelouch as Zero since the beginning in the Shinjuku ghetto but has only recently learned along with Suzaku that Zero is Lelouch. She proudly fights to avenge her brother's death, and change the world for her mother to live in an liberated Japan. However, at the revelation that her idol Zero is Lelouch her emotions are torn and she may have even shot and injured Lelouch(god i hope not) Kallen is a possible love for Lelouch.

C.C.- C.C. is many people's favorite character, and the one people want to know the most about. She gave Lelouch his Geass ability and has many herself included high speed regeneration even if shot in the head, or stabbed, or tortured, or set on fire.......Even though she often refers to herself as a witch, I haven't seen her do too many evil things except tease Lelouch and abandon Mao. She has lived for an unnamed amount of time at least a few hundred years. She has a scar which apparently cannot heal and for some reason needs Lelouch alive. Whether for her own purposes or because she genuinely cares for Lelouch or both is still uncertain but probably both. She has fought hard for Lelouch, and is more than likely in love with him. C.C. is a possible love for Lelouch also.

Nunnaly vi Britannia - She is Lelouch's cause and was Euphemia's cause. She has been through an incredible ordeal having her mother die on top her causing trauma and being paralyzed from bullets. Her kindness is the only person that reaches above Euphemia's. She was recently kidnapped again, and her condition is uncertain. Lelouch's devotion to his younger sister and wanting to create a peaceful world for her is something I admire as I also have a younger sister.

Kurugi Suzaku- The second main character behind Lelouch. He is Lelouch's first friend and his ultimate enemy. Where as Lelouch has gone against Britannia and is Britannian to create a peaceful world for Nunnaly and find his mother's killer. Suzaku has joined Britannia against Japan and is Japanese trying to change Britannia from within and is often called a traitor. Suzaku was on his way to completing this goal with Euphemia's S.A.Z. area pressing for equality. However, as soon as Euphemia shot that Japanese man in the front row, Suzaku's goals were killed also. Many morality debates have waged on this but I must keep my opinions about Suzaku out of this thread. Suzaku became the pilot to prevent people from dying but was really trying to die himself and repentance for killing his father. His position in the Britannian army has put him against Lelouch since the beginning of the season and will likely continue in the second season. Suzaku's physical abilities allow him to dodge bullets and pilot Lancelot at incredible speeds.

Lelouch vi Britannia- The main character of the series. Lelouch was born a prince and at the age of 17 has gained a superhuman ability, created a revolutionary army winning several battles against a superior power in Britannia, become the hope of Japan disguised under the title Zero, is extremely intelligent, and done all of this for the sake of his sister and to discover his mother's murderer. He has also done several evil things including killing innocent people in the Narita area, and assassinating two political leaders. Lelouch's identity was recently exposed to Cornelia, Suzaku, and Kallen but Cornelia was geassed and can only remember Kamenija being mentioned.

Wow, that was alot of typing and my hands are tired. Hopefully this will help you understand the characters more.
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Old 2007-08-04, 23:00   Link #4
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Something that Blue Mercy brought to my mind while reading that long write up. It is on Kallen.

We have seen her stick true to one goal, overall, since the start of the series... though it does wax and wane through the coarse of Season 1. That goal being the liberation of Japan, or the creation of a world where she can live happily and know that her brother's life was not wasted. Various episodes seem to show her growing more and more capable of dealing with the consequences of her dreams, and yet later the show seems to show that she can also come to doubt it (that or Suzaku simply knows how to flatter someone then slam a punch at their ideals). Does anyone beyond me find this a tad odd? Perhaps poor scripting or poorly thought out development, something to make her seem more and more capable of switching sides perhaps?

The reason I say this is that her goals center on the value of life and the desire to live a good life, yet if they are so easily waned by a single lecture from an enemy she comes off as a weak minded character. Which I highly doubt she is. It seems that the writers may try to force a change of character in her, which seems wrong. It would basically be the same thing as Lelouch deciding that Nanally wasn't worth it and its time to move on. Just that instead of a young girl and dead mother, you have a dead brother and an ill mother. I don't believe that she will abandon that ideal but the way her character is going I am not keeping my hopes up... or down .
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Old 2007-08-04, 23:30   Link #5
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I agree with you Var... Kallen/Karen is most certainly an interesting character, an she's the second most important character to the show... in my opinion. I do believe that her ideals and goals ain't all that different in comparison to Lelouch's after all. He fights to create a secure and peaceful nation for his sister to live in, whilst trying to uncover the secrets behind his mother being killed. Karen is fighting to create a secure and peaceful nation for her and her mother to live in, whilst trying to justify her brothers actions... and making his death be "not in vain". I don't really know what the general Geass-fan out there thinks, but Karen seems to be the most appropriate partner for Lelouch. I'm not talking about partners in crime here, but partners in life. Sure, C.C. is an extremely popular choice, but I'm rooting for Karen. ^^

Hopefully they'll discover that they're basicly fighting for similar reasons, and not only to "liberate japan from an invading, tyranny-driven, suppressing, racist superpower", even though that is a honorable and common goal. Karen was, without a doubt, sincerely shocked to discover the true identity of her beloved hero Zero, but they're really not that different... if you look beyond the fact that Lelouch/Zero is a LOT more "hardcore" than her. I just hope that the somewhat dense (as far as romance is concerned) Lelouch manages to grasp this as well.
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Old 2007-08-05, 00:39   Link #6
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I don't find Kallen interesting as much as highly irksome. I've already covered this a couple times, but...

Normally I'm all over female characters, especially female fighters. But Kallen... Totally rubs me the wrong way. Probably a big deciding factor is that I don't like Lulu or the OotBK, and since she's in with both, she gets placed way down on my list.

Her words and actions always seem to find a way to piss me off. In episode 13, she was describing why she does what she does, and some of it is an admirable stance, but christ, she's nuts. She also changes a bit too quickly for my tastes. She is really rigid on some things, and flips in an instant on others. Like with saving her mother in the one episode... Her mother says a half a sentence and Kallen all of the sudden understands everything about her mother and is fighting for her rather than wishing she wasn't around. I understand Refrain is a hallucinogenic that creates a past for the user, and obviously Kallen's mother was imagining a better time, but Kallen... You mean to tell me in the heat of battle one sentence is processed in an instant and Kallen suddenly totally changes her opinion about her mother? Ooooooookay......

I just don't know how to describe it. Kallen irks me. If she ends up with Lulu, I'll be pissed. I definitely need him and C.C. to be together for me to not be disappointed beyond repair. Or no one, that'd actually be better.
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Old 2007-08-05, 01:22   Link #7
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I'm inclined to agree with JagdPanther that Kallen is not all that interesting (but she is not bothersome at all for me). She's a generic fighter character: problematic background, skillful. determined, fights for her ideals, stubborn, etc. At times, she casts doubt on her current position, but for the most part it is entirely relative to her ideal - some sort of resolution for Elevens.

She's a buxom beauty who wields a gun. She is by no means as 'interesting' (not so much in a good way) as C.C.
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Old 2007-08-05, 01:49   Link #8
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i dunno, Kallen seems a bit more deep then you give her credit for. the whole mother drama she had gave her some character and some events in epi 25 added to her character as well.

i think it would be hard to label the "deepest/most interesting" character because its not the individual characters that make it interesting, but the way they interact and feed off each other. Lelouch wouldn't be as interesting a character without Nunnally, Nina would be plain BORING without the princess Euphie side element for her, Ougi x Villetta and the list goes on.

i think Kallen x Zero/ Kallen x Lelouch will be fleshed out more Season 2 (if she lives) but who knows, one of the best things about CG is that you have no clue what is goin to happen....ever.
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Old 2007-08-05, 06:49   Link #9
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Originally Posted by JagdPanther View Post
I don't find Kallen interesting as much as highly irksome. I've already covered this a couple times, but...

Normally I'm all over female characters, especially female fighters. But Kallen... Totally rubs me the wrong way. Probably a big deciding factor is that I don't like Lulu or the OotBK, and since she's in with both, she gets placed way down on my list.

Her words and actions always seem to find a way to piss me off. In episode 13, she was describing why she does what she does, and some of it is an admirable stance, but christ, she's nuts. She also changes a bit too quickly for my tastes. She is really rigid on some things, and flips in an instant on others. Like with saving her mother in the one episode... Her mother says a half a sentence and Kallen all of the sudden understands everything about her mother and is fighting for her rather than wishing she wasn't around. I understand Refrain is a hallucinogenic that creates a past for the user, and obviously Kallen's mother was imagining a better time, but Kallen... You mean to tell me in the heat of battle one sentence is processed in an instant and Kallen suddenly totally changes her opinion about her mother? Ooooooookay......

I just don't know how to describe it. Kallen irks me. If she ends up with Lulu, I'll be pissed. I definitely need him and C.C. to be together for me to not be disappointed beyond repair. Or no one, that'd actually be better.
I do agree that who ever wrote her character seems to have made her mind easily persuaded. While the scene with her mother I can forgive, it is her mother after all, certain other moments seem to make me wonder what the writers are trying to get at, I mean come on, no one would/should be able to come to doubt the life of their brother that easily.

However, as we both know, I do not find her irksome, just a a bit oddly designed. I also do agree with Meatrose that she has the most in common with Lelouch but not as fanatical, though still probably nearing fanaticism, as him.

I think that the biggest problem with her character, that people have, is the way they (the writers) portrayed her, really forcing someone to look beyond what is given to really make any sense of it. One episode she gladly kills flocks of people, later comes to wonder why, then later again is fine with, and of course only to later come to question it again. Her shock at Lelouch's identity somewhat compounds my question of what the hell are the writers thinking.

I mean come on, she just pledge her loyalty to basically follow him into Hell and yet goes and wonders if her brother's life meant anything... Last I checked, when you pledge to follow someone to Hell, you're following them to Hell.
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Old 2007-08-05, 08:37   Link #10
The Last Frontier
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I think Kallens a bro-con and other than that, she didn't really seem to think too much about her life in general.
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Old 2007-08-06, 14:25   Link #11
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(btw why isn't it Karen, wouldn't that be more probable english translation, I've never understood why in the world it would be Kallen... is it just a habit of calling her, started by some unknown group of people or is it an official translation of her name?)

Maybe she is just supposed to be very conflicting and then in the end she suddenly finds herself and gets some idea of what she wants to do with her life instead of just some pointless-looking resistance (except Black Knights are not a resistance according to Zero).
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Old 2007-08-06, 15:12   Link #12
Nuclear Trance
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(btw why isn't it Karen, wouldn't that be more probable english translation, I've never understood why in the world it would be Kallen... is it just a habit of calling her, started by some unknown group of people or is it an official translation of her name?)
Im pretty sure its because when zero looks at his phone in some episode it shows her name spelled as kallen. Of course he also spelled Rival as Rivalz on his phone.

I dont see kallen as a weak minded character however, unlike some of you. Shes dedicated her life to the rebellion and every action shes taken shows her commitment towards it. Her moments of uncertainty are only natural too. Even lelouch showed some uncertainty as to whether he should continue as zero after finding out that he unitentionally killed shirley's dad(it was in his monologue in the episode preview), because up until then neither had been faced with the direct reality that civilians might be caught up in their struggle(even though they considered it, its different if you know it happened to someone you know).

As for her doubting her brother, I dont think that she actually ever did. Her words while being held prisoner by suzaku show only that while she understands suzaku's motivation she is unwilling to accept that her brothers death(and life) had no meaning and therefore will fight on. She is only human so it is natural for her to doubt herself at times(unlike suzaku which I feel is more unrealistic in that sense) but regardless she sticks to the cause that she has committed herself to because it would be more unrealistic for her to act on those doubts.

As for her reaction to seeing zero's identity,ive already put forward a theory in the 24/25 discussion that she suspects zero actually has a supernatural power to control people, but im too lazy to restate the evidence i put forth here so...

even if you dont buy that, just because shes shocked that her god is that guy she really dislikes from her school doesnt mean that shes not willing to follow through with the rebellion.

As for episode 9, I thought that while that did show that kallen is pretty dumb when it comes to seeing through people's reasons, it wasnt unrealistic for her to discover her mothers reason for staying with her only after her mother says it herself. Kallens character is one that often doubts herself and is more easily swayed then lelouch's but if she wasnt then i doubt she could have come to trust in zero enough to do the orange incident with him in the first place, i mean it does sound quite like a suicidal plan after all.

self-doubting and more easily swayed then lelouch, yes, but weak-minded and unrealistic, i dont think so.

edit- my statement may have been somewhat contradicting but ehh...i think it mostly makes sense
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Old 2007-08-06, 15:24   Link #13
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Originally Posted by Ky-66 View Post
Im pretty sure its because when zero looks at his phone in some episode it shows her name spelled as kallen. Of course he also spelled Rival as Rivalz on his phone.

I dont see kallen as a weak minded character however, unlike some of you. Shes dedicated her life to the rebellion and every action shes taken shows her commitment towards it. Her moments of uncertainty are only natural too. Even lelouch showed some uncertainty as to whether he should continue as zero after finding out that he unitentionally killed shirley's dad(it was in his monologue in the episode preview), because up until then neither had been faced with the direct reality that civilians might be caught up in their struggle(even though they considered it, its different if you know it happened to someone you know).

As for her doubting her brother, I dont think that she actually ever did. Her words while being held prisoner by suzaku show only that while she understands suzaku's motivation she is unwilling to accept that her brothers death(and life) had no meaning and therefore will fight on. She is only human so it is natural for her to doubt herself at times(unlike suzaku which I feel is more unrealistic in that sense) but regardless she sticks to the cause that she has committed herself to because it would be more unrealistic for her to act on those doubts.

As for her reaction to seeing zero's identity,ive already put forward a theory in the 24/25 discussion that she suspects zero actually has a supernatural power to control people, but im too lazy to restate the evidence i put forth here so...

even if you dont buy that, just because shes shocked that her god is that guy she really dislikes from her school doesnt mean that shes not willing to follow through with the rebellion.

As for episode 9, I thought that while that did show that kallen is pretty dumb when it comes to seeing through people's reasons, it wasnt unrealistic for her to discover her mothers reason for staying with her only after her mother says it herself. Kallens character is one that often doubts herself and is more easily swayed then lelouch's but if she wasnt then i doubt she could have come to trust in zero enough to do the orange incident with him in the first place, i mean it does sound quite like a suicidal plan after all.

self-doubting and more easily swayed then lelouch, yes, but weak-minded and unrealistic, i dont think so.

edit- my statement may have been somewhat contradicting but ehh...i think it mostly makes sense
I see your point on Kallen. Don't worry I understood what you were getting at. Her being more moderate, now that I think of it, could be called Zero's saving grace, as he has come to trust her. Its just that some parts of her doubt seem to come up too easily, but that could just be my paranoia of plot device.

On a note not pertaining to Kallen, what is the relationship that we can gather between Cecile, Lloyd and Lakshata. The ED shows them as probably having worked together at some point, yet when they refer to one another in the show they use indirect references "that man" "that woman" etc... They also seem to have a serious competition going on about their inventions, a microcosm of the war.
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Old 2007-08-06, 16:15   Link #14
Nuclear Trance
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On a note not pertaining to Kallen, what is the relationship that we can gather between Cecile, Lloyd and Lakshata. The ED shows them as probably having worked together at some point, yet when they refer to one another in the show they use indirect references "that man" "that woman" etc... They also seem to have a serious competition going on about their inventions, a microcosm of the war.
Lloyd has referred to Rakshata by her name several times now, and im pretty sure that pudding earl is her nickname for lloyd, so i have no doubt that they once knew each other, probably quite closely. Some sort of falling out perhaps? or maybe its nothing personal and they just like challenging each other with new technological advances and the battlefield is the easiest way to do so, after all wasnt rakshata a medical scientist working on advances in robotic prothetics some time ago?
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Old 2007-08-10, 00:21   Link #15
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Originally Posted by Juvyniled View Post
I'm inclined to agree with JagdPanther that Kallen is not all that interesting (but she is not bothersome at all for me). She's a generic fighter character: problematic background, skillful. determined, fights for her ideals, stubborn, etc. At times, she casts doubt on her current position, but for the most part it is entirely relative to her ideal - some sort of resolution for Elevens.

She's a buxom beauty who wields a gun. She is by no means as 'interesting' (not so much in a good way) as C.C.

Oddly, I find C.C. to be your typical "mystical girl" character. If CG was a comedy/romance, C.C. would be left high and dry. I think Kallen appears to be so flip-floppy (for lack of a better phrase) simply because she's been living two lives for quite awhile. I think part of the reason that Kallen seems so much like a cookie cutter chick-with-a-gun is because she consciously wants people to think that's what she is. Yes, she is fanatically obsessed with kicking Britiania out of Japan. Yes, she wants to make sure her brother didn't die in vain. She tells Suzuku in the island episode that her Japanese personality is her real personality. That said, we also see her worried about her first kiss, or Shirley running arround with her in a bathing suit. We see her seriously consider Lulouch romantically. Honestly, there are only two things I can think of that can tell us why she acted at the end of ep 25 in the way she did.
1) at the moment, Kallen was completely obsessed with battle, and beleives that Zero has abandoned her
2) The script writers have absolutely no idea what the hell they're doing.
If I was writing the script, Kallen's reaction would have been "Oh" accompanied by her connecting the dots. Kallen's character is much more complicated then a girl-with-a-gun; I personally don't think it suits her.

Also, we see the name Karen and Kallen. Kallen is her Japanese name/personality, and Karen is her Britanian name/personaility (or at least that's what I gathered from the translation). Seeing that she's pratically two people, I personally prefer to use whichever one fits the mood she is in, just like the difference between Lulouch/Zero. This is why LulouchxKaren and ZeroxKallen are two different categories.
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Old 2007-08-10, 02:00   Link #16
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Originally Posted by HunterRequiem View Post
2) The script writers have absolutely no idea what the hell they're doing.
If I was writing the script, Kallen's reaction would have been "Oh" accompanied by her connecting the dots. Kallen's character is much more complicated then a girl-with-a-gun; I personally don't think it suits her.
I'm going to go with this choice. What she did simply did not make sense with what her character had been built up as. The only other explanation is that she was madly in love with Zero and discovering it was Lelouch somehow made that... go awry? Nah, even then it doesn't work.
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Old 2007-08-10, 02:32   Link #17
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Why do I say that Kallen is less 'interesting' than C.C.? We completely know what Kallen's objectives are and we've seen her character more than enough to know what is and what isn't consistent and she's very objective and direct.

While it's true that we've seen less of her type of character than we have of C.C.'s, I say that she's less interesting in the sense that what you see is what you get. Her complexity lies within her emotions, but not within her character. Complicated? Not really. She knows what she wants, save the few moments when she has doubts about what her leader is doing. But it is human nature to question your own actions once in awhile.

CG isn't geared towards romance so I'd be wrong to analyze Kallen in that context. But I believe your argument fits more in the romance thread.
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Old 2007-08-10, 16:52   Link #18
Terrestrial Dream
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This is the probably the only show that I hate so many characters. First of all I hate Suzaku for betraying his country some of you guys might not agree he did betray his country. This guy had no pride for his country, he thought by working with Britanian that the people might change. No chance in hell, Britanian from the looks of it they will keep oppressing the Japanese and the stupid honorary Britanian is only mean to make the Japanese puppet to Britania. Suzaku became nothing more than a dog to Britania and he keep saying honest way, WTF is wrong with this kid. Britanian are already using dishonest way to control people, and he keep saying stupid things like living honest way to solve problem.

The second I hate that stupid lesbian Nana, she pissed me off so much I wanted to shoot her with a gun myself. She keep calling Japanese Eleven she pissed me off every time she said that. She kept looking down on Japanese like a person looking at a garbage or something. I hope they kill her right away in the next season.

Now I hated all the Britanian armies and the people (not the kids at the school), it just was personal thing. This story reminded me of occupation of Korea by Japan and when I was young I read that I would get pissed. The damn Britanians reminded me of the Japanese during world war II that's why I couldn't bring my self to liking them.

Now Lelouch I really can't decide what to say about this kid I kinda hate this kid and yet at the same time I kinda pity him. Most of my post wouldn't make sense because I just finished the show and I just can't think straight right now.
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Old 2007-08-10, 16:54   Link #19
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Even if Karen has her emotions and goals all out in the open, I don't think this makes her a dull character, though she's prone to be a little predictable. I personally find C.C. to be the more appealing of the two, possibly because she's on Lelouch's side no matter what his objectives are, as opposed to Karen, who's just going her own road, which happens to (or so she believed) be the same as Lelouch's.

Well, to be honest, I didn't really need a reason to like C.C. better, since I loved the character ever since I saw her in the opening, so anything I say is probably just me trying to rationally justify "love at first sight."

And I too hate Suzaku, but I've said that so many times already, it's not even funny anymore.
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Old 2007-08-10, 22:15   Link #20
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Suzuku would be a slightly more interesting character if he had a real reason to fight for Britania. The way he's panning out, he's just weak, and fighting for Britania is the easiest thing for him. If, in the second season, he gets a spine, I might find him more interesting. When he's collected, though, he's a decent, carring character. If only his motives weren't all screwed up.

On the topic of Nina, I might say that I seriously pity that poor girl. I don't think she is naturally a lesbian; however, the problems associated with her girl crush were certainly foreseeable. This is actually something that does happen with girls quite often; although they are otherwise straight, they somtimes develop a crush or fall in love with another girl. Don't ask me for details, or why this happens

As for C.C., I'm not entirely sure, but, as I've stated, I don't really like her. I've always found the mystical girl types annoying, though I must admit that she is at least not helpless. Her attitude and honesty make her memorable, but, IMO, not adorable. I'd much rather see her end up as Lulouch's confidante or advisor, since I think she is much better suited for that. I think I'm going to shut up on this topic before I make myself look like too much of a fool.

As for Lulouch, I think he's really awesome when he is calm and collected. I like his control and his incredible intellect, as well as his down to earth attitude. (his goals may not be down to earth, but his attitude/methods are). That said, the new, agsty Lulu is just annoying. He's completely lost his demeanor, and is acting erratically. Overall, though, his character is great.
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