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Conversation Between Arya and dniv
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. Arya
    2015-01-31 18:13
    Of course if it suits my tastes I'll watch all the seasons out there. As I usually do if the story doesn't derail from the main game.
    Thanks for the advice
  2. dniv
    2015-01-30 19:05
    The manga has closure right after the third season, and it has some pretty great closure, so I recommend it! But you also just take the third season, even though the manga probably gives much better closure (since there's another season's worth of plot that hasn't been animated yet).

    I'm still also deciding for this season, lol.
  3. Arya
    2015-01-30 16:49
    So without going into detail the show managed to have some closure? in any cse first I have to settle down which shows to follow this season since I'm still on the fence with some of them, apart Saekano, particularly the "big four".
  4. dniv
    2015-01-30 08:01
    It actually has three seasons, and they're all 12 episodes long. The characters become much more defined as you go on through the series. I hope you end up liking it more!
  5. Arya
    2015-01-29 17:24
    Thanks for your advice dniv. I honestly have been wondering about that series since now and then I read viewers talking about it. At the time I gave it two or three episodes, but yeah, the concept sounded like not my cup of tea since romance-wise I prefer to have defined characters so I can relate with them.
    So, I'll definitely give it a second chance. Am I wrong or it also have a second season?
  6. dniv
    2015-01-28 21:07
    I normally don't like series like TGWOK, but I recommend you try watching more of it. It's actually pretty good. It starts out episodic, but it REALLY picks up, and becomes much more interesting with a large interconnected plot. You should give it a try if you ever have time and are bored.

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