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Demi. Demi. is offline

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  1. Akiyoshi
    2013-03-23 15:23
    To elaborate, when they finally got their upgrades the typical shonen answer will be to have the heroes mop the floor with the villains now but TV A's subverted that wonderfully by presenting the Wolks as being very hard-to-beat adversaries even after the cartridge upgrade. It goes to the point everyone crap their pants when Signum entered the field deployed by the TSAB by force on their 2nd encounter ...and Fate also even goes to the lenghts of using a 2nd upgrade just to keep up with the Blazing General.

    In the movie, they got cartridges and suddenly the Book goes "oh noes, the Wolkenritter is so helpless i'm going to absorb their cores".

    I mean come on -_-
  2. Akiyoshi
    2013-03-23 15:13
    Having the Book deeming them weak and absorbing their cores is not what i'd call "better presented" xDU

    The Knights are supossedly be overall stronger than the Aces during A's and most of the coming years until StrikerS. They were holding back a LOT during the Book of Darkness incident. As proof, during StrikerS with little to no upgrades they're able to keep with the heavily upgraded Nanoha and Fate just fine.
  3. Akiyoshi
    2013-03-23 15:00
    She also has her big freak out moments in the first and last fights, and they moved her rescue scene to the final fight (i still think it worked better in the series when Nanoha called her name and Fate appeared, that's one of Fate's most awesome moments in the series, the fact she nearly defeats Vita on their first encounter just enhaces the awesomeness of that moment).

    Okay you can have lindy chatting with her but her Lotus Eater Machine was something that could be removed from the movie without much trouble so we can have mroe of the knights. They are horribly shafted from StrikerS onwards so at least they deserved to have some good fleshing and developement within their own freaking movie ToT
  4. Akiyoshi
    2013-03-23 14:35
    TBH i was perfectly okay with Fate's scenes and expanded role in MOVIE 1st, after all, Season One is more about Fate's story than anything else. She was the main heroic antagonist in despair adn she had troubles to overcome that has to do with the main plot so it's perfectly udnerstandable the MOVIE wanted to expand on her.

    But here is A's what we're talking about this is supossed to be Hayate and The Wolkenritter's story, yet the Wolks were kicked almost to satellite character status so the plot can focus more on Fate and her interaction with the world xDU Some developement for her is nice but when you take a good chunk of the plot focused on a character that has little to do with the main conflict there's when i noted the tendency to forget characters and plot developement to cash on a fan favourite character xDU

    So i'm wondering now what new ways they could find in a StrikerS movie to pull off another Fate-Hijacking on the plot.
  5. Rising Dragon
    2013-03-22 23:35
    Rising Dragon
    Ah, yeah, that. But as Kaijo said, it was a ploy against Sansker, seeing how aggravating he is.
  6. 00-Raiser
    2013-03-22 06:40
    Heh, yes, yes it does Thanks.
  7. Triple_R
    2013-03-21 17:41
    Don't worry. I definitely will watch it.

    Knowing my comp's download speed it'll probably be two or more days before I get it, but I'll try to watch it ASAP!

    More Nanoha is always great.
  8. Sansker
    2013-03-20 20:16
    Well, to be fair, I kind of do the same with StrikerS, ViVid and Force. But I do watch them.
  9. Sansker
    2013-03-20 18:52
    So, I am looking forward to it. I never really get people’s complains on the Movie 1st. What I can say is that it isn’t anything new and some things were indeed rush while others keep for no real reasons. I mean if Nanoha is just 9 her family at least needs one or two lines. But overall enjoyable experience. Then again just tells the same story again. But gives better look in to the main antagonist, and also Precia’s motivation. Problems with that there are, of course, but as a fan I think is enjoyable and the best way to recommend the series.
  10. Sansker
    2013-03-20 17:59
    So, you already saw the Movie 2nd?

    I envy you. After the first one I knew there will be a second one. So, what do you think about it? Be spoiler free, after all we all know how this ends right? Or did they change that part?

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