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Old 2008-05-08, 17:02   Link #8464
Dann of Thursday
Join Date: Dec 2007
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Marsala View Post
Wrong. C.C. IS mentioned in the romance section, in fact she's mentioned first, before Kallen. Shirley is mentioned, too, talking about Turn 3. The paragraph mentions all three girls.
Any idea what it said in regards to her or Shirley? Since Koshimizu didn't mention anything I assume it was nothing important at all or anything for future indications if any at all.

Originally Posted by DarkLordOfkichiku View Post
Well, alright, I'll let this one slide then . Anyway, it does say something: they're not bloody likely to give us a conclusion for the final pairing of the show this early. If they did (for whichever pairing), that would tick off the fans of the other pairings, so it'd be a rather stupid move to do at this stage.
Who cares what the fans think in that regard. It's Taniguchi's show and he can do what he wants.
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