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Old 2024-12-14, 16:19   Link #101
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Are those NPCs somehow intelligent? Do they believe they're real?
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Old 2024-12-14, 18:24   Link #102
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Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
Are those NPCs somehow intelligent? Do they believe they're real?
I've seen some speculation they might be Fluctlights.
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Old 2024-12-20, 13:03   Link #103
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We now return to LLENN's suicide move! She's respawning, but at least she's got her trusty P-chan and Na-chan by her side !

Points for using T-S as shields and the vanguard, we've even got Elvin taking one for the team and blowing himself up with a mine...but no armor is going to be able to protect them from an RPG attack !

So do the Machine Gun Lovers have, like, no conception of any weapon that isn't a gun? They had no idea what an RPG was beyond a game genre. Definitely no interest .

I love Pito whining and strangling M for an RPG like a whiny girlfriend .

Maybe the odds are stacked against them and the intention wasn't to beat the NPC's (oh how wrong they were), but that doesn't mean they're going to give up! Not when LLENN the Third is in this fight and Pito has a Bazooka she can fire. Being a rich songstress has its perks .

Clarence and Shirley were there the whole time!? I guess they're a team now. And not even the opportunity to snipe Pito is worth it when it's not a proper hunt .

Oh no, not Hassan! What about his daughter !

Daveed with the dual headshot! Nice !

Here comes LLENN to finish the job! Another P-chan lost in the line of duty, but when Jacob asks her an existential question of why she fits...LLENN can only answer because it's fun as she goes straight for the jugular and even pushes a knife through his eye! That's the hardcore LLENN we know and love !

That's right! LLENN won again! Our Angel of Slaughter has achieved victory! Now if she can only get that showdown with SHINC! Just don't talk to Pito about a new Squad Jam . not a popular person. She tries her best though! But LPFM are like the only people who want to hang out with her .

I KNEW something was up with those NPC'S! They were all actual hardcore soldiers who got recruited to play GGO and experience the fear of death and get scared straight, more or less! They thought the REST were NPC's! And now Jacob is definitely too terrified of LLENN to go back on a battlefield. His wife will be happy .

One last Reona/Elsa ED to close it out! Karen has found her place in GGO and is happy, you can find guns in your everyday life more easier than you think, and it's just a nice ED montage !

Let's just throw in a few more ending illustrations! Complete with one where Elsa is the only one naked, for some reason .
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Old 2024-12-20, 21:22   Link #104
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Well that was weird .

Honestly was a bit worried we were diving into some truly screwed up AI torture stuff. Which made it really hard to actually enjoy LLENN's win in that moment honestly. Thinking he was an AI made me really feel bad for someone who was clearly having a breakdown. But yeah in the end there were no NPCs. Just some soldiers dropped into the game with Jacob being left unaware of what was going on in order to give him some much needed therapy. Although if he's such a good soldier it seems a bit of a waste to force him into retirement. But I suppose it's good for his family that he won't be jumping from one battlefield to the next anymore.

In terms of action that was good fun and it was nice seeing these teams have to cooperate and not just fight each other the whole time.

Obviously there's no way this season competes with the original. The intensity and desperation to stop Pitou was just heavier than anything this season could create. But it wasn't bad or anything. And with the bigger picture in mind it's certainly amusing that the Pink Devil has claimed even more tormented victims .

If nothing else it was nice to slide back into the craziness of GGO for a bit. No world altering cataclysms here. At most some weird shock therapy .
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Old 2024-12-21, 16:28   Link #105
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
If I had a nickel for every time a shady business used real people to pretend they'd developed an AI in an anime this season, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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Old 2024-12-22, 22:53   Link #106
velvet nightmare
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the whole premise of making soldiers feel fear makes absolutely no sense.

those soldiers were deployed for a reason, and now they've been taken off the board and the world at large is potentially worse off.

i don't get the message being sent here to the viewer.
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Old 2024-12-23, 04:30   Link #107
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by velvet nightmare View Post
the whole premise of making soldiers feel fear makes absolutely no sense.

those soldiers were deployed for a reason, and now they've been taken off the board and the world at large is potentially worse off.

i don't get the message being sent here to the viewer.
It's debatable how much better he was making the world. He was working for the private sector, and his last task, as far as he knew, was securing a castle long enough to transport chemical warheads to parts unknown.

Anyway, the problem is that after going through so much danger and getting away unscathed, his risk assessment was becoming dangerously out of whack, making him indulge in riskier and riskier behavior. Sooner or later, it was going to catch up with him.

(Does it track with RL behavior of soldiers staying at the sharp end for too long? No idea. But it doesn't sound completely absurd.)
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Old 2024-12-27, 11:11   Link #108
velvet nightmare
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Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
It's debatable how much better he was making the world. He was working for the private sector, and his last task, as far as he knew, was securing a castle long enough to transport chemical warheads to parts unknown.

Anyway, the problem is that after going through so much danger and getting away unscathed, his risk assessment was becoming dangerously out of whack, making him indulge in riskier and riskier behavior. Sooner or later, it was going to catch up with him.

(Does it track with RL behavior of soldiers staying at the sharp end for too long? No idea. But it doesn't sound completely absurd.)
He was bringing his team mates back alive, iirc. Out of whack soldiers wouldn't exhibit that behavior I don't think. Regardless, the background given doesn't jive with the situation. The other soldier with the missing fingers seemed pretty well grounded.

Of all the possible background scenarios they could have gone with, the writers went with the one that borderline doesn't make sense. Top soldiers volunteering to instill fear in themselves? Come on. They have better things to do.

Writers could have easily went with a much more believable 'training program' or something that helps improve soldiers, literally MMTM.
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Old 2024-12-31, 01:56   Link #109
Yu Ominae
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Oh Happy Day by Reona


Even if we were at odds with each other, I still thank you for training me, Instructor Bowman - Yu Ominae, reflecting on Bowman's death after killing him in Phantom Island
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