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Old 2023-01-31, 17:02   Link #61
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I know shiraishi had a bad time and all that but really is so hard to believe that for the first time ever that he has a friend that is a girl, he doesn't believe it was her that gave him the cookie?, even after what she told him.

it makes him look stupid.
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Old 2023-01-31, 18:55   Link #62
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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Originally Posted by grecefar View Post
I know shiraishi had a bad time and all that but really is so hard to believe that for the first time ever that he has a friend that is a girl, he doesn't believe it was her that gave him the cookie?, even after what she told him.

it makes him look stupid.
He also went "who could possibly give me obligatory chocolate?" after seeing a freaking HEART-SHAPED cookie. This episode really did make him out to be super dense. I hope this won't be a trend, he's been a decent MC so far. He reacts pretty normally to Kubo's "teasing", considering he has no experience interacting with cute girls. Or any girl at all.

Every seemingly perfect girl usually has cooking as their weakness, and Kubo is no exception. Good thing her sister was there to help her.
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Old 2023-01-31, 21:25   Link #63
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There isn't a chocolate sweeter than the sequence of Kubo making her cookies. I can't blame her sister in the slightest for having some fun with her. I mean come on. That level of cute is through the roof ! Of course Kubo struggling to cook is just another charm point in her favour. Giving her absolute all to give Shiraishi something she made herself. Really the sister earned her treat anyways through helping step by step via giving a living example.

Shirashi's doubts are extreme. But it's the kind of stretch that comes along with the utterly supernatural condition he has. Just having someone that wants to interact with him is already hard for him to believe. Probably still thinks that Kubo is just bored and entertaining herself. I don't think he's even reached the level of thinking that she sees him as a friend. A love interest is way beyond his beliefs.

It is still ridiculous. But it's something built into the premise and at least connects to his extreme condition so I can let it slide. Plus, I might just be off on that one. Does also seem like one part his condition and one part Shiraishi just being too embarrassed to look at the most likely explanation.
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Old 2023-02-07, 11:00   Link #64
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Invisibility comes in handy when you want to eat anywhere without getting bothered, although I think Shiraishi's days of eating lunch solo are officially over now that Kubo can find him .

OP and ED subs! Nice !

Kubo salivating over eating Shiraishi's lunch is as cute as her pouting that he didn't let her feed him. Of course she's not about to waste an opportunity to make sure he feeds her, and she's going to go out of her way to make sure they spend lunch together in the future, complete with her making food for him to boot. Shiraishi, you lucky dog .

Kubo's gal pals can tell she has a new glow about her, which is usually the case for a girl in love for the first time, though even Kubo herself doesn't seem completely aware that her interest in Shiraishi is explicitly romantic (though it's pretty obvious to her friends). Of course she'll still go out of her way to defend her man, even to her friends, and is obviously annoyed at the prospect of him talking with another girl, which I think says all that needs to be said on that front. Now her gal pals will totally be watching over her romance and enjoying the different side to Kubo it brings out .

Kubo getting a bit aggressive first thing in the morning when she and Kubo have only each other for company in the classroom! Propping his head back, sharing an earbud with him, sitting next to him in his seat, listening to music together...a very intimate and sweet scene between the pair. And it comes with the added bonus of Kubo trying to get to better know Shiraishi and the stuff he's interested in !

First Shiraishi got her into the manga, and now he's gotten Kubo into the anime! And Akina seems to realize that it was probably a certain boy who got her sister into it as she chugs a beer fresh from the bath, which is it's own nice visual .

Kubo seemed to really get her hopes up when Shiraishi had them go out of class for a private conversation...and, I mean, she got a White Day gift, which was nice, even if it wasn't quite what she was expecting. And she had a bit of a scare that he was intending it for another girl, but of course Shiraishi has no idea it was Kubo who gave him the Valentine's cookies even if it's so obvious and she gave the game away multiple times. But she'll gratefully accept the White Day gift with a big grin plastered on her face. Happy Kubo is best Kubo !
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Old 2023-02-07, 12:53   Link #65
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Man, Kubo is all kinds of aggressive. At least Shiraishi's condition does help cover him being rather dense about her intentions. I mean come on...all over the hand holding and basically forcing him to feed her.

Fairly bold move by Kubo in general regarding making him food. Cooking isn't exactly her strength and she's diving right into it.

Kubo's friends are on the case now. Surprisingly it's not at the level that Kubo is aware that she's in love yet. But thankfully the poking by her friends is at least making it clear to them and Kubo herself that her interest is definitely there...While it wouldn't necessarily be bad to help Kubo realize what her feelings imply, I get them wanting to hold back. It is her first love and letting it unfold naturally isn't wrong. Plus getting to enjoy watching Kubo work through her feelings up close would be too tantalizing to ignore.

And of course after that Shiraishi momentarily gives the idea that he might have another girl he'd want to give that present to. Mostly because he's amazingly lost on who might have given him that chocolate . So it is a gift for her, but not exactly since he doesn't know who he wants to give it to. But that's enough for her. Especially since she did get around to actually telling him...almost.
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Old 2023-02-07, 18:55   Link #66
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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I was surprised Kubo herself was unaware of her own feelings, especially since she gave Shiraishi a heart-shaped cookie/chocolate for Valentine's. It's the first time she's ever been interested in a boy... gotta keep the heroine as pure as possible, I guess

With Shiraishi getting ready for White Day, I thought he had figured out Kubo was the one but nope. As clueless as ever, even when she outright says it was her.
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Old 2023-02-07, 21:28   Link #67
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I was surprised Kubo herself was unaware of her own feelings, especially since she gave Shiraishi a heart-shaped cookie/chocolate for Valentine's. It's the first time she's ever been interested in a boy... gotta keep the heroine as pure as possible, I guess
the thing is at least for me in the manga she didn't give that much impression that she was in love with him in like in the anime that is obvious. It was more like just interest and teasing because he was funny.

the part of tama badmouthing shiraishi was the turning point for me that it became obvious that she was in love and she felt more mad a serious when she stopped tama, this was more light because of the cute music in the backgroud.
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Old 2023-02-07, 22:12   Link #68
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I was surprised Kubo herself was unaware of her own feelings, especially since she gave Shiraishi a heart-shaped cookie/chocolate for Valentine's. It's the first time she's ever been interested in a boy... gotta keep the heroine as pure as possible, I guess

With Shiraishi getting ready for White Day, I thought he had figured out Kubo was the one but nope. As clueless as ever, even when she outright says it was her.
Yeah, she really hasn't been acting like someone who didn't know she was in love considering how aggressive she tends to be with Shiraishi .
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Old 2023-02-14, 10:59   Link #69
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Sorry Tama, you may want to pray to idol Shiraishi for luck on your gacha, but Kubo won't let anyone hog her Shiraishi time! Especially when it means she gets to enjoy seeing him with bed head !

Dang, those Kubo genes are strong! Cousins end up looking near identical to each other, they can inexplicably spot Shiraishi no matter what, and they have adorable pouts. The only difference between Saki and Nagisa is Saki's hair is bluer to Nagisa's purple and she's voiced by the ever adorable Sora Amamiya. She seems to idolize her adorable cousin and want to be as cute as her, which I think is an easy feat for Saki, and once she grows her hair out they'll be even more identical !

Akina still remembers the porn mag, huh? Although now she knows more about Shiraishi and seems to be cluing in to the, shall we say, "chummy" relationship between this boy and her little sister, and she's more than happy to capitalize on it. Even exchanging contact info with him and sending him a pic of a too cute for words middle school Nagisa. Lucky guy .

Nothing motivates someone to keep their grades up like threatening to take their video games away !

A study session with Kubo? Not only does Shiraishi learn that Kubo's great at teaching, but she looks amazing in glasses !

Shiraishi's sick! And Kubo wants to visit him, but knows that might come off kind of weird and awkward. Though exchanging texts with him is pretty cute too .

Seita coming in with the casual wingman move! And it gave Kubo an excuse to convey her real feelings at missing Shiraishi by writing it off as her sister...which actually does seem like something Akina would do, come to think of it .

Shiraishi pretty lucky! He avoids taking a quiz, could probably slip into class so nobody would notice he even came late, and he ends up helping a feverish Kubo to the nurses office, complete with her giving him a Kabedon and making sure he puts his arms around her while she leans into him. So much lewd handholding! No wonder he's starting to think he's a main character (just in time for the show to take a break) .
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Old 2023-02-14, 15:22   Link #70
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it seems that the kubo bloodline is more amazing than we thought. A son or daughter of kubo and shiraishi and you have the perfect ninja.

too bad now is the waiting game for the next chapter.
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Old 2023-02-14, 19:01   Link #71
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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Gacha girl actually said something good this time, encouraging Kubo to visit Shiraishi. Too bad the other friend said the complete opposite and killed Kubo's motivation in the process. Still ended up sending him a text.

Saki is a mini Nagisa so of course she's adorable. Now we know that the Kubos' detecting ability comes from the father's side since Saki is their cousin and shares their surname. This should mean mommy Kubo shouldn't be able to see Shiraishi.

Unfortunately we'll have to wait three months for more Kubo-san cuteness
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Old 2023-02-14, 20:54   Link #72
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Well now on the waiting game. But at least this was a nice episode to pause at. Just a really cute episode with the leads taking turns getting sick.
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Old 2023-02-16, 03:14   Link #73
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>"I feel like a protagonist."
>zoomed out and blending in to the background

Best part. And megane Nagisa is best Nagisa.
Now for the wait for the rest and the manga ending.
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Old 2023-03-02, 14:33   Link #74
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Looks like this one is fully pushed back to spring and starting over from episode 1 in April.
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Old 2023-03-02, 16:09   Link #75
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that really, really sucks...
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Old 2023-05-16, 11:00   Link #76
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We finally return to our adorable pair of Kubo and Shiraishi, the latter coming off a huge win that he gets to keep gaming after succeeding at Finals...all thanks to the lovely Kubo . Hopefully the God of Romcoms will come through and let these two still be in the same class (and next to each other!) in the next school year .

Shiraishi doesn't have an umbrella? Perfect opportunity for Kubo to share an umbrella for him as an "experiment." And when he won't bite, she'll use his kindheartedness to make him share an umbrella with her! Cherry on top is Shiraishi doesn't want anyone to see them together so he goes out of his way to use a route no one would be in...which just leaves the two lovebirds alone. Kubo definitely won big this time...aside from Akina of course being the one person who sees them, though she didn't tease her little sis about it too much .

It's probably for the best that Shiraishi is in denial about how close he and Kubo are, because it definitely improves his relationship with Saki who doesn't care one bit for any boy close to her beloved Nagi-chan. Though Saki gave Kubo the chance to make Shiraishi say her first name, and she his in turn, so it all worked out quite well. Aside from Saki noticing that there's much more going on between her cousin and Shiraishi though, though that can't be helped .

Kubo may not understand why a boy would take a part their pen, but she knows an opportunity to make her and the guy she likes use matching cute bunny pens when she sees one. I was half-expecting them to reveal she had the spring the whole time and just needed the excuse for Shiraishi to use her pen .

I guess failing less finals every year is something to be proud of, Tama. It shows you're getting there .

Nothing more cute than a girls sleepover! It's really sweet watching Kubo with her gal pals and having fun with them together (especially in their PJ's), and I hope they're all in the same class together and get to go through all the classic anime school plots...though while Kubo obviously wants to still be in class with her friends, she also wants to still be in the same class as Shiraishi. And no surprise her friends figure that one out .

Ahhhh....They're all cuddling together! Too cute for words !
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Old 2023-05-16, 18:16   Link #77
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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Kubo-san gracing our screens once again

Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
Kubo may not understand why a boy would take a part their pen, but she knows an opportunity to make her and the guy she likes use matching cute bunny pens when she sees one. I was half-expecting them to reveal she had the spring the whole time and just needed the excuse for Shiraishi to use her pen .
I totally thought she had the spring too. She's proven to be devious enough in this very episode during the umbrella skit to pull something like that.

Oh and I can totally relate to taking pens apart when bored in class. Did it countless times... I'm glad it wasn't just me, but is that really a guy thing?
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Old 2023-05-16, 20:08   Link #78
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I totally thought she had the spring too. She's proven to be devious enough in this very episode during the umbrella skit to pull something like that.

Oh and I can totally relate to taking pens apart when bored in class. Did it countless times... I'm glad it wasn't just me, but is that really a guy thing?
There was a scene where it looked like she was clutching something tight in her hand, which I assumed was the spring, so you never know...
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Old 2023-05-16, 21:51   Link #79
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she totally took the spring.

glad that this is back.
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Old 2023-05-17, 00:53   Link #80
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The fluffy smug-moe faces return.

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